FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 8 , 1905. Who Learned The Lesson. It is related of a lawyer that he desired liis ofliee boy to culti vate better manners. The young American broke into the oflice one morning like a young cyclone and , shying his hat at a hook said ; "Say Smith , there's a ball game this afternoon and I want to go. " "Now Jiinmie , " replied the lawyer , "how many times must I tell you to be more polite. That isn't the way to ask a favor. Yon sit down now and be the lawyer and I will be the ofliee boy and show yon how yon should act. " 'Phe boy complied with a grin. 'Phe lawyer stepped into the hall and returning , closed the door softly said ; "please sir , there is a ball game this after noon and I will be very grateful if yon will excuse me that I may attend. " "Sure Jimmie , " re plied the boy. "and here's fifty cents to pay your way in. " An Important Discussion. One of the most interesting scienti lie articles of the year if "Some McdinmiHtic Pheno mena , " by David P. Abbott o ! Omaha , aiulpublished | in "Tlu Open Court , " a Chicago and London magazine. The authoi of the article was a former re sident of Palls City , and has re latives andjjmany acquaintances in Bentrice. The article describes a mos intricate spiritualistic trick per formed by a traveling mediun some time ago , and theexplana tion of the trick as figured on and demonstrated by Mr. Abbot after the departure of thu so called medium. It is a storj well told , and the fact that it i ; published in one of the most ex elusive scientific journals in tin world , shows lioV highly is re garded the discover } ' made b ; the writer' and indicates tin care taken in the preparation o the article. Mr. Abbott is not only one o the best thinkers in the countr along scientific lines , but he ha devoted a large amount of tim and money to the invesligatioi of the mesmeric and spiritualis tie tricks so much in use by th traveling clairvoyants and med iuina , and has been of much set vice in exposing some harmfu frauds. At the same time he i capable of giving demonstra tions of the most intricate o these tricks , whereby he is abl to entertain and thorough ! , puzzle those who like to witnes or investigate this sort of busi ness. It is to his credit that h has never permitted an ami i tote to go away with the idea tha anything he has done is mystei ions or supernatural. In th article referred to above he says "With the knowledge o trickery that I possess , 1 hav iu all cases where I h a v seen anything of this kind , bee able to explain it by trickerj All my life I have been lookin for phenomena of this kiiu but have never been able i see just one little bit that w ; genuine. " After reading this admirabl article in the "Open Court , one wishes that it might I published broadcast in ordc that a stop be put to the absur business which gulls so mar people out of money in the ; clairvoyant and "trance mei ium'1 parlors. Beatrice E press. VER'DON. Lowell walking und family of / burn visited relatives in Verdon 1 week. Dr. Tuylor und family spent part the week with his parents In Anbin The K. L. S. lodge took in elghtc now members Friday night. Dopi Thomas ot Lincoln has been at we here. Mrs. B. F. Veach entertained I C. W. H. M. Saturday. The Cl rUtian church ladies took t'2G 80 ut their dinner Thnat glvi day. Clyde Lum was a Falls City visll this week. Melvin Iloutz wlo has been in Si la the last few months is again u V don resident. wm. Tynan of 1'uru visited nt the home of .1 , II. Cornell last week. K. 1C. Uolcjaok visited relatives In Stclln mid Shubert last week. W. 