The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 22, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE FALLS CITY PRlBl'Nh. TRL ) \ 22 , 1905.
Will pay you ' . cent jicr iioiuul more in trade for your
poultry than ca.sli with privilege of trailing- anywhere in
Kails City that you may choose. I also handle all kinds of
Coal , wood , Salt. Haled Hay , Straw and Orain Hraii
ShorU , Cheap feed oyster shell for chicken oil cake stock
and poultry food. Cash paid for butter , eggs , poultry
and Hides.
| The Falls City Roller Mills
I Docs a general milling business , and manufactures the I
g following brands of flour C1
The above brands are gunrantecd to be of the highest possible - :
sible ( iitality. We also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a
Grain , Live Stock/and / Coal Business
I and solicit a share of your patronage
I P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. ?
Something for each and everyone
Papa , Mamma , daughter , son.
Grandpa , Grandma , Auntie and Uncle too
Cousins and Second Cou.sinb , niccs and Ncphew.s
Yon must bring them all in
To see what we have got
We uill be glad to
Show you a whole lot
Remember them with a present
On that glad morn ,
The day of all glad days
r That Christ was born.
Palls CUV , Neb. Illawnthn , Knn.
Real Estate and Exchange Brokers
s. City Property iiml MorcliamlUu. I.OHMS , Colk'ctlons , Fire , MtrlitnliiK , Tor-
niuli ) , Windstorm , Accident and Lift ) Insurance. Over llarKiim-'H Stoic.
P. P. Hex 944 PALLS CITV. NUM.
Why Not Buy Your Wife one of These
. .
" - '
ii i n n mill'I
at Werner , Mosiman Sc Co
For Giristmas Present
Just the thing" they need , it will please them and will
make them money. Remember we have the only cream
separator on the market that runs easy , any child can oper
ate it and for quick and clone skimming1 it cannot be beat.
Our prices on them are right. We have bought a lot of
them for spot cash and we will sell them at a close price.
Call and see them. Remember we carry a big line of
Buggies , Surries , Wagons , in stock all the time and
can save you money on Windmills , Pumps , Tanks ,
Gasoline Engines and everything in the Implement line.
Call and see us. Yours for Business ,
I New Candy Store I
§ Offers Home Made |
| Candy fresh each day. I
The best , purest and ?
3 freshest for Whole- §
I sale and Retail trade , i
One door north of 3
a -3 _ Hargraue _ _ n _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ & _ Margrave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77
| The Falls City |
I Candy Kitchen |
( y (
I j
tt , Having secured the exclu,1
; | sive agency in Falls City for , *
% Sycamore Springs Mineral |
< Water , we ate prepared to , ;
$ furnish customer * with the ( l
< ? the same. Price 00 cenlb jjer 4
$ five Ballon cask. Call phone ' \
; ? ISO or phone HO.
< i , , , in-r-n-TH
I C. P. REAVIS Jr. 2.
v < 5"i
Conducted L\r Cvnnly vS'tipr. Croc\cr
: --.a JBS <
The above is a picture of his school in district 51 , taken March IS ,
l'H)3 II. I , Kloepfel was the teacher.
Peru Normal School Notes.
School closes Wednesday 20
for Christmas vacation The
usual school work uill beyin
ayiiin on Wednesday January } | .
The child study cla-s under
ljrof , Hart vi.siled the Institute
for the blind at Nebrnska City
Friday December If )
LJres. Crabtree having pur
chased city property will move
out of his suite of rooms in the
Normal Building. The L3resi-
dents parlors will then be used
by the training1 department.
( The largest number of Nema-
ha County teachers that ever
represented this count } ' will be
in attendance at the Stale
Teacher's Association in Lin
coln during Christmas holidays.
Prof. .1. W. Searson of Peru is
President of the State Asso
There are now forty students
from Richardson County enroll
ed at ihe Normal. The follow
ing are the names of those in
Aniiii Murmut , Cluiro Mi'.Dut mut
Currlt ! Uk'irlch , .1 " ! KmmiTt ,
Abbii- Lunch , Ilattic Lilly ,
Ruth Kerni'ii. Elmo C. Kirk ,
Karl M. Olinu. lU-rtlm Kernen ,
WilmuG. Clint' , T V. Kemi ,
Muiulii \ Buyd , FioriMiuo Juild ,
Gniuo RiiL'l.iiiil , . .Uk > MeD.M'inet .
Bessie K. Miller UCSM. > . Miller
Anna S. Feicht , Frank lli-lf ,
Ida Frederick , John Il\iin ,
Ednii n. fiiilnn Laurii Selioll
Nellie K. Stiilcler , Oillu Gulnn ,
Ollvo Tliomp-mi , Jfimii ; Thompson.
Cain inn C Hall , L > 'tia I'mf/wr.
Bessie tiuniliM'-nn. Klmunil Vflvick ,
Katlcniio Iliidnou Lfiliiln Wimgciii'r ,
I2lhul Huminol , Frnnci1.Kiiicly ,
Floy [ Iiiiiunel. Uunj Muu nun ,
Frank O. linler. Koiuou J.nnua
Nebraska State Teacher's As
The coming meeting of the
State Teacher's Association
will convene in Lincoln , Decem
ber 27-0 during the regular holi
day vacation season. President
J. W. Searson of Peru and his
able assistants , the Executive
Committee have prepared an
exceptionally strong program.
