F w - THE PALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 6 , 1905. HHHIBHHHHHHBHi K l V. G. LYFORD V FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA 171211 f N DIRECTING the attention of the thousands of our patrons to our many attractions for the Fall and Winter of 1905 we wish to again reiterate I the fact that this is a store whose highest ambition is to serve you a little better than you have ever been served any where else. We never lose sight of our high ideals regarding store keeping. No flimsy devises for trade attracting ; no inferior wares recommended for mere cheapness ! only high standard and sterling worth are tolerated. We have ever shared during one SpecialSale legitimate profits by liberal price concessions. From the opening to the end of each season we are striving to improve in every detail. It is our pride to give to trifles such attention as will contribute to that perfection towards which we are striving. In every department we are exceptional in our facilities for owning goods at in side cost. We are fearless in our claim to be in every particular worthy of your patronage , as a firm standing for the best of everything in this community we have as your neighbors special claims upon you. Our stocks are more exhaustive in their assortments , our establishment more complete in its effi ciency. We are growing in usefulness and commercial prestige. Come help us , that we may help you. This Annual Fall Sale has as its chief attraction special prices on items in every department , not baits , having only low price to commend them , but every day articles of substantial quality at a cost far 8 below regular figures. We cannot guarantee to furnish those bargains beyond present stock on hand. : : : : : : : : : : 8a Dress Goods Section FiiHliionanle fahiii'H of every name aio shown here. TliiH lii'inu' piv ' a plain MMISOII , there nre strong lines of Broadcloths , I'minmiiH , Batistes , Prunellas , Cashmeres , Aeolians , Orept'H and VoileH , in all the prevailing colorH As aUmctioiiK for llns Hale , we oll'er 15 po l''init.v a nil IMiiln Clutln Ilti trill ) In wide. Keds , Hliif.o , Ill-owns , Hlarks worth ! l" > to f > ( ) e. sale price . . . lit pi- Plains , MixtureCheck - . 'Ill to It In with ) , all wool worth 50 to Trie , Mile prife . . ' 15 po All Wool l' ' lii ic.j , III ! to 51 In wide , every desirable culorliii : , loruicrly sold up to $1.50 , sale price . ii * DC 12 In Annum In Hlnck , llrown , Oreen , Illue and Hod , piili- price 10 pis Kane.v Mohair ? , (15 ( cent ! ; value sale prleo 10 po 12 in. All Wool llatlste , 80 cents , value sale price Our UromlolotliH all 00 , $1.25 and 81.50 In every stilish shadfe are very superior in ilnUh and texture. Kvory fabric now in use fdr stylish dross ( linking Is fully represented on our counters. Remnants Many short lengths are olTered at ureut reduction ! * from reiu- lu Shawls Shu.vls cover a wider range of use in a famll ) than any other single article of wear. Wo carry aa complete an assortment as when blmwls were called styih. ! Small Shoulder Shawls at 5OC , 6C and $1 , OO Squuru Velvet , Heaver and Wool Shawls at. . . $1.25 1 ° 7 5 ° Long Double Wool Shawls at $3.OO to 8.OO Small and Large knit hhuwls 25C to $2.50 Unvlng thuhO from lli > t hauiis , our values are great our de signs and colorings are strong and attractive Furs Proml-o to be us much worn as ever. Our Furti are reliable and we L'uarantce them to give all the * ervieo customer.-- have a right to expect French Coney. ) luster Scarf . 7SC HlendiHl Suble I'oncj Cluster Scarf . $1.25 Longer Scarfs . $ I 5O and 2.OO Blended Uat Cluster Scarf . $2.OO Isabella Op < -Miin "ciirf- . $35 Sable Coney LMiii'-Sciirf . $3 * ) O HlcnuYd Kill Cravat $3. SO Isabella Fox HcarN $5.OO to 2O.OO Jap Mink Cravat $8.OO Imitation Mink Scarfs $6.OO to $ IO.OO ARtrachun CHpt- * $ p.OO to 15. OO Mullrhildrmi s Fur setIn variety We will ue pleased to make estimate on special fur orders. Ladies' Shirt Waist and Tailored Suits Rii-lit-r in styles , stronger from every point of view , we HJV pn-paml to unit and fit you in Shirt Waist. Tnilor ed Loose , liton , riy Front , Roofer and the Intent Suits. Note these descriptions. 2l Suits in Eton mid Reefer styles , carried from last rea son excellent in fabric and style , Blacks , Bines , Browns , tirajs , formerly sold at S10 to Sly , nearly all sizes , your choice * during this sale. . $2. 95 17 Silk and Wool Shirt Waist Suits. Blacks , Blues , Browns Greens , marked $8 to $25 , during this sale wo offer any ofthweat . Half Price 10 Suits in the very latest cloths and designs , Blouse , Heefer andRedingato Jack ets , from . $10 to 25 We recommend these Suits to the most critical dressers. SILKS lit ) inch Black TalTetaSilk , $1.00 value , sale price IK ! inch Black TalVeta Silk , $1,50 value , sale price $ ' .25 27 inch Black Peau de Soie Silk , $1.00 viiltii' , sale price. . .8pC 27 inch Black Ft an de Soie Silk $1.50. value , sale price.