THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , AUGUST it , 1905. LOCAL LORE James Cronen of Rule was in town Friday. Wm. Wist of Salem was here Friday on business. James J. Brody of Dawson spent Friday in our midst. Evan Owens left Friday for a few days visit in Venlon. | George Van Hook of Hiawatha was in this city Saturday. Mrs. P. P. Bowman was in this eft } ' Thursday on business. W. F. Veach and wife of Ver- don were in this cit ) ' Friday. Oliver Emmert of Salem was a \ business visitor here Monday. George Ilarral was down from Humboldt Monday on business. F. M. Robb of Venlon spent Sunday with friends in this city. Ceaham Jones and wife of Ver- don were in this city Saturday. Henry Blanchard of Ilamlin , Kansas was on our streets Fri- dav. Edna Wheatley of Venlon spent Monday with Reba Ever- sole. Jim Delon ; came down from Salem Saturday to transact some business. J. W. Watson came down from Verdon Sunday to attend the institute L. A. Kinscy and wife came down from Verdon Monday on Iepr.ll business. Mrs. Ed Wilson of Tccumseh arrived in this city last week and is visiting her son. X Mrs. Sam Stewart came up from Reserve to visit her parents , James DeWald and wife. Orra Ross came down from Shubert Sunday and is employed on the Falls City News. Mrs. C. II. Kerr and Mrs. W. H. Kerr left Saturday- for a visit to Lee Kerr and wife in Kansas City. Lee Kerr and wife returned to their home in Kansas City Satur day after spending several da3'S hero. Geo. E. Martin came down from Nebraska City Saturday to attend tbe institute and visit friends and relatives. Albert Stalder of Humboldt was in this city Monday and call ed at this office to renew his C faith in The Tribune. Mrs. Will Price and two chil dren returned Saturday from a j weeks visit with her sister , Mrs. J. A. Conner in Auburn. Mrs. W. E. Goolsby of Verdon and Mrs. Hardy Hayes of Shu bert were in town Friday the guests of Mrs. Frank Adams. Jake Snethen , Ed Leatherman and O. W. Burr of Humboldt were in the city Monday attend ing the meeting of the school officers. Mrs. James Ilyatte returned to St. Joe the latter part of last week after spending some time visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Prater and her son , Albert Bentley - ley- Mrs. George Prater and two daughters , Cloe and Hazel left Saturday for St. Joe to spend sev eral days with relatives. Tomor row Mr. Prater will join them and they will spend some time visiting relatives in Oklahoma. Helen Brebeck left Tuesday for Hiawatha and Robinson Kansas to spend several days visiting with friends. From there she will go to the wholesale house to purchase her fall and winter stock of millinery goods. She expects to be gone about three weeks. D. C. Barnes of Merrill cele brated his seventieth birthday July 30. His daughter , Mrs. Frank Brenizer of this city was present. Mr. Barnes has been a carpenter for a number of years and made $2.50 a day this spring. His wife is sixty nine years of age and is very healthy. Nellie Weaver was down from Verdon on Monday. C. M. Heinzelman or Verdon was in town Monday. George Shields was a Hiawatha Kansas visitor , Monday. Ernest Bode and wife left Sun day for a visit in St Louis. Neta Wilson is in Lincoln this week visiting Eleanor Miller. Wm. Wintcrbottom was a Ne braska City visitor Tuesday. Levi Kinsey of Salem was a business visitor here Monday , Henry Stitsser was down from Salem on legal business Monday. D. C. Simmons , wife and little son were down from Salem Mon day. Florence Ncitzel is visiting Mar } ' Lippold in Wvmore this week. Francis Martin and wife left Sunday for a brief visit in Wy- more. L. M. Thomas of Lincoln was in the city organizing another council of K. L. of S. Eva Cooper of Humboldt is in the city this week the guest of Kate and Bessie Ileacock. MrsII. . I. Hunt and daughter Hazel leave today for an extended visit to Colorado and New Mexico ico- Cass Mead left Friday for St. Joe. He will remain there some time working at the carpenters trade. Mrs. S. B. Iloffnell returned Monday from a visit to her daughter , Mrs- Earl North i n Lincoln. Thomas Taylor spent a few days the iirst of the week with his sister Mrs. Anna Horstman in Verdon. Ncal Thornton and R. S. Coupe returned Friday morning from a trip through Western , Kansas. Mrs. Garth Mettz left Satur day for her home in Newkirk , Oklahoma , after spending some time with relatives here. Born to Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Ward Cole , August 1st , a baby girl. The little one bears the name of lantha Marie Cole. Mrs. D. F. Homstedt of Hia watha returned to her home Mon day atter spending a few days at the home of F. P. Eversole. Joe Windle of Salem was in this city