The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 29, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. II FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER , 29 1905. Whole , No. 9o
Conference Ends.
The Methodist conference end
ed Monday , the session having
been most pleasant and profita
ble. Every day was a busy day
and an immense volume of busi
ness was transacted. Before ad-
jouring resolutions very complimentary -
\ mentary to Falls City and its
people were unanimously adopted.
The following is a list of the
assignments of preachers for the
next conference vear :
W B Alexander , presiding elder.
Aurora , John Gallagher
Beaver Crossing , W M Van Bower
Bellwood. benry Zirnnecker
Benedict , Law.'cnce Yost
Bradshaw , M C Smith
David City , J S VV Dean
Exeter , J W Lewis
Garrison , H G Claycourt
Glltner , M R Crisp
Hampton Grove , G W Hillcr
Henderson , E V Price
Marqnette , H Sheldon
McCool , M Anderson
Milford , H N Pasll
Osceola. L VV Grlgsby
Phillips , W H Jackson
Pleasant Dale , H J Watkin
Rising City , I C Lemon
Shelby , J M Wilson
Stockholm , George Wash'
Stromsburg. A J Armstrong
Surprise , H V Power
Ulysses , C B Lenfest
Utlca , O G Powell
Waco , J K Maylleld
Brulnurd , J A Larkin
York , P A Colony
G 1 Wright , presiding elder
Adams , II W Cope
Auburn , B W Marsh
Bennett , C C Culmer
Brock , E D Gideon
Brownville , G W Ayers
Cook , 13 L Wolf
Douglas , C C Wright
Eagle , ij I-1 Town send
Elk Creek , O T Burr
Elmwocd , J G Stuimrd
Falls City , W T dim )
Ilumboldt , John Calvert
Howe , T F Ash by
Johnson , E D Maxey
Louisville , P Deal
\ Nebraska City , C A Martin
Nehawka , D Kelscr
Pal : iyra , G B Wilder
Peru , W A Tyler
Platlsmouth , Houlgutc
Rule and Salem , J E Uepitoo
South Auburn , C L Meyers
Stella , S Goldsmith
Sterling , D B Lake
Syracuse , L Morrison
Tattle Rock , J T Roberts
Talmage , II B Seymour
Tecumseh , J W Embree
Unadilla , C E Ruch
Union , M S Poutch
Vesta , A A Kerbur
Wabash , E M Ru tied go
Weeping Water , P II Smith
Richard Pearson , prsiding elder
Ash Creek , A W Hummell
Bladon , A V Wilton
Coullon , E M Reed
Clay Center , S T Walker
Cowles , B P Hutchins
Davenport , W M Brooks
. Don'phan ' , W L Summers
Edgar , E L Barch
Ellison , B L Story
Fairfield , E M Purman
Fairmont , M O Brooks
' Geneva , L G Parker
Guide Rock , J A Ramsey
Hardy , T C Priestley
Hastings , M Bamford
Harvard , Charles Burns
luavale , RB Hill
Kenesaw , A B Grossman
Nelson , J II Stilt
Nora , J H Fowler
Pauline , E N Tompkins
Red Cloud , VV L Austin
Shlckley , B N Kunkle
Superior , VV G Brown
Button , H P Young
Trumbull , W S McCellestlne
J H Keraper , presiding elder
Alvo , R FI White
Ashland , H C Seldel
Cedar Bluffs , G C Cobb
Ceresco , E S Brown
Crete. P H Worley
Dorchester , A VV Shamel
: Emerald , O W Langdon
r-c * Friend , T A Hull
Greenwood , C C Gorst
Lincoln Heights , C E Austin
Emmanuel , G M Gates
Epworth , A C Crosswalthe
Grace , D L Thomas
St Paul , J VV Jones
Trinity , VV M Mutch
Havolock , 0 VV Wilt
HtckmanV II Beers
Ithucu , Shu inn n
Mntcoltn , J W Scubrooke
Martol , A L White
Mead , II V Miller
Normal , G W Martin
Pralrlo Homo , P B Wripht
Raymond , H R Rojcu
Kocu , O B Motealf
Sharon , O A Hall
University Place , P P Carroll
Valparaiso , A 14 Chadwlck
Withoo. J M Daley
Wavurly , .1 A Nichols
Wtston , Mulvln Hunt
J II Gettyp , presiding elder
Beatrice , Centennary church , N A
nealrlce , La Kalle street churuh , G M
Beividerc , O M Hyde
Blue Springs' , E .1 Warren
Bnrchard , W W Hull
Chester , A O Ilinson .
