THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , DECEMBER 1 , 1905 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE as second class matter as r.ills City , Xobrasha , post ofllcc , Janu- . uv 12 , l'XJ , und'-r Ihr A tof ConRrcat March 3,1S7 . ' 1'i.bllslicd cvcr.l'tidayat Kails CUy , ' \ , l y The Tribune Publishing Company One year Three month' . . TELEPHONE 226. TO THE MERCHANT. 'Phc end o ! tinyrar is near. How has it bi-iMJ with you in a business wavV Arc you ( | tiite satisfied with the years business ? H.ue von omitted nothing tliat would have increased your sales * ' You know your business hotter than we , but even a layman , as it were , can discover something iroin observation. In this atfe the strtitftfle for success is made easier for the merchant who first discovers a , , 'oocl article , puts it in stock , and then lets the buying public know about itArc you a clothing merchant ? In your line of bus iness docs not that wholesale merchant who has a good article and who advertises it most exten sively do the largest volume of business. 'Pake the Karpen leather fur niture for instance ; it was a very small institution at first. The proprietor made it a rule to sell onh the highest class leather fur niture and to put one half his profit in advertising. Today this furniture is advertised in every magazine and pediodical in the world , and he pays for such adver tising from $250 to $5,000 a page. What is the result ? Kvcry fur niture dealer in the world is struggling to get the agency in his locality for this furniture. Why ? Hecause it is the best of its kind and its maker has brought such fact to the attention of the buying public. Many a merchant who has suf ficient confidence in his wares to believe that he could sell more of Uiem if he could personally in terview more of the people who need them , hesitates to do his talking through the advertising columns because it costs more than talking across the counter. But the newspaper "ad" reaches more prospective customers in one day than the merchant can reach personally in a year ; it gives him the advantage of doing all the talking himself , and it fixes his claim permanently on the minds of his listeners , while oral pleas leave but a Heeling impression. These privileges and powers are well worth pay ing for and they cost little in comparison with the actual casli returns. The proof is to be found in the experience of al successful traders , livery adver tisement that tends to draw traili to the town helps the town t < the extent of the trade so drawn A city with five good advertiser is a < jood city , depend upon that Kansas City is a good , livel place isn't it ? It took five bur dred miles of white paper thru icet wide to print the advertist ments in the two issues of tli Kansas City Star and Times la : Saturday. Enough paper t reach from Palls City to Chicagc Your advertisement should L attractively written and printe in good taste. Good taste is tl cardinal virtue of all good adve rising. A right sense of propo tiou is as essential in the inakin of the right kind of advertisii as is the ability to write got copy. Harmony is an art that eve good ad-smith must master. The principles which gove attractiveness in any other li are too often lacking or suspen c.l in advertising. A slovenly woman is repulsh A clumsily constructed house unlovely. A picture lacking proper pi portion and harmony of color an abomination. An advertisement thrown ca lessly together , crowded , lacki sunmetn and a wastt I of good money. [ If vou could get two thousand Richardson county people to read ail attractively built ad tclliutr your business inducements for the week , do you not think it would stimulate your business somewhat. Ifyoudosa believe why not follow your judgment ? Try The Tribune's trenchant trade teasers. We build them to your order and guarantee the results. Pancake Hour , maple syrup at Harlow's. Sam 1 layne and wife left Wed nesday for Salem. Harlow's can peas are the tinest goods put up this year. Noah Peck left Wednesday for Chester and Fair bury. JOlixabeth Sanford returned on Wednesday from Omaha. Harlow has the best soft shell almonds for 20 cents per pound. Procter iV ( tumble's Naptha soap at Harlow's six bars for 25 cents The Misses Parsell of St. Joe are the guests of Mrs. Peter Restorer. do to Harlow's to get bulk oat meal fresh from the Quail Mill six pounds for 25 cents. Harlow has log cabin maple syrup , took Gold Medal at St. Louis no purer goods made. L. Thomas of Lincoln was with the local order of Knights Ladies of Security on Tuesday evening. Harry Morrow , ' wife and daughter left Wednesday for a several days visit with Pawnee City friends. Mrs. Tom Jenkins and daugh ter , Esther , spent several days of this week with her mother in Lcavenwortli. Mrs. Wigtou and sou Dorring- ton ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fisher at Leavenworth. ' Harlow gives you three bars of Lenox soap for 10 cents or eight for 25 cents , or a box of one hundred bars for S2.85. Amy