The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 13, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Prank Stockton went to Pres
ton Sunda } ' .
Harry Simons came up from
Knlo Sunday.
J. J. McMahan of Preston was
in this city Wednesday.
Mrs. and Mrs. Bartlett spent
Sunday wiUitRulo.fxiemls.
Sadie Meyers and George Wahl ,
visited Preston friends last Sun
day. ,
Geo. S. Cleveland made a busi
ness trip to St. Joseph on Tues
Frank Neitzcl was a business I
, visitor to Preston the first of the
Fred McKiever left Tuesday' ' |
evening Jor Chicago his future' '
home. '
Pauline Kopf visited Rule
friends the latter part of the'
Robert Maxwell of Hiawatha
was the guest of Lottie Gulp , '
Sunday. '
J. T. DeJarnett of Omaha
spent Tuesday with his son Elmer
in this cit } ' . 1
Mrs. Clark of Verdon spent the
fore part of this week with Mrs.
Sue DeWald.
A. 13. Gantt returned on Tues
day from a trip to various points
in Missouri.
Will Minnick and FredMcKiev-
or witnessed the Sunday ball
game at Preston- '
Archie McCoy returned last j
Thursday eve from Alderson , I
Indian Territory.
Robert Poteet , sr. , was a B.
& M. passenger for Rule on
Tuesday afternoon.
Harvey Foehlinger played good
bai. in the Preston-Falls City
game last Sunday.
Ray Meyers demonstrated his
abilitj' as a catcher in the ball
game at Preston Sunday.
Fritz Miller came down from
Omaha Tuesday evening for a
short visit with his parents.
Elmer Prior did the twirling
net for Falls City in the ball
game at Preston last Sunday ,
Nathan Seff returned Tuesday
from Omaha where he has been
visiting for the past ten days.
Reuben Ilorrock who was on
the sick list last week is again at
his work in Cleveland Bros store.
George Jones came up from
Margrave's Ranch and spent'
Sunday with his parents in this'
Mrs. J. J. Turner returned on
Monday to her home in Humboldt
after a few days visit with rela-
Margaret Odgen left Wednes
day for Smith Center , Kansas
where she will spend some time
visiting relatives.
Frank Robinson and wife who
have been visiting at the home of
Fred Brown returned Tuesday to
their home in Rulo.
Lewis Boose who has spent the
past four years in Minnesota re
turned to his home in this city
the latter part of last week.
Richardson Council of the
Knights and Ladies of Security
gave an open meeting for their
friends on Tuesday evening.
Supper and dancing added to the
pleasures of the guests.
Will Price and family , Frank
Houtx and wife , Mrs. A Watson
and Otho spoilt a most delight
ful picnic in Rule last Sunday.
Dinner was enjoyed beneath the
shade of tnc bridge which spans
the Missouri river at that place.
The day was one of pleasure to ,
Adam Vogel , former manager
of the Union House was an M.
P. passenger for Rock Island ,
Illinois where he has an excellent
position. Adam has been con
nected with the Union House for
a number of years and will be
greatly missed by his many
friends in this city.
Dr. Kent was a passenger to
Verdon Tuesday.
Price Yatcs of Dawson was in
this city Sunday.
Clyde Gates of Dawson was a
visitor in this city Sunday.
Frank Revelle of Humboldt
was a caller at this office Friday.
Richard Fink , cauwin from ,
Oklahama the first of the week.
John Gilligan returned Sunday
from a week's stay in Oklahoma.
Mrs. E. L. Sandusky spent a
portion of last week with Hiawa
tha friends.
Authur Basset of Hiawatha
was the guest of Norma Gentry
last Sunday.
I. E. Smith one of Humboldt's
prominent attorneys spent Fri
day in this city.
A fourteen pound baby girl
wns born on Sunday evening to
Earl Frakes and wife.
Little Albert Tanner came
down from Humboldt Friday to
visit his grandparents.
F. A. Harrison of Lincoln was
shaking hands with Falls City
friends the first of the week.
Mrs. Maud Wigtou returned
Sunday from a months visit with
her sister Annie in Wisconsin.
MrsOrra Ross and daughter
returned to Shubert Sunday after
a weeks visit with relatives in
this city.
Mr. and Mr. Julian of Long
'Beach , California are visiting at
the home of her parents Robert
Cain and wife.
