The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 15, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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    \ \
Great Bargains to Homeseekers and Investors
Lincoln Butler and Other Counties in Kansas
in Dickinson ,
in Nebraska Also ,
Counties ,
In i in ! i ii i ! i i ii IP
water and ample drainage ; having an area of 500 square
streams , pure
and sparkling
With its beautiful , level and gently rolling fertile fields 108 school houses , together with churches of nearly every denomination , eighty miles of
educated people ,
miles , and altitude of 800 feet , with its 30,000 well agricultural region in the west ; with its beautiful county seat , Falls City , of 4,000 people , located on
railroad , telephone and free mail delivery ; in the richest half between Kansas City and Omaha , and 55 miles northwest of St. Joseph , Missouri ,
Missouri Pacific railroad , one = way
line of the Burlington and in price.
the main but will advance
of land we offer for sale is not only a
most desirable place in which to live. Every piece these people must have some place to make a
is a that this fine land can not remain at the present prices , as
As the immigration to this country is so great samples of the various kinds of property that we have for sale , as our
are only
write us as we have it. The following
living. It matters not what you want , to change without notice. : : : : : : : : : : : :
to publish it. The price of all property herein subject
list is so large that it is almost ' ! . ii in IIHI i i fLJi j ! JJiUIMBKKrf.a : > Ii > flHTMIMBMPBMMMMraMMiZiE !
No 71 Is a .veil improved
farm of 246 acres , most all in
cultivation , fenced and crossed
fenced , there is about 900 rods of
Page's woven hog tight wire on
this place , most all of this farm
is in tame grass , 85 acres hog
tight , 01 acres of fine alfalfa ,
good 10 room house , plenty of
good water , fine 'cistern- The
best barn in the count59 x 72
16 foot posts , all kinds of cribs ,
granaries , corn feed grindei
built in the barn. This barn ij
3 stories high counting the base
ment , will hold 100 head of cattle
Cob , wood and smoke house
chicken house fenced in witl
poultry netting , windmill , larg <
supply tank from which the wat
er is piped to barn , and all fee <
lots- Good black rich soil witl
light clay subsoil , land gentl
rolling to level. This is one c
the best stock and grain farm
in the county and is a mone
maker , as a man will not have t
spend a cent for improvemenl
for years on this farm. This
a fine farm home close to scho' '
and church , in a fine neighbo
hood. Price $70 per acre , c
good terms if desired.
No 72 Is a well improvt
farm of 200 acres , lying one at
one-half miles southeast of Fal
City , all fenced and cross fence
60 acres seeded to clover , timotl
and alfalfa. This is a mom
makej ; and if taken before i
rented can be brought for Si
No 73 Is a good hog and cat
tle farms in the country of 200
acres , all well fenced and cross
fenced ; 30 acres hog pasture ,
fenced with woven wire ; partially
seeded to clover and timothy ,
plenty of pretty good buildings.
This is a bargain at $60 per acre
5 miles from the city.
No 74 Is one of the finest SC
acre farms in the count } ' , prett }
good improvements , young or
chard , plenty of good water , wine
mill and tanks , good neighbor
iiood , one-half mile to school
This is as fine a piece or land a
you ever saw. located four am
one-half miles southwest of Fall
City ; price $100 per acre ,
No 75 Is a farm of 97 l/z acre *
well improved , 5 miles southwes
of Falls City , all improvemenl
new. Just listen at $5,600. Thi
is a bargain.
