The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 27, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Rev. Hex spent Wednesday in
Nora Poteet spent Sunday in
Nellc McMahan spent Sunday
in Lincoln.
Jero me Wiltse was a pleasant
cnller at this oflke.
Anita Wilson spent Saturday
with friends in Salem.
Clyde Ramel spent Sunday
with friends in Salem.
V. G. Lyford spent the fore
part of the week in Lincoln.
John Oswald attended to his
work in Stella last Wednesday.
Charley Wallace returned to
Shubert on Tuesday afternoon.
Frank Marvin left Tuesday
afternoon for Beatrice , Nebraska.
Roy Heacock made a business
trip to Howe on Tuesday after
Gertrude Hays of Stella visited
Palls City last Thursday and
William Schnielzel and Bessie
Davis spent Saturday with friends
tn Salem.
Mrs. E. F. Sharts visited with
Humboldt relatives the latter
part of last week.
Ingram Cain came down from
Stella Thursday and witnessed
"Rajah of Bhong. "
Ella Miller of Omaha is spend-
in y a short vacation with her
parents in this city.
Mrs. Ferd Harlow returned on
Wednesday from a week's visit
with friends in Rulo.
Fourteen months or until Jan
uary 1st , 1907 for a dollar. Try
taking The Tribune.
Grant Stewart made a business
trip to Wymore on Wednesday
afternoon of this week.
Mable and Grace Shouse spent
the latter part of this week with
friends in Straussville.
Gertrude and Grace Lvford
were the quests of Salem friends
on Saturday af last week.
Mary Ilaunhs of Rule added
her name to our subscription list
the latter part of last week.
Ferd M- Harlow can more
than save vour feiyht over any
Catalogue house in the U. S.
Ferd M. Harlow will this week
sell three pound can of peaches
for 20 cents.2 can sfor 35 cents.
C. G. Haryrave wife , and son
left Wednesday afternoon for a
short visit with Lincoln friends.
Ferd M. Harlow can and will
sell you more groceries for $1.00
than any other house in the coun
_ _
Edna Holland is the ? uest of
Lincoln friends having left for
that city on Tuesday of this
Ferd M. Ilarlow wants to buy
onions , carrots , butter , e frs.
cabbage or anything raised on a
Mrs. Ellen Kiny and son Rich
ard , left Tuesday afternoon for
Omaha , which city will be their
future home.
J. M. Gulp is clijfjjing' out and
cleaning up his lake near the M.
P. depot preparatory to putting
up his ice this season.
Mrs. Ross Jackson of Rule
spent Wednesday and Thursday
with her parents Richard Jones
and wife in this city.
James Holman of Humboldt
was a pleasant caller at this office
on Tuesday. He is a prosperous
farmer and stockman in the west
Oliver Stoughton returned the
latter part of last week after
travelling during the summer
season with the Carnival Com
r pany.
II. C. Peck called at this office
Saturday and showed his appre
ciation of a good paper , by re
newing his subscription for an
other year.
The Tribune until January 1st
1907 , for a dollar.
Ilarlow carries a superior grade
of bulk olives , try em.
John Gilligan left Saturday
afternoon for Oklahoma.
Ilarlow carries the finest grade
of coffee handled in U. S.
Cass Jones and. wifeof Rule
spent Monday in this city.
J. H. Cornell and wife spent
Sunday in Nebraska City.
Jay Parsons and wife of Verdon
were in this city Saturday.
F. W. Cleveland made a busi
ness trip to Salem Monday.
Mrs. Chris Heitn of Dawson
was a visitor in this city Friday.
Frank Marvin came in from
the western part of the state last
John Oswald returned Sunday
from a week's stay in Chatman ,
L. C. Edwards of Humboldt
spent Monday with friends in
this city.
Will Jay of the Lincoln Jour
nal was in this city the fore part
of the week.
Robert Buckham and family
returned to their home in Lin
coln Monday.
Alma Ilcim of Dawson visited
with Falls City friends the latter
part of last week.
W. W. Jenne returned to this
city on Monday after a five weeks
trip on the road.
Mrs. DeMos ? and daughter
were visiting relatives in Rule
the first of the week.
N. B. Judd and wife of Dawson
were the guests at the home of
Supt. Crocker Sunday.
George Dietsch , wife and
daughter left Friday afternoon
for a short visit in Rulo.
Mrs. M. D. Lum came down
from Verdon and spent Sunday
with Mrs Sue Dcwald.
