The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 22, 1905, Page 8, Image 10

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J , L , Memlcnlmll of Wymoro was a
liilo visitor over Sunday.
I llnnllml llnrrlgon WIIP a Falls City
'Isltor one day ln t week
J. K Davis wim it St. .loo visitor
im week
Oco. .V. Oruinb wii In St. . ! ( ( ! lust
John Hiuii'humn mnvod from the
Blnnil otith of Itnlo to n farm two
miles north of town.
Mr * Clyde Ad mm loft Saturday for
Nebraska City to visit with her pur *
lonls until aft r Christmas
I Mi > . Key Hail and little ihni ht'T
BClml\a ! of St , fee I'linin up Sunday and
Iwllli lt fofiitlvos lii-re until after thu
holldiu *
I Hut K Darti'im and Clm * . RnliorU
lope tied up a nu\v inuut inarkol Tuesday
llu the btilliiinn formerly occupied by
Will Diixls R restaurant.
I U'lll Davis left the latter part of last
I week for California whuru ho will
spend the winter on account of his
I health
I llosa Plant lias decorated thu front
I windows In J. A. IIInkle's store In
I regular metropolitan style which is
I very uttraetlv > < and pleasing to the
I oycs.
I Charllu Horan Is asslbtlnu K Koch-
I Icr in the blacksmith shop.
I May .Iiuulroiv has bcon qultu sick for
I Bcveral day ? .
I Anthony I'ruler vlslteu at White
I Cloud Sunday.
I Dallas .loncfi of White Cloud was n
I Hulo visitor Sunday *
I Hob Smith of Wyinoro WIIH In Itulo
I this week.
I .ludeo Fetch and wife of Chicago
I who have been visiting In this city for
I two inonlliH returned home thU week.
I Ono of the Inrgo plato class win-
I'dowe ' In 0. W. Oca'mbs bullilltif * Is
I broken in both the upper and lower
I corner. Thu cause of UH breaking IB
I unknown.
I A Darvcau has moved from the
I rooms over the meat market Into Chan
I Gannons house on Second street.
It IB rumored that thu Wabash U. H
I will build u him from Kansas city via
Mound City , Mo to I Into , then through
Southwest Kansas to Indian Territory.
Horn to Iku .larrot and wife Sunday
n baby boy" .
George N. Ocamb has opened up hU
new store for thu holiday business.
The shelves are not up yet but Ciuorgt
ban bought a large stock of holiday
Roods which he Is desirous of gelling ,
C. L. Holpero Is still very low wltli
little hopes of his recovery.
Iru Philips of Teuumsch was a busi
ness visitor hurt ) this week.
Harry Quackenbush of Dubols was i
visitor In the city Friday.
Jos. Keen , who Is running a lie >
alley In Table Uoek spent Sunday will
111i * family In this ulty.
Mrs. O. 1C. Colhapp Is employed ai
saleslady In K. L. Uriino'n jowolrj
Gardner McKeu left Saturday fo
Uloomlleld. Penn , , whore hu wll
upend the holidays.
Hufus Church and III Quaekenbusl
of DuHols worn In town Saturday
Dnyo Nolll of Pawnee City was i
vlBltoMn the city Friday.
Mabel Huerstotta spen' Sunday will
her parents In Tccumsoh.
Olllc Patrushuk returned from Lin
coin to spend the holidays with hu
parentsouth of town.
J. M. Fory luturncd Sunday fror
Deulrleu wlitH'o ho has been for bavoni
weeks pnlnllng thu Interior of a larg
K. S. Molony was a business vlsltu
in Falls City Monday.
Sogrlst iV stout recently shipped
fine Polond-Chiim hog to Hroken How
Willis MeConnoll has been quit
sick the pabt week.
Mrs , Kinmu Grlnstead and daughtc
Zora returned Suminjr to their horn
in Lincoln.
Win. James who has been employe
as a brakeman on thu railroad In Wyt
minp arrived in the elty thu past weu
in answer to a mesMigc aunounein
thu beilous Illness of his little daugl
tor. At this writing this Is some bo
Evangelist II. A. Nortlieutt , who
conducting revival meetings at lli
Christian church U drawing hirj :
crowdb and interest and enthusiasm
being displayed.
Zoo Nlms who is attending bphool !
Lincoln will arrive homo today
spend the holldayb with friends.
Bea Rlloy spent several days the la
of the week with Wymoro friends.
