The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 01, 1905, Page 7, Image 9

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lO.NTIM Kl ) KUOM 1'AOK ( i
the past t\so months leturned
liomc .Sunday.
Dick Wilson rtiove to Falls City
Gnuidina Uusli Is < nilto sick at this
\\rlttliii , ' .
Leonatd Simons ; us up from llulo
Ed Pyle and J. R. Shelly diove to
falls City Tuesday.
W. A , shipped a car load
of lion's to St. .loe Monday.
Will Hush has ot a job as car painter -
ter in the shopsat Iloiton.
1' . S. Heacock shipped a car load of
IIOKS to St. .loe Wednesday.
C. F. Pi lb eno\\as transacting husl-
ncss In St. .loe Wednesday.
Will Stone and C. I ) . IMckard atten
ded the picnic at Crai , Mo.
Mrs. C. F. Glaxo and t\\o sons \\eie
shopping in Falls City Monday.
.lolm Casey and Emma Giant of
Falls City \\eie in town Sunday.
Noise Mill tin left last \\eek foi a
visit \\itli his brother in Omaha , TSTcb.
Win. Meieisandife \\eietians-
acting business in Falls City Monday.
Miss Marie Moiris and Mrs. Laiabec
\\eie llulo passongeia Ftiday e\enin .
W. A. Gicemsald of Falls City \ \ asa
a business visitors in to\\n Tuesday.
.lolm Mosiman of Falls City , \\as
tiaiisiiuting business in to\\n Monday.
.lolm Nelt/cl , ji. , attended the pic
nic at Gmmanto\\n , Kans. , Wednes
Tom Hamsdy of Steilingasvislt ing
in and mound IMestou the Ihstot the
\s eok.
C. C. Shelly has moved into the
inopeity puichased fiom II. G.
A E. Uoweisox , of Bio\\n County , tiansacting business here
Miss Giace Hoppe and Da\e IJian-
nin drove down fiom Falls City
II. P. Reiser and C C. Shelly dio\e
to Falls City Monday afternoon on
Mrs. Fied Ahern who lives noith of
Falls City visited relathesin Pieston
bhis week.
W. .1. Schaible and son Wanen and
John Moching wore down fiom Falls
City Fiiday.
Mrs. Wirt Vinsonhaler , of Kulo ,
was visiting \\ith her parents , O. II.
Bush and wife the tirst ot the week.
Mrs. Albert IlaetTele returned home
Fridav after a few days visit at Daw-
&on with her sister , who is quite ill.
Hoiman Meyeis and tainily of
Kesenelsited at the home of his
biother Win. Meyeis and family Sun
County seat visitois Wednesday. L.
1) . McCumber , Mesd.unes Dick Wil
son , Geo. Miner and Miss Minnie Wil
Mr. .lolm Smith and family of Big-
low , Mo. , visited at the home of their
Uncle , O. II. Hush , Wednesday and
Richard Kaiser and family and
Grandma Daesclmer attended the
Daeschner lamily reunion at Jlolton ,
Kas. , last week.
Win. Williams and wife , and Mis.
J. S. Wilson and daughter , Maggie ,
diove over to Missouii Thursday , and
visited iclatives o\cv Sunday.
Win Gaedc , who \vent to Oklahoma
last fall , is visiting with his parents ,
noith of town. lie says the ciops
down there look as good as ours.
W. R. Banks left Sunday for a visit
with his biother , Lou , at Forest City.
Fiom theie he will go to Atchison ,
Kan. , on business before he retuins.
County Seat , visitors Friday were :
Ed Bush , Orville Myeis , Jim Sinclair ,
Al Ilaetlele and wife , Dick Wilson ,
J. S. Wilson , Elbridge Pyle and E. J.
About thhty of the young folks
gat hoiod at the home of Win. Myers
Thuisday night and took posession ol
the place and enjoyed themsehes till
a late hour. All had a good time.
The body of Mrs. Beckwithas
shipped in heie for buiial Thursday.