11. Stowell and family of Auburn Tlsited at the homo of .1. M. Robertson liift week. .1. M. Grlllllh will move to Verdon eoon niter his sale of December 11 on hi * farm south of Verdon. M. Mollza , Fred Helneman , Walter Vc.ich and Win. Fisher were amoni ? those who shipped slock la l week. Viola Sawyer of Shuberl visited Vrdon relatives last weoV. SALEM M. G. Jones transacted business In Falls City Monday. Floy Gi'lnstead caiue up from Falls City Thursday and spent 'overal days with friends and relative ? . John Tiehen and wife were In Fall ? City Monday. Hay Gist and family of Tlumbolill spent Thurtduy last with H. 1' . Gist and wife Grace Iliirlln Is quite nick. It. 10. Grlnstead visited his duughlet Mrs. II L. Heir at Humboldt Thurb day. Mrs. Josh Lord and children ate Thanksgiving dinner with Venloi : friends. Rev. Knapp and wife , who have beer visiting Wilard Davis and family , re turned to their home at Hlverton Nob. , Friday. Mrs. Ol Wlmllo returned to horhomi In St. Joe Monday , accompanied bj Mrs. J. II. TImmerman. J. S. Lord transacted business It Falls City Tuesday. James Molt/ and family of Falls Citj spent Thursday with Jou Wlndlo am family. Joe Lord and wife- spent Thursda ; with the hitter's parents at St Joe. Itenson Jones and Frank Rantsm ; came down from Lincoln and spoil Thanksgiving > vlth their parents. Dumly and Will Kerr visited soyera days with their grandmother , Mrs Curreneo , last week. Mrs. Shirley Is visiting with he daughter , Linn , In Lincoln Luna stav'cr returned home Mondu. from a few days visit with her slste at Itulo. Mrs. Will HolTnell and children lei Tuesday fora short visit with relative In Lincoln. Mosdumcs Speece and Vatulervor vised Mrs. Mary Yoder at Falls Cit Monday. Cora Jack spent several days wit Joe Wlndlo and family. Mrs. Cooper of Pawnee City cam ( 'own Monday to visit her son , Ciark and family. Joss Hunker and wife arrived Tnei day to visit friends and relatives hen J. A. Sheofcr spent several daj with his daughter , Mrs Stach. at Vei don. Mrs. Slaver returned Monday froi Falrbury , whore she hag been vlsltln her daughter , Mrs. Loon Humes. Sh was accompanied by her granddaugl tor , Hazel , who will attend schoc hero. Mrs. Geo. Russell Is on the sick Hi this week. Dr. Wagoner and wife spent Thanki giving with Iho'r ' parents at Dawson. Bessie Slater who has been very i is reported much better. KIley Slmfcr of Falls City visited h ; mother at this place. Fred Wlndlu returned to Wymor Friday after a short visit with hi parents. A J. Spoeee and wife visited th 1C L of lodge at Vordon Friday ev nlng. Sam Bayne and wlt < of Falls Oil out Thanksgiving day with the ! daughter. Mrs. John Moore. J. II , Tlmmerman returned Tuesdu from Colby , Kan. /.ula McCool returned Wednesdn from a several dhys visit at Falls Clt J. S. Lord returned Thursday from vUit with his brother in .klalunia. Joe Hanger and son , Frankspci Thursday at the county seat. Tom. Heaves returned to Forest Clt Mo , Sunday after a short visit wl relatives. Mrs. Richards of IIumboMt Is vis ing herdaughter.Mrs. J. N. Wick ha this week. The second number of the Sale at lecture course given by Miss Bess Gi hart Morrison was highly uppreelat by ull who heard her. Frank Hobb fell from ahorse Thui day and broke his arm. 211 Geo. Tuttle got a bud fall Saturd ty dislocating hla shoulder. G. W. Sears of Pawnee City is nowlng acquaintances here thla we < ie Mrs. James Hurley and children 1 Wednesday for their new homo in Golhenburg , Neb. STELLA. ) r Frank Weller , Hey Edwards Olive Harris , students al the slate u vereliy spenl Thanksgiving al home Mrs. Wes