The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 01, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Uichael Lc Ulancof Kulo spent
Monday hero.
Joe Varncr is still batching1 at
the Union House.
Miss Schaifer went to Dawson
Tuesday afternoon.
Cap. Sailors of Vcrdon was a
Saturday visitor here.
Guy Greenwald left Tuesday
> at tcrnoon for .Lincoln.
Geo. Stiles of Dawson was a
business visitor Friday.
Air. Strin gfield ol Geneva. Ne
braska is visiting with his broth
I F. W. Shrader of Padonia Kan ,
was a business visitor here Tues
JZalph Jeiine was present at the
foot ball game in Lincoln Thurs
ft. Grindstead of Salem was
a business visitor here last Tues-
Oen Miles came down from
Dnwson on Tuesday ot this
Mrs. Ferrel of Minneapolis is
visiting at the home of T. C. Mc
George Lyons attended the
foot ball game at Lincoln on
Thursday ,
Clarence Shugarl was down
from Lincoln the latter part of
In-it week.
Herman Xoeller of Preston
transacted business affairs in this
cuy Saturday.
Miles G. Jones of Salem was a
business visitor in this city dur
ing the week.
Mrs. P. A. Yocain spent
Thanksgiving the guest of Kan-
as City friends.
Paulina Kopf of St. Joseph has
our thanks for her subscription
given this week.
Uarlow's 20 cent coffee is sold
every where at 25c. It is the
Original Java blend.
We didn't see any of that large
tjame Doll Whitaker shouldered
his gun for last Tuesday.
Klat Hoffman is visiting with
V fi Sends in this city having arriv
ed here Tuesday afternoon.
O A. Cooper of Tlumboldt
spent Tuesday of this week the
guests of friends in this city.
Little Evaline DeJarnett , who
Vws been seriously ill for a week
is much better at this writing.
ellie Downs held the lucky
' number on the diamond ring
sold by George Gulp last week.
John Dorrington was a B. and
M. passenger for Lincoln on
Tuesday afternoon of this week.
Sam Stewart and wife drove up
from Reserve Sunday to spend
the day with J. M. DeWald and
, family.
Mr. Lumry a former residenl
ol Fullerton , Neb. , spent Tues
day the guest of Dr. McMillan in
this city.
John Towle , wife and daugh-
lers of Omaha spent Thanksgiv
ing with his parents , E. S. Towlc
and wife in this city.
Benton Maret who is connect
ed with The Clipper mine ir
Washington spent several days
nf this week in our city.
Benj Poteet and son Thomas
returned the latter part of las
week from a business trip in tin
western part of this state.
Just received twelve carload :
of popular Wyoming , Coloradi
and Illinois coal at The Chicagi
Timber and Coal Co. Yards.
Guy Greenwald occupied a sea
in the grand stand along wit !
the other thirty-third degre
rooters at the Thanksgiving fee
ball game at Lincoln.
Jessie Eldriclge Southwick o
the Emerson College of Orator ,
located in Boston , Mass. , wil
give one of her famous recitals a
the Methodist Church on Wet
nesday evening December th
J. II , Miles returned Tuesdav I
Irom Kansas Citj.
- *
James DeWald returned to
Alma. Nebraska Sunday.
Harlpw has Filberts , Brazilian
Pecan nuts at 15 cents per pound.
C. II. McDougall of Humboldt
was in town on business Satur
- *
E. S. Towlc and wife spent
Sunday in Pawnee City the
guests of W. H. Boycr and wife.
Uncle Joe Glasscr was down
from Humboldt the last of the
.veek attending to some business
- - * -
Harlow can and will make you
loser prices on candy and nuts
han any other house in the
Dr. Hutchison , the optician ,
vill be at Falls City on Tuesday
ml Wednesday , December 5 and
, at Dr. Lawrence's oflice. Eyes
ested free.
