The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 01, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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lintcrcd as second-class matter as
Falls City , Nebraska , ofllcc , Janu
ary 12 , 1904 , titnlcr the Act of Conjrcst
of March 3 , 187'J.
Published every 1-Vlday at Kails City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune Ptibtlihinrt Company
One year $1.00
Six month * fX )
Three months . .35
I Ill'tvliy IIIIIIOIIIICU HOPcIC H Clllullllntllfor
cotmty ulerk , subject to the ilrrlxlnn of the
rrpiiclloiui county convention.
If .1. I' ' , HllUIIKKT.
1 lirrrtiy niiiioiinru niynt'lf UN n ciiiullclntii
tar the iKitiilniillon ( or County .InilKc milijrct
to tlio upproviil of tliu Kcptitillenii County
t hcrrliy itnnoiincu myself n < : nmll < lnto for
county clerk ( "Ulijcvt 111 tlio tli-cUlon of Ilio
reimhllciin county coiixciitlon.
if I' . W. OAHII.
The bond issue scums to be
' ' "
We are in receipt of an un
signed communication from one
who claims to have been a con
tributor to the street fair. We
do not publish it for two reasons.
We will not publish sland
erous articles nor do we pub
lish any letter without the signi-
tare of its author attached.
Please bear this in mind when
writing communications to this
We heard a little philosophy
from a small boy at the tennis
courts the other evening. Four
boys were playing when a ball
was struck towards one of the
players. His partner ran in front
of him , struck the ball and won
the point. He objected to his
partner playing his game and
said so. His partner replied ,
"Well I won the point and you
would have lost it. " To which
the little fellow replied , "I'd
rather lose my own point than to
have you win it for me. "
The slot machines disappeared
within twenty-four hours after
'County Attorney James served
notice of pending prosecutions.
We do not believe the men who
have been operating these gamb
ling devices had any desire to
violate the law. The } ' were op
erated because the city adminis
tration permitted it. We do not
know that James is the member
of any church , nor that he sings
in a choir , but we do know that
.his oath of office invested him
with a responsibility which he is
"doing " his best to bear as becomes
an lionest man. He is entitled to
the encouragement of every man
who believes in the enforcement
of the law.
There seems some danger of
the country contracting "Japani-
tis. " There seems to be a pre
vailing impression that whatso
ever is Japanese is right. There
is no doubt that the little brown
men are wonderful in war , but
their right to be a great power
can only be determined by their
conduct in times of peace. The
.great tea importers of the east
say that a Chinaman always keeps
his word and observes the obliga
tions of his contract , but that a
Jap will never toll the truth if it
is possible for him to lie. That
with him a contract has no bind
ing force. Rev. James Mailey
who was chaplain of the 1st
Nebraska regiment in the Philli-
pines , spent several weeks in
Japan ; he related to the writer
at one time that there was not a
Jap employed in the banks of
Tokio , all of the employees being
Chinamen. The reason for this
was the utter untrustworthiness
of the Japanese. If such stories
as these are correct , Japan will
fall far short of the essentials o
a world power. N o eotintn
whose racial characteristic ii
dishonesty and unreliability cai
hope to maintain an advancec
position among the great nation
of the world. Of course the gov
eminent of Russia is unspeakable
but there is a great and yet to b
answered question as to whethe
Japan is entitled to the wondet
ful place given to it in the mind
of the American people.
The question as to the per-1
soncl of the next county oflicersl
seems to be much in the air.
There are several candidates for
each ofl'icc und each man who
presents himself is ( iiialified for
the place he desires to fill. As
one prominent republican said
last-week , "I wish that we might
nominate them all as it is a diffi
cult matter to choose between
such excellent candidates. The
latest candidate to announce him
self is Professor Hoff , of Hum-
bold I , for county superintendent.
