The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 12, 1906, Image 1

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Vol. Ill FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JANUARY 12 , 1906. Whole No. i05
Will Waller nnd family visited over
SutiJiiy with Mrs. Waller's slater , Mrs.
Martin Blench , at Morrlll , Kansas.
II. E. Feoton left on Tuesday with
tils car of household goods for Huddiun
Kansas where hu will live on the farm
he purchased near that city more than
two years ago Mrs. I'cnton and chil
dren will follow the last of the week.
In losing this worthy family from our
midst , Duwson lo es soinn of her best
cltivwns but our loss is lladdam's
{ jain , andvo wlh them success in
their new home.
Mrs M. B. Miller and son. Mike ,
rttovo to Merrill , Kunas , Sunday and
apent a couple of days with relatives.
Frank Dempsey was a couuty seat
vieltorbetween trains Thursday.
Mrs. 11. E. Grinstead of Salem visit
ed Dr. Waggoner and family over Sun-
Mrs. N. Campbell of Humboldt
vibltetl over the Sabbath with Me-
lames Klitna and Waijpener.
Mr. Ditto , who had been spending
a couple of weeks with his sister. Mrs.
Cotton , left the last of the week for
bib home in Seaton Illinois.
Word has been received in this of
elly of the birth of a little daughter to
Rev. and Mrs. 13. A. Shlvely of Shelton
Nebr. Mrs. Shlvely > vab MisIlerlha
Ueim of this city.
Mis Jessie Page returned to Lex
ington , Mo. Saturday morning to re
sume her musical studies at Central
Daisy Albright returned to her
borne in Humboldt Monday after spend
ing a few weeks with relatives here.
Mamie Ryan left Sunday evening for
a week's visit with relatives at Falls
City and Ruin.
Dan Stanley sold his household floods
at public auction last Saturday and on
Tuesday left with his family for Plutu-
niouth Nebraska , where he has secur
ed work in the shops and where the
family oypect to make their future
Clemma Rousek of Humboldt and
Mr. Stewart of Vork were g tic tit * of
the Misses Uiley Sunday.
Theresa Brick of St. Joseph i * the
Biiest of M. Ulley and family this
The little son of U. Dorr and
wife has been quite seriously ill dur
ing the week.
T. P. Cumming ! * , the north side
dr'ugglst , was a business visitor in
Humboldt between trains Tuesday.
John Frj berger of Humboldt is now
assistant barber at the tousoriai parlor
of E R. Dorr.
Mary Nesladek returned home Mon
day noon from Hiawatha , Kansas ,
where she has been visiting her par
ents since before Christmas. She was
accompanied by her brother Master
Joseph , who will attend school hero
the remainder of the winter ,
Joseph McGinnis returned homu
Monday from Craig , Missouri , accom
panied by Charllts Wise and vife , who
were married at Craig last week.
Mrc. Wise was Miss Lnell.i McGinnis.
Town Builders.
Town builders , don't buy their
goods from mail order houses-
Town builders patronize home
Town builders don't send to St ,
Louis and Kansas Cityor Chicagc
or Dallas for their stationery.
Town IniililtM'M don't knock on
their town.
Town builders are willing t (
sell at the market price.
Town duilders don't run the
price of real estate so high that i
scares people off.
Town builders take strangers
in hand and show them around
Town builders get together am
stand together
Are you a town builder ? Horton
ton Headlight-
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of th
stock holders of the State Ban !
of Falls City was held last Fri
day in this city. The volume o
business conducted by this in
stitution was larger than eve
during the past year , since it
establishment , and l.ighly . p eas
ed the managers. May it enjo ;
many more such years of pros
Walter Billings of Salem spen
Wednesday with friends here.
Mrs. A. D. Giso of Table Hock Is vis
iting ni the home of W. A. Hutterlleld
and wife.
W A. Urccnwald of Falls City was a
visitor In town the first of the week.