Earl Bliss who was trampled by
horse several weeks ago and wi
thought to bo seriously Injured ,
able to be out uguin.
Mrs. D. H. Wright of Ft. Pierre ,
Dakota acrlved in the city Wednesdi
on u visit to friends.
Frank llynck was ti business visit
In Falls City Monday.
The ladles kenslngton of the Presl
terian church spent a pleasant aftt
noon at the homo of Mrs. Sarah MJ
rger Thursday afternoon.
Dosslo Lu > who lit attending school
n Lincoln returned Friday to spend
IIP holiday ! ' with her parent ? .
Mrs ( Joorgu i5ehmel/.ol of Falls City
'a n iniost of her sister , Mrs Mar-
la t Thursday.
Perry Similar , wife and ilttlu daugh-
or fipunt Suiitlnv evening at the home
) f Frank Shatter.
Peek imp Ida Ilitrkverc
Knta Stouiler Siinday.
Hov. Stoudur and wife spent Sunday
iftcrnnon at the homo of Clay Peck.
Lloyd I'cck anil family from near
le-iM'vv , ICiin-i.H r > pont 'Mimliiy with
he formers parent * .
S 11. Knl < ol } ami wife and Miss
Million of Salem wore guest * of K
'eck Sunday.
About a do/en of thu young /oiks of
hlf vicinity gathered at the homo of
lerbcrt and Ida Hurk Sunday evening
mil all report a good time.
Ado'ph ' Hruoktiahn and wlfu visited
it AiiL'ii.-t Minn's Snnilay.
Mahlon Peck cmne up from Morrlll
iinsas Wednesday to spend the rest
of tliu winter at home.
Ll//.lo U'hltrouk of Falls City visited
it the home of Win. llorstimin one day
ast week.
Mrs. Gcnrgu Prleliard reuuivud a
.clugrani last week from Idaho of the
leath of her ulster. Mrs. Pilehard
eft Wi'dnctday for Idaho to attend thu
iMrs. Frank Uhllg was taken very
11 last week and Is not Improving
. 'cry fast.
George Prleliard and two little hoys
ire staying with LI. .1. I'riehard while
ils wife IB away ,
Win. Hartlot and wife were guests
if O. A. Hurk Sunday.
Cards are out announcing thu mar-
liiguaf Ivu Fuller and Hdwin lowing ,
Sunday evening , Deeemher 21 at thu
loinu of thu brldu.
Alvnn Deltrleh and wife nro rojolc.
ng overtho arrival of a boy at tholr
John Gordes who has been doing
VerJon's drnying for home tlmo has
sold his business to W. V. Goolsby of
S. C. Combs and wife have gone to
Ord , where they will reside in the fu
David Clark Is home from the Uni
versity Plaeo on a vacation.
Cyrus Flndura of South Dakota Is
visiting old Verdon frlondb.
Henry Dnerfolt of Detroit , Mien. , Is
visiting lii bister , Mrs tfubrlok.
Hert Swisegood and wife of WesUan ,
Kaiibas ib visiting Verdon relatives.
The ladles of the Congregational
chnreh gave a donation party to Uov.
Gardner and wife Wednesday after
Clyde Lum returned home this week
from a visit at Stulnauer.
A. C. Hoyd of salem was a Verdon
visitor Monday.
Miss Acott and her pupils planned
and surprlbed Iva Messier Frlda > after
noon at thu homu of O. P. Veal.
Gee , liiincy Is moving from the
Hiiniel farm to ono north of SMlla.
Mrs. D. W. Grilllth entertained the
Married Ladles Kensington Tuesday
Father Hex of Falls City was In towi
between trains Tuesday the guest ol
Father Corcoran.
M. L. Llbbeit has been under Dr ,
Waggoner's euro thu past week but Is
now well on the road to recovery.
Walter Haker and family of Hint
Springs have been guests of It. A
Watts and family at the oily hotel the
past weok.
J. H. and San ford Ik'Uncr arrived
hero Sunday from Kan as City tu
spend the Christmas season with thuli
mother. The former Is just recovering
from a fovore attack of Illness and wll
spi'iul a few weeks recuperating ai
Hey .huld came homo Tuesday evenIng -
Ing from Seattle , Washington when
ho has > pent the past year at wort
with other Dtiwson people In the west
Jacob Aueh was a Humboldt vUlto
between trains Tuesday afternoon.
