The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, October 06, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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We carry the best stock of Lumber in
southeastern Nebraska and our stock is com
plete and up-to-date. We want you to call
and examine our stock and get our prices be
fore buying elsewhere. Our motto is to give
you what you call for. I would like to see all
of my old customers come back , and talk old
times. We carry in stock all kinds of building
material , posts , poles , sewer pipes , drain tile ,
brick , cement , ladders of all kinds , shingles
and everything necessary to build a house ,
barn , fence or corn crib. We also carry 'a
complete stock of coal , both domestic and
steam coals at the lowest market price. \
Come in and take a look ,
also shake hands with
us and renew our old
acquaintance and make
new purchases. And re
member that C. H. Rick =
ards , theold lumber deal =
er of Richardson county
is doing business for the
Chicago Lumber & Coal Co.
Merchants and
Business Men
With hard accounts to collect ,
should place them with
John L. Cleaver
For Collection or for Suit
Small Corn's on Collections
No Attorney Fees on Suits.
Defendant pays costs of suit.
Fancy and Staple
pruit in Season
Satisfaction Guaran
IR ee Qity Delivery
Phone 40
Storage for Household
And other Goods.
Telephone No. 88
Office at Residence
Office Hours : S to 10 a. m. ;
i to 3 p. m.
" "
* " - - ' ' " !
A. E. Wolfe D. 0.
Osteopathic Physician
OHlce over Ly ford's btorc. Residence
ut National Hotel
Otllce Phone 207 Residence Phone 209
Ollice in Richardson County
Hank Building. General prac
tice of medicine and surjrery.
Special attention given to Ear ,
Nose and Throat. Calls an
swered day or nljjht
FOK SAWS. A first class Jersey
milk cow. Inquire of G. J.
Crook. tf.
i C. H. flARlON
Sales conducted in
scientific and businesslike -
nesslike manner
1 Falls City , Nebraska |
| Wall Paper ! |
* *
i i
! !
? I
\Ve ca i make you good $
'f. prices on wall paper , as $
' we want to close out this t
* vears stock to make room X
I- !
[ tor new. *
: We have a house and -I- I4"
* * * 4" *
barn paint that is asjjood ; | *
1 as as any on the market |
: that we will sell at right
prices. Don't fail to see
- . !
$ , f. $ -
- : . !
± *
J Dr. McMillen , Prop. ]
| Falls City , - Neb. \
vVx"X--x--x--x--x x--x--x--x--x--i
Legal Notice.
( JCOIRO Gutzmor. I'lalntlir
Kiiuiiu.1. ( luUinor , Defendiint.
Tlio uhoio nunu'd dolondunt will taku
notluu that Oi'orRu ( jiiuinur the nlnlntltr
Hied on the loth Uuy of AiiKiisI , IWi. In the
ItlclmrclRon OMitity illstrlut court imtltlon
iKdiliivt tmld ( let't'iulitnt thu object , itna pruj ur
to obtain H illvcm'ts from suld ( lutrmliuit on
tliuuioumU unil lor tno rt'UFon Unit t-ulil dc-
fcmlunl hiul been guilty of imiss und tixtrcmu
cruelty towards imilr.tltr without jubl etui seer
or provocation
\ on uro required to plead to said petition
on or hutoro October I ) , IWVi of thu tiUeKH-
tlongot fcald petition Mill liti taken as true
unil the prayer of said petition ( -runted.
Oeorxe Untzinur ,
, W-st 1'Ulntlir
Mrst publleiitlon Aujr. 25
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . .
Educational "Department
Conducted by County Jfupt , CrocKcr
Rules Governing Issuance Under
New Law.
State Superintendent ,1. JL.
\Icl3rien \ lias announced rules
ind regulations governing1 the
issuance of county certificates
inder a new law that became of-
'ective October , 1 11)0" ) ) . lie lias
issued the following statement :
We submit herewith the rules
ind regulations governing the
ssuance ot county certificates
is adopted by a conference of
county superintednents , in the
ollice of the state superinten-
lent of public instruction , Sep
.ember 0 and 7 , 1005.
Time and Place of Examina-
.ion The examination shall be
n each county on the third Fri-
.lay and the Saturday follow-
ng of each month , and shall be
conducted by the county super
intendent at such place as he
nay determine.
Time for Completing the Ex'-
animation Pour days will be
riven each applicant in which ,
to complete the examination for
a third grade county certificate
live days for a second grade
county certilicate , and six days
for a lirs > l grade county certili
cate : provided , that an appli
cant may have six months from
the date of beginning in which
to complete the examination , an
applicant may take all of the
branches in one month but there
will be but two examination
days in each month.
Registration and Fee Before
beginning the examination
each applicant for certificate
shall fill out the blanks furn
ished by the county super
intemlent , and shall pay regular
examination fee into the hands
of the county superintendent.
