THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JANUARY 19 , 1906 V- Henry C. Smith $40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual Inter est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this and adjoining counties , Cheap homes in the LANDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE matter as Kutcrcd ns second-clans Kails City , Nebraska , post odlce , Janu ary 12 , 1904 , under llic Act of Confront of March 3 , 1879. Published every Krid.iy at Palls City , Nebraska , by The Tribune PiiblUliinrf Company One year. . . - Sl.K ( ) Six months . . . .60 Three months - - .35 TELEPHONE 226. THE TAX CASES. Judge Munger decided the tax cases against the railroads last Saturday and in favor of the pee ple. This means that the rail roads will not only have to pay their taxes hut a good round sum in interest as well. This is a consnination devoutly hoped , and its realisation is a source of thankfulness to the people who have felt the need of funds be cause of the conduct of the Bur lington and Union Pacific rail roads. Norris Brown , the attor ney general , is entitled to the congratulations of all Nebraskan's regardless of political affiliation. Single handed and alone he has fought this light against the best lawyers that money could provide , and has been victorious. The amount of labor performed by him in the case has been stupendous and the fact that thi- : state permits its law officer to hi paid but $2500 a year for service of this kind is a disgrace. It U putting it conservatively to say that the counsel fees paid to UK lawyers who opposed Mr. Hrown will exceed $25,000. The ainounl saved to the state and countiet by Mr. Hrown's labor will run into the thousands , yet we pre sume that partisan papers will not grant him even so much as v complimentary word. A Kansas district judge has sent in his passes. Kansas is al ways producing some freak. If the present congress does noi make good on the question ol railroad rates and tariff revision , the republican party may prepare for a stormy voyage in the neai future. Next week , if nothing happens the Tribune will run the firs' ' chapter of its new story "Tin Spenders. " Don't fail to rea < this as it is one of the best storj of rccsnt years , and is the bes story that money can buy. It would be well for the count ] officers to inspect the printin ; furnished them during the nex year , as we understand some o the prices were les than the rav material alone is worth. W know that our esteemed ncighbo has expended a good deal o space in assaulting the graft o life insurance and the beef trus but most of us have heard th story of "stop thief. " A canning factory would pa in. Falls City. Barada made sc vcral thousand dollars last yea and Auburn has repeatedly mad 100 per cent annually on tli money invested in its canning ei terprise. The disastrous cxpe ience had by Palls City in tl past should not deter it from ai other effort in this direction i view of the splendid succei other towns are having. We ai favorably located for the busine : and someone could make a goc deal of money and provide ei : ployment for a good many peep at the same time by installin such a plant. The Missouri Pacific will soon c o m m cnce extended improve ments on its line between Omaha and Kansas City and , as we un derstand it , a large force of labor ers will make Falls City their headquarters during the progress of the work. A good many pay checks will be cashed here if the report is true , and Falls City will be correspondingly benelitted. Mr. Hryan has spent sometime in the Philippines and be it said to his credit , he has never lost an opportunity to speak a good word for his country and its purposes in the Islands. Many Philli- pines who desire independence have waited on Mr. Hryan and sought encouragement from him , but at all times he replied as be comes a patriotic American and a good citizen. Mr. Hryan is a good deal of a man , and while he has done many things with which we disagree his course in our far away possessions has been ad