1Mb PALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DliCEfYlBER , 29 1905 Mistakes of the Past Year Tut - . ! - U ! i tisthul i UT\ U .H' \ I'hristiaii should hnvo his pi ttoils nf self-ex.imitmtioit , when hi sits down alone and lias a scs- Mi-it with himself , regards him- sill as another person whose lomluet must be criticised not unkindly but withal honestly , taking into account all the cir cumstances and all the various motives that may have influenced him to do certain things' . Ik- should determine whether he is ro.ilh a thinUinjr , elf-governing : man , or whether Inis swayed by outside influences , the creature of unumstances ; and if the lat ter , he should Wace up and live a dici'tit , Christien life. Just so every farmer sometimes during the year , and these begin ning days of winter are as good as any. should have a period of self-r\amination , loolc back over his operations of the last year , s-i wherein he has failed , see win ther the failtue comes from his own mistakes , or whether tlieure inevitable , as some fail ure are. If they came through his o.vn lack of foresight or knowledge , then he should not worry over them ( It is seldom that time can be more unprolit- al > ! \ spent than in crying over spilled milk ) , but take measures to avoid similar ones in the future ture- tureDid Did he lose a corn crop from failure to prepare a proper seed bed , or through selecting the wrong kind of seed , or seed that lacked germinating qualities ? Did he have a poor stamd be cause he did not co-ordinate his brains , his seed corn , and his planter ? Did he fail through lack of proper cultivation ; or did this failure come because of hail storms or cloud bursts or some other act of Providence impossi ble to foresee ? Has he partially lost a grain crop by thrashing out of the shock when he ought to hzvc stacked it ? lias he through a desire to save a little money bought a lot of cheap clover seed aud polluted his farm with weeds':1 Did he lose his head last spring and buy feeders at a high price because cattle at the time were selling high ? Has he bought poor stuff because he thought he could not alTord to pay the price of good ? Did he allow the rab bits to peel his orchard trees be cause he neglected to protect the trees by banking them up or put ting wire screens around them , as we have often advised ? Did he have a crop of clover hap spoil because he had not overhauled the hay-making ma chinery at the proper time ? Did he lose a crop of com because he kept growing corn after corn un til the corn root worm got ahead of him ? Did he undertake to do more work himself than is in the power of man to do. not having control of the weather ? These are samples of the ques tions that cverv fanner may prof itably ask himself between no\\ and spring. It is human to maki mistakes ; the best of men do it The man who never makes mis takes is probably the man win nr\er tries to do anything , ant hence never amounts to much Don't worry because you made ; mistakeDon't spend the gold en moments of the future in re gretting the mistakes of the past The past is irreparable. Havinj learned its lessons , forget al about it. As Uoethe in one o his poems says : "Sack the past ; leave it with it vanished strife. Most of it was lost ; torn and ten : pest tossed. Leave it and be a child again " It is by realizing our mistake ! whether in farming or in livint