If 1 4 THE FALLS CIT TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER i3 , 1905. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Kntercd as second-clans matter ns l-'nlls Citv , Nebraska , post olllce , Janu ary 12 , 1 H)4 , muter the Act of Congrcst of'Mnrch 3 , 1870. Published every Kriday at Kails City , Nebraska , by The Tribune Publliliinrf Company One year SI-0 Six n'onths W Three mouths 35 TELEPHONE 226. Republican State Ticket IION.O. l . t.KtTON Few Itr.ur.NTH V. ( ! . I.YI'OUI ) Kiu'.n Aiinorr Rebubllcan County Ticket 1'OM TllKAKllUK.il .1.1 ! TANNHU Toil n.KHK I'OHTKK STItlNiriKl.l ) I'Hll .ll'IMIK .1. It. WlliHITK Von UKCOimiilt \V. M. IllKCIKIt 1'itoi * . it. 1 1. iiorr Van Snr.nirr JOHN UOH3ACK Foil OOIIONKH 1)11. OKI ) . ltlJNI5KF.lt Ton Suitvr.voii KKANK UANTX.MA Senatorial Convention. A ioilllillrini | di'lrifiitiu'iitivtmtlim Is licri'liy culled to nii'i't lit tlio Mntplir liotul. Tiililn liook , Pawned ciiiinly. Ncliniskit on Momluy. UcioliiT lull linttiil II o'olouU In tint iirtcriioiin to place In noiiiliiiitloM one ciuiillilittr lor HtntoHenalor , to 111 ! viioiincy lor tint llrsl M'tKitorliil ilMilct ol NctiniHku. Tlit < cliiilniniM uiiil ecu I ni I ooimiilttcin ot tlio siivcnil conntlcH In valil llr l Nt'imtorliil lllMHl'lS Illl ) IrllW'HllMl til IIHIIII ) lIHcKUtl'H tc > HttCllll Ulllll COIIVUMllltll. The t'litlftof iiiiri"-i > nliillon of HID roiintlrs In fiild i-onvimtlim xluill l t Hut voi < > I'M-I lor lion II II. Wilson for lui'slilciillu. cli'clor nl tin- | . | I'lortlou hi'lil mi Novi'inlii-r H , limi. KlvliiKOiui ilrli'Kiito ( or iiiiuh onoliiin- ilri'il uiiil incut vllvoolrtt or nuijor fi action tlu'ri'of MU'ilst lorsiilil II II. Wilson anil onu ilt'lrttiilit lit liiniu formed county. Salil iiiiorllinninit | | ( i-nllllcH i > iiih county Ki Ilio rollouliiK ii'iiri'Ht'iiUtlmi In tluiHiilil IMIII- vi-iitlon. 1'nwiift ) 15 ami KlulmrdxoM . It Is riiliimiiiitiiiU'il that tint ilrlcu'iitcn | irt'n < > nt In cnld cutivt'iitloii rnHI tlin I'titirti votti ol their county lii'-tlii'iu tluloKiUlcm. lly onlcr ot tlin Ncntitoilitl ronunlttco for Ihti llrkt MMiiitnrlal illNtrlct of Nrlirasku. J.O. DoitT JOHN \V. I'O\VKII. The Tribune pays more cacli week for news .service than all other Falls Citv papers combined. We want the paper to become a household necessity , and you can help us if you will. Jake Tanner is now fully re covered from his recent illness and is out with the voters stating his claims for the office. It it realized that our opponents arc intending to sacrifice nearly everything to succeed on the head of the ticket. While this is some what hard on the rest of tin democratic ticket it is in lim with the policy heretofore pur sued when Mr. Lord was a can > didate. Mr. Tanner will IK elected notwithstanding such ef fort. He is far superior as : candidate to his opponent ii every way , and will receive a verj larye ; vote among the young mei of the county and especially among the Germans. The third term cry is beinj sung bv our democratic friend ; until it is losing its force becausi of its monotony. The republi can party has been built up b ; the integrity of its principles am the fidelity of its officials. W sent Burkett to congress for th third term because he was com petent and faithful , and then \v promoted him to a seat in th United States senate. The me in public life who count arc thos men who have proved their caps city and have been retained in ol lice until they have the cxpei icnce necessary to a good official If a fr-rmcr has a good han would it be the part of gooi judgement to discharge him be cause he has been in his emplo ; for several years ? The way t improve the public service is t retain men in the office who hav shown themselves qualified t hold the office. A county offict is nothing more than a hire hand , if you have a good out keep him. Of course our denu cratic friends are opposed to r < publicans holding over for third term , the } ' are equally oj posed to a republican holding ol lice for a first term. Their pos tion in its last analysis is , vol against the republican candidate that we may have the court horn full of