Upon the receipt of the appli
cation blank properly tilled out
and the examination fee of one
dollar and fifty cents , the coun
ty superintendent shall register
the applicant's name and ad
dress , and shall give him a num
ber , which number in lum of his
name shall appor on all his
answer papers. The county
superintendent shall number the
applicants consecutively ad in-
ilnitum. Until an examination
is completed , the applicant will
retain the original registration
number assiged him in that
county by the county superin
tendent. En case an applicant
desires to complete the examin
ation in another county , it will
be neccbsary for him to register
anew and pay the regular ex
amination fee in the county to
which ho goes.
Preparation of Questions
Each member of the .state ex-
aming board will be assigned
certain subjects in which he is
to prepare questions , to be pre
sented to each of the other mem
bers of the board for acceptance
modification or rejection. An
objection by any two members
will be huflicient to reject the
question. After a sufficient
number of questions are so pre
pared and accepted by the board
they aie copied and then read
by each member of the board ,
who indicates any further ob
jection he may discover , and
then indorses the piper with hi ?
signature. The questions arc
again copied and presented to
the state superintendent for hi.
approval. They are then ready
for printing and distributing to
the respective county superin
tendents. who will conduct the
examination for county certifi
cates when so directed by the
state superintendent.
Distribution of Question The
printed questions sent out b >
the state board of examiners
for use in the examination will
be divided into four lots , eacl
lot inclosed in a separate envelope
velopo , properly marked and
and sealed. The county super
mtendent shall open each lot at
the beginning of the period in
Heated on its cover , in the pre
sence of the applicants , and
listribute the questions contain ,
ed therein among the applicants
is called for by them , except in
orthography and mental arith-
netic , as may be recommended
jy the state examining board.
The examination in each sub-
ect is restricted to the half day
ndicated in the program. No
) apers will be returned for cor-
ection after having been hand
ed in to the county superinten-
Directions to Applicants
The following specific directions
mist be followed : The county
superintendent will supply , the
ipplicant with writing material"
the paper so supplied to be sin
gle sheet examination paper or
single sheet legal cap. All
papers niti-l be written in ink.
Answers shall be written on
one fide of the paper only , A
separate sheet of paper" iminl
be used for each subject The
lame of the county , the date of
.he examination , the name of
.he subject , and the number of
the applicant must be written
it the top of each sheet of
answer paper. Answers must
be in clear , concise terms. The
answers must be numbered to
correspond with the questions.
A complete solution of nil prob
lems in arithmetic and algebra
be given. Credits will he de
ducted from illegible or care
lessly written manuscripts.
Applicants will not be permit
ted to leave the room or com
municate with anyone during
the examination without per
mission from the county super
intendent ; nor shall any appli
cant receive aid from any per
son or use any books , notes ,
memorandaor helps of any kind
during the examination. Col
lusion of dishonesty on the part
of any applicant wrll invalidate
his examination.
The program for the examin
ation will be as follows ;
Friday Foivnoon Ikiokkeep-
ing , civil government , ortho
graphy , mental arithmetic , pen
Friday Afternoon--Elements
of Jigricn ture , physiology and
hygiene , blackboard drawing.
English composition , theory
and art of teaching.
Saturday Afternoon Algebra
geometry , reading , arithmetic ,
English grammar.
Saturday Afternoon Botany
physics , geography. United
States history .
Transmittal of Answer Papers
and Fees H Immediatly alter
the close of the examination on
Saturday , the county superin
tendent shall transmit to the
tate superintendent of public
instructions the answer papers
of all app icants. At the same
time he shall forward to the
state superintendet f)0 cents for
each applicant provided by
law. The county superintendent -
dent shall also forward to the
state superintendent the name ,
address and number under
which each applicant took the
examination in a sealed en
velope separate from the papers
which shall not be opened until
all answer papers have been
Grading Answer Papers -9
when tlin answer papers are re
ceived by the state superinten
dent they will be distributed
by subjects to examiners , ex
aminer A being given all the
answer paper in the subjects
which he is to examine , exami
ner B all of the answer papers
he is to examine ; examiner C all
of the papers he is to examine ,
and so on. After the papers
are marked in the first instance
they will be reviewed and the
grades appoved by at least one
other member of the examining
board. In other words , the
grades on each applicant's
answer papers must be approv
ed by at least two members ol
the state examining board. In
marking the papers the exami
ners will give due allowance in
all subjects for the opinions
held by all reputable authors.
AVhen all papers of an examina
tion have been marked , review
ed and approved , the answer
papers of each applicant are
then for the first time assembled
or brought together. The gen
eral average and specific mark
ings are ascertained. The en
vclopes as handed in rules (5 ( are
then opened by the state super. '
intendent and the idenity of the
applicant is disclosed. As th < >
charges for spec ! lie errors are all
fixed by the rules of the exam
ining board , and as each sub
ject is graded by one examiner *
and reviewed and approved by"
another , it will be seen that ab
solute impartiality accuracy
and uniformity are secured in
the work. However , in case an |
applicant believes that ann \ \ -
take has been made in his marled
ings by the state examining
board , or in transcribing the
grades by the county silperin-
.undent , he may appeal his case
to the state1 superintendent of
) ublic instruction for final hear-
ng , provided his appeal is ac
companied by a foe of onedollar
, o cover the expense of the reexamination -
examination of the papers , and
racing the error. No appeal
will be considered later than
thirty days from the time the
ipplicant is notified of the re
sult of the examination.