The Executive Committee con
sists of Supt , W. H. Gardner ,
Fremont ; Supt. James E , Del-
zell , Lexington ; and Supt. A. L.
CavinehFairbury. . The rail
roads of Nebraska have grant
ed a rate of one fare plus lifty
cents for the round trip and the
indications are that there will
be one of the largest meetings
in the history of the Associa
The general progiams will
present some excellent talent.
In selecting the t.tlent , the
Committee has had in mind the
special litness of each speaker
and lecturer for this kind of
work. The talent is selected
from among the most practical
and most prominentState Asso
ciation lecturers in the country.
The fullowing p a r t i a 1 list
speaks for itself : George Cramp
ton Company , artists of nation
al reputation ; Dr George Vin
cent , prominent as a Chautau-
qua worker and National Asso
ciation lecturer ; Dr. C. O. Iloyt ,
who has lectured to State Asso
ciations in all the West Central
States ; John U. DeMotte al
ready known favorably to many
of our teachers Dr. Young of
arithmetic fame ; Mary A. Blood
ol the Columbia School of Ex
pression who has lectured be
fore the State Associations of
New Y o r If , Pennsylvania ,
Michigan and Massachusetts ;
Dr. Myra (4. ( Reynolds , a lect
urer of rare ability ; besides very
strong home Ulentsuch as Dr.
E. A. Ross , Supl. Davidson ,
Supl , McBrien and others.
Public School music will be
made a prominent feature of the
section programs. The Public
School choruses , glee club etc. ,
will all be under the direction
of Professor D. 11. Miller , Musical -
cal Director ol the Lincoln City
Sclmols. The North Platte
Sextette , The Cecilian Ladies
Quartet of York , and the State
Normal Band and Orchestra
will assist Lincoln talent in
providing excellent music for
the general program.
The Local Committee consist
ing of SuptV. . L. Stephens ,
chairman , Supt. O It , Bowman ,
Supl. 10 , C. Bishop , George L.
Towne , Irving S. Cutler , and J.
[ . Wyei will have charge of pre
parations for the accommoda-
of the large crowds expected.
Thiise desiring to arrange for
board and rooms in advance
should write to .1 , I. Wyer as he
has that department of work in
livery teacher in Nebraska
should plan to attend this
meeting. Ii will more than re
pay the teacher who attends.
Flan to be there. You owe it to
your community and to your-
sell to avail yotirseli of this
great opportunity for profess
ional improvement.
Make Your Own Hectograph.
Recipe for a h e ctogr a p h
( small six. e ) : Tli re ounces
wliitu glue . ' { cents. Three and
one half ounces water. Seven
ounces glycerine.
Soak the glue in the water a
half-hour. Add the glycerine ,
and boil till the gtie is melted ,
and cook fifteen minutes longer
Pour into a square cake tin ;
set away to cool , removing all
bubbles with1 a knife.
To clean after using , pour
lukewarm water.'over the surfce
drying with a cloth. This will
lill a pan om- inch deep with a
surface of 111 ty square Miches.
Thirty-three cents will pay for
all the material , it will lake but
litlle labor , and you will Mave a
home-made hectograph as good
ns those which are listed at
several dollars each by the sup
ply houses.
F. 'J1. Howard , New Orleans :
Our greatest need to day is
primary education , the educa
tion of the masses , the great
common people.1 , who are the
brawn and sinew of our com
munity. \Ve spend lee mu.-h
thought and money on high
schools , colleges , and .
ties , while the simple education
of the great is lee much
neglected. In our publicsli ; - ,
the primary grades are . , _
crowed and the high sciiuu . .
party empty ! That us .u . ,
ject lesson for our l- is ,
and our rich men
ItuleT : In * ' ,
May , July , Septem i ,
year Ihc program t-
tiona-ghen in Itule 7 of our
j circular of October PJ will be
; reversed , Friday's s u b j eels
coming on Saturday and Sat
urdays coming on Friday. The
program for Ihe Dei-ember , ISM , " ) ,
examination will be as given in
Rule 7. This amendment is to
accommodate the teachers who
cannot be excused by school
boards to attend Friday's ex
amination , and also to accom
modate those whos religious ab-
servances prevent their taking
Ihe examination on Saturday.
Rule 1H : Require every ap
plicant to whom an emergency
certificate may be issued to
lake Ihe examination in the
five essentials at the first re
gular examination immediately
following the dale of Ihe issu
ance of Ihe emergency cerlili-
cate. If the results of the ex-
nmination in the live essentials
are satisfactory , meeting the
requhements in Rule 10 , Ihe
holder of such emergency cerli
licale may continue teaching on
the emergency certificate , talc
ing the time given in Itule 2 for
completing I h e examination.
Too great care cannot be exer
cised in Ihe issuance of emer
gency certificates.
- *
Disl. nil. IM illi Kern , teacher.
