The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 25, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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With The Philosophers ,
You have to cultivate any
thing1 good if you want it to
grow. "Weeds and meanness
are spontaneous.
Did you sec any corn eight
feet high ut thai summer resort
where yon have been ?
Very little is heard about
tramps of late. The generation
bred by the democratic times is
passing away and there arc no
A hole will be made in the
ground when you die but there
will be no perceptible cavity in
the busy world above ground ,
It is said the male mosqui
toes do not bite. There is al
ways a female in the case , ever
a case of yellow fever.
A "woman's idea of econom }
is to buy a new dress to matcl
some old buttons.
It is worth something tolearr
to give others credit for gooc
for good intentions. It is dan
gcrous to lapse Into the liabi
of discounting everybody's mo
The man of real courage ii
not necessarily one who bragi
most about it.
Gas Addicks has become ai
editor , which is evidence of hi
real purpose to reform.
When Paul Morton cut ol
Chauncy Depew's $20,000 Equi
table sinecure he chopped hi
own salary down a like amount
leaving it at $80,000 , to she ;
his impartiality. You sec ther
was no robbing of Chauncy 't
pay Paul.
' Thus far the weather ha
been fine but old Sol was in hi
strength from the evidence (
the prcspiration seen upon tli
brow of everyone.
Of course if you know it is si
that ends the argument.
Are you ambitious to cut
wide swath in the world ? Ci
it out.
A Denver story writer saj
that "The brow of the ileetir
horse thief was beeded wi <
honest perspiration. " Thi
shows the inllueuce of cnviro
inent upon one's mode o
Anything will do for a wotnai
Women call it " "
"figure" ; mt
call it "shape. "
We suppose "sylph-like form
means when one is thin cnouf.
to break in two.
When we see some people v
feel like inventing a word th
is stronger than "crank. "
A well known Atchisonloaf
hasn't been doing much forse
eral years , but he has quit d
ing that.
Next to a husband who tel
his wife all he knows , a worni
- likes a house with plenty
An Atchison colored girl i
fuses to wear a white drw
"I'd look liice a fly in the bi
termilk , " she says.
It is related that when a c <
tain Atchison couple when
their bridal trip they took
lunch with them.
A man never so much doub
the intelligence of woman
when passing the windows ol
millinery store.
The man who is always sr
mg he is "as good as anybodj
also says a great deal abc
living in a "free country. "
As Mr. King , of Falls City v
driving his "Devil Wagon" do
Sixth street yesterday afternc
Mrs. Cyphers' horse scared z
threw her on the ground bruisi
her arm badly. She got up he
ever and pluckily held the ho
till the automobile had passed
Hiawatha "World.
Walter Shubert of Broken 1 :
I. T. and wife were in this (
Saturday the guest of friends.
An Orphan Nation.
The singular spectacle IB pro.
Honied in Europe of n great , in
telligent and progressive peopk
now practically free and independ
ent peddling their throne about
among thu princes of the noii/.li
borhood bugging for some one tc
rule them. When Norway broki
from her ancient association witl :
Sweden it was assumed by man }
that the opportunity would be
eagerly eoi/cd upon by tlio libera
element of tlio population to in
Btituto u republican form of gov
ernment. This seemed the tint
urnl and logical outcome of i
movement instigated by the peopl <
themselves and resulting in tern
pornry Rolf-government.
How deep-sented is the Bonti
mo nl and prejudice among tin
peoples of Europe in favor of tin
monarchical form of govcrnmen
ib well illustrated in this Norwu ;
incident. One of the first acts o
the storthing after the breach witl
Sweden wns to pass measures in
auring a continuation of a mon
nrchical form of administration
although there was no heir to th
throne. This action was taken t
appease tlio European monarchic
and gain their sympathy and BUI :
It IB easy to understand tli
preponderating influence of Em
peror William in Norway and th
jealousy with which he insist
upon tlio retention of a monnro
ind discourages the spread c
republicanism on the Continon
In this sentiment , of course , a
the other rulers fully concnrrec
But the situation seemed incoi
grnons when Norway , after brenl
ing thu bonds that held her t
Sweden , turned around and a ]
pealed to King Oscar to perm
Prince Borimdotto to occupy tli
new throne. This action may t
explained on tlio ground that tl ;
Swedish prince has always bee
particularly friendly to the No
wegians and has neglected no o
portunity to foster their interest
That ho would make a just ai
able king for them there is litt
doubt. But his august father , wl
was repudiated by Norway , qann
bring himself to consent to such i
arrangement. In the event
Bernadotto cannot accept t h
throne , Norway will turn to De
f mark mid ask that one of tl
Danish princes bo assigned
rule her. If this last effort fai
then there is a slight chance thai
republic mny bo formed.
