THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 1 1905. THE FALLS CITY BUSINESS eLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING and PENMANSHIP Opens on MONDAY , SEPT. 11 , in the two story frame building five blocks northeast of court house Announcement We have collected a jrreat many testimonials from our former students who are now holding- excellent posi tions and drawing large salaries , and these we had in tended to have published in the form of a catalogue. Finding that the cost would be too great unless we in creased our tuition charges , we have abandoned this idea. Remember that we own our building , do our own teaching and owe no man a cent. This explains why our tuition is low r than that of similar institutions. Did you ever think , my dear students , that the fine catalo gues sent out by some of our large colleges , the rent for the great buildings which they occupy , the interest on several hundred dollars invested in fine school furniture and the high salaries drawn by their teachers are all paid by you ? i Shorthand and Typewriting. Never before in the history of the world has the lightning pen of the stenographer been appreciated as it is at present. The demand for good shorthand writers for general office work is far in excess of anything here tofore known. At no time in the past have competent stenographers so readily secured good , paying positions as now. All positions of this kind will be found pleasant and profitable and better adapted to ladies than almost anything else they can do in a business way. Young men and women have but to master shorthand to make it a source of profit to themselves and an easy stepping stone from a lower to a higher position. Save Twenty Dollars All students enrolling at the college on Monday , September 11 , 1905 , for seven consecutive months and xiying cash or giving note bearing 8 per cent interest , will be given a discount of $20 and furnished all books and blanks free of charge. This offer holds good for one day only. Parents , dent you think that it is a duty you owe to your sons and daughters to give them a good ed ucation ? It will cost you but fifty dollars Many of .the young pupils who have graduated from our college are now mak'ng more money in one month than it will cost you to send them to this institution and allow them to com plete a course. It is our aim in the future , as it has been in the past , to promote the general welfare of every stud ent in our college. The parents who send their sons and daughters to this college can rest assured that they are watched over by the people of this community and they are removed from the awful clangers that await them in the larger cities. Select Your Own Studies The most of all schools place all students in the same class at the time they enter school , and they are all dump ed out together at the end of three or four years by what is known as the grinding process , and during all this time the student has been pursuing studies that he knew would be of no practical use to him , but what can he do ? He must know a few branches , and in order to get them he must go through the grinding process. Attend our col lege a few months , no matter whether you wish to pre pare yourself for business , a stenographer , a farmer or the teaching profession , and by the time the other fellow who is attending the grinding school has completed his course you will have made back your school money and be com fortably located in business. Come and Do Likewise Our graduates are now filling positions as cierks , stenographers , teachers , and bank' cashiers at salaries ranging from $35 per month 1051,500 per year. You can do the same by attending our school from six to eight nonths. We have graduates in almost every bank in this county , also stenographers and bookkeepers in Om aha , St. Joseph and Kansas City , and in fact all through the west , that are commanding high salaries and they Freely give the Falls City Business College credit for the excellent positions they occupy. Why will anyone be idle when they could spend the price of one hundred bush els of corn for a course in this well established school and thereby step into a paying position that would be a cred it to themselves and to their aged parents ? Backward Students Many young men and women who have neglected their earlier education are too backward to mingle with the children of the public school. To this class we have to say that in our college there is nothing to embarass you , as we give you private instruction until you can en ter classes without feeling the least embarassed. Re member that there is no examination on entering our school and if you have never been to school a day in your life your nearest seat mate will riot know it as you will re ceive personal instruction from your teacher. By this method you are able to advance much faster than in a larger school and also save yourself lots of embarrasment. If you are thinking of attending school , write to any first class Business College for their terms nnd you will find that we can give you the same course of study from $20 to $30 cheaper. For further particulars call or address , I G M. BARRETT , PRINCIPAL SHUBERT \ Our town is full of strangers getting ready for the carnival. J. W. Evans add wife returned from their trip to Pacific coast Tuesday. L. M. Weddlc and Joe Harper made a business trip to Quitman Mo. last Tuesday. Walter Shubert was in Falls City Saturday transacting busi ness and visiting his friends. Mrs. Frank Weddlc is in Lin coln this week visiting her par