THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JANUARY 12 , 1906 V nry C. Smith $40,000 Private Money to loan , Annual ! nter = est , Optional payments , Choice farms in this and adjoining counties , Cheap homes in NDS & LOANS West and South. Exchanges made. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered as second-class matter as Kails City , Nebraska , i > est office , Janu ary 12 , l'XI4 , uiuler the Act of Congest of March 3 , 1879. Published every I'riday at Kails City , Nebraska , by The Tribune rubllihinrt Company One year Six ii'onths MJ Three months -3a TELEPHONE 226. NATURAL GAS. The pipe lines from the Kansas ; as fields are soon to fret as close to us as Atchison. Natural tfas is the cheapest fuel and litfht known. A Kansas City paper last week stated that the homes in Kansas City , Kans. , were heated and lighted for an average of S2.80 a month , less than 10 cents a day. Natural gas as a fuel is a great encouragement to manufactures as it decreases one of the chief items of expense. The towns along the Missouri Pacific are talking of financing a proposition to extend the pipe line from Atchisonnorth. . W h y should Falls City not co-operate in this project ? The gas can be sold for 30 cents per thousand at a profit. Natural gas would be a great thing for E-Yills City , not alone in decreasing the cost of living , bitt in inducing mamtfac- turies to locate here. ' ' Lest we forget , there is going to be some big doings in Falls City real estate before the leaves begin to fall. Are you down and out ? You will never be. until you admit it. Life is too short to fail , get up and start again. About the sweetest ' 'thing on earth is a natural little , girl ; about the most repulsive thing if an unatur.ll , affected little girl. Life is too short to be spent it : wounding the feelings of anoth er. Be kind , there is trouble ant . .grief enough without any of youi product. Before you send your order -tj till : catalogue house it would b the part of wisdom to' ascertaii the price asked by 'the' loca merchant' ' . This week The Tribune lose one of its most valued employee in the resignation of Belle Hot sack. Miss Hossack has bee with the paper from its first issti and has ? contributed greatly to it success. The Tribune wishe for her all those good thins which she so richly deserves. The W. C. T. U. of Kansas ha suppressed some vulgar postei advertising a burlesque shov and yet the performance is pei mitted to exhibit nightly. If w wanted to suppress anything w would try it on the real thin and not the pictures. The mo ality of some people is silly i its ineffectiveness. The suggestion that the ne ; legislature enact a law requirir all corporations doing business Nebraska to incorporate in tl state as a Nebraska cnrporatu in order that they may be pr vented from trying all their cas in the United States court , hi met with instant approval fro the weekly's all over the stat The newspapers can force tl passage of such a law in spite railroad opposition by stayir with the proposition until tl nest session. Lincoln Ncbr. Jan. f > th. , Those who have imagined that it will be an easy matter to defeat the railroad machine this year should wake up. It will not be easy. The machine is already united on Millard. Word has been sent to every pass-holder and striker to be for him , and to pack the conventions for him. This is because they expect him to help interfere with the Roosevelt rate program , and help delay the Panama canal. The machine is also actively at work in all sections picking out the right kind of candidates for the legislature and for state offic es. They want men who will be 'against freight rate legislation , and for lower railroad assessment. They are against practically cverv plank in the repulican platform In the meantime , what are the voters doing ? Are they content to sit idle and see the convention packed by this machine ? The way to defeat the scheme is to join together in every precin ct and resolve to support only those candidates who take a square stand before convention time. time.This This should apply to candidates for the United States senate , for state offices and the legislat u re. The men who pay the freight , and who pay their taxes