mirable. The Falls City business man is a town builder. He has in vested his money here and bears his share of every public burden. Ilis goods arc disclosed for your inspection , he is here to make good everything he says. IJis prices are as low as the catalogue man considering the fact that he pays the freight , A Chicago paper last week published the picture of a great eastern manu- factury that employ 1000 men and women ; it buys all the old rags on the market and mixes them with a little wool and turns out as its manufactured product a shoddy cloth that sells for wool. The startling fact is that it sells every yard of its product to a c a t a 1 o gue house. Falls City merchants do not sell that kind of wool. The statement in the last issue of the News with reference to the industrial condition of Falls City was both timely and true. Our mechanics have left us for other places where employment awaits them. There are very few on Saturday nights pa'roll. There is some cause for this condition , there are probably many causes for it. It is the duty of every good citizen to acsist in eliminat ing the causes which are respon sible. There is no apparent rea son why Falls City should be less prosperous than its neighbors there are many reasons why it should be more so. It is sur rounded by the best country on earth. Its farmers are prosper ous. Its markets arc probably more restricted than formerly ) much idle money ha& been invest ed in the cheap land to the west ; some of our farmer friends may not feel as kindly to us as they did formcrlj , but these conditions are transitory and will pass away. The truth of the matter is thai one cause for the depression is that we do not take enough in terest in our real benefactors Auburn would countenance this telephone situation through jusi one meeting of the council. Tin business men up there would no be held up through any one'i selfishness. Why , think of it the business men in Auburn havi spent over 54.000 within a yea - to build a mile and a half of roai to make it more convenient fo the fanner * to drive in to town Falls City seems to be trying t find some wav to k e c il I the f a r m e r out. Of cours only a part of the depression j caused by the telephone difficulty there are other causes as well t Let's find them out and put then all out of the business. Falls City's prosperity is of more value than all else. Let's work simply to this end and see what the year accomplishes. Simon Uavies went to Stella Wednesday. J. H. Coupe and wife visited in Ruin Sunday. Cass Jones of Rule is busy serv ing on the jury. R. 1C. Grinstead > vasdown from Salem Wednesday. Lcvi Houman was down from Harada Wednesday. 1 < \ C. French came down from Nebraska City Tuesday. Judge Hroady of Lincoln was in town during the week. F.V. . Cleveland was a business visitor in Salem Wednesday. I31za CoiTcy of Saje.m was a Falls City visitor Wednesday. F. R. Butterfield of Hmnboldt was here on business Tuesday. John Ahern of Stella was trail- acting business here Wednesday. II. I. Hawes of Fremont was icre on business during the week Kd Hell returned from a visil vith relatives at Omaha WcdncS' lay. Wanted to hire driving horse or the winter. Inquire at Trib me. Mrs. Will Rieger of Prestoi spent Wednesday wtth friendi icre. Judge Raper of Pawnee Cit } was holding court here duritif he week. Mrs. John Martin left Wednes lay for a brief visit with Hum boldt friends. August Porr of Dawson was 01 jury duty at the court house dur ing the week. Leander Heard of Preston wa : in town Wednesday looking afte business affairs. G. M Ellis of Preston renewe < lis subscription , and has ou : hanks for same. Judge Lefaiver of Preston wa in town Wednesday looking afte business affairs. Dr. Lee Kerr of Kansas Cit ; spent several days of this weel with his parents in this city. Mrs. Dan Hamblin. of Burling ton Junction , Mo. , is visiting witl her -sihtei , Mi * . E. F. Sharts , ii this city. Guile , of the firm Anderson & Guile , of Ilumboldt , was lookitij after business affairs here las Wednesday. Samuel