and correcting them , that we to come strong men. Don't forgi to examine yourself and all yoi farming operations. Don't fo get the lessons they will teac you. Make your mistakes ste ; ping stones to higher things. Wallaces Farmer. Dr. R. P.Roberts.dentif over King's Pharmacy. VERDON V-11I" * I I'I - ' ' S I i I.I. > 't'l ' i t \ . Mri'Wi'i nt Mn-i' | ' i MOM- Lottie WiHidurd ol (5nind ( Nlittid and Martin Hiv r -if Currol. Nob. , were muiTled i > llvv. lln-wer at Maple Giove iifu-t Hunch ln-t Mindaj morn ing. MM. IV'ier Hlllott of Cariol , Neb. l visiting rolatlvt'- this clu . Mr. * . Taj lor and son , liny , spent C'lrl'-tiiiii" ' In Auburn with . .1.V Ta\- lor and family MO-M'S. Hi'liiou'iir and Davles and fumilu's ol hak'in attended MID Kwing Fuller wi'ddlng Sunday t veiling. .1. ljntMIIIS had a family reunion on I'lu iHlimr * dn.\ , nil their childrtm being homi'except W Parinms. All lilt ) children and gtandchl'iiien ' of Wrn Flrl.fr , except Mis Annie Diineiiii , of ( 'rah Orchaid , took Christ mas dinner with them. K C Chii-i- mid wife bmo gone to her , Ok. , to * pund Hm winter Ho > d pilmary teacher in Vcr- don ccliool Is spending vacation at her homu in Unlu. ( Jiaco Hennctt came down from Cot- ner nnlvurslty hi-tSaluidiij for Chrl-t- tnitH vacation. Mr. Oi'umb's sl-ti'f. Mr ? . Gee Ward and htiHhand fropi Hulo me visitln < .r him It-Is ueek. ljiof. Wat-or will aHund tin- stalls iis-oclalloii at Lincoln. IvL'port ffoin I he Kcform School , . ! . ( > . Cilut'k , SiiperlnU'iuU-iit I'run- tylown.V. . V.i. wrllo- : " \Iii-r Iryi'tg all ether advertised coni. h medicines who Imvn Idclded to Use llnne\ and 'J'ar i'\cliislvid.\ . HIDv - t Vlrviinia reforn school. I llnd It the most elTi'fi- Ive and absolutely harmless , ' ' Moore's I'liarmacy. CJo to see Roberts for holiday , roods , he is tin- man that saves on money. For Sale. Twenty pitfs at Heck's feed tore. A Thonjiviid Dolltvrj Worth of Good. " 1 lutve It-on nlllieted with kldne\ , mil blmlufr u-ouble for yearn passing ravel in * stones with excruciating lain , " says A. II Tlinrno , u well < nown eoal operator of HulTiilo , O. " 1 got no relief from medk'liio until I be gan taking FoleKldnev , Cure , then hu re-ult wa-i xtirprUliig , A few do-cs Htartt'd thn liriek dust like line stones mil now 1 have no pain across my tldnoys and I feel like a neu man. It ins done me a thou-and dollars wortli if good , " For sale at Moore's Phur- naey Farmer's Hotel Bon id niitl { mi liy Dny or 1 inn still nmiiiiiLr lln > Imifl mid \vill eontiiuii- < ! > M > , MUS. M.OMlilClJ. ( . Uny's Life sa\ed from Mcmlmvnoiis Croup. "M > littlf bo > had aPVIMV nit nek of memhranoucrmiii , and nniy < , > < i rn lief after taking [ -'oli'v' * llnnus and Tar , " says C. W. Lynch , a prominent cltixen \Vinchf.t--r , I ml. "II- not relief after one do-u .mil [ feel thni it saved the life of mv hm " Don't be ImpoM'd upon ny Mih-ntnU'- i > HVri > il for FoleyV llonoy anil Tar. Kinalo at Moore'- Pharmacy C. H. flARlON | AUCTIONEER. ; j ; j , Sales comlncti'd in ; ; ; scii'titilic1 and htisi A iH'sshUi' ni .1 n n o r Jj 1C. H. MARION i ! < ; > < ' ; : Palls Cit > , Nebraska ; sti ir i Thei rtinor nicnUT'att 'rni * Ulnilh.UrJti Sinci lb no ( nyoih r nnt.e olp lterrn. Thli U c account cl ltd/ uric , accuracy and taf ucltjr. mci tub > cilb < rf vhiaanyptbtr adlo' > J C jl' ' % Oi ) r r' iuVic > lpUmlr"m ( " . 