without cderal injunctions have the matt er in their own hands it they will ittcnd to it in time. Will they do t ? I would like to hear personally irotn the tax-payers who propose to make a square stand in this state for the "Roosevelt sq u art leal , " and who will make a loca' fight against the corrupt mach ine. F. A. HAKKISON. There should be no politics it the tax agitation. The peoph should make common warfari against the tax dodgers. Anj attempt to make it a partisat conflict will tend to destroy tin desired end. Norris Brown , at torney general , not as a republi can but as the servant of all th people , is fighting their battle with courage and marked ability Let all citizens , as citizens , cc operate with him in his nobl struggle. Mr. Hadley , the young reoul lican lawyer elected attorney ge'r eral of Missouri at the recen andslidc , has bearded the lion i : iis den and is taking the depos tious of the high moguls c standard oil over in New Yorl Henry Rogers , the head push , i his testimony expressed the tnos marked contempt of Missouri an its courts and indicated that h was indifferent to the judgment s of western judicial tribunals. Mi Rogers is but a big thief and i so hardened in his iniquity tin he is shocked at the presumptio e of young Hadley in qtiestionin his right to steal. He grew ver sarcastic as Hadley kept proddin him and the young lawyer talkc back right sassy but the test niony obtained will prove of litt t value , Rogers is a liar. It won be worth while to hear Roge : . . give some of his vaudeville tate to Nebraska's attorney genera What Norris Brown would do him would keep him busy appl ing court plaster over the skinn places for some time afterward in M. E. Church. e Revival meetings are now 1C progress at the M. E. Chun of and will continue indefinitel Iff All are cordially invited to a 1C tend. W. T. OLINE , Pastor. OHIO DuUy Feck WHS u ( , 'tie t of her cousin Kdlth feck Sunday. ( I taxMohlir and wile of I-'alN City wt-ri' Blasts at thu home of Uev. Stou- dor Sunday. j Ik-rt Doddr ypunt Sutidiiy with Frank | Peek. Mi > . N. II. Ktirnwortli wa. union ir thu sick the latter part of last week. Jjhn Slionf vUlted N'uiih Peek on Monday afternoon. Dora Sennit/ spent Sunday with Kvu I'Mnel. Mr.Omara and children returned home from Ilulo the latter part of last wuoki -itiii' ' relutlx.- . Frank X.orn and family from near .Salem wore guests of Martin Nolle and wlfo Sunday. Ida Hurk ! < < daltlng relative ? In Hulo this week. Miss Doughlas , teacher at Silver Creek , had to ilamlss school last week on account of receiving u telegram. A number of friends , both old and youuir , gathered at the home of Frank Schnlenberc Sunday evcninir and er. joyed themselves In asocial way. hev. Stoudor returned homo from Kmporla , Kans , , lust Thursday but Kstu and Molllo remained there with relatives. Ivan Keller sold his tine horse last week. Win. Huuttner Imp purchased a pair of ferrets and now h la getting rid of the rats which have boon such u mils uncc on hta place for some time. Cleon Peck returned horau Tuesday from Oklahoma and Is visiting his sis ter , Mrs. Lerono Hutnbarger. Tony Ketterer Is visiting his brother Mrs. Geo. Prlchard returned last Saturday from Idaho where 9ho , was called by the death of u sister a short time ago. Mrs. H. J. Prlchard is on the sick list. John Puppcnhaggcn visited at John Karston's last Friday. The little daughter of Win. falsleud and wife was numbered . with the sick last week. Hdward Zorn , wife and mother , and Jukei Hunker and family were guests of Wm. Huottnor's Sunday. Thu daughter of Alllo Dowty who was quite sick is able to be out again. Noah Peck drove down to Merrill , Tuesday to visit his boys Anson Knlsoly attended the recep tion Saturday evening given at Mr. Lundes , home near Reserve for their son who was married last week to Mary Spear. VERDON. Kmma Cornell of Lincoln Is quite 111. Rev. Hunt closed a two weeks meet- In ? xvlth ten additions to the church. Sum Auxler la happy over the arrival of twin boys on Saturday Mrs. E. Goolsby has been qulto sick for Several days. Mont Lum.of Steinaucr was u Ver- don visitor lust woek. The Infant daughter of B. Flshnr h on the sick list. Dr. G. U. Taylor was an Auburn visitor Tuesday. The