The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 06, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Kntcrctl as second-claHS matter as
Falls Cit\ , Nebraska , post ollice , January - j
ary 12 , 1'HM , under the Act of Congrcst
of March 3 , 1870.
Vnbtixhed every Ft iday al .tf
Nebraska , by
The Tribune rubllihinrf Company
One year $1.00
Six ii'onths . . . . W )
Three months . 35
Republican State Ticket
nus.c. ii. I.UITON
} | ) II Hi OEMS
V. (1. ( I.VKOKH
KitKD Ainiorr
Rebubllcan County Ticket
FOH TiiKiNtmr.ii
Von n.MiK
> iu < JrtxiK
W , M. Kir.OICIt
iMtor. u. u iiorr
Foil S
toil I CMOS Kit
on. < m > . UINKKIU : :
Senatorial Convention.
V rcpiihllran ilolt'Kiilt ) rnmmitlon IN ht'fiilij
rallul loiiici't lit Ilio Mmplir liotH. 'Inlilti
llot'K , | 'II\MII > H county. Ni'lirnulm on Moiicliiy ,
Octolicr titli ll Vi lit II o'clock In tlui afternoon
to lilaen In iioiiiliiiitlon oiu > cimilliliilr Inr
MHtDHrimlnr , lo III ) uiciim'.v lor tin * llrst
M'lmtnriiil tllitilci of Nelinixkii
The rlmlinuin unit cciilml rowmlttoi'H < il
tlioi-t'U'nil i-oiintli'H In mill llrxt < > imlnilnl
ilMrlflsnit ) iviili'Nli'it | to iiiiiindcliKiitcs to
iitti'inl mill ) conventlou.
Tlui liiislsof ir | > " 'M'MtiitloM of llnuionntlfH
In Hiild cotiMMillon hlmll lui tlio loti-H imM for
lion. II IIVINon for iHt-iili-nllii. clrclor lit
tlin wilt-rill I'k-ctlnn In-Ill on Novi'inlior H.
1COI , KlvliiKi'ni' ' ' ili'lt'KiiUi tor t-iioh ono linn-
ilroil iinil iwtntyllvuuti'it or nuijor fiiictlon
Ilicrrot Miciist forKiilil II II , Wilson iinil onn
ih'lrditii at IIHKK fori-iicli county.
Hiild iii | > illnniiit-nt. 1'iilltlrK i-nt-li county to
Hut rollcmlntr ii'im'M'iiUttmi In tlio nitld con
vention. I'muiic 15am ! ItliiliiiiilMiii "I.
UtHtTilnimiicnilril tlml lint ( U'lcisiitcH pri's
out In niilil fnnu'iillon riiHt llui enlirooloof
tlirlr county lo * Ihcru diMcK tlon ,
llyoiiluror tlui Ki'iinturliil coniinltti'n fet
Uic Ilitit M' ilNtrlc't of Nrtirnskn
J.U. Hour
. .lourV. . I'oWm.i.
The Tribune believes that V.
G. Lyford is the most competent
man ever nominated for Recent
of the state university in the his
tory of the state. His election is
of course assured , but it would be
the nice tiling to do if this coun
ty should < ; ive him a large vote.
Your ballot will neither elect nor
defeat him , but it would serve
the interest of home pride if it
was counted on the right side.
The name of J. K. Wilhite is
associated with the probate his
tory of Richardson County , and
no official act of his has ever re
quired an explanation. The pro
perty rights of the widows and
orphans are in safe hand ? with
Wilhite in the county Judge's of
fice. Many local democrats will
vote for him solely because of
his competency and experience.
The office of county judge is far
too important to Justify exper
iments. Be sure you are right ,
them go ahead. If in doubt ,
vote for Williite.
Jake Janner has nearly recov
ered his old time vigor and will
soon be at work again. The
friends of Mr. Tanner have not
been inactive during his temporary
ary disability , have been hard at
work in his interest as a candi
date for treasurer. Very few
young men have the friends that
Mr. Tanner has , and very few
young men are as deserving. In
every position of life Jake has
measured up to the full require
ments , and as county treasurer
he will make a worthy sucessor
to Martin Xook whose adminis
tration will be the standard for
\ears to come.
Prof. R. I , . Hoff will receive
practically the unamimous vote
of teachers. Ilis fitness lor the
position is recognized and ac
knowledged by those most com
petent to judge and is disputed
by no man. There was some
question for a time concerning
Bis republicanism , but the fact !
have dispelled all doubt. Mr
Iloff voted for McKinley in 18W
and has been voting the repub
lican ticket ever since. In fac
Be contributed more to the elec
tion of President Koosevelt thai
most of us , as both he and hi
wife voted for him , they beini
residents of Wyoming in 190C
He is not a politician , but he i
an accomplished educator and a
such will serve the people ver
acceptably as Superintendent.
liihn Cavurfcaglo it on the nlon list
tillweek. .