ents Billy Watkins and wife. Warren Hutchins was looking after his interests at his farm near here the first of the week. Hala Birch and his sister Mrs. Mattie Whitney made a business visit to Falls City last Saturday. E. E. Bolejack assistant cash ier of the Verdon Bank was transacting business in Shubert several days this week. John Stottsand wife took pos session of their Shubert property last Monday and all now perura- nent residents of city. Mrs. Leonard Lloyd residing in the Indian Territory arrived in Shubert Saturday on a visit to her parents , Chas. Felt and wife. The o 1 d settlers picnic at Nemaha on the 24th inst was a great , success socially as people within a radius of twenty miles were in attendance. O. R. Ross who for some time has been employed on the Fred- ric , Okla. , Enterprise , was called home suddenly on account of the sickness of an infant child. It is expected that immediately after the carnival Shubert will enjoy a building boom , as we understand arrangements are completed for the construction of a double brick business house on the cornner just north of the James hotel , furniture , carpet and undertaking establishment. Warren Burns who has been laid up all summer with a sore hand , had the index finger of his left hand amputated last week. Dr Shook did the work removing the finger at the third knuckle oinl. The operation was a com pete success , and it is hoped : hat Warren's suffering is oyer itid that the wound will speedily teal. Market Letter. Kansas City , Mo. , Monday , Vug. , 28 1905. The cattle mar- xet improved everyday last week ill Friday , when buyers appeared indifferent and half the advance af the first of the week was lost an everything , except the best corn fed cattle. Expected heavy receipts this week was the reason for the bad market Friday. Corn fed streers arc higher today in the face of a run of 20,000 cattle , be muse these cattle arc getting scarcer every week , and will con tinue to do so till some of this years corn crop has been turned into beef. The supply last week at Kansas City was 23,000 cattle , and contained a good fhare of grass Westerns from Kansas and Oklahoma a large supply of she stuff , and 20.000 stockers and feeders. The liberal supply of 20,000 cattle today was about what was looked for. Some of the best corn fed steers seen here this month sold today at $5.75 and $5.80 , also the highest prices of the month , and 10 cents above the close of last week. Bulk of the dry lot steers sell at $5-20 to $5.50 , good grass natives $4.50 to $5.00 , grass westerns all the way from $3.40 to $4.50. Cows are 10 lower today , grass stuff sell- at $2.35 to $3.25 , canners $1.75 : o $2.25 , veals steady , about a above a week ago , at $5.00 to $5.75 for nice light ones , medium weights $4.00 to $5.00 , dulls $2.15 to $3 25. More country buyers were here last Wednesday than any other day this season am : prices were the best on that day , closing this week 10 to 20 centi below the best time , but still' 1 ( or 15 cents higher than close o previous week. High grade rangi stockers and feeders sold at $3.4 ( to $3.00 best natives $3.75 t < $4.25 , top stockers $3.05 , while ; good many fairly desirable stock ers were secured at $3.00 to $3.35 Prices on them are about steady today. The hog market is more or less erratic , but the last two weeks have gone by without any net change in average prices. More rough sows and packing hogs have appeared lately , drawn in by the high prices , and grass signs arc common , account of plenty of rains and rank forage , and these classes of hogs arc cut severely in price when sold here. Top price today $6.17 } , bulk of sales of wider range than usual , at $5.95 to $6.15. Sheep and lambs lost 10 or 15 cents last week , account of de clines at other markets , as the demand here is ample to take care of all that arc coming , about 20.000 per weed Top lambs sold two different day last week at $7.20 , and the same price was laid for two different shipments of Utah lambs today. Yearlings bring up to $5. 75 , Utah wethers sold at $5.45 today , 111 pounds , ewes at $4.75 , and bulk of sales , ' n the different classes is close to these figures. Stockers and feed ers in demand at $4.00 to $4.50 , but not manj being secured. J. A. RlCKAKT , L. S. Correspondent. A Warning to Mothers. Too much curt ) cannot be used with smull children during the hut wcuthei of the summer months to guurd ugulnsl : > owel troubles. As u rule it is only necoisary to give the child u dote ol custor oil to correct any disorder of the bowels. Do not use any substitute , but give the old-fashioned castor oil und bee that It is fresh , us runcld oil nauseates und hus u tendency to gripe If this does not check the bowels glvi Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diar rhoca Remedy and then u dose o castor oil , and , the disease may bi checked in Its Inciplcney und all dan ger avoided. The custor oil und tal remedy s'oould bo procured utoccn un kept reudy for Instant use as soon us th tlrst Indication of any bowel troubl appears. This Is the most successfu treatment known und may bo relic upon with implicit confidence even i cases of cholera Infuntum. For sale u Korr's drug store. I Mrs. Porter Stringfield return , ed Sunday from a visit with re latives in Stella. Low Rates On M. P. To Ogden , Salt Lake , Colorado Springs , Pueblo and Denver and return for one fare plus 50 cents. On stile daily until Suptember 30th. Return limit Oct. ,31st. To Philadelphia and return , for one fare plus $2.00. On sale Sept. ,14th , to loth inclusive , re turn limit Sept , , 25th. An ex tension to October 5th , may be had for $1.00. To Hot-Springs Ark. , and re turn for one fare plus $2.00. good for 30 days and on sale daily un til September 30th. To Lincoln State Fair and re turn for one fare. Tickets on sale Sept. 4th. to Sept. , 8th , re turn limit Sept. 9th. To Denver and return account the G , A. R. $10.75 , Tickets on sale August 30th , to Sept. 4th , return limit Sept. 12th. An ex tension on these tickets to Pet 7th for 50 cents. To Kansas City and return for $3. 