The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 29, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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I'.iitered ax second-clnss matter a
F.ilts City. Nebraska , t > ouice , Jam
, trv2 , I''t04 , under the Act of
of March 3 , 1S7' .
Published every I'riilay at Kails Citj
Nebraska , by
TKc Tribune mhllslunrt Company
One Sl.C
year - - - Sl.C.f
Six n'onths . . . .f
. .
Three mouths
Some coiiiplaiitt is' of th
U. S. court for taking jurisdii
tion of Burlington and ITiiio
Pacific tax injunctions , the stati
iniMit being freely made that tli
court would not hear the case i
it were brought by an individu :
instead of a great corporation.
The facts necessary for juris
diction of the federal court t
attach are that the amount it
volvcd must be at least $2 , ( ) ( ) ( ) . ( )
exclusive of interest and costs an
the controversy must be bet woe
liti/.eiis of different states. Th
llurlington road is an Iowa coi
poration and any litigation l > <
tween it and a Nebraska citixe
i n v o 1 v i n g the jurisdiction :
amount is u matter properly coj.
nixable by the United State
The Burlington has not bee
slow in taking advantage of i !
Iowa citizenship to remove a
litigation pending in the stat
courts to the federal court. 1
manv instances this privilege hi :
operated as a denial of justici
The jurors in the U. S. courl
live in many different parts i
the state and in many cases at
furnished with transportation t
and from their homes by the rai
road companies. These juroi
arc doubtless honest men , bi
such favors must , unconscious !
perhaps , influence them in son
degree. Another fact known !
most people is the great expeiii
of litigation in the federal cour
It is not a small matter to tl
average litigant to take a numbi
of witnesses to Omaha and pr
vide for their expenses. Rath
than incur this expense many li
igants bring their cases in tl
state courts and to prevent the
removal to the federal court s' '
for an amount less than $2,00
There have been cases in tli
county where the plaintiff w
entitled to seven or eight thoi
and dollars , but to avoid the u
certainty of a trial in the Unit
States court have asked f
Sl/J'J' ) . ' ) ' ) or any other amou
less than $2,000. Such was t
case of Ben Poteet against t
Burlington , the railroad settl
the case when it was seen th
removal to the U. S. court w
impossible , but Mr. Poteetv
deprived of several thousand d
lars which was rightfully his a
which he probably would hi :
secured had it been possible
sue for such an amount and
tain the case in the state court
The remedy is , if remedy tin
be. for the next legislature
provide a law , if possible , cc
polling a 1 1 corporations doi
business in this state to bccom
domestic or Nebraska corporal
in fact. The present law d
not accomplish this result. W
such a law all railroads wo
become citizens of this state :
the federal court cannot t ;
jurisdiction of a case which
between citizens of the same st ;
Under such a law the tax casei
far as Richardson county is c
corned would be heard right li
in Falls City and before eit
Judges Kelligar or Raper.
Many New Years resoiuti
will be made within a few tli
Why not resolve as follows :
I will be fair to my eneui
just to my friends and true to
I will preserve the health
my body by cleanliness in
things , reasonable exercise
cheerfulness of spirit.
I will not destroy nor in
my physical being by intern
ance of any character.
I will live decently and
would live it I was to marry
, pure woman within the next thir
ty days.
, I will do a man's work eacl :
day in preparation for tomorrow.
1 will let the dead past bury its
I will look for the best in other :
and give them the best I have.
1 will work for the best inter
est of home and its people and hi
not prevented from so doinj.
through fear of benelitting 1113
'enemy. '
j I will never bear scandal 1101
[ seek the injury or ( Instruction of
uy fellowman.
I will speak truly , act honcstlj
ind live kindly.
I will meet my sot-rows anddis
ippointments with a couragi
hat shall mark me greater thai
nv trouble
I will meet my I successes and mj
lappy hours with a thankful
leart and a saneness of couduc
hat shall mark me as deserving
of mv blessings.
No home Uiiowis half the joy ;
) f Christmas whose walls havi
lever echoed with the voices o
lappy children.
Cider at Heck's feed store.
Daisy Foley left Saturday fo
White Cloud.
Ralph McDonnald was ovci
'rom Hiawatha Sunday.
Mrs. Hayden Prater of St. Joi
s visiting with relatives here.
