The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 08, 1905, Page 6, Image 2

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Press Notes ,
One of tin- things
brought to light ju lonin-clion
with the ndtmnistriitionr
new wolf scalp jboiujty
the fact that yomrlii
presented more claims for gray
wolf scalps than any other in the
stateTJie allowance on such
aiiUMils ife'&S.'I'Wjttf such claims
have been mridt : from that-county
since July 1 , when the new boun
ty law went , into operation.
Hastings Tribune. ,
Maud Reese , third daughter ol
former President Keese of the
York college , was shot and in
stantly killed , a few days ago
She was residing in Chicagc
where she was a stenographer ,
Going into a room in the house
in which shu resided she found ? i
burglar and intercepted his es
cape. He drew a revolver and
told her if she did not lot him g < :
he would kill her. bhe insisted
on detaining him. however , and
he shot her , the ball passing
through the heart. Miss Kcest
had an experience with a burglar
before and had said she would
not let another one escape. Con
sequently she grappled bravely
with this One ' and struggled
with him until hu-uhot her. Tin
burglar escaped , Miss Kees <
\vas a particularly bright vouii"
lady of. twenty-iivoiyears old and
some ten yearsyears ago was
favorite in the .college Itere and
in the city. York Dimes.
Application 'was niadc before
the county ilisMlitv board last
Saturday On behalf of Gotliut :
Hunx.eker , who Jive's near DuBois
for admission to the hospital for
the insane on the grounds of ex
cessive indulgence in intoxicants.
The board decided the case did
not come within tlni purview oi
the dipsomaniac' 'law ' and the ap
plication was denied. PaWnec
Republican. '
Eriday while Mrs Jas Snivel )
was doing her usual work in the
the Kitchen she had her little 8
month old in a high chair sitting
by the stove , one of the othei
children pushed the chair over
throwing the baby on the hoj
stove , burning her on the faci
neck and both hands , in , a verj
serious .nannner Dr. Shook wai
call and dressed the burns am
made the little one as as comfori
able as possible. t 'Che burn 01
the neck is the tiost | serious and
may leave a bad scar. James i :
surely having' ' his shore of ba <
Inch this fall. Sliubcrt Citizen
Free ToStockrnen ,
A beautiful sixleafcalenda
will be sent by us absolute ! ;
free to every stockman who ma ;
ship his cattle hogs or sheep t (
mitrket and who .will write n :
answering the following ques
tions :
How many head of stock hav <
you ?
What kind of stpck have you
not including horses ?
When do you expect to marls
et your stock ?
To what market ' will you liki
ly ship ? , , , „
In what pape.f did you se
this advertisement ?
This calendar .will be read
for distribution ip January.
It is an exceptionally beaut
ful , artistic anil costly produi
tion , printed in several colon
representing fox hunting scene ;
It was made especially for us
cannot be obtained elsewhen
and is worthy' ' place in th
lincst home. ' Write us toda
giving this information and it
sure getting this'calendar. Ac
dress :
CLAY , Romxsoj ? & Co.
Live Stock Commission Me
chants , Stock Yards Str
Kansas City , Kansas.
Boy' * Life sited front Mcmbr&noui
"My Httlo boy hUfl a severe attuck
membranous 'vi'Quiir and { inly sot.r
lief after taking FJoJpv' " Honey.a
Tar , " says C. W. Lyoqh , a prouilna
citizen of Winchester , ' Intl. "lies
relief after one'iioio'Und'I feel thai
saved the life , of Aiyf b'oy1 Don't
Impoaed-upon qy substitutes ottered I
Foloy'a Honey und Tar. For kule ,
Moore's Pharmacy.
An EnierXcnc ) Medicine
For sptalns. bruise ? , burn
IIIH ) t-liiillar InjiulcH. thorn Js
oed iMhiimborlajij' I'ulnBalm
thUAl. the
tltno required by the usnitl trciitmcnt
Ac It U an antleeplf nil danger from
blood poisoning Is avoided , Sold at
Kcrr'f Drug Store -
- BurlingtoirBulletiri : ' " -
Special Ilbtrtefieo'lierH Rules
Giriitly icdnced round trip rntes
to tlio North Pintle Valley und the
llig Horn BMBIII. November lBt
December fth and lUi. ) This ifi
n n nmiHiially good ehnneo for you
to look at landH in these new
regions , which olier n big profit
to those who Bccnre them early.
