THE FALLS CIT * TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 3 , 1905. Press Notes. The hnnltH me renovating mid X'lcnning up I licit vuullH mid mifct- propnrnlory to receiving hip biiiuflicH 0,6 immi } } ' 'tlml 'tjio 'fm in ; ; e'r8 tire going lo deposit MB n C'iljv ngB. Sabotlw tVr So . . . V'Vi ' * * , < uilwi.y vjnupatty- ' recently formed for promo- it purposes , hits this week tiled articles yf incorporation. It I'H Proposed to btiilfl ' 'of road' touj F.illrt Oil\ l' SjOMinoie pringB and tviliiiliM , KMIIHIIH. capital Block w $100,000 and a of Fiille City capitalists -lire intt'iVrtUjd Oh , ( hut Jhe : line be extended north as far ah sell. , - - , Tcytimijeji Chief- JVnin. //i T.h'e real enemy doeH thin ork AHnkrhiulded. U'e'is liltO the rat i a dole .into the Hide nf lioiiHi1 at night w'nile yon , - riTnTun B rnbiine. , IliiliarlBft ( ( county Nahrnska k ; ( jilHO\'iiiijlaliiH ) that ( he only re- jrenehment in connly niVairs it IIIIH , IB levied on the printers. livwiy Vother interest is paid full price. Now the fair economical thing to rdo is to pass t'ie ' same cut given Mho printers all the way down tlie , ' line. If Bumn County wonl.i gi\v * t "II interestH the Hume cut given , the printerHSlO,000 a year CM-more be saved. We are for the ri'J ' cli ! . . f < ! dislike to see : t with with the lillii * dub HIIV- , \e < l oiipuining.T-.Hiawatha } | World. * Mt-H. Nettie Wills Stainliro and , 0larenet ! Shu art were reenlly 'hujrried t\t \ Lincoln , and will make $ heir home at I'uiverHity Place. Jrhe bride formerly lived ni ' trails ! Clt-y iiid ban frOqiicntly vialtod in VStella. Mr. Shn arl worked life * ' iiiBUiance atL ° allH City for a time. " Stella Pniea. . - , Vf " 'i ' " ' V OyniH Joia'H , who formerly lived Houthwuat.of of town on tbo farm -now the homo of A. 13. . Cornelius , * . , recontlv diiul at Nevada , MiBHonri , to which place he moved fro.m liumboldt about n year a o. lie WIIH Aovniity.fiix yuarH of a e , a native of lllinoiH and eume to Porter townnhip in 188H , Flo is wurvived by bin wife , n duu hter , Alias FranceK , Howard , wbo in principal the Bctiool of Rule , and CharleB , wbo JH principal at Crawford. Stella Press. John Weber , wife and daughter Mii ie , of PHH ! | City were up $ un < lay and ypent the day svith Ed Frauenfelder and famil } . Verdon Vedette. Grandpa Slouum came up from Falln City on Saturday and re mained until Monday the uest of Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Wiser. Monday , accouipauied by Mr. George Slocmn's , near Stella , for a brief visit. Vurdon Vedeite. Several of Auburn's young men W. A. Gould * , S. W. Eustice , Hen Swan and 1 . 0. Howe , went tc Falls City last Friday night where they were induced into tlu mysteries of the Beiievol.-nt ami Protective Order of Elks by tin lodge at that place. Auburn lie .publican. Tboro are many women cashiers t uU aadiatiint ciwhiers in the birnkt of the United States ami uouo ol them have been accused of pad xling their figures.Pawnee He- publican. A Kansas man had a grievance against an editor and consulted ; lawyer to find out the best way tc "break up the paper. " The law ycr told him the surest way wouk be to buy the paper and run i himself about six weeks. Robin aon Index. Congress is making a feeble at tempt to look into the work of th government printing oilice. subcommittee discovered that million dollars a year , or mon1 could bo saved. There is n doubt that all the work done it the government printing oflic could bo bet'er done by privat concerns at a saving of more thn iweuty-Hve per ctnt. But th government must have a prin shop. It must compete with th craft. It does not do this in an other lineof work , but it squaiu CIH IIHIUili'in M million acnr tt keep the proprii'tiirrtof print shop * from getting too much work mid getting ton rich.Yoik Times. * Mrn. H'lt Simiuitnii returned TlinrHtlii ) to lu-f hornin Fulln OHy .after n fun I \ntli MIHH Kiln Schilling.Uinwiilbii World. . 