THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 1 1905. THREE GREAT FARM BARGAINS ! In Richardson County , Nebraska and Brown County , Kansas These three farms belong to non-residents and must be sold in thfe next few days. No I is a good , rich farm of 158 acres , lying only three miles north of Falls City. Good improvements ; finely fenced ; windmill and tanks ; good small or chard ; plenty of good water ; on R. F. D. and telephone line ; good neighborhood , close to school and church ; no better soil in the county ; good abstract title. No. 2 60 acres of good , rich land , three miles southeast of Barada. Some what rolling but not rough ; pretty well improved ; good , large orchard , plenty of good water. This will make some one with small capital a good little home , and there is land adjoining this that can be had. No. 3 Is a good farm of 92 acres lying between Reserve and Padonia , Kan. , Well improved ; fine location ; good neighborhood ; orchard ; plenty of good water ; part of this farm is creek bottom , but never overflows ; no better soil in Brown County , most all in cultivation. Only 2 miles from railroad market. These farms will never be offered as cheap again. As above stated , these farms belong to non-residents and will be sold for less than their value in the next few days. Also a good $2,000 residence ; large barn ; good arched cave ; some fruit ; nice ornamental trees ; beautiful lawn ; four nice east front lots , only three blocks from post office. Belongs to a non resident , and for this reason will sell this nice home for $1,100. All of the above are sure enough bargains and you will think so when you get our prices on these farms. Don't forget our land excursions to Butler , and 6ther counties in Kansas on Tuesday , September sth. If you don't see us soon you will miss a bargain. WHITAKER BROS FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA VERDON. Beeclier Cornell was in Atchison - son Friday. Geo. Hall was up from Falls City "Wednesday. Chcstor Clark's baby is quite sick this week. Quinton Stump was on tlu sick list this week. Mrs. Mary Ann Clark is on the sick list this week. Walter Vcach was a Kansas City visitor this week. Luella .lorn is visiting1 Laura lleinzlcmnn this week. Mrs. Ocamb and children returned - turned Sunday from St. Joe. Anna Fasteneau of Nebraska City was a Verdon visitor this week. Albert Johnson , of Long- Is land is visiting his parents this week. The infant son of Kobert Chamberlain has been sick the last week. Mrs. Arnold , who lives on Mr. T. L. Hall's place is very ill this week. William Fisher has rented Mrs. A. E , Colemans1 larm for three years. The llamel farm , south ol town lias been rented by Mr. Henderson. Guy Gage returned home ironi the western part of the State , last Friday. J. C. Clurry of Stella is visit ing-his daughter. Mrs. Chester Clark this week. Mrs. Jane Tingley has gen < to visit relatives and friends ii Cnldwell , Idaho. Geo. Messier became sudden ly sick Saturday night and is ii a serious condition. Geo. Baney who has been 01 the Ramel farm south of to\vi expects to move to Dakota. D William Bruhn has bough for $1100 , the 160 acres farn west of town ot J. W. Cullen. C , U. Shugart the Falls Cit ; Insurance man was transactini business in Verdon Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Chamberlain was visited this week by Mrs. Joe Messier , of Caldwell , Idaho. Amret Hart of Straussville las rented rooms of Orlando Veal and will do dressmaking. J. W. Taylor and wife and Crs. E. M. Hitter are visiting Dr. Taylor and wife this week. Mrs. T. W. Johnson's mother , Mrs. Strothers , of Falls City s visiting relatives in Verdon. J. 11. and T. L. Hall went to Salem Sunday from there they go to Superior , Nebr on bnsi- icss. John Strauss and wife and baby went to Straussville in .heir automobile to stay a few lays. William Tynan of Peru came lown for a visit to John Corn- nell and family Saturday eve ning. Florence Hull is taking in the carnival at Shubert and visit ing her sister , Mrs. Bricker this week. The