Home Visitors Excursion Visit
the old home when yon Imve
cleaned up the Benson's work.
Cheap exclusion rules to various
of the enst The only excursion
November 27th limit 21 days.
To the Sunnv South Winter
tourist idles daily until April i0. !
Return limit June 1st , I'.IOO.
Cheap riomPaeekers Rates to
the west , HOUthwoBt and South the
lirHtniid third Tnehduys rjf each
Write me just what trip you
have in mind and let me ndvifco
yon the least cofit and the heat
way to mnke it. G. Stownrt ,
Au'entO. B. & Q , Ry.
Muit Be Quick.
1'ultiB III the slomiich and attacks of
the colic eomu on PO suddenly and tire
eo extremely painful that Immediate ,
relief must be obtained , There Is no
iicccbflltv of Bending for a doctor in
such cases It a bottle of Chamberlain 'fa
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
In at hand. No doctor can prescribe a
better medicine. For sale at Kerr's
Peru Normal School Notes.
Two Annies of foot bull between
tliu Normnl Team and Palls Oity
business college tenm were sclie-
nuled but owing to n dispute be
tween management of the tenm
these games were called , off.
The Normnl Band will give so-
vernl numbers on the program ol
it ; State Teacher's Association to
uheld in Lincoln during the
Ihristmns holidays.
The Department of Elocution
'ive ' n recitnl Mondny evening
lov. , 20. Miss Wilmn Oline of
" 'nilsCity gnve one of the rend-
The interesting gnine of fool
nil wns seen on the Normnl
ridiron last Siiturdny November
0 between the Normnl tenm nnd
econd StateUnfvetbity tenm ,
'he University bojs won by
core of 1) ) lo 0.
Piof. Ornbtree snys " \Ve tin
iiiiblutoiill the inurensinir de-
innds for trained teachers las
Vednesdny ten requests were re
oived for teachers. The schoo !
egrets that there are none to re
ommeiHl for iheso positions thorn
mving tinished the course" haV (
leeured positions some tune ' ago
The enlarged library is prov
ng inadequate for the number o
students. All me looking forwnn
o the time when the new librar
vill be completed.
The bucond girls bnsket bnl
tenm defeated the Auburn Uligl
school team 22 to S. Tliere 5
some talk of a game with the girl
bnsket ball team of Falls Citi
High school.
Rosco James of Stella will b
one of the participants in the lira
Inter Society debate between th
Ciceronian and Athenian debnl
ing socities.
P. H. Kein of Dnw&on playe
left guard on the second Nornu
foot ball tenm against Nebrask
City High school team.
Roy Smith of Salem is presidei
of the Athletic Association of tli
Normal. The Association no
numbers ' nearly three liundre
ningfor a two daysTbankgivjn
.vacation. TJie usunj work begii
, neut Monday , , f./
, * * . ,
- n
' ; | ( ir j t
, ust received twelve , , carlqa , <
o , popular Wyoming , Colqrai
and Illinois coal at The
Lumber and Coal Co. Yards.
Your Dollar
If brought to this market will cover
more good quality in Ihc Way ol
me.-Us than tit -1113' other Mhop itf towiii
Kctnctnbcr a dollar that isn't working
all the time isn't well. What we all
want to do is to keep np the circula
tion of the dollar. When your dollar
gets into this market , it doesn't have
to take ofT its coat and get all out oi
brcaOh climbing after thing * . Out
meats arc pricep "wa'y down"
Our Proposition
In to sell you better for less mun
dv than you'll pas cbewbere. We sel'
only the kind of meat that Will make
frietifs' . Don't you want to test otn
friendship. We handle hides and fun
Phone 74
For the Holidays !