55 August 28th , to 31 inclusive return limit September 5th. To St. Louis and return for S1415 , return limit October 31st. On sale daily to September 30th. To Chicago and return for $20,00. return limit October 3l6t. On sale daily daily to September 30th. J. B. VAKNKK. Agt. Closing out Sale of Clothing. Our closing out sale of cloth ing still continues and we are still offering exceptional bar gains. We would call especial attention to three hundred pairs ot all wool worsted trousers and at the price , each pair is a bar.- gain in itself. This is a genu ine closing out sale , and as such it embraces high class goods at low class prices. Our fine line of clothing is being sacrificed and to miss this sale is to miss a splendid opportunity. F.W. Cleveland. Dr. R. over King's Pharmacy. Burlington Bulletin. OF HOUND TKIP KATES. Chicago und return , on sale daily , m , St. Louie und return , on Rule daily , B14.15. Portland , Tuconm und Seattle and return , on sale dully , $45. Portland , Tucomu und Seattle und return , one way via California , on sale August 0 -10-lM2-iM4-15.10-17-29. : . 30-31 , $5 . San Francisco und Los Angeles und return , $50. On sale August Gto 14 , $50. Denver , Colorado Springs und Pueb lo und return , on saio dully , $17.50. On sale August 12 , to 15 , $15. On sale August 30 to Sept 4 , $10.75. Salt LuVe , Provo , Price und Ogdcn , Utah , und return , on sale dully , $30 50. Grand Junction und Muck , Colo. , und return , on sale daily , $30.50. Yellowstone Park , through und in cluding hotels und stuge , und return , on sale dully , $75. Detroit und return , on sale August 13 , 14 , $21. Plttsburg , PH. , and return , on sale August 18 , in , $23.50. Richmond , Va. , und return , on sale Septemder 8 to 11 , $33.15. Chuttunoogu , Tenn. , ucd return , on Bale September 11 to 10 , $23.05. Philadelphia and return , on sule September 14 to 10 , $32.15. Cody , Wyo. , Black Hills und Plot Springs , S. D. , approximately half rutes ull summer. Milwaukee und southern Wisconsin points , Michigan resorts on Lukes Michigan and Huron , Cunudu , Muine und New England , St. Lawrence and Luku Cumpluin regions , very low tour ist rutes daily. If you will cull or write , it will be u pleasure to advise you about rutes , truln service , to reserve you n berth , und to try to moke your trip a com fortable one. G. 'S. STEWART , 84-4 Agent C. B. & Q. Ry. Nothing on the Market Equal to Cham berlain' * Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere , and nine out of ten will give their customers this preparation when the best Is asked for. Mr. Obe Witmer , a prominent dru gUtof Joplin - lin , Mo. , In a circular to his customers says : "There la nothing on the market in tha way of patent medicine which equals Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diurrhoeu Renndy for bowel com plaints. We sell und recommend this . " For sale ' preparation. at Kerr'sdrug store. Martha King was down from Verdon on business Saturday. TIME TABLE Fnlls City. Neb , Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph Salt Lake City Kansas City Portland St. Louis and all San Francisco points east and and all points south. west. TKAINS I.UAVK AS FOLLOWS : No. 42. Portland St. Louis Special , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points east and south 7:20 p m No. 13. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver and all points west and northwest 1:2S : a m No. 14. Vestibuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south 7:47 : a m No. 15. Vestibuled express , daily , Deliver , and all points west and northwest 1:28 : p in Nc 16. Vestibuled express daily , St. Joe , Kan sas City , St Louis Chicago and points easi and south 4:25 p in No. 20. Local express daily Atchisonaml points south and west. . . . 4:35 p m No. 41. St. Louis-Portland SpecialLincolnHe lena , Tacoma and Portland without change 10:07 : p m No. 115. Local accommoda tion , daily ex cept SuiidaySalein , Nemaha and Ne braska City 11:15 p m Sleeping , dining' and reeling- chair cars ( seats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to V any point in the States or Canada. For information , time tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart , Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , G. P. & T. A. , Omaha. Missouri Pacific Railway Time Table , Falls City , Neb. NORTH No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln Express A 1:57 a m No , 103 Omaha and Lincoln passenger A 1:00 p m No. 191 Local Freight , Au burn A 1:00 : p m SOUTH No. 106 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver A 3:10 a m No. 108 Kansas City and St. Louis and Denver Al:2Spm No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a m No. 164 Stock Freight , Hi awatha A 10:20 p m A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday. J. B. VARNKK , Agent. A little forethought may save you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colin , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy ( it hand knows this to be a fact. For sale ut Ktrr's drug store.