The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 01, 1905, Page 6, Image 2

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Something Good Out of Nazarctli.
U is not often in this lito
corruption puts on hicorrnp-
It is even more infrequent
that the penitentiary serves to
reform a man
The stripe * of a convict seem
to burn into the self esteem of
the wearer leaving scar that
to him seems observed of all
"The exception proves the
rule" is a trite apothegm , and
in the case of Charles Hroaden
formerly of Hulo , until last
week .in inmate of the peniten
tiary nt Lincoln , it is a truism.
Broaden was one of those
humans who seemed alien to his
kind. In the economy ol the
universe he Deemed placeless
and one wondered at his exis
tence. One night some ten
years past , on a lonely desolate
island in the lUisMiuri river
south of Kulo. he killed a man.
lie was prosecuted , conuicted ,
and sentenced \p \ 2i5 years in
the penitentiary. If the words
of the judge condemning him to
nearly a quarter of a century of
being buried alive > all'ecled him
in any way , his face did not dis
close it. He sat sullen and
stupid under the terrible judge-
ment"a brother to the ox. "
As he sat there nervously
looking about him as though
striving to understand , some
one asked him why he had com
mitted murder and he replied ,
, 'I never had no chance like
others. " I thought it the weak
excuse of a weak man. I was
Broaden had a nature that did
not develope in liberty , it was
free only in conllnement.
His home was among those
whom Ingalls called "the cat
tish aristocracy. "
He lived on an island that
was born of a snag and high
water. When the ' 'rise. " went
down it left the sand bar that
gathered silt and sand until
large enough to provide habi
tations for human drift wood
Unit seems never to fit any other
On this island when the wil
low , the cotton wood and the
sycamore spring from the seeds
borne by the winds to its drear }
waste , where poisonous vapgi >
bubbled from the green oo/.e o :
its marshes , where squalor
filth and illiteracy held their un
disputed kingdoms , wnere mei
drank raw liquor and alcoho
to stupefaction and slatternly
females heard .tales of puritj
and virtue as hildren listen tc
the fables of princes and prin
cesses who walked this gray oh
earth once upon a time , hespen
his boyhood.
Parisites embraced huge tree
in poisonous profusion and wil
grape vines swayed creaking i :
the night winds like a "gallow
without its tenant. " Amid MIC
scenes , enveloped by such en
vironment , associated with sue
companions , Charles Broade
became a man.
One night -on the island h
shot one of his kind , a inn
named Powell. The two wer
down by the. ferry landing ;
shot was heard in the darknei
then silence. The work wi1
not completed for a plendin
fearful cry of don't , oh don1
was immi'diately followed I
another shot.
They brought Powell to Fal
City where 1 saw him d
three days lator. He went
meet his God vtith eyes wii
staring. His last breath was
shriek of fear as them enter
the ! 'pale nessen ) er ' with i
' verted torch,1 ; , , ' , , „ , ,
Such 'a .nian w xs Charl
Broaden when ten years ago
was taken to Lincoln.
The GoVtfti'o'r ' pVr'doh'ecf hi
last'SVeelf. ' . H 'left" ! prta
home"the' 'al Vri'lrelilie'tnei '
in culture , in educatioii6f 'a :
maniin tli ' .statd.'i. At 'his \
quest | ie uyas emloyf < li"ini t
prisonUjxr.aryiH" ' From1 em
morning until the lights we
out m his cell at 9 o'clock
was busy with his books. In
science in literature his educa
tion is remarkable. For the
past live years he alone has
suggested to the board the pro
per and necessary books to pur
chase. The Warden and Chap
lain of the penitentiary repre
sented to the Governor that
they had never met a young
man who was his equal. II is case
was brought to the attention of
the Methodist clergy in the
state and at their request tin ;
Governor made investigation
The result is his pardon. The
state needs his liberty , and
his services. lie is far too
useful a citi/en to be confined.
His nature has developed into a
sensitive refinement , lie knows
his old way * 'no more. The
penitentiary lias at last reform
ed a man and again something
good has comeoutof Nii/.arelb.
- *
An Emergency Medicine.
For sprain , hruifeeti , burns , hculiln
null similar Injuries , there is nothing
so good as ( 'hiimherluln's Pain Halm ,
li soothes tht ! would and not , only tiives
Instant relief from pain , lint uunau thu
parts to lical In about onu third the
tlino required by the usual treatment
AH it is an antlsople all danger from
blood poisoning IH avoided , Sold at
ICcrr'e Drug Storu.
