THE FALLS CITk' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 27 , 1905. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Entered nccoii'l-clnvt matter an Kails City , Kcliraska , post oflice , Jaiin- urv 12 , 1'KH , under Hie Act of Confront of Murcli 3 , 1879. every Friday at Falls City , Nebraska , by The Tribune Puhlliliinrf Company One year . . ' . Sis iP'.Hitlin . - - M Three month * . . . - TELEPHONE 226. Republican State Ticket I Oil tit'l-HKMn iio.N.u. it. UCITON Hill lluir.NTH v. ( i. i.rrouu KItl',1) AIIHOTT Rebublican County Ticket t on TIIBAHIIIIKH .1.0 TANMCU Ion ( i.r.iiK I'OltTKIl HTItlNni'lKlil ) I oil .liruilf. .1. It. WII.IIITK roil Hr.roiiMr.ii \V. M. IIIKUKK KlH "ri'r.lll. > TKNUKNT I'UOI' . It. I. . IIOI'I * I on ynr.iurr JOHN IIU93AOIC Hilt ( 'PlltlNKIl Kit. ( lio. : ItCNKICKK I on Hi'itvr.voit KUAN 1C KANT/.MA JOHN lllNTON I'or Jnntloi of tlui IViici- .1. I.UIIIAVIII : : J..MOHIMAN , Jll. I'd ! ( .nilMillili'M J.V. . NAUHIiliU I' . M.CAMIII.IN The division , the oil wells ami tlio Miles will case will now di vide the attention for the rest of the winter. Will Richer ia a public spirited citizen. He is one who has made a success of life. His term as register of deeds has been mark ed with ability and faithfulness. His re-election is one of the things which may bo taken for granted as a reward justly earned. On the question of fitness , on the questiofi of party loyalty , on every question which goes to the essentials of a good county treas urer Jake Tanner is not found wanting. Hehau no past that he fears , and no man can offer a single valid reason for opposing him. 1'orter Stringlield is a product of Kichardsoi\ county , having been born here . > 8 years ago. He has never known any other home. There is not an act of his3J- years of life that can be used against him. He is one of out best citixons and his candidacy it being welcomed by' hundreds ol his friends both republican and democrat as an opportunity to re ward a man who is in every way deserving. Prof. HoflT will serve the peopK of this county as well as it ha ; ever been served. His qualifica tions are so far superior to thosi of his opponents that comparisoi would be odious. There is m truth in the statement that he i : not a republican. He was a dem ocrat until 18 % when he vote < for McKinlev and has been voting ing the republican ticket eve since.Ve are informed that th democratic cadimlate , Mr. Olive w ; s : i republican until 1S' ) < > whe he became a democrat. HolT gc right in % and has been rigli ever since. Oliver got wren the same year and remains so t this day. Jake Tanner is gaining strengt with the passing of every da\ Notwithstanding it is the polio of the opposition to concentrat their efforts on the head of th ticket the chances for Mr. Tat nor's election are better toda than they have ever been bofor < A gentleman prominent in stai politics was in Falls City th week and he stated that tl democrats were doing nothin for their state ticket , but wei using all their efforts to gai control of the counties b > .sli ] ping in a few of the county of ! cers. The republican who deceived by cries of machin third term and like subterfugi is permitting himself to be usi as an instrument to destroy hewn own party. A CKUEL ASSAULT. In the last issue of the News it contained an editorial concern ing John Hossack republican can didate for sheriff which we wish that every voter in the countv might read. For downright brutality it is a gem and does credit to the character and repu tation of its author. The News declaims its authorship by saying it was contributed and that the editor does not believe in that kind of warfare. The denial of the News was unnecessary , no one would credit the News with it and everyone immediately guessed the writer. There are men in the world who boast on the streets and in their places of business of the cruel and brutal things they have said of and to their acquaint ances. There are men who will take your time by the hour , if you will submit to being bored that long relating the sharp and cutting words they have said for purpose of wounding the feeling's of their fellow men , and consider such conduct an evidence of their smartness. Such men are always despised though their vanity doi's not permit them to discover the fact. Such a man wrote the article in the last issue of the News about John Hossack. In it he