The people of Norway are not
bio for their sturdy industi
wholesome courage and high i
tellectual ideals. So far as capo
ity for self-government ie co
corned they are second to nor
This hardy Northern race has i
ways been remarkable for :
resistance to oppression. Perha
no country in all Europe is me
promising ground for the spre
of political independence. \
Norway is hawking her thro
about as a gift to some ali
prince. It is indeed an anom
OUB situation. Kansas City Jot
Press Notes.
The fellows at the barber sh
nearly got into a row in discuss !
the number of seeds in a wat <
melon. They ate two watermelo
and counted the seeds in bol
There were 1501 in one and 10
in another both the same si/
; s
melon and neither one worth
is diiru. Hiawatha world
It is only'the silvor-strit ;
mosquito that carries the yell
fevor. Before you let a mosqu
bite you , bo sure to carefully i
nmine the stripes on his body
Merrill News.
A great many people in Cc
ratio who lug rocks three or f <
miles to deposit on the grave
, Helen Hunt Jackson don't kn
whether she was a tight rope j
former or a high diver , but
scenery is well worth the paine
_ Fnirbury News.
While taking the heavy wn >
out of the shed Tuesday morni
MV Garrett I Quinlan received sc
ity painful injuries by being str
I in the side with the wagon torif
Dr. Waggoner wae called to attend
him and found that his wounds
were more painful than serious ,
but will keep him confined to the
house for a few days at least.
Dawson Newsboy.
At the request of the mayor the
four cars used by the show were
not unloaded until about lOo'cock
Sunday night. The Sabbath daj
and desires of the church people
were thus respected. The Falh
City street show was in order anti
ready for business on Sunday
The sporting element there lint
the religious men whipped. Hia-
wntlm World.
Nebraska in too busy to have n
great amount of interest in the
state election. When business if
booming and farmers arc at theii
wits ends to know how to take
care of their splendid crops , poli
tics fail to rouse any great en tli us
iasm. The conventions do no
meet until late in the season , am
the campaign will be short. I
th odd year election were nbol
tailed , few would regret it. Nor
folk News.
Even the corn fields are tryiiij
their best to help put Nebrnski
out of the list of populism am
pessimism With big corn crop
and a largo republican ij.njoritj
we can hold our heads as lii h n
any of thorn. Wausa Gazette.
W. J. Bryan And Carrie Nation
It was a fortuitous combina
tion of circumstances whicl
brought about a conjunction o
two planets in the reform skie
at the St. Louis Union static
last Saturday night. Hon. W
J. Bryan and Mrs. Carrie Nn
tion were both there and bet
awaiting their departure on th
same train out to fill dates a
Illinois towns. In this way th
planets were brought in cor
junction. The one from Kans
appears to have dimmed in lus
ter , for the nonce , the one froi
Nebraska. Mrs. Nation assur
ed Mr Bryan that he was
i stainless knight , with shield ui
stained by tobacco smoke an
with breath untainted by th
odor of rum. Mrs. Nation st
Mr. Bryan on a pedest ;
and figuratively fell down an
worshiped him. And in so d <
ing she struck the name of Fol
off the list of the anointed. SI :
had heard of his taking a drin
of whiskey and omitting to d
lute it with water. Not that d
lution could pardon such an o
fence in the eyes of Mrs. Natior
Taking it raw is no worse i
her sight than taking ; it mixei
"But , " said she to Mr. Bryai
"I won't say anything good <
a man who smokes and drinks.
Thus at one fell swoop , wi
Mr. Folk disposed of. For t
does both.
The Nebraska planet appeal
to have been the one obscure
by the conjunction. He d
nothing but laugh , while th
the one of Kansas shone 01
1- with a brilliancy to dazzle th
eyes of all beholders. Shesei :
ed the opportbnity to address
crowd of trainmen and bystam
ers on their vile habit of smol
ing , and justified her faith I
her works in following her ui
ual tactics of knocking or pul
ing cigars , pipes and cigaretti
from the mouths ot all atten
ing votaries of nicotine. M
Bryan , from the safe elevatic
of the rear platfrom of a trail
had before his very eyes an ol
ject lesson in how to tackle tl
w monumental and overshadow
tour ing evils of the age. Mrs. N
tion showed him how to go t
to the help of the Lord again
the mighty. Not by mere won
said Mrs. Nation to Mr. Brya
ur in effect , but by the lorce
of strong arms and resolute will
) ofW are the dragons of these degen
rate days to be met and eve
he come. Still Mr. Bryan on
laughed. It is much to be fea
ed that Mrs , Nation's work w
all in vain. St. Louis Glol
on Democrat.
IIP George Martin went to H
ck watha Friday to spend a f
Je.'days ' at the street fair.