Neal Thornton was in Omahi
ind spent Christmas with hi
T. J. McKiever returned Tucs
lay from a visit with Ruli
Mr. Willet of Kansas City i
visiting with his sister Mrs. V. C
by ford.
Ira Johnson returned to Lin
coin Monday after a th rce day
visit here.
Chas R. Rowe and wife c
Omaha are visiting at the liom
of C.eo. A. Abbott.
Martha Stockman left Krida
on a two weeks visit with lit
parents in Uoldrege.
Isaac Campbell of Denver , Co
is visiting with his niece Mr :
George Jennings.
Mrs. K. Hughes of St. Joscp
is visiting with" her parents , Jc
Gulp and wife.
Cora Walsh was in the cit
Saturday while enroute for hi
home in Ilumboldt.
Georgia Hcaulii'u returned Pr
day from Liberty , Mo , wlie :
she is attending college.
F.V. . Samuelson came up fro
Kansas City Saturday to spend
few days with his wife.
Frank Mettx of Newkirk , Old
homa is visiting with old friem
and acquaintances in this city.
Chas. Stanton and wife i
turned the latter part of la
week from a weeks visit in Om
Mrs. J. F. Cleggof Richmon
Mo. , is visiting at the home <
her parents , Mr. and Mrs.Gosst
o Anthony ICge of Verdon le
' '
a vear's subscription money
1g the Tribune here last Satunhi
a LOST Blue and gold brocad
card case. Finder please retu
in to John Powell's allice.
.h Ci. F. Metzger and wife
IJuincy Illinois are visiting wi
her sister Mrs. C. T. Burchard
id tnis citv.
Fred Lawrence and wife
is Fairbury. visited the first of t
e. week with his parents in t !
50 city.
The I , O. O. F. will keep oj
ro house on New Years day fr <
er 2:30 : to 5:00 : p. m and will
pleased to receive their friciv
Chas. Talley called Tues
and advanced his subscription
The Tribune for 190 ( > and 1
our tahuks for the favor.
W. M. Johnston sent in IN
Years greetings from Billin
Mont. , in the form of the price
The Tribune to January 1st ,
of George and Lottie Gulp ser
10 o'clock luncheon to a few
all their friends on Monday me
nd ing.
Everett Iliggins who lives
ire Route 4 , this week added
cr- name to our subscription list i
will read all the home news (
sl ing the coming year.
J. N. Cain was a pleasant calle
Saturday last.
Win. Halm has our thanks fo
financial favors Saturday.
Robert Hannahs was dow ;
from Minis City Wednesday.
K. E. Gushing visited at th
hoincof J. R. Cain this week.
T. Landrigan of Alliance i
visiting with lii brother Will.
Mrs. Ella Will and childrei
spent the holidays in Tecumseh
Gco. S. Cleveland made a busi
ness trip to St. Joseph last Tues
Jacob Wiggins of Culbcrtso
was a business visitor here Wed
Harry Custer and wife returne
Tuesday from a few days visit i
Chris Morris of Salem was
pleasant caller at these quarter
J. W. Dodds of Routci 2 wi
read The Tribune during th
coming year.
Mike Melx-a and wife of Vci
don were guests of friends in thi
city during the week.
Adam Vogle came up froi
Kansas City to spend Christina
with his mother.
1 will sell groceries as cheap ; i
anyone , best quality on the marl
et at L. C. Manger's.
F. M. Chase and wife of S
Joseph are visiting with A. I
Roberts and wife.
Mrs. Chas. Dockhorn of
Kansas is visiting with her pa
ents Joseph Gulp and wife.
Elizabeth Gulp of St. Joseph i
spending the week with her pa
ents , Joseph Gulp and wife.
Mrs. Bell Stitxer and childrc
after a visit here returned on Wei
nesday to her home in Hasting
Mrs. Ed Wherry of Ivans ;
City , Mo. , is visiting with In
father , Chas , Rickards in th
Guy Lichty of St. Joe spei
several days of this week wit
his parents , John Lichty ai
Mrs. Sue DeWald and litt
grandson , Otho Watson are
Verdon this week visiting Mi
M. D. Linn.
Lucilc Mettx came up fro
St. Joseph Saturday to spend h
vacation with her mother , Mi
E. E. Mettx.
Mrs. Lieber and daught
of Laugdon , Mo are visitit
with the former's parents Ch.i
Uhlig and wife of this city ,
Albert l.eutloy , wife and da
ghter Dorothy , of White Cloi
are in this city the guests
George Albright and wife.