Ice Cream and Ices
Oranges , Dates , Pigs ,
| Raisins , Bananas ,
J ; Grapes and Nuts
t Chocolates & Candle's
< § >
N $ > > < & ' $ > < $ Kj > < S > < $ K $ >
All accounts due Chicagc
Lumber & Coal Co under formei
management if not paid by De
ccmber 1st will be put in Imndj
of collectors. C. II. Rickards
Grip Quickly 'Knocked ' Out.
' "Some weekb ago during the seven
winter weather both my wife and my
self contracted severe colds whlci
speedily developed Into the worst ktm
f lugrlppo with all Us miserable sym
Horns , " says Mr. J. S. Egleston o
ilaple Landing , Iowa. "Knees am
olnts aching , muscles sore , head stop
> ed up , eyes and no e running , will
ilternato spoils of chills and fe\er , Wi
> egan Uslntr Chamberlains Cough Rem
dy aiding the sume with a dbsc o
Chamberlain's ' Stomach and Llvei
Tiiblcts , und iy if. Jlboral u e. POP knocked out the grip. "
It Is n good plan to take a dose o
lie Tablets When you have a cold
I'hi'j prom < itu u healthy action of th
iveU , liver and kidnoya which' 1
ilway- beneficial when the system i
igrMed liy a cold or attack of th
grip For uilo by UWrs drug store.
Low Rates. On M. P.
Onq way colonist ticking to Callforni
or $2. > .00j on sale Sept , to Oct. 'list. _
One wuj.colonist tickets to Portlan ;
$2i : 00 , also Scuttle , to Spokane $22.51
: kut ! on sale September l.'itli , to tcl
3f *
J. II. V.VKNEH. AgenfcM
A CerUin Cure for Croup.
When a child shjg symptoms t
croup tht-re U no time to experlraer
with new remt'dii > , no matter ho' '
highly they may bu rccomniendoi
There Is one preparation that can al
ways be depended upon. It hus bee
In use for many jears and has nevt
been known to fall , viz ; Chamberlait
Cough Uemedv. Give h and a quc (
eurouro ! to follow. Mr. M. 1
Compton of Market , Texas , says of i
"I have used Chamberlain's Coug
Kcmedy In severe ctisusof croup wil
my children , and can truthfully say
always gives prompt relief. " Forsa
at Kerr's Druji Store
GEO. SHIELDS , Proprietor
Open Night and Day. Oystei
a Specialty Everything Ho
One block easj pf < } Cje > eland's Sto
For Billiousness * nd Sick Ileadachi
Take Oriuo .Lu . atlvo PruH Syt'u
Hv\eetcns the stomachaids digestii
and acts , ( is a gentle stimulant on tl
llvei' ancl bowels without irrftaln
these organs.i Oririo1 Lux'atlvo Fn
Syrup euros blllloufcnejs. aMd babltn
oougUpatlou , Does , ppt nauseate j
grl e and is. mld | aqd pjuBS nit , ( etta } <
Remember tlio naino Orlno ard refu
to'tocept an'y substltiUe' . A'kluney'i
blAdder trouble can ahvljys- cu'ri
1 j using Foley'a Kidney Ctirb < *
time. For sale at Moore's Pharmao
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
Nullcc It li-ictiy uUcn dial liy xnliii * of nil
order of mile l iidl out ol tin1 | ) | tilrt ( oint
Ilium ! for Kidiimlion cinitilnnd flnlr uf
otifiykit imiliT Ilii' seal of s Mil i' ( tut ilnUil
Mi Iliulfith iliiy of NoxpinlirrJlJVi nnd tojyii
illrcctiMiisHlnirlll of culil cWiiiir\ti ) IH < > no-
iMili'd.jUulll on Hie clulilli VU'ijUof Jiiiiuiry
IWtl itBw o'elooU p in ulffm dny nt JUm
