THE FALLS CITV TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , WHCIEA1I3ER i , 1905. Abound at this Store -every nook and eorner is teeming with them. MERRY CHRISTMHS IS OUR SINCERE WISH TO YOU ALL. We have put our wishes into action in ways you will appreciate , at this busiest of Seasons. A Store filled with Gift Goods of the Practical , Useful , Acceptable kind. A Stock so Displayed that the choos = ing of any number of Gifts will be easy. An extra force of salesmen to serve Why not H Victor Phonograph for both lookers and in Christmas' : ' Thu cleverest viuuluvlllo buyers a prompt n'loctions the bust aln ln , uip.l superb orchestra for every dull winter even and courteous manner. A stock so ing. We will soil you 11 N'letor. bun or Columblii on small payments , fairly Priced that everyone can afford the suiiie . price at * other * chartfo for ciieh. cull any ovcnlnu' I" IJcuumber after eiippor take a chair and llston to to buy from it. our Victor concerts. All Inylted. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HOLIDAY HEADQUARTERS. YOU'RE JUST AS WELCOME TO LOOK AS TO BUY The above illustration ib of a Genuine Karpen Leather Cotich. Frame of qua'-ler-sawed oak , lias CHI veil oinninentatioiih on lej > s The upholstering is over the ) * oil tempet d springs and abbolutely guaranteed. We have a special price on all Kai- pen lenthei furniture for this Xinas trade. Be sure tci see this stock before purchasing. No. 865 at $2.75 No. 693 at $3.75 No. ( } . . * No m II \Voinvitc.\our inspection of our Oak kfip. these two pattern- , prlr.os to suit the moat modt-l pupoUu-ep. Solid Oak , Cobbler Seatfr , made on Correct Lines for Comfort amiVetir. . Our fatocK is ample for nil but we warn you to miikisour M-li'dinns curly The Lk'i-t I'm pet frvu'i-pi r on i arth is V the Bisbfll's. Our t-pecliil Juand , the 1 GOLD MEDAL , is the best brand and ? ] I we can prove it We have ampio stock and expect a ( rood bustnoi-s in them us nothini : is more practical , economical and hurvi- cable than a Swoi'poi * . Invention liHth no nobler aim than to lighten won an's labor. Wo have prepared for Holiday busini't-s aloti a - Hiibstantial lineo. We believe a baigain consists in what a person nets for his money and not in how cheap an HI tide can be bought. Wo have jronu to ruat work to oll'er the fluent leather uoods that can be obtained and havoguarded against the frauds many in letither with which HO many people have been swindled. This elegant Oak Rocker , Polished. Qnarlersawed and upholstered in GENUINE LEATHER , will last a lifetime and is extiemely comforia- ble to nit in. \Ve recommend it to our ciiHtomei.s in every way and cannot wish nut friends a greater boon than that eaeh of you had one in your homes. What a substantial Xmas present. Our price only $15 Our Plan for Xmas Trade ! Everything purchased will bo tagged and put in out nmj li Moie K ctiifHibjcft to delivery at any day or hour desired. MAKE YUTK SELl-XTIONS EAltLV. We will be open Every Night in December until 1) ) o'clock. Our stock has been fitted for a laige business bcc-niM- - feel that sensible people aie doing away with the cxtiavaganco of ueelcbs tojh and arc making th'Mr pnrchiines whcie it will do them the most good and in aiticlr& that will continue Xitnih ihioiit'h- out every day in the \ear. All Mnok C IM s. Sidi b ) ards and Bedroom - room Hiiitu linvi * hi'i'ii advanced 10 per cent lecentU' hthe iniintifacliirers. We will not nit-e on our present stock. We have line Cnililen Oik Combination Cases , like em. which w olFer at a spec ial pi ice. - TinI'm i t is nil i mlit foi $500 but we Inixe i 1-elebinl'd McDnimall line , /.Inc tnm. | Kiljd link , cnplioiid lup . In nil tin- fini'si piecir- " ! Kilehen Fuini- inii- i \fi iiiin'e S'lH-k will bi' hen * llio liisl \\tek in Detciniiii and displaced fur CMiri We have added the celebrated "Art Loom Mills" couch covers and drapery curtains to our stock of exclusives this year. This gives us the following : Qlobe = Wernicke Book Cases , Emerich Pillows , Bis = sels Carpet Sweepers , Sterns & Foster mattresses , Karpen Leather Furniture , McDougall Kitchen Cabi nets and Art Loom Tapesteries and Draperies. It's like entering The Ladies Home Journal advertising emporium to visit our store. Headquarters for Rugs , all sizes , and Lace Curtains. VIS &