Harlow don't take a back seat
'or any body on coffee he claims
ml can prove ithis 15 cent
olTee is equal to any 20 cent
olTce ottered.
The Barada Breeze reached
ur exchange table and is a crcd-
table issue- This is the first
hue we ever knew of a warm
) rceze coming from the north.
Christmas shoppers will find it
o their advantage to visit the
> azaar to be conducted by the
adies of the Christian church at
McNalls grocery beginning Dec. ,
J. W. Dowell will sell at public
motion 2J4 miles west of Salem ,
n Dec. 5th , 4 head of horses , 28
lead of cattle' 100 head of hogs ,
arm machinery and household
Beginning Wednesday , Dec.
th , and continuing four days the
adies of the Christian Church
vill conduct a bazaar at McNall's
rocery. A fine array of useful
ihristmas gifts will be offered
for sale.
- * -
Sheriff-elect Fenton has rented
the house formerly occupied by
) r. Allison of North Chase street
and Treasurer-elect Lord will
ive in the house formerly occu
pied by Henry Farmer on West
Steele street.
Cold turkey today , cold turkey
tomorrow and turkey hash Sun-
lay morning. Thus do we gath-
r together the scattered rem
nants of a strutting monarch ,
and demonstrate the Heeting
character of yesterdaj's greatness
by the economy of today.
Some spent Thanksgiving with
their children and their books
about the fire , some spent it in
the eveningg communing with
the ever popular Tom and Jerry ,
some spent it in the old habit of
making money , a few went to
church. Such was Falls City on
Thanksgiving day and so runs
the world away.
The Winchell Jubilee singers ,
a company of colored artists , who
have been touring the west in
connection with a lecture course ,
will give an entertainment at the
Methodist church , Tuesday even
ing December 5th under the aus
pices of the Epworth League.
These people come well recom
mended and a first class enter
tainment is promised. Tickets
on sale at A. E. Jaquets jewelry
store. Admission 25 cents , chil-
der 12 years 15 cents. Your pat
ronage ts solicited.
The Chicago , Lumber & Coal
Co. are placing a unique calcmlai
in the hands of their numerous
friends that will be a welcome
visitor to every house wife. On
the inside page is found a can !
of darning needles of various
sizes , and a paper of Sharps
Queen Royal Needles Tin
souvenir is in the shape of ; i
neat folder with attractive ads
on various pages and is a noveltj
that will certainly be appreciat
ed Manager C. II. Rickards iss
justly proud of this novelty.
What has btvotui- ; tlu gas
man ?
Dan Riley came down from
Dawson Monday.
S. L. Davics and wife returned
from Stella Saturday.
Harlow has three pound can
tomatoes for 10 cent.
Elbridgc Pyle of Prcfcton spent
Saturday in l alls City-
Charles Strawn of Dawt-on
was in this city Tuesday.
F.-F. Dietrick of Vcrdon was
a Tuesday visitor in this city.
Dr. R. P.Robertsdentist
over King's Pharmacy.
W. Fenton and wife of Dawson
visited Falls City friends Mon
Fred Heineman came down
from Vcrdon Saturday on busi
Mrs Udcn Sailors came down
from Vcrdon Saturday to visit
Wtn. Lesley of Shubert spent
Sunday in this city with Guy
\V. II. Wylie of Nebraska City
made his usual trip here last
Mrs. Belief and daughter ,
Mable , of Verdon were in this
city Saturday.
The reporter counted twcnty-
six children in the Library one
evening last week.
Elva Sears spent several days
of last week the guest of Emma
Wallace in Omaha.
Mabel Macomber who is teach
ing at Stella , came down Satur
day to visit her parents.
Harlow has just received 200
pounds of English walnuts they
are this years crop" , only 20
The warmest .fire a going can
be procured by burning coal
bought of the Chicago Lumber &
? oal Co
Joe Varner has blossomed re-
iplendcnt in a Dunlap derby and
i Rule haircut. Oklahoma pap
ers please copy.
