THE FALLS CITk' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , OCTOBER 6 , 1905. Home of the Sunnyside Poland Chinas - A mile and .1 - . ortli o. llumbulilt is situated the Sunny- side Hreedinjr farm of which Se- Krist & Stout arc the proprietors. This line and well equipped farm is the home of the noted Sunnv'- side herd of Poland Chinas , a herd that is known all over the west for the excellence of its in dividuals as well as from its col lective merits. The farm has every improvement and conven ience necessary to the model stock tarm and the picture of the fine lar e barn , which ap pears herewith will t'ive some idea of the uatureof the improve ments. Hoth Mr. Setfrist and Mr. Stout are practical ho r men and take threat pride in their herd ami luhc no opportunity to strengthen and improve it. Mr. Segrist is the head field man for the Nebraska Farmer and his work keeps him close contract with the leading breeders of the west and enables him to keep up- to-date in his ideas and to pro fit by the best e.xcriencc of men who have been eminently suc cessful in the business. Mr. Stout has the herd constantly under his personal supervision and his knowledge , ability and judgement contributes largely to that high degree of excellence to which the Sunnyside herd has been raised. The herd is headed by Sir Gas- pard 27')17 , a manificcnt hog weighing nearly 700 pounds and showing all the good points belong to the pure bred Poland Last week was the busiest week in the history of The Tribune of lice. The big run of job work kept everybody busy and the presses were kept running all ol every day and a part of every night. Sometimes we wondered how we were going to get every thing done , but our perplexity only led to redoubled efforts ant' when on Saturday night , we looked over the big pile of I'm ished work we felt that we hat accomplished a good deal. Whet the force in The Tribune oflici works under pressure , the excite ment seems to act as a stimulan and it seems as though the mor they have to do the more the ; can do , and as the effect of th stimulant becomes more marked everything seems to move to th rhythm of the presses and th popping of tlic engine. Tired Yes , we wen- all very tired Sal unlay night , but most of us hav been in the business too long t notice a little thing like that. The rush of job work was th principally to the near approac ot the public sale season an scarcely was one stock oatalogi turned over to the binders , whc the copy for another was take from the hook. And then thei were sale bills and work of mat other kinds all demanding mo or less immediate attention. Th busy week \\as very gr.itifyii to us because it gave us an oppc tunity to show what our job ( ' partment could do and to demo strate that we can handle a lar amount of highclass business a turn out creditable and satisf : tory work even when we r "rushed to death. " And still the end is not y More work is coming in and find that we will have to bus right along if we are going keep up with the demands of c Oh'iiia. No judge of Poland ] Chinas has ever seen Sir Gas-i pard without being impressed by [ striking individuality and hisj smooth and well balanced build. At the head of the Sunnyside herd he has proven a wonder. His gel has always proven him [ a good sire and his descendants | now head some of the largest and best known herds in this and other states. Another animal of which the proprietors of the Sunnyside herd arc justly proud , is McK'S Choice Tecumseh 3d 33020. Of him Segrist & Stout have well said. "His get show much quality and are very attractive. He has done us a wonderful lot of good and his get goes out and doe.i the buyer good as well. He comes from a good family , having both a winning sire and dam. McK's was the top price pig of Mc- Kelvie's sale two years ago. His pigs are liked bv all good judges of hogs. One of his get was shown at the recent state fair and won third honors in a class of near fifty. " Segrist Stout have just an nounced their annual sale of Sunnyside Poland Chinas to be held at the sale pavilion in Ilum- boldt on Wednesday , October 18. The sale will attract much at tention from breeders and hog men generally. Their sale last year was one of the biggest in the state attracting buyers from great distances. This year they are offering forty-live head of thrifty Polands customers. But we are not afraid to hustle. That's what we arc here for. Just a word about the paper , We are sending out about 4,50f copies of this issue. This is about is 2,500 in excess of otu regular list. The other day ; man came into the office and asked to see a copy' of the paper We gave him one and he remark ed that lie had never before seet The Tribune. We made up ou minds that this must not happei again and so yve are going