The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 08, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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William Katakin is on the sicfc
list this week.
S. W. Burk was a Falls City
visitor one day last week.
Elmer Arnold w.'is transacting
business in Kulo last Saturday.
Will Dorste was transuding
business in Kulo Monday of this
Mrs. Jackson of Golf Kansas
visited with Clcland of this citj
J. M. Martinoksy left on the
noon train Tuesday for Denver ,
Mrs. Boomer of Fortcscuc Me
was shopping in Kulo one < laj
last week.
Klias Packett moved into his
new home on Skunk Ridge one
day last week.
Mrs. Thomas Hayes has been
sick but is reported as being mucli
better at this writing.
Uorste brothers shipped a car
of fine porker's to St. Joe Mon
day night of this week .
Dannecker last on the noon
train last Saturday for Denvci
Colorado for a short visit.
Tom Miller and brother ol
Brown County Kansas transact'
cd business in Kulo Monday.
Windy Morelaml of Huron Kan
sas visited friends in Rule Sun
day returning home , Monday.
13. W. Hunt of ITumboldt i ;
acting as helper at the depol
during the absence of W. Ward
Bridge foreman J. W. Jacksoi
and gang spent Sunday in Rule
going to Salem Monday morning
Anna PilTer from the reserva
tion visited in Rule Sunday tin
guests of Mr. Easton and wife
Lou Pultons little is danger
ously ill at the home of its grand
parents , Mr. Johnson and wife
John Tangney visited in Rul <
Saturday and Sunday , depart
ing for Billings , Montana Mon
2. C. Hinkle of Fortesoue , Mo
visited with his son , J. A. Ilinkl
of this city , Thursday of las
Mrs. Frank Morchouse am
Maggie Cronin of Rule attends
the State fair at Lincoln thi
The Catholic school opened a
the convent Tuesday mornini
with bright prospects of a larg
J. S. Shubert candidate for th
office of county clerk was in Rul
Monday morning shaking hand
with friends.
J. A. Hir.kle , wife and daugl
ter , Mildred drove to Falls Git
Friday of last week returning i
the evening.
Mrs. C. J. Huber and son Ca :
and Ben Koff and wife were Lit
coin passengers Monday. The
will attend the State Fair.
Uba Lunal'ord and May Jom
were married Monday of th
week. The bride is 14 years ol
her parents reside at St. Joe.
Frank Cheyne of the Big Lali
in Mo. was in Rule Thursday (
last week with a wagon load (
apples , plumbs and tomatoes.
L. 13. Plumb and wife left Ft
day afternoon of last week fc
Denver , Colorado for a visi
They will be gone a week or te
Our school commenced Mo :
day morning with alargeattcm
ance but the attendance general
drops considerable after the lir
two mutiths.
Dr. Shepherd and wife retur
ed home from Kansas Cit
Thursday of last week whc :
they had been visiting frien
several days.
Katie Kanaly has been co
fined to her room for several da
in attempting to mount the ste
she slipped and in the fall injur
her right foot.
II. H. Miller a traveling salt
man for the Cudahv Packi
company of Omaha as shaki
hands with friends in this c
one day last week.
L. J. Yarvel , E. W. Coupe ,
L. and Will Belpere and Jan
Katekiti were passengers for Den
ver and other Colorado points
Thursday of last week.
Jake Swcinforth our enterpris
ing mill man shipped a car load
of fine native cottonwood lumber
to Beatrice this week to be used
for boxes at the canning factor1.
The republicans will meet in
caucus Saturday night at the
council chamber for the election
of fifteen delegates to the county
convention at Stella 12th this
Mrs. Sherman Alexander and
children of Summerfield Kansas
who have been visiting friends in
this city and Barada for two
weeks departed for their home
Uncle Joe Fredericks new house
he is building Just south of the
depot will soon be ready for the
plaster. Uncle Joe expects it to be
completed and ready to occupy
be the first of October.
II. M. Edgecomb departed on
on the noon train FridAy of last
week for Fremont , Nebr. , for ? i
visit of two weeks. Mr. Edge-
comb will also visit in Lincoln
on his way home.
Will Ward of Highland Kans. ,
was in Rule between trains one
day last week enroute to Kansas
City where he will visit for sev
eral days before returning to his
work at the depot again.