democrats. Are you i favor of it , my republican friend It is better to suffer a thousand defeats that to run away from the battle. One of Falls City's liberal men was approached the other day by a man with a subscription paper. "How much money are you try ing to raise , " asked the philan- trophic citizen. "We think that one and two ciphers will let us out , " was the reply. ' 'Well" re turned clie citizen , "put me down for one of the ciphers ' ' There is no need to become discouraged. The reporter was in Mound City and- Craig , Mo. , last week and the business men of each place spoke of the sum- icr's dullness being unprecedcnt- d. FallsCity is suffering no more hat the rest , and being the best own in the hunch will recover he quickest. Don't be dis- ouraged , wait till the crops move ml see. The voters of this county will ee to it that Judge Wilhitc is eturncd to the position which le has filled witli such distinc- ivc success. The office of pro- Kite judge is far too important o justify experiments Judge iVilhite is acknowledged to be he best probate Judge the cottn- y lias ever had , and having been ailed upon by his party to stand gain as its candidate is doing 11 in his power to succeed hiin- elf. A vote for Wilhitc is a vote or compcntiMicy , integrity and nd fidelity. If every citizen would not feel i personal interest in his home own , but would always be awake 0 the opportunities that come to lim to assist in its improvement , hings would take on a more cheerful aspect in a very short tine. If you are in the ranks of he knockers , get out. Don't be 1 member of the anvil chorus any onger. Bear your part of the ) nrdens , perform your part of he labor and do it cheerfully and fladly. In the aggregate of < \'ills City's wide awake men be > ure that you are counted as one. ) on't be a cipher. The News continues its dirty little flings at John Hossack and stands about as much show of iiccomplishing his defeat as a certain notorious snow ball stood n the lower regions. If the News imagins it is accpmplish- ng anything by its contemptuous statements concerning the horsi thcif association , we would sug gest that it take a few minutes ol its valuable time to talk with the lemocratic members who know ol the splendid service John Hos- > ack has been to the farmers ol this county in the past four years. It will doubtless learn something The campaign of misrepresent ation now being made agains the republican candidates ha ; been started too early , it wil have time to die of its own weak ness before election. The howls of machine , prearranged deputies : and similar campaign dodges an as silly as they will be ineffectual The convention in Stella was a ; free from tin * influences of th < practical politician as any eve held in the county. The ticke there nominated is representativi of the best in the republicai party. It was dictated by n < man nor set of men. It was tin voluntary expression of the dele gates. This cannot be said o the democratic ticket. For year Clay Davis , Joe Miles , Job. Morehcad et. al. , have choosci the nominees of the party am they did so this year. All talk o machine politics coining from th Falls City News is mirth provok ing to democrats and republican alike here in Falls City. Wha the tales of machine politics rea ly means is , that the leadin , democrats want republican as sistance in order that the reput lican party locally may be des troyed. The republican voter i too old to be caught with tha kind of chaff. He thinks to much of his party to perm : Davis , Morehead and others t induce him to assist in its defeat What reason can any republi can offer for voting against Port er Stringfield for county clerk ? By every test he entitled to your support. He is industrious , able and competent , honest and faith ful. He is a republican and stands as one of the representa tives of that party. Richardson county * is.a . rcmiblu.au. county and will continue so if the rank and file does its duty this fall. The opposition will seize on every thing and anything to win votes that the republican candidates may be defeated and the opposi tion be triumphant at the enguing election The