t < place a copy in practically ever home in the county this week We believe that it is better to in troduce the paper this way thai to employ solicitors and pa ) ' then fane ) ' salaries and commissions- Phe cutting out of all needles xpense makes it possible for ute to keep the subscription price a one dollar per .year. e The fact that The Tribune i o groyving in popular favor i shown by the steady increase i the subscription list. We hav recently put on the names of se\ eral who. in the beginning , wei not friendly to us but they hay stated that their reason for doin so yvas the fact that The Tribtu is a good local newspaper and L really worth more than we chart ' for it considering the stibscri ] ? " ' tion price of others , is ig But yve want to make tl ir- paper better. We yvant them ; c- feel free to come to the office ain n- talk over the situation yvith t : lie | We have some plans of our ov tul i and believe that when put intot ic- i feet they will make the paji ire ! better and stronger in most ! its departments. This winl I we expect to introduce some sp < ial features that yve know c fte readers will appreciate. tlc . . . to , uir Eat Sowles Candy. FOLEY KIDNEY Will positively cure any case of Kidney OP Bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. ' KIDNEY CURE Passed Stona and Gravel With Excruciating Pains FOLEY'S A. H.Thurnes , Mgr. Wills Creek Conl Co. , Buffalo , O. , writes : "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years , pass * the urinary Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only strengthens organs , gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was and surprising. A few doses started the brick dust , like fine stones , etc. , builds the kidneys invigorates up and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. whole FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good. " orates the system. No Other Remedy Can Compare With it IT IS GUARANTEED Thos. W. Carter , of Ashboro , N. C. , had Kidney Trouble and one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure , and TWO SIZES 50d and $1.00 he says there is no remedy that will compare with it. SDLD AND RECOMMENDED BY Dr. McMillan , City Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska. RULO ( Too Into for lust wo k. ) Mrs. D. E. Anderson nnd little HOIIH nf Hmnboldt en mo down lust Saturday to visit yvith lirr parents , Mr Kfihter mid yvife , returning to their home Smidiiy noon. Mnx Guesser , a hridnoninn for the Burlington , Sntidayed yvith the home folks. .Tim Mendcnluill , the trnvclinu freight n ent for the Burlington , visited in Knlo over Sunday. .Mrs. Olney Gnihmn visited in St. Joe Friday nnd Saturday of Just week Mre. W. J. Cunningham visited in Si. Joe two days last week. n. M. Edgecomb and wife at- .ended the M. E. conference at Falls Oily last Sunday. The Preston boys crossed bats with the lluBhbuttom boys Sun day afternoon over in Missouri. The score was (5 ( to 11 in favor of KuBhhotlom. 'jinmet Burns from near Craiu , was transacting business here the first of the week. J. A. ITinkle and family visited in Falls City Sunday Robert Paul and yvife attended the AI. E. conference at Falls City Sunday. George Adams of Fortescue yvas here the first of the yveelc yvith a wagon load of fine water melons. N. A. Kermoade is painting W. . ) . Cunningham's neyv residence this week. i Elias Packett done some repair r yvork on his Skunk Ridge property i last wet k. W. .1. Cunningham , yvife and little daughter visited over in Missouri - souri Sunday. Will Kanaly of Prestoiy yvent ti : Missouri Sunday afternoon to sec the ball game. H. O. Ma an took ( lie noon train Saturday for Lincoln , returning home Monday night. The Burlington civil engineer ! yvero in Unvn sutveying the rip raj along the river this week. Joe Mt'Voy of this city , one o the Burlington depot carpenters wiis married Wednesday of las week to a Miss Hyatt of Creh 'e This yviiB quite a surprise to Joe1 e many friends here. Mrs.Vatteyne who yvas calle to California some time ago on at count of the illness of her soi Alert Potter , has returned. Prof. Stevens , the neyv principi took charge of the Rule hig 10 school Tuesday of last yveek an to everything is moviiiL1 along nicel ; ul Mr. Winterbottoiu's daughte Agnes , \vho has been visiting reli , 'tl Mvt's in this city for some tint departed for her home in Los Ai er goles , Gal. , one day last yveek. 