Kesler , a former rcsldi of Stella , was burned to death al t homo In Caldwell , Iduho , last week. She was heating a mlxMro of coal oil , lard and turpentine on the stovu to give to a sick child when the Bluff exploded , setting lire to her clothes. She died six hours later. M. U. Vandevonter and > vlfo are visiting relatives In Illinois and In- dlana They expect to be away about a month. Charley Bright nod family of Brok en , Arrow , I. T. are visiting relatives here , Mrs. Newton Hedge and children have gone to house keeping In the house on the farm recently owned by Thomas Jones Norman Kinlllu has purchased the JelTre-i house on Him stret. Ksslu Marsh returned to her home in Itulo Sunday after an extended stay In Stella. She was accompanied by Alllt-on Ulmor , who spent the llm of the week in that town. A number of the members of the Knights und Liidles of Security drove to Verdon Friday night to attend a special meeting of the lodce ut that place last week. Kii Ailor of Iladdam , Kansas is visiting his parents at this place. Dr. J.imes spent Thank-giving with friends at Broken now. Harper Winfrey has rented a farm near Carroll , and he am1 his wife will move there In the spring The Utcs club gave u private dunce at tie | opera house Friday evening. Mrs Anna Hyun and Muinlc expect to move to Dawson in about u week. The fair and supper given by the Lutheran ladles Thanksgiving night netted them $162. The fancy work booth made them $70. Homer Young fell from a fence last week and broke both bones of his left arm. arm.Mrs. Mrs. G. M. Andrews and children are visiting her parents at Independ ence , Kansas. Jennie curry has gone to Beatrice whore she Is working in a hotel. Lulu Fankcll will leave the first of the year for Lincoln , where she will lake a cpeclnl coureo in music. Glare Coietnun and Florence Trim mer were married at Auburn las' ' Wednesday. Mr. Coleman is one o the most prosperous young men in the the county. He has a large four-seatoi null mobile , a couple of rubber llret buggies and all kinds of good horses They will make their homo at Lincoln or South Omaha. RULO. 12. J. Taylor and wife of Atchison spent Thanksgiving with friends in this city. Mela Boehme of Acthieon visited with Ihe home folks last week. George N. Ocamb was a Falls Clly visitor Friday. Kugeno Prcnetl and two litlle daugh- lers were in Falls City Friday. Max Gesscr and wife returned home Thursday afler visiting friends In Lln- col.i and Omaha. M. J. Leblanc w as a Falls City vis itor one day last week. John Liberty was u Falls City visit or Friday. Mrs. Robert Jackson of Shlckley , Nebraska visited her son Ross of this city several days lasl week. Carrie Boyd of Verdon visited with her sister , Mrs.Wlll Ratakln Ihe laller parl of lasl week. Geo. K. Ward has sold his slock of merchandise In this city lo W. M. Crooks of Howard , Kansas. Mr. Crooks will conlinuo in business here. Will Wlnterbottomof Falls City was in town this week. The ladles ot Ihe D , of II. hayo posl. poned ihe box social until Monday night December 11. Ceo. C.Vmi tind daughter Hope were Si. Joe visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Joe MeVey of Crete visited with Joe's mother of ihls city several days lasl week. Mrs. Otis Jackson of Wymoro visit ed with Hess Jackson and wife of this city several days last week , Mrs. Anna Randolph has been on the sick list for several days. C. L. Belpero is among the sick. Cora Roulau left for Kansas Cltj Monday. Mrs. Charles Fredericks' parents are visiting In Hulo thU week. Thomas Boker was on ihe sick llsl several days lasl week. n r. Louie Planle vlslled