grandparents of Mr. and Mrs. OsearN ussbnum , have re turned to their homo at Douglas Nebr. Twelve loiids of cattle and two loads of hogs were shipped to Chicago by Emerson Bowers this week. Those who visited the street fair at Sabetha , Kansas were Clan Coleman , Mrs. A. E. Col- man , and B. P. Wiser and wife. Cleveland Bros' store is being packed in preparation for the move to Falls City. Mr. Bow ersox expects to move with the store. Amelia 'Bauer and Amelia Deitrich returned home from a trip to Syracuse , Dunbar , and other points in the state last Friday. Anna James of Stella , was a Verdon visitor last Thursday. Miss James has been elected to teach in the grammar grade this year. Ethern Tingley. who hasbeci making an extended visit ii \7erdon has left for Lincoli where he expects to attem school. Robert Mickle of Lincoln vis ited at the home of J. C. Cornel Sunday. His wife and son Jern have been here some time bu expect to return home soon. Clare Coleman has the fines automobile in the state. It ha a twenty-live horse power en gine , and goes line. He is gc ing to the State Pair in it. Ethel Kieler will attend Col ner University this year. He parents expect to move thi week to Bethany where the wil remain until Ethel finishe school. Mrs > . Clark has returned horn to Horton , Kansas. She wa accompanied by her daughter Mrs. P. P. Bowman. Mrs Bowman expects to return t Mexico in the near future. L. A. Kinsey was a Salet visitor last Friday. Mr. Kir sey and family expect to mov to Lincoln where their son Ra mend will attend the Wesleya ; University the coming year. Mrs , Mart Stuart and Mi Homer Watkins , had thei chicken roosts robbed recently They are watching for thieve in that neighborhood now , am promise and snch visitors a dos of lead. Frank Clark , north of Vei don was unfortunate enough t have all his melons ruined b miscreants recently. Those th : were not plugged were broke open , or spoiled so they wi not ripen. Died. Infant daughter of MI and Mrs. Geo. Sloan of Norca ur Kansas. The funeral ws held Thurday , Aug , 17. Merr Lum of Verdon and brother c Mrs. Sloan attended the funer ; Mr. Sloan formerly resided i Verdon. Some ot the Verdon peopl who were in Falls City the las week are : Mrs B. F. Veach , Mrs. Abe Stuart , Martha King , Lil ian Evans , Geo. Messier and vifc. L. A. Kinsey and wife Mrs. Johnson , C. G. Humphrey , editor of the Verdon Vedette , losh Bloom , Link Allison and Anna Fraunfelder. Salem. JakeNorris was in Salem Sun lay. lay.Geo. Geo. and Fred Cleveland wert n Salem Monday. Mr. Em inert were in Falls City , last Friday , Geo. Porter spent several day.1 it Craig , Mo. last week. J. II. Timmerman made ; trip to Falls City , Monday. Ada and Alvirda Allen were shopping in Falls City Monday Lila and Irene Spurlock arc visiting friends at Sabetha Kan Mr. Ramel of Falls City spen Monday afternoon in onr midst. Mrs. J. H. Timmerman has been quite sick , with neuralgia W. R. Allen transacted bus ! less in Falls City last Thnrs lay. lay.Win. Win. Stach and wife of Ver- Ion attended the funeral of Mr Corn. Mr. Hurley and daughter arc spending several days in St liouis. Fred Schock transacted busi icsa in Falls City Thursday eve ling. Dr. He kett was quite sicl < several days the first of the week. Salem was well representec it the Sabetha street fair lasl week. Mrs. Walter Dowell is report' ed very 511 ut her home neai Salem. Warren Schiable and Clydt Ramel were Salem visitors Sun day evening. Mrs. Dr. Waggoner leftThurs forDawson where she will visi' several days. Mrs Grinstead left Monday t ( visit her daughter , Mrs. HoiT of Hum bold t. Orrie French visited her sis ter Mrs. Lou Grush , near Salen a few days this week. W. W. Wertz has returned t Alma Nebraska after spendinj several days at home. Presiding Elder Wright hclc Quarterly meeting at the M. H church Saturday evening. Mrs. Eliza Wickhamand Mrs B. L. Hasenyager are visitin : Frank Fitch and wife of Omalui The stock of goods fron Clevelands store at Verdon ha been moved to the Salem store Mrs. Jas. French and Mrs. P O. Wade visited