No 76 Is a well improved fan
of 120 acres , good orchard , a fir
vineyard , good 7 room house an
out buildings , good soil , 20 acr <
of good timber , balance in cult
ijvation , located 12 miles northea
of Falls City. This is one
the finest farms in this part
the county and only $40 per acr
1 No 7Is a good 40 acre far
il located 13 miles northeast of Fal
sjCity , good new four room cottaj
and summer kitchen attache
plenty of good water , 30 acr
in cultivation , a young orchai
of 5 acre § . i'lenty of small fn
and budd&JiPp'eaclies for fami
No Io5 Is a good farm of 18
a , well improved , in Brown coun
ty , Kan. , all in cultivation , 18 ;
alfalfa , 5 room house , granaries
corn cribs , barn 32x4o , hog am
cattle sheds , all good upland am
in high state of cultivation , rent
for $65o per year , 5 mi south o
Rule just across the Kansas line
This is a dandy good farm chea ]
at $75 per a , terms if desired-
No Io6 Is a fine farm of 15o ;
adjoining Merrill , Kan. , one o
the best R. R. towns of See pee
pie in the state- New lo roon
house , fine barn , and other ncces
sary improvements , nearly new
This farm runs right up agains'
the lumber yard and depot. I
you want a fine farm home righ
in town this is what vou arc look
ing for. Price $15ooo , terms i :
No Io7 A 16o a farm 1 % m
of Reserve , a fine S room 2 stor }
house , good orchard , barn , hog
and cattle sheds , windmill ant
tanks , granary , cribsstock scales ,
lo a hog tight , fenced with hedge
and wire. This farm is one ol
the best in Brown county. Price
$95 per a on good terms if de
No loS Is a good farm of 92 a
lying between Reserve and Pa-
donia , Kan. , well improved , fine
location , good neighborhood , or
chard , plenty of good water , part
of this farm is creek bottom , but
never overflows , no better soil in
Brown county , most all in culti
vation. Only 2 mi from railroad
market. This farm will never be
Dffercd as cheap again. This
Farm belongs to non-resident and
rt-ill be sol ; ' for less than its
. -alue in the next few days. Price
? 65oo.
No Io9 Is a good farm of 16o
i pretty fair improvements includ-
ng barn and other outbuildings ,
) rchard , plenty of good soft
vater , all good smooth land ex-
: ept one small ditch where the
and is a little rolling , but this
Iocs not run far until it strikes
he level land. Part of this is
econd bottom on the south side
if Pony creek but never overflows.
Phis produces as much grain as
ny quarter in Brown count- , lies
ls mi west of Reserve and 4 - *
: ii north of Hamlin and about
/2ini south of Falls City. Price
nly $9ooo , with small payment
own , balance at 6 per cent ,
tenter , this is your opportunity ;
u tead of giving a landlord $5oo
r $0oo each year nay it on this
arm and you will soon own it.
No Ho Is one of the best So a
arms in Brown County , good
of the best caves in the county.
Price $40 per acre on easy terms.
No 78 Is a fine well improved
farm of 240 acres lying 7 miles
north of Falls City. A fine ter
room house , large barn , hog am
cattle sheds , in fact every im
provement necessary. This is
one of the finest farms in Rich
ardson county , on good easj
terms. At $90 per acre.
No 79 Is a good stock am
? rain farm fairly well improvei
part ot this farm is first botton
balance upland , good orchard o
acres all fenced and cross fence
6 a hog tight. There is 30 acre
of fine timber , three-fourth mile
of Verdon. As the owner ot th ;
is getting old will sell for $50 pc
acre and would exchange for
good 40 acres of city property.
No 80 This is a fairly we
improved eighty 5miles <
Humboldt R. F. D. close
school , 4 room house , barn 22
54 crib , granary , hog and catt
sheds chicken and cob house
good wells , and one good sprin
all fenced and cross fence
Price $62.50 per acre terms if d
No 81 Is a good 80 a fan
3miles of Falls City , pret
well improved and in first ck
shape , is an all round good SO
$4800 on good easy terms.
No 82 Is a good farm of 57
pretty well improved , plenty
it I good water , fenced and en
fenced , with good hedge po.
7 room house , with porches
closets and buttery , good ban
corncribs , granaries , chicken
wood and cob house , goodorchan
plenty of fine water , wind mil
and tank , beautiful location , fim
neighborhood , only lmiles t
Reserve a fine stock and graii
market , you can market you
hogs before breakfast , Sver
foot good rich smooth land
cheap at $ lee per acre , this is ;
prize 80.
No 111 A 2ooi farm lying
miles north of Reserve in Browr
County , Kansas 2 sets of improve
ments , good 6 room house , ban
holds lo head of horses. 8 tons o
hay , couple corn cribs , S x 2o
with drive way , cowshed 12 x 3 <
good well , plenty of water , all
fenced with wire and hedge ,
splendid soil , \-A miles to R. R
market. Improvements on S <
consist of good orchard and well
Lowest cash price , $18,000.