She had been living in Sterling , Colo. ,
and intct rment was made in the Ger
man cemetery north of town. Mis.
Beekwith was a lesident of Pieston
some top vears ago. Her son Levl ,
and grandsons accompanied the body.
Elmer Richauls was a Salem visitor
Jack Glines was up from Falls City
last week.
County Attorney James was up the
first of the week.
A. A. Tanner visited Hurchard on
business Tuesday.
Paul Ncmechek was a business visit
or at Falls City on Tuesday.
Willis Doan from Ann Aibor.Mlch. ,
as In the city last week a guest of
Miss E\a Cooper.
Miss Caiiie Hasness leturned tc
Omaha the Hist of the week after : i
visit with her folks heie.
Misses Wilma Wiight and Ollie
Bobeitson weie visitois o\er in Paw
nee County the lirst of the week.
Mrs. Rosa Stiamer went down tc
St. Joe last week and took in the Wild
West shosv and steei loping contest ,
Mrs. J. J. Tinner was in Tecumscl ;
pait of last week with her daughtei ,
Mrs. C. C. Emmons , who Is ( | Ulte ill ,
Dr. Wilson was called to Wymore
the latter pait of last week to see.I ,
F. Wozab who is still ineiy pool
health. The latter expected to 10
turn to this city about the Hrst ol
September but will piobably not Ix
ableti take up his business affairs
tight away.
Dr. K. A. Lltchtlold \lsltlng his
mot hoi at Kansas City this week.
Dr. Fied Hlumer has letinned fiom
a visit of a couple of weeks In northern
lo\\a and the edge of South Dakota.
Hitdolf Hnlnla andMlssGiaco VIoKs
attended the Inmost Jubilee at Hold-
lego last \\hilevlsltlngielatlves. .
Mrs. Marie Sloneslfor leturned
Saturday to her homo at Omaha after
a visit with hot SCM , Herman , In this
Miss Ilortha Dodge came up fiom
Kansas City last week accompanied
by her now millinery paitner , Mrs.
Vlrgio Smith.
Guy Cooper and wife left Sunday
night for the western pait of the
state , to look after the Interests of
Cooper & Linn.
W. E. Dungan and family sue visit
ing with the format's mother at War-
ion , Ohio , and will also go to Pitts-
burg , Pa. , while away.
Wayne Coons left last week for a
visit to the Hlack Hills befoie resum
ing his duties as principal of the
school at Cody , Wyoming.
Mrs. J. C. Segilst. Mis. Delia Shir
ley and daughter , Mi Id led , and Mi's.
Emma Segifst aieisltlng with tola-
tives at Kansas City this week.
Mis. C. A. Goio is this week enter-
ainlng herslsteis. Mi's. Muchmoto of
jlbeity and Mrs. Goodiow and daugh
ter Floience fiom Moioland , Kas.
Mrs. E. S. Cooper ictuincd the
alter p.ut of last week fiom hoi
\ eek'sislt near DuHois , being ac-
omuanled home by her sistei , Mis.
Nellie Hiitt and t-hildien.
A new swiU'hboaid , piovlding 4.)0
hops , has been installed at the local
cential and a gieat quantity of new-
cable has been unloaded to be sluing
on the new poles in the he.ut ot the
Wilson Joseph and wife letmnod
.he latter pait ol last week tiom Ft.
i'ieiie , South Dakota , wheic they 10-
contlj made thul pioof on their home
stead. They aie enthusiastic over the
South Dakota pie peets.
Todd Diake , who iemoedlth his
wife to Heloit , Kans. , last wlnlcr.has
been sutleilng fiom an attack of small
pox , which with a backset has left
lihn minus the sight of one oje , and
a badly weakened mate.
The new city hall is to be built
fiom cement blocks , the council hav
ing awaided the contract to Joe
Gra\es and Einest Hauling , at a cost
of M.T74. Work will be stalled as
soon as the bonds have been delheied
and the cash reali/ed.