v csliiWoi oflliu conrl liin't -t In. I lie cltfjof
tftli | ( < * lly In sulil coimlj H HI I ( tnlf.k VJlSS t"r
clfTllllt IHltlllott'lKlllCllllll M'llltf tlltf TlT jT ! t
iinil lic t likldcr. I lie protii'ity ( Ic-crllicil In
ulil iinlrr of Mill1 , to-wlf iol < KOM'tilocn
( ITlt'lKhltt'ii ( If ) mid iiliicKon feel olToftlio
iKintli olilc of lot nillnliiT liliirli'cn 111 In tilock
.iitimbprTJilriy ncti.(87Hn ( cl r.of l'iiilUOlt > 7
ltk'lmHI mleolinfj4iiVlirH8kH' III PM county
to mitNfy ii ( li'L'icn ol pnlil court , with Intnl
Wvnluorlli , Kdnii Wonlworlli
11 inltuiroxur IMcunof , aH ( > 1aiia , J't'tiT Tied-
urlck dr. 'JVrnlfor * ( ! 1
Oht'ii iindci inv liinul tit Kullo City ,
1,11 tllls < lh ( Iliyilf UcOtlllhlir IIKA
JOHN ilo s VCK. Slirilir ,
The uloxc niuii'd ilcfcuiliuit will tnko
tliut on IlioMil dtiy or ( k-totior. IUO.V tin ) pliiln-
tirflllod In tliudlstrlut court for Itlfliiirdson
County , Nulimskii , a petition , iiniinst | suit ]
( tcfondnnt. tli ( < object nnd prnjcr of which
arc tn oblnlii n dlxorct' Iroiu niild dcfcndiiiu
nnd tlic ciiHtoily of tliu Infiuit diuiKlitcr Saillu
Whlttiiii ! on tlio Kroilndii nnd lor the rcniion
Unit snld ( lori'iiiliinl lni ItcL'ii Kiilltv ot tfross
nnd cvlrciiH ) crucltj towiirils nlnlntltr ultliont
just caiifoor proxocutlon , und lui-i be LMI gull.
y of iidultrrylllioiit Hit consent or knptv-
. 'iltfoor HID plnintlir. You will plead toiilil
letltlon on or lit'lotr Decunibcr IT , HHiJ , or tin1
iiiiR'ulll bo tiiken its tine nnd judgment icn-
nrcorriliiKly WII.MHI Wn ITTKS
< \ llenvls. I'lulntlir
Attysioi I'lii 'ryr.j ,
Notice for Admlrvistr&tion
Notice It hcri'hv jrhcn Hint . .lohnV.Doull
Id on iliu ITlli di ) of Noxcmbt-r I'KV , Illo po-
Itloiiln tliu county L-ourl of Ulctiurdson
joiinty , Ncbrnskti , tlio obloet and , pinjcr of
vbluli Is thftt letters ijf Aiuiliilltriuloi\ |
10 intuited to blin us ndmlnlatrator oftbo
Ptiito of Luclor A. lowfl | who | t ( < < llpje < l
lied In and n loMuunt ( If s.ild enmity Octo-
itir Ijtn , 1W5 lit Intestate. U I * ordered tliut
bu Mime bo board by tliu court on tliOIHIi
Iny of nirutiilinr lt'05 ' o'clock it. ml Itiitbo
: ( rarity Cotlit Itooln. ut Kails City in'fenld
utility , when nnd whuiuul | | iiutiu.H Ititcwsti
d linn' appear und oppose tlio Kranllli tlio
iiraj on tbort-of.
lly order ot ( lie comt dated Novcinbor iTtli
t\\ .1. It. Wllliltu
W-l County Ituleo
Stock Subscription Nofice.
Kotl o ! * liori'by ' Klvoti boolM will bu op-
liud lo lint imbllu for wiiliMCrlptloiid to tliu
Jltpltnl Stock of the. Fulls City , Sycamore
! prltH8 | , Snbutlin und . " ( jutlnvcstcrn Itullwjty
-Jomimliy , ut tlio olflccor the Towlo I < ninbcr
Joinpauy , at tliu city of Kal.8 City , Hlclmrfd-
iOn county , state of Nebraska , on thd'Jd day
1 Decutnbnr. IIKV , . i
Said Stock Hooka will lit-open tor said stib-
igrlptlons between the. hours of U , u , < n. nnd
1 * . in. of pnkl date.
The articles of Incorporation of bad ,00111. ,
tiuiy liavliiR boon duly tiled in tlio oftlcu of
lu ; secretary of Stutc of. Notnuskii , on the
nth duy of Octobci , HKW.