No 112 Is a farm of 76a , '
room house , barn 18 x 24 roon
for 6 horses , hog house , good
cave lo x 12 , walled with stone ,
smoke , house , good well witl :
pump and running water , fenced
with hedge , post and wire , 56 a
cultivated and 2o a pasture , 1 (
miles of county seat. Price
No 113 Is a 24o a farm 1-J4
miles from Reserve , 6/ < ( from
Falls City , this is one of the best
stock and grain farms in the
countv , good 2 story S room
house , fine orchard , all kinds of
fruit , good barn , hog and cattle
sheds , wind mill , large storage
tank fixed to feed yards , loa hog
tight , garnary , corn cribs , stock
scales all other improvements
needed to equip a first class Brown
County farm. Retiring , reason
for selling- Cheap at $87 per
acre. '
No 114 72o a farm in McPherson -
Pherson County , Kansas , near
Marquett. This is among the
rery best farms in the county ,
ind is finely improved , large
louse and barn and all other ne-
: essary improvements , fine deep
soil and to appreciate this place
sto see it. Price , $25ooo.
for list of lands in
Richardson County ,
mil northwest Nebraska and of
3ro\vn , Butler , Dickinson
Lincoln , Ottawa and
Western Kansas
with nice map attached.
lOa in clover and timothy , 15 a
in orchard , all good tillable land ,
rolling but not rough located 3
miles east of Barada , close to
school. This is one of the best
little farms in this part of the
country. Orchard is just begin
ning to bear and would eventual
ly pay for the place. Price
$2,500. $600 can be left for =
years at 5 per cent.
No 83 Is a good farm of 16 (
acres well improved good 4 roon
liouse , barn 32x32 , hog house
12x26 with shingle roof , 1 gooc
well with windmill and tanks
This is all upland 130 acres ii
cultivation , not over 15 acres un
fit for cultivation , all fenced witl
posts and wire , 8 acres clove
and timothy , 9 acres all good al
falfa , 2 acres of orchard , / $ mile
11 of school , R. F. D. 3 miles t
Salem. This is a bargain at $5
per acre.
No 84 Is a 5So a stock an
grain farm , lo miles of Fal ;
City 1 mile , of R. R. inarke
This is well equipped for fan
ing and stock raising , part <
this is high grade bottom , th
balance gently rolling not rougl
owned by eastern parties and wi
sell cheap- See or write us fi
No 85 Is a good 12oa farm
miles from Falls City , 85a
culivation , all fenced and cros
fenced , all up land except abe
ss 28a , this is a high rade botto
alotrthe Muddy , 15a hog tigl
it I foofl'S room house. ha.rn. rri'l
Retiring farmer , or those seek '
ing homes , if yon are contem
plating leaving the farm , don'
make a mistake by going t (
some little village and putting
your money into the kind of ;
home you deserve. If yet
should make this mistake , whet
you want to sell you could no
sell for as much as the lumbei
costs , and you have no ad van t
ages in these villages. Comet (
Falls City , as it is not only :
city of about 4,000 people , bu
is the count } ' seat of one of th <
best counties in the state when
all the county's business mus
be transacted. With fine school'
and churches of the highest
grades and denominations ,
where there are high class lee
hires and entertainments goin
on all the time , where all kinds
of property is advancing until
there is not n farmer or anyone
el-e that came to this city and
bought property but who has
made money by so doing an <
you can do the same by buying
from us at once.
No 1 Is one of the finesl
homes in the city , 8 room 2 story
house , good cellar , barn , buggy
shed , wood and coal house , lo
cated on a beautiful tract oi
ground 75x540 ft , elegant shade
and lawn , near the convent ,
walks all the way to town ,
$2.600. You that are interested
in the convent and the new
Catholic church to be built soon
will miss a bargain if you miss
No 2 Is a fine home consist
ing of an 8 room house built of
the best material , boxed with the
best shiplap , papered and sided
with a good grade of lap siding ,
good foundation built of fine
large pitched face stone , back
and front porches , good large
cistern , a good cave arched with
stone with house over it and
: onnected with back porchgood
barn with hay mow , chicken
iiouse , smoke house , wood and
: oal house , all nearly new.