Crab Orchard , M K Gilbert
Daykln , Frank Mlllb
Dewltt , M T Stelller
Diller , II T Huntington
Kills , G M Monton
Falrbury , II N Orvlll
Filloy , L D Crandall
Hebron , I A Kcnu y
Hubbell , A D Kico
Liberty , Zed Wrlpht
Odell , J N Bound
Ohlowa , O T Mooru
Dawnee City , C M Shepherd f
Su-ele City , s J Medlar
Strang , W A Albright
Swanton , J S Jewell
Tobias , G M Morrey
Virginia , Oscar Gltsel
Western , .1 It Woodcock '
Wllber , .1 R Martin
Wymore , J W Scott
ion , W A Albrleht
Peter VanFleet , missionary to Porto
) W C Huntlnyton , chancellor , and G
W Ishiim , secretary and treaurer ,
Nebraska Wesleyan university
A Campbell and L F Smith , conference
ence evangelist *
W H Precbt , conference ovangellf-t
A W Barsh , president TlllUlon , semi
nary , Austin , Texas
W Swan , agent childrons's society
? CIohnson , uliaplln penitentiary
Big Hog Sales.
H. C.ittrock anil W. F.
Rieschick advertise a sale of
Poland China hogs to be held at
: he Met/ pavilion in this city on
Saturday , October 21st. They
will offer 33 boars and 12 gilts , all
eligible to registry and the { jet of
some of the best known sires in
the breed.
F. W. Wittrock announces a
sale of Duroc-Jersey hogs to take
place at the Mettz sale pavilion
in this city on Saturday , October
28th. Mr. Wittrock is offering
12 boars and S gilts and they are
some of the best red hogs in this
end of the state.
Ferdinand Friedly , that vet
eran breeder of Poland-China
hogs has begun to advertise hit
annual October sale. His hen
has a reputation that extends tr
wherever the Poland China hog
is known , and we understand
that this year he is going to offei
some of the best animals he has
ever raised. The sale will attracl
the attention of breeders all ovei
the state and many of them wil
attend personally. Mr. Friedl }
recently became interested alsc
in Hereford cattle and some o
the best blood of the breed is t (
be found in his herd.
+ m - -
Parade at Humboldt.
The flower parade at Hum
boldt on last Saturday is said tt
have been one of the finest spec
tacles ever witnessed in thi
section of the state. It was in
tended to hold the parade in con
nection with the recent carnival
but bad weather prevented am
it was held on last Saturday
Fourteen flower decorated rig :
paraded the streets , headed b :
the band , and the manner ii
which each rig was decorate )
with flowers was highly artisti
and pleasing to the eye.
Mrs. Cooper Very 111.
Mrs. O. A. Cooper of Ilumboldt
who was seriously burned by gas
oline a f > w weeks ago is reported
is being in a critical condition ,
Complications have set in , and
) hysicians from St. Joseph have
> een called in consultation. Mrs.
Cooper is well known in this
city and has many friends who
lope for her ultimate recovery.
Fight at Humboldt.
Jack and Phil Hinklc of Stella
vent to Ilumboldt to see the
lower parade and that evening
vent into Jim Davis1 saloon
vhere they ran onto Pearl Park
er , a Ilumboldt athlete and all-
round fighter. Trouble ensued
and when peace was restored , it
vas found that Jack Hinkle had
lis nose broken and was Ixully
cut about the face. Phil Hinkle
lad a cut over one eye and a
lumber of minor bruises , Parker
nerely sustained a dislocated
humb. All three were arrested
nnd fined.
Holt's Ribbons.
The display of ribbons in the
lispla } ' window of Geo. Holt's
shoe store , does not indicate that
Mr. Holt has added a ribbon de-
> artment to his store. These
ribbons represent premiums
iwarded to Will Holt at the Ne-
jra ka , Kansas , Missouri and
towa state fairs on the fine hogs
which he exhibited. The ribbons
ire of all sizes , colors and shapes
ind represent everything from a
sweepstake to a fourth premiums.
The hundreds of people who
lave looked at these ribbons have
ndmired them and rejoiced in the
fact that a Falls City breeder
was able to win them. But very
few have reckoned the cost.
They cost much time and labor ,
much skill and good judgment ,
much knowledge of breeding and
feeding and they also cost much
money. Mr. Holt is to be con
gratulated on the showing he
lias made , and these ribbons are
splendid evidence of his ability as
a breeder.
The Conference Veterans.
The Methodist ministers who
are veterans have an organiza
tion known as the Conference G.
