The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 06, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Mrs. John Oswald spent Wed
nesday in Stella.
Amos Gantt was a Hiawatha
visitor Wednesday.
Ben Miles of Dawson , spent
Friday in this city.
A. L. Richardson came up from
Hiawatha Saturday.
Peter Frederick and wife were
in Barada Friday last.
Cora Swisegood of Verdon was
in this city Wedhesday.
Mrs. M. C. Conover of Verdon
was in town on Wednesday.
Mrs. Sherm Byerly of Verdon
spent Wednesday in this city.
Mrs. Barry came up from Atch
ison Monday to visit her children
here. I I
Mrs. Van Sailor and Ethel
Sailor came down from Verdon
Mrs. Charles Weaver c a m e
down from Verdon Wednesday
on business.
Mrs. Ferd Harlow has been
spending the past week with rel
atives in Kansas.
J. E. Le3da and wife were in
Barada Friday to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. Goetx .
Miss Mamie Gillcspie left Mon
day for Kansas City where she
will spend a few days.
Lottie Gulp returned Sunday
from a three weeks visit at Oska-
loosa , Kan. , and St. Joe.
Mrs. Nettleback went to Shu-
bert Wednesday for a visit to
her son , Will , and his family.
Mrs. W. W. Brown and daugh
ter , Eva , left Wednesday for a
visit with relatives at Stella.
J. O. Horton of Salem was in
this city Friday. While here he
made this office a pleasant call.
A new cement walk is being
ing laid in front of the property
owned by Mrs. Laura B. Paxton.
Mrs. O. R. Ross and little
daughter , of Shubert , are in this
city this week visiting relatives.
Chas. McCool and wife drove
down from Salem Friday and
spent the day with Mrs. R. R ,
\ Rule.
Grace Bucher went to Omaha
Wednesday to spend a few days
with Grace Miner and attend the
Mrs. Grace Waters returned
to her home in Hiawatha after
visiting her parents , W. E.
Haner and wife.
Nellie Downs went to Omaha
Monday to visit her brother , Jas.
Downs and family and to attend
the Ak-sar-ben.
Mrs. James Cornell left Mon
day for Omaha to visit her daugh
ter , Mrs. Joint Tinker and attend
the Ak-sar-ben.
James McKiever returned the
later part of last week from Be
atrice , where he has been em
ployed as a clerk in a hotel.
Tom Whetstine and wife ar
rived in this city Monday. They
are the guests of the latters par
ents , Wm. Goldner and wife.
Laura Scholl returned to her
studies at Peru Monday. She
was called home by the death of
I her sister , Mrs. M. A. Bingaman.
When contemplating a public
sale see "Tubbie" Clark , who is
is always prepared to serve
lunch. S4-tf.
Mrs. John Parlier left Monday
for Omaha so visit relatives and
attend the Ak-sar-ben. Before
she returns she will visit her
brothers at Grand Island.
Frankie Dixon accompanied her
sister , Mrs. George Codington , to
Kansas City Monday. They will
spend a few days there with their
uncle , Frank Holwick and family
For Sale.
A good Duroc-Jersey boar ; also
spring boar ; special prices on
them for the next thirty days.
Also a good cheap mare , gentle
for a lady or children , and bred 1
to a-son of Prince Otto 2:20 : .
The new attraction at the Geh-
ling , Saturday , October ? will be
"The Little Homestead , " a de
lightfully refreshing- and sweetly
simple story of New England life ,
with strong situations and an
abundance of the other requisites
which go to make up a whole
some and interestingplay. . It is
from the pen of W. B. Patton
author of ' "The Minister's Son"
In the hands of the capable com
pany headed by Wm. Macauley ,
it promises an evening-.oT more
than ordinary entertainment.
The members of the C. E. of
the Christian church will give a
ten cent tea at the church Thurs
day evening- , October 12. Each
endeavorer who has earned a dollar
lar to place in their treasury , will
tell in rhyme , how they did it.
All are invited to go and spend a
pleasant evening : and attend the
Elva Sears entertained twelve
young- ladies Tuesday in honor of
lier birthday at six o'clock dinner.
A most pleasant evening1 was
spent. Jennie Leister took a
number of kodak pictures by Hash
light. Several musical selections
were rendered.