Mamie Samuels returned to hoi
home in this city Friday of last
week. She has been attending
the Cronwell University for the
past year. His many friend ;
welcome her home again.
Cora May formerly of Rule bui
now residing at Racine Wiscon
sin arrived Thursday of last weel
for a two months visit will
friends and relatives. Cora says
the summers are just dcliglitfu
The Rule ball team crossed bat
with the Rushbottom team Sun
day afternoon in Missouri tin
score being 10 to 11 in favor o
Rulo. Steve Cunningham say
Pike was the causi
of it all.
Ed Stout returned home iron
Ravena Neb. , Saturday where h
has been working with a graditif
outfit for the past two months
Ed will visit with the home folk
for a week then goes to Beatric
where he has secured a good pos
Floyd and Vcrl True who hav
been visiting with their grand
parents Mr. True and wife o
Union , Ncbr , for the past thre
months returned home to thi
city Friday of last week. Thci
grandma True accompanied thct
and will visit for several days.
A reception was given to Re\
Kincaid and wife at their horn
in this city Wednesday night o
last week by their many friend
they were presented with seveni
nice presents. A large numbi
was in attendance. Lcmonad
and cake was served and all d <
parted expressing themselves a
having a pleasant t me.
, . Just at the last moment Pro
. . Carr of Shubert notified 01
school board that he could IK
take the principalship. whereui
on Mrs. Bessie Brineger was a ;
pointed to the position and Mr
Phil Horan was engaged to teac
in the third room which had bet
assigned to Mrs. Brineger.
Aelii Si'hnllvisi ten ! with h
puronts Sunday.
Ida Burkvas n guest at '
Peck's Sunday.
John PiipptMiliHuupn vihited
Louis Fit'ldtM-'e Sunday.
. .1.V. . Dodds , wife and httl > BI
spent Sunday at Win. Rcichu-k
Mrs. Omitrii mid eon , Elint
) S went tu Kulo the tirnt ( if tin- wet
d .1. W. Mniist and family w '
s lit Un > former's nude Su
Mrs N. Perlc called on Mrs.
13. Limit , of Falls City last Tim
Guy nnd Albert Burk ppt-
Snmliiy with their ittuit , Mis.V
Burtlett ,
Mrs. . N. ' 13. Burnworth and
children wore at E. Poek'n last.
E. T. Peek and family nml N.
Peek , wife and little ( laughter
were gnosls at Will Keichick's
Delia Knifioly left for Waterloo ,
Iowa , . I ho lirfit of the week for an
extended visit with friends and
Geo. W. Peek and wife left for
Waterloo , Iowa , for an extended
visit with their daughter , Mrs.
Miller , and oilier relatives. G.
W. Peek will go to Meyersdale ,
Pa. , to visit relatives before re
A.M. Leech's new hay barn
is completed.
Schools in this vicinity began
lust Monday.
Mrs. L. M. Leech has been on
the sicic list.
Stella Leech was on the sick
list last week.
J. W. Wlntwell and wife visited -
ited friends here Sunday.
Miss Ethel Brockway visited
relatives here last week.
Pearl Bauscli , of Diller , vis
ited the Misses Leech , Sunday.
T. II. Edmonds and wife vis.
ited 0. B. Gridley and wife last
P. O. Avery is attending the
G. A. K. encampment in Denver
this week.
Paul Brockway was a Lin
coln visitor in this vicinity the
lirst of the week.
Jennie Marsh , of Mount Ayr ,
Iowa , will teach in district No.
100 and board at Fred Mayer's.
Nellie Davison from near
Stella will teach school in Dist.
No. 0 and make her home with
Grandma Shroyer this winter.
The young people gave a party
last Wednesday evening at the
home of J. 0. Shroyer in honor
of those who are leaving the
Nothing seems so at variance
with the eternal fitness of things
than a sway-backed horse.
Men may be great in war , and
mighty in battle , but after all ,
the greatest of all men is he whc
maketh peace.
Correspondence schools a r e
multiplying. Some day they will
start a correspondence school foi
section hands.
Sunflowers have no particulai
value , but ever ) ' time we go oiu
into the country we feel glad thai
God made them.
Distance may lend enchant
ment to the view , but the disap
pointment occasioned by a closei
inspection is the interest charge (
on the loan.
School will begin next Monday
and at the same time a certaii
arbitrary government will be cs
tablished and that without tin
consent of the governed.