is called a dead beat ; he is accused of lax.iness. indo lence and with having made a failure of life. Nothing that the writers fertile imagination could conjure lip was omittedand know ing its author , we have no doubt that he was very proud of his handiwork. From his stand point he is entitled to be. It was a masterpiece. We have no in tention to deny the charges made against Mr. Hossack , we have no desire to debate a proposition of abuse and slander with the writer. We are no match for the man who wrote ihe article in his chos en field. We are content to let him occupy it as the undisputed champion. We will say this for Mr. Hey sack however ; he never inten tionally wounded a man's feeling in his life. He has never re fused to go to the assistance of the unfortunate who was unhappy or suffering. He has never taken an official obligation without fill- lining it and he has made one of he best sheriffs this county has ver had. He needs no defense t our hands , his life and charac- ir speak for themselves. We ah he friends of Mr. Hossack would ike to have every voter in the ounty read the article in the ws. No fair man who knows he man who is so cruelly stand- red will fail to register his pro- est against such conduct when he time comes to vote. There las never been a question as to lossack's re-election , but the ( Torts of the man who wrote the News editorial has made certainty loubly certain. The opposition ivould better call him off. Speaking of machines , how did t come that the Falls City News knew and published three weeks before the democratic county con vention was held that John Hut chings was to be nominated foi clerk , John liagnon for judge am Lord for treasurer. Several mei thought they were candidates fo : some of these offices and remain ed under that impression unti the day of the convention. Is i possible that a machine had lixei the matter so long before tin convention ? If not. how did tlv News know they were to be noni inated ? Don't worry about Judge Wil bite The voters of this count appreciate a good official to highly to permit him to be dt feated. There are many dcnu crats who have had business wit his office that are openly worl ing for him and the republicar are too proud of his administr : tion to be fooled by cries of thir term. The prediction is freel made that he will lead the ticke whether he will or not he wi receive the vote of the majorit of the voters of this county f < the reason that he deserves it. Salem. F. II , Sehoek spent sundiiv In Fall * rliy. Ira Mi-Cool vlltccl In Full ! City st urdily. Mr * . John Moore ha > bean tick UiU week. Cl.ulu lltimel vnu it riitk'ti ) visitor Sunday. Wither Stave ! ; , visited his mother Morality. Llnnn Ttinnii' went to St. Joe , Wednesday. Fnink Fitch cunicilown from Omaha Wednesday. Win. Mowery and wife were In Sal em Monday. Mrs ) . Harlln hm been quite sick for several days. F. W. Cleveland vv.u up from I'VilU city Monday Kay Llllledull and Joe Wlndle spent Sunday In Verdon Ol Wlndlu ciimf up from St. Joseph one diiy last week. Chu * . Wood of Lincoln I ? visiting It- ! * father this week. Chns. Mulntyrc was it Fall * city vh- Hoi Saturday veiling. Gertrude and Grace L > ford of FalU ( 'it > were In town siUiirdaj1. Mr- , Martin returned I omc from Liberty Saturday afternoon. Wlllluin Hmel/.el and Bess Davis were In Salem Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hates went to Ihimboldi Sat urday where she spent several days Quito a number from Salem attended the sale at thu Ability farm Monday. K. M. Grlnstead made a business trip to St. .ioa the latter part of lust week. .1. II. Tlmmennan and Win. Inks drove to Dawson Saturday afternoon. s. 1 * . Gist and wife drove to Hum- boldt siiiiduv returning home Monday. Th' ! little son of Geo. Mobley wlfo Is quite sick threatened with limp ( ever. Mrs. Ufsln < : returned to her home In Lincoln Saturday , after visiting Mr * . S K smith. U H. Waller went to Humbnldt Sat urday to attend the funeral of Mrs. O. A. Cooper. Mr ? , ( . 