Plenty of small fruit , strawber
-ies , raspberries , blackberries ,
md a fine budded peach orchard ,
Sne shade and ornamental trees
ind nice blue grass lawn. Lo-
rated on o a of smooth land ,
: enced and cross fenced , part in
jood tame grnss pasture with
ivell in same. In the northeast
jart of the city , within 2 blocks
) f the high school , and as the
: own is rapidly building north
.his tract can be sold in lots and
) locks at a big profit , for we sell
his cheap as it must be sold
granaries , chicken , wood and
cob house , hog and cattle sheds ,
alao good feed yards , all in good
repair , price $8,000.
No 86 Is a good 8oa farm
north east of Falls City , fair im
provements all good smooth rich
land , all fenced , close to school ,
good neighborhood , good well
and small stream running across
the farm. Price $6,800 , Mort
gage of $4,5oo , can run 2 and 4
years at 5 per cent.
No 87 Is a fine orchard and
berry faim of 8a. well improved
adjoining Falls City , for sale 01
trade- This is a money makei
as it has the finest quality of al
kinds of fruit , both early am
late. Will exchange this for i
larger farm.
No 88 Is a good , rich farm o
158 acres , lying only three mile
north of Falls City. Good im
provements ; finely fenced ; win
mill and tanks ; good small 01
chard ; plenty of good water , o
K. F. D. and telephone line ; goo
neighborhood , close to schoc
f and church ; no better soil in th
county ; good abstract title , ;
$60 per acre on good terms.
' No 89 60 acres of good , ric
r and. three miles northeast c
Barada. Some what rolling bi
not rough ; pretty well improvei
good , large orchard , plenty <
good water. this will mal
some one with small capital
good little home , and tjicrc ;
land adjoining this
hr > linfl for S" > 4nn
'soon. Can make terms if de
No 3 Six nice lots in the
northeast part of the city , wil
sell all together or as man } ' o
them as you want. These an
beautiful building sites. Don'
buy until you see these lots a !
we will sell them cheap.
No 4 Is a new , nicely ar
ranged 5 room cottage , front am
back porches , good cellar wallec
with hard brick , barn for foui
horses , wood and coal house
plenty of good water , on 3 nic <
east Iront lots in the north par
of the city. Price § 1600. a bar
No o Is a new 6 room cot
tage , pantry , closets to bet
rooms , large porch , large cellar
electric lights , fine shade ant
lawn , house nicely finished in
side and out , wood and coal
house , on 4 nice east front lots
in Crook &Towles additionthis
is a fine home for $2200.
No 6 Is a good 8 room house ,
barn 14x18 , 12ft posts , summei
kitchen , 12x12vootl and coal
house 10x14 , plenty of good
water , fine arched and cemented
cave , in and outside walks. Lo
cated in southeast part of the
city on 4 nice west front lotSj
nice lawn and shade and aboui
100 fruit trees. This home is
worth § 1500 , but must be sold
and § 1200 will buy it. Part cash ,
balance on time to suit pur
No 7 Is n tine home consist
ing of a nice 7 room housewater
in kitchen , sink connected with
; esspool , a fine porch on three
sides of the housea large arched
: ave , large barn , room for four
'lorses ' and a carriage , also grain
ind hay , fine shade and lawn on
5 east front lots , only 3 blocks
lorthwest of court house. Will
; ell or trade for good land.
Price low.
No 8 Is one of the best 4
oem cottages in the city , good
rellar , walled with hard brick
ind cemented , fine water , wood
ind coal house , on 4 east front
ots , nice blue grass lawn and
rees , in Crook & Towle addi-
ion , worth S1500 , but owner has
noved away and will take SHOO.
No 9 Is a good 2 story house ,
> arn and other outbuildings ,
: ellar , plenty of good water ,
food part of the city , nice shade
md lawn , on 8 good east front
ots , most all in fruitthis , would
nake some retiring farmer u
lice home , price $2700 , or will
ell the house and 3 lots for
No 9o A good well improved
farm of 168 acres , 6 miles oi
Falls City , 78 acres in cultivation
lo acres in tame meadow , orchard
of 3 or 4 acres all fenced and
cross fenced , about 2o acres ol
native timber , good 5room hous (
closets and pantry ; barn 2ox 4c
| room for S head of horses , ;
large haymow , good granary V.
x 16 and corn cribs , chicken am
smoke house , plenty of goo <
water from one good well am
spring , Good soil no Tilth , $7 <
per acre on good easy terms.
