The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, September 01, 1905, Image 1

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O. Andrews spent Wednesday
.1 in Auburn.
t Jack Glincs left Wednesday for
Kansas City.
Clyde Johnson left Wednesday
for Superior.
Geo. Reichers spent Wednes
day in Shubert.
Stephen Prior and wife visited
their son at Barada Sunday.
Peter Kaiser and wife drove t °
Verdon Monday and spent the
day. _
Dr. and Mrs. Keeler left Wed
nesday for an extended trip to
T. J , Whitaker , Jake Tanner
and John Wiltse spent yesterday
in Shubert.
S. D. Willets , of Chicago is in
this city the guest of his sister ,
Mrs. V. G. Lyford.
R. R. Johnson and wife re
turned Tuesday from a visit to
relatives in Superior.
John Baker and wife , of Merrill -
rill were guests at the home of
John Holt Wednesday.
Lou Paxton came down from
Waterloo , Iowa , to visit her
mother , Mrs. Carrie Paxton
Grace Gray returned home
Sunday night from a two weeks
visit in Indiana and Chicago.
Mrs. H. Manshart and son ,
Irvin left Wednesday for Denver
and other points in Colorado.
Mrs. Jennie Wentworth left
Wednesday for an extended trip
to Denver and other Colorado
Dr. Messier returned Saturday
from a weeks stay in Omaha-
On Monday hevent to Auburn
to spend a few days.
Prof. Harnack returned to this
city Tuesday evening very ill
Clem Stump went to Verdon to
work a few days in his place.
Josephine Graves has tendered
her resignation as a teacher in
the city schools. The board has
taken no action on it at this writ
Mrs. G. V. Stumbo and daugh
ter , Jennie Pearl returned the
latter part of the week from a
visit to Mrs. Pcabody , in Lin
T. T. Ross left this week for
western Kansas to jvork in a
printing office. He has been em
ployed on the Journal for some
time past.
O. R. Ross was called from
Frederick , Okla. , Sunday by the
serious illness of his little daugh
ter. At this writing the little
one is much better.
Christian Bible school at 9:30
a. in. Rev. Cronenberger will
return and meet his people Lords-
day. In the morning he will
give an extensive report of the
Inter-National convention held
in San Francisco , Cal. In the
evening "Scenes on the Way. '
A most cordial invitation is ex
tended to all members ant
Chas. Davis , Peter Frederic !
and Will Veach left Sunday U
take part in the shoots to be licit
in Colorada Springs and Trinidad
Col. The boys should get theii
share of the purses as anyone o f
them is capable of shooting 9 (
per cent. Will Veach will g (
from Colorada to San Francisc <
to participate in the Californi :
contests. Davis and Frederic !
were undecided when they lef
here as to whether or not thej
would return homefromColorad ;
or continue the journey witi
A Fine Display.
Very few people who have
passed Reavis & Abbey's store
liis week , have failed to stop
ml take a look at the display
vindows. The attraction has
een the magnificent display of
lattings now on exhibition and
liner line is rarely shown even
n the large cities. These mat-
ings represent a special impor-
ation as well as some especially
ttractive domestic patterns.
? here is also variety of quality
s well as quantity and the goods
ange from the inexpensive kinds
0 the high class goods that seller
or more money. A man who is
ooking for matting and cannot
ind something to suit him in all
his bewildering array , would
urely be a hard man to please.
W. P.Fergus.
The latest political announce-
nent is that of William P. Fer
gus of Falls City precinct for
heriiT. Mr. Fergus has been a
esident of Uichardson County
ince 1809 and enjoys a large
1 n d favorable acquaintance
hroughoutthe county. llesRt-
led north of Humboldt where
le lived until 1891 at which
ime IIP was elected shiriff of
lie couuty on the republican
icket and removed with his
atnily to Falls City , in and near
vliich city he has since lived.
Mr. Fergus served two terms
is sherilt and preformed the
luties of this office with marked
ibility and strict fidelity , mak-
ng a reputation of one of the
best sheriffs the county has ever
lad. He is now living on a.
arm in Falls City rccinct , and
las been living there following
the avocation of a farmer for
several years. Mr. Fergus will
ay his claims before the coun
ty convention soon to be held
n Stella , and should he be
nominated would doubtless be
choosen again for the position
le has filled with such credit
n the past.