While removing some tin stri
from a building , Grandmoth
Carr received of severe cut acre
the forehead. Dr. Wolfe dress <
the wound.
Edna Bosdncr who has be
visiting with her sister , Mrs.
Whetstine returned to her hoi
in Washington , Kansas , Sati
Amy Griffin came up fn
Kansas City last Wednesday a
will make her home with 1
father , Rev. Griffin. She li
been attending school in Kant
City for some time.
The members of the Brethc
church distributed a hack load
gifts to the poor in the south p ;
of town on Christmas mornii
which shows the true spirit
d ay.
The Christian church have e
ployed Rev. Lindemneyerof Pi ;
nee as pastor of their church ,
has moved his family here ;
will begin his work January 1
John Holt of St. Joseph ;
George E. Holt of Lawton , Ol
are visiting their uncle John 13
> e and family. John Holt is a no
foot ball player having pla ;
y guard on the United States Jsi
tary academy team.
Miss Edna Crook was hosi
to about twenty young people
w Tuesday evening at the hoiui
s , her parents on north Chase str
of Whist was played and much pi
tire derived from the game ,
freshments were served.
The insurance adjuster of
Northwestern Insurance CO..Y
which J. L. Cleaver is connec
was here Wednesday and effei
ls a satisfactory settlement of $ .
td on the Frank Smith house I
ir- was ? damaged by fire Sun
Real Estate Transfers.
Allots I. Split-luck and l > u hiuil to
j Hiitiimli Van Dcvort wtl to pt 1,11'I hi It
i 1 U A Tmloln add to sal. in , $825.
i Diviil.M Nelii-r ( slnjfl * ) to Nancy .I
IIHi.'In'wtl to wj lot T blkS I'nmboldt ,
A nun N Tlorsttimn Inirle ) to A Him
.1 T.o lor wd to lots 1 HIM ! 2 blk 1 Hall' ?
mli. to Silloir , , 31800.
Henry Hohrs ( single ) to Amul F
Hours wtl towj nwl ! l-t-15 ! and nwjsw }
9UMl. .
Henry 1'ohreIniile , to William
Hem wtl to t-j sw } 9-11 ! ! . 81
John A Gerties and wife to Wlllhitn
V Goolsby wd to lots 2 midI blk 2 Ver-
don , $800
Kllun N Taylor nnil hush wd to Gt-n
W Lewis jr lots o and ( ! bile II Sh.ibei t ,
\Vllhimmh ) llurtuiii. and hnsb to
I'oitM1 PankeuiiH11 ! , wtl to wj noi 117-1-111
Sldwoll Urns lo George K Ward wd
to n } no } ; i2risi
Amelia Prldorlek anil hiisb qctl tt :
Win Goutft ul s } ne } swvj s-wi sej
i w } nw } s-e } w * HW } nw } H1 } w-J sw } swj
no ! 2si7 : : , roo.
John Mooin.-y ot al to Hli-/ibeth Daii'
necUur , ref tl to n < nwi 2.2 1" '
John Mooiu-y ul al to Alois Iiinticok <
er ruf d to w nw } iJ-1-18 and lots II,4. (
blk 1111 , lot 7 blk (15 ( and lot 8 blk 7i
Unit ) .
A mm Ilea land and Inibb to Koticr
L Cou jrwil to lot 7 and ] ) t lot ( ! blk K
Stella MOO
United States to Lair gar-ask half
breed , No 81 patent toe * 18-2-17.
United States to Lei1 , half breed , N <
87 e } 7-2-17
United States to O/.las Bailey , paten
nw } 8-1-lfj
United States to Gee \V Duvenpor
patent nw } ne } 8-1 !
Ur.ltetl States to David T Hrlnejjui
patent to tiei ne } 3-I-I. " )
Unfted States to Ail urn P LJaum put
out to sw } l4-lt ! lo
Heirs of Win SchmiU dec to Chris
Hour itil | to pt sw } sw 1-4 l-l-lf ! ) > $15.