Bo a Texas Legislator Brought an
Alarm Clock Into the House
Which IB a Success.
The unusual sight of a mature
and sedate member of the legisla
ture standing on the lloor of the
house in the midst of Us proceed
ings holding aloft u IG-cent alarm
clock , decorated with bine ribbons
bens , while the alarming depart
ment of the machinery WOH in : i
state of eruption , was witnessed
the other afternoon , and the sight
precipitated convulsions und COD
fusion emi the part of the member
ship , while the pages shrieked
wildly and turned somersaults it
the aisles. J. J. Blount , of Ander
son county , was the owner And'op
erator of the clock and the origina
tor of the Idea that timepieces
should be put to thai use. He wai
deadly in earnest too , says tbc
Dallas News.
Mr. Blouat had on several occa
sionB complained of the "wind
jamming " in the house and spec !
llcally of the fact that speeches o
ten minutes extended beyond tlur
time limit. This afternoon lit
fihowt'd up In the house with J
brand-new clock. He informec
those who questioned him about i
that he intended to set the clod
as each member rose to speak H <
that it would call time on hin
when the limit under the rules ha <
been reached.
There were several speeohe
during the first hour und a hul
of the session , but it chanced tha
Cnr.tisHancockjOf Dallas , was th
victim of Mr. mount's system
The Blanton pure food bill was ur
der discussion. Mr. Hancock Imi
offered an amendment to protec
the retail grocers and was speoli
ing to it. He was frequently ir
terrupted with , questions an
there was frightful disorder , s
much that the speaker ( Mr. Hud *
pcth in the chair ) ordered the sei
gonnt-at-arms to clear the lobbj
Just at this juncture and as Mi
Hancock was reaching the quii
ting point a strong "ting-a-liug
rang out above the din. Mi
Blonnt arose and held the tin
keeper aloft in full view of th
howling assemblage.
"Steamboats have schedules , s
railroads have time cards , and th
Twenty-ninth house of represei
tativcs must follow its rules , " h
declared. Mr. Hancock seemingl
believed that he had been specia
ly selected as the voctlm of a pra >
tical joke , asserted with emphasi
his right to be heard in the inte
est of the people whom he repr
sented , and he scathingly di
nounced the spirit which itseeme
prompted some members to pe
pctrate such pranks. His indigni
tion and earnestness were sue
that the remainder of his speee
was received in respectful silenc
The lobby was not cleared.
Four Farms In United States and Ij
dustry Is Reported ThrlrinR
Year by Year.
There are four ostrich farms i
the United States and the tw
most important are situated i
the Salt River valley , Arizon
The industry is carried onsncccs
fully in the Arizona climate an
the birds seem to thrive quite :
well as in their foreign habita
Mr. Joseph Harbert , of Phoeni
imported 1(5 birds from South A
rica in 1893 , and placed them c
hip farm in the Salt River valle
a few miles from the city of Pho
nir. A number of the birds dit
from the effect * of the journey ar
the change of food and climat
and during the first years litt
progress was made. Their egj
were hatched in large incubator
and when the business of carii
for them was learned it was foui
that the Salt River valley bin
grew up to be several inches tull <
than the imported birds and tl
feathers are said to be of bett
quality. Gov. Alexander O.Brodi
of Arizona , takes great pride
the ostrich farming of his ten
tory , and he has devoted consi
erable space to it in his last a
nnal report , showing that 1
believes it will become in time 01
of the leading industries of th
region. One bird will yield
y pound of feathers at one clippin
and they are clipped every cig
months. Some of the feathers a
sold as high as ? 25 a pound in en
ern markets , so it can be read !
seen that it is an industry wor
a. while. The ostrich population
the two farms near Phoenix
I about 1GOO.
It's really a pleasure to rocora-
ratnd an article with merit.
If you have a corn or a bunion
and want to rid yourself of it , we
recommend Blue-jay a painstaking -
taking plaster.
Next time your corn hurts , don't
swear , toy. " Blue-jay. "
Prkje , lOc.
x > rn Plastere
Burlington Bulletin.
Chicugo and return , on sale dally ,
St. Louis and return , on fiulo daily ,
Portland , Tiicomn and Seattle and
return , on gale dully , 845.
Portland , Tucoma and Seattle and
return , one way via California , on sale
August 0 7-8 ! MO-ll-12-iM4-15-lG.17-29. :
: io-n : , 850.
San FrancNco and Los Angeles and
return , $ JG. On sale August Oto 14 , $50.
Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueb
lo and return , on sale dully , $17.50.
On sale August 12 , tivlo , Slo : On sale
August : tO to Sept 4 , $10.75.
Salt LuVo , Provo , Price and Ogden ,
Utah , and return , on sale daily , $30 50.