and Hill CJrifliu came uj from Kansas City Wednesday tc spend Thanksgiving with theii father , Rev. Ciriflin. The portable corn cribs sold b\ Charlie Kickards are just tin thing to set up in the lieli while husking or to feed out o during the winter. Our Holiday goods will be opci 'or your inspection in a few days All goods marked in plain fin ures. We are the people tha save you money come and se us. Roberts , the Jeweler. Brethren Church. Preaching at 10:45am. . an 7:30 : p. mby Rev. Lee A. Myci i'L of Haiulin , Kans. All are we 'L come. 10. HASKINS , Pastor. e- eic ic HUMBOLDT Grunt Pat-Min * was a St. Joe vlslt < to . Monday. O. N. H. .Indd of Dawson wan in the cl Sunday. id II. 1' . Murblo was a Mills CUy vl tor Sutimhiy. L c. ICdwardf wasu Kansas City v Itor Saturday. ln. Guy Sncthen of Dawson was a v * itor huro Sunday. M. c. ShurtluU returned homo fri Hot Springs , Ark. Hen Ullcy bpuiit Thanksgiving wl ir-N frioiula in Lincoln. Nora Stahlor luft Suniluy for a vl Til with Lincoln frionils. lie Leonard Manning returned fr id- Colcmun , S. D. , this week. .John Brenner of Table Rock , c a Sunday vibttnr in thin city. Glum Kimnons was visitlnp rolutl in this city the first of the weok. Gcrtrudu Morris of Tahlo Kock \ roIS the jjucitof Kvii Cooper last week IS Mr * S. H. Rico of Tecumseh wa puest of friends In this city Sunday. Lib WlUon and wife arc the pure ng of u daughter born to them on Sund I K - - wifi . Llstfi-tt Jir-u -jipr.t | Ixlng with frloidp 1'awme J cit > ; Walter Sniuu of Ie * Monies , Iowa | | \lsltlng frltMidin Huuibdldt thl week. John I1. Hock fiorn near Table Hock was transactntr ! lui lm in thlelt > Monday. Lora McCool of Duwj-itn wu * the'g-uest of her grandparent ? " , ! . ! . .1 Turner and wife Monday. Mr ? . LltchllHd of Kuius rlt > \i\li- \ Hlng at the home of her MHI , [ ) t * . H. A. hitch Held and ' "Hi.- . hi' . J. II. Morrlo returned liomu on Sunday from n visit with hi ? brother , Creiiihton , In Lincoln Ml.inchc Kmmuiis and Golda Turner were visiting the foimer' * parent * in Ti'cunii'eh last Siitunlin. Little Alum Howi.'ll who tin ? been ! very low with l.vphoid fever , is re-1 portul 'lightly improved. Mi > . K.V. . Hlwell and Daughter , > Haxi'l Allnp. of Sterling were vi lilng j friends in tills city several i'iij < | lone N'orton entertained the mem ber.of her brnuhiv ; cliool elus ? in a most delightful matuiei ul her home on , Thur-day evening lust. , Liuiisa I'owct-s entertained a number of friend ? at her country home Tuo - day In liunuiof IKT lileiul Floic < c Allen of Mt Pleasant , Iowa. The dinner given by the ladies of the Moltiodit church fn the LJni/da build ing one day last week was u decided financial success , about S4u bo inn cleared capt O. A. Uritlgeford anil wife of Aledo. Illinois. , who have been thu guests of their daughter , Mrs. M. XV. IIa rdlng and frmily , left Frldnj for their home. I\alph Molvenney , a former resident of this section , now located at Ft. Worth , Texas , was seriously injured in a railroad accident last week , There is slight hope of Ills recovery. \V. T. Parkinson , Fiank Howard , .Jo ? . Crawford , chat. Woods , Will Dorance and G. W Miller , prominent stockmen of Piv\ynce county , were in attendance at the Harding-Paron ? Hale last week A hue king bee was given by the ladle ? of the Maccabec lodge on last Thursday evening , and an excellent time was had by all present. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. G. L. Beard and Carl Mann for finding the first and last ears of red corn. SALEM Prof. Feneisteln spent oaturday in Falls City. F. H. Schoclc was a Falls City visit or Sunday. John Tlehen and wife were in Falls City Monday. Mrs. C. W. Garrison arrived hero from Omaha Saturday. John Moore is doing a job of paint ing in D.twson this week. Misses Ada and Verda Allen visited friends in Falls City Saturday. /.ula Mccool spent tha week in Falls Clt > the inieca of her sUter Mr ? . Uob't Uule Prof. Iloll of Humboldt spent Satur day und Sunday at the home of U. H. Grlndstead Mrs. Guj Oaggott of Superior arriv ed Siiiurdn\ for a visit with friends and Mrs. Kiln l > oril and Mra Charles Me- Cool are visiting Mrs , James Whitney at Hiawatha this week. Mr. and Mrs. Beobe of Pawnee City are vlsltinp ; their daughter Mrs. M. A. Graves since Saturday. J. U. Tlmmerman and Mr. Gallatly left Tuesday for Colby Kansas , where they went to Inspect land. Mr * . Cass Moore and Louis Sheely ro'urnuil home from their trip to western Id ern KUIIMIS Sunday evening. o Mrs. Stavcr and daughter Lena went to Kulo Wednesday for a few dujs visit with Mt-f. Dr. Henderson. Mrs. W. W. Spiirloek and daughters Llla and Irene h > tt Friday for Call fornia where they will spend the win- m tor. Amliro-o C'traham and wife came It.v . down Saturday from D.iwsun for a visit with their daughter Mrs. C. M Isi- Cooper Mrs. ( . ; . W. Frousilalo who has beer is- visitin < ; for tntno thno at the homo o \V. II. Davis returned to her home a Kstervillo Iowa Monday. Mr. S. P Clark came up from Leuv om