No 90 Is one of the best 160
farms in Richardson county enl
2l/i miles ovar fine road to Fall
City , every foot is good , smootl
black soil , fair house , gooel ban
sheds , cribs , granaries , wellwine
mill and tanks and all other ne <
essary improvements , orchard (
4 or 5 a. This is one of our be :
Richardson county farms ar
\ \ \ \ \ not remain on the marki
but a short time as this is tl
kind of farms that is selling mo
readily at this time. Price $1
per a.
No 92 Is a fine 240 a farm
mi of Falls City , which is one
the most desirable in this count
location and soil considered , tl ;
place has two sets of improv
ments , consisting of two house
f barns , sheds , well and tan !
windmills , and other outbuil
ings , all nice , smooth , rich Ian
We can sell an 80 a with one 5
of improvements , or the 160 a
* 11. Prfro ?
S1700. The other 5 lots for ? 2X (
No. 10 Is a beautiful homi
of 6 room house and outbuild
ings , all in good repair , nio
shade and lawn on G nice lots. !
blocks east of postoffice fo
§ 2200 , or will sell house and !
lots for § 1600 , on good eas ]
No 11 Is 6 } a of fine Innel ad
joining Falls City , no improve
ments except fenced and a goot
young orchard of most all kind ;
of large and small fruit. This
would make a farmer a nic <
home as it has a nice buildinj
site up against townprice $1800
Terms if desired.
No 12 Is a splendid 5 roon
house , pantry and closets to be (
rooms. Good barn 12x16 , ha\
mow , buggy shed , good water
good oed and coal houseshad <
and blue grass lawn. This is
close in and a bargain at § 1400
No 13 Is a tine home of
nice large rooms , pnntry , clos
ets , porches , large barn , bugg }
shed , coal and wood nonse , good
well and lar e cistern , locatetl
close in , in a good part of town ,
on 4 nice lots , beautiful shade
and lawn , all in good repair ,
this is worth $3000 , but as the
owner wishes to letive the citv
will sell for $2250.
No 14 is a good 5 room cot
tage close in. only 3 blocks from
court house , good well of water ,
wood and cob liouse , shade
trees and bluegrass lawn , 40 ft
front , go.ul neighborhood , only
S600. This is sure enough a
No. 15. Is a good 5 room cot
tage , good barn with hay mow ,
buggy shed , corn crib , good
; oal and wood bnuse , 3 good
porches , all in good repair , lo-
: ated only 3 blocks from court
bouse on 2 nice southeast corner
[ ots. new brick walk on south.
This is close in and a bargain
it § 1500.
No. 16 Is a good 4 room cot-
: age on 2 nice lots , cave and
nubuildings. good shade , all in
jood repair , only 3 blocks east
) f county jail. Price § 600.
No 17 Is 4 beautiful vacant
ots 1 block east of Brown's
photograph gallery. This is
; he only nice close in building
iite left in the city. Price only
No 18 Is good 7 room house ,
> arn , buggy shed and other out-
mildings , plenty of all kinds of
ruit of a fine quality , located
in about 2a ot good land right
No 93 Is a good , well im
proved SO , plenty of good water ,
good house and barn and other
outbuildings , orchard antl grove ,
shed and lots , some hog tight ,
lying southwest of Salem and
northwest of Merrill , Kan. Price
only $5600. cut from $75 per a as
it belongs to Eastern parties and
must be sold.
No 94 Is an improved SO a
farm rolling but not roughfenced
and 70 a in cultivation. 3 a in
native timber. Price $3600 , near
No 95 A 160 a farm 2 miles
from Falls City , good house and
barn and all other needed out
buildings , hog and cattle sheds ,
windmill and tanks , good orchard
of fine fruit. This is one of otti
high priced farms , close in and
will not remain on the marke' '
but a short time at this price
$100 per a , good terms if desired
No 96 Is a 70 a farm just out
side of limits of Dawson , 50 ;
cultivated which produced eve
$700 this year. 20 a in pasture , ,
a in native timber. No othe
improvements except fence. Pric
f for a short time $55 per a.