Mrs. Dan Wright lo't Sunday for her
homo In South Dakota after a two
weeks visit with her daughter , Wilmii ,
and other friends.
Nannie Shawhan is spending a few
days with her parents in Table Rock.
Extensive improvement * are being
made on the Mann & Legg stock barn
On Thursday last one of the members
of the llaptls. . church gave a farewell
party'to C. P. Dalby and wife who are
soon to leave for tnelr new home in
South Dakota.
Mrs. S M. Philpol left Tuesday for
Sycamore Springs to Join Mr. Phllpot
who is Hiking medical treatment nl
tiat place.
J. T. Crampton , of Pawnee City , the
nventor of the flexible wagon reach
as in town Tuesday.
Lora McCool of Dawson visited rela-
ives in this city the first of l\w \ week.
The fine house of Frank Holechek is
earing completion as it Is now in the
lands of the plasterers. It will be one
f the finest house * i.i thU part of the
Mrs. Win. Mut'rsotta of Tt-oumFch is
'isiting ' Ambrose Buer-etta and family
if this city.
A. A. Tanner was a IJurchard visitot
he last of the week.
Pearl Carver returned home Sunday
rom a visit with Kansas City friends ,
C M. Linn visited In Lincoln the
alter part of last wetk.
The building reoentlj purchased by
. K. Davis has been repaired and the
oems .vhere Mrs Davis will soon oper ;
ip her millinery store have been madi
litlte attractive.
The citizens of Ilumboldt will In
uvorcd with another opportunity tc
icar the Bohemian quartette whict :
vas so hilily appreciated when here i
ew months ago Their miiilo U of a
ilgh order and the music loving people
of thi' place are delighted to know
hat the quartette will again be will
Mesdames M. L. Robj and F. A
Siirtou of Pawnee City spent Tuesdaj
it the home of their uncle , Samuc
13op-t of this city.
Kay Linn and family leave for Call
fornia Thursday. Humboldt regrets
to loose this estimable family.
Len Greene returned Monday fron
trip through the western part o
Nebraska and Kansas.
W. A. Specs was a business visitoi
n this city Monday.
Charles Davis of Geneva is now visit
si at the homo of his father , R. K
Bcsbl's Little returneii Saturday aftei
a weens visit with friends in Pawne <
After sptndlnsr tier vacation will
Dawson friends , Perle Kllmii returnei
Sunday readv to commence her schoo
work Monday.
Mable Beutfetta , primary teacher ii
our schools' , spent her vacation at he
home in Tccumseh ,
Wm. Nance of Pawnee City was
Ilumboldt visitor Monday.
ti. P. Gist of Salem was in our sit ;
Meetings were held in the Piesb.\
terlan church each evening of IMS
week and will continue , thiough'ihi
week. The meetings have been quit
well attended and some very earmi =
sermon * have been preached
Frank Poir , a student of a Chirag
conservatory of twiMcpent Ine hoi
d.iy vacation with his parents near thi
city. Ill naturally linevolco has bee
greatly improved by the training n
ceivcd. He Inft the first of the wee
for Chicago where-he will continue hi
C. O. Stewart , u former principal i
the city schools- , but now residing i
YarU , visited with friends in thir , cit
Miss Anita Wilson entertaine
a number of her friends on Sal
unlay evening of last week
Cards were played and mtic
pleasure was afforded the cor
testants. Refreshments wer
served by Miss Wilson , who is
capital hostess.
Marriage Record.
Frank Clurk , Hurnboldt i
t Linniu Robertson , Humboldt '
'Cornelius P. Mnlll nn , Superior. . . . :
Mary Itubellv Bo-nick , Falls City. . !
Judge Gui-non , Jun 10 , ' 00.
Salem Row.