Gertrude Lum of Verdon at
tended the meeting f the Friends
in Council last Friday evening.
George Funk and wife came
down from Dawson Saturday and
spent Saturday with friends here.
Mrs J. A. Conner of Auburn
visited with her mother Mrs. Sue
DeWald the fore part of this
Taylor Johnson and wife came
down from Verdon the last of the
week and visited Will Price and
A nunibe'r of our citizens at
tended the funeral of MrsO. . A.
Cooper held in Humboldt last
If you want a dollars worth of
sugar your 10 year old boy must
be stout or he can't carry it.
F. M. Ilarlow
Mrs. II. S. Pennington and
daughter Hazel and Cleta Moran
of Verdon visited Mrs. John
Hossack Monday.
O. W. DeWald and daughter
Orva of Trenton , Nebraska at
tended the reunion of the family
at Mrs. DeWald's on Sunday of
this week.
Nclle Weaver came down from
Verdon on Saturday afternoon
and accompanied by Elva Leland
Sears left Saturday evening for
St. Joseph , Mo
. Mrs. J. R. Smith returned on
Wednesday afternoon from Bea
trice where she spent the past
two weeks with her ( laughter ,
Mrs. Henry Rogers.
Mrs. Marion Powell and little
daughter of Washington County
Kansas is the guest of William
Wilson and wife. Mrs. Powell
is the daughter of Jugde S. A.
Fulton who formerly resided in
Falls City.
Falls City lodge No , 201 D of
II. , A. O. U. W. will give a box-
social in their hall Thursday
evening November 2 , the public
are cordially invited. All mem
bers are expected to come with
well filled boxes.
Don't forget the free lunch at
the Derby every day.
For Sale Black Langshang
Roosters. Christ Horn.
John Crook left Sunday for a
trip through Oklahoma.
Rev. Griflin left the first of the
week for Lincoln , Nebraska.
W. T. Fenton of "Dawson was a
Tuesday visitor in this city.
Lest we forget , try taking the
Tribune Fourteen months for a
The Tribune every week until
.Tannery 1st , 1907 , forseven cents
a month.
Geo. W , Holland was a B. and
M. passenger for Lincoln last
Monday afternoon.
H. L. Kloepfel of Rule called
and renewed faith in The Tri
bune on Thursday.
Mabel and Grace Shows re
turned on Monday afternoon from
a visit in St. Joseph.
* * -
Col. N. W. Harding was down
from Humboldt Saturday and
made us a pleasant call.
Ferd M. Harlow will sell you
the finest quality three pound can
of tomatoes for ten cents.
F. W. Samuelson who has been
quite'ill for several days was able
to be out again this week
Every cent saved is a cent earn
ed. The Tribune till January 1st
1907 , for one hundred cents.
R. II. King came down from
Shubert Wednesday for a brief
visit with friends in this city.
The Interstate Telephone com
pany issued this week 8750,000 to
The Pioneer Trust company.
II. W. Shubert and wife re
turned Monday afternoon to their
home in Broken Arrow , I. T.
Dan Kelly returned to his home
in Verdon Sunday after a brief
visit with friends in this city.
Mrs./E. IDavies has our
thanks for a renewal of her sub
scription to this paper , last Fri
What Nebraska got at Ann
Arbor last Saturday is about what
the democrats will get on elec
tion day.
Albert Bentley returned to
White Cloud the first of the week
after spending Sunday here with
his family.
Every old subscriber who pays
up and a year in advance vvill be
credited on our books until Jan
uary 1st , 1907.
The price of a cigar will bring
you The Tribune a month. A
dollar till January 1st , 1907. We
pay the freight.
There will be preaching at the
Baptist church Sunday morning
and evening October 29 , 1905.
We want you to take The Tri
bune for a year. Bring us a dollar
lar and wt- will mark you paid
till January 1st , 1907.
Gertrude Leyda was detained
from her work at the Bode & Son
store , on Monday of this week ,
by a severe sore throat.
Services as usual at the Pres
byterian church next Sunday.
Horning subject ' 'How the life
and the book of Job solves for us
the greatest of all mysteries. "
Everybody cordially invited to
all the services. S. W. Griffin ,
'Mrs. Charles Edwin Banks ,
formerly of Chicago wishes to
announce that she will continue
her work in voice culture and in
struction in the art of singing in
Falls City which is now her home.