No 97 Is one of the finest S
a farms in this orati } ' other coun
ty , every foot good , rich , smoot
land , good house , wood and cot
chicken and smoke house , sma
barn , granaries , corncribs , in
plement and other sheds. Plent
of good water , orchard and
A good large .JtPte barn is no
in the city limits , only $3000 01
terms if desired.
No 19 Is a nice 5 room cot
tage in good repair , good cella
and outbuildings , good neigh
borhood , located 3A blocks fron
postoffice , nice shade and lawn
Price $1250 , if sold at once.
No 20 Is a good 3 room bous <
on 2 east front lots , good cav <
walled with brick , plenty o
good water , good coal and wooe
house , painted and paper , lo
cateel 4 blocks northeast of tin
postoffice. Only * 450.
No 21 In a 6 room hous
situated on 6 nice lots , good arch
ed cave , plenty of shade , and gooc
outbuildings , well of good water
with nice lawn , Price $1000.00
No 22 Is a 4 a tract nea :
city , fenced hog tight , well ane
pump and wind mill , tank , corr
crib , cattle and hog sheds , term :
if desired , Price only $1200
No 23 Is without a doubi
the finest vacant residence block
in the citv situated in the ven
best residence portion , and i :
adorned with beautiful shade
and ornamental treesThis
block is surrounded by some ol
the finest homes in the city , if
you do not care to purchase the
entire block we can sell you 4 oi
more lots. If you are looking
for a building site , don't fail to
investigate this before you buy.
Price reasonable.
No 24 Is an 8 room 2 story
house situated on 2 nice east
front lots 2 blocks north of court
house and rents for $12.50 per
month. Price $2000.
No 25 Is a 6 room modern
cottage well located and is pract
ically new , and will make some
one a fine home or business loca
tion , situated on 2 east front lots
on Stone street , 2 blocks from
: ourt house. Price $2500.
No 26 A 6 room cottage close
in on 4 nice lots , one block from
P. O- with wood house , barn and
jther out buildings. This is a nice
liome for some one. Price $2500.
No 27 A 4 room cottage 4
lice corner lots located in south
east part of city , good cellar and
: yclone cave , barn and other out
buildings , good well and plenty
) f fine fruit trees , also plenty of
; mall fruit. The price for this
splendid little place is only SSOO.
No 28 A 4 room house and 2
: ast front lots , good well , wood
ind coal house and other out
nrildings , good cellar , in south-
: ast part of city , Price $7.00 ,
No 29 Is a new 5 room cot-
age , located on 2 nice lots , 2
to the price of the farm as it was 1
listed with us at $7000 , before
the barn was begun. Let us
show you this fine 80 , which
lies between Salem and Merrill ,
Kas.,5 mi to school.
No 98 Is a good SO , pretty
well improved , 5 room house , nice
little barn , new double corn crib ,
hay and cattle sheds , good well
running water in pasture , nice
young orchard. This farm is
near Verdon and can be bought
for $5600 on good easy terms.
No. 99 A 158 a farm near
Rule , 2 stor8 room house , barn
20x30 room for S horses , 7 tons of
hay , cattle barn 32x32 will hold
2o head of cattle , 2o tons of hay ,
hog house 12x16 and many other
improvements , 5 a in orchard , lo
a alfalfa , 65 a pasture 2o a in
timothy , 4o a in timber , 85 a
under plow. Price $7ooo.
No lee A 12o a farm , all gent
ly rolling , small house , barn
2ox36 , room for 8 horses , corn
crib , for 2ooo bu , good well , and
pump , hog shed Iox2o , 35 a timothy
thy , small orchard all fenced and
cross fenced. Price $5o per a.
No lol A 16o a farm with 7
room house , wood and coal house ,
barn 5ox6o , holds 16 head of
horses and 65 tons of hay , cattle
barn 14x6o holds 60 head , shingle
roof corn crib for 3ooo bu and
many other improvements , 4 a
orchard 2 years old , all well
fenced and cross fenced , 7o a
tame grass , 2o a pasture , 8 mi to
county seat , but near R. R. >
market , Y mi to school. Price
St n. nn
porches , well , wood and coal
house. A neat little place.