A. R. , and meetings are held
each year in connection with the
regular conference. Such a
meeting was held in the G. A. R.
hall in this city on Friday even
ing , there being present the vis
iting veterans and the member :
of the local GAR and W R C
A business session was held al
which the following oflipers 01
the Conference GAR wen
elected : Commander , P. C.John
son ; senior vice commander. J. W
Stewart ; adjutant , J.T. Roberts
quartermaster , J. K. Maxwell
chaplain , U. Fetz ; officer of tin
day , J. A. Nichols. The ladfe !
of the Relief Corp ? served one o
of their notable suppers aftei
which Rev. Comrade Roberts
sounded the assembly call t <
which all responded. Commande :
Johnson presided and called fo
speeches and songs and then
were plenty of responses am
these veterans in the army o
their country as well as in th )
army of the Lord , spent the even
ing in the most pleasant inanne :
and their pleasure was shared bj
the local veterans and thei
wives. A special feature was ai
address delivered by Harrisoi
Presson of Auburn who is in hi
nintieth y e a r. Mr. Pressoi
closed a stirring patriotic speed
with these words : "I tell yoi
the American flag will fly foreve
and will be next to the crimsoi
stained robe of Jesus and I pit ;
the man that would'try to tak )
it down ! "
Note of Thanks.
We desire in behalf of our
church , to express our thanks to
every one , who in any way assisted
n entertaining the Nebraska con-
'erence at its recent session in
Falls City.
W. T. GUNK , Pastor.
Fly Wheel Bursts.
Ally wheel on the big engine
that furnishes the power for the
electric light plant at Ilumboldt
nirst into a thousand pieces last
Sunday. Win. Loenneke , the
engineer , narrowly escaped death
and the building was partially
wrecked. The city is in dark
ness , awaiting repairs to the
Si Plunkard.
The time tested comedy , Si
Plunkard , amused a big audience
at the Gehling on Tuesday even
ing. The play abounds in clever
specialties and vaudeville acts ,
nil of which were presented by
: apable performers. The band
which was very good played two
open air concerts.
L B. T. Club.
Mrs. Peter Restorer was hostess
at the last meeting of the L. B.
T. club. Mrs. Rcsterer , at all
limes a splendid entertainer , was
lit her best on this occasion and
the ladies will never forget the
very pleasant meeting held at
her home. Elaborate refresh
ments were served and nothing
was left undone to make the
afternoon one of genuine pleas
ure for all.
Hurt By a Train.
A stranger , whose name could
not be learned , was struck by a
west bound Missouri Pacific
train about a mile east of the
depot Monday afternoon. lie
was walking along the track and
failed to get off in time to avoid
being struck by the rapidly mov
ing train. lie was brought to
the station where his injuries
were dressed by Dr. Burchard ,
the company surgeon. These
injuries consisted of a fractured
arm and a few minor bruises.
How he escaped death is a mir
acle. He stated that he was
tramping from Kansas City to
Republican Caucus.
The republicans of the thret
wards of Falls City met at tin
court house Monday evening foi
the purpose of selecting candi
dates for supervisor , justice ol
the peace and constables. Then
was a very fair attendance am'
the meeting was called to ordei
by John Wiltse. W. E. Dorring
ton was made chairman and Join
Wiltse secretary. The chair ap
pointed A. Graham and Ton
Whitaker to act as tellers. The
call was read and E. S. Towh
placed John Ili.iton in nominatioi
for supervisor. The nominatioi
was made by acclamation am
Mr. Ilinton thanked the conven
tion in a brief speech.
C. F. Reavis placed John L
Cleaver and John Mosiman. jr. in
nomination for justices of tin
peace. The nominations wert
made by acclamatian and both
gentlemen appeared to thank tin
convention. Frank Camblin am
James Nausler , the present con
stables were placed in nomina
tion for re-election by John L
Cleaver. These nomination !
were also made by acclamatioi
and the candidates accepted am
expressed their thanks. A com
mittee was appointed to fill va
cancies and then the caucus ad
journed. It was as harmoniou
a little gathering as one couli
wish to see and the ticket is on )
that is sure to be elected.
Commercial Club Meeting.
The first meeting of the com-
nercial club was held in the
court house Monday evening
vith a large cr $ .vd in attend-
mice. The lirtf busine.-s was
he UQelectionf ( If new officers.
George Hall was elected Presi-
lent , L. toirtli , Vice President ,
V. A. Greenwald Treasurer , 0.
O. Davis Secretary , and A.
Graham , P. S. Heacock and V.
G. Lylord were elected as the
board of directors. W. A.
Greenwald made his report as
Treasurer showing $110.18 in
he general fund and $115.50 in
lie road fund. It was consider ,
d advisable to send a repre-
entative to attend the state
neeting of commercial clubs to
be held in Omaha and Mr.
