The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 18, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Knterixl as second-class matter as
1'alls City , Nebraska , post ofllce , Janu
ary 12 , 1904 , unilcr tlic Act of Coiigrcst
of March 3 , 1879.
Published every Vrhlay at Kails City ,
Nebraska , by
The Tribune Publlihind Company
One year $1.00
Six months 60
Three iiioiitlis .AS
1 horrliy Mtinouuco iiiyi > i'lf n cnmllilMo for
county clwrU , Mlbji-ci to Mm ilcrHlon of the
rcpticilcun county convention.
tf J K. BlItlliKKT.
I hereby nnnminco tnyftcir lift ti candidate
for thn timnlimtlim ( or County Judjre subject
to thn upprnvnl of I tic Itopuhllcutl County
cnnvrntliiii ,
I hereby niiiiolincu inj-nolt n cnnilldnlo for
county clerk cutijccl to I lie decision of I ho
rt-i'tibilciin county comi-ntlon.
tf I' . Vf OAIIII.
Republican County Convention.
Fulls City , Neb. , July 8 , 11)05. )
The roiubllcniiMof | lUchiirllsoii conn-
ty , Nebraska , are hereby requested to
meet in convention in the opera house
in Stella , NebrmUn , on Tunitiliiy , Sep
tember 12 , IWKi , at Z o'eloek p m , for
the purpose of placing in nomination ,
n county treasurer , a county clerk , n
county judge , a superintendent of pub
lic instruction , u shuritT , u eoiintj sur
veyor mid u coroiier. Also for the
ptirposo of selecting twenty-one dole-
( jutes to the republlcnn suite conven
tion to be held In Lincoln , Nebraska ,
on September 11 , 190 ? , inn1 for the
transaction of Hitch other business IIH
may come before the convention.
The busli * of representation belnir one
delegate for eiuili ten votes or miijor
( ruction thereof east for the Hon.
Theodore Roosevelt for president In
11)01 ) , tlio fovcnil preclnotH nolnu en
titled to the following dulogatefi !
Arugo Luwls Suoss 12
North Harada C U Martin 12
South Harada Jolin Murkt II
Franklin CO A very 10
Falls City pr John W Crook II
Falls Oily 1 wd John WllUe 11) )
Falls City 2 wd N Mussulman 17
Fulls City : i wd Carl Llppold 11
Orunt M Rllcy HI
Elumboldt pr O K Hook 8
Humboldt 1 wd I Shirley 11
Humboldt 2 wd II Anderson 9
Jefferson W W Urown 12
Liberty \V U Mark 11
Kast Muddy W U Morrow 10
West Muddy II D Weller 12
Nrnmhii J G McGinn ! * 10
Ohio Grant Goolsby 10
Porter AJ Wlxon 8
Uulo Olnoy Graham 10
SnlLin C H Snyder 15
Spelscr Albert Heutler 8
It is recommended the caucuses be
hold on Saturday September 1) ) , UK ) , * ) , ut
u place und hour designated by the
several precinct eommltteemen , who
art ! reiuested ) to make the necessary
culla and arrange the detail * for holdIng -
Ing the mine.
AttestV. . K. DouuiNCiTON' ,
JL. . CLKAVKH , Chulrman.
A number of corn fields in the
county are showing1 signs of firing
much to the surprise of their
owners. George 'Peck , of Ohio
precinct made an investigation
last week to discover why one
portion of his field was fired and
another was not. In every in
stance he found that the tired
portion was blighted by chinch
bugs which were present in large
numbers. It would be a gooi
idea for the farmers whose fields
show evidence of firing to make
a live investigation , especially in
those fields that were former ! )
in small grain.
Our job department has prinlei
112 pages of brief in three weeks
and has more than 100 pages stil
ou the hook
. The Tribune did its utmost to
have Russia and Japan agre
upon peace terms last week , bu
our efforts were unavailing
A Falls City maiden who wear
one of these ' 'For God's sake
Mary sing" faces , returned fron
a three weeks visit one day las
week , and has been busy eve
since relating how many heart
she crushed during her absence
George Abbott in his Verde
speech advocated a limit of $100 ,
000 , upon a persons possesses
sions , all over that to escheat to
the state. J. H. Miles , E. S
Towle and Jas. Slocum don'
agree with Mr. Abbott. San
Mower advocates a limit of $10 ,
000. George Abbott doesn't agre
with Mr. Mower. We all wan
the limit placed high enough tha
it may not interfere with us.
One of Kails City's best citizens
aid to a friend of the writer last
vcek , "I am afraid The Tribune's
igitation of the telephone ques-
ion will keep the farmers out of
own. "
The good citizen was perfectly
toncst in his criticism , and was
( linking only of the best interest
of the town when he gave utter
ance to the above opinion. How
ever , he isn't conversant with
he facts as they exist. The
Tribune will keep no one out of
his city ; they are already out
iml we want them back in.
Ask Will Grush , Mr. Duncan ,
Will Goetz , A. Randolph and
he many other patrons of the
rural telephone companies why it
s that they have shunned Falls
City for the past two years.