The Paik hotel of this city and the
\venue hotel in Vuburn , will In the
near future change landlords if all ic-
poits arc tine. Messrs. Dungan and
brothers-in-law and the
Dutter aie - - ,
recent death of I he elder Dutter seem
ed to make the change advisable.
James Tiimble and son , Lester ,
Momoo Leech and Mrs. low.i Fta/.ier ,
loft Tuesday foi Davidson , Canada ,
where they will join the Humboldt
colony for a shoit time , at least. The
men in the company go with a view
to taking land 11 it suits them , while
Mis. Fia/ier will \isit her daughter ,
Mis. Triggs.
John and Chester Power , who weic
quite successful in the sheep leading
industii last yeai. lelt last week for
Las , New Mexico , to stock up
on t he s.tmo line tor t his w inter. They
will be better lixed than e\ei on ac
count of their new shed just completed
si/o 10Sx2o."j feet.
The annual district meeting of the
Nemaha County Haptist Association
was held at the Piaiile Union chuich ,
several miles northeast of the city ,
beginning on Thuisday of last week
and closing Sunday evening. A com
pany consisting of Misses Beitlui
Frank , Madge Fold , Bertha Simmons ,
Bessie A i nold and Messrs. Ilerbe Foul
Fred Arnold , Will Hailey and Oaklej
Jam s drove out from this city Ic
listen to and paiticlpate in the Sun
day services.
Mrs. Fred Luthy visited with Mrs
Chi is Aust Monday.
Mr.s. C. Aust was a pleasant caller
at John Staldeis Monday.
Misses Dora and Rosa Porr wen
Humboldt visitois Monday.
Mrs. Chi 1st Huffman visited will
her father , Lewis Stalder , who isvcrj
Misses Jessie and Emma Staulloi
spent Sunday with the Witt\ver sis
Messin. Kobeit and John Manuel
weie business visitors at Humboldt
Monday alteinoon.
Mis. Emma Grosenbacker am
children Sundayed with Chailes Gun
/enhauser and tainily.
Mrs. Emma Deutschman , who ii
working at Nims City , visited will
her mother last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wittwer fron
near Salem visited at Peter Lugin
bill's the latter part of last week.
Mi's. Fred Luthy and daughter Lenr
and Misses Martha and Ida Schenl
were visitors at Mi's. Christ Beutler
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wlttwcr ant
the Misses Rosa and Mamie Luginbil
spent Sunday with their aunt , Mrs
Cute Dunkan.
Mrs. Moiu is on the sick list thi
Sam Bain came up from Falls Cit' '
Piof. Fuistlne letinned fioui Stell ;
John Ramel diove up from Fall
Mis. J. L. Kl.letinned . toherhomi
in Temple. Tex. , hatuidaj afte
spending some time with her sister
Ih9 Kind You
? f
Lh7le Haul , and attending the chau-
Dr. Ileskett Is lepoited on thosli'U
list this week.
I'ool GiInstead of Wathona , Kas. ,
was In Salem Tuesday.
Mrs. Hailan Is lepoited on the sick
list this week.
Mattlo Martin attended the loun-
Ion at Craig , Mo.
Miss EHIo Billings came down from
Humboldt Fiiday.
MKs Stella Wheeler came up from
Falls City Saturday.
Clay Wagner and wlfo woio visiting
in the country Friday.
Ifiank Fryburgor lotuined homo
from Humboldt bunday.
Roy Johnson left Tuesday for a
visit at Foiest City , Mo.
Mi's. Geo. Hojor went to Bum , Kas. ,
for a visit with iclatlves.
Geoigo Poiler and the night agent
went to Falls City Tuesday.
C. D. Hukor and wlfo expect to
leave for Denver Wednesday.
U. E. til instead was transacting
business Satuiday in Falls City.
.1. H. Tlmmermanand Chas. Sum-
stino diovo to Falls City Monday.