Mrs. Lou Grus < several days the latter part o last. Mrs. Geo. Jennings eame u from Falls City Saturday an is visiting relatives for Severn days. Prof. Feuertein visited sevet al days the latter part of las week with Prof. Wilson and wif of Stella. Mrs. J. R. Campbell arrive home Saturday after visitin several days with friends a Craig , Mo. Dr. Ruby , wife and baby o Des Moines , Iowa are spendin several days in Salem , th guests of C. B. Emmert. Mrs. C W. Roberts is makin a several weeks visit with W S. Waller and wife , Exeter an M. H. Felt and family at Frc mont. Mrs. H. B. Gist and daughte Mrs. W. F. Winebrenner c Clarksburg , Mo. , are makin friends and relatives an extend ed visit. Mrs. Ely , of Temple Texas left for her home Monday morn ing after spendingseveral week visiting at the homeof her fatl : er , G. Hard. Stella Wheeler left Monda for her home at University Plac after spending some time wit friends and relatives at Fall City and Salem. Mrs. J. A. Anderson is in St Joseph purchasing her Fall am Winter stock of millinery , Sin was accompanied by Linnr rimmerman who will work ir : lic wholesale houses Capt. J. P. Grinstead return lome Saturday after spendinf several days attending the re union at Craig Mo. where IK displayed the curios he collect ed in the Philippines and Japan C. D. Baker held an auctioi Saturday afternoon and dispos ed of his house hold goods After spending several days a Suneca , Kansas , Mr. Ba k e and wife will leave for their nev home at Gering. Mrs. G. C. Timmerman an < two sons , who have been visit ing friends and relatives foi several weeks left Wednesda ; 'or St. Joe where they will mak a few days visit at the home o Geo. Wertz , going from there t ( their home at Colby , Kansas. BARADA The mother of John Marks and little grand-daughter hav been visiting here for some time A few friends by invitatioi called at the home of Sam Vai Osdel on Sunday , where the ; all enjoyed a grand spread. Viola Rains is at the home of James Stephenson , very sic Dr. Houston of Falls City ha seen called to his bedside , pro nouncingher illness a case o appendicitis in its lirst stage Mr.Spenrs will go to MO. 01 Wednesday with the intentio : of moving his household good liere , he having rented rooms o Mrs. Dr. Williamson , this mov doubtless means a house keepe too. Sam Spickler and wife am Mr.s Allen , returned last Mon clay from Glenwood , Iowa where ihey had beeu attend ing a Holiness camp meeting and report having a lovely tim while gone. The canning company is dc ing some very satisfactory wor in tomato canning. This fac tory is a great enterprise fo Barada , as it bring into em ployment a great many c the otherwise idle boys an girls. Marie crotty entertained u fei friends at her home on Sunda eve , in honor of the two Mis Husbanie , who has been spent ing a few days this week , i dainty spread upon the gras ; abundance of ice cream and cak to which rt'e all did ample jus lice. PINE RIDGE A Hoagluncl and family spez Sunday in this vicinity. Carrie Boss and Joy Myar wei Sunday callers in this vicinity. Mrs. John Hoagland is spend n couple of weeks with her dntipl ter. A. McClintock and family wei Sunday visitors with Frank Hoaj land and family. A number of yonng folks ( this vicinity spent Sunday wit Ben Unland and family. Will Reynolds left for his horn at Beaver City after spending short time here among relativt and friends. Max Werner left Wednesda for Stella. There he joined tl ; Stella drum corps and they clro\ to Shubert to play at the stre < fair. Walter and Will O'Brien , wii have been visiting at the home < their aunt , Mrs. Pat Gunn , n turned to their home in Chicae Saturday. . i - 11 On Monday of this week Janu Clancy and wife were mame forty years , and a number of the friends perpetrated a pleasant BU prise on them to remind them c the occasion , The evening wi epentlin social reunion and appn priate refreshments were tervet The worthy couple were present ? with a handsome rocking chair i a token of the esteem in whic they are held by their relativ < and friends. Dawson