The owl has a reputation a
bein WIM : , but in reality an ow
doesn't know as much as a crow
There are men also who look wis <
but comparisons are odious.
We know a preacher who is s
1 consistent and logical , t h a
1 should you drop into his churcl
during the sermon you could tel
from what text he is preaching
We never complain about th
hot weather in the summer , be
cause we know that we will 11101
thorougly appreciate the fin
weather that will come in th
The man who cries , "Down wit
I ) the boss ,
; Let's lay him on the shelf ! "
Is oftentimes the man who wani
To be "the boss" himself.
' ' Sometimes one makes a gra\
mistake by hutting in. Sotm
times he doesn't. It all depem
upon the man and the circun
stances. If we could all be a
sured of doing as well as Pres
dent Roosevelt did , we would IK
i. be so timid about butting in.
A Falls City boy ran away an
went fishing last Sunday and
when he returned , his mother
asked him where he had been.
In a George Washington tone of
voice he told the truth and she
proceeded to preach unto him a
sermon. She closed her remarks
by saying , "It's a sin a terrible
sin , and besides , voti didn't catch
any fish. "
Press Notes.
"Whenever they take the negroes
off the farm and give me white
men to work , then I quit and yo
out of the farming business , " said
a well-known Bluegraes farmer ,
who was in Louisville hist night.
"The nigger is the only .farm
hand. I would not work the Ital
ians who are worked on the plan-
tatioiiH in the south , for I would
be afraid to go to sleep at night
for fear one of them would cut my
throat or nlick a knife into uie.
The negro is the best farm hand
you can find , and he juat natur
ally takes to it. I had n negro
once who aeted ns foreman on my
place and I could go off during
harvesting and the farm was really
run better with him in charge
than when 1 was there. He inn tie
the other negroes work harder
than I did nnd got bolter results.
They can say what they please
about Ihe negro , bnt with all his
faults we need him on onr farms
and could not get iilouu well with
out him. Louisville Courier Jour
A Hiawatha man came home
late the other night and the next
morning tried to make his wife
believe lie wore his necktie to bed
just to tease her. Robinson In-
( lex.
Word was received by the fam
ily in this city the last of the
week that Dan O'Gnuly is seri
ously ill with inflammatory rheu
matism in Snn Francisco , where
ic has been located for several
ts. Elis b r o t h e r , Joseph
O'Grady , left for that city Tnes-
ay night to see him and , if possi
ble , bring him home. Mrs. O'Gnuly
ceompanied Joe as far as Denver
ml will visit relatives there until
us return. Dawson Newsboy.
A Clay Center man had the end
f his finger taken oft'in a washing
nachine. Served him right. Ho
ihonld have known better than to
eel with such things. Fairbury
Governor Hoch ' 'feels that the
prohibitory law is being enforced
nero closely than ever before. '
The governor shouldn't always
udge by the way he feels. Hia
watha World.
After going down under the sen
.n a torpedo bout , some of the
tewspapurs think the next thiug
for the president to do is to gc
over the Niagara falls in a barrel ,
But they shouldn't dare him.
Fremont Tribune.
"A sad home coming was thai
of Mrs. Jerry Judd , wife of a pros.
; > urous farmer in Pawnee county
.ienr Pawnee City. The old fiirn
produced a wonderful corn croi
this year and Mr. Judd selected
the largest oar in his fields to phew
his wife who had oeen visiting hei
mother near Pawnee. As she re
turned home Mr. Judd came on
on the porch with the great ear o
corn on his shoulder The porcl
broke down beneath the weigh
and the ear of corn fell across Mr
Jndd's legs , breaking both o
them above the knees.Ex. .
An Auburn man went into i
drug storg the other day and askee
for something to kill the rats ii
his room. The druggibt was puz
xeld as to whether lit ? should fur
nish brome for the man or strych
nine for the rats. Auburn HoraU
Dr. Andrews killed a rattli
snake near his front porch Mon
day. The snake had five rattle
and a button , and WHS gettiti ;
ready to spring at a eat when die
covered. Stella Press.
A uiomimom was placed at tin
grave of Miss Maggie Keiniers ii
the Stella cemetery this week
The monument was nought fron
August Neitzel of Falls Oity.-
Stella Press.
Dr. R. P.Robertsclentis
over King's Pharmacy.