Subject of sermon at Presby
terian church next Sabbath morn
ing will be "Where to Find Rest. "
Reception of new members and
sacrament of the Lord's supper
at the morningservices. . Serv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p m.
Everybody invited.
Joe Swain , an old Falls City
boy , now cashier of a St. Joseph
bank , was in the city Tuesday on
business matters pertaining1 to
his bank.
Mrs. C. II. Marion and Audra ,
left Monday for Kansas City to
visit the formers niece , Mrs.
Grace Sellers. They will visit
friends in Independence , Mo. , be
fore they return home.
Mrs. George Codington left
Momla } ' for Kansas City where
she will spend a few days on her
wiy to her home at Cleveland ,
Okla. She has spent several
weeks with her brothers and sis
ters here.
W. D. Easley and wife returned
Thursday evening from a month
visit in Colorado. The } ' spent a
short time here with relatives be
fore returning to their home in
Kansas City.
The Elks lodge has put in a
punching' bag and boxing- gloves
so if you are looking for trouble
don't "pick on' , an Elk , they are
all loaded.
Geo. Cook of Hayden , Colo. ,
spent a part of the week with his
father , Wm. Cook , in this city.
This is his first visit here for
eleven years.
Mrs. R. P. Roberts and daugh
ter , Thelma , are in Omaha this
week visiting- the former's sister
and attending the Ak-Sar-Ben.
W. C. Sloan , wife and son ,
Ncal , were down from Verdon
Wednesday. They were guests
at the home of John Ilossack.
Fred Jarrot of Rulu spent sev
eral days in this city this week
He played ball with the boys on
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mrs. Lon Evans and her
mother , Mrs. Jane Smith , left
Sunday for a short visit to rela
tives in Kansas Citv.
Mrs. James Powell returnee
Monday night from a visit witl
relatives and friends at Kansas
City and Odessa , Mo.
Mrs. A. E. Jaquet and daugh
ter , Alice , returned from a visit
with relatives in Kansas City on
Dr.IIannah Fleming left Tues
day for Blackwell , Okla. , to visit
New Cider Mill.
The new oid'jr mill located four
blocks north of thu Douglas mill
ia now reruly for business. With
every fncility for making ft first
cluBs urticle , hero \R \ nn opportun
ity to utiliv.o your windfalls and
otherwise inferior applet * tit u pro-
fit. The mill will run on Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday of each
week. Phone No. 19(5. (
Big free lunch at the Derby.
Ed Dowty of Preston was in
town Saturday.
Sid P. Spence came down from
Shubert Tuesday.
J. Robbins of Reserve was in
this city Saturday. I
A.R. Harmon came down from
Auburn Tuesday.
George Ilarral was downfrom
Ilumboldt Monday.
Mrs. W.V. . Horrum of Auburn j
spent Tuesday here.
W. II. Morrow of Shubert was
n the city Tuesday.
B. F. Bridg-man of Verdon was
n this city Saturday.
Geo. Jennings spent Sunday
vith Salem relatives.
Geo. Ilansell of Salem was on
our streets We'dnesday.
Mr. Atchison and Dr. Boose
spent Sunday in Salem.
Mrs. John Gehling- in Omaha |
his week visiting relatives.
F. Dietrich came down from
Verdon Saturday on business.
B. E. Wheeler of Ilumboldt
spent Monday in this city.
Fred Seabold left Wednesday
'or a short visit in Omaha.
J. W. Morehcad of Barada vis-
ted in this city on Saturday.
LC. . Wells was down from
[ lumboldt on business Friday.
J. J. Bauer of Verdon was a
business visitor here on Tuesday.
James Mutt/ and wife spent
Sunday with relatives in Salem.
John Whittle of Shubert was
- ' business vis
C- \ \ . Nixon of Barada was a
business visitor the first of the
T. L. Hall of Verdon spent
Saturdav with his brother , G. E.
W. A. Smith came over from1
Barada on business the first of
the week
Charles Wallace of Shubert
visited old friends in this city a'
few days this week.
I. R. Curry came over from
Hiawatha Wednesday to play
base ball with Trov.
Robert Thompson returned
from Verdon where he has been
employed in a hotel.