4 , , , ,1'li.e fHrw.eja wli gi't M liltlc liol at tin lni8intH8 ) men liould > bom lliiH in mind ; Not one biiHini'Hh limn IMIK duni' IIH woII .IIH many farmelH. The farmerH pay ICHE taxes and make more money yeai ill Mild yt'tir out tliiin mn.stbnsi. . ni'HH men. All classen nf men Inive loHHfH IIIK ! bad jeiirn. but nil in nil the f rniiT I'H nbont MH well elF IIH Miiyone. Ilirwatha World. .Herb W. Edwrvrdf-Injured. Herb \V. KilwtiMlH of Dos Molina , Nmit , ( jot it fall on an ltwalk last winter , Apralnlni ; hl wrl-t anil bruis Inn lilt , knec. ' . " 'J'lio .nr.xl _ day. ' ' lit stt.vs , "they wrrb so sere and -till I was afiald I would liiiVo to May In lied , bill Ijrnbbijir them well with Cnamhe.rlaln't 1'alii Iliilin and after a few implication ! all MtrtMicsH had dl-appeaii-d. I Ice that this bottle of I'uln Halm paved uu wvi'Mil ditj * linn/to Hty noililni/ UH HilYt'Hiin. " ThIc liniment U for -nt ! ut ICerrV Drnif Store For Sale Out' bard coal burner , one sofi coii ; burner , one large and oiu small wood burner for sale cheaj -O. J. .McNall. To meet you and get acquaint L'd , I will give free diagnosis am' prescriptions to all wbo apply tc me at my office from tbe date ol this issue until December 1st ' 05 Will be triad < to give tbe benelil ol'.Uvcntyeight years of exper ience in the treatment of cbronii as well accute diseases. Coim and see us. Office up Stairs , ovet Moore's Pharmacy. Rcspt , P Si Moore , M. D. -U'H Money To Loan. Kourti * thousand dollars toloar tbrce to ten years. Borrower cat pay SlOO or multiple on any in tercst pay day. Can loan on sat isfactory security in sums to suit If you wisb to borrow to invest pay off an old loan , or gut mon money be sure and write or call HKNKY C. SMITH , Kails City Nebraska. We want you to take Tbe Tri nine for a year. IJring us a del ar and we will mark you paii ill January 1st , 1 < J07. Market Letter KMIIHIIH City , Alo. . Oeiobrr IK . .1)05Cattle ) reei-ipi * \\i-ie ast wri'k , but it wit * lliu railroadH eonld not t'nrnihli ill earn or power to bring in mm * At many towiiK in the went eiitll Hive been held tor Keveral day wailing fcr earn. Tbe market IMH week WMH a repition of that of th m > viouH week. Priees lield stead ) ii everything till Friday , win- what ft-w entile ( hut were hoc soli ibout 10 cents lower. U WHS tli same way last Friday , and th mmket ran along IMHI week ut i iout that tleeline from the wee before ; it will probably lietheHiim way tbiti week , about 10 lower Ilia I ho eneral market last woefc COWH are Khowinn more stren t tluui any other kind. Mhe supply IH 18.000 head , m as many as was expeeted by se > ral thousand bead. Mai ket j steady , COWH mostly 10 bibber , i eompared with laat Friday. A fe loppy beef stetTH are Kelliuy i -10 , $5 75 , prime t-tuii woul around $ ( i 00 , fair to uoc hhort fed Bleern $ 1 75 to $ : > L'i KanpiiH uarxed Colorado. * , $15I tu $ . { DO. Heavy rass COWH KI at $2 75 to $3 00 , medium fjradi $2 155 to $2 50 , a lew oed fed COY at $ : { 00 in $3. 