The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 01, 1905, Page 3, Image 7

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Kor cooking the turkos anil for
baking U something1 you must
have in iiilviince. If you \\unta
clean , free burning coal that
will give just tlie kind of tire von
\\nnt. place an order now for our
Canon City nut coal. It burns
with le > . waste than anv other
I The Falls City Roller Mills
" I Doea general inillini ; business , and iiiuimf.ieturc--
following1 brands of flour
Tlie above brands are guiir.inteed to be of the highest pos !
sible quality , We also manufacture all mill products and
conduct a general ? )
1 Grain , Live Stock and Coal Business c
and solicit a share of your paltonage
| P. S. Heacock & Son , Falls City , Neb. g
Poultry Wanted !
I have just opened up in the Stump huildiiiu wlii-ti-
1 will handle
Poultry , Butter and Eggs
for whirl ) 1 will iihvnys pay tin1 hnjlicst marl * i price
Altrti handle Flour , Feed mid Wood.
Palls CUV , Neb. Hiawatha , Kan.
Real Estate and Exchange Brokers
l imls. rity Property and .Murctiiiiidloi ) . I-nuis : , Collections , Hlio , MiilitniliK. Toi-
nnilii. Windstorm , Aculdi'iit mill I-lfe Insuriiiicu. Over HiirKiuxu's Sioio.
P. P. Hex 944 PAULS CITY , NUH.
Who's Your Tailor ?
He handles the nobbiest and best line to be procured - $
cured and every garment is guaranteed. -
Call and inspect our complete stock of new fall
and winter woolens.
I New Candy Store 1 O
5 Offers Home Made |
3 Candy fresh each day.
| The best , purest and
5 freshest for Wholesale -
| sale and Retail trade ,
S One door north of
Hargraue & Margrave
The Falls City
Candy Kitchen f
I Having secured the e.xclu- \
sive agency in Falls City for |
Sycamore Springs Mineral |
Wnter , we are prepared 10 |
furnish customers with the f
the same. Price (50 ( cents per J
five gallon cask. Call phone &
189 or phone 3 J. j
* Read The Tribune
Educational "Department
Conducted by County Sapf , Crocftcr
Compulsory Scliool Law.
The compulsory school law
changed by the legislature in
some of its requirements. Pu
pils between the ages of seven
and tiftcen years are not now
required to attend from the be
ginning ot the school but must )
two-thirds of the time which
any school district is compelled
loho'd ' school to draw state
money. The law has also
changed in the matter of truant
ofli-er , outside of the city dis
tricts. Tt is now the duty of
" my suoerintendenl , principal1
teacher or member of board of
education , who shall know of
any violation of this act on the
part of children of school age ,
their parents , or persons in act-
iiial or legal control of such chil
dren , shall as early as possible
report such violation to the
county superintendent who shall
immediately investigate the
case and give written notice to
parties reported as violating
i his act , and , if in one week
from the time of notice said
parties are still living in viola-
.ion of this act , then the county
superintendent shall appear in
the court of the county judge
ind lile his complaint against
such parties violating this law. "
This is published particularly
that teachers and ofticers may
{ now the changes and respon
sibilities in the matter.
The exceptions from the pro
visions of the law are as follows :
a "Where the child or youth is ,
lor a time equal to that requir
ed by this act , instructed in
some private or parochial
school. "
b "Where the child is instruct
ed at home or elsewhere by a
person quallied to give insiruc.
tion in the studies required to
be taught in the public schools. "
c "Where the child or youth
has completed the studies re
quired for a certificate of grad
uation from the eighth grade of
such schools. "
d"Where the child or youth
being fourteen (14 ( years , is of
necessity regularly employed
for his own support or for the
support of those depedent upon
him. "
e "Where the child or youth
is physically or mentally incap
acitated for the wonc done in
the school. "
f "Where the child or youth
lives more than two (2) ( ) miles
from the school by the nearest
practicable traveled road unless
free transortation is furnished
to each child.
Several teachers have not yet
sent in the lirst quarter's re
port. Please be prompt.
Important packages are at
the county superintendents of
fice for districts Nos. 18 , 2 , 28 ,
101 , 88,100 , 82 and f > . Teachers
or school oflicers should either
call or send for them.
The rules concerning county
examinations for teacher.scerti-
licate recently sent to each
teachers should be carefully
studied and kept. They will
save much correspondence and
much worry at other times
Dist. 9(5. ( 0. B. Harford , teach
er. School is progressing nice
ly. As some of the subjects
have been neglected the pupils
are backward but are gradually
gaining. A basket supper was
given Friday , Nov. , 17 and
everyone present apparently en
joyed himself. As the weather
was excellent a large and gener
ally well behaved crowd was
present. Thirteen dollars were
cleared which will be used for
library hooks , etc. We. the
school will be pleased to have
you , the public , visit us at any
There is nothing more true
than that laxity of discipline
breeds disrespect.
Do not forget to keep the
room warm and well ventilated.