'c < ' ! Lt < " 0 > .ce McC ' firi tuttVr , fl ccnli , Ktctr f ubicriberteli a ' " ttrair r. Ckbtoibo IMijr , d. lUndicm * prtmlamr raCmt lcn UI * < > 9i ! tiAOwl&2 4 prttaJuni " " e SV free. "ATdmYTinTMcCALL CO. , N w V i Makes Kidneys and Ulnddor Right /n m r * wnmTrn ' n'"i ' o 'TJ : Your Dollar = = If brought to this market will cover more good qu.tlity in the way of meats than at any other shop in town. K'cmember a dollar th.it isn't workii g all the time isn't veil. What \\c all want to tlo is to keep up the circula tion of the dollar. When your dollar gets into this market , it doesn't have to take oil its coat and yet all out of hrcadh climbing after things. Our meats arc price ) ) "way down" Our Proposition Is to sell > v u better mc.it for less moil dv th.in vmi'll pas clsewhen. We sell only the kind < < f meat tli.it will make frietips Don't vmi v.ant to test our friendship. We h.iiullo hides .Hid furs HB1SER & MOS1MAN Phone 74 For the Holidays ! j , Select from these ' ; ( > Ice Cream and Ices \ ' Oranges , Dates , Figs , 1 Raisins , Bananas , ' > i > Grapes and Nuts $ fe Chocolates & Candies SOWLES , < > PHONE 9 FALLS CITY ' ; > Notice. All accounts due Chicago jiunber , * c Coal Co under former nanagumunt if not paid by De cember 1stvill be put in hands of collectors. C. II. liickards 'Manager. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. 'Some weeks ago during the severe vinter weather hoth my wife and my- ulf contracted severe colds , which pi'cdUy di > veloied | Into the worst kind ) f lacrlppu with nil its miserable sym- items , " says Mr. .1. S lOgleston of Maple Landing , Iowa. "Knees and oints aching , muscles tore , head slop- icd up , eye ? and noie running , with ilternatr. spoils of chilK and fever , Wo legan using Chamborluiiib Cough l\om- edy aiding the same with u doseof Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet.- , and by its liberal u-e s-oon rompletuh knocked out the grip. " It U a good plan to t.ilcu a doiu ol the Tablets uheii you have a cold. i'lii'v piomole a healthy action of the liuwcl.- . liver and kidney ? xvhieh is Miylenelieial when the aystem is i'onii > hii'd by a cold or attack of the grip Kor i alii by ICerrs drug store. Low Rates On M. P. One way colonist tickets to California for $2. > .00 , on bale Sept , to Oct Itlst. One way colonist licketo to Portland l'00 \ , aKo Seattle , to Spokane $22.00 , tickets on Mile September l. > th , to Oct Hist .1. H. VAKNT.U. Agent. A Certain Cure for Croup. Whrii a child sh.8 symptoms o croup there U no tlino to e.xperlmen with now remedit'no matter hov highly they may bo recommended There is one preparation that can ! ways be depended upon. It has beei in use for many \ eiu > and has neve been known to fail , vir. Chamberlain Couph Uemedy. Glvo it and u quid eiir-1 U sure to follow. Mr. M. I * Compton of Market , Texas , sajs of it " 1 have used Chamberlain's Coup' KctiH'dj in severe cases of croup wit my children , and can truthfully say I always pives prompt relief. " For sal at Kerr's Drup Store SHIELDS' CAFE iKO. yiilKIvDS , Proprietor Open Ni ht and Dny. Oyster A Specialty Everything Hot One block east of Cleveland's Slot For HilliolisilcSs and Sick Headache Take Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrii ] It sweetens the stomach , aids dipcstlc and acts as a pentle stimulant on tl : In or and bowels without irritatin these organs. Orlno Laxative Fru | Sjrup cures bllllousness and habltu I constipation. Does not nauseate i gripe and is mild and pleasant totak 2 ' Keiuember the name Orlno ard rofm to aocept any substitute. A kidnuy t bladder trouble can always bo cur * S by using Foley'b Kidney Cure lime , For sale at Moore's Pharmac Sp2c.nl fldster's Sale , In il > . iiii-iiit i i'iit ' , ' ' , , i , i ,1 -i ii - tnr the ili il > i t m Ni ii i-i i Mm i I I'liniil i > > l' < illiilllltillllt. | V * I II/ i \VlcMiiilii. . ft ill , JIOll'llllllllN.