No 30 Is a 4 room cottage lo
cated on 4 nice lots , pantry
closets , good little barn and other
out bnildings situated in south
eastern part of the city. We can
sell this at $600.
No 31 Is a 6 room -2 story
house located on southeast cor
ner lots in a fine part of the city.
This house is getting old but
could be worked over and made
a fine home. The location
is among the very best in the
city , plenty of fine shade , good
cellar , walled with stone and
some out buildings. We believe
this is one of the cheapest places
in the city location considered.
Price $1500.
No 32 A 2 acre tract on Ever
green Heights , all seeded to al
falfa and clover with good fence
and nice young shade trees. This
is one of the finest 2 acre tracts
in the city and is a beautiful
building site. Price $1600-
No 33 Is an 8 room 2 story
house located on a block of 24
lots , situated in the east part of
the city. This house is heated
by a furnace , all in good repair ,
good well of water , good barn ,
hay mow , carriage shed , wood
anel coal house , cellar , plentv of
fruit. The entire block and all
improvements only , $3500.
No 34 A3 room cottage on 2
lots centrally located , wood and
coal house , good well , niceshade ,
is cheap at $500-
No 35 Is a 5 room cottage
located on 2 lots centrally located
and all necessary out buildings.
Price $950.
No 36 A 9 room 2 story mod
ern home located on 4 beautiful
lots , on Evergreen Heights , with
hot and Cold water , furnace , bath
all new. including fine barn and
ather out buildings , independent
water system with elevated tank
which supplies the place with
fine water , fine shade and lawn.
The price of this fine home only ,
No 37 Is a 10 room 2 story
louse located on 100x660 ft. tract
> f land in northeast part of the
: ity. Thi. place is equiped with
'urnace , bath , hot and cold water
food barn , wood and coal house ,
> lenty of shade and grass
n fact , every thing that is neces-
lary to make a modern home.
The location of this home is ideal
md to appreciate it is to see it.
Cerms can be had if desired ,
'rice $3500.
The soil , lay of land , popula
tion , intelligence of the people
schools , telephone , free mail de
livery and railroad advantage :
are similar to those of Richard
son county , as it Joins Richardsor
on the south. Hiawatha is tin
county seat , on the main lines oi
the M. P. and G. I. R. R's with z
population of about 4ooo , with r
fine system of schools and church
es of most all denominations.
The following are a few of the
fine farms we have for sale ir
this county :
No Io2 Is a fine farm of 2oo .1
3mi of Merrill , Kas. , there is
about 5o a in the pasture that is
a little rough but makes good
pasture , balance good soil , gently
rolling. This is one of the besl
improved farms in Brown county ,
Kan6 room house , porches , cel
lar , wood and cob house , chicken
and smoke house. One of the
finest barns in the country , ma
chine shed ISxlS , piggery 8x96 , a
fine well with steel windmill
pumping all water to the house ,
returning through the creamery
to the barn and feed lots , plenty
n of all kinds of fruit. This place
is nearly all seeded , close to
school and church , fine neighbor
hood , $12ooo on good easy terms.
No Io3 Is one of the finest Sea
a farms in Brown county , Kas- ,
every foot fine level rich land , all
in cultivation , 2 mi northeast of
Reserve. R. F. D. , new 6 room
house , pantry , 3 large closets ,
fine cellar 16x2o , fine barn 3ox6o ,
cattle shed 16x3o , granaries , corn
crib , chicken , wood and smoke
house , fine cistern , good well and
windmill , good pair of stock
scales with house over same , this
farm has one of the best commer
cial orchards of 5o a in the state ,
lo years old , just in its prime ,
this orchard has the only high
grades of commercial fruits , there
is also a good family orchard of
2 a , including all kinds of small
fruits. Most all of this farm is
seeded to clover and timothy , 2 a
of alfalfa , lo a hog tight. Price
$ S5oo , terms if desired , the or
chard will soon pay for this farm.
No Io4 Is a good well im
proved 4o a on Penn. Ave. , 4mi
from Merrill , Kas. . good young
orchard just beginning to bear ,
improvements are practically new
having all been built since the
cyclone a few years ago. This
is a good piece of land , and in a
high state of culti\-ation close to
school and churches , fine neigh
borhood. The owner is getting
old and wishes to retire and will
sell this reasonable at $32oo-
c/ >