Passing Grades -10. All an
swer papers will be marked on
the scale of 100. To secure a
third grade county certificate an
applicant must have an average
of at least 70 per cent , with no
grade below (50 ( per cent in any
one subject ; to secure a second
grade county certificate an ap
plicant must have an average
of at least 7f > per cenr , with no
grade below (55 ( per cent in any
one subject and to secure a first
grade county certificate an ap
plicant must have an average
of at least 80 per cent with no
grade below 70 per cent in any
one subject. However , the
count } ' superintendent has au
thority to require a higher min
imum average and minimum
grade for his county , but in no
case has he authority to lower
the standard fixed by the state
examining board.
Credit Certilicate 11. An
average grade of 85 per cent or
liighcr , with no grade in any
subject , ) > elow 8(1 ( per cent , wilt
entitle the holder to the words
"with credit" in the certificate.
Honor Certilicate . An
average , oflK ) per cent or higher ,
with no grade in any subject be
low 85per cent , will entitle the
holder to the words 'with honor'
in the certificate.
Removal Without Exatnina
tinn l.'J. An applicant passing
"with credit" "with '
or honor,1'
doing the required amount of
reading circle work , and meet
ing the requirements of the
county superintendent in nl-
tcndnnce at institute and county
associations will be entitled to
the renewal of his certificate
without examination , which
makes the certificate practical
ly a permanent certilicate
Failure , lie-ex nnination ] I.
An applicant failing in one or
more subjects may retain tin-
grades which are satisfactory
and take over only those in
which he failed by paving the
regular examination fee as pro
vided by law.
Result of Examination 15.
The county superintendent shall
notify each applicant of the re
suit of the examination within
ten days after receiving the re-
report trom the state examining
board. Until the examination
is completed and report made
by the county superintendent ,
all correspondence by the ap
plicant relative to the examina
tion must be with and through
the county superintendent ex
cept in case of appeal.
Verification of Grades- ( ,
An applicant may recie 'e veri
fication of grades from the state
examining board by making the
request to them in writing ,
stating time and' place of tak
ing thee.xamination , and accom
panying the request with twelve
cents in stamps to cover post
age and expense of verification.
Date of Certificate 17. The
date of issuance on a certificate
will be the dale on which the
examination was completed.
Emergency Certilicate 18.
Any teacher receiving an emer
gency certificate must complete
Hie examination at the tirst
subsequent regular examina
tion. M
Disposition of Answer Papers
- 10. The answer paper of all
applicants will'be ' kept on tile
In the ollice of the state super-
nit undent for ninety days , after
which they will be destroyed.
Th'e count } ' superintendent will
receive back only the grades.
Change of County -20. A
teacher holding a certitlcate in
one county and desiring to teach
in another must receive a new
ecrUHc.'itv from ( \W \ county sup
er in teiUlent of the < ioUnly i6
which he may go , or secure the
endorsement of the certificate
already held.
Old Certificates Invalid
When 21. A county certilicate
granted under the old law will
be valid only for the term for
which it was originally grant
ed. After October 1. 1005 , a
county superintendent cannot
legally renew any county cer
tificate issued under the old
law. Neither can he by the
endorsement ot certificate '
a extend -
tend its life beyond the timefof
which it was originally grant'
The Five Essentials 12.
When a first , second or third
county certificate granted under
the old law expires the holder
thereof , in order to secure a
certificate under the new law ,
will be required to take an ex
amination before the state ex
amining board in the following
five essential subjects : Reading ,
arithmetic , geography , gram-
maraud history. After : in ap
plicant has taken the examina
tion in the five essential sub
jects and received passing
grades , the state examining
board will accept the remain
ing "passing grades as shown
by the certilicate held , making
them slate grades for the tirst
ceitilicate under the new law.
No grade will be accepted from
a certificate not in force Octo
ber 1 , 1005.
Principals of high schools
and those aspiring to leach in
the high schgol department of
our town and city schools should
lose no time in meeting the re
quirements of Ihe new law
which goes into effect Septem
ber. 1 , 1007.
Note carefully the program
for exami tuition. It is necessary -
sary for each applicant to be
present at th" time and place
designated for each subject.
The county superintendent lias
no authority to make changes
in the program. holding certificates
that will expire in 100(5 ( should
begin their preparation for the
the examination now. They
should also begin taking the ex
amination so as to have a cer
tilicate under the new law ,
which will mean much in the
selection of teachers by boards
of education in the early spring
of 100(5 ( They should strive
also to reach the "With Credit"
or "With Honor"clus.s of teach
ers , for wide-awaice boards of
education will be afler teachers
with such qualifications , offer
ings and ready to pay them sal
aries commensurate with their
qualifications and success ,
If every man who desires Falls
City to be a better town would
attend the next commercial club
meeting to be held on the even
ing of the second Monday in
October , we would fill the court
house to the limit and stir up an
enthusiasm that would count in
results. Do your part and come