W. J. McCray came down from
Stella Monday to meet with the
members of the county board.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids
Nature. {
Medicines that itid tmluru arc- always
most ( tluctuul. Cliuinuurluln'a Couuh ,
remedy act * < > n this plan. It allay *
the coni-h , relieves the lunj- , aide ex ! 1
poctoration , opens thy secro'lonfe and
aids nut lire in restoring the syiti-m to
u healthy condition. Ills famous for
its cures over a lurce part of the civil
ized world. Thousands have testified
to Its superior excclliMicc. It counter
acts any tendency of u cold to result
in pneumonia Tor i-ule nt Kerr's
drug store
Fancy China
Queensware , Glassware
Notions Jardineres
Flower Pots Lamps
Chamber Sets
Fire Proof Cookingware
Groceries and Flour
See the 15 cent Window
Fancy China in
the large win
dow at
Services as usual at the Chris
tian church next Sunday. Morn
ing subject "Paul the pattern
worker and minister. " Evening ,
' 'The Christian trials and tri
umphs. i " All are invited. J.
Cronenbergcr , minister ,
- -
Frank Clegg arrived the last
of ' the week front Richmond
i' mend ' , Mo. , for a visit with Falls
City friends and relatives. Frank
is j working in a drugstore at that
j. place and is much pleased with
his location.
Mrs. J. II. Miles and little
daughters and Mrs. Katherine
Wylic and daughter , Florence ,
left Tuesday for Kansas City to
see the Priests of Pallas parades.
Lena Brecht pleasantly enter
tained a number of her friends
Tuesday evening- . Among them
were 2vi McNall , Grace Grey
and Mr. Collins.
George Abbott and wife left
yesterday morning for Omaha to
spend a few days with their chil
dren and attend the Ak-Sar-Ben.
Ed Watt , wife and two chil
dren of Los Angeles , Gal. , are
visiting with the former's moth
er , Mrs. Wetitworth.
Josie Craigof Kewanee , 111. ,
arrived here Monday to work in
the store for her uncle , V. G.
Mrs. O. Radinsky spent a part
of the week in this city , the guest
of her daughter , Mrs. James
Dr. A. Keller and wife went to
Omaha Tuesday to visit relatives
and attend the Ak-Sar-Bcn.
C. M. Wilson moved his family
this week in the Burchard prop
erly on north Stone street-
Joe Varner who is a Missouri-
an. says that the first tree must
have been a paw-paw tree.
Mrs. F. A Keller returned on
Fr'day ' from a visit with her
' mother , in NevadaMo. .
Mrs. Ben. Poteet returned on
Wednesday from a yisit with her
daughter at Padonia.
j I Miss McDaniels of Craig : is
, visiting at the home of her cousin.
Mrs , S. L. Davies.
Clair Foster returned home
Tuesday from his trip through
South Dakota.
That's what they all say , the
| best on earth , the free lunch at
the Derby.
Mrs G. A. Hansel of Salem
spent Friday with old friends in
this city.
Cora Miller of Tcctimseh is vis
iting her sister , Mrs. II. P.
Ferd Harlow has been confined
to his home most of this week by
John Joseph and his mother
came up from Atchison Wednes
If you have not you had better
try the free lunch at the Derby.
Mrs. David Atwood was down
from Ilumboldt Wednesday.
Mrs. Frank Beck came up from
Kansas City Wednesday.
Don't forget the free lunch at
the Derby every day.
Hot lunch Saturday afternoon
at the Derby.
Rob Wyatt of Reserve spi-nt
Monday here.
Cured of Lame Unck after 15 Years
of Suffering.
"I had been troubled With Jamo
back for fifteen years und I found u
complete recovery in the UHO of Chum-
herlain's I'uln Halm , " gays John G.
Hlsher , Gillmn , Ind. This liniment U
tiUu without an equal for burulnfa und
bruises , it U for ale at Kerr's drill'
Boys Take Notice.
You can make some money
gathering walnuts. I will buy
them. O. P. HKCK ,
Dr. R. P.Robertsdentist
over King's Pharmacy.
Money ! Lands !
; Private Funds to Loan
- If you wish to get a loan write me. Some good
j farms , ranches , and other property
: to sell or exchange.
Farm und Mock rnticli , avra ucros , Pawes county , Nebraska , deeded und
clear ; fenced und cro < * x fonood , runnltn : wutor , two mill * und windmill * , slinds
und corralH , Hiimll IIOIIMI. Thnrii U mild to lie about 12.WO ncirs of tills I und thnt
cun t > o cultivated t them In also some timber. 1'ho | ihuo uoiilil be divided Into
smaller tracts for farming , or Into smaller rnnchos. It la 20 mlloR from Ortuv-
fonl and n mlloii Iroiu town on railroad , This N unruly bargain for mnno ono.
