THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 13 , 1905 LOOK LOOK We carry the best stock of Lumber in southeastern Nebraska and our stock is com plete and up-to-date. We want you to call and examine our stock and get our prices be fore buying elsewhere. Our motto is to give you what you call for. I would like to see all of my old customers come back and talk old times. We carry in stock all kinds of building material , posts , poles , sewer pipes , drain tile , brick , cement , ladders of all kinds , shingles and everything necessary to build a house , barn , fence or corn crib. We also carry a complete stock of coal , both domestic and steam coals at the lowest market price , j Come in and take a look , also shake hands with us and renew our old acquaintance and make new purchases. And re = member that C. H. Rick = ards , theold lumber deal = er of Richardson county is doing business for the Chicago Lumber & Coal Co. Merchants and Business Men With hard accounts to collect , should place them with John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY. NEB For Collection or for Suit Small Corn's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays costs of suit. McNALLS' GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guaran teed Free City Delivery Phone 40 Storage for Household And other Goods. . H. PARSELL M. D. GEO. Telephone No. SS Office at Residence Office Hours : S to 10 a. m. ; j i to 3 p. m. A. E. Wolfe D. 0. Osteopathic Physician Ollice over Lyford's store. Residence ut Nutloruil Hotel PALLS CITY NEBRASKA Otlico Phone 207 Residence 1'hone 209 WILL R. BOOSE M. D. Olllco In Richardson County Bunk Building. General prac tice of medicine and surgery. Special attention given to Ear , Nose and Throat Calls an swered day or nicht PALLS CITY - - NEBRASKA FOR SALK. A first class Jersey milk cow. Inquire of G. J. Crook. tf. C. H , flARION AUCTIONEER , < Sales conducted in scientific and busi nesslike manner C. H. MARION 1 < * Falls City , Nebraska | Wall Paper ! X VVeca i make you .ufoocl prices on wall paper , as . ' we want to close out this ; years stock to make room ' . We have a house and * * * . * - X prices. Don't fail to see ; j ; X us. * | CITY PHARMACY t Dr. McMillen , Prop. X Falls City , - Neb. New Cider Mill. The new cul'T mill located foui bloeks north of the Douglas mil is now ready for btifiinebH. Will every facility for making a lirn class article , here its an opportun ily to utilize your windfalls ami otherwise inferior apples at a pro fit. The mill will run on Tuesday Thursday find Saturday of eacl week. Phone No. I'M Don't forget the free lunch a the Derby every day. Dr. R. P.Roberts.dentisI over King's Pharmacy. E/dticational Department Conducted by County * S"upt , Crocker Dist. 101 , Gertie M. Robinson eacher. Our school is getting iloug nicely with an enrollment if M. _ Dist 58 , Edith Kearn teaehef eports that they are getting ilong nicely with an attendance o'fflO. The length of the term s nine months. Miss Verna Vastine , whom nest of of our people know , las charge of the primary work n the Ilaigler , Nebraska , school. She is well pleased vith her work there. Dist. 13 , Maggie Fergus teach er. Our school is progressing licely. We have a nice supply ol kindergarten material pur chased lately. We believe we lave one of the best school boards in the county. Dist. 17 , Airs. J. R. Strains teacher. Our enrollment is 22. The first month's average at tendance 17. The fourth and sixth grades are not represent ed and we have only one pupil n the seventh. We have a class of seven beginners Several of our pupils do splendid work in Arawiug. Dist. If ) , Pearl Cunningham , teacher. Our enrollment is 11 with three beginners. The at tendance is good. Only three were tardy and one absent the first month. Those neither tardy nor absent during Sep. tember are , Florence Ellinger , Earl Johnson , Derris Mason , Willie Ellinger , Peter Ellinger and Lester Vandeventer. Our school house has been nicely plastered and papered The yard has been mowed and we have new books. We are busy making collections of seeds now. We already have thirty different kinds. Week after next we shall begin making a collection of soils. Report of Pioneer school , Dist. No 5 for the month ending Sept. , 21) ) , 190f > . Number oi pupils enrolled 21. Number ol days taught 20 , Average dailj attendance 20. Those neithei absent nor tardy during the month : Eliza. Eddie , Teddy and Artie Gebhard , Susie. Howard , Ruth and Margaret McBride and Arthur. Archie , Tommie and Grace Ilawley and Eftie Evans and Carroll Lewis and Dean Higgins. Blanch Iliggms was not absent but tardy once , Alberta Evans missed but one da } ' . Cora E. IJiggins , teacher. Our school house is fixed very comfortably , the walls and ceil ing are nicely papered , new shades at the windows and a new porch. PUKSTON SCHOOL NOTKS. Enrollment in the principal's room 27 , in the primary -13. Our work is starting out in fine shape. \ \ e have seven in the eighth grade who expect tocom- plele the work this year. While the Preston schools are doing splendid work in every line they an ? doing especially strong work in penmanship , a subject which is too often slighted in our schools. Twenty minutes is taken for writing each day and about seven minutes of this time is devoted to movement exercise. A specimen of eacl pupil's writing is taken at the close of each \\eek and kept by the teacher. Thus the progress of each pupil can be definite ! } noted from time to time. Twc prizes are oll'ered : one to the pupil whose work shows the most improvement at the close of the term and one for the pu pil who is judged the best writ er. The judge will be Prof. M Palmer editor of the We.