In Rule Mend - " d " > ' _ _ HUMBOLDT S. H. GUI and family spenl severa Ihe pasl week wllu relallves It Salem. C. M. Linn and family relurnei 0k - Saturday from a short visit in Lincoln k- kft : Will Lydick spenl Thanksgiving wllh Kansas City frlende. al Mrs. Chester Powers and duughtei Louisa were guest ? of friends iu Lin coin Ihe past week. id Mabel Buerstetla returned Sunday il- from a visit with her parents in Te eunuch. nl Pearl Kllma spenl Thanksglviuj wllh Dawsou friend ? . \ HOLIDAY ANNOUNCEMENT IS seldom that people know exactly what they are IT to give their friends for holiday gifts until much time is spent in hunting the different stores through. The Christmas gift problem is again confronting you , but we think the problem will be easily > solved bv a visit to our store where you can see the most magnifient showing of gift goods. We have been studying the market for months and our splendid stock is the result of our research. A small amount of money will go a long way here , for our prices are exceptional this year. f This is also a feature made possible by our careful buying. You had better see these goods as soon as you can , because the indications are that there will be much early buying this year. Those who come early will of course have a chance to select the choicest goods. We take this method of announcing to you that our stock is now ready for inspection. It's a stock from which you can select gifts for man , woman or child. We hope you'll come early and often. You are sure to find what vou want. BURRIS BROTHERS I T Y NEBRASKA THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR Cures Coughs , Colds , Croup , La Grippe , Asthma , Throat in the and Lung Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption YELLOW PACKAGE Word was received in the cUy the past week announcing the marriage of James Dabley , a former Humboldl boy and lone Howen of York. The wed ding oceured in Holdrege where the groom is employed Ho coo Anderson of this city and Anna Deveney of Tecurn * 'h wure mar ried in Omaha last Wednesday. Ashford Edle was looking after hind interests near Eldorado , Kansas the past week. Mrs. chus. Campbell of Hastings is in the city visiting her parents. John Freyberger , who Is employed in a barber shop in Lincoln spent Sunday with his family in this city. Mrs. L. C. Mann returned Saturday from a visit with her daughter , Mrs. Elmer Woods , In Elk Creek. Mrc. A. D. Glso returned to her homo in Table Hock Monday after u ilcusant , visit with her parents , G. W. Butterliold. A. H. Scott and wife of St. Joseph pent Thanksgiving at the home of lenry Scott and wife in this cli.v. Grace Volt * , returned home Saturday roni a visit with her sister , Mrs. IIow- ird Jones near Hulo. Eleanor Williamson is numbered among the sick. Carrie Slocum of Falls City was the juesi of Eva and Enu Cooper the llrst of the week lone Norton returned Saturday from > i vibil with friends In Lincoln. Nora Stalder returned Saturday from a visit with friends in Lincoln. Mrs. Gus Wheeler and children ol Lincoln arrived In the city Saturday on a visit to her mother , Mrs. Tlnn Crawford. The wedding of Owen Downing and Lydia Shaffer , occurred in this cltj Thursday last at the home of the bride's parents , Win. Shufl'er and wife. . Rev. L. R Smith of the Presbyterlur church olliciatlng John Bash met with a painful acci dent which working with the machin ery in the blacksmith shop , which re suited In the loss of two lingers on hli right hand. Gennettle Thompson left Monday foi Wymore , where she expects o spenc the winter with friends Mrs. H. P. Marble spent