Ony Hurt helping Will Davis In
Ills restaurant.
Charlie Ciiverzaglu visited with thu
hoinu folks ever Sunday.
W. .1 , Cunningham iinil wlte visited
friends In Missouri Sunday
John Marti nOSky wap u Falls City
visitor Sunday afternoon.
George Jarrott IIHB moved Ills family
Iroin St. Joe to Unlonpuln.
Mr. Nolf a Hurilngton machinist of
Wymoro wnn In Ilulo Sunday.
C. V. Hi-avlsof Falls City was a Uulo
Visitor Thursday at last weel:1
Tlsc Adams Is working on tlin joint
for Bcution Foreman S. Haye * .
.1. M. Martlnoskoy Is still lining sotno
excellent work on our streets.
Leo Varvol and wlfo visited with
Will Ilatakln and wife Sunday.
M. .1. LoHlune madu a business trip
to Falls City Monday of this week.
Dallas . ( ones of Whltu CIouil visited
with his family In this city Sunday.
Byron Harrison Is laying brink on
thi ) Miles hulldlnc for Mr. Hulneman.
Hollii Harrison and wlfo of St. Joe.
art1 visiting frlondn In Uulo this wuuk.
.lolin Ivanaly piircliiisod a llni > piano
ofC Smith of Falls City last Siilm-
.fames Uatakln and wife from the
coimtnv visited friends In Unlo Sun-
I'ricu Liuidu from thu Hif Luke was
transautlnt : hnstne s In Unlo Monday
of this week.
Charlie Oolong has quit tin- Bur
lington at this place and will move
-oon to Oklahoma.
John Moonuv reeloved two ears of
uatthi from KIIII H City lust Saturday
lo feed this winter
Von MuVoy Is paeklnu apples for
Lieoi'KO Ward who Is Bhlppinj ; thorn to
western parts of Nebraska.
Max ( iiH'sser renewed the switch
hlncttH to all the switches In thu U U.
yards at , this plaee last xvcuk.
Wlll'.o ' Ward holjier at the depot
wont down to Highland , Kansas last
Friday returning Saturday night
Henry Belfurd and Homur Kirk
havu ifonu Into thu hutlor and c t ;
hiiAlnees , they will also buy poultry.
Joe McVoy who has been working
with thu Burlington depot earpentet'H
at cretu Is visiting thu homo folks.
Kd , Idel of Brown County , Kansas ,
shlpied | thri'u ear loads of line eattloto
Kansas City from this plaeo Sunday
nit ! hi.
Jumes Tangncy bought two ears of
eattlo of Kansas City ono day last
weuk. Mr.Tangney will feed them for
the markets.
John Rhodes bought John Mann's
saw mill In Missouri and has moved to
Nebraska nuar Arago and will havu It
In operation soon.
Mrs. I'hll Horan was ualled to Hum-
holdt last Monday to 1111 thu vauanuy
of one of thu teat'hur.s at that plare on
ai'count of ( loktii'r.s.
Uov. Klnoald wlfi and Illtli" tanil *
danghterduparti'd Wi-dno-ilay of last
week for BoNe City Idaho they will
mnko thuir fnturu home.
Ciirriu Boyd who is tcaehini : in thu
primary department at Verdon visited
with her slhter. MivV. . Uatakln Sat-
ur.lay rctiirnlnj : Sunday.
Thu Wi'storn Union linu men were
in Uulo Friday and Saturday of last
week i > ultln < ! tip another eopper wlru
eouueeting St. Joe with Denver.
Mrs. Magglu Boyles and son of Kan-
MIX City who have lioun vlsltlni : rula-
llvns In this city tUe past three vvcoks
returned to their homo Sunday.
Oeorgu 1'eahodv our blaekomlth
whllo using a foot ml/ Friday slipped
whllu In the act of striking uniting his
lt > ht fool which will lay him up ( or a
Vesta VunvalkiMiherg who has heen
I'lttillng in Wlsuoiiain and Chicago llils
uiiniH-r returned to her homo In this
eity Wednesday of la t wi ek her many
rlendtoluoino her homo.
Mr. liraham has repaired the Ferry
landing on the Ml-sourl siilc of thu
I'ivur IIJ.MUII It Is now In butler shapu
than over and hu ear. aecomodatu all
who doslru to ero- > the river.