Take a directory of these com-
> anics and see how many men
who were formerly customers of
his town , who are now doing !
heir trading elsewhere. No. no ,
ve are not keeping them out ;
he } ' were out before The Tribune
lad an existence. We can get
hem back in very easily by fair )
reatmcnt. |
It isn't pleasant for this paper
o occupy the position of oppos-
ng a local institution , especially
vhen it is composed of some of
he best friends we have. The
greatest good to the greatest
lumber is a safe and just position ,
ml such is the position of The
If a rural telephone subscriber
esircs to call a physician , he
an call one from Rule and Pres-
on from his own home. If he
wants a Falls City doctor he
mist ride or send for him.
If he desires the market report ,
le can secure it , but not from
"alls City. His corn , wheat or
tock will in all probability be
old to the grain buyer who gives
lim the market. Consequently
le takes his product to Rulogets
i check on the Rule bank , cashes
t and makes his deposit there.
Buys his dry goods and groceries
f the Rule store , and all because
e has telephone connections
vith that city.
This paper has called the sittt-
ition to the attention of the city
ouncil several times and asked
hat the ordinance which keeps
hese farmers out be repealed.
We have failed to secure even a
Kissing notice at the hands of the
gentlemen who compose that
We have laid the facts as we
know them to exist before the
Merchants , nearly all of whom
ire anxious for the repeal of the | [
These merchants can force the
repeal of this ordinance if they
believe it is of sufficient interest
to make the effort.
So far as the welfare of this
paper is concerned it makes no
difference whether the ordinance
is repealed or not.
To the city however , it makes
a great difference.
In the languageof Boss Tweed ,
" \ \ hat are you going to do about
it. "
The school mantis. God love
them , have departed , leaving us
desolate indeed. Institute week
may b > an event in their year , it
certainly is an event to this city
which always embraces them
with wide spread arms , literally
speaking. If there is any pro
fession which should be well re
munerated for the labor per
formed , it is the profession of
teaching. The salary paid to the
American teacher is a disgrace.
We intrust these young men and
women with the most sacred duty
we have , the preparation of our
children for the labors of life.
We pay them about the same
wc-gesthat we pay a stable boy
for grooming our horses. George
Watkins was right when he said ,
"il wecannotlincrease your salary
we ought at least to make it run
twelve months instead of nine. "
The peace envoys complain
about the hotel accommodations
at Portsmouth. They might
try tipping the waiters.
IHftNFY ls aw-ys | ready to earn you
lUUiiCI more money when given the
We Furnish the Opportunity
Perhaps you had better
ask us about it : : : : :
The FaJIs City State Bank
Dun Sapp was over from Missouri -
souri Thursday.
Ed Davis went to St. Joe Sat
urday returning the next day.
J. A. Hinkle visited at Fortes-
cue Friday night returning1 Sat
.less Zeigler went to work
with the bridge gang the lirst of
the week.
Jim Glenn , foreman of the
tence gang was here one day
last week.
Edith Kern and Julia Cronin
attended institute at Falls City
last week ,
Mrs. A. J. Hart has been on
the sick list for several days ,
but is improving.
The Burlington pay car was
in town Sunday afternoon pay
ing off employees.
L. E. Plum and wife returned
from Lincoln Friday where they
had been visiting.
Mrs. S. W. Witman and son ,
Gram , returned Saturday from
a visit at Verdon.
Rev. Kincaid held religious
services at Preston last Sunday
morning and evening.
John Griser and wife of Fort-
escue were the guests of J. A.
Hinkle and wife Friday.
Joe Frederick has sold his
residence property on Fourth
street to Mrs. H. Edgcomb.
Airs. Wanner and son , of Falls
City , were the guests of H.
Edgecomb and wife Friday.
MM. Wattyene has gone to
California , being called there
by the serious illness of her son.
Mrs. Bessie Brinegar won first
prize tor spelling in the teach
ers contest at the institute last
I. K. Jarrott has gone to
Chamberlain , S. D. , where he
has a position as bartender in a
saloon ,
Vesta Vanvalkeuberg has
gone to Lake Michigan , where
she will remain during the hot
F. E. Gulp , of Wymore , super
intendent of bridges for the Bur
lington , was in town Wednesday
of last week.
Max Guesser came up from
Highland station Saturday to
visit his frau returning the lirst
of the week.
The Burlington people have
put down some good substantia
sidewalks over the tracks or
Main street.
Cecil and Mamie Kanaly re
turned trom Falls City Satur
day where they have been attending -
tending institute.
Two steamboats , the F. Y.
Bachelor and the 0. K. , passed
Rule one day last week enroute
for Sioux City. They were both
government boats.
Messrs. Nelson and Dickson ,
of Falls City , are painting the
new and handsome residence of
S. W. Cunningham.
Geo. Edward and wife attend
ed the Epworth assembly at
Lincoln , going Thursday and
returning Saturday.
Dr. J. M. Harris and family ,
of Tecumseh visited with Uncle
George Harris and wife the lat
er part of last week.
Harland Jones , a prosperous
armor living north of town ,
was transacting business in our
city the first of the week.
We note a little mistake in
ast weeks items. The present
T. C. Hinkle received from his
ather was a fine cow instead of
a cane.
