The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 29, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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H. L. McConncll was tlowi
from Ilumbodt Monday.
J. D. Davis was atnotitf tin
Humboldt men iji ( own Monthly
C. D. Friclley of Humboldt was
in the city Monday attending
the convention.
Elder J. Croncnbcrtfcr wil
preach at Salem , Sunday after
noon at 2 o'clock.
Remember the change in tin
time of the evening services Sun
day , one-half hour earlier.
Dowty Watson of Reserve was
in town Sunday a guel-t at the
home of W. L. Scars.
Arthur S. Bassctt came up
from Hiawatha Sunday. He was
the guest of Norma Gentry.
Ur. Moore has moved his fam
ily from Omaha and is at pre
sent stopping at the National
Alf Mbyer of Humboldt spent
the first of the week in this city
lie was also in attendance on the
The usual services at the M. E.
church next Sabbath. The hours
of services 10:45 a. m. , and 7:30
p. m. All arc cordially invited.
Mrs. Allie Watson and son ,
Otho , spent Sunday in Verdon
with the former's sister , Mrs.
M. D. Lum. Mrs. Lum has been
very 511 the past week.
There will be preaching serv
ices at the Baptist church both
morning and evening , October 1 ,
Rev. W. W. Laughlin , of Fairfax
will preach. Come and hear
George Grinstead was down
Humboldt this week looking over
the situation with a view to lo
cating here. Mr. Grinstead is a
painter and a paper hanger bj
The subject of sermon at the
Presbyterian church Sabbatli
morning will be "Creed Phu
Character. " Evening subject ,
"A Drunken Feast , and Whal
Came of it. " Services at 11 a. m ,
and 7:30 : p. m. Everybody cor
dially invited.
The German Lutheran Churcl
Southeast of Verdon will holt
their annual "missionfcst" ser
vices next Sunday Oct. 1st at :
p. m. Key. F. D. Altmaii D. D
Pres. of Midland College , Atchi
son Kansas will preach an I2ng
lish sermon. All are cordialb
invited to attend these missionary
Rev. Elxa Martin arrived ii
the city this week from Coweta
I. T. to visit his old friends aiv
attend the conference , where h
had the pleasure of mcetini
many old associates. Rev. Mai
tin reports that he is prospcrin
in his new home. His daughtci
Anna , is teaching in the publi
schools at Coweta.
T. J. Whitaker of the firm c
Whitakcr Bros. , returned Frida
from a trip to Kansas , havin
conducted a party of Brown com
ty homescekers through Dickii
son , Ottawa and other countie
All were delighted with the com
try and surprised at the crop
the corn crop being larger ar
better that in Brown Count
Fine land is selling there at fro
$30 to $45 per acre. One of tl
parties who was with M
Whitaker on this trip purchusi
land and others intend to do s
Christian church services
follows : Bible school 'J:45 : ; preac
ing and communion at llsubjc
' "The conversion of Paul. " Tl
will be the first of a series
Sunday morning sermons on t
Great Apostle. The subjects i
these sermons will be : 1st , T
conversion of Paul ; 2nd , Paul t
pattern minister and worker ; 3
On to Jerusalem ; 4th , Paul t
prisoner ; 5th , Paul at Ron
The minister desires all memb
to hear these sermons. The ji
iors meet at 3 ; YS C E at & : ;
subject. "The joys of chin
membership. " This will be o
secration meeting. Evening w
ship 7:30 , sermon by Dr. Fry ,
Lincoln. A most cordial invi
tion is extended to all.
Rev. Sinilli left Monday nigh
for Omaha.
J. R. Wilhite was a Stella visi
tor Wednesday.
Jesse Weaver of Verdon spen
Monday in this city.
Kverctt Iligcrins and wife wer
Falls City visitors Sunday.
Ray Gist and wife were dowi
from Humboldt Sunday.
Dr. G. L. Gaudy of Humbold
was in the city yesterday.
Kathryne Meli/.a of Vcrdor
was in this city Tuesday.
For fine fall and winter millin
ery sec Mrs. Hreithaupt.
Fred and George Cleveland
spent Monday in Salem.
J. S. Lord was down from
Salem the first of the week.
Fred Oswald came down from
Lincoln and spent Sunday in this
Mrs. W. C. Sloan of Verdon
spent yesterday with her parents
iu this city.
C. B. Gridley and W. SBowei
of Ilumboldt were visitors in this
city Monday.