Of tinll.inli , of Sale in , of Salmi ,
Nebraska. Charter No. 359 , lucoriioratnl In tin :
HtaUof Nebraska , at the close of bushier
. l' > 05 !
I.oniiinml ilKcoimts . , . . j ( flno.1.12
OM-rilraftn , socurcil ami unsecured . 18Ib.7l >
H.inklnir house furniture ami fixtures ZWi.SS
Ciim-nt expenses ami taxes paid . 11M > .72
Due from nat'l , state and pri
vate banks and bankum , . , . $15,701,24
V * . -4.96191
Total cash on hand . 4,9bl,91
Total . $ 'K > .S30. < 0
Capital stock paid In . $30,000.00
Surplus fund . 10,000.00
Undivided profits . 3,871.07
Individual il pn. l ( subject to
checks . J36.H.S.93
Demand certificates of deposit IO,4C > 0,00 4 < tbKfl3
Total . $ 90.530.60
> ss.
County of Klchardfion. I
I , R. H. Huston , cashier , of the aboTe
named bank , do solemnly wear that the above
statement Is cot-reel and a true copy of the re
port made to the State llanklnv Hoard.
R U HUSTON Cashier
S.l'.GisT , Director.
I ) . C. SIMMO.NK , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd
day of September , 1905 , MILKS O. Josr.s.
Notary Public.
The Kails City Statu Hank , of Kalis city.
Nebraska , Charter No. 159 , Incorporated In
tlio state or Nebraska , at the elosu of busi
ness Augusts ? , inos :
Loans ami discounts . $12 ( > ,1I7.B ! >
Ovunlralts. secured and unsecured. . 4K5.11
Ilank'K liousoiimiltureiiml fixtures. M.SOO.OO
Cum-nt u.\ponscs and taxes paid. . . . l.m.0i :
Duo from nat'l .state and pri
vate banks and bankers. . . . 537,428.0,1
Checks and Items of cxclmiiKU 278.71
Currency . 2,2)10.00 )
Coin . 4,417.88
Total i-nsh on hand . 44'iM. 02
Total . lh',139.23
Capital stock paid In . t M.OOO.OO
Surplus fund . 7,000.00
Undivided prollts . ( ! , M.o4 ) |
Individual deposits subject
oto check . (90,103,10
Demand certlllcutes of du-
poslt . L'0,142.Vi
Cei lined clieoks . 2,000.00
Duo to state and private
banks uuil bankers . 10,000.00 122,215.21
Total . lf-0,133.25
County of UlclmnUonf B"
I , W , A. ( iiiKKNWAM ) , cashier of the above
nnini-d bank , do solemnly swear that the
abovu statement Is a correct and true copy
of tlio report iniulo to the Slate llniiklni ;
W. K , tomuNiTON. Director
T. J. OIST , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to befote mo this
2nd day ot September , 1IHI5.
[ SHAI/l .lOIIN W. 1'OWKtiL.
Notary 1'ublk1.
My commission < ! \plies November 23 , ilioi' .
A Warning to Mothers.
Too much earn cannot , be used with
sniull children d urine the hot weather
of the summer months to guard against
bowel troubles. As a rule u is only
necessary to give the child a do e of
castor oil to correct any disorder of the
bowels. Do not use any substitute ,
but pive the old-fashioned ea tor oil ,
and see that it is fresh , as rancid oil
nauseates and has a tendency lo gripe
If this does note-hook the ho\vol give
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar
rhoea Hcmcdy and then u do e of
castor oil , and the disease miiy be
checked in its inclpiency and all dan
ger avoided. The castor oil and tais
remedy sl'ould be procured and
kept ready for Instant use as soon as the
first indication of any bowel trouble
appears. This is the most successful
treatment known and may be relied
upon with implicit confidence even in
cases of cholera infantum. F'or sale at
Kern's drug store.
Low Rates On M. P.
To Offden , Salt Lake , Colorado
Springs , Pueblo and Denver and
return for one fare plus 50 cents.
On sule daily until Suptember
30th. Return limit Oct.,31st.
To Philadelphia and return ,
for one fare plus $2.00. On sale
Sept.,14th , to 16th inclusive , re
turn limit Sept , , 25th. An ex
tension to October 5th , may be
had for $1.00.
To Hot-Springs Ark. , and re
turn for one fare plus $2.00. { jood
for 30 days and on sale daily un
til September 301 h.