Grand Junction and Muck , Colo. , and
return , on sale dally , $30.50.
Yellowbtone Park , through and in
cluding hotels and stage , and return ,
on sale daily , $75.
Detroit and return , on sale August
13 , 14. $21.
Pittsburg , Pa. , and return , on sale
August 18 , 10 , $23.50.
Richmond , Vu. , and return , on sal-j
Septemder 8 to 11 , $33.15.
Chattanooga , Tenn. , and return , on
sale September 14 to 16 , $23.65.
Philadelphia and return , on sale
September 14 to 16 , $32.15.
Cody , Wyo. , Black Hills and Hot
Springs , S. D. , approximately half
rules all summer.
Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin
points , Michigan resorts on Lakus
Michigan and Huron , Canada , Maine
and New England , St. Lawrence and
Lake Cutnplain regions , very low tour
ist rates dully.
If you will cull or write , It will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates ,
truln service , to reserve you a berth ,
and to try to make your trip a com
fortable one.
84-1 AcentC. U. &Q. Ry.
Nothing on ( he Market Equal to Cham
berlain's Colic , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
This fact is well known to druggists
everywhere , and nine out of ten will
Rive their customers this preparation
when the best is asked for. Mr. Obe
Witrncr , a prominent druggist of Joplin -
lin , Mo. , in a circular to his customer *
saye : "There is nothing on the market
in the way of patent medicine which
* equals Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
a and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com
plaints. We sell and recommend thli
preparation. " For bale at Kerr'f drug
Closing out Sale of Clothing.
Our closing out sale of cloth
ing still continues and we art
still offering exceptional bar
gains. "We would call especial
attention to three hundred pairs
o ( all wool worsted trousers anc
at the price , each pair is a bar
gain in itself. This is a'genu
ine closing out sale , and as sucl
it embraces high class goods a' '
low class prices. Our fine lint
of clothing is being sacrificed
and to miss this sale is to mis ;
a splendid opportunity. P.
'Missouri ' Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls City , Neb.
No. 105 Omaha and Lincoln
Express A 1:57 a n
No. 103 Omaha and Lincoln
passenger A 1:00 p 11
No. 191 Local Freight , Au
burn A IsW ) p n
e No. 106 Kansas City and St.
t- Louis and Denver A 3:10 : a n
ty No. 108 Kansas City and St.
y Louis and Denver Al:25pn :
h No. 192 Local , Atchison. . 10:30 a n
No. 164 Stock Freight , Hiawatha -
awatha , A 10:20 : p n
A. Daily. B. Daily except Sunday
J. B. VAKNKK , Agent.
Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points east and and all points
south. west.
No. 42. Portland St. Louis
Special , St. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
east and south 7:20 p m
No. 13. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest 1:25 : a m
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St. Louis
and all points east
and south 7:47 : a m
No. IS. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest 1:28 p m
Nc 16. Vestibuled express
daily , St. Joe , Kan
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
cast and south 4:25 : p m
No. 20. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and west. . . . 4:35 p m
No. 41. St. Louis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change 10:07 : p in
No. 115. Local accommoda
tion , daily e x-
cept SundaySalem ,
Neinaha and Ne
braska City 11:15 p in
Sleeping1 , dining and reeling chair
cars ( seats free ) on through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Palls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. & T. A. , Omaha.
Low Rates On M. P.
To Ogden , alt Lake , Colora do
prings , Pueblo and Denver and
return for one fare plus 50 cents.
On sale daily until Suptember
30th. Return limit Oct.,31st.
To Philadelphia and return ,
for one fare plus § 2.00. On sale
ept.,14th , to 16th inclusive , re
turn limi t ept , , 25th. An ex
tension to October 5th , may be
had for $1.00.
To Hot-Springs Ark. , and re
turn for one fare plus $2.00. good
for 30 days and on sale daily un
til eptetnber 301h.
To Lincoln State Fair and re
turn for one fare. Tickets on
sale ept. 4th. to Sept. , 8th , re
turn limit Sept. 9th.
To Denver and return account
the G , A. R. $10.75 , Tickets on
sale August 30th , to Sept. 4th ,
return limit Sept. 12th. An ex
tension on these tickets to Pet 7th
for 50 cents.
To Kansas City and return for
$3.55 August 28th , to 31 inclusive
return limit September 5th.
To St. Louis and return for
$14,15 , return limit October31st.
On sale daijy to September 30th.
To Chicago and return for
$20,00. return limit October 31st.
On sale daily daily to September
J. B. VAKNEK. Agt.
A little forethought may save you no
end of trouble. Anyone who makes it
a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand knows this to be a fact. For sale
at Ktrr's drug store.
A. E. Wolfe D. O.
Osteopathic Physician
Oflice over Lyford's store. Residence
at National Hotel