The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 08, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Will Holt and wife returned
home Friday.
John Frybcrgcr , of Humboldt
was in town Friday.
Sam Prater spent Friday in
Auburn at the fair.
Clarence Heck and Joe Forney
spent Sunday in Preston.
Mrs. John Oswald was quite
sick the first of the week.
Nelle Weaver , of Verdonvas
in town the first of the week.
B. E. Wheeler came down from
Humboldt Friday on business.
A. F. Hutchison , of Peru ,
spent Sunday with friends in this
A. H. Callison came down from
Auburn Sunday and spent the
James Mult2 and son , Merl ,
spent Friday in Auburn at the
Dr. O. II. Kent .vas an Auburn
visitor the latter part of last
Charles Cornell and Elva Sears
spent Sunday with friends in
Emerson Bowers and wife were
down from Verdon Friday 01 :
Keith McMillan returned Fri
day from a visit with relatives al
Miles Macomber was an Au
burn visitor the latter part oi
last week.
Mrr. Frank Clark and ( laugh
\J \
tcr , Maud , were down from Ver
don Frida3' .
H. McConnell , of Humboldt ,
was a business visitor in this
city Tuesday.
Mrs. Ben Law returned Satur
day from a visit to her parent :
at Nevada , Mo.
J. A. Heinxelman came dowi
from Verdon to look after busi
ness matters Saturday.
Burt Sperry and wife spent Sun
day in Verdon the guest of the lat
ter' ssister , Mrs. Merritt Linn.
Josephine Gehling- left Thurs
day niht for Lead , S. D. , when
she will teach school the comin <
Kate Thomas , of Lincoln spen
several days in this city the firs
of the week. She returned horn
Mrs. John L. Cleaver a n <
( laughter , Nellie , have both beei
on the sick list. They are bette
at this writing.
F. W. Halm and wife , of Corn
ning , Mo. , spent Friday in thi
city the guest of friends an
looked after business.
Mrs. Julia Greenwald am
daughter , Mabel , returned Frida.
from an extended visit with rela
tives in Pennsylvania.
Mrs. D. M. Davies and tw
little sons left Friday for Verde
to spend several days with he
parents. J. D. Griffith and wife.
Mrs. D. W. Grii'llth returned t
her home in Verdon Friday afte
spending several days with he
brother , Grant Windle and wife
Prof. W. II. Pillsbury , wif
and two sons returned from Fu
lerton. Neb. , Tuesday after spem
ing some time with his brothei
Mrs. Joe Gulp returned thi
week from an extended visit i
California. Portland and Denvc :
She has spent a most pleasar
Mrs. Lloyd Morris , of Stell ;
is in this city at the home of hi
parents , D. P. Lowe and wif <
very ill. She is suffering froi
typhoid fever.
Hayden Bowers and wife , <
Verdon , were business vinto :
here last Friday. They wei
guests at the home of A.
Cook while in town.
Elizabeth Sanford came t
from St. Joe Monday and c
Tuesday left for Greenwooi
where she will spend the millii
cry season trimming' .
G. E. Hall spent Sunday in
Jessie Page came down from
Dawson Tuesday.
R. B. Thomas , of Verdon , was
in this city Saturday.
Wesley Crook left Friday for
Denver to spend a few weeks.
II. II. Birch , of Shubert , was a
business visitor here Saturday.
Mrs. Bert Harpstcr spent Sun
day in Preston with her parents.
Miss Weidenhatnmer of Hia-
wath spent Tuesday in this city.
Fred McKievcr left Saturday
for a short stay in Council Bluffs.
Fred Heineman come down
from Verdon on business Tues
Mrs. Asa Vcach is in Lincoln
where she is attending the state
Ed Haner left Sunday for a
hort visit with friends in Hia-
Florence P a r c h e n returned
unday from a visit with rela-
ives in Verdon.
W. A. Hossack left Sunday for
'arker. ' S. D. , where he will
pend some time.
Ferdinand Friedly jr. left
Tuesday for Grand , Oklahoma to
pend a few days.
Ed Burris and wife left Sun-
lay for Lincoln , where they will
pend several days.
C , II. Marion left Tuesday for
'err } ' , Oklahoma , where he has
: i sale for Thursday.
Charles Cornell went to St. Joe
he first of the week to spend a
ew days with friends.