Monday on business , lie also made a short visit to his daughter. Mrs. James Mettz. j Col. J. L. Dalbey of the Shu bert Citizen and L. Shafer of the same city were pleasant callers at The Tribune office Friday last. Mrs. S. A. Fulton and daugh ter , who have been visiting at the home of Wm. Wilson in this city for several days left Monday for Hiawatha , Kansas. Frank Powers and Dick Turner were down from Humboldt Friday last. Frank was looking for a clover huller and we understand , made a purchase before returning Saturdnv. Oscar Andrews and wife o ! Lincoln visited his father Land lord Andrews , of the Nationa Hotel , last week. They contin ued their trip to Kansas City to spend a few days with his sister at that place. Mrs. II. M. Copely , who has been visiting her sisters , 31 es dames Jones , Poteet and Inskeej in this city for the past three months left Monday for a short visit to relatives in Atchison an < from there will go to her home , in Knox , Indiana. She was accompanied by her two little daughters. Thomas Smith and wife o Barada were among those who went to Butler county , Kansas last week looking for land. The } returned home Friday. Mrs Smith was a pleasant caller a this office and informs us tha they bought 80 acres two mile from Eldarado. C. W. Atwood was in town Tuesday on business. W. S. Redwood came down from Dawson on Tuesday. . Dr. J. A. Waggoner of Dawson was in town Tuesday afternoon. J. O. Stalder of Salem was ooking after business here Tues- J. J. Bauer of Verdon was in his city on Tuesday looking after Business. Ed. Bell and Fred Cleveland pent Monday at that the Syca- nore Springs. Mrs. John Hossack and son Vill are in Verdon the guests of Mrs. W. C. Sloan. Herbert Ford of Humboldt was n the city Wednesday visiting he teachers institute. John Wilson of Chicago is vis- ting his brother , Charles Wilson ind family in this city. Mrs. John Springle of St. Joe spent Tuesday in this city at the home of Samuel Prater. Mrs. M. Senner and daughter Freda spent Sunday at Verdon he guests of Wm. Nagel. Wm. Crook and family returned he first of the week from a visit at the Sycamore Springs. Dr. M. L. Wilson of Humboldt came down Wednesday morning : o spend a short time with us. Mrs. Joe Lord of of Salem was n this city Tuesday and was the juest of Mrs. Samual Prater. Mary Schaible has been in Lincoln several days attending the Epworth League assembly. Norma Gentry and Helen Fow- cr attended the band concert in rliawatha Wednesday evening. Ethel Wilhitc of Wichita Kan sas is the guest at the home of her uncle J. R. Wilhite in this city. _ Daisy Froley leaves to-morrow for White Cloud , where she will spend two weeks visiting her par ents. Frank Porter of Humboldt was in this cit } ' Wednesday morning. He was accompanied by F. M. Maud Cohoe returned to her home in Auburn Wednesday after spending a few days with , Lizzie Hossack. J. R. Cain and wife and T. L. Himmelreich and wife are spend ing this week at Sycamore Springs. Elmer Wyer and Arthur Bas- sett came up from Hiawatha Sun day and were the guests of friends here. Lou Paxton of Colorado Springs arrived in the city Tues day to visit her mother , Mrs. Carrie Paxton. Milton King came down from Humboldt and spent Wednesday mingling with the Richardson county teachers. Mrs. Sophia Bruhn of Salem was a business visitor Friday. While here she made this office a most pleasant call. Charles Strawn of Grant pre cinct was iii this city Tuenday. The same night he left for a business visit in Omaha. Harry Messier left Sunday night for Delhardt , Texas , to spend some time. lie will visit his sister , Mrs , Ella Priest. George Dietsch , wife and daug'ltcr ' Margaret left Tuesda } for Auburn. They will spend several days there 'the guest of Al Souders and family. Mrs. Mar } Nobles and her son Bernard of Marshaltown , Iowa returned to their home Tuesday after spending a couple of months with the formers daughter , Mrs. II. J. Tiffin of this city. There will be service at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath as usual We shall try to make the service especially helpful to those of our people who do not find it convenient to attend the Chautauqua at Salem. Every body cordially invited. S. W. f , Pastor. Eat Sowlcs Candy , A. N. Bronson came down from Verdon Monday. Ed Davis of Salem spent Mon- lay in this city. A. E. Staldcr was down from lumboldt Monday. - - James Mossis of Stella spent Tuesday in our midst. R. S. Molony , of Humboldt vas in this city on Monday. J. Hart was over form Reserve , vansas the first of the week. T. F. Ryan of Dawson was the Attest of friends here Monday. Martin Kelly of Shubert was imong Monday's'business visitors. C. J. Plante of Rnlo spent Monday