The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 13, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Mr. Mrllruli ! s in town
Mrs. HiiiiM'll wiih n . FiiHtf Oil
visitor Frid'iy ,
13. C. Mri'iy. WIIH iiSiilcin visitr
Iho llrsl of lliiwot'k. .
Mrn. ilorry Merion wont to S
tloBOph Friday for a , vtnil.
F. V. CmuniiiiBuium' down frbi
"Wymore Snliirdiiy inorniim
Uio. Crook of Haydt'ii , Colo. .
J v'lBithiK bin brother , Oliiirles. , |
; J'jA A.l'MVi \ > M li'ft Smiting f/
, , Omnm | lo priul buvrtnl ilnys.
\Yiiltjy Slaver visited with'It
mother tin s Hintt'r over Siiiulny
Prof , Ft'iiorntoin visilod inStcll
Sinidny with L'rof. WilKon an
wifp. . lV , . . . . . ' . . -
Will "Kiclmrdrt mid wife <
TC.XIIH , Sidem vinitorn Hi
Mrs. Gnivc'd returned Sniidn
from a visit with her piirentri i
Pawnee City.
.1. H. Tiinineininn and Cut
Muorc returned home from Alkii
BOM , Wednesday.
Mrw. Liliedoll of Schickley i
viaitinK her daughter , Mrn. Andei
BOD Hnee ! Monday.
Mrn. Frank Filch of Omaha ai
rived Sunday to visit tint fiimil
of Ern Wickhiiin.
Mr. GiiiiuniiiH of Anduivoii.Iiid
arrived Sunday to attend tin1 Inn
end nf his brother.
MTH. Thompson a n d Sara
Thompson arc visiting friendn i
Nemaha thin week.
Jim McDongall and family c
llnmholdt spent Sunday with re !
ntivoH necr Salem.
Mrs. Kob't Rule and ehildren c
Fulls City Hpent Saturday mi
Sunday in our midst.
S. H. Bayne visited John Moor
and family , rotuniinir to hi
home in Falln City Thursday.
Mrs. C. W. Roberts is visitin
her fistor , Mrn. Scovillo , and pin
ont8 , Mr. and Mrs. 13oyur , at Sei
ecu , Kansas.
Chas. Alexander who has bee
A * i sit in K his grandmother. Mn
Ogden , returned to his home i
St. Joseph Sunday.
Mrs. F. V. Cummins and soi
Roy , arrived in Salem Saturdn
afternoon to be present at tl
funeral of .1. Vf. OummitiH.
G. 0. Timmerman and famil
returned to their home at Cell )
Kan. , Wednesday after spendii
several weeks with relatives.
Mrs. Alsvood went to Unive
sity Place Tuesday to make a
, rangemonts for the building i
her new home where HIO ! ex pec
to move in the near future.
Sam Veaeh left the first of tl
week for Flumboldt where he w
work in the livery barn recent
purchased by Mr. Frybnrger.
John Windle and wife nlarti
Sunday for a several daya vii
wtth friends at Adams. They
from there to Pickerel 1 to spe
Beveral days with Herman Sclav
der and wife.
The Ninth flour club and tin
gentlemen friends surprised Ol
Stewart Friday evening at 1
home south of town. A delig !
ful evening was spent and t
guests departed considering 01
an ileal : hostess even though H
was taken by surprise.
Lucy Fryberger was guest
honor at a surprise party given
the home of Virgil Grinsteud S
urday evening. The evening v
very pleasantly spent by i
Dainty refreshments were serv
Lucy will soon leave with her p
ents for their new homo at 11 u
Rev. and Mrs. Deal left
their new home at Louisville Tn
day , where he will begin worli
pastor of the M. H. churah. J
and Mrs. Deal did excellent w
in the church hero and will
greotly missed by those who \ \
associated with them in their w
besides the other many frie
they made during their
among us.
The Ninth Hour club held
other of their enjoyable meeli
at the home of Linna Timmeri
Thursday evening. After the
nliir luiHincfH meeting Ihe evciniif
WMH pii'iiHiinlly spent in couverta
limt mid imific. The hostosi
se veil a diiinty two course lunch
enn. Tinelub adjourned to mee
with Mih * . UiiHsoll next Saturday
Miri.lolin Leofor is on the Htcl
lir t.
,1. G. Jones attended the Ak
S if. Hen at Omalni.
Florence Lesley of Salem at
tended the show Saturday night
BobTayjprH little girl has beoi
HiiuVrinu with malaria but is im
proving. , . .
Mrs. Sarah'MoDormet of Snleu
visited her''mother , Mrs. Goolsby
lust week.
iHliiiin ll.ull and wife returnee
to Iheir home in Wymore afte
veiling his mother who is quid
Cora Williiuiih' friends will h <
interested to know that she am
her fill her have moved to Kansin
City. . /
W. Mo wry , proprietor of tin
iii'-at market , and Him rHurnec
hiime from Iheir visit to Kentuek ;
Saturday night.