only way to defeat the republican party in this county is to do it by republican votes. Are you going to contribute to the de struction of your own party ? PINE RIDGE C. M.Snokesp nt Sunday ln.it with hlx MUI , Onward. .Hinmlo MoNeul was the. truest of Vurnii Hicks Sunday lust. Archlo Hoiii'lnnd mill fiimlly , Li-ru untl Leslie 101 more were Sunday visi tors with V , Honoluluurnl ) wife. \V. I ) . Elniore , wlfo mid little daugh ter , Doris were , the uuestp of Ilnbe Ilarshburger and family Sunday lust. John liroiuly left Sunday for his homo in Kansas after spending ; : i few days with relatives and friends in this vlelnity. A. lloa land , wife and niece , Ltlunehe , returned home Siiturdii ) from Kaiibiis City where they hiivc been vlsitini : relatives BARADA. Wm. Ashcruft of Stella waj ; i Bar- nilu visitor thlti week. Walter Morehead of Auburn was a business visitor hero Saturday. Mr. and Mr- " . Spears visited with home folks near Corney lust , Sunday. Lovlo George and wlfo arc rejoicing over the arrival of u baby boy at thlr plaee. Soip Strlngtlcld and wife of Stella visited tlio Indian eave and other points on the Missouri river Sunday. Maud Youum Sundayed with Lucy Smith. Part of the da > was spent In visiting the Indian eiive near the Mis souri river Quite a erowd from Falls City went pawpaw hunting along the Missouri river Saturday. A nice lot of the delicious fruit was found. I'harles Allen and wlfo went to St. Joe to purchase their fall stock ol goods. Tom Smith took care of the store during their absence. Uncle Dick Williamson is htlll con fined to hit , bed us a result of a runaway accident.but hla physician reports that his condition Is much better. PLEASANT VIEW Lciih Lt'ot'h has appendicitis. Mr * DennU Is on the sick II t A M. Lt'i'ch's new hay bam has minted Frt-d Miiyer's little boy , has been \ vr.ifk . John Mi-'vln's new burn Is nearing completion C. O. A very and wlfo visited in Omaha last week. Minnie Mayor Is visiting relatives in Auburn and Howe. Jnsiah Glllilatul of Auburn visited K son. Hash Sunday. I' . O. A very is attending thu fal stock show in Kuneas City. Mrs. O. P. Dillon of Nance county is visiting her sister , Mrs .1 O , Shroyer. John Mob 11 ii and family spent Sundae < dao south of Humtioldt with Sam Soil : and family. Hey Leech and 'IVd Colhapp am ! their wives of Huniboldt s-petii Sunday evening with L M. Lei-ch and family Ward Mridgford of Mlllersburg , III. and MrW M. Harding of Humbold' ' visited Mrs 1. M Leeoli last Friday Grandma Mulvln returned homo Sat urday afti-r having spent the Mimme : with herdaughter.- Franklin county. Louis Mayer and wife , Will Rich arils , George Gcrdes and wife , DicJ Standerford , J. L. and Wlllio Leech J. O. Shroyer and wife , Melvin Shroy er , Mr * . Culbertson , Katie Mayer am Stella Loei'.h were among those win attended the horse show in Aubun last Thurt-aay. HUMBOLDT Dick Turner spent Sunday in Tabh Rock. Tim Cummlngs of Duwson was in thi cay Sunday. W. T. Fenton of Dawson was in tin city Sunday. County Clerk J. C. Tanner was in thi city Saturday. Ed Dorland is having u cement wall laid in front of his residence. Claude Fergus is suffering from i severe attack of typhoid fover. A. L ShulTer waa In Table Uock on Sunday Sam lilcecr liom la-ui lulk C'teek was here Saturday. Xora Marble spent M-teral days the last ot the wccx with n-iullves at To- CUIIlrcll. Anna Porak left Monday for Lincoln where she expects to in tike her home In the future. Lty P. Marble and wife attended the Ak Siir Hen In Omaha several days the luot of the week. Warren Ueery has been elerkinin N. C. Campbell's grocery store several diis tne past v\eek. F. K. Porter und wife moved Into the property of Charles Carsh in the north purl of town. Otic Unkerfer unu Kalph Phllpot returned - turned home Frldiij from it hunting expedition to Ujannlt * . Mrs. Will Powers returned home the Ural of the week from a several day * visit in Kansas City. Gardner McKee returned home the last of tnu week from a trip through tlie w eater n part of the rtutd. Mrs A. K. Gantt of Falls City spent several day * the past week as u guest at the home of Itjv. F. Unland. Mrs