The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 15, 1905, Page 4, Image 3

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Untercd as second-class matter as
Kails City , Nebraska , post ollice , Janu
ary ' 12 , 1"04 , titutcr MIC Act of Confront
of'March 3 , 1S7-J.
Published every Krlday at Kails City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune Publishing Comptvny
One year . . . . Jl.OC
Six ii'onths . . . . . . .W !
Three months . . .35
Mover has the party presented
a stronger ticket before the voters
tlian the one nominated at Stella
Tuesday. There is not a candi
date on it that is not especially
fitted for the position to which he
aspires. Tanner , S t r i iitf field ,
Wilhite , kicker , HolT , Hossack ,
Renelcer and Rasmus , form a
combination impossible to im
prove upon upon. No freed rea
son can be assigned by any re
publican voter for cutting his
ticket this fall. Richardson is a
republican county and goes demo
cratic , only when men who claim
to be republicans , vote against
their party candidates. It should
be the duty of every man to be a
party man , and it is the duly of
every party man to support the
candidates who represent the
party principle , when no good
reason can be assigned for doing
The republican county ticket iw
representative of all that is good
and should receive the undivided
and unqualified support of every
republican in the county. IJy so
doing you build up the party , and
by so doing this year , you assist
in putting the best oflicers in the
court house that can possibly be
Honest now , are you not glad
that Theodore Roosevelt is tin
president of the United States ?
Queer world this. The politi
cians , all of whom carry annua !
passes , are passing resolution
demanding that the railroads IK
no longer permitted to give them
the little pasteboards , while tin
railroads , that are bored to dcatl
by request for transportation , an
begging for the continuation ol
the privclege of giving awaj
free rides. Queer world.
The state of Nebraska has IK
man better qualified for regard o
the state university than V. G
Liyford. Mr. Iy.vford has always
been interested in higher ednca
tlon , and is a warm friend of tin
state university. The university
would greatly profit by his selec
tion , and the state would gaii
an official of acknowledged ahil <
it\ and unquestioned integrity.
It is a stricking and signilicam
fact that , notwithstanding tin
assertions of the holier than thoi
crowd , The Tribune was the enl )
local paper that said a word ii
favor of the action of the count )
attorney in putting a stop to slo
machines. It is a good thing t <
fight the beef trust , but hov
about the violations of the law a
home. It doesn't hurt to tigh
an evil several thousand mile
away , but it might lose a patroi
to fight a local evil. He who i
moral because it pays , will b
immoral when it pays.
The Elks lodge is one of th
most progressive and best mar
aged lodges in the city. Th
rooms lately fitted up are th
most attractive and elaborate i
appointments in the city. Th
furniture is in leather throughoui
and the beautiful rugs and draj
cries make the rooms a dream i
beauty and cosiness. A scries <
winter dances will be given i
the main lodge room during tl
winter , so that an 131k will m
lack for entertainment for tl
next eight months. To she
how the lodge is progressing )
is only necessary to state th
thirteen applications were r
ceived from Auburn at the la
meeting The lodge has juri
diction over t h e surroundii
country Hfor fifty miles , and t
boys are hopeful of receiving a
plications from Ilumboldt and t
surrounding cities in the ne
Win Hick * U again in our midst.
Attorney U 0 .lames nen' Stlndny
In this city.
K. ( _ ' . ( . 'olhapp and fumllj were To-
mnson visitors Sunday ,
Murrain Klce ipent Hiimluy with
ler parent * In Teeutnsieh.
Mubul Huerstetta spent Sunday with
ler parents In TeeuiiHeh
John t'rlubcrcnr Is uguln employed
ii the Fisher harbor shop.
A. Corn tlti8 is building u line real-
on c on lits farm cast of this city.
Kmmii I'hllpnt U suffering from an
tltack of Inlhimt'iaturv rtieiiinatls'u.
Ollle 1'etnnliek loft Monday for
.ilncoln where ntiu will attend school
Sin-oral of our local lUliernnui
iroughi in line ntriiigd of 111) ) the pact
Tlio harness bhop of .John ICIossnet
las been In the luuitlc of painter : * the
Mrs. Sun Wheeler , of Lincoln , Is In
ho city vhlttng her mother , Mrs. Tlnu
Hlla Fisher in rived In the city Sat-
inlay on u visit to her ? lter , Mrs ,
Tom Smith.
Delia Saunder ? , of Kansas City
hero vltdtlni : her parents , C. K.
and wife
John Weatherman Is emploved in
Jen Strainer's ireneral nu-rehandiso
tore this week.