S. Hyerly'ri barber shop is com
ph'ted and is now occupied l > ;
him. It in much nicer and large
than ( he old one.
Drs. Fust , Miner and Taylo
performed an operation on Mrs
Nagel last Wednesd'iy and she n
improving quite rapidly.
The Arlington Bros. H h o v
pleased the people. They nave tin
lirnt of the season at Hall's open
house last Friday and Satnrda ;
Paul and Loyd Davies Kpen
several days with their grandpar
ents. fl. D , Griiliths and wifr
while D. M Davies and wifi- tool
in the carnival in Kansas City.
Some of Iho young marriei
ladies are organizing a Reusing
ton. Those invited to join are
M'jsdames Sloan , Stevens , StacL
Byerly , IlontKnapp. . Keenej
Humphrey , Yeaoh , GriHilh am
The son of Henry Fritz and wif
died Sunday morning. R e v
Brewer of Maple Grove preachei
the funeral sermon. Intermeu
was made in the Maple Grov
cemetery. He was a very bri h
six year old boy and the friend
deeply sympathi/o with them.
( Too into for lust week. )
Louis Blake was a uesl at J
W. Dmhl'- .
Win. Uuoltner sold u line teui
of mules last week.
Clav Peck and wife were micst
at his uncle's Sunday.
Guy and Albert Burk spei
Sunday with lierl Dodds.
Rebecca Dodds visited with lit
friend , Lulu Stump , Sunday.
Adolph Brakhahn and wite wei
guests at her parents Sunday.
Miss Ellinneris here from IMel
erel , Neb. , visiting her sisttir.
Enda Dodds entertained hi
friend , Hulda Warner Suntlay.
Mrs. Fraueifi ShatVer was visi
iiifj with her ehildren last week.
Gee Mncotuber was n finest , i
the home of U. A. liurk Suiula ;
E. T. Peck anil family spe
Thursday at the home of h
. Mary Dodds entertained h
Sunday school class at her lion
Wm. Tjaden of llumboldt ;
a business visitor to this ci
Oliver Prichard and wife we
guests of George Johutou's Sti
day afternoon.
S. El. Kuisoly , wife and lit
son spent Sunday with M
Knisely's father.
N. Peck , wife and dau ht
Ethel , were guests of relatives
Falls City Friday.
Mrs. Perry Shatter loft the li
of the week for a visit with I
Is son Earl and wife.
Wm. Riesahick and family
tended the M. E. conference
i- Falls City Sunday.
irs N. Peck , wife and little 01
; n I spent Sunday afternoon at '
.j.l homo of Geo. Johnston.
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble , hoping "it will wear away , " are
drifting towards Bright's Disease , which is kidney trouble in one of its worst , , forms.
stops Irregularities , strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not , and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body ,
causing dizziness , backache , stomach trouble , sluggish liver , irregular heart action , etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE at once , as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out. G. Bi Burhans Testifies After Four Yoara.
You can easily determine if your kidneys are G. B. Burhans of Carlisle Center , N. Y. , writes :
out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a "About four yeara ago I wrote you stating that I had been entirely
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If cured of a nevero kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of
upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the brick-dust sediment and
a brick-dust sediment or small particles float pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that
I have had a return of of those symptoms during the four
about in it , kidneys are diseased , and never any
your years that have elapsed , and lam evidently cureil to stay cured , and
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be Ukca heartily recommend Fotey'a Kidney Cure to any one suffering from
at once. kidney or bladder trouble. "
Two Sizes , 50 Cents and $1.00.
McMillan , City Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska.
Mr. Warner and daughter , Mrs.
W. F. Rieschick , were in Falls City
Friday , guests of relatives.
J. W. Dodds , wife and littte
son were guests at the home of
George Johnston Sunday.
O. A. Uurk mid wife were in
Fulls City Tuesday to set- tlu-ii
( laughter , Mrs. Fred Cheslt-y.
Agnes Johnston left f r hei
home near Beatrice. Saturday al'lei
visitim. two weeks with her broth ,
er Getrge , and friends.
Rev. Stontler tilled the pulpit at
the U''niian Baptist Brethren
church in Salem Sunday. Hie
wife accompanied him.
Clay Peck and wife went tc
housekeeping Monday in the new
ho 11 He that has been recently buill
by the groom's pa rents.
The farmers were kept pretty
busy in this neighborhood the first
of the week an some were shelling
corn and tsvo threshing machined
The Farmers elevator at S rauss-
ville are delivering their corn at
? alls City ant ! shipping over tht
3 ifc M railroad as the M P won't
) tit in a Kwilch for them they won' !
ship overiheir route.
Several of ihe friends of Mrs ,
Vniunmuii nf this vicinity attended
ler funernl which was held at tht
ICviingelieal church in Falls Cit )
.iYidny and wad very sad to lliinl
) f one KII } < in"tf i" yt'ars having
c lie taken from her husband ant
itllc imes mi soon after getting
stalled mi tin1 matrimonial sea.