She also desires to announce that
she and her daughter , Lillian
Banks , pianist and teacher , will
give a series of musical evenings
at their home durirg the winter
season. The dates of these even-
nings will be announced later ,
when the names of the composers
to be Interpreted will also be
to make every day of the Fall and Winter trade into a Bargain Sale clay. We look
the interests of our patrons always and will always meet and defeat any price offer-
eel you , quality considered. We can truthfully say that our stock this season is more jit
complete and exhaustive than ever. You know what that means it means the largfl
est and best stock to select from. The stock will credit this claim. Before purchasing -
ing inspect our stock and verify the truth of these assertions. We do not ask you to
come and help us , but we say help yourself. Just as an evidence that we mean what'
we say , look at these prices. If we don't quote what you want , bear in mind that
we have correspondingly low prices.
We cnrry fashionable fabrics of every de
scription including Broadcloth. Panamas , Cash ,
meres , Batistes , Crepes , Voiles , in all popular
shades. Our prices range from 20C tol.4S
See these goods to appreciate them.
m Flannelettes and Outings
W > We are showing over n hundred pieces of
CX Flannelettes mid Outings this full in nil the
vc * ohmles and colorings. These goods were all
JJR bought before tlu1 advance on cotton goods.
j Everything from comforter lining to a house
Wfr jacket or kimoiia at from 5C fo I 5C
Carpets , Rugs , Linoleums , Lace
Tapestry , Rope Curtains.
\V have ulwnys been headquarters for
house furnishings. We have never been uiuler-
fluid by any linn in or out of Falls City. Our
prices are ( he best Kansas City prices on the
articles listed. We are sure to save you mori-
in this line.
Large assortment of both cotton and wool
blankets , prices range from a 11-1 , extra large
cotton blanket at 90c , to the best 11-4 white
wool blanket at $5.50
Special Sale
of Enamelwcire
Your choice of eith
er a 14 quart dishpan -
pan or a 10 quart
water pail ; triple
coated , blue and
white outside , white
inside , for 50 cents ,
worth 75 cents.
See the goods in the
large Window ,
China , Quecnswarc , Glass
ware' Groceries and Flour ,
the best of their kind at
Money To Loan. ;
Fourty thousand dollars to loan \
three to ten years. Borrower can
pay $100 or multiple on any in- j
tcrest pay day. Can loan on satisfactory - '
isfactory security in sums tf suit.
If you wish to borrow to invest ,
pay off an old loan , or get more
money be sure and write or call ;
Falls City Nebraska.
For Sale
One hard coal burner , one soft
coal burner , one large and one
small wood burner for sale cheap
O. J. McNall.
- - * -
_ | To meet you and get acquaint
ed , I will give free diagnosis and
prescriptions to all who apply to !
me at my oflicelrom the date of
this issue until December 1st ' 05. '
Will be glad to give the benefit
of twenty-eight of
years exper
ience in the treatment of chronic
as well as accute diseases , Come
and see us. Office up stairs , over
Moore's Pharmacy. Respt , P.
S. Moore , M. D. 4W4
This is our third season in the clonk busi
ness. We have no slocks of clonks carried for
lf > years , but hove n bran now and up-to-dnto
snappy line of Clonks of the latest style and
finish. Any garment that you select nt our
store you can rest assured war mnde for this
season 'a wear. Pricea range from. . $5 to $20
Children's Cloaks from $ 1.20 to $4.75
Our new line of Palmer garments will bo here
in about ten days. Nothing liner was ever
brought to the city. Yon are invited to call
and inspect them.
We want you to compare thrse prices with
other prices quoted you on the same goods.
I1 , won't take long for you to find out that we
iir e making our claim nood. Don't buy until
you have visited our store. We are agents for
the Ladies Homo Journal patterns , the latest
ami most up-to-date patterns for sale. Price
10 and 1 cents per pattern.
Fall and winter underwear in cotton lleece
lined , and wool have all been affected by extensive -
tensive advances. The extensive stock we have
in this line was contracted for last year and
hence no advance to us we therefore offer the
goods in this department at last year's prices.
| is the criterion for prevailing fashions
arc now ready for unir inspection
I Fine Dress Suits a Specialty
We are Buried With
for our superior tfrade of Coal , but
we like it. We like the orders just
.is well as careful , critical people
like the coal. Many people won't
have anve any coal but ours , be
cruse they know the difference.
Some people haven't studied coal
economy as much as we think they
should. .Better order a ton of ours.
Phone 38 HAUST BROS.