There will be services at the
Prcsbytertan church next Sab
bath both morning and evening. ! (
Rev. Griffin , pastor. j I '
T. J. Whittaker returned the j
first of the week from a trip in i
Kansas where he was showing up
some bargains to homeseekers.
Miss Mayme Nough of 340
Washington Block Chicago , 111. ,
arrived in this city Friday for a
visit with her mother , Mrs. J. A.
Mrs. J. II. Cornell returned
from Omaha Saturday afternoon.
She was accompanied by her
little grand-daughter , Mildred
G. W. Wiltse of Dawson was a
caller Tuesday and showed his.
1 appreciation of The Tribune by
placing his interests a year in
j Mrs. II. I. Hunt was a pleasant
caller Tuesday and in the future
will keep posted on Falls City
i happenings through the columns
! of The Tribune.
I j Messrs Weyman and Bowers of
, Verginia. , accompanied by Misses
Katherine Roberts and Daisy
Smith of Sabetha spent Sunday
' with J. A. Hill and family.
Mrs. W. II. Wheeler and daugh
ter , Armetta , of Stella passed
through this city Tuesday en-
route to Pawnee City where they
spent a few days with relatives.
Rev. Griffin left Monday after
noon for Lincoln. From there
lie went to attend the Nebraska
Presbyterian synod in session at
Holdridge on Tuesday evening
of this week.
i J G. Berger of Meredosia , 111. ,
was in the city Tuesday looking
after a Nebraska farm with a
view of locating. Whitaker Bros ,
was showing them some choice
'sections ' in this and Brown county
S. J. Hackman of Areiwille ,
111. , was a pleasant caller at these
quarters Tuesday. Mr. Hack-
man owns several fine farms in
this county and makes an annual
visit to look after his interests.
The Tribune keeps him posted
on Nebaaska affairs.
Geo. Boonc and wife of St.
Joseph spent a few days of last
week looking after their several
farms in this vicinity and also
disposing of his apple crop to
Missouri parties. Mr. Boone is
proprietor of the St. Charles
hotel in St. Joseph.
Dr. Stevens spent Sunday in
this city.
Lank Schaffer was down from
Shubert Friday.
Mrs. Cronin of Rule spent Sat
urday in this city.
Nelle McMahon visited Preston
friends on Sunday.
George C. Randall . was down
- J l'.k * ' ( '
from Stella Friday.
W. H. Morrow was down from
Shubert Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. Abbott was a Verdon
visitor the first of the week.
Little Tonunie Paxton was on
the sick list a few days the past
W. II. Nelson of Du Bois was
a pleasant caller at this office last
J. S. Lord of Salem was shak
ing hands with Falls City friends
Nelle Weaver of Verdon was
the guest of Siva Sears last Sat
urday and Sunday.
Mrs. Ida Dawson , of Lincoln ,
is visiting with her parents , J.
W. Hanson and wife.
Ralph McDonald , of the Hia
watha World visited friends in
this city on Sunday.
Supervisor Atwood returned to
Ilumboldt Friday after a few
days visit in this city.
Mrs. J. R. Wilhitc was a guest
of Kansas City relatives during
Priests of Pallas week.
Chas. Mettsc and wife from
Craig , Mo. , spent the week with
relatives in this city.
Mrs. Bert Harpstcr left the
first of the week for a short visit
with friends in Wymore.
Mrs Edna Griffith of Verdon
'spent a portion of this week with
Grant Windle and family.
Mrs. Kaiser returned Monday
from Omaha where she attended
the Kaiser-Parscll wedding.
Jennie Robertson came down
from Verdon Monday for a short
visit with Falls City friends.
Nelle Weaver , Elva Sears ,
Charlie Cornell and Gus Ruegge
were Preston visitors Sunday.
Hiram Stotts and Guy R. Har
per were Shubert people who vis
ited the county seat Saturday.
Gertrude Lum of Verdon at
tended the meeting of the Friends
in Council on Friday of last week.
Margaret Wicks returned on
Friday from Reserve where she
was the guest of Mrs. Sam
Mr. Cadoor is on duty at the
M. P. station during the absence
of II , I. Hunt , who is enjoying a
short vacation.
A. G. Shubert and wife and
Mrs. II. W. Shubert from the vil
lage of Shubert were Falls City
visitors Saturday.
Maree Albright , May Jones ,
Willard Sears and Clarence Heck
witnessed the ball game at Pres
ton Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Win. Cade and grand
daughter , Laura , returned Satur
day from a two week's visit with
relatives in Osborne , Kansas.
