The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 01, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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Gulp was a business visitor
last Saturday.
Peter NMcckfcr was doing bus
iness in lowii last Saturday.
Al Doc.nor , of FsillK City , was
a Rule visitor last .Saturday. .
John Karbaugh transacted bus
iness in Falls City last Knday.
ShcfilT Uosstfck , of Falls City ,
was in town one day last wuuk.
lieulab LaKiimlo was on the
sick list several days last week.
Our band boys will play at
Atchison Kansas carnival week.
Kav Hart left for Su Joe Sun
day nitflit where he expects to
work. i , ;
Charlie Cavcrzagie went to St.
Joe Tuesday morning returning
in the evening.
Judge Scott , of Falls City , can
didate for county judge , was in
town last Friday.
Ike Adkins , front the Jtig Lake
in Missouri was transacting busi
ness in Kulo last Friday.
J. A. llinkle and son , Talbcrt ,
made a business trip to Mar
grave's ranch last Friday.
Max Oucssur came up from
Iowa Point Saturday night re
turning Monday morning.
John Iden. proprietor of one of
the hotels at the Big Lake , 'was
visiting in Rule last Friday' .
Charlie McMahon moved from
Skunk Ridge over in French
Town Monday of this week.
Dr. J. C. Shepherd ami wife
went to Kansas City Monday eve-
'ning.for a.shart visit With friends ,
Emma Shepherd assisted Charlie -
} lie Caverx.agie in the store during
J. A. llinkle's absence last week
John Mo'oney sliipped : car o
hogs to St. Jed last Thursday
night and they were beauties too
Joe Miles and wife , of Fall :
City , won * visiting in Rule las
Friday the jju sts of J. A. llinkli
and wife. ' '
Henry Schmidt put down a lim
concrete walk in front of the post
oflke for G * . J. llubur'the first o
this week.
Mr. Samluskv , traveling sales
man for Ridcnour it Baker Groc
cry Co. , of Kansas City , was i
town Friday.
Frank Graves had the misfot
tune to sprain his left ankle on
day last week , but is gettin
along very nicely.
Elmer Kanaly and wife c
Preston were Ktilo visitors las
Saturday the guests of Joh
Kanaly and wife.
Marion Nobles and wife , c
Osborne , Kan. , were Rule vis
tors last week the guests of Chai
Gagnon and wife.
Mrs. John LaRamlo retitrnc
home from Beatrice Thursday c
last week where she had been vi
iting for some time.
J. II. Mcrriam came down fro
Lincoln Monday night to shal
hands with old friends , returnii !
home Tuesday noon.
Miss Carrie Boyd former
teacher in our primary dopai
merit will teach in the Verdi
shool this coming year.
Cora Roulon of St. Joe whoh
been visiting frie nils in this ci
for some time departed for h
home at St. Joe Monday evcnin ;
Mr. lOaston of Polk county U
state is visititg his brother W
north of Rulo. Mr. K.iston sa
crops are fine in his county tl :
Ike Lyons , of Falls City , a ca
didate for county treasurer , w
shaking hands and talking po
tics with friends Friday of la
John Dunn returned from S
Dakota last Thursday where
has a clai m of 160 acres. He t
pects to niove his family the
next spring' .
Charlie Sc-ott and mother ,
Kansas , were visiting with M
Emma McVay Thursday of li
week. Charlie is one of Bnv
county's prospei 'ous farmers.
Geo. Leininger anl wife wt
shopping in R"u' 1 ° Saturd ;
George says he never saw
better prospect fo.r 'a big cc
crop for several years than there
is this year.
Fn'd Xeiscn of Arago visited
with L. Shelhoun and wife sev
eral < ftiys last wdek. Fred was
suffering with a very painlul
gathering on his left hand.
Mrs. Tillo , of Union Town ,
Pcnn. , who has been visiting her
mother , Mrs. Boles , of 4his city
for' several weeks , departed for
her home .Thursday of last week.
Prof. A. D. Larabee and wife ,
of Preston , were visiting here
last week , returning home Sun
day. Mr. Larabee has secured
t h e principalship a t Preston
Johnnie , little son of John Kan
aly has been suffering for some
time with an absess on his
right fpot which had to be oper
ated on by the doctor , the little
fellow is getting along nicely at
this writing ,
Frank Browns has returned
home from the western , part of
Gage County win-re hi ; has been
operating a threshing machine
for several weeks- Frank says
crops are just line out in that
part of Nebraska.