Orra Ross came down from
Shubert Tuesday and will wo rk
on the Falls City News.
C. W. Barnett , of Omaha , was
n this city the latter part of last
ivcek visiting old friends.
Mrs. George Schmelzel left
Friday for a visit with friends and
to attend the Auburn fair.
Hal Sowles came up from St.
Joe to visit his parents , D. W
Soles and wife a few days.
Mrs. Ross Jackson came up
rom Rule Saturday to visit hei
parents , Dick Jones and wife.
Verda Sage left Monday foi
Lincoln to visit her brother ,
Harry , and attend the state fair.
James Delaware of White Cloud
was in town Tuesday on his way
to Hiawatha to attend the fair.
George Boone and wife , of St
Joe , are visiting at the home ol
the hitter's brother , Al Restorer
Bruce Dixon left Tuesday for
Eldorado , Kansas to spend a feu
lays looking after business mat
John Towle , of Omaha , spen
a few days this week in this citj
at the home of his father , ES
Otho Watson came down fron
Verdon Sunday after spending i
few weeks with bib aunt , Mrs
M. D. Lum.
John Rebuck and wife , of Sa
betha , Kans. , were the guests o
their uncle , Will Price , and fain
ily last Friday.
Stella Johnson returned to he
home in Verdon Sunday after ;
weeks visit with her cousins , Fa ;
and Pearl Price.
Mrs. Maud Hammond w a
down from Stella the latter par
of the week to visit her parents
Albert Norris and wife.
Asa Crook left Friday for
trip through Colorado. He wil
visit Denver and many othe
cities before he returns.
Mrs. W. II. Morrow and tw
children of Shubert were in tow ;
Tuesday. The left in the eve
ning for a visit with relatives ii
White Cloud.
Harry Custer and wife return
ed Tuesday from a two week
visit in Colorado. They visitei
Mrs. Robert Norton and famil ;
at Colorado Springs while away
They report a most pleasant trip
John IJiibb spent Sunday in St.
Steve Miles went to St. Joe on
Saturday night.
County Attorney James spent
Sunday in Humboldt.
Mrs. Eva Gentry left Tuesday
for a short stay in Lincoln.
George Prichard and wife
spent this week in Lincoln at the
Mrs. Mowery and son came
down from Verdon Monday after
L. J. Hitchcock and wife spent
a part of the week in Lincoln at
the fair.
Frank Hynek , of Humboldt ,
was a business visitor to this city
Mahlon Bcechy left Tuesday
for Southern Kansas to look after
some farm land.
George Sperry left Monday for
Horton to spend a few days and
to look after business.
Clyde and Myrtle Ramel left
Tuesday for Lincoln where they
will visit the state fair.
Paul Nemechek , of Humboldt ,
was transacting business in this
city the first of the week.
Frank Lichty returned Tues
day from a several days trij :
through Indiana and Chicago.
Samuel Lichty returned Tuesday -
day from Indiana where he at
tended the Brethren conference.
Nclle Cain returned the first oi
the week from a several weeks
visit with her sister in Hia > vatha
Mrs. John Babb and little son
returned home from a visit with
relatives in Humboldt Wednes
Col. Marion , the well known
auctioneer , left Tuesday forOkla
homa where he will conduct r
large stock sale.
Sam Kimmcl returned Tucs
day from the east where he at
tended the conference of the
Brcthern Church.
Joseph Glasser came down from
Humboldt Tuesday to spend ;
few days inthiscity lookingaftei
political matters.
Lottie Coe , of Omaha , wil
spend a few weeks with R. D
Messier and wife and Mrs. Chas
Hoffman in this city.
Mrs. George Jennings a n (
( laughter , Nellie , returned Mon
daj * from a two weeks visit witl
relatives in Stella and Salem.
John W. Towle wife and twc
daughters returned to their hoim
in Omaha Monday after spend
ing a few days with relatives
Mrs. Ed. Glines left Tuesda )
for West Plains , Mo. where sin
will join her husband and thej
will make their home in the fu
Mrs. Charles McCool , of Salem
was in town Wednesday Shi
left in the afternoon for Hiawa
Ilia to visit her sister , Mrs. Jas
! Charles Wylie and Mr. an <
j Mrs. Bert Everson , of Fores
, City , Mo. , arrived in the cit ;
Monday to attend the funeral o
Will Jenne.