'hug. cooper has been quite slek for several days but Is reported better ut this writing. Xula McCool went to Duwson Thurs day to alien da parly given by "The candle Light Club. " * Aril in Wilson of Falls City visited several days the littler parl of last week with Miiry Kuasell Mrs , i1. A. Iltisenyrger drove down from Mern , Kansas Salimlay lo vlsft Krn Wiekham and family. lllehar.l Morris drove down from Slellii Sunday , lie was aeeompanled home Monday by Mrs. Martin. clarenee savlllu went to Bradshaw Nebraska Saturday where he w'll ' visit for some time with seott C'trllsle and wife Stella Carlisle foil down cellar lasl week and sustained several bruises but fonunalely they were not serious and dlu : It able lo bo around again. Mr . Goo. KusS"ll wont to Kansas City Tuesday to vl-it her sister Mrs ] I'a.Mie. Sin-will also visit In Plaits- bur. : . Mo bt-foro her return nome A. Graham camu do'"n from Daw-oi Itini'.uv. He was accompanied hoim > y Mr.- ' , Graham who has bzen .spend rig several days with her daushtoi Mrs. chas cooper. Mrs. Albert Adams visited relatives rom Friday until Saturday. From lore she went to tlumbuUK to spend a ay or two with her parents before re- timing to her homo In Haveloek. Florence Jones entertained eight ol lor young lady irlonds at a slumbei Kirtv Saturday utght. The evoniiu vas plousenlly spent In music and read ng. At a late hour refre-hments wen ervcd after which the guests depart en to "Dreamland " The next morn u a very nlw break iat was served Those present were Tlnuuer nan. Mccool , Tllden CMrllsh' , and liar lin. OHIO A. K Mutler was a businesvlMto ut K. 1'ecUs Tuesday. Harvey Peek and sister were guest .U their I'nele K. Peeks Sunday. John Alliers after a visit In Mo. ha returned home. Grace Neilrow entertained her frlen Kdnu Shatter at her Homo Sunday. Kstiv Stouder and LyilUi Werne were guests of Ethel and Klma Coot Sunday. Mrs. O. A. Burk and sou Soyiuou spent Thursday aftetuoon with Mr N. Peek. John and Wm. Hutchison werevlsl ors at John Yoeuin in Falls City Sntm lay. John Kuischiok and family vlslte with John Field aud family south i Falls City. Sunday. S. W. Mausl and Gee Sturns < Strnusvlllo were Falls City vlsltoi last Saturday. Mrs. Perry Shaffer returned horn Saturday from Council Bluffs aftc about four weeks visit with her so Karl and wife. FALL and WINTER SHOES c > fi At no season of the | 3 year is SIIOK DUALITY so ! 'much in"real demand < as < ? it is in the Autumn , for 5 shoes purchased then 15 5 ' , fc t must meet the severe test $ : ! of Winter's snow and its ' ? ' ! ice. Yet and style general - o > eral appearance must not j- be sacrificed the jj perfect e combination must be at o all times maintained. fj , A trip to our store and S an inspection of the laden \l \ shelves will show how ' [ > we have kept all these | things in view. Our combination - c bination also includes the c "Ri-rht Price. " Io E. HALL ! GEHLING THEATRE ONE NIGHT Wednesday , Nov. 1st. The Seasons most worthy offering. Engage ment of the peculiar COHEDIAN W. B. PATTON In the Seasons biggest Success , the Purely American Comedy "THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER" Excellent Cast , Elaborate scenic Effects ; A Per fect production in every Respect Prices 75 , So and 35 cents Molly Sunnier anil sistur Murlo were lots , of tlioir friend Alrnu Whit ruck Sunday. 1C I'ook mill wife spent Sumliiy after noon at Geo. 1'L'oks. Goo Peek mid wife returned luine Friday ufter : i few weeks visit with re- utlves in lowu and Pennsylvania. Mnrtln Nolle mid wife : tru the proud parent * of another bo\ . I tin Looey done sonio sewlnj ; for Mrs. Wm tiueltiier the pust week. Viola Llppolil is assiblinj : Mrj * . K. d , Liuhty with her house work. Ui'v. Stouder and wife s , > ent Similiiy afternoon with Granil lju 1'cek. H. T. IVi'U anil fumlly , H l1'Pek und wife iind Mr. Keller were < -uesta of S. li Knis-elj's SunUiij' A purly of younj ; folks drove to the MUsourl Klver on u pleasure trip and to hunt puw-piiAS Suniliiv They were the Messrs Herbeit Murk , Klmo Me- Cann , und I tin liurk , Hmma MeCann anil Minnie Maeomlmr \Vrii. llorstinaii was at Fred Whit- roeks'l'ia'sday. The meetiiii ; elosed Sunday evening that has been ioinj > on for two weeks nt Sliver Creek church. Kstii Stouder entertained her friend Muude MeCann last Tuesday night at her home. Some in thi * vicinity bought some of the line hogs sold by W nit rock and Ueisehiek last Saturday. Jonus Ilarshbeger of Pennsylvania was a. guest of relatives und friends last week. usta Stouder was a guest of Lydiu Werner last Saturday night. Mrs. r. Peck was a guest of .1. O. Yutzy In Falls City one day hist week. Will Stump and wife of Falls Cltj were out from Falls City Sunday tc ceo their sister Mrs. Wes Nedrow , Will