A couple of Salem citizens
started a jest in the bank Monday
lorning that later ended in a
erious row
It appears that the matter
tarted in a joke and one of the
arties thought no more about it ,
vhile the other became more
ngred with time. One of them
vas st.'i tiding on the street a
hort time afterward in conver-
ation when his antagonist struck
lim a fierce blow with his list
ust below the car. The victim
ell and for three days remained
n a semi-conscious condition. So
ar as we can learn he has since
ecovcred and the matter will
> robably end.
Masonic Shcool.
Robert E. French , grand cus-
odian of the Grand lodge of
Nebraska , will be in Falls City.
Tan. 25 , 2(5 ( and 27. During this
ime he will conduct a Masonic
school and it is hoped that nil
netnbers of the order in this
county will attend one or more
of these sessions.
Judge Stull was down from Au
burn during the week.
Lettuce Ste.vart of Salem spent
Wednesday with friends here.
Norma Gentry left Wednesday
rora few days visit in Dawson.
C. Clark came over from Hia
watha on Wednesday of this
A. E. Gantt was a business
visitor in.Lincoln the lirst of the
Mrs. George Noah was on the
sick list the fore part of this
Mrs. Susan Boles of Rule add
ed her name to our subscription
list during the week.
Jennie Prater who has been
quite sick for the last two weeks
is a great deal better.
Fred DeWald has been confined
to his home for the past live days
on account of rheumatism.
The Tribune Force received a
generous supply of wedding cake
this week which received due jus
tice and apprecirtion.
Frank Mettz who has been vis
iting with friends and relatives
in this city and Dawson the past
two weeks , returned Wednesday
to his home in Newkirk , Okla
Dorothy White entertained a
number of her friends on Friday
evening , complimentary to Lois
Rogers of Iliwatha. Whist wa.s
played , Guy Crook proving the
winner of first prize , a handsome
1 rained picture.
Sam Heiser , a former resident
of this citv , and who has been
traveling through here for a
.large grocery house , resigned his.
position this week. His many
friends here wish him success in
his future work.
* *
DrIlmchinson , optician from
Omaha , will make his next visit
to Falls Citv on Wednesday Jan ,
24th , and if you are in need ol
glasses it will be to your interest
to see him. Eyes tested free. Off
ice at Union House. Note change
in his office from Dr. Lawrence's
to the Union house lf)5-2t )
Some men wait for opportunity
to knock at their doors , and some
men patronize the advertising
colums instead. Pawnee Press ,
How many times do you suppose -
pose you will look back on th (
U year 1905 and say , "J wish we
4 could have another year just like
that ? " Bern Gazette.
Shaken By Earthquake.
Considerable excitement was
caused Sunday evening by a dis
trict earthquake shock here.
About 0:20 : in the evening1 sever
al families felt a slight quiver
of their homes , it being noticed
byVVet Simanton and others ,
Til' ' . ' vibrations lasted but a
bri ; f time bin was such as to be
noticeable. The dailies state
thait the earthquake covered
territory in Nebraska , Kansas
and Missouri , the most severe
being in Manhattcn , Kansas.
No serious damage was report
ed but it was enough to cause
citizens to do some estimating.
Call Of The Humane Society.
Tile condition of the poorer
class is not generally known to
the'entire community and there
fore has not received due con
sideration. The people of Falls
City arc very generous and
will give their attention to this
matter. Those who have any
donations in the form of cloth
ing for men , women or children
will-please leave them at the
office of Mr. Spragins over Har-
grave's Clothing Store and ofli-
cer Hershey will see that it
reaches a wonhy destination.
Also those who are in need of
clothing for themselves or chil
dren will confer a great favor
by calling or sending their
names to Oilicer Hershey at the
office" of Mr. Spnigins. Show
the true spirit of love and help
Board Of Supervisors.
The County Board of Super
visors convened on Tuesday of
this week for the transaction of
their business affairs. The mem
bers of the county supervisors arc ;
C. J/Santo first district ! W. ' ' J.
McCray second district , C. W.
