The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 20, 1905, Image 5

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Marv Dickman is visiting with
friends in Omaha.
James Larnado of Rule spciit
Tuesday in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. White are visit
ing with friends in Leona , Kans.
Edwin Falloon returned Tues
day-froni n short-visit'at Lincoln-
H. E. Bovd of Ilumboldt spent
Tuesday with Falls City friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Withee
of Stella spent Sunday in this
C. M. French of Montaloo , Cal.
has renewed his faith in the
Mrs. Stephen Prior \vas a B. &
M. passenger for Liberty on
Mrs. Ed May who has been
seriously ill is reported as being
much better.
Ernest Obenland was an M. P.
passenger for Stella the fore part
of this week.
J. Cronenberger will preach at
the Salem Church of Cluist next
Sunday afternoon at 2:30. :
Earl Mart ? of Wyiuore spent
Tuesday evening1 with his par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Martz.
Mrs. Ilattie Branum and two
children left Tuesday for a visit
with friends in Sterling , Nebr.
Hall Sowles came up from St.
Joseph the first of the week and
spent several davs with his par
Sherman and Earl Godfrey
after a short visit with friends
returned to their home in Rule
Tuesdav afternoon.
Mrs. Prank Clark returned to
her her home in Yerdon last Sat
urday after a brief visit with
friends in this citv.
P.Y. . Samuelson who came up
from Kansas Citja few days ago
has been confined to the house ,
and is now improving.
Mable Whitaker left Tuesday
afternoon for Lincoln where she
will spend the remainder ol this
week with University friends.
Mrs. Merchant and two ( laugh
ters who have been visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. McDowell left
Tuesday afternoon for Huron ,
Mrs. Shafcr of Shubert who
has been visiting with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Prior ,
left Tuesday for Long Island
where she will spend the coming
two weeks.
Louis Vonier arrived in the
city this week fora visit at the
home of his mother , Mrs. John
Weber. Louis is now a member
of the police force at Bartles
ville , Indian Territory ,
W. S. Korner left Tuesday
afternoon for a short visit at his
old home , Dayton , Ohio. From
there lie will go to Bellevue
where the Regimental Reunion
will be held on October 19th.
L. J. Hitckcock , the well known
stockman and farmer residing
northwest of town was in the
city this week on his way home
from the big stock show at Kan
sas City. While there he was
taken ill and has not yet fully recovered
The subject of the sermon at the
Presbyterian church will be
"Some Lessons from the life and
the book of'Job , ' ' Evening sub
ject "Some thoughts for thinking
people. " Services 11 a , in. and
7:30 : p. m. Everybody cordially
invited. T. W. Griffin , Pastor.
The Ladies societies of the M.
E. and Presbyterian churches
will start an exchange commenc
ing at I o'clock Saturday after
noon October 21st in the Maust
building one door south of the
Union House. The societies have
paid an occupation tax and so
licit a share of the trade. The
exchange will consist of home
made bread , pies , cakes cookies ,
salads , potato chips , baked beans
etc. , and will be open every Sat
urday from 1 to 6 o'clock.
E. M. Kanaly is a new subscrib
! er to The Tribune.
Mrs. Will Mowery of Verdon
pent Monday in this city.
Carrie Slocum spent Friday and
Saturday with friends in Kansas
Anna Santo of Rule spenMhe
lirstW the week with' friend's1 in1
this city.
Cass Mead came up from St.
Joseph and spent Sunday with
liis family.
Will Boyd the genial liveryman
of Salem was in this city Satur
day evening.
G. W. Segrist of the Nebraska
Farmer attended Wyatt's sale in
this city Saturday.
Will Price and family spent
Sunday with Everett Higgins and
wife near Straussville.
Stephen Miles left the forepart
of the week for a six weeks visit
in Los Angeles , California.
Mrs. Ella Mason and son of
Preston visited the fore part of
the week with her parents here.
Rev. Harden of Wcstburrow
who preached at Arago last Sun
day was in our city the first of
the week.
Mrs. James McDowell returned
Monday to her home in Tecumseh -
seh after a few days with fricmis
in this city.
Earl Cline who is attending
the Normal at Peru , spent Satur
da } ' and Sunday with his parents
in this city. i i
Nellie Downs returned Satur
day from Omaha where she has
spent two weeks with her brother
James and family.
Mrs. Sue Harmon who has been
visiting with her brother Joe
Gulp , returned to her home in
Hiawatha Tuesday.
Mrs. D. Donovan and the children - '
ren , Emmet and Helen ofNebras- '
ka City are visiting at the home
of Mrs. George Jennings.
Bessie Davis who has been vis
iting in Wyoming for the past ;
three months , returned to herj ,
home in this city last week. j
Mrs. A. Seymour after a short
visit with her mother , Mrs. G. j i
Giannini returned Monday after
noon to her home in Fairfax , Mo.
The ladies of the Christian '
church will give a ten cent tea
it the home of Mrs. Sandusky on
Thursday evening October 2f > th. !
George Grinstead who left on
the tenth of August for a trip
through Oregon and California ,
returned to this city last Sunday.