The Tribune is authorized to an
nounce t h a t Superintendent
Crocker will not be a candidate
for re-nomination. Professor
Hoff is a high minded gentleman
of unusual culture. His whole
life has been spent in school work
and his qualifications for the
position to which he aspires will
be acknowledged by ever } ' school
man in the county. Superinten
dent Crocker , who will retire , has
made one of the most efficient
officers the county has ever had.
He will probably return to the
active school work in which he
has always been a distinctive
success. One thing is sure , out
of the splendid material presented
the party can and will choose a
ticket of acknowledged excellence ,
and one that will doubtless be
triumphantly elected at the next
general election.
The News says The Tribune is
against the city government. We
arc not unmindful of the com
plaint intended , but we wish to
respectfully b u t emphatically
deny the statement. We plead
not guilty.
The democratic wingof the
republican party under the lead
ership of Miles ct. al. , is working
overtime selecting the candidates
to be nominated by the republi
can convention in Stella. No
concern is felt however , by
the republicans who vote the re
publican ticket. It reminds us
of a story of a very large man
who went to a lawyer's office
with his very small wife seeking
a divorce. The man related that
his wife would occasionally abuse
and strike him. The lawyer
said , "I do not understand why a
huge man like you will permit a
little woman like your wife to
strike you. " "Oh , " replied the
man , "it kind a pleases Mandy
and it don't hurt me none. " It
probabl } ' pleases these patriots
to select our candidates for us ,
but to all outward appearances
it "don't hurt us none. "
Primary Convention.
Tlio republican votun * of Knlls" Ottv
towMbhlp uro huroby requebtoil to
tiiiHit at tlio towtibhlp bull on Siiturility ,
Suptumtiur Dtl ) , at Ii o'clock p. in. , ( or
tlio purpose of soloutint ; ulovun ( II )
( IcIc ulu'S to tin ! county convention
huhl at Stella on Suutombur 1'J , 1KK ! > ,
anil to transact such other business as
may come before salil mooting.
JOHN U'.c.iooic ,
Tliu republican primaries * for North
unil South Uttrtulti will bo hold in the
llage of Uarala Saturday , September
' .I111 , at 2 p. m. , for the purpose of
Folootiiic delegates to tlio republican
county convention to bo hold at Stella ,
September 1UnJ , " > .
The republican voters of Arnso
proelnet tire requested to meet lit
Arugo center school hout > o on Sutur-
iltiy , September Uth , tit 2 o'clock , for
the purpose of nomlnatlm ; un entire
township ticket nnd to select twelve
(12) ( ) delegates to the county convention
to bo hold ut Stella , Neb , on Septem
ber 12 , 1)0. ! ) > , and to truuaci such other
business as may como before thu meet'
1 mr
The republican voters of the Firs
ward of Fulls City , Nebraska , art
hereby requested to. meet In caucus it
the Council room on Friday night
September 8 , 1U05 , at 7:30 : o'clock , fo
the purpose of sclenting slxt--en (1G (
delegates to the republican count ;
IS convention to bo held at Stella on Sep
tember 12 , 1003 , and for the transae
tlon of any other business which ma
come before snld caucus.
1s . $1.00 a Year
Large consignments of fall goods are arriving daily. We have aimed to make our stock more
Jfo complete and exhaustive than ever. On account of our special facilities , our purchases have been
% l made at practically the same cost as one year ago , in spite of the material advance in the rn'ctj .
fa ;
M nearly all merchandise involving in their manufacture the use of wool or cotton. Lyford's will continue -
? tinue to be the center of trade in Richardson County. We have never been guilty of clap-trap or ! &
fl $ tin horn methods in soliciting your patronage , but with a steady , forward movement , we continue V
5Z to give you the same large value and the same equitable treatment. *
VCA l l !
Dress Goods
Plenty of new fabrics in nil the shades that are desirable.
This in lo be a plain season , with the old stand-bys in the lead.
Broadcloths , Serges. Henrii'ltaH , Batibte , Panamas. Mohairs ,
Orrpt-H and ArolimiH are more in evidence than ever. For
waisting purposes , Plaids have a renewed popularity. All
these are now on our counters , ready for your inspection.