The next Elk dance will be
teld a week from tonight and all
the boys have decided to wear
their dross suits.
E. P. Stringfiold and family
moved last Wednesday to Geneva
Nebraska which city will be their
future place of residence.
Quimby Ilossack , who is at
tending the university at Lincoln ,
came down Saturday to spend
his week's vacation with his par
ents in this city.
Blanche Stumbo who has been
visiting for the past two weeks
with her sister , Mrs. Ben Nichol
son left the latter part of last
week for Craig , Mo.
Mrs. Anna Ireland of Brock
spent Sunday in this city with
Mrs. Belle Elliott. On Monday
she left for Atchison to visit her
mother in the hospital.
Wilbur Dean and wife came up
from Kansas City Saturday for a
brief visit with her parents H
K. Kentncr and wife. Mrs Pt-an
returned to Kansas City Monday.
How long shall I boil the eggs
asked the cook of a newly mar
ried Falls City girl. "Oh , until
they arc tender , " replied the
bride with an assumed indiffer
ence she did not feel.
Each section of our portable
corn crib contains six cable wires
and can be used as a pen for
small pigs or a good yard to feed
small chicks in. Sold by the Chicago
cage Lumber & Coal Co.
Ephraim Withee and wife came
down from Stella Saturday to
visit at the home of Sheriff
Ilossack. Mr. Withee returned
to Stella Sundaybut Mrs. Withee
will make a more extended visit.
W. A. Hossack of Ilartington ,
Neb. , who is employed by the
Towle Bridge Co. of Omaha ,
spent a few days the latter part
of last week with his parents ,
John Ilossack and wife in this
.35 c.35 ; z 3t ; 2 * 3 5i ; % * : KW
1 TluM'e urv onh iq tnoiT shopping ili\s before Christinas butu * know that
1 there will be a yreat deal of money spent between now and Christinas and to show
ft the people of Richardson county that we appreciate the business that they have given
IS usvc have been in business in Falls City for 25 years and it is the biggest year we
ft ever had , we are going to change the usual business methods and instead of waiting
IS until spring-to sell winter goods at a bargain we are cutting the price very low now
ft during the season that you need winter stuff. Our winter stock was bought right
IS and that puts us in a position to sell the goods at a very low price. We quote you a
M few of the prices to show you what we are doing.
k Black Dress Goods.
V -10 , oO and liOc Pres ? Goods In fall weaves and
m novelties 39C
X ] A new line of Black Dress Goods In the new
M Serges , Henriettas , Melrose and Granite.
Ig This Is one of our best vahms 59C
X i Our line line of Black Dress Goods Including all
I ? of our SI , $1.15. and Sl.'Jo values at 89C
_ . _
Colored Dress Goods.
All Wool : ! . "i-10 and iiOo values i" Plnln .ind
Fancy pattern- 28C
S When we MI.V all wool wo do not mean part cotton Init
" we mean that the jroodfe are all wool and are the
Al host value * ever oflored for the money in Full * . City.
LtMijrthe from I ! to 10 yunlb at Hie.
Standard cheek 'incham for this sale at , per yard 3c
19x10 Turkish towel * regular L'Oc value * at .12 I-2C
§ 35S35rag
Hclun Martin left Wednesday
for Auburn.
Harlow has Forest Citand
M'lf raising cake Hour
Mrs. Uort Kt-nvis is verv sick at
her home on West Sixth Street
John Oswald and wife spent
Thanksgiving with her parents ,
in Stolla.
Henry C. Smith returned Ttiebj j
day from and extended business ,
trip through the west.
Mrs. Frank Norris of Uncoln i
is visiting at the home of her j
parents , A. E. Oantt and wife. I
Holiday presents - -If you want
to make your wife or daughter a
Christmas or New Year present
of a piano , we will make you a
price that will be a Christmas
gift fo you. Roberts , the Jew
eler. ot- ' ) ( ) .