Jesse Hunker left Friday afternooi
* ' for his homo at Colby. Kansa * afte
. ° HU'ndlng a few weeks with Ambro *
" liraham and family. Mrs. Hunker re
muined to visit over the holidays wltl
her parents ,
' ° Mr * . Tim Fonton and Ilttlo son lef
Saturday morning ( or Parsons , Ivanta
51 to join her husband vho has gonu t
work In the Hock Island yards at thu
a place. Tim was until recently cor
is duetor on the H. & M. from Wymor
to St. Joseph.
Pat Carver and family of Hurohar
a. spent a few ilajs this week with Mri
iy Carver's sister. Mrs. M. J. Murphy.
Mrs. M. C. Crawford and Ilttlo BO
ar left Saturday morning for their horn
in Broken Arrow , I. T. , after a tw
months visit with old friends an
> r. neighbors In this section *
rOscar Waller came homo Tucsda
evening from Grand Island to visit
over the holidays with his parents.
Duvld Goodu and Tom Kean were
Full * City visitors this. weok.
Charlc" Cooper wii * . ii'i from Salem
Sunday visiting his wlfu and luby who
are spending a few weeks at the home
of Ambrose Graham ,
Prof. James Clyde HUT and Misses ,
Alma and Lottie Helm drove to Hum *
boldt Sunday evening.
Mrs Hert Swlsego'Jil auJ Luclla
MeGlum ? spent : t few dayIn Falls
City thl week.
Margaret , O Grady ami Maine Fen ton
entertained thu Candlelight club at
the hiimu of the former Friday night.
'ho iilTnlr was a "Hackwards party'1
nd an unlimited ainii-oniont was erea-
o.d by trying to do everything buck-
viirdF. The prize winners were Mamie
lid Nell Klloy Ntm ; membor- were
iro-oiil and Angellni ! I5'thenburgor
vm a fe'uesl of thu club.
Tom Ivunaly rolurm-d t ) hi- home in
'alls City Saturday after beinling |
everal weok- with relative * here.
flnldii Peterson , teacher of thu in
termediate department , will spend thu
nlldays at hur homo In Fremont.
MIT. Lou Ultchlnof F.ilrllold , Neb. ,
rrlvutl here Monday to spend , the
olidayti with hci parents David Ilol-
ilck and wlfu.
Jossu Drawn Is carrying his left arm
n a s-llng , the result of n bruise caused
iy falling from a load of hay.
A koiibinglon was held at this homo
f Mrs. K A.Clark last Friday. The
iiembers of thu Kcscarch club were
he guests.
Mrs Selp Strlnglleld Is spending the
vcek with lur bister , Mrs. Hoatman
outheast of Shubcrt.
Ona Tlinmurman. onu of thu instruc-
ors of the state university spent Sun
ay with his parents here. He expects
o leave thu first of the year for Call-
ornlu In thu hopes of bencfittlng his
Ray Marts is spending the week
vith relatives In Missouri.
Kd Thompson and wife moved nuru
rom Kansas city Saturday and have
gonu to housekeeping In rooms in the
rent part of the Snrvis building.
I. L. Plasters spent last wock with
in unclu at Watson , Mo.
Ole Olson" was presented to a
crowded house here Thursday evening.
\bouthalfof Shubcrt was in attcnd-
lion and .lob Hartlett expect to movw
o a farm near Hancroft soon , and have
ented their farm here to Willis Lytle.
Ed and Kmi Stlno have gonu to
Oklahoma whore they will spend thu
Mrs. IJ. D. Wellor Is home from a
two months visit In Punsylvnnla.
Judgu Hannlgan of Chicago vvas
icro the llrst of thu week visiting his
relatives , thu Hays and McDowell
P. 11. Kelmors loft for California
Wedno-iday where ho will spend the
wlntur with a daugntor.
Httlph Clark and wife spent a fuw
days of this wuok In Kan as City the
guests of relatives.
The big reception and dance to have
bsen given uy the Trail elub holiday
week has been abandoned. It Is salt !
that the members could not agree on
who to Invite.
Glare columan and wlfu are spundlng
. .hls week In Chicago.
John O'Hrlen Is building a two-
storied addition to his house In the
eiibt part of town. He is also repairing
Alex Pemberton has moved here
from Missouri and Is living In thu ten
ant house on the Lowe farm.
John Holland 1 home from Sheri
dan. Wyoming whore ho has been
working for the Hurllngton as a otcn-
ographor the past month.