Mrs. S. W. Whitman and son ,
Oram , left Tuesday vfor Glen
lock , Wyo. , where she will join
ler husband who is principal of
lie schools there.
Our genial druggist , R. S.
Coupe , has had new and larger
vindows put in the front of his
drug store , which greatly im
proves the looks.
Ike Adkins from near Fortes-
cue was in town the first of the
veek. Ike says he will have
one more to keep from now on.
It's a girl this time.
Uncle Joe Frederick has pur
chased the lots just south of
; he depot from Mrs. John Win
; erbottom and will erect a hand
some little cottage.
Mrs. Anna Randolph and
daughter , Eunice , returned
Thursday from Kansas City ,
where they have been visiting
: he past three months.
Willie Ward , the helper at the
depot , has been granted a thirty
days leave of absence and will
visit relatives at Highland and
other points in Kansas.
Jes Palmer came up from
Kansas City last week. Jess
: ias been working in the oil
nills there and will return
about the 15th of September.
O. W. Arvidson and gang are
building a new platform onto the
west end of the depot and ad
joining the new Atchison track.
This is a much needed improve
me nt.
Jim Lee , of Humboldt , and
John Lee , of Corning , stopped
in Rule , Saturday night enroute
for Leavenworth , Kan. They
were traveling in a row boat.
Jim says just fishing and to
have a good time.
Mrs. John Chuning and son ,
Ira , of Bigelow , passed through
Rule tne lirst of the week from
Hiawatha where they had been
to attend the funeral of Mr.
Brechtel , a relative of the form
er. Ira is one of Miglow's pros
perous merchants.
The Catholics gave an enter
tiiinment at the Park Monday
night for the benefit of the or
phan's home at Lincoln. A
splendid program given and the
band boys entertained the large
crowd by giving some excellent
music. The net proceeds were
Our good natured ferryman ,
Mr. Graham , is having more
trouble with the Missouri river.
Sandbars are forming on the
Missouri side at the landing.
Ferryman Graham employee
men with teams to cut and haul
brush and weeds and build up a
brush road before he could land
teams. It is all O. K. now.
FOR SALE. A first class Jersey
milk cow. Inquire of G. J.
Crook. tf.
That is the place to buy your Riding- Plows , Walking -
ing- Plows and all kinds of farm implements. We carry -
ry the largest stock in the city , and remember that we
carry Pumping- Engines in stock and can put your engine -
gine in the day you buy. Don't fail to see these en
gines before buying. We also have a large stock of
Windmills , Pumps , Pipe and Fittings , and when in
need of any of the above call and get our prices. And
don't forget to have W. C. Shinn Pure Soft Copper
Cable Lightning Rods put on your buildings. They
are the best and our price is right. Call and see us.
We can save ou mone.
t Persistence is not Sea = I %
sonable Like Fall and \
Summer Goods : : : : I
We as merchants and you as ens'
tomers know that success in anything depends
; 1
pends upon careful and persistent industry t
at all times. %
If you could buy a Spring Couch , Carpet
pet or Bed Room Suit for less money in the
Summer time it would be your duty to do %
We know this and therefore want to
inform you that the odds and ends in all i
our store have been marked down to a %
summer figure.
Our window is full of Rockers ; good ,
beautiful and stylish that we have marked %
less than cost.
Next week we will display in the same
window a full line of Couches. The price on
these will astonish you. K
Carpet Remnants in abundance.
Mattings cheap and lots of it. '
Call on us these hot days.
Our spacious room is cool and
K you would enjoy your visit
j whether you bought or not.
_ _ . W
- - - - - -
.irBari j aiL
L ;
Graduate American School of
Osteopathy , Klrkivllle , Mo.
Osteopathic Physician
Hours : 9 to 12 a m ; 1 to 4 p m
Ofllee at residence , Stone street , second
block north of court house.
OtUco Phone 207 Residence Phone 209
Otllce In Richardson County
Hank Building. General prac
tice of medicine and surgery.
Special attention given to Kar ,
Nose and Throat. Calls an
swered day or nlht }
Notice of Sherrilfa sale.
Notice Is hereby given , that by virtue of
: in order of sale. Issued out of the District
Court , In and for Hlchardsoii County and
Suite nt Nebraska , under the seal of said
court , dated on tlio aiat day of July , luoci ,
and to uio directed us Sheriff of.snld county ,
to bo executed. I will on the Tth day of
September , I'.tO. nt S o'clock p , in. , of said
day , at the west dnor of the Court llouso in
the city of Falls City. In said county and
state , offer for halo ut public vemltio. and
sell lo the highest and best bidder , the
property described in said order of sale
to-wlt :
Lot 15 , lilock S4 , Nlms add to the City of
lluinboUU. Klclmrdson County , Nebraska ,
to s'lNiy a decree court , with interest and
i-nsts recovered by Jerome Wlltse against
\ ValteiV. . Green und llnrtha M Green.
Terms , of sale ; Cash.
Given under my hand ut Palls City. Nebraska -
braska , this 2nd day of AuiriiMt , 1SHX5 ,
Read The Tribune
$1.00 Year.
, . a . . . .