The Royal Slave.
A large audience saw the
"Koyal Slave" at the Oehling
Wednesday evening. All who
were in attendance speak very
highly of it and say the product
ion was complete in every detail.
and the scenery was exceptional
ly good.
Famous Jubilee Singers.
One of the most entertaining
programs ever given in the peni
tentiary chapel was that of the
famous Winchell Jubilee Singers ,
who delighted the many hun
dreds of outside visitors and the
inmates on Sunday. This organ
ization of seven colored vocalists ,
every one an artist , have devel
oped the inherent musical quality
peculiar to their race to such a
degree that their fame is lasting.
Beginning with an original chant
of the lord's prayer , their pro
gram ranged the gamut of musi
cal composition. The peculiar
melodies of plantation , the ex
hortative negro camp meeting
songs , were the cspc-cial favorites.
Columbus ( O h i o ) Dispatch ,
Jan. 'J , 1905.
Heavy Black Cheviot Overcoats.
$11 Heavy Hlaelc Heaver at $ 6 i.m.
Sll.HO Hlnek and Brown Heavers at 8 vB
SlU.fiO Brown and Black Kerseys at 1O fSL
$15 Blaclc and Urown Meltons at 12.SO S !
$20 and $ IIo Heavy Black Cheviots , all styles vSf
and colors at $15 TO * 18 fjfc
Ladies Fast Black Hose. W
Itecular I So Topsy hose at lie ,
readies heavy ribbed llcece lined huso lt"C value at.25c
Boys extra heavy Iron Clad hose soils every
where for "fie. For thlt twin at 3c
36-inch Wide All Silk Taffeta.
In Black only , regular DOe values for 5Uc
Black I'-iiti le Sole silk 21 Inch our U'ctilur $ llf >
values warranted to wear lor this sale 30C
117 Inch china silk laid ) color" at .47c
Fine'llsl ) Plus , per paper 4C
Snow Berry Toilet Soap , per nuliu < cHeek
Hook and Hyes , per card 3c
Itubber and Shell Hair I'IDH , per dozen IOC
Mournlnc IMns , - boxes for 5c
Talcum I'owder , per box 7C
N'axareth Waist , each I3c TO
A line of kid jjlovea , price $1 and $1 H" > , slightly S
soiled , at . . 49C TOS
Heavy Weight Black Cheviot Cloaks
Hinplri ! style , that always have sold for S8.f > 0 , %
we uro Bolllnir for $5.50
No old paste patterns and fabrics but the newest
and best to be had.
Fancy Mlxtuvo , Kmplro style at 9 O.OO
Drown and Hlack Cheviots , empire style at. . . IO.OO
Dhick and Drown Kerseys , empire style at. . . I2.OO
Drown and Dlack Heaver , empire style ut IO.SO
Hlack and Drown Beaver , empire style at 18.00
Kersey Fur Lined Automobile Coats at 25.00 i
Children ? ' Cloaks from $1.50 to $0.00. Fura from
$1.20 to $18.00. S
Citv Pharmacy
DR. T. c. MCMILLAN , Prop.
Santa Claus Headquarters
The good patron saint of childhood has
opened his headquarters at our store
and is showing a magnificent line of
sample from his wonderful pack.
As we are the official representatives
of Santa Claus , we are enabled to make
remarkably low prices.
Holiday shoppers will miss splendid
opportunities if they do not visit our
store , inspect our stock and get our
DR. T. C. ncniLLAN , Prop.
Headquarters for Christmas
fur each and everyone
Pupa , Mamma , daughter , son.
( iramlpj. ( iraudma , Auntie and Uncle too
Cousins and Second Cousins , nice.s and Nephew *
Von must brine ; them all in
To sec what we have ffot
Wo will be jjlad to
.Show you a whole lot
Remember them with a present
On that jjlail morn ,
The day of all fjlail d.iy.s
That Christ was born
Try The Tribune for 1906