The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 22, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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C. Vaught came down from
Stella Sunday.
Clyde Baldwin , of Stella , was
in to .vn Sunday.
George Lum was don from
Verdon on Tuesday.
James Kandcl , or Fargo , was
in this city Tuesday.
C. F. Reavis was in Auburn
Monday on legal business.
John Wilson , of Ilumboldt ,
spent Saturday in this city.
Dr. O. H. Kent made a busi
ness trip to Verdon Tuesday.
Mrs. Sedylmayer left Friday
for St. Joe to spend a few days.
J. ISlocum left Tuesday for
a trip through western Kansas.
Lou Heineman was among the
Verdon people in this city Tues
Graham Jones was down from
Verdon the first of the week on
Isham Reavis transacted busi
ness in Hastings Wednesday and
Mrs. Jule Ruegge spent several
days in Ilumboldt this week vis
iting relatives.
John Hikes left Tuesday for
Laurel , Nebraska , where he will
work with a bridge crew.
Albert Bentley and wife went
to Ilumboldt Friday and spent a
few days with relatives.
O. T. Little , of Ilumboldt. was
among the west end men who at
tended the convention Saturday.
Warren Ilutchings , W. II.
Crook , sr. . and Joe Varner left
Tuesday for southern Oklahoma.
Wren Barnes and wife , of
Salem , spent Tuesday with the
'I latter's mother , Mrs. Jane Tay
John Marks returned to his
home in Verdon Tuesday after
looking after business in this
Mrs. John Hossack went to
Verdon Wednesday on a short
visit to her daughter , -Mrs. W. C.
. W. B. Schmucker left Tuesday
Y.X forllobart , Okla. , to spend a few
days and look after some farm
Mrs. Vincent Arnold , of Ver
don , was in this city Tuesday.
I She was a pleasant caller at this
office while here.
Inez Brown , of St. Joseph , and
Hazel Jellison , of this city , are
assisting Miss Brcbeck at the
Bon Ton Millinery store.
Mrs. Frank Clark came down
fram Verdon on Tuesday to stay
a few days with friends and re
ceive medical treatment.
W. S. Taylor and family left
Monday for Lincoln where they
will make their home. John will
enter the university there this
E. M. Wheatley and wife , of
Verdon , were in town Saturday.
Mr. Wheatley attended the con
vention while Mrs. Wheatley did
some shopping.
' W. II. Morrow and family returned
turned to their home in Shubert
Monday. Mrs. Morrow and chil
dren have been in White Cloud
visiting relatives the past two
Grant Srewart , the B. & M.
agent , is numbered among our
sick folks. During his absence
from the depot , R. C. Sharp , :
special agent from Wymore , is
filling his place.
On Tuesday Carroll Prior en
tertained a number of youiif ,
ladies at six o'clock dinner. The
evening was most pleasantly
spent. The event was in honor
of Miss Prior's birthday.
As Bixby would say , a bowl oi f
graham mush , a slice of roast t
beef a cooked red , a piping hoi
baked potato , a bit of salad and
a glass of rich milk is worth the
while of any man at the close ol
a busy day.
Martin Kelly was down from
Shubert Friday.
Jessie Page , of Dawson , was
n this Sunday.
Mrs. I. Mead has been quite
sick the past week.
P. S. Pollard came down from
Humboldt Saturday.
A. II. Fellers , of Ilumboldt ,
was in this city Monday.
Dr. Geo. Tucker was down
rom Ilumboldt Saturday.
S. V. Cunningham , of Rule ,
spent Friday in this city.
L. C. Edwards , of Ilumboldt ,
was in this city Saturday.
Mrs. Pat Higgins.of Barnston ,
was the guest of her uncle.
H. J. Corn was down from Ver-
lon on business Saturday.
A. C. Mutz , of Auburn , was a
business visitor here Saturday.
James Walker , of Sabetha , Ks. ,
, vas a business visitor Saturday.
J. W. Cullen was among the
Verdon people in town on Satur-
Harry Messier returned from
Texas to spend a month with his
) arents.
Win. Goldner left Monday for
Omaha to look after business
Linnie Morrison w a s down
rom Verdon Saturday the guest
of friends-
C. G. Humphrey of the Verdon
Vedette was in this city Friday
of last week.
Cass Mead came up from St.
lee and spent Sunday with his
atnily in this city.
Frank Todd came down from
-lumboldt Saturday to attend the
lemocr.itic convention.
Joseph Glasser was among the
west end democrats who attended
the convention here Saturday.
Pat Rawley and wife , of Barns-
ton spent Sunday in this city
with their uncle , Win. Iliggins.
Mrs. W. B. Boyd and son ,
laudic , spent several davs in
lumboldt , returning home Sun-
About twenty-four
young people
ple enjoyed a pleasant social
lance at Bode hall on Monday
C. B. Harmon came down from
Auburn Saturday and spent the
la } " here looking after business
Gus Ruegge returned home on
Monday night from Hastings
.vhere he played base ball during
the season.
Mrs. Sue E. DeWald returned
Sunday from Trenton where she
ipent several weeks with her
, on , O. W. , and family.