Howard Jones and children ar- riv d in the city Sunday on a visit to her paienia \ \ m. Veils and wife. Herbert Ford returned Monday from Omaha where he had neen In attend ance at the state Liaptlst convention Carpenters have been engaged the past week in erectfng a substantial barn on the premises of F W. Butter- Held. Held.Mrs. Mrs. lihner Woods returned to her home in Elk Creek Sunday , after n visit with relatives and friends In this city. Ucv L. U. Smith left Monday for Holdri'dge to attend the Presbyterian synod which Is being hold there this week. U. L. Linn , Uev. Hurt Wilson and Frank Hist le.ft Tuesday for Ft. Pierre , S. D. , where they expect to take claims. Wheat is reported to be in excellent condition for this time of year. This , following a good crop of corn causes the farmers to he In good spirits. llob't Edie who is attending the Lin coln Business college arrived in the city Friday on a several days visit to her parents , Ashford Ed'.o and wife. On Monday Games & Cllft began laying the foundation of a fine resi dence which Harvey Hudson is about to erect on his farm southeast of town Geo. McConnell is visiting relatives and renewing acquaintances in Hum- boldt after spending a year in Genese" Idaho , and other points in the north west. Col. L. W. Leonard , O. S. Colthat and John Ulaln , prominent stockmen of Pawnee county were in the cltj Saturday attending the Lionberger and Gilllland sale. A deal was re--ently made whereby Mrs. Emma Wilson becomes the ownei of the property owned by J. D. Shrau gcr in the north part of the city , pos session to bo given in the spring. The property formerly occupied bj Wm. Cooper and family is to be re moved and in Its place a cottape with all the modern improvements is to be erected by L. Ilowell In the neat future. The Hobbs tamlly who left in tin early spring tor South Dakota are re i turning , one by one , three of thetr hayo already reached Humholdt aw we have reason to believe that tin oilier members of the family will re turn "in the sweet bye und bye. " The "kid band" which was organized several weeks ago is said to bo making rapid progress. It is composed o fourteen of liumboldt'a young men und as they are all energetic and en thusiastic , we have no doubt but wha they will equal if not surpa ? * Hage now' * renowned band. John Dyke , who has been making hi da lighter , Mrs. N. G. Harness , south east of town , was stricken with paral ysis on last Wednesday. Ho lingerec until Monday .vhcn death relieved hiu of his sulTerlngs. Ills sons from Ilia watha , Kan. , itnrt Fahmont , Neb. , bin been summoned and reached his bed side before death c.im-i. The funera services were held Tuesday. RULO. Ira Philips of Tecumseh was a Rule visitor Thursday last. John Kanaly transacted business it St .loo one day last week. W. M. Vastino shipped a car load o hogs to St Joe Saturday night of las week. Mrs. Bessie Brinegar and littl ( daughter visited in Falls City Satur day. Quite a number of our boys attendee the ball gus'o at Preston Sunday after noon. F. M. Tinaley transacted buslne8s It Kansas City last week returning horn * Friday night. Mrt. W. J. Cunningham and llttk daughter were Falls City visitors one day last week. Clarence Simon , Joe Horan and Gee IDLE MONEY MONEY OFTEN7 LIKS IDLE awaiting1 oppportunities for invest ment , but these opportunities do not come every week , month or even year. : : : : : : : IN THE MEANTIME THIS money should be earning1 some thing1 ; and it can if you place it in the : : : : : : : : : Falls City State Bank i \ Javis all attended the ball game at Falls City last week. John Cavor/ugle Is s-till on the sick 1st. Charlie Ciiverxii'jie vl-ited with his wrents over Sunday. Mr. Bartlett and wife of Falls Citv were visitors here Sunday. Grant Ocamb visited In Kansas City several days returning Montiny. Mrs. Thomas Hayes has boon dan- lerously sick the past ween , but Is Im- | ) rovlng. Ben Gulp bought a car luad of cuttle in Kansas City which he intends to feed for the market. Mr. Yocum and wife of Mound City , Missouri , are visiting Rev. Aikman and wife this week. J.tM. . Gustalson of Wymore was looking after the