Hayes on route 1 calle at this office Friday last. He be lieves in taking the paper con taining good local news. James Nield of Dawson wa doing jury duty in this city thi week and was a pleasant calle at this office Wednesday. James Friedley was down f rot Ilumboldt last week on a brie visit with his father , Ferd Friet ley. lie ordered The Tribun for another year. Col. C. II. Marion had the mi fortune to fall out of the rear < the baggage wagon Tuesday evi ning coming up from the depo While he was not seriously ii jured , he was badly shaken u and will feel the effects of his fa for many days. Cures Biliousness , Sick T Cleanses the system mj | Headache , Sour Stom- l ft I J\l J thoroughly and clears ach , Torpid Liver and * 1 IV sallow complexions of Chronic Constipation. I QyfltiVP' Pftllf Vfllfl P mP es an blotches. ' Pleasant to take L < ( IA < U1YC IIUU JjlU/ it is guaranteed For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr. Legal Notice. In tin ; District Court fin Kieli.iriKon county , Nebraska. Willlaii KlitMr li > Hi'iirj Stlt7iT. bis C.imnllnti. I'lahitlff \s. I.oxl I , , Kin- ) .mil I.eol.i Heller , Defoilil.iiits 1 lie nlo\c ; niimiil I.iolii llclloi , ( Ic'ft'iuliuit will tnkiMHMlct.- Unit on the lib Uity ot.Timu- nry , 1(01 ( , tlicioiis lilt ( I by Mild ] > hilti1lll In tin- district court , lot KIclmnKoii County , Nrlmi'Kii , u ] i'tllIon , the ohjtct and piajcr olliluli mo to loucloM ! u LL'ituln contract ol saloi'\cciiti' U.v Wlllhim Klii'i-y mnl CaMi. cilno Kliiki-y lo I.ovl Klnsoy wliuri'by tbo Mild William Klii'ey ami L'atbcilnu Klusuy nirri'vil to ell to fiiil ! I.ol Klusuy tbu lollon- liiK described ical estate Mtn iteil In Klclmrd * eon County , Nebiuska , to-ult : Hi'Klnnlnn nt tins notth enst corner of Mo tion No nlnu ( ' ) ) In township one ( I ) , ruiiKU llftecn ( IS ) I" llloliimlson County , Nubiiiska , ibcncucst tniiiutcr | section coinoiontbu nortli slduot suld section nlnu , tbeneu south with center line of said section to the center of suld section , tbence. enst with center line running east and \\est ton stone In center ot county rond. tlicncu with county load In northwest direction 4o poles ton stone , tbeneu cast three rods to center channel of south ork of Great Nemahn rUor , thence down IIP center of snld river to : i point on line Itetwien sections l > anil 10 thence north with said line to plucu of bcK'Innli.K eontnlnlntr 131 ores mote or less and nil In section it , In onn one , raiiKO 13 In Itlclmrdson count" , Nebraska , The Mild Icola Heller , non-resident defend' int , claims tu luno n nioitKiiKu on suld land nil tbu prajer of the petition is that she may ppeiu and timko known tbu eliiiiautei ot ici llun and the amount duo thereon , tnd that said laud bi > sold under oieclosuiu subject \batsoe\ci lights tbu said I.cola Heller may ba\u In tbo pictures > j le.ipon of s ild imiitffiiKL1. You arc hereby notlllcil to plead to f-alil pa- Itlon on or before the 19th il.ij of IVbruarj , 'WO. WILLIAM KI.NSI.\ , 01-5 It ) Ilt-iii v StitzorbKC.tiarill.ui. | { e.i\N& Ki'n\K , Attoruojs for Plaintiff. Legal Notice. In the District coml In and for Klchardson ounty , XubrasKa John W. ( llb-on , Nellie Gibson , telhil-.illoua ) , and I ) I ! , f-allouay , 1'hilnUirs \.s summons ' - anilirllon , MaiK'iiel Kldlcn , Win Kldlcn , I'liuiK Gibson , Kiln Itandal , II R. Handal , Ailehiiii Gibson , laicella Mastuison Fosepb Mastersoti , Mary A. Miisteison , Joint Masterson , Nellie Mnstcion , I'red Gibson , Win. Gibson , Irene Gibson , Cor.i Kroh , md Alvln Kroh , Defend u tits Ttio defendants : it > o\o named and each of them will tHku notice that on tbu ( ith day of Inniiary , l'JO. " > , John W. Gibson , N'olllu Gibson , Delhi Snllowuy and 1) . E. Sallow ay , tiled their | ) etitlnn In the District Court of Itlchardsoii County , N'obinska , against suld defendants , the object tinil prayer of which are to par tition the west one-lull f of the southwest luartcr of section number ten , and the west one-half of the north-west quarter of section number fifteen , nil In township number two , iiKU number II f teen east ofUtl. 