D. Watson , of Reserve , was in
town Tuesday.
George Hinton was an Auburn
visitor Wednesday.
Grace Nims , of Dawson , was
n town Wednesday.
Fred Oswald returned home
Tuesday to visit a few days.
Martha and Anna Stewart were
up from Reserve on Tuesday.
Florence Parchen is visiting
relatives in Verdon this week.
George Shields went to Auburn
Wednesday to attend the races.
Mrs. Nellie Willard , of Reserve ,
was among Tuesday's visitors.
W. J. Boyd , spent Tuesday in
Hebron , looking after business.
Mrs. John Wiltse spent Thurs
day in Straussville with relatives.
Samuel Edgar , of Dawson , was
a business visitor here Wednes
day. _ _
Mrs. Peter Kaiser left Wednes
day for a short visit in Nebraska
A show passed through this
city Saturday on its way to Shu
Mrs. Ada Wells left Wednes
day for Colorado to spend a short
A new cement walk is being
laid around the Central school
Verne Sears and wife are in
Shubert this week attending the
street fair.
Clarence Heck and Charles Cor
nell played ball in Shubert on
Jake Morris Wins Cup.
The final shoot for the Peters
cup , participated in by those who
had won it in the preliminaries ,
was held at the traps Friday of
last week. Notwithstanding that
Jake Norris had been without
practice for several weeks , he
walked off with spoils. The score
was ; Norris 8' ) , Kellar 85 ; Fred-
crick 85 and Davis _ 85.
Little Girl Drowned.
The three year old daughter of
Born Schocky and wife fell into
a cistern at the family home in
Oleda , Kansas , last Wednesday
and was drowned. Mr. and Mrs.
Sehocky lived at Rule for a num
ber of years and have many
friends who will sympathize with
them in their sudden and awful
Derby Saloon Robbed.
Burglars entered the Derby
saloon on last Thursday night
and got away with about twen'ty
dollars in money and a quantity
of liquor. It is supposed that
the thief concealed himself in a
closet until after the saloon was
closed and then emerged from
lis hiding place , committed the
theft and made his escape.
Court Next Week
District court will be in session
icxt week , Tuesday having been
set as the date for the opening of
: he term and at that time Judge
Kelligar will set the wheels of
justice turning. A number of
interesting cases will come on
for hearing. Only one new case
las been filed this week. Mar
garet C. Nofsinger asks for a
divorce from Peter C. Nofsinger.
Stole Suit of Clothes.
Tony Kuttler was arrainged
before Judge Moran Tuesday on
the charge of having stolen a
suit of clothes from Roy Craw
ford and having disposed of the
said suit at a second hand store
in this city. Tony was unable
to introduce evidence proving
that he didn't do it , and so he
\vasduly convicted and sentenced
to spend the next thirty days in
the county jail and to pay all
costs in the case.
Charges Against Tucker.
The report of the investigation
made by the department of jus
tice relative to the charges
against Judge Tucker is on file
with the United States Attorney
General. The department de
clines to give any facts for publi
cation at this timethe dispatches
in Thursday's papers howe/cr ,
state that at least a part of the
charges have been sustained.
Fine Club Rooms.
The work of fitting up the
second floor of the Strong build
ing for the use of the Elks lodge
is progressing finely. The beau
tiful suite of rooms has been re
modelled a n d nicely decorated
and part of the fine furniture has
been purchased and installed.
When the work is done the Elks
will have a beautiful and luxuri
ous lodge home. It is expected
that the lodge rooms will be
formally dedicated about Sep
tember 15th.
A Question Of Ethics.
A bunch of representative citi
zens were holding an animatec
discussion Sunday morning on
the propriety of a Judge holding
a pretty girl in his lap One o :
the crowd did not think , a Judge
should be censured for such an
offence to which Bob Cain agreec
with some conditions. "I think
he ought to adjourn court first , '
said Bob ; "that is a job that
should be done at "chambers.1
To which Judge Wilhitc agreed
by saying , "that has always been
my practice. "
Burned by Gasoline.
Mrs. O. A. Cooper , wife of the
well known grain dealer of Hum
boldt , met with a serious acci
dent at her home at that place
on Monday. Mrs. Cooper was
attempting to burn some worm
nests from the trees in an orchard
adjoining her house and was
using gasoline for the purpose.