Misses Minnie Jennings and Olive
Tilden diove to Falls City Monday.
Mis. R. 12. Gilnstead and Ha/el 10-
tumed fiom Wathena , Kas. Sunday.
Mi's. I < 2lmur Coon letinned Monday
fiom a visit with lelallvos at Denver.
Miss Stella Wheeler letuined to
hei home at University Place Mon
Miss Onle Fiench is visiting her
sister , Mis. Louis Gmsli , south of
Mis. G. W. Sheeley was a passenger
to Humboldt a couple of das last
w eek.
Win. Rhodes and family spent
Tuesday with lelatives neai Kails
Mis. Edna Winebronner spent scv-
eial da1 * this week with Mi's. Geoige
Misses Stella Gail isle and Floietice
Leslie weio shopping in Falls City
Mr. and Mi's. Chas. Shildneck are
uoving into Mis. Vandvert piopeit }
.his week.
Wm. Stach and wife of Vcrdon
weie over Monday visiting her father ,
Mr. Shaffer.
Mia. Gathering Mai tin spent last
week in Stella with her daughtei ,
Edna Morris.
Fied and George Cleveland of Falls
City were tiansacting business in
Salem Monday.
Hoin to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hoyd
Friday , August 2. > th , UMKi , a boy. All
aie doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Simmons drove
to Shubett Monday for a lew days
visit with fi lends.
J. II. Timmoimanand R. E Grin-
stead weie tiansacting business in
Falls City Tuesday. .
Mis. Lev ! Kiiise } and son Cecil
left Tuesdav tor a slioit visit with
iclatlves at Daw son.
Fied Hoyd and family let in nod Sat-
uidaj fiom Mouill , Kas. , wheie the.v
woie visiting lelatives.
Miss Giace Close left Monday for
her home at Hannibal , Mo. , after a
visit with lelatives heie.
Mis. B. L. Ilasenyagor returned from
Omaha Satuiday and on Sunday went
to her home in Bern , Kas.
Dundy Ken has letuined to Omaha
after spending a couple of weeks with
his grandma , Mis. Currance.
Miss May Combs returned to Ver-
don Saturday alter spending several
days with Mrs. Lou Turner.
Mis. Wade Whitney of Dawson
came down Sunday and remained un
til Tuesday with relatives here.
Fiank Ranger went to Nebiaska
City Satuiday and will remain unMl
Thiirsdaj to attend the stieot fair.
Mrs. Hattie Dowell and Mrs. W. 11
Davis dio\e to Veidon Monday and
spent the day with Mis. Geo. Knapp.
Voia and Hoiold Loul weie passen-
geis foi Foiest City , Mo. , Tuesday lo
visit with lelatives lor a shoit time.
Misses Llla and Iieno Spin lock left
Thursday for a visit with Iriends and
to attend the street fall at Sabctha ,
Dr. Ruckley and wife leturned to
Des Moines Fiiday after spending a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Mrs. James Couple letuined Satur
day from Ciaig , Mo. , where she was
visiting friends and attending I ho
Soldiers' reunion.
Mrs. Guy Daggart returned lo Su-
i perior Saturday after spending a few
I days with her parents , J. P. Moore
, 'and ' wife.
Mrs. Lon Crush entertained Mi's.
Pearl Wade , Mis. George Lauiance
and Orrin French , at a 0 o'clock din-
1 ner Monday.
. | George and Martin Lawranco drove
I to Hamilton Sunday y here the latler
I will visit relatives toi some time be
fore returning home.
| The ladies of the Christian church
gave a supper al the chuich in honor
of Mis. Sarah Gist and Mis. Edna
| Winebrener Tuesday evening. All
repoit an enjojable time.
Died Eli Com was bom Febmaiy
. bth , 183.1 , and died August U < ! , 1MC ! > ,
aged T2 jeais , o months and is days.
Funeial seivices will be held at thej
i Chiislian chinch in Salem Monda,1
August 1H , at 1 p m.
Got Off Cheap.