George Haimm and Dr. .lames spent
Sunday at thu hitters home near Shu-
John Wixon has been spending the
past week with hi * cons In Geneva.
Cecil Henderson , aged nine years ,
died at the home of his aunt , Mrs Josu
King In Peru Sunday and was buriei
in the Stella cemetery Tuesday after
- * * -
I have installed a variety stem
in the south room of the John
ston building and on account o
a month's delay in my arriva
will be compelled to close out inj
immense and varied stock ol
Christmas toys and holiday good ;
at greatly reduced prices regard
less of cost. We are now read }
for business and extend an ur
gent request for you to call am
see us. We have located per
manantly in your midst and so
licit a share of your patronage
J. A. Sunan.
Arnold Sennits : and Georgi
Gutscmer of Humboldt were Tri
bune callers Thursday.
Cures Biliousness , Sick Cleanses the system
Headache , Sour Stomach thoroughly and clears
ach , Torpid Liver and sallow complexions of
Chronic Constipation. Laxative Fruit es and blotches.
Pleasant to take Syrup piltpls ? guaranteed
For Sale at Dr. Moore's Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebr.
Why People Are Angry.
KAI.I.S OITV , Neb. , Dec. 10.
To the Editor of The State Jour
nal ; I have read with much in
terest the article published in The
State Journal December 13 , over
the signature of Senator Mamler-
son justifying the railroads in
their legal efforts to evade the
payment of the taxes of this
He says : "The railroads are not
and never have been the enemies
of the people. ' ' Does the past
experience of the people"justify
this statement ; ' Is it not a well
known fact that at every session
of the legislature for many years
past a body of paid lobbyists have
been in regular attendance at
tempting to influence legislation
in the interests of the railroads ?
Is it not a fact that that today-
several of the leading officials of
different railroads in the country
are under indictment or suspicion
of violating law ? Why has it
been necessary for the president
of the United States to specially
mention and ask for better laws
to control railroads ? Does any
one doubt for a minute that if
the railroads had played fair With
the people in the past that the
people would not have been fair
with and to them ?
On every train one can see
people riding on free transporta
tion while others are paying full
fare. Anyone knows that those
who pay fare also pay for those
who ride on passes.
He again says : "So far as taxa
tion is concerned the railroads of
this state have in lean and fat
years paid their taxes through
the entire period of their exis
tence until l'J04. "
Does he mean to ask credit for
this. It was the law > and does
he mean to ask credit for obey
ing the law ? It is the law not to
commit murder. Hence he can as
well say the railroads have not
committed murder and ask credit
for that. Many thousands of
our citizens have also paid their
taxes through lean and fat years
but are they asking the public to
commend them for the same ?
He goes on to say "The assess
ment of railroad property of 1904
was outrageous and defiant of
rights and justice. "
Right here is the "nub" to the
whole business. Is the valuation
of the railroads outrageous ? The
board which make the valuation
is composed of some of the best
financier of the state , and it was
only after weeks of study , gath
ering of valuations , computing
earnings made and comparisons
of similar valuations in other
states that they came to a con
Shall the people of the state
believe they were right in their
judgement , or accept as correct
the statement of the railroads
themselves who are interested in
getting as low a valuation as
they can ?
There is no doubt but there
1 , were many mistakes and errors
made in valuing property. In
Richardson county many farm *
were valued higher they would
sell for , and the writer personally
. knows of several farms and busi
ness houses in Falls City which
are on the market at a lowei
[ figure than the assessed valuation -
, tion on the same.
Yet these people have walked
. up like men and paid their taxes
He hither says" The railroad *
. have tendered to the county
treasurers partial payments elI
I their taxes , " Will the senatoi
kindly inform the people of the
state where there is in the statute
a law permitting the county
treasurers to accept partial payments -
ments of taxes due ? In othei
; words the railroads have asked
- the county treasurers to violatt
tne law. Is it any wonder the >
have refused to do it ? If the
county treasttrercan receive part
ial payments from one he can do
it from another , and what kind
of a precedent would it have es
tablished ? Soon after the coun
ty treasurer of Richardson count v
had been tendered a part of the
taxes from the D. & M. railroad ,
and refused the same , several of
the citix.ens of the county went
to him and also tendered part
payment of their taxes and were
likewise refused.