ICdith Kern , one of Rulo's ac
complished young ladies and a
graduate of the Rule high school ,
has been employed to teach the
coming term at the Mooney
school house. Her many friends
will b6 pleased to learn of her
Verna Vustine departed Mon
day of this week for Ilaigler ,
Neb. , where she has a position in
the school as teacher in the pri
mary department. We are sorry
to loose her as she was a first
class instructor in the primary.
F. M. Finsley returned homt
Friday of last weeks from Mis
souri where he had been looking
for a location for his furniture
'and undertaking business. Mr
Finsley is an up-to-date under
'taker and we are sorry to loosi
Joe Kitt and wife , of Denver
\vho have been visiting with IC1
Plante and wife for some time
left for Maitland , Mo. , Thursda ;
of hist week where they will visi
Lou Plante and wife for scvcra
days whence they will return t
their home. WP
Lonnie , little son of A. J. Hart
met with a serious vhccident on
day last week. While riding i
the back end of the buggy , in al
tempting to change his seat h
fell to the ground receiving
very bad cut on his neck an
head , besides a general shakin
up but he is getting along ver
Some of our citizens have con
plained for some time of missin
chickens and as Rule is blesse
with a lot of worthless olftgs ,
was supposed by those losin
chickens that some of them wei
doing the mischief. But on
more careful investigation it w ;
learned that the poor doggii
were innocent. Why not tl
guilty be punished ?
M. J. Leblanc commenced tl
work of excavating the groun
Monday morning for the found :
tion for a brick building adjoii
ing the bank building to be erec
ed by Joseph Miles of Falls Gil
is to be one story and a 50 foi
front iiO foot deep this buildin
will take place of Mr. Mil
building destroyed by fire eigl
teen months ago. Mr. Miles all
says he he will place concre
walks on both the north arnicas
side of these building.
Ivan Kellar spent Sunday \vi
Frank Peck.
Sadie Peclc was u guest of Eg
Stouder , Sunday.
Harvey Peck was a guest nt
A. Burk's Sunday.
N. Peck was in Rule hist Wi
nesday on business ,
) f
Mrs. iTiunes A. Stouder spe
s. Sunday in Glen Rock.
stn Herbert Burk spent Sunday
home with his parents.
re Ada Schultis assisting M
E. T. Peck with her work.
Lloyd Knisely visited , with 1
n cousin , Oleon Pock , Sunday.
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble , hoping "it will wear away , " are
drifting towards Bright * s Disease , which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
stops irregularities , strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not , and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body ,
causing dizziness , backache , stomach trouble , sluggish liver , irregular heart action , etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S
KIDNEY CURE at once , as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out. G , B. Burhana Teatlflea After Four Year * .
You c n easily determine if your kidneys are G. B. Burhana of Carlisle Center , N. Y. , writes :
out of order by setting aside for ,24 hours m. "About four yean ago I wrote you itatlng that I had been entirely
bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If cured of a aevere kidney trouble by taking less than two bottles of
upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has Poley'i Kidney Cure. It entirely atopped the brick-dust ledlment and
a brick-dust sediment or small particles float fain and aymptoma of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that
about in it , kidneys arc diseased , and have nrver had a return of any of thote nymptomm during thn four
' your years that have elapsed , and I'am ' evidently cured to stay cured , and
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken heartily recommend Fohey'a Kidney Cure to any on * suffering from
at once. kidney or bladder trouble.1'
Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00.
Dr. McMillan , City Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska.
Adolph Hracklmhn was down
toKulo Tuesday on business.
TobiiiH Lollinun and wife , of Ok-
liilionia , are visiting with roliitivt'H
Win. Hutchison IIUH returned
liuinu from Fill IB City tu attend
S"hool commenced in disitrirt
HO , August 'IS , by E. A. Butler MS
S. LI. Knisely , wife and daugh
ters were guest at Goo.N . Peck's
( _ ) . A. Burk , wife and two little
children were guests at Mr. Me-
Culm's Sunday.
) ohn Hutchison returned home
Sunday from Big Luke , Mo. , after
a wueku visit with relatives.
Mrs. W. X. Knight and her
mother-in-law , of Falls City , spent
Sunday with the former's mother.
Will KeHchiuk and wife are the
proud parents of a little girl al
their house which arrived last
Mrs. N , Peck and children returned -
turned from Missouri Sunday
after enjoying themselves at the
Sells & Downs United Shows.