Illoy Leeuh is the possessor of a line
tew huciry which he purchased the
It-it of the week
Mrs. Mabel Hurlv arrived In the city
aturilay on a visit to her parents , .1.
1. smith and wife
Grandpa and Grandma Hnl/.dii ro-
urned home I'Ylday hist from a pleas-
tit visit In Oregon.
John Holcchck has workmen em-
) loyed lii building aline house on his
arm south of town.
Floyd Cooper and wile , of Auburn ,
arrived In the city Saturday for a viblt
vlth relatives and friends
Garnett ' Murray Is reported to he
lowly recovering troni i severe attack
if Inlhuniiialory rheumatism.
I'ansy Mclvlnuov who has buun vls-
tlni ; her aunt , Mrs. John Power , rr-
urnetl to her home in Pern Sunday.
C. ! ' . Nlins returned home from
Denver Momlaj wlioro ho had been it
ittondimce at the National G A. II
Jos. Davis arrived In the city satur
lay from Denver where he has beer
nured the past few months In train' '
UK horses.
The county supervisors have beet
Having some badly needed repair work
lone on the foundation of the stout
irhl 'M east of town , during the pasi
Percy Glasser returned home tlu
llrot of the week from northwo tort
Canada lie is well pleased with tlu
country and expects to return In tlu
D Klrkpatrlek , of Falls City hai
bought the apples on the Nomeehel
irchard nuth of town. It Is ostlnmtc (
that tht-ro will bo from seven hundrei
to elyl t hundred barrels
The republican doh'tfatei to tin
county convention , from Spei-er am
Ilumboldt precincts and the Ullage o
[ lumholdt met hero Tuesday morning
mil drove In a body to Stella
One of the lar os-l barnin the state
which Is holnjj built by Power Mros.
s almost completed. When llnishet
t will shelter and furnish feed rnon
or 10,000 to l.'i.OOO head of sheep.
Dr Morris contemplates a trip ti
the sandhill country , near Alliance , Ii
Urn inillfuture , on a huntliii , ' ant
pleasure trip. Ills olllee will be lof
in the elllclent cure of Dr. Wlttwe
during hl absence.
At this wrltiiu : Ilumboldt is bedeck
ing herself In git In attire and the souni
of the tin horn and its various acconi
punlmanU U again heard on ou
usually quiet streets. The c.irnlva
near at hantl
1. 11. Williamson , I' . O. Avery , JO :
b'netheu and W. U. Power roturne
Tuesday afternoon from Denver , Colt
wlioro they had boon in attendance n
the G. A. 11. reunion. They report
most enloyable time.
Mrs. s J. Orr and son , Charles , c
Pawnee City , were In town Tuesda
making preparations to move to thel
farm east of this city which they r <
cently purchased , and i- known as th
K. K. Kontner farm.
J. F. Wo/.ub returned homo Frldn
last , after spendiiix' the greater pai
of the biimmcr in Denver. Mr. Wozn
Is reported as being greatly improve
, In liealth. They huvo purchased tl
Tru.xaw property , formerly occupit
* by A. D. .Snow and family , ami wl
soon move to their new home ,
Sol Parker met with quite a serloi
acciuent Friday last while at work <
the roof of Power's sheep barn , he lo
his balance and fell backwards to tl
5t ground , rupturing a hlood vessel
5tg his lungs which eaused a seven ) hei
g orrb.igound his life was dlspalreil
1C for a time , but at this writlnc he
P- muehlmproved.
ic Seldom is u liner display of goods
he seen than is being displayed by o
home merchants this fall. Their goo
are tip-to date and himheen bought
with u view tn pleiiM- their cimoinerg. ]
and thi'ro will be no rea-on ( or resi
dent * of lluinhohlt and vicinity patro
nizing mail order hnii'ca or purchas
ing goods In neighboring towns.
Ira Phillip * of Teeumjeh WHS In Kulo
M onday.
U. Miller of Omalm. was n Kulo
visitor Thursday.
John luumly wm it St. Jon rUltor
one day last week.
I'M DiivU w n : i St. Joe visitor Wed
nesday of last week.
Joe Miles ai.d wife of Falls City were
Huh ) visitor * Friday
Henry Mreuht was transuding
business in Kulo Wednesday
Mrs. Cleland sold her rejl.iunml to
Mr. J ack&nn from Golf , Kansas.
Charlie OJ'ill and wife vUlted with
friends In Mles-ourl over Sunday
Cliui. Heinenmn uronti-iketor of Full ?
City was a Kulo visitor lust week.