Ladies Tailored Suits
With handsomely tailored Skirts and Jackets , with plain ,
graceful linen ; 42 to 50 inches long. Mostly of Cheviots or
Broadcloths in plain blues , greens , browns and black. Ladies
Suits are attractive and set olVthe figure as has no other recent
style. We uro showing Suits at from § 5 to $25. Our tits are
guaranteed and our values are not equalled by any firm this
side of New York.
Ladies Dress Skirts
Sensible , graceful , satisfactory can all be said of present
skirt designs. Strictly tailored , ready-made garniems are al
ways tasteful and serviceable The new styles now in our La
dies' department have every point of merit that can be embrac
ed in skirt niukini. ' . You are earnestly invited to call nnd see
these new things. Some pretty skirts for Misses are among
them. ed for fall trips" , school and general use.
NOTICE--New goods are coming in in all departments. Any line not mentioned above , in ;
which you are interested you will do well to look over.
I A Bargain in Richardson County LandS
S Wo liavo decidtd to s-ull in 80 and KM ) acre tracts , our 1200 acre
farm in Mburtj Precinct. This land Is located IJ miles froiv Verdon
and the same ilUtii.iRH from Salem and I > IIWM > I ) , anil comprises some of
the binoothcct mill best hind in Uiuhnrds-on county. Our prices , uro
right and ww will accept i-mall nh puvment- and tfive lorg time and
fuvorublx terms on balance. Till * is an opportunity which seldom comes
X tli thee di'nlrlhg to buy Uichard-on county land It will piy ; you to
s-ee u : < before inve-lwsr oleuwhwu.
The place to buy them is at
\Ve nre agents for the International and Dempster Gasoline En-
nines and when you are in need of an S or ten H. P. engine , we can
get one for yon on short notice. Remember we carry pumping en.
gines in stock and can put them up the day you buy. Get our
prices on 2 , a , 5 , U , S , 10.12 nnd 15 horse power engine before buying- .
Wo also have some bargains to oiler on wagons. We have a large
stock of wagons on hand and will make very low prices for some time.
Call and see them. Our buggy nnd surry line is complete and all
new stock nnd our lines nre such that cannot be beaten for the money.
It will pay yon to get our prices on Windmills , Pnmpe , Tanks and
Pump Fittings , and have W. C. Shinns Lightning Rods put on yonr
buildings. They are the best. Cull and see us.
Fall and Winter Cloaks
You think it a little early for winter. Vjjry well , some new
Cloaks of light weight , about right for fall and moderate winter
weather are now in. From them you can get a cloak for your
lute trip or , perchance , suggestions as to the winter garment
you will buy later.
Wash Fabrics.
; JO pie .es fresh fall styles Dress Ginghams.
25 entirely new styles of Autumn Suitings. Never more attractive -
tractive designs in any cotton fabric at 15 , 20 , 25 and HO cents-
50 pieces 3(5 ( inch Cambric Percales , the softest , finest , most
tastily printed percale , made to sell nt less than 25 cents only
12i cents per yatd.
200 pieces full standard Prints nt 4i and 5 cents.
Fleeced Fancies.
Extraordinary efforts have been made to make our Fleeced
Cloths attractive. Every good line on the market is represent
ed. Prices range from 5 cents to 20 cents. Many of the pat
terns are especially adapted to Dressing Saques , Kimonns ,
Robes , Comforters and similar uses.
New Rain Coats
Some new rain coats just in. These are particularly adapt-
We're Watch Doctors
and make it our business to straighten out all the
little troubles and net the sick watch on its feet
again. Because you don't understand all the de
tails of a watch IB no reason that we will charge
exorbitant prices for repairing. We charge what
it is worth no more. A trial will convince.
The Old Reliable"
Will be pleased to loan you what mon
ey you may need on approved security.
This bank desires your business and is
ready to extend to you all the accom-
modationsconsistent with good banking
If you are not already a customer , we
extend you an invitation to become one