The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, November 10, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Harr.v Jonnc went Omaha on
J. R. Cain returned to Stella
Earl IT rakes went to Verdon
E. O. Lewis came in from his
work to vote.
Theo. Weaver was down from
Stella Tuesday.
Bessie Arnold spent last week
with Rule friends.
J. S. Everts was down from
Omaha Tuesday.
John Fellers of Talmage spent
Tuesday in this city.
Geo. Shock was a Stella visit
or the first of the week.
Fred Miller came down from
Lincoln in time to vote.
Simon Davies and wife .vent to
Stella Tuesday afternoon.
Chris Horn left Tuesday for
Omaha to purchase cattle.
Mr. Adams of Stella transacted
business in thes city Tuesday.
B. F. Gravatt was down from
Hum bold t on Tuesday evening.
Henry Eiegcr and wife drove
tip from Preston Tuesday even-
in g.
Mr. Billings of the telephone
force went to Humboldt , Mon
Miss Crawford of Stella was
the guest of Falls City friends on
iiohincl Karas came down from
Humboldt and spent Tuesday in
this city.
County Attorney James made
a business trip to Humboldt
Iva Law of St. Joseph spent
o'Vi-ral days of last week with
her mother.
Billy Nausler came down from
Lincoln to cast his vote in his
home city. _ , r
Myrtle Stetler of Pawnee City
i < - spending the week with re
latives here.
Mr * . Frank Stohr returned
Sunday from a two weeks visit
in St. Joseph.
E J. Harshbcrgcr of Stella
. added his name to our large list
of subscribers.
James Bascom visited his parr -
r nts in Pawnee Citv on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Dr IC.iima Lawrence made n
professional trip to Wymore on
Tuesday afternoon.
Stephen Prior and wife return
ed Sunday from a short visit with
their son in Barada.
Ed Richer and wife of Preston
? aw "Two Merry Tramps" at the
Gehling Monday night.
Harry Messier went to Hum
boldt Tuesday in the interest of
the telephone company.
C. A. Jones , the piano tuner
of Auburn , spent Monday trans
acting : business in this city.
Ed Hammond wife and son ,
Ralph of Stella are visiting with
her parents J. Norris and wife.
Miss Nannie Chaflin , of Hum-
Noldt , during the week , was visit
ing with relatives in this city.
Dr. Griflith and wife of Pres
ton saw "Two Merry Tramps"
at the Gehling Tuesday evening.
J.Hillvard returned to Stella
Tuesday where he is employed on
the Prairie Union church build
George Harral special state
agent for The Continental , was
a pleasant caller at this office
Mrs. C. E. Peabody came up
from St. Joseph Sunday evening ;
on account of the sickness of her
mother. Mrs. S. H. Prater.
Col. Harbaugh was down from
Miles ranch Sunday.
4 * -
Geo. Smith of Dawson visited
this oflice Saturday.
O. R. Ross drove down from
Shubcrt on Monday.
Albert Ximber made a business
trip to Stella Monday.
Minnie Swisegood of Verdon
spent Saturday in our city.
Howard Conover of Verdon
was a visitor in this city Mon
Frank McCool attended to
business affair here during the
Kate Maddox left Monday for
Lincoln where she will spend the
T. T. Ross returned last Satur
day from a business trip to
Nora Jones spent several days
with her sister , Mrs. Ross Jack
son in Rulo.
Prof. Pillsbury and son spent
Saturday and Sunday with Lin
coln friends.
Oia French of Salem was the
guest of Vcrgie Mead in this
City Saturday.
Jesse Law returned to Table
Rock on Sunday after a few days
stay in our city.
Samuel Drake was a Missouri
Pacific passenger for Stella the
first of the week.
C. F. Rcavis was called to Bea
trice the first of the week , on
business matters.
Frank Stohr after a few days
spent with friends here , returned
to Omaha Monday.
R. EGrinstead came down
from Salem on business matters
the first of the week.