J. M. Gus'ufsun of Wyniore was it
business visitor to Kulo lint week
The stuitm II C G'.inter passed
Kulo Sunday afternoon for Kunsin City
Tuck Smith of Iliuelow , Mo. was In
town litii week with it o | Hue
Mrs. Maggie itoyles and little son ,
Alfred of Kansas Cit > , are visiting In
this city.
Jim Koland of Missouri was doing
business in Kulo end day the last of
the week.
10 I * . Hraeken , trainmaster for the
Uurllngton at Tahle Kock , was in Kulo
last week.
Mrs. Lunsford and little Jim , went
lo SI. Joe last week for a months vUll
with friends.
A. 1) . Larahee and wife of I'reston
visited with Grandpa Larahee and wife
over Sunday.
Maggie I'leree returned from St.
Wednesday , where she had been visit-
lug for somu time
The work of laying tiie foundation
( or Joe Miles new building commenced
Tuesday morning.
Will Sholhounof Kansas City visited
over Sunday with his parents , L
Shclhotin and wife-
Guy and Clyde Hart visited in the
country last Saturday being guests of
Kmmctt and Marl Varvel.
H. M. ICdgoomb returned Thursday
from Fairmont and Lincoln where he
hail heen visiting friend ? .
Sam Cann und Julius Cuttoren of
Forteteuo were transacting business In
Kulo the last of the week.
Clyde Adams and wife visited friends
in Nebraska City several days , return
ing homo Tuesday evening.
Charlie Caver/.aglo went to Marys-
ville , Mo. , Saturday to visit iv sister ,
returning homo Wednesday.
W. S. Cunuingliam's now house when
finished is going to bo a beauty as well
as another improvement for Kulo.
Itov. Deal of salcm preached his
farewell sermon at the M. K. church
north in this city last Sunday night.
L. i : . Plumb und wife returned from
Denver and other points in Colorado
last Saturday , ivhere they have been
visiting for some time
Mrs. Si May who has been visiting
In this city this summer departed for
her homo In Drown county , Neb , on
H. Mann and Dode Anderson went
down on the bar Sunday after ducks.
Well , they returned in the evening
with several ducks ( )
Mrs. .1 , A. Thomas who left Kulo the
last of July for California writes thai
Mort Potter Is still improving and is
much better than was expected.
C. L. Helpere returned home Mon
day morning from Colorado whore he
spent ten tliivb Mewing the Koiikies
lie is well pleased with co'oruuo.
Marlon Nobles und wife of Ojborne
Kan , who huvn been visiting will
Charlie Gagnou and wife for some Unit
departed for their home the hist of tin
week ,
Mrs Hmma MeVey and son Joi
went to St. Joe \i\-\ \ , Saturday t
visit her daughter Mrs. Key Hurt
. ruturnltii ! home Wednesday of till
Judge Davis Is the own r of a lln
lot of young porkers The judge say
that It Isn't everybody who knows hoi
to rulso pigs so that they will maK
"horgs. "
Two cars of suiMir peas passe
throuuh Kulo Sunday night for Topek
Kas. Tliev were shipped from Lon ;
mont , Colorado , which Is one mil
above sea level.
The Ilushbottom ball team froi
Missouri crossed bats with the Preste
boys at Preston Sunday afternoon , tl
score being 0 to 7 in favor of Prestoi
Ten innings were played.
Rev. Klneald preached his farewe
sermon at the M. E. church south i
this city last Sunday night. Rev. Kii
calil expects to leave Rule some tin
this month for Boise City , Idaho. II
many friends are sorry to lose him.
The republicans of itulo precinct uv
In caucus last Saturday night at
elected the following delegates toll
county convention at .Stella this week :
( ' . . ) . Ilubor , O. Graham , rtom Davis ,
II. Mann , Geo. Ward , Geo. Harris
John Liberty , Dave selgler , Harland
Jones. W. M Dorste , John wllstc , CIIFS
Jones , Less Lijed * , Al I3urk , W. M.
A crowd of young folki to the num
ber of twenty met at the rcsidcnco of
C. L. Halpere and wife on last Friday
night as a surprise party for Miss Hvn
liclpcrc , this being her fifteenth
birthday. It certainly was a surprise to
Miss KvaThere were games and
other amusements. Ice cream and
cake wcro served and all departed at
a lute hour , wishing Miss Kvu many
more birthdays.
Ves Slater was on the sick list.
Grandma dhroyer has been slek.
I1. O. Ayer > returned from Denver
Monday ,
Hugh Phllpot's baby ha * been under
a physician's care.
Abblo Leech went to Peru Tuesday
where she will attend thy stale normal
Jennie Marsh returned Saturday
from Mount Ayr , Iowa where she had
been culled ou account of the serious
Illness of her mother.