-ten Penman , Cedar Rapids , Ohio The following pupils in the higher room were neither absen nor tardy during the month end ing September 29. Elmer Wil son , Elsie Wilson , Sadie Daesch ner , Harry Meyer- , Earl Ford Evelyn Snelly , Millard Maddox and Anna Pribbeno. Look Ahead. , Of course , your 'school 'will ' give some exercises celebrating Thanksgiving day now , , why not have a little school fair on Thanksgiving day or day before Thanksgiving ? Have the pu pils give a shprt program , songs and recitations , but ( , have the principal feature .o ( this exor cises be 'the school fair. Offer some nice little prize , say a book , for the best Specimen of writing to be exhibited by a pupil attending school. Offer new tablet to the pupil whose rawing is judged the best. "let the school board to offer irizes. Olfer a prize for the argest ear of corn , the largest nuupkin , the best loaf ol bvead aked by one of the school irirls he heaviest dozen of eggs. etc. 'his is only a suggestion. Can rqu not work it out ? The sue- essful teacher must necessarily e an inventor. v SCHOOL NOTKS. You ! You ! You and I ! Shubert ! Shubert ! Hi ! Hi ! X E Bras ICi. Oh my ! You can butt in , Idon'l think , We are it. Zip ! Zap ! Kink ! Can we win ? You bet we can , Shubert ! Shubert ! Blue and Tan Prof. Ueo. R. MacDonald will cond'ict an educational column n the Shubert Citi/.en. The board of education have adopted i course of study. It is a good one. Here is a splendid rule , "All pupils who intend to begin work in the kindergarten and pri mary department must be in at tendance the first week of hchool and begin classes , otherwise , kindergarten pupils coming in later will be required to remain at home untilJanuary 2nd when another beginner's class will be started. " The Shubert school- will maintain a lectuiv course dur ing the year. The following may serve to inlet est those who like to see the progress of other schools be sides their own. The school Dist. 102 o , L'ticd Monday , Sept. , 11. Prior to this year there had been but three teachers and only nine grades. This year a reorganiz ation was added , also the tenth grade. The Principal1- , salary was raised from $ . " > to $ (5f ( ) pet month. A janitor was elected and a six member board of edu cation. The school building was renovated from top to bet tom. A new coat of paint was put on all the work and also the ceiling and walls. An entire set ot new dusks was added for the use of the principal's depart men I. Curtain's were furnish ed in all the rooms , the lloor.s oiled and a book case put. into each room. The principal's room \\as furnished with an elegant new desk which cost New blackboards were in stalled and an entire set of new stoves Instead of the old single fines there was added a large one for all the rooms in one. The outbuildings were fixed up. New walks etc , laid The park was trimmed and pruned and ( ix-d in nice shape. The largest attendance the school ever had was 13" ) . It has raised to MO this year which is a goodly percentage of the entire - tire census of the district which was only HO at July 1 , lUDo. The school has a good repu tation for advancement as the non-resident attendance is large and reached a tuiton mark of * 2U. the first month at ยง 1.25 and $1. HO per month. It has assum ed such proportions now that the board has voted the exclude all further entrances from other districts on account of the con gested conditions of the differ. cut departments. Miss Minnie Jones the prr mary teacher It an tlio lirt and second beginners grades. She has held her position now live years. Miss Amelia Nusbaum has the third and fourth grades'and lias been in her position going on three years. Mrs. Rva MacDonald ha.ty lite ifth , sixth and seventh gYados. Geo. R. MacDonald theegh.lh ? linlh and tenth grades , < r Mr.and Mrs , MacDpnald teaching their first year at.Shu- berl but their ninth yearas1 , in structors in the miblio sehoplsi of Nebraska The entire corp of teachers seems lo be giving satisfaction. j ( ' The public is cordially in'vit- ed to visit them at any time. " i The athletic division of the , High schpol is fast gaining a , reputation , The boys have a' line ball team and a young ladies - ! ' ies have a basket ball team and a drill company of both young i I men and women with rings , Indian , dian clubs etc. , will be features I [ of the next county field lour- ! nament. The long distance run ! j 100 yard dash , hammer throw , , shot put , broad jump , ball throw and minor feats are or will be contested next spring. The board of education consists - , sists of the following citizens ; Dr. W. 13. Shook , Secretary , F. W. Colghwor , Moderator , ' , II. E. Williams , Treasurer , E. , W. Fmlor , L. M. Woddlo and C' . A. Lord. The Barada Reading Circle met last Thursday evening. The quarterly report cards and test questions will soon be ready to send out. The Falls City Board of Edu cation have employed Prof. Richardson for half time lo leach vocal music in all the city schools. Dist. 510 Earl Butler. Our winters fuel is all in. Some