Emma Baker left Monday for
Nebraska City where she visit
with 'friends for some time-
Mrs. Ruleau who has been the
guest of Mrs. Spencer went to
Omaha Monday afternoon.
- . . * j
James A. Hossack of Dennison
Iowa spent the first of the week
with his parents in this city.
After a two weeks visit in
Falls City Ella Miller returned to
Omaha the first of the week.
Ross Anderson. Ilumboldt's
genial attorney , was a pleasant
caller at this office Saturday.
Paul Weaver and .family are at
home to their friends at the
Weaver residence in this city.
Sam Stewart and wife returned
to Reserve Sunday after spending
a few days with relatives here
Mrs. L. Talmage of Kansas
City has been visiting with her
husband in this city for the past
Thomas Coleman of Omaha a
former Falls City boy , transacted
business in this city during the
The Elks put in a line new two
hundred dollar billiard table in
their spacious parlors in the
Strong building.
Eva and Ena Cooper were down
from Humboldt the past week
and spent a couple of days with
friends in this city.
Ash ford Edie and wife am'
Mrs Emma Wilson of Humboldt
were in this city Tuesday enroute
to Butler county , Kansas.
Mr. Ely and wife spent severa
days of this week , with A Spean
and wife , while enroute fron
South America to Colorado.
W. II. Kerr who has beer
spending a few weeks witli her
daughter Mrs. Hansen at Nor
folk , returned to her home in
this city Tuesday.
Ira Johnson came in fron
Hickman , Nebraska on Monday.
Ira has entire charge of the Tele
phone Exchange in that distric
and enjoying good success.
Ilarlow's Japan tea will suit
Mrs. Simanton is the guest of
Stella friends.
George Smith came down from
Jawsou Wednesday.
C. V. Hendricks was sick for
several days this week.
Ira Johnson went to Auburn
> n Wednesday afternoon.
John Oswald transacted busi-
less in Stella Wednesday.
Joseph Glasser of Humboldt
spent Tuesday in our city.
Ernest Porr of Speiser precinct
was a Falls City visitor Tuesday ,
Will McDotigall came down
'rom Salem the fore part of this
Elmer lleiser has our thanks
for favors bestowed The Tribune
his week.
Mrs. Frank Clark came down
'rom Verdon on Wednesday on
Sherman and Ethel Godfrey of
Rule spent Wednerday with Falls
City friends.
Hugh Phillips of Franklin pre
cinct spent Wednesday with Falls
City friends ,
A. A. Daniels of Kansas City
s the guest of his sister , Mrs.
Ed Bell , this week.
Fred Oswald came down from
Lincoln Monday for a brief visit
with friends in this city.
Harlow has just received a fine
iet of pickles in bulk consisting
of sour , sweet and dill ,
Mrs. Hardy left Wednesday
ifternoon for Gladrock , Nebraska
where she will spend several
Ike Beaulieu was a victim of
democratic prosperity and was
elected township clerk at the late
J. M. DeWald , who has been
working at Alma , Neb. , arrived
in this city Tuesday in time to
Cast his vote.
We want \ou to take The Tri
bune for a year. Bring us a dollar
lar and we will mark you paid
till January 1st , 1'JOT.
Democrats get mighty thick
at times in this section and when
they do have a pow-wow they
make their presence felt.
Rev. II. B. Smith went to Bea
trice Tuesday afternoon to attend
the annual convocation held in
that city during the week.
All the good looking school
mams in the county will gather
in this city Saturday to attend
the teachers association.
LC. . Hackniau of Arenxville ,
Illinois remembered The Trib
une by sending us a dollar on
subscription the past week ,
W. E. Daniels of Joplin , Mo. ,
a brother of Mrs. Ed Bell , re
turned to his home Wednesday
after a short visit with the fam
ily in this city.
Word has been received of the
birth of a son at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stuart in
Okmulgce , O. T. Mrs. Stuart
was formerly Miss Maude Jussen
of this city.