Dippers Have Been Abolished.
i , In Lincoln's schools there is
no longer to be the trusty
dipper that used to serve as a
solace and comfort to the pupils
who were alhirst. U is the de
cree of the doctors that dippers
are disease breeders , that they
are spawning grounds of all
forms of indignant germ life ,
that they fairly teem with
diphtheria and lesser ills , and
that they are primarily and con
stantly dirty and barbarous ,
even when there is no whooping
cough or mumps in the neigh
Some weeks ago , there was
an article published in The
Star calling attention to the
system that prevailed in many
of the schools whereby pupils
were allowed to drink at tlie re
cess period , a single dipper be
ing used by all. In the haste
of thirst slaking , the youugests
seldom took the trouble to
throw away what water was left
in the dipper , dropping the
utensil with its contents back
into the bucket , to be picked up
by the next one and used. In
this way , before half the child
ren had had their turns at the
pail , the dipper and the water
was fairly alive with germs.
Examining physician * employed
by the school board have since
then taken the matter up , in
vestigated , found the condition
as bad as described , and per
emptorily ordered the dippers
The result is that drinking
during school hours is impos
sible , in many of the school
buildings. However , principals
and janitors think there is little
hardship on the pupils , consid
ering the present hours of school
and the recess periods allowed
both morning and afternoon.
The little folks are acquiring
the habit of taking a big drink
from the old oaken bucket before
they leave home in the morning ,
and allowing that to "do" until
they get home at noon.
Physicians were for a time
somewhat concerned over the
possibility of a serious siege
with diphtheria. Every pre
caution was taken to guard the
health of the school children ,
and this was one ol the evils
which appealed most strongly
to them as a possible means of
contagion.Lincoln Star.
And what is good for the Lin
coln city schools is good for the
schools of Richardson county.
A course in which lectures on
important topics of the day arc
delivered each week is one ol
the new educational ideas adop
ted by many of the high schools
of the state this year. The pur
pose of the course is to give the
high school students a know
ledge of current events and top
ics of educational interest , am
the movement is proving a sue
A number of high schools in
the central and western part ol
the state has adopted the plan.
Last week Superintendent Me-
Hrien visited the hi h schools
at Marquette , Central City , St.
Paul , Wolbach and Arcadia to
appear before the students.
Before returning to Lincoln he
called upon the county superin
tendent of Howard county and
conferred with several of the
high school principals of How
ard in regard to the installation
of a normal training departmenl
in the high schools. By the in
corporation of normal training
in the course of study the state
department of public instructioi
expects to better equip those
high school students who qui
school to become school teach
ers without first taking a course
of study at a regular norma
Lest you Nebraskann forget
the average yield of corn ii
this slate for this year wes 'IL'.H
bushels per acre , while the av-
lerage acre yields throughout
I the rest of the country was 128.8.
'Nebraska's ' corn average has
been steadily increasing for
years. With few exceptions ii
it has been regularly good. The
average per acre for a term of
ten years : ? ! ' ) . " ) is not equalled by
any other state. ,
Press Motes.
Our lirst week with a Linotype
type has surpassed the exper
ience of those who sit up nights
with the lirst baby. We wouldn't
like to part with it , but it ha-
certain drawbacks that disturb
usa lot. Hiawatha World
The four weeks old baby of
Walter Colson and wife , who
live several miles south of
town , died Sunday morning
after a . everal days illness with
pneumonia. The little fellow
had never been very strong.
The. funeral was held at the
residence on .Monday afternoon
and inierment was made in the
Middleburg cemetery. The
> arents have the sympathy of
he community in the loss of
heir babe. Uawson Newsboy.
Men who are satisfied with
ix or eight per cent interest on
ordinary investments frequent-
y demand that money spent in
ulvertising shall yield not less
han ISO per cent.- - Advertising
Every time you stir up a rewind
ind make men mad you make
lemocratic votes. Whenever a
nan gets so mad he wants to
lo the meanest thing possible
le { roes and votes the demo ,
cratic ticket. He takes that
vay to show how desperate he
' I wish to protest , " writes a
nan to the Globe , "against the
labit people have of taking
lewspaper advice. I read in a
newspaper that every good hus-
Kiud should kill his dog , spend
.he dollar the license would cost
on a pig , feed it slop , and when
it weighed ! 500 pounds sell it
ind give. U1i money to his wife.
[ killed my dog and bought the
ilg. Now I realize that the
mee of pork will never go so
ligh that I can get enough to
rmy me for the loss of my dog's
i t te n t i o n and friendship.
There may be money in a pig.
nit it can't wag its tail , jump
up on me and make me feel
ad that i have come home. "
Atchison Globe.
Farmer W. J. Bryan took a
> ld medal at the Portland ex
position for the best sheaf of
rye. A gold medal , mind you.
Fremont Tribune.
Every so called bucket shop
grain oflice in the state ought
to be compelled to shut up shop
and move on. They are the
cause of bankrupting more man
than almost any other agency
in the state. There are two
operating in this county now
that should be summarily dealt
with.Blue Springs Sentinel.