Newsbo' Primaries. The republican voters of .felTorson \ , precinct arc hereby requested to meet J ut Preston on Saturday night , Septem ber Oth , 1003 , ut 8 o'clock for the purpose - pose of selecting twelve (12) ( ) delegates l to the republican county convention to bo held ut Stella , Nebr , on Septemour 12 , 1005 , and for the transaction of uny , other business whlcn may come before ( them. W. W. HIIOWK , CommlttciMnun , The republican voters of Ohio pre cinct are requested to meet at the town hall on September 0,1005 , for the purpose of selecting ten (10) ( ) deleguleB to the county convention to he hold at Stellu , Neb. , on September 12 , 1005 , und to transact such other business as may properly come before the con vention. GUAN'T GOOLSUY , Committecman. The republican voters of the Third ward of Falls City , Nebraska , are hereby requested to meet in eaucu ut the National hotel on Friday night September 8 , 1903 , at 7:30 : o'clock , for the purpose of selcctlnc eleven (11) ( ) delegates to the republican county convention to be held at Stella , on September 12 , 1005 , and for thu trim- suction of any other buslnees. CAUL LIPPOLD , Committeemiin. Pursuant to a cull of the County Centrul Commitee the republicuns of the Second wurd of Fulls City , No- bruska , ure requested to meet In the court house on Fridny , September 8 , 1005. at 7:30 : p. m. , for the purpose of selecting seventeen ( IV ) delegates to the republican county convention at Stella , September 12 , 1005 , and to tran sact sUch other business as may be deemed necessary. NOKMAN MUSSULMAN , Committeemiin. The republican voters of Liberty precinct ure culled to meet in CUUCUK on the Oth duy of September , at 2:30 p. m. , tit the opcru house in Verdon , Nob. , for the purpose of selecting four teen (14) ( ) delegates to the county con vention to be held ut Stella. Nub. , on the 12th duy of September and also to nominate a township ticket , and to transact any other business that may come before said meeting. W. H. MAltK , Committeemiin. Real Estate Transfers. County Recorder Rieger reports the following : real estate trans fer for the week ending August 29th. II. C. Fankell and wife et ul to trus tees of the Village of Stellu wd to pt lot 10 blk 11 Stella consideration $30. E 3 Durr and wife to Wru McDou- gall wd to pt nwi no } 20-1-15 consid eration $750. Wm Herbster ( single ) to Louis Herbster 0 2-17 consideration qcd to pt sw - tion $1300. Caroline Herbster ( widow ) ct ul to Wm Horbstcr qcd to all int in swj S2 - * 17 consideration $0600. Mrs. U A Brooke and Mrs. Emily U * Slosson ( widows ) to Henry E MoriU wd to lots 1-2-7-8 and ei lots 3 fi blk 64 Salem alee i ac in ne } sw } 3-1 15 con sideration $1200. Ferdinand M Harlow and wifcotal to Wm II Jones wd to so } s } i > cj 11 and lot Si of sw } sec 12 1 15 conoid oration tion $4300. Total amount of transfers $17,400. FOR SALE : Set light double harness , nearly new. William Spears. Sigmund Spaeth went to Au burn Tuesday' in the interest of his gasoline engine business. He will spcMid several days there dur ing the fair. Good Farms And Lands Cheap. There is absolutely better farm land for the money , and more money to be made on increase in land , in South Dakota , than any other section of the United \ States for the next few years as * has been the case in the past few years. We have made specialty of these lands for several years. Write for our descriptive booklet which you will find valuable. Cheap excursion rates any clay. RIKER & CHAMHERS , Gen. , Land and Immi. , Agt. 40d Bee Building Omaha Nebr. Nothing on the Market Equal to Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere , and nine out of ten will give their customers this preparation when the best U asked for. Mr. Oba Wltmer , a prominent druggist of Jop- lln , Mo. , In u circular to his customers says : "Thorn is nothing on the market in tli3 way of patent medicine which equals Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. We sell and recommend this . " For sale ' preparation. at Kerr'sdrug store. U a