Odd Fellows installed a number of now members and also save a big supper last Tuesday night. n Mrs. Lera Veal visited relatives Ir i Lincoln lust week. > i J. W. Patterson visited Omaha and Lincoln last week , e M. Ryan returned lust week from a s visit with relatives In Horton , Kan. E. E win jj * sled last Wednesday (01 ( their new home In Wansovu , Kans. T. L. Hull attended the mooting ol the Shriners department of the Mason' : last weak in Lincoln , y Jake Bloom bought u ( arm west o Vordon of Wm. Fisher. SO acres foi 80,400. j A. N. Cook ot Fulls City has beet l" visiting O. H. Bowers. le Mr , and Mrs. Geo. Lum , Gertrudi Id and Harry left last xveokforCallfornli rs whore they will spend the winter. Ik Mrs. Conover entertained Harr A. Pennlngton and family and Clot to Moran last Wednesday to celobrat ' " the birthday of her daughter , Nelll Weaver. I , C. Moore was in the western part o the state transacting business las week. in Mrs. Petty returned from her vlsl inh to Peru last Sunday. Oscar Nussbaum was a Barada vlil * _ ' tor last Saturday. Mrs. Allen Combs returned to he home in Horton , Kans. , after a visi with relatives here. Cures Biliousness , Sick Cleanses the system Headache , Sour Stomach thoroughly and clears ach , Torpid Liver and sallow complexions of Chronic Constipation. Laxative Fruit Syrup pimples and blotches. Pleasant to tallo It is guaranteed For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr. Leg&l Notice. In the District Court for KlchanUon count } , Nebraska. WI11I.1II Kln-.t-y I'J Henry Sllt7T. Ills ( IMaintlfT . Levl It , Killjoy and t , olu liollor. Defi'iiilants Tiniitiovu miiiitil Lwilu Holler. dvfenUmit will Hike notice Unit on thu Ith < Jiy ; of Jutui- iiry. ll'Cfl , them wns tiled by snld philittlll In the district court tor Itlchardson County , Ncbiaaka , u petition , the object : uicl prayer ut which nrc to foreclose u ceitaln contract ot sale executed by William Klnscy nnil Ca'h. t-rlni1 Ivlnscy to I.evl Kltisey whereby the gulil XVIlllntn Klnsey and CatherineKlnsey iifrret'il to fell to sixM I.evl Klnsey the follow- In ) ; described rcnl estate situated In Kk'lmrd- son County , Nebraska , to-wlt : HcKliinltiK nt tbu north east corner ot sec tion Nonine. (9) ( ) In township one (1) ( ) , rniiKu fifteen ( If ) In Itlclmrdeon Comity , Nebraska IheiiiHi west to quarter section corner on the north sl < lo of said section nnu , thence south with center line of said section to. the center of twill section , theneo east with center line running east and west to n stone in center of county roiul. thence with county road la northwcet direction 4o poles ton stone , thence east three rods to center channel of south fork of flreiu Nctnalm river , theneo down the center of sold river to a point on line between sections 0 and 10 thence north with said line to place of I'onliinli.B comatnlntr llil acres more or lens and nil In section . ' ' , In towii one , runtfc 1,1 In Hlohardson count' ' . I * . The said Leola Heller , non-resident defend- nnt , claims to have H mortgage on paid land Hint thu prayer ot the petition is that she inny appearand make known thu character , of her lien and the amount iluo thereon , nd that said land be sold under orcclorfqre" subject to .whatsoever rights the nld Leola Holier may have In the premises y reason of sitld mortgage. You are hereby iiotlDcd to plead to said po tion on or before the I'th day of February. WILLIAM KI.NSHV. 04-5 Ky llenrv Slitter his Guardian , [ eavis ft Reavis Attorneys for Plaintiff. Legal Notice. In the District court In and for Klchatdson oitnty , Nebraska , ohn W. Ulbson , Nellie Gibson , Delhi Galloway , and D. K. Salloway , Plaintiffs Sarah Gibson , Margatel Kldlen , Win. Kldlen , Frank Gibson , Kiln Ilandal. U K. Kandal , AdcluioUlbson , laicclla Masterson osqph Mastorson , Mary A. Mastorson , John Mnsterson , Nellie Mastcreon. 