A debate at Central high
school on the subject "Resolv
ed. That magazines are more
educational than newspaper , "
was won by the negative a re
sult that must have been grati
fying to the principal and
teachers. Any other outcome
would have reflected on the in
telligence of the pupils of
course. Kansas City .Journal.
It would appear that there is
about as much money to be
made in blackmailing an in
surance company as there is in
actually operating one. Fair-
bury News.
The Democrats licked the re
publicans in Richardson county
Nebraska , and The Falls City
Tribune preaches the funeral
serrnan. Hiawatha World.
"Syndyoceras Cooki" is the
name of Prof. Barbour's ante
lope discovery : not of a Hussion
battleship. Lincoln Star.
Darwin's theory of evolution
can easily be reversed. The
animal kingdom deteoriates
more easily than it progresses
It only need he loft alone and it
will go backward fast enough.
It requires constant attention
to keep it advancing , Perhaps
the monkey descended from
man. Who knows ? The back
ward step is easier and swiftur
than the advancing one It is
easy to see how the human race
might have degenerated into
the chimpanzee. Some would
not have far to go even now.
York Times.
.hint because you don't hearse
so much of Japan as you did
nine weeks ago , don't imagine
she is asleep. She is going to
work to pay off her war debt
Beatrice Times.
The man who is the happj
possessor of small children who
are too old to be babies but not
enough to reiid and who many
also have a half dozen Sunday
tapers filled with comic pic
tires , ought in all fairness , to
) e excused from attendance at
hurch. The clamor the urchins
nake for a careful and detailed
study of each one of the pic-
tires and what each character
iays , calls for a sublime devo-
ion to the youngsters and an
nfinite patience. By the time
he doings of Gloomy Gus ,
lappy Hooligan. Ko.xy Grand-
m , Muse , Maud , Uustor Brown
ind the whole strenuous crowd
ire.explained to thciuquisitivd
ittle chaps Sunday is pretty
well gone and ohn'a energy' <
lausted. Fremont Tribune. ,
A Thouuvnd Dnlltvr Worth of Good ,
" 1 have been ullllctnd with kidney
ind bladder trouble for yours patalng
ravel or slono * xvlth cxoniclatlntr
mln , " Hrtyrt A. II. Thurncs , a well
mown coal operator of Buffalo , O. "I
ot no rullof from mcdloluu until I be-
Can tailing Koloy'a Kldnov Guru , tlion
hu result wim Biirprlf > li ) , A fuw
itarted tlin brink dum like Hue stones
tnd now 1 liavu no pain ucrons my
tldneyn and I fool llkn a new iniiti. It
las do no mo a thousand dollars world
> f iood. " l-'or sain ; vt , Mooru't * Plia'r-
Tales Without Morals. '
Moat men , with honcnt oontrlto licarln
Give iliunlia for uvory blcmlnn ;
rein them all eenso of wofih
And on lliolr Unut'ft i
rhelr Kruvluua fuult.lhey rundur thanks
And offer up ThankHirlvlnj :
1'hiit they lii Hfo'/i ou-inuruhirig rankri
Are iiiinihcrcil xvlth thullxini ; .
Most HUM ) ( Ivethankfl to Cod for health
l''or strength and joy of living ,
i\nd some make mention ot thulr wealth
In prayei'H of their thankHjilvlnir
Somuthiink tlie Lard who leadt ) the way
In weuthiir fair or murky
I'lii ! thiinlH of HIIUO 'tin HIKto HHV
Are onlv for the turkey.
About this time of the year I
look at the comic supplements
of the Sunday papers and woji-
der why , UK a boy , 1 was differ ,
ent from other boys. On Thanks
giving I ate with the relish ofa ;
boy , partakingof the turkey aad
the dressing , the oysters atjd
cranberry sauce and mince pies
and plum pudding , ' hutI never
had a dream such as the comic t
artists of today picture. I nevbr
saw a red. white and blue tur
key setting on the foot of my
bed at two o'clock in the morn
ing and I never felt myself fl.ia.t-
ing away into space securely
held by the trunk of a scarlet
I suppose somepne will soon
renew the agitation against the
perpetuation ot thi- Santa Clans
myth. For such agitator I wish
only failure. It' I were comi ell-
ed to give up all the traditions
of my boyhood ; to forget a.I my
childish beliefs and turn heretic
to the faith of those days I
should demand one exemption
I demand the right to remember
Santa Glaus as 1 knew him on
many a Christmas morning
when u well filled stocking gave
proof positive that he had come
in the stilly night.
Boy's Life * * vcd from Membranous
"My litllo hey had a flcvtnmiuuK of
membranous croup , and only vinr. re
lief after takingPoloy'n Mnii.-\ . mid
Tar , " sav O. W. Lynch , a
eltizen of Wluchenter , Ind. "II - unt
relief after one dose and I fei I n .t it
saved the life of my boy" I ) , n't he
imposed upon oy suBstiiutCH nlT-r. < i fur
Foley's Elonoy and Tar. H'o' -ti it
Moore's Pharmacy.