Mrs. Maud Freeborn and child
ren who has been visiting with
her parents , J. Jones and wife in
this city for the past two weeks
returned to her home in Wymore
Friday afternoon.
Wesley Himmelrich and wife
of Louisberg , Pa. , who have been
visiting with his brother left
Monday for Albion. They were
accompanied bj T. L. Tlimmcl-
rich and wife to that city.
The members of the Married
Ladies Kensington club and their
husbands were entertained on
Thursday evening by Mr. am
Mrs. Lloyd Gianini at their home
on North Stone street. It was
in all respects a most pleasant
social gathering and progressive
whist was the order of the even
ing , George Ilinton winning al
the honors in sight. A very fine
luncheon was served.
Try Harlow's Dill pickles.
The Tribune until January 1st
1907 , for a dollar ,
Try Harlow's tomatoes at ten
cents per can ,
C. A. Maust came down from
.Jarada on Tuesday.
Dr. R. P.Roberts , dcntist
over King's Pharmacy.
Harlow has anything you want
n the cracker line.
M. T. Shinn , of lola , Kansas. ,
egistered at the City hotel on
Henry Sietncring , jr. , and wife
> f Barada spent Tuesday with
friends in our city ,
Mrs. C. J. Cullen of Verdon
was the guests of Kails City
'riends last Friday.
livery cent saved is a cent cant
ed. The Tribune till January 1st
l'J07 , for one hundred cents.
The price of a cigar will bring
you The Tribune a month. A
dollar till January 1st , 1 J07. We
pay the freight ,
Clarence Crews and Augelena
Leslie of Shubert were married
November 2nd , by J. L. Cleaver ,
justice of the peace.
Tlarlow has secured the finest
line of California evaporated
fruit ever brought to Falls City
and will sell at prices to please
the trade.
The meeting of the commercial
club on next Monday evening
promises to be of much interest
and all who are interested in the
welfare of the town will probably
be there.
Chancellor Iluntington of the
Nebraska Wesleyan University ,
will preach at the M. K. Church
Sunday Nov. , 12. The usual
services. All invited. W. T.
Ci.iNKi Pastor.
Hrethren church Preaching
by the pastor at both morning
and evening services. Morning
subject "The Crown of Thorns
Truth Wears. " Evening sub
ject "Christian Endeavor and
Temperance. " All are welcome ,
K. 10. Hashing , pastor.
The subject of the sermon at
the Presbyterian church Sunday
morning will be % 'Am I my
' " '
brothers keeper' : or some
thoughts suggested by the may
ors request for an organized com
mittee to distribute help to the
needy of our city. We extend a
special invitation to the Phari
saical hypocrites both outside and
inside the churches. Everybody
invited. S. W. Grillin , pastor.
To meet you and get acquaint
ed , I will give free diagnosis and
prescriptions to all'who apply to
me at my oflice from the date of
this issue until December 1st ' 05.
Will be glad to give the benefit
of twenty-eight years of exper
ience in the treatment of chronic
as well a accutc diseases , Come
and see us. Oflice up stairs , over
Moore's Pharmacy. Respt , P.
S. Moore , M. D. 4t'M
Farm for Sale.
'S20 acref , Jark.iun Co. , KIUI&MK
fA miles market.
1 mile potodic'f ! ,
i)0 iicii'h corn , Imlanro nn-iulow ,
Small house , well tiiul wind
mill ,
SlU.Uu pi-r acre for ( puck nilr ,
Other farms to sell and ex
H20 acre.- near lilk Creek , Neb.
$10,000.00 special fund to loan
15 to In years , optional payments.
Falls City Nebraska.
Winter Term.
All students who can enter the
Falls City Husiness College Mon
day , November 13th will llnd it
to their interest to do so as new
classes will be organized in al !
departments. If not convenient
to pay all cash on entering we
will take your note for balance.