Albert Mattst and wife lef
Tuesday for Lincoln to atteni
the state fair. They returnei
on Thursday evening and had
very pleasant time.
The St. Agnes Guild of th
Episcopal church will give a te
cent tea at the home of Mrs. I
W. Cleveland on Thursday , Sepl
14th. Everybody come.
Glen Brunson and wife cam
down from Verdon and made
short visit the latters parent ;
John Ramel and wife the first c
the week. On Tuesday they lei
for Lincoln to visit the state fait
Charles Wallace returned t
his home in Shubert Wednesda
after spending the past month i
this city. He had charge c
Custer's job office , while Mi
Custer and wife were in Colorado
Ei it Sowles Candy.
IL E. Boyd was down from
Humboldt Tuesday.
Father Bex left Tuesday for a
short visit in Dawson.
M. Gia.nnini left Tuesday night
for a short visit at the fair.
W. W. Brown left Wednesday
for Lincoln to attend the state
FOR SAI.K : Set light double
harness , nearly new. William
R. S. Malony of Humboldt was
transacting business in this cit ;
Tuesday. _ _
Win. Vennillion , wife and two
children are suffering from ty
phoid fever.
Will Holt and wife arc in Lin
coln this week attending the
the state fair.
Blain Evans left Tuesday for
Kansas City to spend a few days
visiting relatives.
Mrs. L. E. Evans , who has
been seriously ill for several days
is slowly recovering.
Laura Scholl is enjoying a va
cation from her duties at Cleve-
lands department store.
When contemplating a public
sale see "Tubbie" Clark , who is
is always prepared to serve
lunch. 84-tf.
Our Pennsylvania hard coal
has arrived , call at the office * and
see sample. We are sure that
we can please you. Maust Bros.
Tickets to Atchison Corn Car
nival on sale September 12 , 13
and 14. Return limit September
15. Round trip $2.15.
Good hot fires can be made
only with good , hard coal. We
sell the kind that is good and
hard , and deliver it at the small
est prices without slate and dust.
Maust Bros.
President Snethen , of the First
National bank of Humboldt , was
called to Des Monies , Iowa , Sun
day by a message announcing the
illness of his wife , who had been
with her children , visiting .rela
tives there a short time.
Buying coal in the summer
time is just as sensible as gather
ing ice in the winter time. We
are filling up cellars now with
the best coal mined at summer
prices , and the people who are
ordering now are the shrewdest
customers on our books. Maust
; NOTICK- The annual meeting
1 of the Maple Grove Cemetery
Association , will be held , on
Tuesday , the 1'Jth day of Septem
ber in Maple Grove Church , at
2 o'clock p. m.
Ilavintr decided to leave this
city I will offer for sale all my
household goods , hoping to
dispose of them by September
Closing out Sale of Clothing.
Our closing out sale of cloth
ing still continues and we arc
still offering exceptional bar
gains. We would call especial
attention to three hundred pairs
oi all wool worsted trousers and
at the price , each pair is a bar
gain in itself. This is a genu
ine closing out sale , and as such
it embraces high class goods at
low class prices. Our line line
of clothing is being sacrificed
and to miss this sale is to miss
a splendid opportunity. P. W
OMlco I'liono ' . ' 07 Uusidcncc Phonu 201
Olllce In Richardson County
Hunk Hiilldinf. General prac
tice of iiieillclno und surgery.
Special attention given to Hur ,
Nose und Throat Calls an-
Bwered duy or nl ht
f Money ! Lands ! "
| Private Funds to Loan
| This is a good time of the year
EE to arrange your money matters
Some good farms , also Lands and Ranches to
| sell or Exchange in Desirable Localities
| ! in the West and South
= 1GU acroH ncnr Morrill. Knn. $13 , 000.
EZ 170 ncrea near FnllH City
80 nuree , line , nonr Fulls City , $8,000
EZ 80 acres , Ohio preuinui , $5-100
E 100 acres near Salem , * fl.60l )
CJj SO acres near Verdon and Salem. Might tnko a harness shop
EZ or Boine western land in Odborno county , Kan. , orNnck -
ols county , Nebraska.
P | . ' { 20 acres six miles from Ealh City. Improved uplnn.l ; good
Bp honsu and orchard : good terms ; a bargain. Can get 100
j acres adjoining.
Jp 20 acres near Hmnboldt.