'red Gibson , Wm. Gibson , rene Gibson , Cora Kroh , and Alvlti Kroh , Defendants The defendants above named and each ol hem Will take notice that on the 6th day ol January , 1805. John W. Gibson , Nellie Gibson Delia Sallowuy and D. E. galloway , tiled thcli ictitlon In the District Court of Klchardsor bounty , Nvbiaska , against said defendants he object and prayer of which are to par tition the west one-halt of the south weal quarter of section number ten , and the wosi onc-lmlf of the north-west quarter ot sectlot number fifteen , all In township number two range number fifteen east of (1th P. M , , Rich' ardson county , Nebraska , Said petition alleg Ins that defendant Sarah Gibson la cntltlec to a dower interest In all of said premises that subject to said dower right , plaintiffs John W Gibson , and Delia Salloway are end entitled to a one-twentieth Interest in salt promises ; that defcnilHitt Mnnjaret llldlen I : entitled to a one-fourth Interest' In suic premises , subject to the dower right afpre said ; that defendants , Frank Gibson , Kill Kandal , Adclmo Gibson , Lucclla Mastcrson Joseph Masterson and John Masterson an each entitled to a one-twelfth Interest In salt premises , subject to the dower right afore said , that defendants , Fred Gibson , Wm Gibson and Corn ICroh are entitled to a one twentieth interest In said premises each subject to the dower rlsht of Sarnh Gibson nfori'S.tld ; that the remaining plalntitfs am defendants are each , by reason of marring * to some one of the parties above enumerated entitled to nn Inchoate rlsht of dower 01 courtesy , as the case may be. In the share of their respective husband or ulfous tin case may be ; that In case pnrtitlop cuuno be made equitably that the premises soli and the proceeds be divided among Ihi parties according to their Interest as abovi set forth. You are required to answer suld potltloi on or before the 19th day of February , 1300 or judgment will be rendered accordlngry. Dated Ian. 6,190ti. l KAI.l ClIASJ. I.OHKK , Clerk District Clerk. KlNKKAU & MINI 7KH & P. II Wf.AVKU , Attorneys for Plffn. KXVlr. Money To Loan. Loans negotiated on real es tate , annual interest optional payments. You can name the Grst of some month that you pre fer to pay interest. Mortgages bought. If you desire to pay ar old loan , or want more time , 01 get more money call on or write HENUY 0. SMITH , Palls City Nebraska. 1906 The New Year 1906 Bey in the New Year rig-ht by opening an ac count with the FALLS CITY STATE BANK It receives deposits of One Dollar and upwards. It allows 3 per cent interest on time certificates of deposits. It pays 4 per cent on Childrens ac counts. It loans money , sells drafts and makes you feel at home while you ' are doing it. , DISPERSION SALE Thoroughbred Poland = Chinas To be held on the Hummel farm , 4 miles north of Humboldt , on Thursday , January 25th , 1906 This offering will consist of 60 head , the best and tried of my herd. I am not going out of the business but cannot move them. Breeders will hear from me as soon as located. Come and see this offering. 25 Bred Sows , 34 Fall Pigs , fly Herd Boar , Socialist Expander One Recorded Shorthorn Bull For Sale , Herd Boar Expansion 3d 33311. . . . j Expansion 2d 31867 SOCIALIST EXPANDER 36938 Farrowed Mar. 6 , 1904 Blain's Superfine 79o92 J ? Ial.n > ' Tecumsch 29338 I J Mariah'8DaughterS7897 For Sals. Hiawatha Chief 23714. . j Chief Tc'cumseh3d20740 I Logan's Beauty 63173 COLUMBIA 6th 78997 Farrowed Autf. 17. 1 ° 03 Columbia 4th 77991. . . . \ * { 7YCY ; " ; - - ( V I Columbia 3d 42374 For Sale Perfect U. S. 27636. j Perfect I Know 19172 < Lillte 64782 WHITK NOSK 80647 Farrowed Mar. 9 , 1903 Edna 3d 67569 Col. Wilte , 10706 Edna 5SS47 E. Q. GILLILAND COL. HARDING , Auct. JOS. GLASSER , Clerk Brethren Church. Morning' service , 11 a. in. sub- ject' "The Aged Minister. " Offering- this service for the superannuated ministers. Evening service 7:30 : , subject , . "The Cross of Christ. " Sunday school ot 10 a. in. Special offering for aged minis , ters. Junior Endeavor at 2:30 : p. m. Senior Endeavor at 6:30 : p. m. All are -welcome. E. E. HASKINS , Pastor. Speaking : of the earthquake , wouldn't it-jar you. For Sale. 205 acre farm six miles from Rulo. House of seven rooms. Good apple and pear orchard. Spring water at house and build , ings. Good soil. A No. 1 chance at $11,000.00. Might consider $2,000 worth of other property. Owner wants to sell at once. Other farms to sell and ex. change. Call on or write ; HENKY C. SMITH. J. Tanner and family left Tues day for Humboldt where they will spend the week with friends.