-lll CIlllllClTI I loiuvMHiMir. or tun T iun I'ulille inillcMIs huri'lx > ! l\cn nrii in | iiii 'i mice nnil liy vlrtno "f 11 'I1 c e rtni'iiil In Ilic uliovitfiiilxo nil tin1 Sltli ililnl' Ili'i-i tniicr. IWI , 1 , lli'o II. ThinmiiH Sinchil Miiftii in riiiinri'ry ( if tln'Cln'ilIt ruilil nl'ilu1 I'tilti'il Miili-s Inrllif HlKlilul of Nr ! > ruM > u will , on t lu"l Ii il.iy of .liuiii iry. Hum. ut tin1 linurot nine o'clock In Hi" loii'iioon < il "ulil ilny t tin * t' l front door nl tinItU'liiiuloii ciiiinly coiirl IKIIIFO InillilltiL- tint cllot 1'iilU l'ltUlrliiiriH < ni COHIIIV. Mule uml DUlilol of Nt'lmiwkii , it'll ut iiillilln miutlnii foi e.i h HID fiilloulni ; i 'I hi1 ui'"t liiilf nf tnc iiiillM"ist qiitirlt. ! ' iuitof tic ' 11 nf offtloii ininilii'i tlni'ii ( .1) ) . I'Xft'iil tliiMlirhl olMIV nf tin' II > V M U U. ul o tin1 unit lii'iixt ipiinti'i nl tin * nnrthuost iiuiirttr iiii'1 ! nl Itir h > ) i nl Milil vi'i'tlun iiimilicr Ihii'i'OI t-'M'i'l't 'l lit nr it" ) ili'sctllii'il Hi fnllnuM : < niiuiiriiL'Inj. ' i" f li.iiKlicil Mini lli'Mj-lnin ' ( Illll indH i list nt tile nnitliNM'st cm HIT of Hiilil si'i't'nn ' niiinlii'i tlui'i' Cl ) tlii'tiuo niiinlnjrM' | Illly-lnur iVti mils In iivluki' : llii'lii'U < < niitli Ililrl v.tu < i ( L'I rods HIM ) tllli'C i.'l ) HiiKs ; ilii'iirn i'.i t l\\i'in\ Iliici' ( .1) ) mils uml i < \i'ii ( T ) links In ( lie i'ii i'U Id lnvutiT iniiiK ; llii'iiun iiii'iiMilt'iliiK IH ) > L'ui'U to the | ilici' nl IHTMIIHR | | ; also tlui'c ami > > no hull ncu'S nil tliiMM'st slili' of till' onutlicast quar- ti'r nl ilif imrtlixu'M iii.nti | > r si-i , nl tin- mol \ ' ol s-ald ciTtlmi iniiiilicr tint i > ( 11 nl-u till lliat | i in of tinsoutlii' i"l qnmli'i nl tlir ninth- Wl'st iiiiutri | i-i- iinf tlic u ! 4 nl nlil fi olion iiuin' cr lliiio ( I lylnir cii'-t nl tinNViimliii rlxi'i1 uml lit'lnuex en acit's IIHIM > m Ic-u , uml lii'lliir a tntnl "I niu > liiinilifil Mini t\\i > nly tun anil nun half nurri | I > SH rluht nt uav nl tin * II \ M. mill mail M nmv i iiniihitf ; nil III M'i'tliiti iillinlii" ' llnrc i d In Imi'iishlli liuiii Inn nnii ( | i ninth nl tiinui' Illli'i-n ( I.V t-iist nl thi'xIMh piliK'Uml ini'ililiiii , uml all itnit | , < ( l In KIcliiiiilMiii t'diinlj , Ni'lirifKii ( H'O II. Tllt'MMKti. Hpi'i'lal Master In I'hiinui'O \ Vii ru P. TIIIIMs , -nllcltnf Inr Cmillilillnaili. 100-l Notice of Sheriff's Sale Nut Iff Is li'Mt'liy ( tlvcn that livvlituonr nn Itaiuil nut nl tin * Illsti let ( 'mm , i and fur Itirhimlsnn rniiutv anil Male o' i'lii'i ki ! iiiuli'r tin1 Ki-iil lit s'tld iT.utt ilatL'il i tlio Ultli iluy ol NoM'inlii'i'W \ , and In nio jocU'il iiHSIii-rlll nfalii enmity to ho io - utoil. \\lllnn I the i iKlith dav ot.lnniiuiv 'ml ' ut S o'clock | > 111 nl Mild day m tin' ilnor nl Hm t'OArt litiuse In tinollj of City In said count v ninl Mate , oiler for iiln at tiiilillteiidoe anil it'll In Hie hlj-'In-Mt lid lit'st lilililer , tinpropouy dfsurlhcd In ilcl nuler of sail' , to-ull. lilts si'M'lileen 7) ) t'luhtcen ( ! > ) and nllielien feet nil nf the mill xlile nf lot nnnibei nineteen 111 In lilock mnliei''l'hlily- ( ! ! 