Farm for Sale.
! { 20 ncrt'B , .IiiokHon Co. , IVIUIBIIB
5J miles nuirket.
I milo post ofliee ,
HO acres corn , balance meadow ,
Small house , well and wind
mill ,
$ 10.00 per acre for quick Hale ,
Otliur fiirniH to sell and ex
; { 20 aereH near Elk Creek , Neb.
$ -10,000.00 special fund to lonn
15 to 10 years , optional payments.
Falls City Nebraska.
Must He Quick.
Pains in the stomach and attacks of
thu eollo come on t-n suddenly and arc
BO extremely painful that Immediate
relief nima bo obtained , There is no
neci'psiiv of sending for a doctor in
htiuh eases it a bottle of Chamberhiin'h
1 Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
] Is at hand. No doctor can prescribe a
better iredie.lne. For Mile at Kerr's
Drug Storu.
Burlington Bulletin.
Special HomeBcekeis Kates
Grontly reduced round trip rates
to the North Pintle Viilley and the
I3ig Horn Bnain. November 21bl
December oth and 19th. TJiis it
mi unusually good chance for you
to look at hinds in these ne\\
regions , which olier n. big profit
to those who fiecure them early.
Home Visitors Excursion Visii
the old home when you have
denned up the Benson's work
Cheap excursion rates to vnrioui
of the enst. The only exeursioi
November 27th limit 21 days.
t To the Sunnv South Winte
tourist rutos daily until April IK )
Return limitI into 1st , 11)00. )
Cheap nomeseekerB Rates ti
the west , southwest and South tin
first and third Tuesdays of end
Write me just what trip yet
have in mind and let mo advis
you the least eost and the bes
way to make it. G. Stewart ,
AgtMitU. B. & Q. Ry.
Will Looning spent Sunday will
home folk * .
Vermi Ilieks is shuekinc eorn fi
Fred Meyers.
F. Hnaglund and wife were tli
gucbts of I.MI ! Unland and family.
All Hughs and wife were Sunday vi
Itors ut the home of Frank Hleksai
Is family.
ie A sister of Mrs. Lconing came do\\
Io from Auburn lust week and is visltii
Ie with relatives.
a Peter Kint/en returned Mondi
from Kansas he has been spending
week with relatives.
n. Nellie shrader of Arro
Ind.,1s here visiting with N. D. I
es more and family.
lie Grandma Shrader cnrao down In
Stella last week and U visiting wl
his daughter , Mrs. W. D. Kltnorc.
an Mr ? . M , S. Loaning , Mrs. P.Kentz
and mother Mrs. Meyer were Thu
it ,
day visitors with Mrs. John Houglai
A Timely Tonic.
At this season of coughs and eoldi
is well to know that Foley's Honey u
'Tar ' Is the creates ! throat and lu
nt 'remedy. ' It euees quickly and preve
he I serious reeults from a cold.
we know
where to buy
the best
that cumes to this market is the lie .t
or It cannot remain. The finest and
heaviest beef to be bad. The young
est spring lambs. The choicest corn-
fed porkei s. We sec that what you gel
Is worth the price
We protect you from inferiority and
guarantee that evcrytime you buy here
you'll rereive the full equivalent for
your cash. And our prices are always
Phone 74
| For Thanksgiving
v Select from these
Ice Cream and Ices
Oranges , Dates , Figs ,
Raisins , Bananas ,
Grapes and Nuts
Chocolates & Candies
All accounts due Chicago
Lumber & Coal Co under former
management if not paid by De
cember 1st will be put in hands
of collectors. 0. II. Uickards
Grip Quickly Knocked Out.
"Some weeks ape during the severe
winter weather both my wife and my1
self contracted severe colds ivhlct
speedily developed Into thu worst kinc
of lugrlppu with all Us miserable sjm
ptoms , " says Mr. J , S. ICgleaton o
Maple Landing , Iowa. "Knees am
joints aching , mnseloa sore , head stop
ped up , eyes and nose running , witl
alternate spells of chills and fever , \V <
began using Chamberlains Cough Rein
cdy aiding the same with a dose o
Chamberlain's Ktomauh and Llvei
Tablets , and by Its liberal use sooi
completely knocked out the grip. "
It is a good plun to take a dose o
the Tablets when you have a cold
They promote a healthy action of thi
bowels , liver and kidneys which i
always bencliclal when the system 1
congested by a cold or attack of tin
grip. For tale by Kerrs drug store.