5 ( ) , nice he if em v to $1 75.7eals iireeearce , hellii at $5 T 0 to $ (5 ( iiO for lieht ones , f heller ealvtB1 50 to $5 0(1 ( , Hint eal\vp 25 cmto lower , at $275 $1 00. Sleeker and feeder mov ment keeps up to about 17f > en per day , piiees 1U lower for 11 week ai $ U < )0 ) to $15 (50 ( f..r bulk hblfH. $1 2t'top ' Illbt Wei'k fur hi HI heavy black fet-dern. Stock cn\ and feeder * ' ' 11 ni $2 00 tu $2 ( i hullh $2 25 to $2 On. ,1. S. Hie AUT , Live Stock Correfidondei CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF KIDNEY DISEASES THE TOTAL DEATHS. } \ i _ / k ' * * WlieiTthe Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them , the poisons are .carried by the circulation to every part of the body , deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble , stomach 'trouble , sluggish liver and a host of other ills , all due to deranged Kidneys. FOLEYSKIDNEYCURE V corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form , tones up the whole system , and the diseases that have ' CURED OF BRiGHT's DISEASE. Mr. Robert Q. Burke , Elnora , Saratoga Co. , N , Y. , writes : I am glad to have an oppor resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear , tunity of telling what magnificent remit ! I have had from uslnc FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE after having tried other advertised medlelnei and several phvslclani. Before I began because the cause has been removed. Commence It I had to cet up from II to la times each night to relieve my bladder. I was all bloated up with dropiy and my eyeilcht was ao Impaired that I could scarcely see one of my family FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE across the room * In fact , 1 was o badly uied up that I had Riven up hope of living when I mence taking was urged by a friend to try POLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. One jo-ccnt bottle worked won ders , and before I had taken thethird bottla thn Ruprrfluoti * flesh had gone , aa well as all at the first sign of danger. Do not risk other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My friends were surprised that t was cured , as they all thought I was going to die. Every few days some one cornea from miles away to learn having Bright's Disease or Diabetes. the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of I3right'a Disease , and not one that has tried It has failed to ba benefited. Two Sizes. 50 Gents and $1.00. SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY Dr. McMillan , City Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska. r Lcfjtxl N jllcc , Is licicliv Blvuii tlnit nn Ilic Illi ila } of Ncivcinlici , llnC ) , In tint city nl Knlo I lie mnrliMiuc t'xivnu'il mid dell-CUM ! on Aptll ' 'nil , IIKII mill nrcmlcd In Ilic ( Hllrn ol I lie riiiinl \ del U ( if KluliiiriKon cnunU , v cbr . MuUllli , 1IHII thn yiiiniIIIH ! \ \ \ ex mined bv ( ! . W. Muiril to I' . ,1. I'liintc. will tir luicrldscil In Hi"1 Mile of tlm fdlloulnk' piopcrty ili-scilbul In "iild iiKPitKiicc tiiwlt : out ) Km ) ' IIOMO nine jciits old. 0110 cci iloulilt ! Innnc i. OIIK linen Inch IliilnviiMiiii Thcio Is now ilue on sulil IIIOMKIIKU thti sum of tll'J ( in fiild ( "iilo to tiil.n nliico In fiilil city on Hie wlililn tnt > ii. tlolR'il illile ut ' 'o'eliick In Hie nlleinoun. O. I. I'l.'iinc. Notice Wllmcr WhliK-n , I'lulnllll vs Ni ( He Whlll Di'Ti'lKliinl Tim III eve iiitni' it ( li'feniliiiit \ \ | | | tnkii IKillce Unit on Iliclli ilu ) ol ( Iriolier. IIKVi Ihu pliiln- tUfllli'il I lluulMiiei eiiuit for KlrlmiiUon ( 'iinnn , NcliiitMKii. a pctliliiii , HKiiliit.1 - . ll ( lofeiiiliiiil. Hie ii , Ji'cl mill pnijer of ulilen lire II ) Ollllllll II lllVOICO IIOIII Hlllll ( iL'fCIKlllllt mill Hie ciiMoily or tlie Inliilil ( liuiKlner Null- \Vlilllen , nn ( lie k'loiiiulH mill lor Hie i-ei iiii tint -nld doleiiiliuit liii" lieen uulllv ol Kloni IK ) ( Micini ) enielty InuimK plalntllT wltiuuit nat CHUM ) or piovoealliiii. mid lii : liecn uidl- y of iidiillery ultlioilt Ilio consent or Idion ilifi-ol llio plmntllT. Von will plniil to suit ) elltlon on or lic'lme Dei-dinlier IT. UK"i ) , or tint mm' will tin litlti'ii us trim mid Judgment lea- eii'il ui-fordliiKly WII.MKU WIIITTKN Iti-avix , I'lulnllir lor rut ' .i : > rt Stock Subscription Notice. NotH't ) Is lieiehv ( flvcii thill | IOII | < H will lie dt- iH'd to tlie piililin tor Niilim-ilpiloiiM to tlie iipiliil Slock ot tin1'nUs City , Svomnoru llirliiKH , Siilicllni mill fontImeBtern Itallwuy . 