, He maj vvell think he has got otl
I cheap , who , aftei having contiacted
constipation 01 indigestion , Is still
' able to pel feet ly icstore his health.
; Nothing will do this but Dr. King's
New Life Pills. A quick , pleasant ,
t and ceitaln cuie for headache , con
stipation , elc. ' - ' . " > c at A. G. Wanner's
ding-stoic ; guaranteed. i
The .Journal's Business Directory
Mrs , C. B. Edwards ,
Protettlontl Nurse
Residence llrst door east M. E.
church. I'hono 274.
Charges reasonable.
Am prepared to take patients
Knlln OUr. Nnbr.
II. K. M1JSTEU , M. D. lilc
Physician and Surgeon
Olllco emir Knit * Pltjr Bt tn llwtk , T , < 1.117
KM. , 1 l > li > ck north of Library T l. 147
A. E. WOLFE. D. O.
Otleopjthlc Phyti'din.
Rooms o\or Lyford's store.
Residence National Hotel.
Kails City , Nobratka.
\Drnggist \ ana Stationer
Paints and Wallpaper
Fulls Oltr. Nnltrnnkn
II. T. I1A1IN , M. D. C.
Gindimto Chicago
Veterinary College
Otlicont Mnttz'n Uu < ry Ham.
Calls niin\vi > ri < il ilaj or iilnlit ,
Phone 'J0i. ;
Emma J. Lawrence
Physic fan and Surgeon
Diseases of Women and Children
a .specialty.
Otllceinor Clovnliiml llroi , ntorp.
I'lionn 170.
Successor to Dr. Galscr.
Hills City , Nidiraska.
I'honn , 2IH Over lllclmnlHon Co. llnnk
Dray and Transfer Hauling
Cnrefnl attention nlvun to thn moving
of lieu eholtl Kixxta , piano * . naf w , etc ,
fllvo Jpuklnn Bros , yonroriWn for coal
anil the work will Imilone promptly.
All kinds ilrayiii * anil transferring
Slum I air N t\i > ,
This is the last call foi the Nchiaska
State Kail at Lincoln , Sept. ith to
To attend means a most pleasant
Dining at a tillling expense ; a chance
to mingle with and bo one of neatly
100,000 people fiom all p.uts of the
state bent on having * a good tlmo ; an
iippoitunity to sue and to learn In re-
souicesand the people of the state
that which It Is not possible elsewhere
to see and to learn , and the remem
brance of which will bo leealletl with
pleasuie foi months and years to
Special train sen Ice has been pro
vided on all talltoads and a one fate
rate for the round tilp. In addition
to huge hotel accomodations , the eltl-
/ens of Lincoln will open their houses
to state fait visitors and no one need
lack for a loomand bed , on teasonable
teims , while In attendajiceat the fair.
The entiles and exhibits piomlse to
exceed that of any ptevious fair in
the history of the state. A special
feature at the Mate fair will bo an
Igonote village which was one of the
gieatest attiactlons at the St. Louis
exposition , and visited by moic than
1,000,01)0 people ; a tiibe of Igonotes ,
Head-hunting Dog Haters from the
puninec of JJontoc , Island of LU/-OII ,
under charge of Dr. T. K. Hunt , Gov-
einorof Hontoc , by special permission
of ) ofVai W. .1. Taft
A stockade se\en feet high immed
iately noiHi of agiicultunil hall is Ins-
ing constructed foi the use of the
Igonoto village.
Theie wh ! be lacing each day of
the fair ; the fastest horses in the
west have entered and will contest
foi the $ (1,000 ( cash olfer in purses.
Remember the dates , September ith
to 8th.
Like Finding Manor-
Finding health is like ( hiding money
so think- those who aie sick When
) on have a cough , cold , soie throat ,
or chest lultation , better act prompt-
Ij like W. C. Barbel of Sandy Level ,
Va. Hfesajs' "I had ateirlble chest
tumble caused b > smoke and coal
dust on nn lungs , but after finding us *
lelief in other lemedles , I was cuied
In Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds. " Gieat
est sale ol am cough 01 lung medi
cine in the woild. At A. G. Wannai's
ding stoie. t" > oc and * 1. < M ) , guaianteed.