onworth Kansas Wednesday of las week to spend a wo.ek with Ills dan < ! > i 1th tor Mrs. A A , McCool. A H. Cochran proprietor of tlx isit Globe Hotel left Tuesday lor Clark Nebraska where ha spent eovorul day returning lomo Siuuluv evening. Frank I'Venoh and wife ontertalne , a crowd of little folks at a tturprls was pnrly for tholr daughter Mlldrc Tuesday evening celebrating lit vcs ninth birthday. The Hand boys gave an oyster buj was per Thurfduy evening which was wol attended and a aucccs. They render is a cd several selections which were lilgl : ly appreciated by all and which Mirol showed well for their being organise lay. only ten weeks. | j A GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE \ p 3 g = Our closing out sale has been in progress several weeks and while we are well 3 E = pleased with the results , we have decided to hasten matters b\ making still another g cut on otiralreadv low prices.This is a bona fide closing.out sale , as we intend to ciuit business in Falls City. We must dispose of our stock in the shortest possible fc time and are making prices accordingly. We are giving the people of this vicinity J = an opportunity to buy their winter clothing at rc-markably low figures our object 5 being to make every price a trade inducer. CLOTHING We hiivf on hand n superior dsnortiiifiit of I Bo\b ami Children ! * clothing mi which | we are making some nstoiiisliniu' price.- . Our reputation ius l lolhieih is based upon years of luihinenb Jin.'iv.-s in this eit\ and we propose - pose In maintain thai tcpntiitioii until we close mil doorto open them MO motv.ui' ! ' , st le , quality tuul variety of pattern , no stock j in tin- city can compare- with ( mi.- , find we ' are satisfied that the same is true -it our pi ices. We kiinvv lliht \\i run -nti f\ the most fastidious buyerIn winter -ml- our line is exceptionally stroiii * . Shoes and Overshoes In this department - arc making ; a special effort to please a critical shoe buying public. At this season the de mand for good , serviceable shoes is greater than at any other time in the the year. This demand \ve are abund antly able to meet at closing out prices Our line is as strong as we could make it. Comparison is invited. In Rubbers and Overshoes our line is unexcelled and here , too , closing out prices prevail. | F. W. CLEVELAND \ FALLS CITY : : : : NEBRASKA 3 /ula McCool returned to Salem Vednesday afternoon. - * * - Ola Karlow spent several days n Baker , Kansas , this week. Geo. Gutxmer of Humboldt , pent Wednesday in this city : Mr. Scott returned the first of j he week from Mound City , Mo. County Attorney James was a U , & M. passenger for Lincoln Wednesday. , - Mrs. Mary Rowley and daugh ter , Marguerite , spent Thursday the guests of Mrs. Tanner at Humboldt. Gehling Theatre Monday , Decemberi 4 Rowland & Clifford Presents The Emphatic Success Thorne Dramatization of Bertha M. Clay's Famous Novel Hi L'f The Sweetest Story Ever Told Wholesome , Clean I' I'll „ and Refreshing. tl- An Excellent Production tliy iy id Prices 35 , 50 and 75 cts OVERCOATS Here ir > n splendid opportunity to buy over coats nt prices so lew us to be hardly \voith ni nlioiiii ) ! . ' , * o we will not quote them. The line einbrncL's the very late t creations of the most f'nsliinimble deai neis and each uarinent i" a mnsterpicee of ( lie tailor's art. The fab I T rics ate tlu- best , the workmanship the most .s [ ) eiior I'nd our price bo small as to be out of all pruportion to the excellence of the . Ifou need an overcoat fov tin's ! ' . now is , the lime to visit our stote and take advantage of the bin-gains we are oH'er- inThis is the chance of a life-time. Gent's Furnishinii's i . j Mere is a stock of furnishing yoods i that will appeal strong'h to ever\ well dressed o-entleman. It includes Hats , j Caps , Gloves and Mittr-ns , Neckwear , Hosiery and in fact everything that jfoes to make up a complete line. The goods desirable and are up-to- date and nothing- but the fact that we are closing- out , would induce us to dispose of them at the prices we arc making1. Vou should call and see them A GOOD WAY TO SAYE HONEY Is to deposit a portion of your earnings rach \ \ i'fk or each month with the : : : : FALLS CITY STATE BANK Remember there is no business so small and none so large , but that this bank will give it careful attention. This bank sol icits your business and does everything it can to merit it. CHRISTMA5 WATCHES Watches have a heavy res ponsibility to bear in keep ing their owner up to time For that reason if for no other a FULLYWAR- RANTED watch is a nec essity to everyonewheth er the case be plain silver or diamond set solid gold 1 Our watches are fitted with standard works , everyone I of which is covered with the makers guarantee , any I fault will be cheerfully rectified. We have a complete stock of men's , women's , ; bo ) 's and girl's watches which it will be profitable for | you to inspect before you make any purchases. Come I in and compare our prices. A. E. JAQUET THE OLD RELIABLE JEWELER