Judgu D.ivU has uroi'ted a now corn
urlb adjoining his hog lots Ihu JuJgu
belluvus I\i \ having Ihlnys handy and
evidently wanted to see more Improve
ments on south Skunk Uldge.
Clydo Adams , brakeman on thu
Atehlneon freight had thu misfortune
to step an a nail last weuk which laid
him up several days. Mr. CJallawayol
Table Uook worked in Cl > des place.
Our teachers havu organized a Ueml.
lug Cirflo which certainly Is a goot
thing and ono that ought to bo of grea
Importance not only for teachers bu
for every ono who is or ought to bo in-
toresteil In our schools.
Mrs. S. W. Witman who luft thi
city for Glen Uock , Wyoming sotm
timu ago writes that she Is well pleas
cd with that country and enjoys mucl
better health than this country , thi
will be good news to her many friend
in Uulo.
Mrs , John Andurcon of Kansas Is
vlsttlnir friends In Unlo thiweek. .
John Lallan do tunt ; to Salem last
week where hu I * working on the sec
Blaln Anderson of Brown County
Kansas visited with hi * brother Dodt ;
of this city Sunday.
J. A. Illnkle ha hud some Improve
ments made on his place this week In
the way of some nw fi-nctj. *
Mr. Inks and wife i'f Salem visited
In Hull ) several diiys this week the
guests of Mrs. Hmmii Wallace ,
Harry Mann , Dodu Anderson and
John Tackutt went duck hunting Sun
day. But the hoys said that the mos
qultoes were to many for tsti.
John Uandolph has resigned as mail
carrier on the Uural Utiute and Judd
Carpenter has secured thu position and
will dletrihutu thu mal ! to thu farmers
on this Uontu hereafter.
Fred Hulneman of Full- City has
qultu a force ol men al work on thu
Joe Miles and George Oeamb's new
brick htitldlnjs in Uulo It will hu but a
short lime untill thu ivalls are finish
cd and ready for the carpenter * .
I'rof. C. M. French formerly of Uulo
bill now residing at Monalaloo , Cat. ,
writes that hu Is wull pluased with that
country and that he and 'amlly arc
en joy i UK ihe best of health , thu Prof ,
has a position in t.Siu schoolat that
Little Lucllu Infant daughter of
Will Fulton and wifu died at the homo
of Us grand pa re nls Mr. Johnson and
wife tit 8 o'clock Monday morning of
lhs ! weuk thu Httlu one had been sick
forsomu lltnu and her sulTerings was
great her slay on ihls carlh was only
six inont'os but long enough lo leavu
many aching hearts. But Jeans said
stiller lilllo children to eomu unto me
and forbid them not for such Is the
Kingdom of Heaven , and hu has claim
ed her whom hu loaned to maku glad
hearts only for a whllo and now shu Is
freu from sulTurlng , whcru sorrow Is
unknown. Funeral surylces were held
at the nomu of Mr. Johnson's Tuesday
al ! l o'clock in Ihe afternoon , attended
by a lut'irc number of sumpathlzlng
friends aftur which the llttlu body was
tenderly laid to rest In thu Unlo ccmu-
Mrs Hull Is qtiitu sick this week.
Waller Slaver was a Verdon vlsllor
last Friday.
Jaku Bloom and family from Falls
Cl ty visited J e s Weavers Sunday.
J. Woodard has moved to Uorton ,
Kansas. They visited Sam Otlos last
C. Humphrey and wife went to Kan
sas City Saturday night to ullund thu
Uov. Hunt of Coiner came down
Saturday afternoon and preached Sun
day at the Christian church.
J. Curry and wifu moved out on the
farm latolj occupied by Allen Combs
who moved lo Hut-ton Kansas
David Orllllth and wife havu return-
oil from their trip to thu western part
of Nebraska. Denver and other points ,
Mr. Bowor-ox und family left last
Monday for ueserve , Kansas whore ho
expect- go Into husinesi for him
L. A Klnsey came down from Lin
coln. U'edin bday Hu ay they are
pleased wiih their new homo lit Lin
Mrs. D. Taylor's father and mother
N. M. Glllord of Lincoln and Prof. C.
Waddell of Pawnee City visited her
this week.
Word came thai T. L. Walker , a
former resldenl of Vurdon has bough I
an Interest In a lumber yard in Cald-
wull Idaho.
Hev. BohnS rt' l < rnatlon has hcon
accepted by tue Con ; relational
church and he U prup.irln < ; to move to
llntchlnson , Kansas.