During the operation her cloth
ing caught fire ami when mem
bers of the family came in re
sponse to her calls for help , she
was enveloped in flames. A
blanket was thrown over her and
the flames smothered , but not
until she h a d been seriously
burned. Physicians believe that
she will recover , but it was a
miraculous escape from death.
Peace Declared.
Russia and Japan have reached
an agreement whereby a treaty
insuring a just and enduring
peace will be formulated At the
last moment Japan conceded the
indemnity and territory demands ,
consenting to divide the island
of Sakhalin and to return to
Russia a 11 interned warships.
The diplomatic victory is con
ceded to Russia though Japan
secures everything for which the
war has been waged. The world
icknowledges the accomplish
ment of peace to be due to the
courageous and determined stand
of President Roosevelt. Cables
from every crowned head of Eu
rope have been received by the
President , and the great news
papers of the world speak of his
successful labor in terms , of high
est praise.
Japan lias proved itself mighty
in war and magnanimous to a
defeated foe in the hour of vic
tory. It h as secured a place
among the great powers of the
world. T h e question as to
whether she can maintain the
position remains to be answered.
Team Ran Away.
One of the teams used in mov
ing the business college furniture
ran away Wednesday afternoon.
The wagon had been loaded when
the team took fright and ran
from the Wahl building along
the alley to the north until the
wagon collided with a telephone
pole and further progress was
stopped. The wagon was loaded
with chairs , desks and other fur
niture to which considerable
damage was done.
Business College Moved.
On Wednesday the furniture
and fixtures of the Falls City
Business college were removed
from the Wahl building on Wil
son street between First and
Second. "It seems like getting
back home again , " said Prof.
Barrett to a Tribune reporter.
"Here the greatest success of the
college has been achieved , and
the building seems charged with
a sort of college atmosphere. "
When asked concerning the out
look for the coining year Prof.
Barrett said , "The outlook is
very promising. More young
men and young women are com
ing to see the necessity of a bus
iness education , and the prevail
ing prosperity will enable more
of them than ever before , to get
such education. "
The college building has been
put in first class shape all
will be ready for business on the
opening date , which is Monday
September 11. It is altogether
likely that the enrollment this
year will be very large.
Marriage Record.
The following licenses were issued
by Judtfe Wilhitc :
J John S Beck , Humboldt Ofl
| Kmma Russell , Humboldt 45
I Carov Hisju'lns , Stcllu 22
1 Myrtle William ! . , Stella 21
( A. C. Khelton , Shub rt 4 ;
J Ibabelle Quisle , Shubert 3 ;
Eli Corn , an old an respected
itix.en of this county , died at his
ionic in Salem last Saturday at
he age of 72 years. Mn Corn
lad lived a long and useful life ,
lany years of which were spent
n this county and he had made
lany friends to whom his death
> rings genuine regret.
He leaves a wife and nine chil-
rcn , who have the sympathy of
11. The deceased was a sincere
hristian , having united with the
Christian church thirty-five years
go , and remained true to the
> rinciplcs of the faith until his
The funeral was held from the
Christian church in Salem , the
ervices being conducted by Rev.
Jonn. The attendance was very
Xelma Girth , daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. Ben Law , died at Ne-
ada , Mo. . August 15th. The
ittlc one was but five months
Id. Mrs. Law was on her way
o the home of her father near
Jalm , Kansas , and on reaching
Nevada , the child was taken sick.
Ir. Law who had remained in
his city , was notified and went
it once to that place. Mr. and
Mrs. Law have the deepest sym-
> athy of Falls City friends.
William Parchen died at his
ionic in Hay Springs on last
Tuesday. MrParchen was an
nvalid for several years and suf-
ered a stroke of paralysis which
vas the immediate cause of his
The deceased was a pioneer of
Nebraska , locating in Richard
son county in the early sixties ,
ind represented this county in
the first state legislature. Some
/ears ago he removed to Hay
Springs. He will be well remem
bered by our older citizens , who
will all regret to learn of his
Mr. Parchen was the father of
Mrs. W. A. Greenwald of this
city who , upon being notified of
liis serious illness , left last Sun-
lay for Hay Springs. The mem
bers of the family consist of a
wife and four children. The
iineral was held from the Con
gregational church at Hay
Society Notes.