Hartlett and wife were over tc Strausvllle Sunday to gee their dajglv ter. Chas Stump und wife of Strauasvlllc were in Falls City Sunday. A HOLE IN THE POCKET Has your pocket a hole in it through which your hard earnings are constantly leaking ? If so , the wise thing for you to do is to come to this bank an 6pen an'account. Better not wait for a larger sum , but begin with a small amount. We mean to be help ful fovou in vour efforts to save. The Fills City Slate Bank J. D. SPRAGINS S. C. PRIEND Palls CltV , Neb. Hiawatha , Kan. SPRAGINS & FRIEND Real Estate and Exchange Brokers Lands. City Property nntl Mcrclnindl c. Loan.Colluctlons. . Fire , Llifhtn'ii" Tor- niulo , Wlnditorin , Acclilent und Mfc Itisurnnce. Over IliirKrn\e'si > tort > . P. P. Box 944 PALLS CITY. NEB. Four Great Farm Bargains ! . In Richardson county Neb. and Brown county Kas. These Four Farms belong to non-residents and must be sold in the next few days. No 1 Is n good riuh farm of 158 acres King only three miles north of Fulls City. Good improvements ; tinely fenced : win I mill and tanks ; good small orchard ; plenty of good water : on R. P. D and tel ephone line ; good neighborhood , close to school and church ; no better Boil in the county : good abstract title The cheapest farm in the county , price $ Sf , > 00. Part cash balance at 5 per cent. No 2 GO acres of good , rich land , three miles southeast of IBira- da. Somewhat rolling but not rough : pretty well improved : good large orchard , plenty of good water. This will make some one with small capital a good little home , price $40 per acre and there is land adjoining this that can be had cheap. No. ! i Is a good farm of 92 acres lying between Reserve und Padonia , Kansas. Well improved , fine location ; good neighborhood ; orchard ; plenty of good water : part of this farm is crook botton but never overflows ; no better soil in Brown county ; most all in cultiva tion. Only two miles from railroad market. Only $ (5500.00. ( No 4 Is one among the nest farms in the Bnrada neighborhood of 100 acres. Only H miles north east of Bamda. with . .rdinary im provementsfine water furnished by good well and spring. Nice yonni : orchard. No better soil in this county , corn will make about ( Jo bu per acre this yenr. Since the Ctinninir factory went in at Barada this land is worth much more us lots ol tinImul thi.s reason planted to tomatoes made net to tenant $70 penn-re. \\V we will .sell \t n this farm for only $32 per a n1. One crop will mm- " than p \ for the land , As above -.ttited tlM'M * farm * belong 10 non-ie.sidrn and will be sold tor mtu'li le.-- . than their true value , as they must u" , > M-us quick. We include in this Male one of the beat homes in ihi city ( it n sac rifice. E' ' unnt lnrt > e S niiiin full ( wo sttiry well fitiihhi'd inside iifni out dwelling , good Inrye burn , wood , con I und cub hon.-c. mw bit i chicken lmu > - , 2 u' ' uil well.cihtern , fi ii' oelhr. plenty nf inee fmii. nil biiildinu& > in tine nlmpe. east front , goo-1 neighborhood , worth $1 < > U < ) but WOOD will take it as it must be sold. Don't forget our land Excursions to Bntler. Dickinson , Ottawa counties and northwest Nebraska on Tuesday , November 7. Fine rain in Kansas this week has put the wheat and pastures , in fine shap-1 You can vote and then have time to L O with us this trip , as it will be gettiiK'inte after this excursion. ( Jailor write us foparticulars. . WHITAKER BROS. Falls City - - Nebraska i. * \r. , , f r * * * * * * w w | New Cany Store | S Offers Home Made | a Candy fresh each day. a 3 The best , purest and ? S freshest for WholeS § sale and Retail trade , % One door north of S | Hargraue & Hargrave | § The Falls City | | Candy Kitchen | Noah Peck wits u business visitor in Hull ) , Monday. Clcon Peck was u visitor at Daradu Sunday evening. Edith Peck and Carrie Maust drove down to Kansas for a few days visit. The sign was in the heel last Sunday. Everybody capable of walking was out enjoying one of the most beautiful things in the world an October day in Ne braska. / ; , EAT- 1I 2 ; < > . < r I * I * Chocolates , Peanut Bar and Taffy Saratoga Restaurant SHORT ORDER HOUbE Meals at all Times Oyster * and Hot Chile . . r.OtlOlM ) A SPEtMAI.TV C. V. IIENDKICKS Proprietor SHIELDS' CAFE GEO. SHIELDS , Proprietor Open Night and Day. Oysters a Specialty Everything Hot One block east of Cleveland's Store