Low Rates On M. P.
One way colonist tickets to Callfornli
for * 2 ( " > ,00 , on sale Sept , to Get. Jllst.
One way colonist tickets to Portlam
$2.'l 00 , also Seattle , to Spokane $22.f > 0
tickets on sale September luth , to Oet
J. U. VAKNEH. Agent.
A Certain Cure for Croup.
When a child shos symptoms c
croup there Is no time to experimen
with new remedies , no matter ho\
highly they may bo recommended
There is one preparation that can al
ways be depended upon. It has bee
In use for many jears and has neve
been known to full , viz ; Chamberlair
Cough llemedy. Give li and a qutc
euro is sure to follow. Mr. M. 1
Compton of Market , Texas , says of i
"I have used Chamberlain's Coug
Remedy In severe eases of croup wit
my children , and can truthfully say
always gives prompt relief. " Forsa
at Iverr's Drug Store.
OEO. SHIELDS , Proprietor
Open Night and Day. Oystei
a Specialty Everything-
One block east of Cleveland's Sto
For Billiousness and Sick Headnch <
i m Take Oriuo Laxative Fruit Syru
then It sweetens the ftomuch.alds dlgestl
and acts as a gentle stimulant on ti
en liver and bowels without irrltatli
rs- these ors-uns. Orlno Laxative Fri
id Syrup cures bllllousness and habltu
constipation. Does not nauseate
gripe and is mild and pleasant totaV
iit Remember the numo Orino ard refn
nd to aocept any substitute. A kidney
bladder trouble can always bo cur
its by using Foley's Kidney Cure
time. For sale at Moore. ' * Pharnuu
Notice of Sheriffs Sale
Notice Uli'ircliy nlvcn tlmt by vlrlim of mi
oiilcr of Rule iMiicil nut ot Ilic Hlslrlct Conn ,
In mid for liclmnl ; ! ) M I'otitity nml otutito
Nclirii'lfii unilcr tlu < ni'iil of H'lliliv ml Ontcd
mi tlio liitlt dny or Novcnil > ur Idl'i mill to me
illreoleil iinHlu-rlir of ciild county to | RU > M
i-iilcil , I will on Ihu l.\tcciHli iluy or llcfi'iii
tier IW , tit 2 o'clock p. in. ot uld iluy HM hit
ui' l itoor of tlio eonrt liniipi ) In HID city of
I'lilUl'liy In siilil eoiinty oml stilc. : oiH'r for
diiloHt uolillo vctiiliieiiiiil pull to the hlnlioM
iinil lii'M liltldor , tliu propurty ilcscrllicd In
ituld onli'f of pule , to-wlt : lots cvi'iilocn
( ITli'luliticti ( I1mid ) nlin'tfoii fuel olToftlni
oiitli ulildof lot Mtiinbi'inliictc'cii 111 In block
iiuiiiborTlili-ty-M'vcn ( ! RI In city of Pulls City
ItlcliniiNdiicounty , Nubinikn In vttdl county
to tutlsly n duoii'o or f > nld court , with Inter-
Outs unit eoits K'c.ivi-red tiy Stuplicu uri'lnrr
iitiilu l .Icnnlc Wcntnoitli. ( Mini Wcntuortb
it nilnoi'over II yriirs of itiru Mini IVlcf 1'iril-
crli'k M' TCI nit of ulu carli.
( lUrn nailer inv liuiiil nt Pulls Tlty , Ncbni- .
Un thl 'Mud day of Novumbcf ltm.1
.Ions llo-- \rKSlii'illl.
Lcnl ( Notice
Wlliuur Wlittttiti.