Thu Arlngton Comini'dians who
optmed up Hull's new opcrn lieu u lasl
fall , will glvu the 1st play of thuso.ison
Friday and Saturday thu litli ami 7th.
Thu Annual Ml-ilon Feast wa held
at thu German Lnlhorn church ea-t of
town Sunday Thu congregation was
M > largt ! the ehureli ooulu not hold
them all.
Bud Prlehard Is erecting a new con
Wm. Mohler of Falls City was at F
Peck's last week
Klhel Cook was a guest of Mrs. Gee
Prlehard Saturday ,
H. C. Peck and wife visited at UK
hitters slsler Sunday.
Kilnn and Verna ShatTer were guesli
of Sadlo Pock Sunday.
Eph Peck and wife was a guest o
their son , Clay , Monday.
Mrs. Martin Nolle visited with Mrs
K. Peck Monday af'.ernoou.
Carrie Maust visited with hercousii
Kdlth Peck the past week ,
Wm. Huotlner sold a line team t
his father last week for $225.
Willie Abbers hauled some wooc
which ho had purchased of Mr. Browr
Kdith Peck und Carrie Maust wer
guests of Mr ? . II , C. Peck's Thursdaj
Floyd Firobangh of Falls City enter
tained his friend Clarence Peck , Snr- ,
day. ,
Fred Chosley and wife of Falls City
were guests of thu hitlers parents Sun
Daisy Peck was In Fulls City Thurs
day to scu her cousin Mrs. John Wll-
S. H. Klnsuly and Wifu called at thu
hater's brother Noah Puck last Thurs
Potato digging seems to bu thu
order of thu day in this vicinity at the
Wm Hutchlnson assisted Louis
Feldler at cutting corn fodder onu day
last week.
Some carpenter work Is being
done by J. W. Dodd's for Clay Peck
this Week.
Dr. Mutib ! of Barada was among Ihe
many that were at G. W Peck's Fri
day ovenirii ; .
Mrs. N. Peck and children were
in Falls City Sunday the guest of her
cousin , Mrs. John Wiltsu
A nuw cout ot paint is bi-lng given
to thu German Baptist church which
Improves its looks very much.
Mrs. John Wiltsu came out from
Falls City Thursday and visited with
her sister thu latter part of last wceK.
Sumo lint ) work is being done on thu
roads with thugrauur by our road boss
Mr. Hunker which is quite an im
N. Peck anJ Mr. Kcllar drove down
to Sabctha , Kansas Salurday relum
ing Monday. They attended a love
feast whllo there.
About twenty-eight gathered at the
home of F.dlth Puck to spend the eve-
nine at mimes and music. Lighl re
freshments vure served by thu hostess
A crowd of young people went to
Mr. Cooks Saturday night to surprise
Miss Hthel it being her 10th birthday.
An enjoyable time is reported by those
in attendance.
John Liolman was in Tecumsuh Fri
lone Norton attended thu carnival in
Table Hock Saturday.
John Fellers of Talmage spent Sun
day with friends here.
Hatlle Cooper was a carnival visitor
at Tablu Hock Saturday.
Tommy Clemmcnt of Wymore spent
Sunday with friends here.
Bon Strainer and wife were visiting
rlcnds in St. Joe last week.
Jas. Davis and wifu attended thu car
nival in Table Uock Frldaj.
A now cement walk Is being laid in
rout of L J. Scgrlst's house.
Warren Beery was a Kansas City
visitor several days thu past week.
C. A. Nuulns from near Burchard
was a business visitor here Monday.
Supervisor Atwood went to Hulo
Monday to look after county interests.
Julius Voulkur Is building an addi
tion to ills farm residence north of
Hev. H L Smith left Monday for a
visit with his mother near Hanover ,
H. H. Hoyd and John Lcathcrman
Attended Ihu carnival al Table Uock
Otis UnWufer and Uulph Phllpal left
Salurday for Hyannls on a hunting ex
John Frcyberger and wifu are thu
Hire nib of a daughter born to them
on Sunday.
Mrs. Wm Lenneku and children
visited with relatives at Table Hook
over Sunday.
The ladles of the German Methodist
church held an exchange in ' .he post
ollico Saturday.
Cljde Lj nch and wife moved Into ihe
linden property on Central avenue the
; lrst of Iho week.
Lydla Crawford of Tecumsuhirrlved
In Ihu city Sunday on a visil to rela
tives anil friend : .
Mr ? . Geo. Sugrist of Lincoln arrived
in Ihu city Sunday on a visit to rela-
tath cs und friends.