Senator Manderson says the
railroads arc taxed much more
according to their value than
other property. The statute of
Nebraska says : "All property in
this state shall be subject to tax-
ition at its actual value. "
Now the senator argues that
because one's property has been
valued lower than its actual his
leighbor's property should be.
n other words , because someone
else has violated the law then he
violate it. I do not believe that
any court in the land will allow
such a plea. Because one has
lone a wrong it does not give an
other a right to do it , and two
wrongs do not make a right.
Why did not the railroads
bring their suit in the state
courts ? It has now been one
year since this suit was com-
nenccd and the proceedings have
only gotten so far as to com
mence to take evidence. After
t has been determined in the
'ederal court then it will go to
another court in St. Louis. From
there it will go to supreme court
of the United States. We all
mow that such actions will be
eng drawn out. Ten or fifteen
years will be a short time for it
to be decided In the meantime
The most serious item in this
list is the $12,037.00 owing to
the .24 school districts , an
average of $500 to the district.
While it is putting it strong to
say that many of these schools
have suspended because of the
failure of the railroad to pay
it- , share , it certainly is a fact
that many of them are seriously
embarrassed. The Salem dis
trict is hit the hardest because
it has both brandies of the road ,
the counties and state are out
of moneys actually due them.
Had these railroads wanted to
be fair with the people thej'
vould have brought their actions
in the state courts just like all
other citixens of the state would
have to do. In fact had the } '
been fair they would have come
and paid their taxes like all the
rest of the people have done , and
like some of the railroads have
done , then gone before the coun
ty boards and objected to the
same , and carried it to the dis
trict courts and from there to
our supreme rotirt.
But they have invoked the fed
eral courts , a right which the
residences of the state cannot do
and are prolonging the case as
much as possible hoping to make
the people tired and effect com
The railroads have no one but
themselves to blame for the feel
ings growing among the people
against them. Their actions in
the past in granting rebates to
some and not to others , in keep
ing at our legislatures paid lob
byists to secure favorable legisla
tion , in evading just taxes and in
not being willing to share their
part of the public burden have so
wrought up the people that they
are beginning to think there is
nothing fair or honorable about
them , and that thev are a coloss
al body of selfishness.
The people are mighty. Arouse
their wrath and something will
happen. It was for less than
what the railroads are now do
ing that the thirteen colonies
broke away from old England.
It was for less than the Boston
people emptied the contents of a
shipload of tea into the harbor
and if the past teaches its any
thing it teaches us that times 'do
come when the load will bi"ome
so heavy that the people will
throw it off and then surclv
something will break.
Honesty is the bcM policy , and
a great corporation cannot bt > too
- areful in obeing the laws just
the same way in the same man
ner as the humblest citizen haste
to obey them.
The beti.itor boasts of the fact
that liis road pays $500,000 taxes
each year. We might ask him
how much the people pay his
road a year- Perhaps he has
forgotten that in days past and
gone the various counties almost
built his road by giving it bonds.
Richardson county alone has paid
S4fi5,000 in principal and interest
for the Burlington road , and
none of its citizens have enjoined
the collection of the taxes , but
they have all like men walked up
and taken their medicine.
Brethren Church.
Preaching at 7:30 : p. m. No
morning service as the pastor
and peoplewill attend the dedi
cation of the Preston Brethren
Evening subject , "Christ's Gift
to Humanity. "
The Christmas exercises of the
Sunday school will be held on
Saturdaevening. . All are wel
E. E. HASKINS , Pastor ,
M. E. Church.
The following services at the
. E. Church December 24.
Sundax school ( J:45. :
Preaching. "The Progress of
C irist'Kingdom" at 10:45. :
Epworth League at 6:30 : p. m.
The Christmas Progrom by the
Sunday school 7:30 : All are cordi
ally invited.
W. T. CUNK , Pastor.
The city is full of sickness and
the doctors have been busy night
and day for several week. The
weather has been beautiful but
unreasonable and t h e utiusal
amount of sickness is the result.
Binliifon TIME TABLE
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Buttc
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:20 : p m
No. 13. Vestibnlcd express ,
daily , Denver and
.ill points west and
northwest 1:33 : a in
No. 14. Vestilmled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a in
Xo. 17. Local express daily f
except Sunday , Con-
cordia , and points
north anil west . . . 12.10pm
No. 15. Vestilniled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:23 p m
Nc 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
easi and south 4:35 p m
No. 18. Local express daily
except Sunday , St.
Joe and points
south and east. . . . 4:05 p in
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily c x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Neinaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
| information , time tables , maps and
' tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
, Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
IG. P. &T. A. , Omaha.