Nettle Wliliten ,
The atiovf ! uiilii * ( I ( U'fcnilunl ulll tuku liotlcn
that on I he'-Mli duy ol'liMolniiIIVM ( , thu plnln-
til filled I thiMllittIc.1 conit for lilcluiriNoii
Coiintv , Neliru ldi. ti pi'tlilon , nuulntiilil
defeiuliint. thd oijeet iiud priiver of ulilcn
nru to ohiiilii u dhotuo tiotn r > Mlil tlefuinltiut
iliul the cnsloily of the Infant iliiiiL'liter Siullu
\Vlillteu , on the Ki'outnU nnil lor the reason
thit : alil iloleinliint luii triilltv ol uio < < s
mnl extiemi' iM'tlult ) tounnls iilalntlll without
JtHt , ciiii u titiirovocutloii. . mid bus be un jjull
iy of iidiillery tvlthoul Ihu utiu uiit of l < no\v >
Icilt'Col'the | iiiinllll. | Vott will | ilMKl to Mtdl
pelIIIon on in1 heforu Dneeiubef 17 , liKVi , or the
i < muM\lll bo talit'ii us tiuo mnl .luilKiuuiit iuu-
iloii'd : iccoilln ly U'II.MI.II Wil ITTIJX
He'ivUA Ut'ixvls. I'llillillll
Attystoi-rnv inra
Notice fur Administration
Notice IH liotL'by ul\uu tlult , . .toliuV.Diiull
did on thu 17th iluy of November l"0. > tile pe
tition In the county court of Itlchiirdsou
uiiunty , Ni'liruskii , tliu object ami prujurof
wliluh IH that letters of Aduilulstiiitlon tuny
be MTUnted to him us administrator of the
cstutoof l.ncloi' A. lniellvlio It Is iillcv'ed
died In and u resident of said county Octo-
bur I.UU. 1IK1S nt Intestate , tt , Is ordered that
I ho same bo heard by the court on thu Dili
duy of Dcci'iubi-r VMS tif'olook u , m. In the
Comity Com I Itooui. ul I'alU Ulty m said
county , when nnil where all nmtlus lutorust-
ed may appear and oppose tliu rantliiK thu
lim > er thereof.
lly older of the ooint dated Noveinbur ITth
lKl- ! , . .1. It. Wllhltu
| is-i : County Indue
Stock Subscription Notice.
Notlco it hereby KVUII ! thutbookn will bu o | > -
etied to tliu publlo Tor subscriptions to thu
OapltHl Stock of tliu Kails City , Hyeiimoru
Springs , Sabiitha and Soutln-"Hteni Halhvay
ConipHiiy. ut thu oflluv nf the Towlo Lumber
Company , ut thi ! city ol'rul.s City , Itlchard-
son county , fitnto ol Nebraska , on tho.d day
of December. KHI5.
Said Ptoek Hooks will bo opuu lot- said sub-
Hcrlptlons between thu hours of U u. m. and
A p. in. of said ibitc ,
The uitloloHot Incorporation ot siid ! Com
liany luivliiK beou duly tiled in thu olllco of
thu -orutary of Stale of Nebraska , on thu
Kith day Of OiUoboi1005. .
Witness our hands this "lib day of October ,
UK ) ' . , W , H.CKOOK
J. 11. MILES
Ai.iiKitr MAUST
34M1. IClMMIH.
i : . Il.Towi.i :
Incoi | ioiatiii-s of Ihe Fnlls City , Sye.imoio
Springs riabutha and tfouthwosti'ru Hallway
First publication Nov. II iti-it
( leoriruV. . Sears ,
OmorV , Davis , solu holr ut law of
Klnsinmi U. Davis and Saiuh Ami
Davis , di'ccaf-cd.
Thoaliuvonamed deli'tnlant will tuku uotlcu
tlmt flcoruu , Sc.irs. plub.tltV , dl < l on Octtib-
ur2.s , Hion , Illulii thu district conn of Rich-
aiilbou County Nuhiuskn ti peiltlon against
you , thu object and prayer of which are to ro
torn ) mid correct u deed niado anil o.vee.ntoJ
by Kliisuiau U. Davis mid Sarah Ann Davis on
Juno nth , 187H , to thu plalnttl mid Ids wlfu ,
Ann H Seats , coiivu\lii two parcels of laud
lyltiK mid hultitf In bectlon li ! : , thu first bejdn-
nln ; ; ut n stone thirty four rods and tlvo tcet
noith of the south cast comer ot thu afore-
btilil bi-ctluu , thence ruuiiluir north of south
east corner of t > nld section , tl.enue running
north Ilil pules to u stone , thunco westerly to H
Btonoon I ho bank ot bald river , thence ; on the
same line to the center ol the channel of thu
river , thc'iiru folloA'ln the channel down un
til It Intersects the north line of a timber lut
owned bv Win. U Davis , thence easterly ou
said line to place ol' boKlnnliiK Also another
parcel of land beKlnnliiK-U poles west ot thu
utlior corner of thu south cast iiuiutur of hoc-
tlon 33. Town Tire , ruupu 15 Kant and running
theneo west 117 poles , ibcnco wonth to thu cen
ter of stild river thcnco following said chan
nel down untlllt Intersects with thu west line
ot a second timber lut owned by William II ,
Davis , theneo northerly on said lluu to thu
place ot bcirlnnlny. Containing tun acres
mure or lugs. Thu said deed describes said
land as IyIn lii township one while In truth
and In fact said land lies In Township two ,
Richardson County , Nebraska. Thu prayer
of said petition bolnir to correct said descrip
tion thai It may read In township two. Von
uro required to plead to said petition on
orboforu December 17. UWi , or thu samu will
bo taken us trno and Judgment , rendered ac
cording to the prajer of said petition.