Lena and Eithie Ilouck return
ed on Monday from Emporia.
Kansas where the past week had
been spent with relatives in that
II. I. Hunt is taking a well
earned vacation from his duties
at the M. P depot and enjoyed a
trip to Kansas City the first of
the week.
Mrs. Homer returned the fore
part of the week from a Kansas
City hospital. We are glad testate
state that'her health has greatly
Dr. R. P. Roberts and wife re
turned from the Ak-Sar-Ben fes
tivities at Omaha on Monday.
They were accompanied by her
mother , Mrs. Sharp.
G. W. Inskcep , James Pickett ,
Fred Beauleau. Geo. Fallstead
and ChasLoree attended the great
Council of the Red Men held in
Omaha on Monday and Tuesday
° f this week.
I 11. T. Gardiner J
i We are particular cater
ers to particular people ,
that is , people who arc
particular about their
clothes. Every garment
\ that we turn out has that
peculiar excellence which
stamps it as a Gardiner
May we show you our
Fall and Winter sam
ples ? They are very
13at Sowles Candy.
Irvin Curry of Stella visited in
this city on Tuesday.
S. 11. Prater spent the past
week with relatives in St. Joe.
Uowt } ' Watson of Reserve Kan
sas visited friends in this city
Mrs. Stephen Prior is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Richardson in
Jack Holland and Bud Moss
were Preston visitors on Sunday
of thib week.
Harry Foehlinger left Sunday
for Hastings , Nebr , where he
has accepted a position on the
electric plant in that city.
Rev. Lindenmeyer , pastor of
the Christian Church of Pawnee
City , was the guest of Elder
Cronenbergerlast Sunday.
Margaret Wicks left Sunday
evening for Marion , Nebr. , where
she will visit with her brother.
Before her returned she will visit
with friends in Reynolds and Me-
Sain Stewart and wife of Re
serve spent Sunday with her par
ents. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J.
De\\ald. Lulu Gray returned
with them for a week's visit in
that city.
Theodore W. Pepoon , at : old
time resident of this section of
Nebraska now of Hardy , Ark. ,
was visiting relatives and old
time friends in this city tin ? first
of the week. He was early ident
ified with the first settlers in
Pawnee county where lie im
proved a fine farm north of Table
Rock. Some time in the eighties
he purchased a half interest in
the Falls City Journal then own-
by Lon May and a short time
there after Mr. May recieved an
appointment in the mail service ,
sold his interest to his partner.
Mr. Pepoou was a forceful writer
and thorough business man mak
ing staunch friends with all as
sociations. His numerous friends
were pleased with this visit and
sorry that his stay was of so
short duration. He left for a
visit with Pawnee county friends
Farmers and Stock Raisers.
I have secured the agency for
the well known "Peerless .Stock
Powders" and can supply jou
with same on short notice ; also
Peerless Dip and dipping tanks.
Goods kept in stock at farm.
S'J-4 Route No. ( > .
Letj&l Njtlcc ,
Not leu Is heieby glvuu that on the tth d.iy
of November , Itttt , In the city til Hnlo HID
innrlvtiKO executed and dell < eied on April
L'ncl , lltOl mid recoidcd In the olllre ot tliu
coiintv clerk of KIcharilMin count ) , Nebr ,
.May Kith , UX1I thu t-nmc being- executed by ( I.
W. Sbaid to r. J I'lunle. nlll b loiivloii'il lit
the halt1 of thu following properly described
In Mild mortgage tuwlt : one gray Inirie nlim
, 'ens ; old , one HI' ! dmihlu limneM , one three
inch Main wnirun. Tliuit' Is now diiu on sulil
inorlKiik'ii tin * sum of ? H3 ( Milil feulu to
tiiko nliicii In Kiild cliy on the ultliln men-
Honed diite ut S o'clock In the uflernoon
C , ) . I'liuilo ,
03-8 MoitKUKCO.
For Sale.
A { food Utiroc-Jcrsc ) ' boar ; also
spring boar ; special prices on
them for the next thirty days.
Also a jood cheap mare , gentle
for a lady or children , and bred
to a son of Prince Otto 2:20 : -
. . . $1.00 a Year. . .
Money ! Lands !
Private Funds to Loan
If you wish to get a loan write me. Some good
farms , ranches , and other property
to sell or exchange.