Tiial bottle fu-i > .
Iliillnri * MNilon.
Theie will be meetings at the Dor-
ilngtonllall evoij two week Satuiday
evening and Sunday and a .special
mceliiigbundav afteinoon. Heglnnhig
September L'Oth. theie will be othei
workcis to help in the woik. All ate
welcome. Come let us enjoy praise of
God together. Remember the date.
01-tf Rev. W , O. POLLAUU
A General Hanking liusincss
J. ti , Hloonm , l'ro .
J. II. Cain Vlco 1'rM
Quo. W. Holland , CathUr
A. K. Bchnlliln Aim't Ciuhlcr
Capital | > nlil IM.OUO.
Unrplni | 30 , W.
Oraduato American Holiool Of O lpo.
tmthy , KlrkiiUllft , Mo.
HOUUHi-t ) 13 ix , m. ; 1.1 p. in.
Olllcn at ri'Hidi'iicu , ntoun ulriMit , nnoonil
lilock corlh of court Imnmi.
I'roprlntor of
Opera Saloon
Kails City , Nohraaka
A nun linn of
Wlnn * , ltiinora and CUars
Uallcacltw of the mtaiion always on hand.
Comn In and s i no.
/ . / . Lollman
I'roprlotor of
The Hank saloon
A plMumnt nwort
A limit and iinlet place
llentVlnn , Hiwr , Lin.norB and Clgan
( inod Illllianl and Pool Tublo *
l.nucli nt all tlmoa
IJiporinncod Walters
6EO , H , PARSELL , M , D ,
Office at Residence !
Telephone 88.
/ . JMcttz , Proprietor
Vint clnM snrYlcn ilny or nlithu
Commnrclul truiln sollcltixl.
Biwclul attention ulvi-u to ftxvllng.
OiUMMlte National Hotnl , FnlUCltr.
w. ir. MADDOX ,
Real EttHe Agency ,
Ftltt City Neb.
Count lint ] nm inn Imfoti * toll
1 nut rnllliitf city property , l
nt lowwit ratiw , nrtlhriR futitin ami mnk-
IttK farm loans , Call or wrltu If you
wlnli to poll nr buy or miiku a loan. I
\Miut your Imnlnmn.
I'nlls CUy , Net ) .
Cehling's Brewery
C. ( II'MI.INO , Prop.
Kt'Kivml hottlcMl bwrof tlio liiwt iiuallty
A homo Industry to l > i
V\\i\JA \ \ CITY. NI21IU.
Kor sal * at TAI.La CITY. VI'.ltUON.
I'lllISION , IUUADA. HllUlllillT ,
\\'e handle Coal
( ionnlun
Canyon City
tin ) bmt coal on earth
Tow Creek Coal
Can't Im hontun at oar price * .
Milton Cool
Mendotn Coal
to any clean coal on
the ) iimrlcat.
r.loviUcir J. ! .
The Kind You Have Always Bought , anil which has boea
in use for over 3O years , has berne the slprimtnro of
and has been made under his per-
sonnl supervision slnco Its Infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits Imitations nnd " "
, "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that triile with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience- against Experiment *
Custoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Pare *
goric , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine nor other Narcotic
mibstaiice. Its ago is its guarantee. It deslro. > s Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrluua and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the
Stomach and Bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep *
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
IMIOl'ltliriOU OF
ruis cirv. NHIR. . Phone NO. 6i. \rRDOS , SHIR. , Phone No. 29
Whiskies from ? 2.oO to W.OO pel gallon.
Full quails ? 1. < M ) . .Four quails i0 ; ? ,
The colobiated Commeicial Club beer.
Lunch at all houis.
Mail oideis guen piompt attention.