J. O. Shroycr and wife assisted In
celebrating tin' golden wedillng unni
vorsary of Mrs.'s father and
mother In Amity , Mo. , tills w < ak.
New Cider Mill.
The new eid < > r mill loented four
bloeks north of the Douglas mill
is now ready for business. With
every facility for milking a first
class article , here is an opportun
ity to utili/.e your windfalls and
otherwise inferior apples at n pro-
fit. The mill will run on Tuesday ,
Thursday and Saturday of eneb
week. Phone No. 100.
Arrested For Gambling.
On Wednesday afternoon Key
vnttler appeared before County
Attorney James and swore out
complaints charging Guy Casey ,
31mrlie Heck , Win Moore and
Duster Camblin with gambling.
Jarl Bunker made a similar com-
ihiint against Casey and Heck and
LOU ! Jameson made still other
omplaints against Casey and
D'unblin. The county Attorney
ssned the wit-runts and Heck ,
loore and Camblin were arrested
nit Casey could not be apprehend
ed. A hearing was had before
Judge Moniu and on the evidence
showing that the defendants had
ndulged in divers games of craps ,
) oker etc , alleged to have been
played in the back room over
Liollman's saloon , Heck , Moore
ind Camblin were bound over to
lie district court and the bond of
each fixed at one hundred dollars
breach complaint made. Judge
Moran allowed the prisoners to gen
n search of bondsmen , and dur-
ug their absence Camblin left for
Mirts unknown and lias not yet
jeen found. Heck and Moore
returned and gave satisfactory
wild and were released pending a
tearing in the district court.
Burlington Bulletin.
Chicago and return , on sale diily ,
St. Louis and return , on sale dally ,
Portland , Tacoma and Seattle and
return , on sale daily , 3-Jo.
Portland , Tucoma and Seattle and
return , one way via California , on sale
September 12-ii-n-JtJ.27-28 : , $ . " > ( ) .
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return , 55(5. ( On sale September 12-13-
14 2i ( 27-28.
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return 550. On sale October 17-18 ! ! )
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return , one wa ) via Portland , $02 50 ,
on sale October 17-1S-H-20-21 ) ,
Salt La'fo and Ogden , Utah , and re
turn , on sale dally , $ 'M 50.
Cody , Wyo. , Black Hills and Hot
Springs , b. D. , approximately half
rates all summer.
Low one-way Colonl t rates , to Cali
fornia and northwest Uept. 15 to Oct.
: u.
Cheap Homeseekers' rates in many
directions llrst and ihird Tuesdays ol
each month.
If you will call or write , It will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates ,
train service , to reserve you a berth ,
und to try to make your trip a com
fortable one.
SS-3 Agent C. 15. & , Q. Ry.
. . . . $1.00 a Year. . . .
flltlfl t PERHAPS ' ' , . " ' . , , t
budding' into
UMUMtypp manhood or womanhood. The
Plfltaf ) affairs of business are begin
ning1 to confront you. Possibly
bly you are at this time ask
ing' yourself "where shall I
BUDDING make my first deposit ? " or
"where shall I yo to borrow
a little money so much need
ed for the next few months ? "
llllII TheFallsCityStateBank
stands ready to assist any de
serving \ oungperson. .
We're Watch Doctors
and make it our business to straighten out all tht1
little troubles and get the sick watch on its feet
again. Because yon don't understand all the de
tails of n watch : s no tenson that we will charge
exorbitant prices for repairing. We charge what
it is wn-th no more. A trial will convine .
"TheOld Reliable"
The place to buy them is at
\ \ e are agents for the International and Dempster Ga&oline En-
s and wlj n yon ntv in need < > f > i S or ten H P. tMiyin , w > can
fjet one for yon on short notice. Remember we carry pnnipnm en-
Allies in stock and can put them tip th1 < lny yon buy. Gnt our
[ Kiceson 2 , ! { , ; " ) , ( i , S , 10. 12 and lo horse power engine before buying"
We also have some bargains to otl'eron wnfjone. "We hnve a Inr e
slock of wii uiib on hand and will ninkf very low prices for fume time.
Call and see them. Our bui iy and snrry line i complete mid all
ntnv stock andonr lines are biich that cannot be beaten for the money.
Tt will pay yon to tot our prices on Windmills , Pumps , Tanks and
Pump Fittinus. and have W. C. Sliinns Li htnim , ' Rods put on yonr
buildings. They are the best. Call and see us.
D You can get any quantity of Hard and Soft Coal you want
z from a ton to a car load. Good hot coal at the right price. '
A1 o Flour , Feed , Haled Hay and Straw. Cash paid for 2
Hutter , Egjfs and Poultry at : : : : O