Witness our biuida thls-4th day or October ,
( W , \V , H.CUOOK
J. II. Mil.xs
K. H.Towi.t
Ineorporntors of tbo KalU City , Sycanioro
prints Sabetha and Italhvny
First publication Nov. : t ! k'U
corjtoV. . Soars ,
) inorV. . Davis , solo heir at law of
vlnsuiun U. Davis and Snrah Ann
TIL | above naiiied dvfondunt Mill tuko notlco
liHt GoorKO W , Soars. plalr.tllT , did on Octob-
r2s , mi'i , tlio In the district court of Hlch-
i dsoii County. Neliraskii u petition axultut
ou , the object und prayer ot which are to ro
ortn and correct u dcod inado und executed
y Kliibinnn It. Duvlgmid SnrnhAnu | Dnvlson
uno nth , 1870 , to the' plalntff nnd his wife ,
iVnn S. enrs. convujlnit two purcclh of land
nnd beliiK In section ! U , the llrst b Kln-
ut n stone thirty four rods und llvo ( oet
Kirth of the south eust corner of 'tho afore-
aid bfctloii , thcnco runiilut : ntirth ol t > outh
'll t corner of snld section , tl.onco ninnlllit
lorth IH jioles to a Htonp. tliuuco westerly , .to H
.tonuon . the bank ol'snld river , tlienl-oon'tho
aine line lo .tho ccjitcr of the ctiannol t > ( Uiu
river , thence following Die clititincl douu 'un
til ft Intersects thu northllim of n timber lo $
owned br'Wm H Ii\l . thence enMOrly op
iild line to plm'o of beKlnnliif A No another
imrcel ut land iM uliiiiliiK-'d poles west of the
ither corner ot the south east quarter of f-oo *
Irtn 3.1. Town T o. rnniro IS T.ast nnd ruilnltiK
hence west l7 poles , theiico ( toutb to thcoon-
or of snld river thence following said oliiin-
lel Uowi ) until It Intersects > \ltb the west H"u
if n second timber Hit. owned by William H.
) uIs , ( hence northerly on wild line to the
ilaco ot beulunlii . Contalnlnc ton acres
more or less The said .deed dubcrlbei said
nnd as lyliik'ln township oncnhllo In truth
nud. In fact Mild land .Ill's lu 'lou'i lilp two ,
KIclianNon County , Nebraska. The pr.ijer
it suld pi.'Utlou beliiK to roriect s.ild docrlp-
Jon that U mil ) rend In township tuo. Von
life ieiiilit'd | to plciul to said petition on
orlietoto Oecemlier IT. HHVi , or the s.imo will
> o ( liken us trim and Judgment tendered ac-
nnlliiK to the pnier of said petition ,
lie.lvKiV Uei\ls OKOIKIE W i-KA rt , j
Att s for I'lir rinintin
" > 5t
A. E. Wolfe D. O ,
Osteopathic Physician
Oflice over Ly ford's store. Residence
at National' ' Hotel '
' '
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Tble , Falls City , Neb.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincqln
Express A 1:57 a n
No. 103 Omaha nnd Lincoln
passenger A 1:00 P > '
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn . . . , A 1:00 p r
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis andiDcnvor " , . , , , , A 3:10 a 11
No. 103 Kansas City and St.
.Louis and Denver A 1:25 p i :
No , 192 Local , AtchUou. . 10:3Q a r
No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi-
nvratha A 10:20 p r
A. Daily. D. Daily except Sundaj
J. 13 , VAKNRK , Agent.
"Nuts , nuts , niitbi Enprlislf wal
nuts , pecans , filberts , Braziliai
Uii trer toes' ) Almond aiul Hid *
° r\ * nuts at Hfarlows.
. ' i.i I i , , 1 r i
DR. O. ' H. KENT
, . > i
-Grwdm\tQ American School ofn ,
Osteopathy , Klrksvllle , Mo.
Exarnination and'CposuKalion 'Free. .