sevora days the first of the week with rela lives in Tecumseb. Thanksgiving services were held a the Presbyterian church , conducted bj Rev. John Calvett of the Melbodis church. Geo. Petrashek and Lloyd Staldti witnessed the Nebraska-Illinois fool ball game in Lincoln Thursday lasl. Joe Morris und Frank Hynek , jr. returned Friday from u visit with Lin coin friends Spcci&l fluster's Sale , In tlit ; circuit court of the United States , tor thedlstilct of Nebr.isUu. A nun .1. Thomas I Complainant , | vs > KII/.I.I. Wicklmui , ot nl , I ' Defendants. In Clntncury. j POUKCI.OSUItK OK MOUTOAOK. Public notice Is hfrebr given tlitt : In puisu- unco mill liy virtue of a decree onteicd In thu ubovucau o on thu SMlli day of December , 1IK1I , I. Gee H. Thummel. Special Miistur In Clmncery of Urn Circuit , couil ol llio United Slates tor tin- District of Nebraska , will , on thoothduyof Jiinu.try. 11KX1 , at thu hourof nlnu o'clock In tli" forenoon ol said day at thu west trout door of thu Klclmiilson county court house building In the city of Fulls cllv. RIcliiiHKin county , Stuto und District of Nebraska , soil ut public auction for cash llio followlM' ; described property , to.wlt : The west half of the noithii.ist iiiiutcr ( w1 i ol nc U ) of soul Inn number thti-u ( .I ) , except thurlghtot way of the It & M K. U. ilso thonottht'ast qiiurlui1 of thu northwest limittr ( no > 4 of tliu n\vi > of snld suction miulicr tliM'eoii'v.'opt ulghtacics descilb'-d IB follows : Conimuncliiv nnu luiidrcd nnd liiity-lourliil ( ) rods east of the northwest corner of Biild section number three ( III tbuncu running west lltty-lour (14) ( ) rods to u stake ; hence south thirty. two Cfi ) rods und three II ) links : thcnco east tuenty-threodJ ) rods mil seven (7) ( ) links to the creek to low water mirk ; thence meandering the creek to the il.icc of beginning ; alsothrco and one hall icros on" tin- west side of the southeast quar- or of the northwest ciuurter ( so > 4 of the nw > 4) ) ) fgald Motion number ttuuu (111 ( aNo all that lart nT the 9oiithea > t quarter of the north- vest quarter ( so } { of the nw4) ! ) of said section iiimLer thiro ( U ) lyhu east of the Nonmlm river and belnir seven acres more or lesx , nnd beliiK a total of 0110 bundled and twenty- two and ono half acres legrlnht of way ot thu II. & M. rntlrroad a ; now running ; nil n euullon number three ( . ) ) In township mini- ter ono (1) ( ) north of rantru intern (15) ( ) cast of thu sixth principal mcrldnn , and all situated n Klchunleoti county , Nebraska GEO. H. TntiMMKi , . Spec I ill .Muster In Chancery WAI.TKU I1. THOMAS , Solicitor lor Complainant. 100-.H Estimate of Supplies for 1906. 8iiled lllds will bo'ecolved utlhcoUlcool the County Clerk of Itluliardson county , Nebraska , until ft o'clock p. in. , ot Decembci 31st , HOT , to-ult : HOOKS. llond Itecord K for CountvCleik. I'robate Kecoiil Inilex No. tor Count ) .lud e I Probatu tee lli > ok No ! lor County Juilse. 1 ( 'ourt Docket No N tor County.Iudjre. 1 Treasmer's Ca-h HOOK for lWil KKX ) OrlKlii" ) a d Duplicate Tux Receipt * bound In book term , -joo In a bonk. liar Docket for a terms of court per pugc with co\er. 1 Inciimliiiincu Hook Record for Clerk Dls'i Cotiit. i't Sots Toll IlooUs. IlooUs.STATIOSKUV. STATIOSKUV. 10 itounds cut blotters "Rood quiillty. " 0 Lar e Sheets Illottlnt , ' I > u4J for Couutj Superlnteadent. KV)0 ) Letter Heads 12 pound pnpei per .M. 1UOO Note Mends 7 itouud paper per M. 11500 X.VX ' Incbi's white printed envelope ! per M No. IW 5000 XX l H Indies wliltu printed envelope ! per M No. 10. 