Grant Southard and wife came
down from Geneva and spent a
few days this week with A. W.
Southard and wife in this city.
Mrs. Mary' Beyette and little
daughter returned to their home
in Nebraska City last Monday
after spending the past week at
the home of L. C.Beasley.
J M. DeWald was a Missouri
Pacific passenger to Reserve the
first of the week. He was the
guest of his daughter , Mrs. Sam
Harry Foehlinger returned
from Hastings the first of the
week. He reports a pleasant
season and thinks league ball
playing fine.
Mrs. Ella King left the first
of the week for Omaha to spend
a few days with her daughter ,
Mrs. Charles Bracclen. While
there she will have an operation
performed on her little son Rich
ard for throat troublo.
On Friday evening Ruth Lewis
entertained at her home on Mor-
ton street. A very pleasant evc-
ning was spent in music and
games. Light refreshments were
served. Those present were :
Misses Wood , Bridges , Davies ,
Faye Price , Dorothy Miller , Alice
Yodcr and Myrtle Yocam.
Mrs. J. Marmot came over from
3ern Saturday.
D. F. Rodebaugh , of Peru , was
i visitor here Wednesday.
G. E. Hall made a business
rip to V6rdon Wednesday.
Mrs. Dennis McCarty is rccov-
ng from a severe attack of tonso-
Rev. Butler and wife of Hia
watha , arc in the city attending
D. M. Davies was in Auburn
Wednesday looking after busi-
icss interests.
Mrs. B. B. Priest of Dalhart ,
Fexas is visiting her parents ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Messier.
Fred and George Cleveladd re
urned Tuesday from a visit to
heir sister at Iloldrcdgc , Neb.
Chas. Caverzagie , of Rulo. was
u town Tuesday. Ho is now
raveling for a firm in St. Joe.
George Lyons returned to Lin-
oln Wednesday where he will
ittend the university this year.
Will Gibson , of Verdon , was in
own Wednesday. He was on
lis way home from Grand Island.
Quimby Hossack and Guy
2rook left Wednesday for Lin-
oln to enter the state university.
Mrs. Sue DeWald was called to
Verdon Tuesday b } ' the illness of
icr daughter , Mrs. M. D. Lum.
Lois and Allie Keeling rcturn-
rom a visit through Missouri
ind Kansas City Saturday night.
J. H. Miles and son , Joe , left
he last of the week for Boston
vhere Joe will attend school this
Virgie Mead and Mrs. John
lolt drove to Salem Wednesday
o attend the funeral of Mrs.
Mrs. E. II. Koeher came up
rom Hiawatha and spent a few
lays with her sister , Mrs. Sarah
Mrs. Frank Routs : and daugh-
er , Mrs. Everett Iliggins , were
guests of Will Price and family
Laura Scholl was called home
rom Peru Wednesday by the
, erious illness of her sister , Mrs.
Morris Bingaman.
Mrs , Kate Linther , of Denver ,
s visiting her niece. Mrs Kate
Steele in this city.
Mr. Jameson , of Montgomery ,
"owa , is visiting at the home of
Mrs. Kate Steele.
MrsW. . B. Alexander came
lown from York yesterday to at
tend conference and visit old
Harry Messier left Wednesday
light for Alberqueque , New
Mexico where he will enter the
work of a brakcman.
Miss Johan Brosmen , of Den
ver , Colo. , is visiting at the
home of her cousin , Mrs. Dennis
McCarty , in this city.
Mrs. W. C. McCool came down
from Salem and is visiting her
daughter , Mrs. R. R. Rule , and
attending conference.
Geo. Cassity and wife , of Ton-
kana , Okla. , returned home on
Wednesday after visiting rela
tives and friends here.
Little Neal Sloan returned to
his home in Verdon Wednesday
after spending a week with his
grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. John
A social dance was held at the
home of Henry Kruse , two miles
east of town. About fifh guests
were present. Light refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. James Powell left Wed
nesday for Kansas City for ;
visit to relatives. She will visit
Miss Olive McIIattan at Odessa
Mo. , before she returns.
Annie Ilofer , of Aurora , Neb.
was in the city the last of the
week visiting at the home of her
uncle , John Weber. She lef
Saturday for a visit with rela
tives in St. Joe and was accoin
panied to that place by Mr
Eat Sowles Candy.
FOR SAI.U : Set light double
larness , nearly new. William
pears. _
Mrs. Breithaupt carries the
inest line of street hats in the
ity. Call and see them.
John Burke and O. A. Burke ,
of Rule , were in the city on bust-
less Friday and called at this
Call at Mrs. Breithaupt's Mil-
inery store and see her fine line
) f tailor-made hats she received
his week.
The Atchison Globe says the
best thing about an automobile
s that it never gets its tail over
he lines.
- * . _
A Falls City girl' wears a peek-
i-boo waist of such daring pattern
hat the boys call it the waist of
J. S. Wherry left Wednesday
or Modesta , California , where he
vill make his home with his son ,
Will Wherry.
Mrs. C. E. Pgabody taught
ichool for Myrtle Bowers Moil-
lay. Miss Bowers being absent
on account of sickness
Mrs. Will Price returned home
rom Verdon Wednesday where
.he visited her sister , Mrs. M. D.