Mesdames Russell and dipt.
Grinstead were down from Salem
Wednesday , quests of Mrs. 1
Dr. R. P. Robertsdentisj
over King's Pharmacy.
Dr. .1 R. Morris was in St. Joe
Mo. , last Friday ,
.lake Vanier of Dubois was ii
the city Saturday.
II. L. Bourne of Stella was ii
town the first of the week.
Don Linn is quite seriouslj
ill at his home in this city.
A. II. Fellers transacted busi
ness iu Falls City Monday.
Gilbert Beard and niothei
drove to Table Hock Sunday.
Joseph Reiger of Lincoln wai
in the city the first of the week
Dist. 10 has had repair worl
done to the school house lutely
Ed Hodapp of Salem spen
Sunday with friends in this city
Morris Ilortou of Table Rocl
took in the llower parade Sat
II. P. Marble was at Nehaw
ka. this state , the first of th
Mrs. Riley Cooper was a visit
or iu Kansas City the lirst o
the week.
Mrs. Themes Brown lias bee :
under care of physicians th
past week.
G. F. Lanmore and famil
visited with triends near Stell :
last Friday.
Several members of the c ;
nine family met sudden deal
the past week.
M. W. White of Pawnee Cit
transacted business in this cil
the last of the week.
A great deal of fall wheat
being sown iu the country su
rounding HumboUU.
George Prentice returned tl
last of the week from abusine
trip to Chamberlain S. D.
Jim Reese of Pawnee Cil
was in town the last of the wet
with horses for sale or trade.
Henry Ijeinuiuger returiv
home Sunday from a busine
trip to Ouster City Oklahoma.
Myrtle Strattou acted assu
stitute teacher in room numt
four several days last week
Mrs. Mary Illavaty ofLincc
was visiting friends and re
fives in this city the pastwe <
Pearl Parker is carrying 1
arm iu a sling this week , 1
1C result of an accident Saturdi
Jos. Wozab is having rep
rs work done on his residence p
i- perty , which he recently p
Mrs. Sarah Marburger v
seriously ill several days
QJ past week but is now able to
Myrtle Strattou left Fric
! last , for Lincoln where she wil
resume her studies at the stall
Rev. John Calvert will eon
tinuc his pastorate over the M ,
E. Church of Humboldt for an
other year.
Mrs. Chester Power , aiu
daughter Louise were visiting
in Kansas City several days tlu
past week.
E. W. Elwell and wife oi
Sterling were in the city SUIT
day attending the funeral of "VV.
J. Stemlcr.
Sarah Gutknecht returned
home Monday from St. Joseph ,
Mo. , wheM'e she has spent part
of the summer.
Ruth Chambers , the fourth
grade teacher , is ill at her home
in Table Rock , and typhoid
fever is feared to be the trouble.
Our poultry buyer states that
one of the largest shipment of
poultry ever made from Hum
boldt , occured on Tuesday of
this week.
Garnett Murry has so far re
covered from an attack of in-
llamatory rheumatism , that he
is able to ride out when the
weather is pleasant.
Dr. Wallace , a prominent
physician of St. Joseph , Mo. ,
was in the city Saturday , visit
ing Mrs. O. A. Cooper who is
still under physicians care.
Fred Rist and wife returned
home the last of the week frotr
a visit to their daughter , Mrs.
Herbert Colony , who is now re
siding at Colorado Springs Col
The many friends of Ollit
Robertson , formerly of this city
will regret to learn , that she if
is seriously ill with typhou
fever at her home in Tablt
The delegates to the demo
cratic county convention ai
Falls City came home and wel
pleased with their work , as
they named two of our worthy
young candidates for positior
which they are well qualified tc
The funeral of W. J. Slemler ,
who died in Lincoln Monday
last , was held at the Christiar
church Sunday afternoon. Rev
Burt Wilson conducting th <
services. Interment was madt
iu the Bratton cemetery nortl
of town.
A crowd of young people fron
town surprised Lillie Oberly , a
her country home on Monday
evening. An enjoyable time i
reported by those iu attendance
A couple of "sluggerfror
Stella were looking for troubl
on our streets Saturday eve
ning. They found it and go
all they wanted. The skillfu
treatment of Dr. Morris was re
quired to fix them up so the
could get home again.
The weather on last Saturda
was perfect and one ofthelarg
est crowds that ever was i
Ilumboldt , witnessed the ilowc
parade which was well wort
traveling miles to see.