We know the value of an educa
tion and will allow no one to re
main out of school for want ol
funds. G. M. UAKKIJTT ,
Supplies that something which is so
often lacking to complete the charm
of an otherwise faultless dinner table
I With Thanksgiving so near and Christinas not far off ,
ithe housewife is naturally conctTiied for her clinnc'r
| appointments.
In our stock of table silver yon will find the rep-
! resentativc patterns of leading makers , rich in design ,
j graceful in decoration different in conception and ex
pedition from the ordinary and the trite.
We have jtisl received a line of cut. glass unexcelled -
| ed in quality and beauty of design.
We request you to inspect our stock of rich and
J varied wares.
Remember we still have the best institution for
| good jewelry , watch and clock repairiig in the county.
Boys Take Notice.
You can make some money
gathering walnuts. I will buy
them. O. P. HICCK.
For Sale
One hard coal burner , one soft
coal burner , one large and one
small wood burner for sale cheap
O. J. McNall.
* * M - -
Marriage Record.
Clurmioi ; K. Crowe , Shubert , 21
Annelene Leslie , rihuberi , 18
Ka > Dul'utron , Lincoln 'Jl (
Kclna llollunil , Fulls City 21
Notice. |
Having disposed of our busi
ness we take this opportunity of
thanking the people of Falls |
Jity and community fur the |
liberal patronage we have re
ceived and trust they will be as' '
generous with the new linn
Messrs lleiser and Mosiman.
Respectfully , '
Cori'i : < fc THOUNTON.
Public Sale.
Lee .1. Varvcl has arranged for
a public sale to be held at his
home one mile north of Rule on
November 23rd. Mr. Yarvcl has
arranged to move to Colorado and
will sell some horses , cattle and
hogs as well as many miscellane- ;
otts articles. The sole will begin
at 10 o'clock a. m. , and lunch
will be served on the grounds at
noon. '
_ . . . _ _ >
Burlington Bulletin. ; I
Spl'l'illl IIilllM'M'I'klMH U lll'f i
( iionlly n'lluecil rmnii1 trip niti- 1
to the North Pl'iit.Vill ' y ml tli.-j >
Big Horn 13'isiii. Niuvmbei 21 t i
December . > lli ami Itllli. This > - [ !
mi nmi nnlly L'ood < IIHIICP for yon
to li"'k nt | IUI < | K in llii'so new ! i
regions , \\liteliniifi n liig profit j i
to those wliii til-coil * lliem fully.
IToineV'.hitoi'fl I'lxi'ursinnVisit
the old 'lomo ' when you have
cleaned up 1'ne seanon's work.
Cheap exclusion ratt'H to various
of the enst. The only excursion'
November 27th limit 21 diiys.
To the Snnnv South Winter
tourist rules daily until April 150.
Return limit June 1st , I'.IOtt.
Cheap IloincKeekeis Hntes to
the west , southwest and South the I
first and third Tuesdays ofaeh
Write me just what trip > ou
have in mind and let me advise
you the least cost and the best
wiiy to tniike it. G. Stownrt ,
Agent C. B. & Q. Hy.
II. C. French of Nebraska City
spent Tuesday here.
Notice to Debtors.
All who are indebted to us
please cull and settle within a.
few days and avoid putting ac
counts in the hands of a col
At the Gckling.
Two Merry Tramps played tea
a good house on Monday evening
and presented several specialties ,
among which was the trick bi
cycle riding.
lets his wife
buy the
our ilHIciouviul luiif We will
innUe niiiki * von one jiiit ihc. i/.o vviuit
ed. from too nlceM , fri'i-hi'st incut in
the mm ket.
IQootl Living is the Qreat-
est Smile Haker
and jrood incut , is the beat of all good
living. < Jet tfoed reit lieof. From it
you can make Hamburger Steal ; , Meit
Halls , G'roqnetten , Meat I Me or Hash ,
All are smile makers and our price.- ,
are the l > et of all ,
Phone 74
j Brick Cream I
| All Flavors I
I' All Flavors |
t Furnished in anv quantity f
t * f
i for any occasion A