, who is very sick.
Don't forget to visit Mrs.
Breithaupt's Millinery parlors
ind see her line line of tailor
nadc and street hats.
The ladies of the Christian
church will give a ten cent tea at
he home Dr. I.M. Houston in this
ity next Thursday evening from
ive to eight o'clock. They earn
estly invite all to attend.
Mrs. Frank Lawrence and
laughter , Evelyn , left Tuesday
or their home in St. Louis after
isiting her sister , Mrs. Carrie
/ axton. She was on her way
ionic from Portland and the
Brethren church services , with
reaching by Rev. Charles M.
Ihcpherd , at 10:45 a. m. , and at
:30 : p. m. by Rev. D. B. Lake ,
numbers of the Methodist Epis-
opal conference of Nebraska.
Sunday school at ( ) :45 : a. m. All
welcome. 1 . E. Haskins ,
> astor.
The men who have enlisted in
he fight against evil and wrong
loing have been made very wel-
ome by our people during this
heir conference week. T h e
> oorly paid preacher , God bless
litn , without whom this grey old
vorld such as it is would not
be , such as it is.
Christian church services as
'ollows : BibU * school at 0:45 : ;
reaching and communion at 11 ,
sermon by Rev. R. N. Orrill ; jun-
or Endeavor at 3 ; Y P C E at 7 ,
subject ' 'The Home Mission
Word of the Church ; " evening
worship and sermon at 8 , by Rev.
eorge W. Isham. The minister
expects every "church extension
envelope to be brought in Lords-
lay without fail. A cordial invi
tation is extended to all-
Frank Wosika the merchant
tailor of Oklahoma City has been
soliciting orders in the city this
week , The way to build up
town is to patronix.e home indus
tries. We have three good tail
ors in Falls City. They have
their money invested here , the )
help you pay the expenses of the
municipality and they can and
will give you as good service as
the foreign tailor. Spend your
money at home , not only with
the tailor but with "the butcher ,
the baker and the candle stick
maker" as well.
Poland Chinas.
Call on John Ricschick if you
want up-to-date Poland China
hogs. 8-2
For Sale.
A good Duroc-Jersey boar ; also
spring boar ; special prices on
them for the next thirty days.
Also a good cheap mare , gentle
for a lady or children , and bred
to a son of Prince Otto 2:20 : # .
Money ! Lands !
1 Private Funds to Loan
This is a good time of the y ar
to arrange your money matters
Some good farms , also Lands and Ranches to
sell or Exchange in Desirable Localities
in the West and South
101) ) ncrcH near Morrill. Knn. $1H , 000.
ITOaeres near Falls Oily
80 acres , fine , nonr Falls City , $8,000
80 acres , Ohio precinct , $5-100
IliO nores ne'iir Salem , $0.500
80 acres near Vetdon and Snlom. Might Inko a harness shop
or some1 western land in Osborne county , Knn. , orNne'k-
ols county , Nebraska.
1520 acres six miles from Kails City. Improved upland ; good
house and orchard : good terms ; a bargain. Can got 1(50 (
Here's adjoining.
20 acres nuar Ilumboldt.
o acres adjoining Fulls Oily , with residence.
70 acres near Dawson ; 50 acres eultivared upland. $ : { , ' . )00 )
( 3 acres and livery barns to exchange for U20 neres of Innd ,
Not over 75 miles west of Missouri River.
Kit ) acres Johnson county , Neb. 80 rods to church and
school : 4 miles to depot ; good terms of Bale. Might take
about $ ! l,000 worth of other property or ugood-io. Long
time ; good terms ; a chance for some man.
1(57 ( acres Well improved for sale on long time ; good terms.
Have parties wanting 20 to 80 and 1(50 ( aero farms.
200 acre farm in Richardson county ; have
known it for years If sold soon , owner will
make price that is right , flight take some
Write me your wishes if you desire to buyer
or sell. I may know of just what you want.
Over 18 years in business
I Henry C. Smith i "
# Z # Z # Z * # ZZS3ft
; |
W SEPTEriBER 28th , 29th and 30th.
frS %
We will show the very swellest line of
Pattern Ht.ts ever brought to this city
Don't fail to give
us a call = - -
= COAL =
Wo Boll the kind of coal tint
t-lands uvcry possible tu. t to
which until can bu subin1 tied
It la ahvay- reliable alwuyn
veady to burn and sure to hurn
up to thu very last lump. Give
usa trial and bo convinced.
New Cider Mill.
The new cider mill located four
blocks north of the Douglas mill
is now ready for business. With
every facility for making n first
cliiBS article , here is nn opportun
ity to utilize your windfalls and
.otherwise inferior apples at a pro.
fit. The mill will run on Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday of each
week. Phone No. 190.
Farmers and Stock Raisers.
I have secured the agency fj
the well known "Peerless Stoc
Powders" and can supply yc
with same on short notice ; als
Peerless Dip and dipping : tankj
Goods kept in stock at farm.
89-4 Route No. 6.
Read The Tribune