Burlington's Inter- ets In this city this week. Bridge Foreman J. W. Jackson and gang are doing sorao repair work on bridges in and near Rulothls week. Ray Hart loft for Kansas Monday where he will work for Charlie Scott one of Brown County's prosperous farmers. J. Hull , traveling salesman for the Sheldon-Clayton Paper Co. , of St Joe , was transacting business in Rule last Thursday. Joe McVey who has been visiting his mother here for some time re turned to his home in Crete onn day last week. W. W. Chinnock of Falls City was In Rule Monday and while here he slipped off and went over the river and brought back two basket ? of Missouri bananas. Mrs. May Hart and two little sons departed Saturday on the morning train for St Joe where she will visit with her son , Roy and wife for a week or ten days. Geo. E. Ward trati-ai'ted business In Chase county , NTeb. , lat week retun.- ing home .Saturday. Mr. Ward is in terested in farming and grazing lands in Chase county. Mrs Rich BroiMi am ! childien left Saturday for Dau-iiu und Verdun where thev will visit friends [ or st-v oral di-vs They will then go to Sht-r idon. U yi mini. , their future home Wm. Pi lee and family and Frank Houtz and wife of Falls City held a basket p cine in the rhude of the big bridge at tnis place last Sunday and they certainly did enjoy themselves. Friend ? to the number of about twenty gave a surprise partv Saturday night at the home of C. J. Huber in honor of Mra Huber's birthday. Re freshments were served and a good time in general seemed to be in order. Curtis Graham returned homo from the northwestern part of the state Fri day where lie had been for tlio jw t three months' . Ourtls has land there and says he put up 100 tons of line up land hay as anyone would wish to see. Ho is thinking of locating tnerc in the Sprint ; . L. Shclhoun and wife , two of Rule s pioneer clti/.cns , departed Monday for Santii Barbara , Cal They have lived in Rule for thirty live years , and thure were none better in sickness. Mr. Shclhoun served as councilman and a member of the board of education and was an honorable and moral citizen. In lo.ivlng . our city they leave many warm friends behind them who join in wishing the change will be beneficial tobolh' Could Not be Better. The unlforn successor Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has won for It a wide reputation and many people throughout the country will agree with Mr.Chan. W. Mattlson of Milford , Va. , who says : "It works like magic , and is the best preparation I know of. Itcould'tbo any betler. " Ho had a serious attack of dysentery , and was advised to try a bottle of this remedy , which ho dh' , with the result that immediate relief was obtained. For sale at Kerr.s Drug Store. Nellie Wagner of Humboldt visited friends in this city Sun day. SHIELDS' CAFE GEO. SHIELDS , Proprietor Open Night and Day. Oysters a Specialty Everything Hot One block east of Cleveland's Store Overshoes Are the things you you want now Men's ist quality Hood $1.50 Men's 2nd quality Old Colony $1.25 Women's ist quality Hood $1.25 Women's 2nd quality Old Colony $1.00 S Misses ist quality Hood $1.00 Children's ist quality Hood 75c/ Our Prices and qual ity are the Best ONE PRICE TO ALL G. E. HALL GEHLING THEATRE ONE NIGHT Thursday , October 19 Eugene Spoft'orcl's Merry Musical Whirl The Show With Action See the Merry Native Girls Hear the Whistable Music 5O ISS = ! 5O Real Music Special Features Pretty Girls Good Comedy Pleasing Novelties Smart Fun Entertainment Good Dancers PRICES Parquet and Dress Circle 75c Balcony Saratoga Restaurant SHOUT ORDER HOUSE Meals at all Times Oysters and Hot Chile . . I.OIIOI.M1 A Sl'EOIAJ.TV C. V. IIEMDRICKS Proprietor How to Cure Corn and Bunions. Firrt , soak the corner bunion in warm water to softer it ; then pare it down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chaberlaln's Pain Balm twice dally rubblns vigor ously for five minutes at each applica tion. A corn plaster should bi worn a fe * days to protect it from the shoe. As a general liniment for sprains , bruises , lameness and rhumatlsro , Pain Halm is unequalc-d. For sale at , Keer'ij Drup Store.