Greenwald was elected as such
epresentative. E. H. Towle as
lie chairman of the committee
hat went to Kansas City to
confer with the Missouri Pacific
officials with relation to secur-
ng the stub trains made his re.
iort , which was to the effect
hat the trains could be secured
by taking the matter up with
the officials in St. Louis. Mr.
fowle further reported a con
versation had with Mr. Kussel
of the Missouri Pacific relating
to the division , llussel stated
hat the division was to be re
noved from Atchison and that
vhile he personally favored
Falls City , the chief engineer
avored rftraussville. Theposi-
ion taken by the engineer is
that the track from Omaha to
Straussville is practically level
i ml that large trains could be
un over that division with one
engine ; the division from
Straussville to Kansas City was
lilly and smaller trains would
lave to be run over that end of
the line. If the division was
ocated at Falls City , the trains
would have to be cut in two at
Straussville to get over the
[ reeling hill and this would
create a large expense. A com
nittee composed of Frank Rea
vis , W. S. Lcyda , E. II. Towle
ind J. H. Miles was appointed
; o go to St. Louis and confer
with the officials concerning the
matter. The only thing that
stands in the way of Falls City
getting the division is the Free-
ling hill. If a new route can be
discovered whereby the hi 11 can
be avoided or the grade cut
down our chances arc excellent.
The telephone question was
debated by the members of the
club , John \V. Powell spoke as
a member of the council and 0.
F. Reavis made a somewhat ex
tended speech in the interest ol
of the rural companies. The
motion was finally passed to in
vi.te all rural companies togeth
er with the local company am
the city council to attend tlu
meeting tobe held the evening
of the second Monday in Octo
ber , at which time the situatioi
will be fully discussed.
A committee composed of Nee
Towle , Tom Whittaker and L
Wirth was formed to wait on tin
merchants and requested them
to sell only Falls City cigars
Club then adjourned.
The Missouri Pacific divisior
would mean 1500 new people foi
Falls City and a monthly pay rol
of § 25,000. Let's go after it am
stay after it until we get it.
The commercial club has dom
the right thing by inviting all o
the telephone companies to ap
pear before them on the evenitu
of the second Monday in Octobe
and state their claims , Tlu
telephone situation is serious am
should receive careful considera
Rev. Moore of Omaha was in
this city the first of the week.
Nancy Adams came down from
Stella Wednesday to visit friends ,
Etta Sheehan left this week
fora visit with relatives in Atchi
Mrs. Will Price is visiting at
the home of Frank Houtsc this
Guy Searsj is very ill at his
loine in this city with malaria
E. M. Wheatley came down
from Verdon and attended the
* -
W. II. Crook returned home
Saturday after visiting thesouth-
lart of Kansas.
Mrs. Ben Potcet left Friday
'or Padonia to visit her daugh
ter , Mrs. Will Hearst.
Clyde Harden and wife of Ver-
lon saw "Si Plunkard" at the
Gehling Tuesday evening.
- *
Mrs. A. Xook' ofi Verdon was
.n . this city on Tuesday , the guest
of her son , Martin and family.
Fall and winter millinery at
Mrs. Ureithaupt's , September 28 ,
2l ) and 30. Don't forget to call. Hossack spent a part of
: his week in Preston visiting at
; he home of her uncle. James
Anna Majerus returned from
Che.'enne the first of the week
ind is visiting her parents in this
Mrs. Grace Waters came up
'rom Hiawatha and is .tlie _ guest
of liefpareiits . E. Ilaner and
Frank I lout/ and wife of near
Straussville were'- ' guests 'of the
latter's brother , W. 0. Price and
family Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Martin returned on
Wednesday from Michigan where
she spent a few weeks with her
sister , Mrs- Anna Ross.
G. D. Grinstcad' Ilumboldt
spent a few days the first of the
week with his sister , Mrs. John
Gilligan. in this city.
Call at Mrs. Brcithaupts Sep
tember 28 , 29 and 30 and sec our
newest things in fall and winter
Miss Merchant , of Wahl Lake ,
Iowa , arrived in this city Wed
nesday on a visit to her aunt ,
Mrs. Jauics McDowell and other
Charles McGuire and wife fo
Merrill spent Tuesday at the
home of Chas. Marion and in the
evening saw "Si Plunkard'1 at
the Gehling.
Forty ot the Junior cndeavorer
society of the Presbyterian church
spent a happy afternoon on last
Saturday at the home of Mrs
Kate Steele.
Mrs. Ed M. May entertained
the Married Ladies Kensington
club on last Thursday afternoon.
The members were very pleas
antly entertained and spent a
delightful afternoon.
In the local regarding the sale
of Duroc-Jerseys should have
read , Saturday , Oct. 28 , instead
of the 25th. Keep the date in
mind , Saturday , Oct. 28th and
make it convenient to attend this
The members of the Friends in
Council chartered a hack on last
Friday evening and drove to the
Kcim home northwest of the city
where they were very pleasantly
entertained , Miss Jennie Keim
acting as hostess.