1000-D'i Inch Manlll.i envelopes per M No. 1C UOO Envelotes | lor Quarterly Ueport IJIank : for County Superintendent SOOOKiiNclopes for Huport Cards for County Superintendent per M. 1000 Iteiurn KnvelopcaO Inches XX for Com ty Superintendent per M 1000 Heturn Envelopes 815 Inches XX fo County Superintendent per M. IB Quarts and li I'lnt Diamond Writing Fluid 1 du/.eii small bottles Ued Ink , fi dozen small bottles lilack Ink. 5 Jar8 i antord's Library 1'Hste. a liioss No : C3 KsterbrooW Pens. 5 Grois No 1 Spencetlan Pen * . I D w.en No 110 Ink and Pi-m-ll Krasers. 4 DoieM No 10 0 Circular Kiasers. 8 Dozen Cojumon Pen Holders. 5 Doun No 78 Falters I'en Holders cork tip 11 Doen 1S3 No UUctairon Lead Pencils Itub bcrTlps "Kftbers. " 6 dozen No % Ki Itound Lead Pencils Grnde "Kubors. " II dozen No 701 Tltrer Copying Pencils. 12 dozen Short Indelible Pencils "lllnsed nn tftrlPKed. " b Keums I'rnnklln Mills Legal Ciii | Paper 1 dozen Papers I'lns , 3 Gross No U Itubbor Hands. I Gross No'Ji Ilubber Hands H In-h ilfito s Noino Itubber Hands U Inch. I TyiM- Wilier Ulbhons "Illnek Kecoid. " L"4 ilu/cii I lin-h Smith's Adjnstablo Index Tin. * for T iv Hooks. . ) iiiiilxir .f H.IID not to e\cced 40 cunts eacb fnrCleik District Court. „ ! )000 Sheets Typo Writer Paper lor copying purposes Ki.\U ! 100 Sheets Typo Writer Carbon Paper "Illuok" SWxl4 1000Sheets Print Paper for County Supcrln- tondentHxl4 2000 Sheets Kxamlnutlou Paper for pen and Ink ruled on one sldo 8i\14 50 Envelopes for Poll Hooks. - > HaKS for Voted Hullots. ! i" > 0 Instructions to Voters. 75 Election Notices. ur , VNKS. 500 Distress Warrants forCounty Tieastitei. HOOO Illauk Assessmunt Scla'diiles. 100 Miscellaneous ( Hanks for Cleik DUtuot Court. lOOOQuaiturly Uuport IllanUs for County Su perintendent pur M 5000 Kuport Cards for County Superintendent nor SI " 1'rognims Hlclmrdson County Toachoik Absoclatiou ( it page prograins ) > 00 programs and Announcement ol Institute. 00 Liuvo Hills lor announcing Spilim debute , .UK ) Largo Hills for announcing Athletic meet * The County Hoard requests all bldduisto tutu in addition tojthelr bids on the above supplies the price ut which they ulll tninlali. lining said yenr uny additional Mippllcs of ho articles above mentioned. The above being the estimated supplies as icoded In the several county olllces tor 1900. tascd upon thu estimates of the dltleient 'ounty olllcors and will bu ordered as needei. The County Hoard teserves the light to reject any and all bid * . J.C , TAN.NKU , November 20th , 11KV5. County Cleric. OHIO Bryan Cook is very sick. Carrie Maust of Topeku U visiting her aunt. ' Lon Sehuler came home Thursday from lumboldt. Uev. Stoudcr and family spenl Sun day at Ihe home of E. Peck. John Llehly and wife spent Thanks giving with their son , Frank. Edith Peek went to Beatrice Satur day to spend about three weeks. Rev. Stouder ami wife ate turkey with Noah Pecks Thanksgiving. F. M. rfhalTer and family went to Fulls City Thanksgiving and spent the day. day.Mrs. Mrs. John Yocatn spent the luller part of last week with her daughter ; Mrs. N. Peck. Myrtle Yocam and Alice Yoder of Falls City soent Thanksgiving with Sadie Peck. Mrs. Harriett Slump was a gueat of her son , Clem , and family the latter part of last week. John Harkins and wife returned lo Iheir home in Oklahoma Saturday afler visillng ihelr daughter here. Noah Peck returned home Salurday from Falrbury , Neb. , where he went lo spend Thanksgiving wllh his sister , Mrs. Satn'i Fisher. The portable corn cribs sold by Charlie Rickards are just the thing to set up in the field while huskinp ; or to feed out of during the winter.