5 acres adjoining Falls Oily , with residence ,
JJf 70 acres near Dawsan ; 50 acres uultivnrud upland. $5,5)00 )
J f (5 ( ! { acres and livery burns to exchange for ! J20 acres of land ,
Jjf Not over 75 miles west of Missouri River.
- 100 acres Johnson county , Neb. 80 rods to church and
5f school : 4 miles to depot ; good tornis of sale. Might take
5l about $15,000 worth of other property or good -10. Long
Ejz time ; good terms ; a chance for some man.
Ejz 1157 acres well improved for sale on long time ; good terms.
2 ; llavo parties wanting 20 lo 80 and 1(50 ( acre farms.
5E : 200 acre farm in Richardson county ; have
fg known it for years If sold soon , owner wiU
fc make price that is right , flight take some
. exchange
5E : Write me your wishes if you desire to buy
S = or sell. I may know of just what you want.
fc Over 18 years in business
| Henry C. Smith 1
We have two patterns
and a full crate of each.
See the ware in our
large window.
The largest stock of fan
cy China , Dinnerware
and Glassware in the
city. Don't forget us
on Groceries and Flour.
( ICOIKU ( iut/.mer , I'laltitlir
r.imim.l. ( liit/incr Dcleudanl.
Thu alien o niiiiiL'iI ( li'luiiiliiiit will mki
notice that Grow Gui/imir llm pliilntlll
Illcd on Ilio ItMli cltiy or August. lliUi , in tin
Kluhnru'fioii u iii'tly < llstrlui O'linl a inulilim
HKalliHt imlil cUilciiiliiiit tln > olijucl anil | > niri
to oljttiliiu illvorro fiom said ( IcIiMidiuit in
tlm uro-jiiiN Mini lor iliu icii-on tliiu nilil ili > -
fc'iidiuit liuil IMTII Kiilltv of ri ) s anil t-xtrnm
cruully toHiiids plulnliir without JiiM rtiiisi
or iiiovnt'iitlim
Von urit ri'iiliril ( | toplc'iiil lo sild : | irtJlli > ii
on oi tiulori ) uulntiur U , I1N ) * > or Hut tilh'xii-
tlniiHor salil petition ulll hit taken us irnt
mill tlio praj t > r of stilil prlltlon r.uil.-il.
Ui'orno ( iiil/.inrr ,
tC > t
1'lnU publication AUK 25
Notice of Sherrifi'i sale.
Notice N hereby Klu-n , that bylrtut ) o
an order ol Half. Issuwl out of the DUtrlc
Court , In and for Itlelianli-on Count v am
Stale of Nrlinifka , muter thu M'ul of sail
court , ilatml on the : ilt ilay or July , 1110.1
anil to inuillri'Cti'il as Mu-rlir of said county
to 1)0 oxc'cutci ) . I will on the 7th day o
September. ll i' > , tit U o'clock p. m. . ot al (
day , at tlm rst iloor or the Court lloutuli
the city of Fulls ( Mt > in Halt ) county uni
slate , olfer for Halo ut public vcntliio , am
bi'll to the hlKhcxt and best blililur , tin
proper ! } ilc&crlbcd In Paid order or mil
tO'Wll :
Ut i.'i. 11 lock 21. Mins udd to the City o
IliiMil'oldl , UlchurJfeon County , Neliraslu
to hHllnly H decree court , with Interest am
COMS recovered by Jerome Wlllse axuliib
Waller W. Green and llertha M. Green.
Terms of fiule ; Cash ,
Given under my hand at I'allu City. Ne
lirabka , this "nd duy of August , 1MU ,
We are hcadquar- $
ters for School Supplies - ?
plies , with the largest - J
> est and best line ever |
J offered in the city. $
: jl Our five cent hard pa- $
{ j per pencil tablets can- |
j : not be beaten. We ?
; | : have tablets from one
cent up. Lead pencils -
! : cils of every descrip- |
s : lion ; penholders , pens J
erasers everything $
you need. We have
a fine line of letter &
. paper , tablets , box ? .
I paper , fancy enve-
S lopes , etc. j :
Dr. McMillen , Prop.
Falls City , - Neb.
| C. H. flARlON
Sales conducted in
scientific und businesslike -
nesslike manner
c. H. MARION !
Z f Falls City , Nebraska
POK SAUC. A first class Jersey
milk cow. Inquire of G. J.
Crook. tf ,