$1.25 ! ] (5 ( inch Black Peau de Soie. Silk $1.00 value , bale price. . .8pc 22 inch Black Peau de Soie Silk $1.155 value , sale price. . .95C 27 inch Taffeta , all colors and changeable , sold at many stores at $1.25 , sale price 9OC 215 inch Crepe Je Chine , all col ors , our regular price $1.00 sale price 75C 18 inch All Silk Taffeta Lining Silk , regular price 5oc , sale 390 All Fancy Silks will bo sold dur ing this sale at great reductions. Velvets YelveteiMia in nil simileb Velveteen. Block SO , 75C Velvetn , Bliick 75c , $1.00 , 1.25 , 1.50 Piion Velvets , Black -I.OO Mirror Velvets. Black $ I 5O Satins 21 inuli Black Mussalmo S51k..90C 25 ! inch Black Louisuine Silk-.IOO 15) ) ini'h All coluis , regular 50c snle price 39 ! ] (5 ( in Skinner sntSn,8ale price.$1.35 Cloaks Through the broad range of itidclds tliat ii prevail we arc showing attractive c rtniples of what is newest and best. We are proutlcT of our Cloak aggregation than any other line it our ready to wear section' Not price , but that ineffable air which distinguishes the well dressed has been sought. Covert Reefers , such as adorn the figure at .J2 inch covert Coats , so suitable for traveling $10 to 14 42 inch to 50 inch Coats in Broaclclotn , Cheviots ' . to 25 In black , brown , blues , greens , reds , castors tans grays and mixtures iiote these specials 42 inch All wool Kersey , body lined , velvet in laid color , fancy buttons , new plaited sleeve- , black , Q Cft onh ° ' 3U 45 inch in high grade , all wool Cheviot , black only , body lined , Iimpire coat , inverted plait - back 1A QA only IU.UU 45 inch high grade all wool Kersex , Black. Cas tor. Brown , Green , body satin lined , six plaits in back and same in front , velvet inlaid collar and cuff , new sleeve , Empire coat , our banner bargain , only 45 inch Fine Broadcloth , all lined , Blended coney , Fur collar , closed with silk loops , a bargain at Better fur collars and fur lined Coats up to From $10 to 25 our stock of cloth coats is a revelation toever\ lady \\ho looks. There are so many styles that a description of them is impracticable at this time. We have devoted a great deal of thought on cloaks and positively are right in price and in new popu lar ideas. Children's Coats Bearskin Coats 2 to 6 years $3.50 , $4.50 , $5 Cloth Coats , 2 to 6 $ i.Oo to $4 Cloth Coats , 4 to 14 - $2 to $10 Infants Long Coat $1.25 to We have 25 short and Long Cloaks carried over from last season these are now offered at 1-4 to 1-2 of former price. Shirt Waists Shirt waist * for autumn are always more limited In their run < 5t ? of materials uud stj It's thun for spring. Ut have -ume ori ginal desijna ( In alsh jit-ade fabrics thatarf ppjliyof iour atten tion. White Mercerized , medium wei ht. new -tn'ped pattern v\aist I2 ! to 42. < n - AA Sale price , . . Cp 1 .UU Fancy Florentine Mohair , Green , Navy and Hed ( t j f\f\ Sale prici- % P I .UU liluck Saline nith white polka not waist. Sale price .85c All Wool Albatross Waist in a very daiiiiy Emnire design , braided , in cream sage and red. Suitprice. . . . Ulack Tutleta Silk Waist Xatty empire style Every lip-to date. Sale | ) rice TulTetu and Peau df Sole WuNt In liluek. Blue. Green. Choice $4.50 5.00 5.50 and 6.00 stv.es . at . , . , . . Flannellettes , Outings 15 pieces Outlnss-hot heiiVy but nice , Clean merchandise lot' Comforters , Linings , etc , though Cottons are high these arC Clicnp as ever , EC 20 pieces Flannelletts , good weights and width , neat dark de signs .it a regular calico price ( lC tfhisMs' the be-t low price Flannellette wtf have ever ottered. 20 frtiiM L'eavy Outings rejnilor 10o grad'- ' price JC 100 piee.M Best Outui ? ? to be hud.-siicli'aVare being sold at 12jc our rule price IOC All our IScamJSbo Double Faced Flannellettes , exquisite de signs for house jackets and Klmonas , sale price I5C AH our l.'ie Double Faced and Double Fold Flannellette * . Lace , Tapestry and Rope Curtains , Couch and Table Covers In all tbesH lines we .ire prepared to furiiifhnur li u e throuhgout Nowhere in our establishment is the individuality which separate- from the ordinary .store more euiibpicnoiia It isdilllcultto make apparent the foice of a bargain in this sec tiono we offer a ten per cent discount on all the above lincs Silk and Wool Dress Skirts Our Skirts are smart , of the best construction , cut , lit and' ' finish. We save all you : tn noyanee of homo fittin-/ , risk of misfits at no additional cost We make some very special prices for thK sale. 35 Ore * ? Skirts in all wool Gra.vs and Blacks , form erly sold at $1.00 to * G 00 sale price $2.00 Jilt Dress Skirts in all wool Urays , Tans , Browns , Hlui'j add Blackschoice styles , regular prices iC to $3 , sale price $3.50 17 , ' ) Dress Skirts in Tatle- ta Silk , Panama , Broad clothMelbrose.Cheviots and Serges $5 < o $17 We have are flattering suc cess with our skirts this sea son.