Mrs. George Cleveland and
Goldie Fisher left Tuesday for
Oswego , Kansas where they will
spend a few days with Chester
Fisher and wife.
Helen Fowler returned the first
of the week to her home in this
city after a two monrhs visit
with friends in White Cloud , St.
Joseph and Kansas City.
Rev. Laughlin of FairfaxMo. ,
who filled the Baptist pulpit in
this city Sunday returned to his
home Monday afternoon. He
will return in two weeks.
Will Winterbottom and John
Dickman returned Saturday from
Fortesqne and Rule where they
were engaged in putting in sever
al steam heating plants.
Mrs. L. V. Coyer of 1513
Brooklyn Avenue , Kansas City ,
who has beeh visiting at the
home of S. H. Bayne for the past
two weeks returned to her home
the first of this week.
There arc more people in Palls
City wearing glasses fitted by
Dr Beaumont than then- are eye
glass wearers fitted by ai y other
oculist or optician , this is true of
White Cloud , Craig , Mo.Iarys -
ville , Weston , Atchison , Troy ,
Auburn and many other places.
Come to the Union hotel October
Clarence Ileck spent the week
.in Chatman , Kansas.
Albert Bentley left on Monday
afternoon for White Cloud , Kan.
Al Crow and wife of Verdon
spent Monday with Palls City
- * * - >
Mrs Ida Jackson of Omaha is
vftiti ig witli 'her'sister , ' Mrs.1
George Reichers visited with
Ilumboldt friends a few days of
last week.
Gus Neitzcl made a business
trip to Dawson on Wednesday of
this week.
Gus Ruegge left Sunday after
noon for Hastings where he has
a good position.
Will Gibson and wife of Ver
don visited friends in this' city
the first of the week.
P. W. Wittrock attended a
Duroc Jersey sale in Missouri on
Tuesday of this week.
Martin Jones of Hiawatha was
a business visitor in this city on
Saturday of last week.
John Oswald spent the fore
part of the week attending the
hunt held at Chatman. Kansas.
Grant Stewart who lias been ill
for several months is again able
to be on the streets of our city.
Mrs. Deles Graham and son ,
Dannie , of Dawson are visiting
with her mother , Mrs. Dan Babb.
John Dixon returned Sunday
afternoon from Marshall , 111. ,
and will make this citv his future
I. Mead who has been working
south of Saiem for several weeks
spent Sunday with his family in
this city.
Ilumboldt and vicinity appears
to have an epidemic of tp hold
fever as several cases have been
Mrs. H. M. Shaffer and Miss
Bessie Davis returned the last of
the week from an extended visit
at Ogdcn , Utah.
Mrs. Chas. McCool and son returned -
turned to their home in Salem
Sunda1 after spending last week
with friends in this citv.
P. S. Ileacock & Son and
are still adding improvements to
their mill property in this city.
Remember Falls City ( lour is the
Tulley. the fruit agent man of
'Xanesville , Ohio and his force of
men were making their fall < leI -
! I livery in this city during the
The Elks will initiate a num
ber of candidates Friday evening.
After which a banquet , such as
this order is noted for , will be
Charles Hall of Home , Kan. ,
and Mae Weddle of Stella , Neb. ,
were united in marriage this
week by J. L. Cleaver , justice ol
the peace.
Mrs. May me McCoy who has
been visiting with her parents , J.
R. Cain and wife , in this city , re
turned to her home in Hiawatha
on Monday.
Mr. Cole of Kansas City , field
man for the Homestead attended
the Wyatt stock sale conducted it
the Mettz pavilion on Saturday
of last week.
We will crib your corn for two
cents a bushel. If you don't be
lieve it go and see Charley Rick-
ards at Chicago Lumber Com
pany's Yards.
Mrs. Margaret Ouster Norton ,
baby and her mother arrived
in this city on Sunday morning
from Colorado Springs. Mrs
Custer returned to spend the win
ter in this city.
Ed Uhri , editor of the People's
Herald of Linden , Kansas was. .
shaking hands with Palls Cit }
friends last Saturday. Mr. Uhr
was etnplnyed several years ago
as foreman on The' News. He
was on his way to Rockport.
1CK UP a nowspip'r frj nChi-ngo , New York , Podunk or Falls City , and if gs
P you'll read the clothing ads -uul believe them , you'll discover that the greates- *
band of philanthropists on earth are the clothing men. Most of them are today W
selling $18.00 suits for $9.88 , tf\2.50 \ suits for # 7.88 , and so on down the line jf
Think of what they are saving men who wear clothes if they live up to their adverttf
Using but they don't. They get a suit that can be sold at $9.00 with a profit. It flr
looks good. After a consultationlhey. decide that , while it isn't worfh $10.00 , it'll ID
stand it , so they make it $7.88 or $9.88. Hut they argue , "H we only tell 'em its a
ten dollar suit that won't sound cheap , and so we'll tell 'em its a $15.00 suit or an
$18.00 suitor if they've left off breakfast food and tackled some particularly strong
nerve tonic , they say , "Let's tell that its a $22.00 suit for $9.98 and that'll fetch "em. "
It does fetch some of 'cm once !