The C. E. girls of the Presby
terian church spent Tuesday at
Sunny Springs. They took with
them well filled baskets and a
most pleasant day was spent.
On Wednesday evening at 8:30 :
A. Shelton and Isabelle Quig-
gle , both of Sliubert were united
in marriage by County Judge
Wilhite. The couple is well
known by many of our readers.
The Tribune extends congratu
On Tuesday afternoon of Urn
week Maud Davis entertained ;
number of her girl friends at ;
kensington. The hostess served
ices and cake which added mucl
to the pleasure of the afternoon
Mrs. D. D. Reavis cntertainei
twenty-five friends at her honu
last Friday' in honor of Miss * "
Philena Yutzy and Grace Fcnn.
After the guests had assembled
an interesting game of progress
ive initials was played. This
with dainty refreshments made a
very enjoyable afternoon. Mrs ,
Reavis was assisted by Mrs. . J. C.
Yut/.y and Mrs. Frank Uhlig.
Emma Baker entertained s
number of her friends at si :
o'clock dinner Tuesday at tin
home of Win. Rieger. A most
enjoyable time is reported b }
those who were present. Tin
event was in honor of Miss Bak
ers birthday.
The members of the Episcopa
Sunday school enjoyed a picnic
ind outing at Fast's grove north
of the city on Tuesday. The
lay was spent in a most delight-
ul manner and the basket dinner
vas an especially enjoyable
The members of the Junior
ocicty of the Christian church '
vf re royally en'tcrtaincd ' at the
lome of George Prater on Tucs-
lay evening. The little folks
pent the evening in playing
games of various kinds. Minnie
Vlacombcr assisted in serving
c.c cream and cake.
Mrs. J. W. Powell and Miss
ilary Maddox entertained twcnty-
our ladies at progressive whist
in Thursday morning at the'
'owell ' home. The house was
licely decorated in cut flowers
nd presented a beautiful appear-
uicc. The event was a complete
iiiccess and one that was most
horoughly enjoyed by all pres
et. A three course lunch was
erved at noon ,
Reba Evcrsole entertained the
ncmbers of the II. S. M. and
1. T ) . clubs at a house party on
Wednesday night. The guests
pent the night at the Eycrsole
ionic and were most splendidly
entertained , awaking the next
norning to enjoy a charming
breakfast , served by the hostess.
Holf Wins Prizes. T '
Will Holt who is making a tour -
of the state fairs in this section ,
with about twenty fine hogs , is
uaking a great record in the way
of prixc winning. At the Mis
souri state fair at Sedalia , he
captured ten prctniuns and at the-
fowa state fair at Des Moines he-
won fifteen pretniunsout of seven
teen entries. He will doubtless
do as well at the fairs he is yet
to visit. His Falls City friends
will be glad to know of his suc
The Conference.
The Nebraska conference of
the M. E. church will meet in.our
city September 19 , 1905. It has
been eleven years since the con
ference visited Falls City. Two' '
hundred men , representing one
of the largest religious denomi
nations of the United States ,
should be kindly welcomed
We respectfully appeal to the
people of our city to aid in enter
taining this conference. We need
meals for forty-five men at once.
If you can furnish meals for two
at your home or at one of the
boarding houses or hotels it will
be appreciated. Those who can
help please notify the pastor or
one of the officials.
W. T. CI.IKI ; .
C. II. Marion was among those
from hero who went to Auburn
Nellc McMahon returned the
first of the week from a visit to
W1 sner , Neb.
Mrs. Vcta Messier , of Culwell ,
Idaho , spent Tuesday here the
guest of her uncle , Will Price.
Mrs. John Weber and little
daughter went to Nebraska City
City Wednesday to visit relatives.
Al Johnson , who has been'vis-
iting relatives here returned to
his home in Norton , Kansas , last
Tuesday night.
Mrs. Dr. McMillian and daugh
ter , Ruth , returned Tuesday from
a months visit with relatives in
Fullerton , Nebr.
There will be service at the
Presbyterian church next Sab
bath morning a n cl evening.
Everybody cordially invited.
A prominent citizen of Shubert
had a fine Duroc-Jersey hog
shipped to him from Kansas. It
was transferred here and taken
overland to Shubert Saturday.