To Lincoln State Fair and re
turn for one fare. Tickets on
sale Sept. 4th. to Sept. , 8th , re
turn limit Sept. Dth.
To Denver and return account
the G , A. R. $10.75 , Tickets on
sale August 30ih , to Sept. 4th ,
return limit Sept. 12th. An ex
tension on these tickets to Put 7th
for 50 cents.
To Kansas City and return for
$3.55 August 2Sth , to 31 inclusive
return limit Sep't'mber ' 5th.
To St. Louis and return f < > r
$14,15 , return limit October31st.
On sale daily to September 30tli.
To Chicago and return for
$20,00. return limit October 31t.
On sale daily daily to September
J. B. VAKXUK. Agt.
The enpulo was to taken from
the primary school building nnd
in it wat , found HmnHthinjr like a
good bin wniion box full of huy
llmt ) md bt'tMi ciirricd there by the
o. Salem Index.
Burlington Bulletin.
Chicago and return , on s-alo daily ,
St. Louis and return , on sale dally ,
Portland , Tucotna and Seattle and
return , on sale dally , $ J5.
Portland , Tacoma and Seattle and
return , one way via California , on sale
August 0 7-8 0-10"lM2-ia-14-lo-10-17.2y-
iO-31 , $50.
San FrancNco and Los Angeles and
return , WO. On sale August Oto 14 , SoO.
Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueb
lo and return , on sale dally , $17.50.
On sale August 12 , to 15 , $15. On sale
August TO to Sept 4 , $10.75.
Salt LaVe , Provo , Price and Ogden.
Utah , and return , on sale daily , S30 50. / 1
Grand Junction and Mack , Colo. , and
return , on sale dally , S.'iO.OO.
Yellowstone Park , through and in
cluding hotels and stage , and return ,
on sale daily , $7u.
Detroit and return , on sale Auiut
13 , 14 , $21.
Pittsbiirg , Pa. , and return , on sale
August 18 , 1 ! ) , $23.50.
Richmond , Vu.f and return , on sal °
Septcmdc.r 8 to 11 , $33.15.
Chattanooga , Tenn. , and return , on
pale September 14 to 10 , $23.05.
Philadelphia and return , on sale
September 14 to 10 , $32.15.
Cody , Wyo. , Black Hills and Hot
Springs , D. . approximately half
rates all summer.
Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin
points , MichiiMn resorts on Lakes
Michigan and Huron , Canada , Maine
and New England , St. Lawrence and
Ltiku Cum plain regions , very low tour
ist rale * daily.
If you will call or write , It will be n
pleasure to advise you about rates ,
train service , to referve you a berth ,
and to try to make your trip a com
fortable one.
84-4 A gent C. Q. Ry.
Graduate American School of
Osteopathy , Kirksville , Mo.
Examination and Consultation Free
Elour * : 0 to 12 a m ; 1 to 4 p m
Oflice at residence , Stone street , secor-d
Inoei : north of court lioiire.
Builington TIME TABLE
, Hume Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Buttc
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points cast and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points 1
east and south 7:20 : p m
No. 13. Vcstibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:25 a tn
No. 14. Vcstibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas Cit3 * , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 : a m
No. 15. Vcstibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:28 : p m
Ni 10. Vcstibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas I'ity , St Louis
Chicago and points
east and south 4:25 p m
No. 20. Local express daily
Atchisonand points
south and west. . , . 4:35 p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland \\ithout
change 10:07 p in
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , d a i 1 jc x-
cept Sunday.Salem ,
Nemaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p m
Sleeping , dining- and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and bafjyage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent. Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
O. P. & T. A. . Omaha.
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a in
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger A 1:00 p tn
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A 1:00 : p m
No. 106 Kansas City and St.
Louis and Denver A 3:10 a m
No. 103 Kansas City and St.
Louis nnd Denver A 1:25 pm
No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a m
No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi
awatha A 10:20 : p m
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday.
J. B. VAKNKK , Agent.
A little fort-thoti'jht may MIVC jou no
end of trouble. Anyuni * who mitkes it
a rule to kt | i PhamberlainV follc ,
"OnoU'ru nnd Diarrhoea [ U'lufdj at
luuui knowf tliiito he a f p.t. For t-ale
HI K * rr'f driiir ft ore.