Guy Bold and wifu of Lincoln ar
rlvi d In the city Tuo-day on a visit to
thu former's parents
Prof. Arthur MeMnrray of Chicago
arrlvod In the city Saturday on a visit
to rotative- and friends
O. L. Bant/ , wife and daughter ,
Gertrude attended thu carnival in
Kansas City this week
The funeral of the infant child of
\VIlllam James and wife , was held on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Ashford Kdle unterlulnod Ibo
members of Ihe W. C. T. U. al her
homo Tuesday afternoon ,
Tom Swanda is gutting material on
ihe pround for building an eight room
house on his farm west of town.
Herbert Ford expects lo leave Fri
day for Omaha to atlend ihe Bapllst
convention that is hold at that place
The Lecture Course Committee met
on Friday evening and completed
plans for the lectures the coming win
Charles Gore contemplates moving
his family und stock of merchandise to
Colorado in the near future , where ho
will engage in business.
[ i ] M M [ 0 [ O M fa fa
budding into
manhood or womanhood. The
affairs of business are begin
ning to confront you. Possi
bly you are at this time ask
ing yourself "where'shall I
BUDDING make my first deposit ? " or
"where shall I go to borrow
a little money so much need
ed for the next few months ? "
i he Falls City State Bank
stands readv to assist anv deserving -
serving young person.
We're Watch Doctors
find mnke it our business to straighten out all the
little troubles and get the siekvntch on its feet
ngain. Because you don't understand all the de
tails of \vnlch is no teason that we will charge
exorbitant prices for repairing. We charge what
it is worth no more. A trial will convine.- .
"TheOld Reliable"
Great Dispersion Sale
Hereford and Shorthorn Cattle
Percheron Horses , Duroc Jersey Hogs
To be held at WOLF CREEK STOCK FARM six miles cast and one mile
north of Tccum > eli , and one mile of Graf , beginning' promntly
at 10 o'clock each day ,
THURSDAY jvnd FRIDAY , OCTOBER 19 and 20 , 1905
Twenty - > ix Registered Herefords , principally the yet of the great Hereford
Hulls , Royalty' * Tom , 04211 and Columbia 2.1th 100J12 | -
Twenty-six registered Shiirthortii of the bet milch strains , including' the un
surpassed show bull. University Viscount , formerly at the head of the
State University herd.
Two Percheron stallions and twelve Percheron brood mares , all recorded and
of best Percheion blocd lines. Six high grade Percheron brood mares
Huyers from distance cared for at farm. Lunch on grounds. Call forconvey-
" ance to sale at Simpson's barn in Tecutnseh or Hates' Hani in Graf.
Write for catalogue and any particular.- ,
T. C. Callahan I AHnnooPc WmERNST & SONS
C.B. Clarke \Auctloneers \ Tecumseh , Neb.
Mesdames Fred Fisher and Frank
Bulturlii'ld visited with friends and
allended Ihe carnival at Table Uock
Saturday. |
Frank Pencil , Jr. is putting in thu
foundation preparatory to thu erection
of 11 substantial IHMK-O on his farm
uest of town.
Fred Luckech residing wesl of lown
has just completed an addition to his
farm residence , which adds much to
its convenience
After live jeiira > faithful bus driver
and mail carrier , Geo. Slater ha * re
signed and accepted a position in the
mill with Cooper & Linn.
Klton Is'ims returned to Arkansas ,
Iho tirsl of Ihu week , aftur a pleasant
visit with friends and relatives In this
city. Mr. Nima is at present engaged
in the real estale business.
Mason ShurlletT's fine learn became
unmanageable on Central avenua last
Saturday. Mason was thrown from
Ihu buggy and received some severe
culs and bruises , am' his buggy was
badly wrecked.
An exciting game of basket ball
was played on the high school campus
on Friday afternoon between members
of the alumni and the high school
team , which resulted in u score of 25
lo 11 in favor of the high school.
Frank Porter recently closed a dual
wllh Frank Freyberger of Salem ,
whereby Mr. Freyberger , comes inlo
possession of Ihe Porler livery barn in
ihis city , and Mr. Porlor becomes the
owner of a fruit farm near Salem.
After a trip to California Mr. Porter
expect * to take up his residence on
his fruit farm.
| Saturday , October 7th
A Magnificent Production of
of the Great Emotional
Rural Drama
ce 1 IIVte
A beautiful story of life.
A play every mother and
daughter should sec. A
Superb cast. Elaborate
Scenic Effects.
See The Great Snow
Storm Scene
Prices 75 , 50 and 35 cents