Knrni niul mock rnncli. IiVSO norcs , Duwcs county , Nobrtiakn , deeded and
clour ; fenced nnd cross fenced , rminltiK water , two mills mid windmills , shinls
and corrulH , siniill Thorn In m\ld to t > u about S.VK ) ncros of thin liuul that
can tin ciiltlvuli'd : tliriv IN ulsti Homo timber. Chn nltieo could bo divided Into
Ntnallor tracts for farming , or Into smaller rant-lion. It la SO Milieu from Craw
ford and f inllon from town on railroad. This Is nurely n bnrKiiln for sornu one.
I'rlco , JNl.f'tW.
liny and Block ranch 1800 ncruH100 acres under Irrigation , Ml acres alfalfa ;
nil fenced and bnllcllnir.i. A ImrKiiln nt tH.POO. Dnwus county , NuhriiHku ,
2.W norei" . 4 miles of Kood town , Kdwiirda county Kaunas ; running \vator.
also wells nnd wlndinlllH. K.W | icr ncru.
iW i acrcH all fonued and irnnil luillilliiK" ! plenty of water , line place for cat
tle , 40 miles north of ( Irani ! Island. Neb. Will Hell or leasu for stock purposes.
: c. acres between Kiills City iinil Snlom ; a dostrablo upland farm. What
would you say at less than SIW.OO p r aore , IOIIK tlino. Ilest of terms. Will tulio
an SO as part pay.
A HMD It'll iioro farm near Klk Creei ; , .tohnson county , Nebraska , at $ M ) per
For sale Mrs ! class baUeiy , confectionary , soda water , Ice cream parlor.
Stcum heat centially located , line room , east Iront No. 1 opportunity ,
UK ) aum farm In Ulclmrdion county , Nebraska , will sell or take an W ) IIP to
faun near llla\\atlm as part pay Kour miles from depot Near school ,
1H ( > auii's In Nuckolls county , Neb , , two miles of depot. I'll acres cultivated
( lood terms.
I Ml acres In Noumlia county , ICas. All kinds of Improvements. Flvo miles
I mm UolTH.on railroad. IH.WXl for short time.
1V ( > acres , sl\ miles from Sliubmt , Neb. All In ftood No. l condition. A
small amount down , and IOIIK' time given , or would take some other property as
part pay. A rarooppoitunlty.
$ ilHHNlocU ( of meichandlsc , Itichardsnn county , Neb , Will sell or c.xulmnvc.
for land ,
Ml acres HIchunHon county , Neb. , 'l miles from depot , ( lood farm. Will
sell and taKe Home wcHtorn land as pan. pay or a harness shop In right location ,
0 acres near Kails Ully , fS.OW. No. I home.
Mlacics noithuattt of Kails City , ( lood location , ftrt,400.
; > noil's adjoining Kails Oily , ( lood terms.
Kesldencc and 4 lots close to business , Southeast corner. A bargain ,
IW ( acres Johnson Comity , Neb. N ) rods to chiircti and school , 4 miles from
depot : house , barn , corn orlb and granary , oed orchard , $11XX ) . Will sell and
take a Id as part pay. Onod terms. Oho lonir time. Look thin up. A good
ICIevatorand HourliiK mill , northeast Kansas. Good country. Will ex *
change for merchandise or hind ,
For rent a slock , grain ami fruit farm , llftaurcs , Two miles from depot.
Want good man. Will require two teams. Write for particulars.
IIKlaeies Sheridan county , Kas , line land. f00. < > .
llavejoii an Mor litOor moro yon iloslru to sell or exchange ? Write mo
your wishes. If you desire to buy or sell or o\elinngii may know of Just what
you want.
I Henry C. Smith |
Having purchased the V. E. Censor Grocery ,
I am just now engaged in buying new goods
and bringing the stock up to date.
I shall carry at ail times a complete stock of
staple and fancy groceries and our prices will
always be just and right.
A Share of Your Patronage
is Herebv Solicited : : : :
and we will endeavor to please you and if pos
sible to make you a permanent customer.
Ferd Harlow
lo those desiring to select
artirlf , for gift purposes , \ve
suggest an inspection of our
stock embracing scores of
m bt-autilul things suitable for all occasions. We cannot
catalogue the list here but mention in a general way :
l'"r ullc an(1 decorative use , best quality and
Glass Ware of llicccs' "oth lare
in the most artistic forms and in the newest
Good Jewelry ! ;
est colored effects.
Res d The Tribune