'otniitiy. | ) ill HID olllceol I lie Touln l.iunlier ; oinpmiy. m tlu < i-lly of Kill. * Cllv. Kloliurd- oii uoiintv , Htulti ol Nfliniskii. on I In ; L'd day I Di'eenilier. IWCi Hald Slock IliinUs will liiMipun lor Mild snb- uilptloiH Imtw'ccn Hit ! lioiim of U n. in. mid i ) . in of paid date , I lie ai tides < d liicdrpiirHtlon ol sad Coin itiny IniviiiK licnn duly tlli'd in HID olllce ot lie Ht oretiiry of Malior NebrnHku , on the llth d y of Ocidher , lIHVi. Wltni'Hsonr liundi thin ill h day of October , ! MX- . . W , II.CtlOOK J. II. Mll.KS Al.llKltTMAIIST . - < AMI. KlMMKI. W. K DOUItlNdTON K S. l'l.\M.K K II.To\\iK lni < oriorator of I lie Falln City , SytMindre prln s Hiiliethu and Sontliueslitrit Kallwuy 'onipmiy Hrslputilli-allon Nov. .1 li.VU Lcjjal Notice iMIIIiini A. Klnsey by Henry Stil/ur Kiiiiiitlnii ul the poison mill estate ot A Illlntii A KliiHey VH iMitintiir l.eiinaiil A KltiM-y , Kiln I . Klnsey mil .Innn M Sheiiimii , l > eleiiililits ; I'he iilune niiineil James M Slieiumti do- eiiilitnl ill inhe nntlee tluit on tlielllli dm lutoliei. liu'i. theie was II.cil In the. nltleu ol lieelerk ot thcdltililct court lor Iflcliardi-im eoiiiit ) , Ni'luaskii , u petition iiKnliist the iliovn niiineil ( Iclcndiiiiis l > ) tlio sinil lilulnlllt I IIH nliji'ct mill piii > er ol wliluli urn 10 i ) .neel mill iiiiniil H ileeil niliil e\cciltI'd nut ilellvurol bv tlie siihl Wlllliun , \ Klnsey ooiiMiyl K nil nl'lot MUii\l > oij < i < - ' ) . | ti niirtli Mitt iiiuiMirof | uorlli we t iiunrier iilii'tlie Hirtli ve t < ilmrlernt tlm neil \\estiiuiirler ilsii linen acres oil the north xldo of south i\e t iinirter | all In section lToun 2 ItitiiKit l.p > eiiit.In UlPhiiriUon l'oinit > , Neliiiisku , tin Hie leiiMin that ilm ( .nine WHH obtulni'd lj 11 utiil mill tnu CM Id Kiintor was mi Incdiupc- eiit ut tin ) time of exeuntliiK' i-nlit deed , mill lie liniher IHIIJCI lor mi iieeoiintlnir of nil Interest due on u eeiliiln lionil tor u deed ex- i etitril anil ilelUen il l > ) the suld \ \ nilmii A IvhiM-v to l.eoinuil A istiM ) > 'I'he salt ) noil' leslilent dcfiMidnni .Ininert M hheiiiiiin no oidlnu lo tlin reoinds or s.ild county IIUN a innrtwo on suld iniiiilfcs mid Is iniiile a inirly heieto mill iccjiilicd to iilenil , misntT ir ileiiiinierto Mid iietlllon on or liefoio Utvcti Illi , IIKV , M IIIIIR iii hit rights In the iireinlses VS Illliini A. Klnsej UeavlnIteuvh IIy llenrj M t/.er Attorneys tor I'liilntltl ( luanllHii Klr l.piiljlli'H.lon Out. LMI'.lfo ' IU. ' ) Notice W. Sears , I'lalntlir Onmr VDutN. . cole heir at \ nof Kliionnin U l.'avls and Satah Ann Davis , dei eiiK'd Dclemlant. Tlienh'\e nmin d delendiintlll take nntlco thai ( leoiKo . Seais plal till' , did on Oclob eris , iwiS , Hie In iho dl-tilol conri of Klrh iiKlMin i onnty Neliia < .ka u peiltlon jou. theobjici and pni.ier ol nhlcliiiiit to re torni and coriect a ileeil tnado and n.xeculu.i by Kln-iiiHii It. l a\ls and -mail Ann Davis 01 Juno Mb. l ! > 7ti to the plalntR nnd his wife. AnnS M'tiiH , i-onvexfiii ; two | mcuK of Imu l > IIIK Hint beltiK In heotlon al thetlisl licwln- nltiK in H stone thirty four unlsiind tlvti teet ninth of the fdiith CHOI C'diiier of thn iifure mid M'Cllon , the ce riinnlntr iioilh of t-ontl i t eoinerof mid i-colliin. tl.enee rnnnlnir norlli " t poles ti > H stone , tliencu westerlj to M none on the t-HliI river thcnceon tin. I HIIO line tot iiu center ol tlm channel ot the rUer , thence lollo.Nlni : the channel down nil- Ill II Intersects Iho north line of H timber lot owned bv Win. II. l a\ls. thence easterly o. raid line to plant ot taTlnnlntt Al onnother pmccl ot land beKlnnlnt. > U polCH west ot the other corner ol the south east in > rlur ofseo- tldnj.1. 