The Great Sells & Downs United
Shows will exhibit in Falls City ,
Monday , September llth. giving
two performances. From a look
at the array of talent that Sells &
Downs htive engaged lor this sea
son it would seem that they liavt
made the effort of their lives h
give the public a performance
superior to any that has ever beei
given. They will present tin
famous Poutiiic Zouuvoe , 21 it
number , the finest drilled soldien
in the world , and Oapt. Winston1 !
educated Heals uiul Sea Lions
These mild-eyed denizens of tin
mighty deep are trafned to pin ;
upon musical instrument : * gui
tars , drums and cymbals- ol
guns , drill like soldiers , play basi
ball , and many other astonishiiij
feats , and to cap the clinrix thej
arc taught tosingsoloK , nil joining
in the , "A homo in tina
( loop blue sea , " to thorn not i
meaningless melody , but a touch
ing ballad , awakening thoughts c
hoiuo and kindred , that thes
seals seem to understand.
Besides these two great net
they have the greatest acrobat
and finest riders and funnies
clowns. Sells & Downs seem t
recognize that the public are dt
manding a great deal for thei
money , and they are giving uior
than t h e publia expect. The
: a have a menagerie made up of th
rarest and finest wild beasts froi
all parts of the world.
, State Fair News.
. !
This is the last call for theNi
braaka State Fair at Lincoln , Sep
4th to 8th.
To attend means a most plea
at ant outing at a trifling expense :
chance to mingle with and be 01
6. of nearly 100,000 people from n
parts of the state bent on bavin
is a good time ; an opportunity'i
see and to learn in regard to tl
The only Big Show to Visit This Section in Its Entirety
Falls City Sept. 11
Monday .
The Premier of the Age. An Array of Champion
Equestrians , Acrobats , Aerialists , Leapers , Tum
blers and Clowns. Unequalled by any Show
300 Head of America's Finest Horses
A MFNAfiFRIF , Replete and instructive togethe
IIIUIAUL/IVIL With other new and novel feature
Big $20 , 000 Zoological Feature
Three Beautiful White Baby Lions
The only ones in existence. To be seen daily in our
big million dollar menagerie
Always advertising what it presents. 10,000 seats
for lO , 000 people
Grand Street Parade at 10 a. m.
Two Performances Daily , Rain or Shine
Afternoon and night , under 10 acres of Waterproof Canvas
Low Excursion Rates on all Railroads
resources and the people of the
state that which it is not possible
elsewhere to see and to learn , and
the remembrance of which will
recalled with pleasure for months
and years to come.
Special train service has been
provided on all railroads and a one
fare rate for the round trip. In
addition to large hotel accomoda-
tions , the citizens ef Lincoln will
open their houses to state fair vis
itors und no one need lack for a
room and bed , on reasonable terms ,
while in attendance at the fair.
The entries and exhibits prom
ise to exceed that of anyprevious
fair in the history of the state. A
special feature at the state fair
will be an Igorrotw village which
was one of the greatest attractions
at the St. Louis Exposition , and
g visited by mor > llu.n 1,000,000
o people ; a tribe of Iminoies , Etead-
u' Dog Ei fib { nun tbe
province of Bontotby special
ptnmission of Secretory of War ,
Hon. W. J Tuft.
A stockade seven feet high im
mediately north of Agricultural
hall is being constructed for the
use of the Igorrote village.
There will be racing each day
of tin. ' fair ; the fastest horses in
the west have entered and will
contest for i he $0,000.00 cash offer
in purses.
Remember the dates , September
4th to 8th.
The Lincoln Star thinks the
"maximum and minimum" as re
lated to the tariff is intended to
hornswaggle the populists. It is
a high bounding phrase , to be
sure. It feels large in the mouth ,
like the initiative and referendum ,
and the populist wi 1 doubtless
guip it e.igej-.y. Fremont Trib
I It's Being Whispered I
I Around '
That we are doing1 the
Shoe business of the town.
Guess it's about right ,
too , judging1 from the
number of people who are
coming here for their
We fully understand
the "wherefore"and so
does every Man , Woman
and Child who has bought
Shoes here ,
When we give our
trade the best shoes their
money can buy anywhere
on earth , keep our styles
right up to the hour , give
special and expert atten
tion to fitting , what more
can we do ?
Tie to this Shoe store
and you'll always wear
' .rood shoes.
Geo. B. Holt ,
The Shoe Man
I D. S. flcCarthy f
s ? is ns * ? v . Si * A t T N x
X Piompt iittention aivcn
to the removal uf hoiibe-
S liokl s-'ood # .
| PHONE NO. 211
< >
Diplomat , Old Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenheimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made. Cull
for your favorite brand at
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
. 'j 'J
R. L. Beaumont , M. D.
' formerly CVe and Car Specialist.
! Now limiting practice to part'j
1 GLASSES. Sixth and Ff lix ,
Six anon naif ncrelou
In thu nuiern part
Oue bundled fruit treeb. Price
reasonable U'tr ,