re pairs have been made. Vaca tion begins Oct. , 20 and last five weeks. Remember the Richardson County Teacher's Association will be held in Falls City , Fri day evening and Saturday , Nov , 10th and llth. Dist. 51. Mary E. Wiltse , teacher. We have ! ! $ pupils unrolled. All are. taking a keen interest in the work. The attendance - tendance is good. Miss Cora Bolls has recently been oll'ered positions in Bea trice , Lincoln and Lead , South Dakota but she has decided to take a vacation and is at pre sent visiting relatives in Cali fornia. The Silem Reading Circle met last Thursday-evening. The next meeting will be held Thnrs- day evening , Oct , 19at Ihehome of Miss Florence Jones. All teachers of Salem and vicinity are invited Each school should have good well. If not a fresh bucket of waler should lie fnrni lied each morning and noon. The bucket should be clean loo. So should lh driniiinx cup * , in Kiel each pupil should have a private drinking c u p. Re m e m b e r disease germs linger in many of the drinking buckets and cups , they should be t-cahlud each day. Disl. ; . 1 , A. L Knisi-ly , teach- er. The past is gone the fn lure may not come the present is all the time that is yours , im prove it. And now that the first month is in the past we will use it as a gnido lo lead us lo better success in our present month and hope for slronger and butter work in the future. Our school enrollment is thirly throe all are manifesting a good | interest in every line and es pecially in music and penman- r-hip which requires much drill 1 and practice. We have new window curtains and some new supplies for which we are very ' thanklul. All are looking for ward to a profitable years work. Dist. 75 , Ethel Barker , teach- er. Our first month closed Sept 21) ) , Enrollment JJ7. We have six beginners. We have five eighth grade pupils who hope to complete the work this term and receive common School diplomas : the board supplied us with plenty of material with which to'work. . If should be remembered that all pupils applying for common school Diplomas next spring will be required to pass a satis factory examination in the Ele ments of Agriculture. The book recommended and adopted is "lijlumenlary Agriculture" pub lished by University Publish ing Company , Lincoln , Ncbr. Dist. 2-1 , W. J. Gavin , teach- or. Enrollment 25 , one more than last year. All grades ex cept the 8th are represented. Our pupils are inleresled in athletics. The boys play base ball and the girls play basket ball. We hereby challenge any country school for a game of base ball. Nextspring we shall otter a challenge for a basket ball game. We also challenge any country school for a spell ing and ciphering match. Dist. 35 , "EUzabelh Thomas , leacher. We have just finished fair first month of school in district - trict 35 , and now have things moving smoothly witli 2-1 pupils enrolled. The names of those vho appear upon the roll of htmor for Ihe month ending , Sepl. , 29 , are Luretta Cross , Marguenle O'Donncll , Charley O'Donnell ' , Curlis Ramsey , Johnny Rothenbcrger and Dean Snethen. We hav about the best equipped country school in'the county. Our supplies include maps , charts , a good library and several fine pictures adorn our walls. Wo have our daily program also the Rules and Regulations , tacked up-in the school aoom , Our eighth grade consists of four pupils two who are reviewing the work and two who expect to finish this year. Three little ones are coming to school for the. first lime. Lf yon do not believe in the re ligion of our fathers you ought to. If you are not satisfied witli Ihe investigations , the experience and the testimony of philoso phers , students , statesmen , min isters and martys it is well worth your while to investigate for yourself. As etcrnily is longer than time jus't so much more im portant to you and to mankind is this topic than any that perlnins to this life alone. Christianity is the religion of the civilized word. It is the religion of sages , of thinkers and of sentimenta lists. II appeals to all the higher senses. Its importance , its dura tion and steady growth for nine teen hundred years , its intimate and insepcrable relation to civili zation and education , and its fol lowing among the greatest minds of all ages , entitle it to at least serious thought and candid inves tigation. Certainly no one is so wise and erudite that he or she ran ignore it or cast it aside with a jest or sneer. York Times. A Kails City girl went out into the country to teach school. On the second day one of the young sters became unruly but the teacher promptly took oil her switch and chastised him. The prettiest girl in the high school is in love with the ugliest boy. They always walk down town together at noon and Ihe contrast is something fierce. Some Seasonable Advice. I may bo u pii-ce of niperlluons ud vice to urti ) people ut this season of the year to lay In u t-upply of Chum- herluln'a Cough Itcaicdy It is utmost ] biiro to tiu needed before winter Is over and much more prompt ttnd satisfac tory results nro obtained vlien taken tit ) soon us u cold Is contracted und bo- fore It has become settled iu thu oys- tern , which can only be done by keep- ln < ; the remedy ut muul. This remedy is BO widely known and so altogether good that no one t-hould hesitate about buying it in preference to uny other. It is for sale by Kerr's Drutf Store.