Hours : 9 to 12 a ro ; 1 to 4 p m
TJI . - ijjj
Ofllcaat residence , Ston street geiujri
a ' blbck north of court house' . '
Sec me before.your purchase. I am
He.Iliit city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , selling farms ami
mtikinp farm loans. * Qec me If yon
wi.sli { o buy , sell or make a loan. I
am lieVe fofMtslncWWifV '
H. Maddox ; FallsCity
Saratoga Restaurant
Meals at all Times
Oysters and Hot Chile
i.ounixd A
C. V. IIENDKICKS Proprietor
i i
Fancy and Staple
Fruit in Season
* *
Satisfaction Guaran-
> i
, teed . . ,
Free City Delivery ,
f i -
Phone 40
Storage for Household
And other Goods.
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John'L/'Cteaver '
For Collectionor , , for . Suii
Small Coin's oil Collections'
t if > j
No Attorney Fees on Suits.
Pefendant pays costs ofsuit , )
( Burlingtonl TiME T BlLE
Falls City. Neb. '
T1 , '
Jnco'ln Denver
Jmalia Helena , , i
Chicago Butte
St. Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 2. , , Portland Sf. J ouis
Special , St. JosepTi ,
Kansasi Gityy
Louis anil all .
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
jl 'all ' points'west'ana
i njrnorthwe t. . . , .t , < . . ' . > *
No. 14. . ye.stibuled. express.
' ' daily"St. Jo6 , Kani
City ;
. and all points , cast f
arid'soutn 7:47 a in
No. IS. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest . , v. . . ' 1:28 : p m
:4 : 16. Vestibuled express. ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas iJity , St Thorns
Chicago and points t
east and south 4:25 p m
No. 20. Local express daily
Atchisonand points
ismltli rfnd > Urestaij.l ( 4:35 p in
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tncqtna and
Portland * without
change . . . . . 10:07 p m
No. 115 , Local accqninioda-
tion , d a jlj- e x-
cept Sumiay.Salem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska Tity. . ' 11:15 p in
Sleeping , dining " I reeling chair
cars ( scats frqe ) on , through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time , tables , maps aid
tickets , call on orvrite to G. Stew'ad
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. & T. A. . Omaha.
/ -ARION- -
Salb's1 ionda'c\ed Sh
' . r'Jll * I" t T ( 1 5
| C. 'H ; MARIONi
| > ti' l J ' ' ' 1 ! ) ' -jf-
I Falls City , Nebraska. ,
rB08YS- > V
When a boy reaches that per
iod where he's "all hands and
feet" no wonder he ( eels griev
ed If he Is obliged lo wear 111.
fitting and unsightly shoes in
order to git in service *
There Is no need of it , as we
prove right here that good ap
uearance and stronu wctir can tuv'
combined '
Durable , warm , dampness1- *
shedding Shoes for Bovs just'1
the thing the average parent . .is f
, looking for , r . ,
Box Calf Velour ana Uussian
Calf at from " '
1 ' * ' ' '
111 'OC * 'ci * 7C < -
ipl.ZJ , to 3IJ
it ' , t" tt
accord I nn id size
IJ '
- -
'o ntr
Geo. Ef.
The Shoe Man
Prompt attention piyen
to the removal of household -
hold , goods.
PHONE NO. , 211
Diplomat , Od Crow
/James Ei pepper
J0uckenheimer ) Rye
The finest Whiskey made Call1
for > our favorite brand at , , ,
William ! Harnack's
Phone 74. '
' ' '
, R. L. Beaumont , n''D.
fonnerlv EVc onU Ear Specialist. ,
Now limiting prnutTce lo EYE
GLASSES. Sixth nnd Felix ,
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence1
Office Hours : 8 to ro a' m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
The place to buy your
china dinnerware and
the best of English-
ware in white or dec
orated , either by the piece- > J
, i"K' (
, See oup holiday china .
'the largest line in'the
city. All kinds all
JOfyij nijiiLfl .
' Plenty ol good
ti 41 , " J i ; i 1a ( . i
groceries , / new / nutsi
I , TlTJ . " . c ' -j.f'llJL T
nd dried fruits at
iH i < O