At wood third district , J. Bauer
fourth district , Chas. F. Xcller
fifth district , John Ilinton sixth
district and J. Stalder seventh
John Ilinton was unanimously
re-elected as chairman of the
board which speaks well of his
past service. The committees
were organized as follows.
Grounds and buildings and care
of poor ; Santo , teller , Atwood.
Roads and bridges ; McCray ,
Keller , Stalder.
Claims ; Stalder. Bauer , Keller.
Supplies ; Bauer , Atwood , Mc
Printing ; Santo , Bauer , Stal-
Revenue and Taxes ; Keller.
McCray , Stalder.
Legal business and settlement
with County Officers ; Atwood ,
Bauer , Santo.
The board has a vcr3' busy
session this time and no claim *
have been allowed as yet , and
the work will probably take the
entire day of Friday.
j Former Falls City Boy Arrested ,
The following item was taker
Irom the St. Joseph Gazette ,
concerning a former Falls Citj
boy :
Charles Dunn , who claims tc
be a chicken picker , was arrest ,
ed yesterday by Detetives Ileth
enngton and Wilson and booked
at police headquarters for in
vestigation. lie is wanted al
Chillicothe , according to the
police , but Dunn asserts that In
was never there.
How would you like to ba the
inventor of the seismograph ? This
instrument is what they measurt
earthquakes with , and is bunec'
deep in the ground to avoid sur
face disturbances. The fellow thai
invented it worked thirty \earj
perfecting it and then sol 1 two ,
one at Washington and one it
Southern Calofornia.
Death Record.
Monday morning at the home
of his brother A. R. , occurred
the death of Harvey C. Goolsby.
The deceased has been an in
valid for a number of years but
was ever patient and cheerful.
His journey along life's pilgrnm-
age to that ethereal laud above ,
terminated at the age of forty-
eight years and nineteen days.
Although his hour glass was
nearly run , his sudden demise
came as a .shock to all.
Funeral .services were conducted -
ducted at t I ) o Maple Grove
church at 2 o'clock Tuesday
afternoon , the cortege leaving
.he Goolsby residence at 12:110
) . in.
Her many friends will learn
with sorrow and regret of the
leath of Mabel Stouder on Jan
uary 2nd , at the home of her
grandparents iiiEmpona , Ivans.
Typhoid pneumonia fever was
Jie cause of her death. , .
After suffering untold agonies
ror many months , on Monday
light C. L. Belpere aged fU
years passed peacefully away at
the family residence in Rulo.
For the past three months Mr.
Belpere has been confined to his
bed suffering with cancer of the
tomach. He wa.s one of the
oldest and most honored of
Rulo's citizens , having been en
gaged in the shoe business in
that city for a number of years.
Chas. L. Belpere was born in
Belgium and came to the United
States in 1875 } , locating in Mis
souri where he resided H years.
He wa.s united in marriage to
Sine C. Vosbaugh. In 1881 he
started in business at Rulo.
where he lived until the day of
death . ( .
, Januaivyv8-i90(5. r -
Thus the old reliable land
marks Have been removed with
only the memory and example
Funeral services were con-
dueled by Rev. W. T. Cline ,
pastor of the M. E. church of
this city , at 2 o'clock Wednes-
afternoon from the residence ,
being in the liulo cemetery.
The bereaved wife and five
children have the sympathy of
the entire community in their
deep sorrow.
At the early age of 28 years.
0 months and 27 days occurred
the death of John Tubaeh at
the home of his parents 8 miles
northeast of this city. It is
learned with regret that so
many pass the portals of life's
gateway and doubly so nhen ihe
sun is just rising , dispelling the
gray of the eany morning as
was Ihe case with the passing
away of John Tubaeh. * Even
the brightest llowers cannot
sustain the heat of noonday , r c
the call 10 the other world , tc
this \oung man. Funeral cere
monies were conducted at UK
Bauman church at I o'clock or
January 5) ) . 190(5. (
Presbyterian Church.