Ueavls.V ttuavla GhoitdK w. SBAKS
Atf s for rill t'lalntltr
: > r > t
A. E. Wolfe D. O ;
Osteopathic Physician
Ofllco over Lyford's btore. Residoneu
at National Hotel
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express : . . . A 1:57 a n
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger A 1:00 : p n
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:00 : p n
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a n
No. 103 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:25 pn
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a n
No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi
awatha A 10:20 : p 11
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday
J. n. VAKNKK , Agent.
re Nuts , nuts , nuts , English wal
nuts , pecans , filberts , Brassiliai
toes ) Almond and Hick
nuts at Harlows.
iltal Graduate American School of
Ostqopathy , Klrksvllle , Mo.
u Examination and Consultation Free
se Hours : 9 to 12 a m ; 1 to 4 p m
nr Ollleu at residence , Stone street , # ecoi'
ed block north of eourt ho fe.
W. H. Maddox
Real Estate Agency
See me before your purchase. lam
Moling city property , loaning mon
ey at lowest rates , sellingfAVittuand
making' farm Joans. See me if you
wish to buy , sell or make a loan. I
am hen- for business. Write
W. H. Maddox , Falls City
Saratoga Restaurant
Oysters and Hot riiilo
l.'llldlNO V M'hl'lITV
C.V. UKNORICKS Pniprielor
Fancy and Staple
Fruit in Season
Satisfaction Guaran
Free City Delivery
Phone 40
Storage for Household
And other Goods.
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
For Collection or for Suit
Small Coin's on Collections
No Attorney Fees on Suits.
Defendant pays costs of sxiit.
Islington TIME TABLE
Fails City. Neb.
Jncoln Denver
Imaha Helena
Chicago Buttc
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
< ansas City Portland
"t. Louis and all ; San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. I west.
STo. 42. Portland St. Lcuis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:20 p m
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver ami
all points west and
northwest 1:25 a m
> Jo. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 a m
So. IS'-.Yestibulcd express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:28 p m
\c 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
easv and south 4:25 : p m
No. 20. Local express daily
Atchisonand points
south and west. . . . 4:35 p in
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p m
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily e x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. & T. A. . Omaha.
Sales conducted in
scientific and busi
nesslike manner
I Falls City , Nebraska
Wlion a boy readies that per
iod where he's ' "all hands and
feet" no wonder he feels griev
ed if he is obliged to wear ill-
fitting and unsightly shoes in
order to gain servieo.
There Is no need of It , a i 've
prove right he : > e ilmt good ap-
nearanee and stron weur cut ) bd
Durable , warm , dampness-
shedding Shoes for Bovs just
the thing the average parent Is
looking for.
Box Calf Velour ana Russian
Calf at from
$1.25 io $2.75
aceording to size
Geo. B. Holt ;
The Shoe Man
I D. S. HcCarthy
Prompt attention given
to the removal of hoti e-
hold goods.
= WE
Diplomat , Od Crow
James -E. Pepper
Guckenlieimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made Call
for your favorite brand at
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
R. L. Beaumont , M. D.
Formerly CVc and Ear Specialist.
Now limiting pnictkv to EYE
GLASSES. Sixth mid Felix.
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence
Office Hours : 8 to io a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
The place to buy your
china dinnerware and
the best of English-
ware in white or dec
orated , either by the
set or piece-
See our holiday china
the largest line in the
city. All kinds-all
prices' Plenty of good
groceries , new nuts
c nd dried fruits at
. 'I