1' . M. , Hlch- ardson county , Nebraska. Said petition alleg- Injj that defendant Sarah Gibson Is entitled ( OH dower interest In all of said premises ; that subject to said dower rlnht , plalnttrfa John W Gibson , and Delia Snlkm ay nre each entitled to a onu-twentlfth Interest In said premises ; that defendant Margaret Illdlcn Is entitled to a one-lourth Interest In salt. premise * , subject to tbo dower rlKht afore said ; that defendants , Frank Gibson , Ella Ksindal , Adulmo Gibson. Lucclla Mastcrson , Joseph Mnsterson and John Mastcrbon arc each entitled to a otic-twelfth Interest In said premises , subject to the dower rlKht afore , said , that defendants , I'red Gibson , Win. Gibson and Corn K rob are entitled to a one- twentieth interest In Mild premises each , subject to the dower rlutit of SarahGlbson , Hforesald ; thiit the remaining plaintiffs ami defendants are each , by reason of marriage to soimi one of the parties above enumerated , entitled to an Itichoatu right of do.\er or courtesy , as thu case may be. In the share of their respective busbaiid or wife us thu case may be ; that In case partition cannot bo made equitably that the premises sold and the proceeds bo divided amouR the parties according to their Interest us above set forth. You tire required to answer said petition on or before the 19th duy of February , 130(1 ( , or judKinent will be rendered accordlngry. Dated Inn. 0 , IPiM. [ SCVL ] CllAH. LOHEE , Clerk District Clerk. KlNkKAt ) * MBM7KK & . I > . 11 WE\VE . Attorneys for I'ltTs IftMt. Money To Loan. Loans negotiated on real es tate , annual interest optional payments. You can name the tirst of some month that you pre fer to pay interest. Mortgages bought. If you desire to pay an old loan , or want more tune , or get more money call on or write. 1 HENUY C. SMITH , Falls City Nebraska. * * 1 1906 The New Year 1906 Begin the New Year right by opening an ac count with the FALLS CITY It receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards. It allows 3 per cent interest on time certificates of deposits. It pays 4 per cent on Chilcjrens ac counts. It loans money , sells drafts and makes you feel at home while you are doing it. DISPERSION SALE Thoroughbred Poland = Chinas To be held on the Hummel farm , 4 miles north of Humboldt , on Thursday , January 25th , 1906 This offering will consist of 60 head , the best and tried of my herd. I am not going out of the business but cannot move them. Breeders will hear from me as soon as located. Come and see this offering. 25 Bred Sows , 34 Fall Pigs , fly Herd Boar , Socialist Expander One Recorded Shorthorn Bull For Sale , Hard Boar Expansion 3d 33311. . . . J Expansion 3d 31867 SOCIALIST EXPANDKK 36933. Farrowed Mar. 6 , 1904 Blain's Superfine 79592 j Blain's Tecumseh 29338 I \ Marian's Dau hter57897 For Sale. Hiawatha Chief 23714. . j Chief Tccunihch3d20740 I Logan's Beauty 68173 COLUMBIA 6th 78997 Farrowed Aii . 17 , 1903 Columbia 4th 7/Q91. . , . < t'.hief Tec. M 2074O ) Columbia 3d 42374 For Sale Perfect U. S. 27656. Perfect I Know 19172 Lillie 64782 WIIITB Nosi : 80647 Farrowed Mar. 9 , 1903 Edna 3d 67569 I Col. Wilks 10706 Edna 55547 E. Q. GILLILAND COL. HARDING , Auct. JOS. QLASSER , Clerk Con Horan has our thanks for favors during the week. Mrs. Nora Ryan of Dawson re membered this weekly paper on Monday. Gus 'Wetzel on route 3 has our thanks for a year's subscription given last Tuesday. E. A. Oberst on route 1 added his name to our ever increasing- subscription list on Monday. M. C. Riley was down from Dawson Monday and paid this office a pleasant call while in this city. Mary Sinclair of Preston is vis iting friends in this city. Herbert Kerr spent a portion of this week with his parents , Dr. Kerr and wife. C. A. Hasenyager sent in a sub stantial remembrance to this weekly on Wednesday. When the Burlington gets in their new signalsi on which a force from Lincoln are working , this station will be in first class condition for convenient arrange ments. f