0 Our schools received a suppl cr of new books this week yvhiel. ai greatly appreciated by both pupi ur and teachers. MrShelhoun has been on tl sick list for several days , but slowly improving at this writini WIRELESS MESSAGES. You told mu in thu Ions ; ago That ( lowers beside the way would < ; row All nul'iint with the dews of morn , ( But I h.ivo only found the thorn ) You told mo In thu days of old The liirirpts of the yt'iirR was irolt ) That I ! > lioull ( ( Turner us I pus * ( Hut I hiivc found it tiirtiishcd lini * * ) You told me in thu days HCOIKJ The sons : of life would rlpplo c n The wuil of woe drowned iu its tones ) ( Yet I huye lienrd but sorrows < rroiins , And yet pel-hups in years conn by Your fond lips * pako no willful He- ; Perhaps uloni ; the road so rough 1 have not traveled 'IIP enough. There is a Falls City man who actually loves his neighbor as his neighbor loves himself. Hell is paved yvith good inten tions and it is not written that the management ever had any trouble with the contractor. The neyv railroad to be built from Kails City to the southyvest will probably be neither a steam nor an electric road. We under stand that it is to be run by Syca more Springs. When thu roaring blizzard ragc-s Ant ) eoitl prices upward climb , How I'll wifh I'd siiveil my wages In thu L'ood oln summer time ! Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. UOKTH No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Express A 1:57 a m No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln passenger A 1:00 : p in No. 191 Local Freight , Au burn A 1:00 : p in SOUTH No. 106 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 3:10 : a m No. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 1:25pin No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a m No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi awatha A 10:20 p in A. Daily. 13. Daily except Sunday. J. K. VAHXIJK , Agent. DR. O. H. KENT Griuhuito American School of Oate < iwthy | , Klrksvlllu , Mo. Examination and Consultation Free Ilotn-r : ! ) to 12 a m ; 1 to 4 p in Olllco at residence , Stone street , sccord block north of court house. FALLS CITY - NKHKASKA TIME TABLE Falls City. Neb. Lincoln Denver Omaha i Helena Chicago i Buttc St. Joseph ! Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points cast and and all points south. west. TRAINS I.KAVH AS 1'OI.I.OyvS : No. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south 7',20 p in No. 13. Vcstibulcd express , daily , Denver tuul all points west and northwest 1:25 : a in No. 14. Vcstibulcd express , daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and till points east and south 7:47 : a in No. 15. Vcstibuled express , daily , Denver , and a'l points west and northwest 1:28 p m Nc IG. Vestibulcd express daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St Louis Chicago and points ciiMi and south 4:25 : p in No. 20. Local express daily Atchisonand points south and west , . . . 4:35 p in No. 41. St. Louis-Portland SpecialLincolnHe lena , Tacoina and Portland yvithout change 10:07 : p in No. 115. Local accommoda tion , daily e x- cept Sunday.Salem , Nemaha and Ne braska City 11:15 p m Sleeping , dining and reeling chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. A CAR LOAD OF i CROWN PIANOS i 4 JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROH FACTORY These instruments have not been receiv ed on consignment , but were bought for cash. In buying this way I save freight and other costs and can make ; prices correspondingly low. Can sell for cash , or on any reasonable terms. I have these instruments on exhibiton at m\ J > home on South Stone street between 7th and \ J Sth one block south of the \Vahl building. J i Thus I save rent on an expensive store room J \ and subtract the name from my selling price J A Remember you are invited to call and see and j I test these instruments. Old pianos repaired. j * ' g ' \ = CLARENCE E. SMITH re | Is It ? THE TRIBUNE is JOB WORK. IT'S THE BEST < & WINTER- ' SHOES When a boy reaches that per iod whcru he's "all hands and feet" no wonder he feeh cvicc cd if bo U ( ( bilged to wi sir ill- fii'ii-j , 'inJ unsightly fahoes in ortl' r lu gain Service. Thciv ' - no need of it , nve prove right here ihut good ap pearance ami strong wour can bd combined. Durable , warm , dampnees- sticdding Shoes for Bovt just the thing the average parent is looking for. Box Calf Velour ana Ru inn Calf Ht from $1.25 io $2.75 according to sl/.u Geo. B. Holi , The Shoe Man D. S. HcCarthy | AND TRANSFRR Prompt attention given to the removal of house hold goods. PHONE NO. 211 1 \VF SFI i - y' L- Jl-.l-.L > ' Diplomat , Old Crow James E. Pepper Guckeiiheimer Rye The finest Whiskey made Call for your favorite brand at William Harnack's Phone 74. REFRACTION 1ST. R. L. Beaumont , M. D. Formerly EVe and Car Specialist , Now limiting prnctiee to EYE GLASSES. Sixth nnd Felix , ST. JOSEPH. - MISSOURI. f /\r * / i | rSlv and H nulf nciolot. h1/ ! A A I H In the tiiMern part of I \ JtjjAlvL K H9 City on East Ninth street Nice Int-iillnn. Ono hundred frillt trerst. Price rciisniiulill * U'tll FALLS CITY. NEB. " " ' „ + > 1