We gave a program and box
supper Dec. , 18. The attend
ance was good and each enjoy
ed himself. We cleared $10.05
which will be used to purchase
books for our library. We in-
vile our friends and patrons to
visit us. c
- *
Disl. flO , Gnslav Ilesc , teach
er. Friday Dec. , 8 , closed the
second quarter of our term.
The attendance has increased
somewhat although reveral pu
pils are still detained by Ihe
husking-peg. We were glad lo
welcome Johnnie and De.lmer
Robertson , from Dist. No. 10 ,
to our school Nomlay. The in-
leresl shown by our pupils is
good and nearly all classes are
moving along smoothly. The
director this week filled the
coal house with the necessary
fuel for the winter.
Those who have borrowed
books from the county superin
tendent will please return them
by Saturday Dec , , ! JO.
If Yon Would Be Popular.
lie helpful.
Be sociable.
Be un ellisli.
Be generous.
Be a good listener.
Never worry or whine.
Study the art of pleasing.
Be frank open and truthful.
Always be ready to lend a
Be kind and polite to every
He self-confident but not
- , con
Never monopolize the conver-
Take a genuine interest in
other people ,
Always look on the bright side
of Hi ings.
Take pains lo remember n-imes
and faces.
Lok for good in others , n it
for tli.-ir faults.
Never criticise or say unkind
things to other ? , .
Cultivate health and thus
radiate strength and courage
j Richardson county will be
well represented at the Stale
Teachers A-socialion this year.
Ten teachers took the exam
ination last Friday and Satur
Mr. A. U. Voegelein is the
new liMCher of District 101
N - Hi r Mr. Voegelein i.s
IS I i-t ! inches high , is a univer-
yr.iUitte , hnids a firstgrade
o . . . ' . .UK ! knows how 10
. U James , leach
VMVC a basket
iny llumbold )
l .ind one of
ii thi ! pro
yr i.ite by tin
Humboldl pupils. The house
was well filled. lOver } ' body
had a good time , Dan Cridley
acted as auctioneer and proved
himself a master in this line of
work. We cleared over $21.00
which will be used to buy need
ed school helps. We aslc our
friends and patrons to visit us ,
we want you lo see us at work.
A Trip To Alabama.
We left Falls OilyalH o'clock
Wednesday morning and arriv
ed in lOlberto , Alabama at 2
o'clock Saturday afternoon.
The land of the Baldwin County
Colonization Co. , lies in the
south eastern part of Baldwin
County , Alabama and is a
splendid high valley being about
1 50 feet above the sea level. It
is not very far from the Gulf of
Mexico and i.s one of the health
iest places in tin * United Stales.
What I am writing concerning
this country may sound exage-
rated but ilcan be vouched for
as the truth by Win. Deckinger ,
Ohus , Hilt-enfold and Gus Itoth-
allmeii who have been here.
The climate is nice and warm
but does not experience ex
treme changes as in Nebraska.
Sun-strokes are unknown in
Baldwin County because Ihe
breex.e from the bay cools the
air. The Bay Minetle and Fort
Morgen It. It. a branch line of
the Louisville and Nashville It.
It. was built last year which is
a big improvement for the new
country opened. This said
company is going lo build a
large harbor at Fort Morgan
and this will cause large docks ,
ware houses and elevators lobe
erected making an increase of
Ihe business around here and
causing Ihe surrounding land to
be settled quickly.
Transportation on the Mobile
Bay will increase in business
here aUo. Cily Mobile is about
HO miles and Pensacola 2f > miles
distance from here making a
good place for the farmers to
sell their produce. The ground
never so that nearly
everything can be raised. Early
potaloes are ready for market
in April thus giving plenty of
time for a second crop , or a crop
of rice on the same ground.
Sugar cane also yields a large
crop making from , ' 100 to 500
gallons per acre. Sweet pota
toes grow like weed * and some
we haw in ihe stores at Marlow
weighed from1 to 0 pounds
apiece. Cassava , from which
starch is made , also grows here
in a I nndance and is a good food
for stock. 1m moiine crops of
watermelons a r e grown mid
ripen earlier here than in any
other place.
Baldwin County is the best
peach country in Ihe world and
they always bring from $1 50
to SII.UO per bushels. We spent
four days going over Ihe country
with a learn and we never saw
a nicer country it being so level
with just enough of a slope so
that the water doesn't stand on
the surface when it rains.
I believe il lo be a country
for the in. in of small means as
he can make his living easily
and secure a home cheap.
At the same time it is a good
investment for your money as
the value of the land will double
in a few ye.irs. i guess this is
all that it is necessary to say in
order to give the readers of the
Tribune an idea concerning that
counir } ' . I asked the -ecretary
of the Company for advertising
matters and il any one wishes
to know more about this land
he can et all Ihe information
he desires by writing me and
enclosing stamp for a reply. I
left some samples of different
kinds of plants and syrup at
The Tribune office which all can
Next time 1 will write about
Ihe objects of interest we baw
on our trip to Alabama.
Yours Respectfully ,
It. F. D. 1. Itulo , Nebr.
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right