I'rloc. * lilMO.
liny und ntook ranch 1800 ncros , 400 acres under Irritation , M acres alfalfa ;
nil fenred nnil building , A Imrjraln nt (11,000 , Dawes county , Nebraska ,
i.WHiH' , 4 miles of Knnd town , IMwanlri county Itatisa * ; runnlnir Hilton
M No well * nnil wlntlniltlH , | 7XI ( per uoru.
( IWO nor os nil foneed und KOOI ! buildings ; plenty of wntur , linn place. for cat
tle , 40 mile * north of Urund Is Iniiil. Noli. Will Bull or lease. for stock purposes.
IC.M acres between Kails City and Salem ; u desirable upliind farm. What
would you Hiiy ut Irs * ( linn IW.OO per aero , long tlino. Host. of terms. Will taUo
un M ) as pail pay.
A Iliio.'lJOaure farm noitr Kll < Cirnw , .lolinnon county , Nebraska , at $ SO per ,
I'or Halo Mm ! dust ) liaKuiy , confectionary , nodu water , leu cicam parlor.
Steam lieut centrally located , linn room , east trout No , 1 opportunity.
limncru furin In Itlchnrdson i-ounty. N'ubrusUa , will Hull or taku un HO aero
farm near Illmvatha in part pay Pour miles from depot Near school.
IC > 0 acie.s In NuckollH county , Neb. , two inllcsof depot. I25aurcs cultivated
( lood ( onus.
HJl iicron In Nenmlm county , KIIB. AllklndHOf Improvements. Klvn mllus
1 1 om ( lolTH , on tullroad. KOOO for shoit ilniu.
KIAncius , six iiilliH fiom Hliuburt , Nut ) All In ( rood No , l condition , A
Rnmll amount , down , and loon lltnii ulvun , or would take some other property us
part pay. A nuo oppoitnnlty.
Sil.POOstocK of nieiclmndlso , Ittclmrdson county , Noli. Will soil or oxulmniro
for land ,
80 ncies Itlchnrd-on county , Neb. , ; i mlloH from depot , ( lood farm , Will
sell und take ROIIIO wcMoi n land u part pay or u harness shop In Hht | lix.Mitlon ,
W ) HLTCS near Kails City , ? H,0 HI. No , I home. .
SUuuicM nnithcaHt of Kails City , ( lood location , HKHI.
5 acres adjoining KullA Oily , ( lood terms.
Ite.sldonoe and I lots ulosu to business. Southeast corner. A
$ MOO.
MOO.Kit ) acres Johnson county , Neb. N ) rods to chiircn and school , I mllon from
depot : hooKe , barn , corn crib and K'ramu-y , uood orchard , $11,000. Will cell and
take a 1(1 ( as inirt pa } ' , ( lood terms. Olvu longtime- Look thin up. A good
IClovator and Homing mill , notlhoaH Kansas , ( lood enuntry. "Will e.x-
chaimo lor miirclnindlac or land ,
For rent a stock , uniln and frnll larm , HiTiaerus , Two miles from depot.
Want gooil mull. Will leqnlru two leuins. Wrltu for part Ictilum ,
UK ) acres Shcrlditn county , Kas , linn land. } L'OiH ) .
llavojon un HO or HiOor inoru you doslro to sell or o.xrlmnnu ? Wrltu mo
your wlihm. I r you desire to liny or sell or oxuhnnxu may know of JIIHI what
you want ,
1 Henry C. Smith j
The place to buy them is at
Remember can -ret you an 8 or 10 II. P. engine at
short notice .ind can sa\e you moncWe always have
Pumping Kngines in stock and can put up the engine the
day you buy. Our price is right and \ve lead them all in our
Buggy and Surrey line.
Just think of it ! Top buggies from $50 , up call and
see them , \ve have the largest stock in the city.
Get our prices on the other lines we carry , such as Lum
ber Wagons , Pumps , Tanks , Windmills and Pipe and Fit
ting. We are also agents fo the celebrated W. C. Shinn
Lightning Rod , the only rod on which you can get cheaper
insurance. Remember the place to save money.