Kilwln K Hell , "Mdowor , to K I
Sharts wd to lot 17-18-1 ! ) blk 92 Pall
City $1800.
II. W. Slmbcrt wd to si ne 1-4 111 It-li
Julius H Klebur , single , to W I
Crook wd to e } sc 1-4 12-1-17 $ ! )000 )
Multltj IIolilbrook Hurot , widow , o
al by their ally In fact to Victor (
L > ford wd to lots 1,2,11,4f > blk (19 Pull
City $11250.
Total amount transfers SliO.IiOli
Office Hung Up.
The supreme court has grant
ed a re-hearing of the case ii
which it was decided that th
act of legislature enlarging th
term ol ollice of the Register o
deeds one year was invalid
If upon the re-hearing the cour
should change its opinion am
hold the law valid Mr. Riege
would hold over until next gen
eral election and Mr. Edward
would he out an oflice and tim
anil expense incident to hi
I have installed a variety stor
in the south room of the Join
ston building and on account c
a month's delay in my arrivr
will be compelled to close out m
immense and varied stock c
Christmas toys and holiday good
at greatly reduced prices regard
less of cost. We are now read
for business and extend an ur
gent request for 3'ou to call an
see us. We have located pei
ti uianantly in your midst and sc
1 licit a share of your patronagt
J. A. Siinsu ) .
s Tvvo For Less Than The Price C
The regular subscription pric
of The Chicago Daily Tribui
is 61.00 a year , the regular pric
of The Falls City Tribune is i
a year.
i- By a special arrangemei
with the publishers of The Tr
buue for a limited time , we en
accept a year's subscription
our paper and the daily Tribui
both tor & ? .
II It would seiMii unneccessai
IIIt to say more about iextrao \ \
idd dinarj * newspaper bargain. Tl
li- : d Daily Tribune is "The World
Greatest Newspaper , " and i
course you will want our loc
311 The Tribune Company r
° serves the right to withdra
IS' this offer on one day's notice.
If yon are now a subscriber
either or both papers , your su
cription will be extended 01
he year from present date of e
th piration.
id , Subscription tor less than o
ed year cannot be accepted at le
15. than the regular rates. Make all remittances dire
Fulls City , Nebr.
Our Saving v
This bank inaugurated a Childrens Department
nncl will open a bank account with any boy or girl , in
his or her own name. You can open an account with
a Dollar upwards. These deposits will draw interest
at the rate of 4 per cent and are limited to children
under the age of eighteen. The older folks will find
our interest bearing Time Certificates of Deposit. Just
the thing for them. These accounts mean a good deal
of extra work for us but if by this means we succeed in
encouraging the child in self denial and the proper use
of money , we shall feel well repaid for the extra work.
Parents should encourage their children in the act of
saving along the lines suggested by this bank.
Is what you want included in
"Good Chi ee" for the day. There
is nothing that brings as much
cheer into the household in
Wintry weather as a bright
glowing , genial gre and you can
always get it with Carney Egg
Coal at cG.SO per ton. we also
have plentv of good anthracite
coal on hand at reaoonablc
prices , we will send it to your
order , clean and of high grade
Phone 38 HAUST BROS.
A Trip To Alabama.
arrived in Kansas City at 7:150 :
o'clock Wednesday morning Dec. ,
(5th ( , where we ehnngedenrs for St.
Louis reaching therethat evening.
8:2-1 : p. m. we started for Mobile ,
Alabama via the Mobile and Ohio
R. R. There was nothing of any
great interest to be seen until wo Spartn mid Perix where
the coal mines are located. We
snw them taking the conl from the
Columbus was the next , place of
interest on our route on account
of the immense umonnt of lumber
shipped from there both by steam
boat and railroad. Cairo , Illinois
is also quite a business center.
From Selmer. Teunesee. on the
liuul is swampy and hilly , and
there the cotten fields couiPience.
Nothing nut negroes in tha fields
picking cotton and at nearly every
station there were great quantities
of cotton bales. Corinth is also
nice place , being quite a historic
plnce on acctunt of the bnttle
fought by the blues and the grays.
From Rieir/i to Tupelo the land is
very good mid quite level , the nic
est cotton fields being there.
There nre n great ninny cotton
mills nt West Point.