The two Sacroments of Bap.tisn
and the Lords Supper , will bead
ministered in connection with tin
Morning Service at the Pivsbyu-r
ian Church next Sabba'h-
At the evening s-.Tvu-e , thepak
tor will deliver the first of .1 series
of sermons on the Sacrament ol
Baptism. The sermons are for th (
edification and instruction of on :
congregation , with no desire t <
unsettle others in their coi.vict
ions. The subject for Sabb a 11
evening will be ' 'The differenci
between Baptism as adininisu rj (
by John at the Jordon and Christ
ian Biptism. " Every body is cor
dially invited.
S. W. GKIIMMN. Pastor.
i W. A. Joy was down from Pen
'day b.foie yesu-rda\ .
Hand Cut.
John Mosimau had the nii.s-
'ortune to come in contact with
i bujcx saw Wednesday and is
low nursing a slightly mutilat
ed hand. The saw caught the
thumb on his left hand , making
ui ugly but not serious wound
With no complications he will
soon be able to'try it again.
Sorosis Club Entertained
Mrs , Korncr entertained Sere
sis at her homo on January 10th.
Vn interesting program was
endured and enjoyed by all
iresent. Mrs. Ewall , having
ust returned from the east ,
jave a talk on the "Crittendeu
Home" of Columbia Ohio. Helen
Martin and Sallie Schoeuhcit
were guests of the afternoon.
Excellent refreBhmeiits were
served by the hostess assisted
by Mrs. Morrow.
Art Department Meets.
On Tuesday afternoon the Art
Department of the Woman's
club met with Mrs. 1. M. Hous-
.on , and listened to a very on-
oyable program. A sketch of
the life of Bellini , omitted at a
rormer meeting , was given by
Mrs. Houston. Mrs. Wm. Wilson
read the "Devel
son a paper on
opment of Italian Opera , " which
lelped greatly to clarify the im
pression of Italian opera gained
rom a study of the individual
composers. A paper on "In-
strumeiital Music of Italy"by
Mrs. Ohas Wilnon was illus
trated in a very interesting
nanner by Anita Wilson , who
played the first movement of
one of dementi's piano senates
ind also on the violin , selections
F r o m Paganini'.s "Witches'
Dance. " At the next meeting
of the department at the home
of Miss Reicherri on January 2it ,
the study of German coufposers
will be undertaken , beginning
with J. ri. Bach.
Wedding Bells.
At 11 o'clock Wednesday
morning occurred a quiet home
wedding , when Mary Isabella
Hossack and Cornelius Mulligan
were unitedin marriage at the
home of " 'the bride's parents ,
.Mr. arid .Mrs. John IJossack.
.Judge Gagnon performed the
ceremony. After the wedding
banquet Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan
took the 1:2H : train for Superior
win-re they will be at home to
their friends after February 1st.
Both bride and groom have
been connected with The Trib
une ; the bride since its initial
number , and in appreciation of
their efforts the entire force of
this weekly called Tuesd-iy eve
at the Hossack residence. Sing ,
ing.My Irish Molly"aiid wear
ing the green in honor of the
gronm , and amid the sound of
many melodious horns they pre
sented the young couple with a
slight token of their esteem and
acorn shower.
Their many friends in this city
wish Mr. and Mrs. Mulligan the
best there is and hope they may
enjoy many years of success
from this "printers' lock-up. 0
Linen Shower.
A linen shower was given at
the home of Mrs. Delia Sanford
on South Stone street , in honor
of Isabelle Uossnck on Tuefday
evening. In order for Miss
Belle to secure her presents
she was compc.led to wind sev
eral balls of yarn that wound
in and out from one room to an
other , into the cellar and on the
porch. At about ten o'clock
t ie guests were ushered into
the dining room and partook of
a dainty two course luncheon
served by Mrs. Sand ford and
Lizzie Sanford. A delightful
evening was spent , and all de
clare I Miss Lizxto a charming