The new way the HAR-
way , is to tell the facts and
let you judge the value when
you see the goods. We are
selling men's suits at $7.25
better than anybody ever sold
for 7.25 before. We are sel
ling suits for $8.25 , $9.25 ,
$12.00 , $12.50 and $15.00.
They are better suits than you
can buy for these prices of
anybody else. We want your
opinion that'll bring you1
trade. Our profits are small
and we don't sell goods at
cost , or less than cost. Any
goods purchased from us if
not satisfactory , return same
and we will refund your mon
Mary Sinclair of Preston was'
in this city yesterday.
Mis. Etta Mason and son came
up from Preston Thursday
Jennie Wattevne of Preston
sptnt Thursday in this city.
W. A. Margrave of Rule trans
acted business in this city Tues
W. R. Gilmore returned to his
home in White Cloud on Tues
S. B. Palmer of Rule was a
business visitor in this city Tues-
d ay.
A. R. McMullen of Stella spent
Wednesday with Palls City
Joe Wyatt of Kansas is visit
ing with his sister Mrs. Harry
L > C. Ar.derson came up from
Rule Tuesday and spent the day
in this city.
There are many bargains that
will interest you in Scff Bros. , aden
on page eight.
S. T. Phillippi of Merrill , Kan
sas was a business visitor in Palls
Cih on Tuesday.
E. Birch field of White Cloud
transactsd business in this city
last Saturday.
P. C. McGileroy came over
from Hiawatha and spent Satur
day in this city.
Anna Frehse is teaching the
Kindergarten during the absence
of Mable Whitaker.
Prcd Giannini returned on
Wednesday evening from a six
months visit in Wyoming.
Roscoe Anderson came down
from Ilumboldt Monday and
spent a portion of the week in
this city.
Mrs. Conover and daughter
Helen came down from Verdon
Thursday morning and left on
the afternoon passenger for Ober-
lin , Nebraska for a short visit
witli friends.
' Wear eye glasses fitted by Dr.
| I Beaumont the oculist who comes
[ ) regularly.
' Mrs. Alene Messier left on
Thursday afternoon for Pairbury
You will make no mistake in
reading the ad of Ilargrave &
F.W. Cleveland has something
to say to you in this issue see his
! ad on page four.
Farmers families needing eye
glasses should come to the Union
hotel Oct. 24 Dr. Beaumont.
Call or phone to the Union
hotel October 24 for Dr. Beau
mont and get his kind of eye
Mrs Boyce and son Mr. Swing-
ley after a short visit with L. G.
Lawrence and family returned
on Thursday afternoon to their
home in Oregon , Illinois.
Mrs. Frank tlhlig entertained
the Married Ladies Kensington
club at her home nurth of the
city yesterday afternoon. The
members drove out in a hack and
were splendidly entert.lined.
Accident On M. P.
On Thursday morning a party
of workmen were coming down
the Padonia hill on a handcar and
just after rounding the curve
they noticed the north bound
freight No 81 coming. The
train was so close that , although
all the men alighted in safety ,
they were unable to remove the
car before it was struck by the
oncoming train.
The car was thrown from the
track onto Charley Ross one of
the men , fracturing the-left leg
between the knee and the hip.
The injured man was brought to
this city and was attended by
Dr. Burchard. He was able to
be taken to Omaha on the after
noon passenger.
- *
For Sale
One hard coal burner , one soft
coal burner , one large and one
small wood burner for sale cheap
O. J. McNall.
Brethren Cburcb.
Morning service at 11 o'clock :
Subject of sermon , "Religious
Convictions ; Do they Broaden or
Narrow Life ? "
livening sermon at 7:30 : : Snb-
jeet , ' "Happiness or Unhappi-
ness. "
Sunday school at 0:45 a. m.
Junior Endeavor at 2:30 p. m.
Senior at f > :30 : p. ni.
All are welcome.
E. E. HASKINS , pastor.
M. E. Churcli.
The following services at the
M. E. church next Sunday :
9:45 : a. m. , Sabbath school.
10:45 : a. m. , morning service.
3 p. m , Junior League.
6:30 : p. m. , Epworth League.
7:30 : p. m. , quarterly meeting ,
the Elder Rev. Dr. Gco. I. Wright
will preace the sermon followed
by the sacrement.
Monday at ' ) a. m , the quar
terly conference will be held.
You an- cordially to these ser
vices. W. T. CI.INK.
Christian Church.
Hililc School at 9-lf : .
Preaching and communion at
11. Subject : "Paul The Pri
soner. " This- will be the
fourth .sermon in the special ser-
on Paul the Apostle.
.Junior C 1C at 15.
Y P G E at (5HO. ( : Subject :
"Sacred songs that have help
ed. "
Evening worship and sermon
at 7:5)0. : Subject : "How the
Thief on the Cross was Saved. "
Choir Practice Friday even ,
ing at 7J50. :
Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening ; it 7:510. :
A most cordial invitation to
these services.
For Sale Two high grade
| Shorthorn bull calves , one good
wagon , also one buggy and two
sets of harness. G. A. Jorn ,
Verdon , Neb. 93-lt