7i In cltyol Kails Cllj li'liaidMin L'nunty , Neliiaska In said connt > i satlsly u dei'ii'u til sulil couit. with Intel- its uml co-its ii'uoveti'd liy Mi'plien ( iielncr 'lilnsi . .letinleVentMiith , CdiniVentuortli inllinroM'r II yt'iiisnf 11 0 anil Peter Pri-d- rlrk sr. TiTins of Mill1 cash. Chen iinilei in ) hand lit Tails Cll } , Nubias- a ( his 4th daynf lii-cuiiiln'r IWXi JOHN UOSSAUK. Sht-ilir. A. E. Wolfe D. 0. Osteopathic Physician Odlce over Lyford's store , i at National Hotel 'ALLS CITY Ylissouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NOKTII s'o. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Kxprcss A 1:57 a m o. 103 Omaha and Lincoln passenger A 1:30 : p m to. 191 Local Freight , Au burn A 1:00 : j ) in SOUTH o. 105 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 3:10 : am to. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 1:30 : pm o. 192 Local , Atcliison. . 10 : 15am 0. 164 Stock Freight , Hi awatha A 10:20 p m A. Daily. JJ. Daily except Sunday. J. 15. VAKNKK , Agent. Nuts , nuts , nuts , English wal- uits , pecans , filberts , Brazilian nigger toes ) Almond and Ilick- ° rv nuts at Uarlows. DR. O. H. KENT Graduate American School of Osteopathy , Klrksville , Mo. Examination and Consultation Free Hour * : ! ) to 12 a m ; I to \ p in Olllce at residence , Stone street , second block north of court house. FAIIS CITY - NKHKASKA Burlington Bulletin. L-inl IIome&eoKeiH Rates Cm'iilly reduced round trip rates to the North Platte Valley and the Bill Horn Basin. November 21st December F > lh and l.Hh. This is an unusually yowl chance for yon to look at lands in these new regions , which ofier a big" profit to those who secure them early. Home Visitors lOvenrsinn Visit the old homo when yon have cleaned up the beabon'b work. Cheap excursion rates to various of the east. The only excurbion November -7th limit 21 days. To the Sunnv South Winter tourist rates daily until April 150. Return limit .June 1st , 1.IO(5. ( Cheap Uomeseekeis Kates tc the \vest , southwest aud South the first and third Tuesdays of encli menth. Write me just what trip you have in mind and let me advise you the least cost nud the besi way to make it. G. Stewart , Agent C. B. & Q. By. An Emer Cnc > Medicine. For sprains , bruises , burns , scald and similar injuries , there Is nothinj so peed as Chamberlain's Pain Balm ir It soothes the would aud not only jilve Instant relief from pain , but cause the parts to heal in about one third tin time required by the usual treatment As it is an antisepic all danger fron blood poisoning is avoided , Sold a Kerr's Drug Store , W. II. Mwldox Real Estate Agency FALLS CITY NEBRASKA See me bcfote.vour purchase. I am selling city property , loaning mon ey at lowest rates , .selling farms and makiiif , ' farm loans. Sec me if .you wish to buy , sell or make .1 loan. I am here for business.Vrite W. II. Maddox , Falls City Saratoga Restaurant SI1OKT Meals at all Times Oysters and Hot I hile i.onm.M ! _ \ _ M'KeiAhTV C. V. IICNUKICKS Propriclor Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guaran teed Free City Delivery Phone 40 Storage for Household And other Goods. Merchants and Business Men With hard accounts to collect , should place them with John L. Cleaver Collection Attorney FALLS CITY , NEB For Collection or for Suit Collections my Specialty Succeeds \\here others fail Small Commission charged TIME TABLE j Falls City. Neb. Lincoln Denver ) maliu Helena Chicago Buttc St. Joseph Salt Lake City Cansas City Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points cast and and all points south. west. TKA1NS I.KAVK AS 1OII.O\VS : NTo. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points east and south 7:20 p in . 13. Vestihulcd express , daily , Denver and all points west and northwest 1:33 : a in No. 14. Vestihulcd express , daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south 7:47 a in No. 17. Local express daily except Sunday , Con- cordia , and points north and west . . . 12.10 p m No. 15. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver , and all points west and northwest 1:23 p m > .c 10. Vestibuled express daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St Louis Chicago and points casi and south 4:35 : ji in No. 18. Local express daily except Sunday , St. | Joe and point- , > bouth and east. . . . 4:05 : ji in I No. 41. St. Loui.s-Portland SpecialLincolnHe lena , Tacoma and Portland without change 10:07 : u m No. 115. Local accommoda tion , daily e x- cept SundaySalem , Nemaha and Ne braska City 11:15 : p m " Sleeping , dining "and reeling chair cars ( scat-s free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the Stateor Canada. Kor information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart Agent , Kails City , Neb. , or J. Francis G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. Must Be Quick. Pain * in the stomach and attacks of the colic come on ro suddenly and are go extremely painful that immediate relief imis-t be obtained , There i * no neci' ltv of sending for a doctor in biich cases it a bottle of Chamberlain' * Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. Nc , doctor can prescribe u better irediclno. For iale at Kerr's Drug Store. MVINTBIH I When u hey reaches that per I led where hi ? ' ? "all hands and 1 feet" no wonder ho feels grim ed If he is obliged to wear 111 I littinj , ' and unsightly shoes in | order to cain service There ino need of It , as ie prove riht { heie that jiood M | > oearance ami.troiia weur eun l l combined Durable , warm , diiiiipnuso- ohedding Shoes for Bov > ju t the tiling the averuirc ] ) .irr > iit N looking for. rex Calf Velotir ana Russian ( 'aIf at from $1.25 to $2.75 accordInv > 'I'/e iuui hRvnyM3if3ZKsxrcxBmfBKmgtm Geo. B. Holt , TKeShoe Man I D. S. HcCarthy ! r ANID | TRANSPRR i Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold peed . PHONE NO. 211 v = = W1H SFi i. Diplomat , Od Crow James E. Pepper Guckenheimer Rye The finest Whiskey mude Call for \our favorite brati'l at William Harnack's Phone 74. REFRACTION 1ST. R. L. Beaumont M. D. ronncrlv U'/c and Car Specialist. Now limiting practice to EYE GLAS'oES. Sixth and Felix , ST. JOSEPH. - MISSOURI. . H. PARSELL M. D. GEO. Telephone No. 88 Office at Residence Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ; i to 3 p. m. Wishes his customers and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thanks them for past patronage a n d asks a share for the coming year assuring you of fair treatment at all times. Thanking you for past favors 1 am CHAS. ffl. WILSON'S