The football season is at ham
uid now every little spindle
shanked boy will be fired anev
with an ambition to grow bi <
enough to play half-back.
Low Rates On M. P.
One wuy unionist tickets to CitlHornli
for $2. < .0 ( ) , on Kiilo Sept. to Out. 'U > i.
Ono wu.j colonUt iltilcutri to l-'ortliini
$2i : 00 , also Seattle , to 3okunu $22.f > 0
t'.t'klHS Oil Mllll St'lUiMllblM1 Iflth , tO OCI
J. 15. V.UJNKl ! . Ajrcr.t
Burlington Bulletin.
Chicago mill return , on silo dallj
St. Loui" null return , on sulo dull ;
I'ortluntl , Tucnimi and Seattle a-i
return , on sale daily , $ lu.
San KVnncUoo mill Los Anijules nil
return $50. On uulo October 17-18 1
Sun I'Viuiuit-i'o and Los Angeles at :
return , ouo wtiy via I'orthuul , $
on 8iilo October 17-18-19-20-21 ,
Suit LuVo tint ! Ogdcu , Utah , and r
turn , on sulo dully , $30 50.
Cody , Wyo. , Bhtck Hills mid II
' Spring * , S. D. , approximately hn
" rutusi nil suininer.
Low ono-wiiy Colonist rates , to ( Ju
( ornlii und northwest Sept. IS to O (
Cheap Elomeseekers' rules In nun
directions llrst und third Tuesdays
teach month.
n H you will uull or write , It will be
pleasure to advlso ynu about rat <
train service , to reserve you 11 bert
(8 ( and to try to make your trip u coi
6S.3 Agent C. 1J. & Q. Ry.
Fancy China
Queensvvare , Glassware
Notions Jardineres
Flower Pots Lamps
Chamber Sets
Fire Proof Cookingware
Groceries and Flour
See the 15 cent Window
Fancy China in
the large win
dow at
Boys Take Notice.
You can make some money
rithcritij ; walnuts. I will buy
hem. O. P. HKCK.
Ylissouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Kxpress A 1:57 a m
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger A 1:00 : p m
\o. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:00 : ji m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 : a m
No. 108 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 1:25 p m
Jo. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a m
No. 164 Stock Freight. Ili-
a watha A 10:20 : p m
A. Daily. 1) . Daily except Sunday.
J. H. VAKNICK , Agent.
Graduate American School of
Osteopathy , Kirkxvlllu , Mo.
Examination and Consultation Free
Hour : ! to 12 u m ; 1 to 4 p m
Dllli'e at residence. Stone street , MMWI !
block north nf court IIOUM ; .
Falls City. Neb.
Jncoln Denver
Chicago Buttc
it. Joseph Salt Lake City
< ansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points cast and and all points
south. west.
o. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:20 p in
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:25 a in
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 : a in
No. 15. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:28 : p in
Nc 16. Vestibuleil express
daily , S' . Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
casi and south 4:25 : p in
No. CO. Local express daily
Atchisonand points
south and west. . . . 4:35 : ji in
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
Special , Lincoln. He
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p in
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , d a i 1 y e x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 : p in
Sleeping , dining1 and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada , for
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis
G. P. & T. A. . Omaha.
" " " ' fc' V ' " f - y
* - fc- -
frfe "Xk- -
# "
These instruments have not been received -
ed on consignment , but were bought
i for cash. In buying this way 1 save
i freight and other costs and can make 4
i prices correspondingly low. Can sell \
i for cash , or on any reasonable terms. A
I have thcsi- instruments on exhibiton at my
home on South Stone street between /tli anil A
Sth one block south of the Wahl building.
Thus I save rent on an expensive store room i
and subtract the 3ame from my selling price \
Remember > ou are invited to call and see and
test these instruments. Old pianos repaired.
When a boy reiiche * that per
iod wheru heV "all hand * and
feet" no wonder ho feels tM'iev-
ed If ho is oiillijed to wi-ivr ill-
IHliiij ; and unsightly shoes In
order ti > yuin service.
There is no need of it. as < ve
prove r ! ht here that L'ood up.
neiirunut ! and stronsj wear can bd
Durable. warm , dampnur--
hhuddlnj ; Shoes for Uov.- just
the thliiir 'ho ' averiiijn parent. i
looking for.
K 'X Calf Velour ana
< 'uf ] at from
$1.25 to $2.75
ai-corilinir to \ / > '
Geo. Bo Holt ,
TKe Shoe Man
| D. S. HcCarthy |
j >
, i >
x Prompt attention jilvt
S to the ruinoval of houseS -
S hold { roods.
( J )
Diplomat , Old Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenheimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made Call
for your favorite brand at
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
R. L. Beaumont , M. D.
Tormcrly CVc and Ear Specialist.
Now limiting practice to EYE
GLASSES. Sixth imcl Felix ,
Six and utiuK ncrolot.
FOR SALE In tlio e IIB torn piirt < > (
I'ullK City on Eubt
Ninth street Nice
locution. Onu hundred fruit trtvx. 1'rlco