'I'owii I' o. taiitru 15 Kust and running tlU'iuuett 37 poles , Ihetioe smith tu the cell terof said itvei Ihfiice t'tilliiwlufr nalil Chun in I uoun unillli intersectN with the west line ot a oeconil timber lot owned by William Ii liuvln thence norllierl ) on said lint ) to tin pin co ot iHvlnnhii' . ronliilnlntf ten acres moreorlchs Tlm suld di > < ! describes call land its ly Inir Iti loiuishlp one while in triul HI d In fact said land MIA In 'lou'ishlp luo UlcliHrdsoii idiimj , Nebraska The prii > eel ol suld iK'illldii belnjr to cnrr ci said dosorlp ilon that It iniiieait In township tw . You mo required to ph ad to t > ald petition ol iirlit'lnru December 17. I KV > , or the Mime H | | be taken HH | no and jndument n ndered ao cmd HKloihe ofxild ixMltlon. Iteuvls.V llenvU ( I Ml lldt : W. hKAHti All's for Tiff IM.ilntltf Burlington Bulletin. Spuulal Uoiiie-opUcr ? i iitcs : y fudticL'il round trip riitet. to the urtli 1'liittu Valley tinil thu 131 } , ' Horn { aslti. Oololiuf ITtli. NovoinliPt1 " 111 mil 21-t. Di-ombor . " ) ti ( unil Hlth. I'lili is mi mm-imlly yood ctiitnut ! fot- , 'ou to look ut luiiils in tlie-i ! now ro ; ioiis. whieli oiler a ! ) ! < _ ' pnillt to tho-io vlio cuiiiifL1 them early. [ IniniViltoi'i lOxciit'slonViMt : .lie old IIOIMC wlicii yon liuvt : ( > iearcd ip the ceiison'wtirlc Cheap o.xenr- lon ranto viirion1seotioeis of thu Oust The only excursion , Novuinbur Tlh , limit UL'IHOIK. . ' iluy. Winter Stitibhiho in tin ; Mountiiins : -Daily low excursion rale ? to Coli- ado. A Chuap Way to SicMid | the Winter n ( 'alifoi'iiln : I'he verv liitvt'si one- viratuh ; daily t' ( Jaliforniu and 1'n- ; ot Sound : when you add the one way ate oasUmiiml in the Sprint ; , > ! nivo seciiffd n very lo.v round trip nti1. Through tourirt sltfn.'t | > to tin- vlioli ; Cou-t rot ; Ion . Chuap lloini'-eektr's : Kates tu the West , South wudt anp Soutli thu first mil tliird TtH flnys of uai-h month. U. A SIIAKI * . . \s : 'nt C. 15. oc Q. Ry. Low Rates On M. P. One way colonlwt tiuUots toCallfoi nia or $2i" .00 , on ale rii'pt , to Out. IUt. OIKS wi4 , . unionist tlukotrt to Portland 82t : CO , also Scuttle , to Spokane $ ! , " > 0 , tcket ! on sale Stipiembur l.rth , to Oct , list J. B. VAKNKK. Agent Farm ForSale For the next HO da\H I will oftVr ny farm of OS acies in the north inlf of KtH'tion 10 town 15 ranm- ! & > , price SC > 500. TbiK farm Consibtn > f 25 acres of timber , 10 acn s o.r L-hard just bp iniiiii lo tienr , Balance in ftillivation Also An- oria fjonls for Hale at all times. UU2 WM. ANKKOK When You Have a Bad Cold You want n remedy Umt will nut inly give quleV relief hut HU-ot a per- nanent cure. You want u remedy tliui will relieve the lunps and Keep expi'utoration eas.s. You want a rumedy thut will count cruet any tendency loutudspneu monia. You want a reined ; that is. pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Uomedy meet' all of these ruqu irt'inents and for tin spcudyand permanent enreof bml eoldt stands without a peer. For .sale al Kurr's Di im Store Kvery old subscriber wbo pay ; up and a year in advance > vill be credited on our books until Jan uary 1st , l'J07. Chamberlain's Colis Uholera am Diarrhoen Remedy. This i the mo- * biicuesiful medieme in tlio world fo bowel complaints , and is iho only re mt-dv that will cure ohronic diarrhoea Bvury bottle Is wurranted. For 6ah ut Kerr'H nrtnr Store. DR. O. H. KENT Graduate Atm-i-icim Sohool of Osteopathy , Kirksvllle , Mo. Examination and Consultation Free Hour * : J to 12 a m ; 1 tu 4 p m Otllcoat rt'ftdt'nue , Mono street , M-IOPI biock north of court liim-e. PALLS CITY . . fJEO. H. PARSELL M. D Telephone No. c-S Office at Residence O Price Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. i to 3 p. m. TIME TABLE I Falls City. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago . Buttc St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City' Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points cast and and all points south. west. TRAINS I.KAVK AS l'OIIOWS : No. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south . 7:20 p m Xo. 13. Vestilmled express , daily , Denver ami all points west and northwest . 1:25 a m No. 14. Vestibitlcd express. daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and all" points east and south . 7:47 a in No , 15. Vestibitled express. daily , Denver , and all points west and northwest . 1 :28 16. Vestibitled express daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St Louis Chicago and | x > ints east nrtd south . 4:25 j > m No. 2O. Local express daily Atchisonand ] > oints south ami west . . . . 4:35 : p m No. 41. St. Lorns-Portland SptciaULincoln , He lena , Tacoma and Portland without change . 10:07 : j > in No. 115. Local accommoda tion , (1 u i 1 y e x- cept Sunday , Salem , Nemaha and Ne braska City . 11:15 j > m Sleeping , dining- and reeling- chair cara ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and Vxiggage checked to any point in the States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart Agent , Falls City. Xeb. , or J. Francis. G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NORTH No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Express . ' . . A 1:57 a in No. 103 Omaha ami Lincoln passenger . A 1:00 : p m No. 191 Local Freight , Au- t > nrn . A 1:00 p m sotrrii No. 106 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver . A 3:10 a m No. 103 Kansas City and St , Louis and Denver . A 1:25 p in No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a in No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi awatha . A 10:20 : p m A. Daily. H. Daily except Sunday. J. H. VAKNKK , Agent. H.T. Gardiner t MERCHANT TAILOR We are particular cater ers to particular people , that is , people who arc particular about their clothes. Every garment that we turn out has that peculiar excellence which stamps it as a Gardiner garment. May we show you our Fall and Winter sam ples ? They are very attractive. H.T.GARDINER Boys Take Notice. You can make some money gathering walnuts. I will buy them. O. P. HKCK. BOYS " -WINTER- SHOE When a boy reache that per iod where tin'sall hands and feet" no wonder he K'els jrriev- ed if he ia ohMijed 10 wear ill- fitting ; and unsightly shoe * in ordt > r to jruln service. There itno need of it. UP we prove right here : hut sroocJ Up- t > earane and stron weur can bd combineil. Durable , warm , dampnet--- sheddioi ; Shoes for ilovc just the thinu the uverasji' p.irent Is looking for. fJ x Calf Velonr ana Ri > < - > iiin < 'itlf ut from $1.25 to $2.75 ueiiii'ilin < _ r to - ! / ' Geo. B. Holt , TkeShoe Man . S. HcCarthy | I 1DRAY Pruinpl iitti-ntion ylveti to the removal of hntn-e * hold goods. PHONE NO. 211 = WE SFI i Diplomat , 01 Ciw James E. Pepper Guckenheimer Rye The finest Whlbkey made Call for your favorite brand at William Harnack's Phone 74. REFRACTION 1ST. R. L. Beaumont , M. D. formerly CVe and Car Specialist. Now limiting practice to EYK GLASSES , hixlh nnd F.-lix. Sl.JOSEPH. . . MtSSOUHL. Infill P * I I I midHimlf lU'ieldi. rilli St / I H 1" thn ii'icrn | IMM i > t I UIJiJLlv Knit * City on Kin Nlmli M reel Mee lo Hl'cn. ( inu hull' r it Inillticn- . I'r.i'M Wm. MUIILIH.