W. E. Diiugau and family wi
leave for Auburn Wednesda
next to take charge of tl
Avenue hotel at that pla <
while Truman Dutter of Aubui
will come to Ilumboldt and tal
charge of the Park hotel.
Johnnie Church spent Suudi
with Verna Hicks.
Leva Eliuore is the guest
her sister this week.
Carolyne Loening entertaiiv
relatives from Auburn one di
last week.
A. Hoagland and wife we
Sunday visitors at the home
Joe William and family.
Charlie Furrow and faini
is were visiting in this viciui
1C Sunday.
y. Mrs. W. McClentock spe last Monday with her sister.
Linnie Robertson , Blanc
Hoagland , Frank Clark a
Cleveland Cope were the gue *
of Mr. Walter McClentock
last Sunday.
Jno. Hoagland spent h
Sunday the guests of tli
daughter the latter remain
for a longer visit.
CITITC LO K Gout Suits tire in strong. We have , however , n splendid assort
JU11J , nenl Of Eton , Blouse , Reefer and Long Jacket Suits in Blnek , Brown.
Green , Blue , Grny ntid Oxfords , made of Panamas , Brondcloths , Cheviots , etc. Prices ranging
from S5.00 to S25.00. Sizes . ' { 2 to-12. We want you to see these suits. A visit to our up stairs
department will nt least give you valuable hints in your homo dressmaking.
Richer in every essential feature than ever before. Our
skirt line is one of our strongest stocks this season. The sty.
les are exceedingly difficult to tailor and ladies will appreci-
ciato the convenience of getting cljoice designs that fit , at a
reasonable cost.
Serges , Panamas , Cheviots , Broadcloths , Fancies and
Mixtures from $2.50 to $18.50. Taffeta Silks from $8.50 to
Fall and Winter Coats
The possibilities of the styles that prevail are fully
demonstrated in I ho bewildering variety that we ae now
showing in Winter and Fall short and long coats. In se
lecting our stock we have bought the best of the styles of
twelvf mauufaetuvers. Our 15-inch Covert coats for Fall
wear are just now so suitable for travelling and evening
wear. Prices from $10 to $10. Cover t short Jackets at
$1 to $10 , are still as desirable as ever.
In Broadcloth , Kersey , Cheviot and Fancies , , our -12
to 50inch coats , collarless , shawl and fur collars , satin
and fur lined , having every feature that has been intro
duced , at money saving prices are the pride of our store.
We solicit a look whether yon are expecting to buy
a cloak this season or not.
For finite every fashion and trade jminml intli ( > country unite in
GOODS declaring Broadcloth to be the fashion , bie f i.Mt. . We- are hhmv-
three distinct lines in Blacks , Browns , Greens , Blues , Castors and It - , - = U , $1.25 and $1.50
Broadcloths form but one feature in our Dress Goods Section
Every fabric that i * suitable for the season's designs for 17 fl I VCflDft
waists , skirts , clonks and suits are fully represented. ft Jt [ 1 I I VriVl/
Revenue Stamps Lost.
A bundle of revenue stamps
intended for the Gehlihg brew
ery have become lost in transmis
sion through the mails. It is
thought that they were placed in
the wrong box at the postofllce
and taken away by mistake. Any
person knowing anything con
t cerning the whereabouts of these
stamps will please communicate
with the brewery.
Chamberlain's Courfh Remedy.
This is 11 medicine of grout worth
and merit. Try it when you hiivo u
eoujrh or cold and you are certain to
bo pleased with the quick relief which
it ntTords. It is pleasant to tuke and
win always bo depended upon. For
sulo nt Kerr's drui ; store.
: n e WILSON
: e
Fancy China
Queensware , Glassware
Notions Jarctineres
Flower Pots Lamps
Chamber Sets
reef Fire Proof Cookingware
Groceries and Flour
ty See the 15 cent Window
Fancy China in
lie the large win
id dow atM
) n
sir eel CHAS. M. WILSON'S
= COAL =
U e sell the kind of coal tba
stunds every possible test to
which coal cun bo subin'tted. '
It is ulwuy # reliable iilwny *
icady to burn und sure to hum
up to the very lust Intiip. Givi
ng n trial and be convinced
fSpecial Displays
Of the Very Neatest Thing in $ J
| Mrs. BreitKaupts \
SEPTEHBER 28th , 29th and 30th.
fix Tl
Come and See Us