Mobile , Alnbnmn is a large place
of about 70,000 population and
has n nice seaport When we ar
rived at Mobile the steamboat *
Nntlie Quill and British Trndei
unloaded their cargoes of bamuins
F and cocoiuiuts. The sail bontf
Meriator and End Derby wen
loaded with lumber for other ports
We spent several hours iu seehif.
Mobile which is a rapidly growing
l city. We also went to see tin
National Cemetery where we me
t Mr. Enon the Superintendent o
this Cemetery. Mr. Eriou is wel
known to several Falls City folk a
he was Commissioner of Labor ii
Nebraska when Mr. Crounee wn
governor of Nebraska. On thi
other side of the Cemetery th <
Rebel soldiers are buried there be
i ng from i5000 to1000 graves ii
one block. Among them nre Gen
eral Braxton Bray and Col. H
It is quite a change when n pet
eon comes from the north down t
Mobile in winter time. We snv
flowers blooming , garden stui
growing , onk trees nil green , may
nolias in bloom and holly.
The climate is grent for the ini
provement of the health for in
stnuee. Mr. M , Smith a yonii !
is nmn who was troubled with rheu
inntism so badly thnt he was tin
able to close his linuds , went t
Baldwin County for n year and
half and is now completely cured.
A party of live families from Town
went down on the same train to
spend the winter in Baldwin
County and among them was a
man who was so broken down that
he couldn't walk and after staying
in B'lldwiu ' County a few jears , ho
is now in perfect health. Mr.
Oppenbafn from Michigan had
been sick in bed for years and
nfter living in this same county
is now able to work every day.
Some people say that Bald win
County is nothing but a swnmp
and overflow and although there
may be such places in Alabama it
is not in the county mentioned
The Land of the B ilclwin Conn- ,
ty Colonization Company is the - \
nicest T have ever seen.
Your * Truly.
Rule. . Nebr.
Foreclosure A Chattel Mortgage.
Notice Is lieiL'by si veil Uml wl " ' 111 pro.
to torccloso u cluitU'l ninrtiriiiM1e -
cutccl by Hey H. Kin ? to the Golsor Mnnu-
fiiL'ttirintf ooiiiiiiuy | on pur. oiml property
hercliKifliT di'scrlbed , ilutud on the litli day
of October , 1001 , mid recorded In the ollice
< il' tin1 c on my clerk of Iticliiirdson county
pt to of Nebraska. Tlntt tlicro is due on two
notes of suld niorti.rc > to secure which
mnonfr others , : ild chattel iiiorltrnue , the sum
of clplit hundred mid Mvt'tily-mie do.liu > .
That Mild chattel inert n e was f.'lvcti on
the following decilbed personal property
to-wlt : One class H. 1'ecilChS KiiKinu No.
j illO1. ! ; one cew I'eeiless Separator , Class 0.
I No. UPsi , 30x111 : one I.amlis wind No. 118fi ;
'ono ' 140 loot. T inches by t ply fiundy belt :
one lloss Loader No.V \ . All of which
i property Is situated on whtu Is known as the
| John Kins tann two miles cast of the villain
of Shubert , In Itlchardson county Nebraska
That no proceeding at law has been coin !
' menced on tukl promissory notes to recover
\ the amount of money expressed theicln.
Notice is then-foro ylvcn that on .January
l 20th , IIXM , between tln > hours of 10 o'clock
; a. in. . and I o'clock p. m. , of said day. at the
! said John Kill * . ' laim two miles eust of the
i vlllnja1 < > ! ' Slmbert in the county afoiesiiM
1 the snltl mortK "ed property will be ufTuw ,
1 for sale to the highest and best bidder for
| cash.
; it-toj : n J. N.vnM.Alt-\Kcnt.
Falls City Business College.
winter term opens Monday ,
i January Sth. New classes in
' all departments. We furnish
' books and blanks free to all
i students paying cash or note on
j entering. Other schools charge
I $15.00 cash for these same books
| and blanks.
103-2t Principal.
M. E."Church.
Services as usual at the M. E-
Church next Sunday morning.
Prof , Willetts will speak at
! 7:30 : p. in. All cordially invited.
W. T. Cliiie'Paster.
E. Boyd of Ilumboldt
was a pleasant caller at these
quarters last Friday.
O. Hebarger , of Sunuyside ,
Wash. , was a guest at the Nation
al last Saturday.