here in a business way. W. II. McWain of Reserve was unong Monday's business visit ors. Ed Bronson of Venlon. was unong the business visitors here Monday. Born to John Startzel and wife on July 30 at Atchison , Kansas : i baby boy. T. L. Hall of Venlon was in this city on Tuesday the guest of his brother-G. 13. Hall. FOK SAI.K. A iirst class Jersey milk cow. Inquire of G. J. Crook. tf. R. 13. Grmstead came down from Salem Tuesday. Hewas a guest at the home of John Gilli- gan while here. G001 WRITING PAPER Is what every one is „ lookingfor--esp-cially the ladies. And your correspondents - * dents will judge you to some extent by the & v kind and quality of the paper you use. | I We always keep on y hand a good , clean : < ! stock of box paper > ! | and tablets that are $ new and up-to-date | and that we are selling - $ ing at very reasonable t prices. X I * " Call and see us CITY PHARMACY . . v VEX. i. a niiiitnvE j- Dr. McMillen , Prop. | * Falls City , - Neb.x I C. H. flARION | 1 AUCTIONEER , | Sales conducted in v scientific and businesslike - | > nesslike manner 1 7 : ' ' ; W fti I C. H. MARION I I Falls City , Nebraska J ' Merchants and Business Men With hard accounts to collect , should place them with John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY. NEB For Collection or for Suit Small Corn's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays costs of suit. Money ! Lands ! I Private Funds to Loan g ANNUAL INTEREST OPTIONAL PAYMENTS | This is a good time of the year | to arrange your money matters | MORTGAGES BOUGHT g Some good farms , also Lands and Ranches to i sell or Exchange in Desirable Localities | _ in the West and South A part } ' wishes to purchase So acres of good land = near school. Can pay / cash ; if necessary can ar- EZ range to pay all cash. Have you an So to sell ? e : 400 acres in Nemaha county , Kan. Said to be of 2 the best. 10 room house , mile to school ; large J frame barn. Will sell and take residence or a business - ness buiiding. 5 acre farm with impro\fements , w = S5,000. So acres 5 1-2 miles from Falls City , Ohio 3 fc precinct , $6,400.00. . 320 acres Morris county , Kan. f : pratly improved ; $6,500. A fruit grower wishes to 5 purchase 25 or 30 acres' i to 3 miles of Falls City. - * - 2 Farm lands in the Indian Territory and the E : South. Handy to market and well locat- v ted. Come in and learn about them 3 Business chances and stocks of E : merchandise to sell or exchange 3 s = 200 acre farm in Richardson county ; have known it for years If sold soon , owner will Si make price that is right , flight take some exchange SS Write me your wishes if you desire to buyer -or sell. I may know of just what you want. Over 18 years in business 3 | Henry C. Smith FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA WILSON Hand Painted China Cut Glass , Fancy China English Dinnervvare China Dinnerware. Jardinieres , Flower Pots Water Sets , Table Sets Berry Sets , Vases Cooking ware Stoneware "Groceries , Flour and plenty of other good things. C. M. WILSON Legal Notice. Nullru Is lit-i-i'liy irlvi'ii of tlm Incnrpniuiloii < if tlu- Tritium * I'ulillhliliii ; Company I'lio iiiuniiof lliu cnipiiriilIIKI hliull liu Tin- I'rlliiiiio I'lihllMiInu Coiiiiiiiiy | , Tlii ? pilncltml iiliioiof tr.uimiotlriif tlio lius lilt's * or llit'corponitloii Hliull Im KullH City , Nfliiuskii. Tll < l UDNOrill IllllllrO Of Hill llllt-lllt-hH III IM ) uiiHHCtfil Klmll liu u Ki'iiiTiil iicwspiipcr mill J li lulnlliitf InislnrKH and tint piilillc.illon of n nuwM | > iimr Till ) lUIIOIJIIt ( it L'llpltlll hlOCk Illltllllll/l'll shall lieifiDMtonto liu nod on Miti crlptlim mid paid In Midi way * IIH I Inilln CU.I-H or hoard ul nmtuiKiT.s slmll direct. The prlviito piopuityot ( lit ) slock liolilcrh fo I o cxtMiipt Iroin llic cli-Iits ot Htild I'diporiillon Thu Hum ol tin ) ronniii'iioi'im'iit ot tlio corpotill Ion hliull lie .Inly I , iWt mid xluill UT- iiiliiato at tlii * ( \plralloii of titty yi'nr.i llioro. triiin. Tim lilwliosl iiinoiiiit of liidi'lili'diiCM. tlio corporutloii nliiill Incur hliull not exceed IHty purccdl ot tlio pilil ; up capital ntork. Tin ) atralr.s of nucli coipor.itlon shall ln > con- dueled tiy a pieildeiit. hecri'lary and Ireiii"- ururaiid a hoard of iiiiiiii-'er : > consisting ol Ihrcogtock hnldcrH to ho rliOson liy tluivotu of thcatouK lioldeirt and to hold Ihuollluo for a period ot onojfiir. or until tlielr successors aru'ilvcti-d and ( iiuilltlod. C KEAVIH , AI.I.AN I ) MAV. 81-S K. K. SHAHT4. . II. PARSELLM. D. GEO. Telephone No. 88 Office at Residence Office Hours : 8 to 10 a. m. ; i to 3 p. m. McNALLS' GROCERY Fancy and Staple Groceries Fruit in Season Satisfaction Guaran teed Free City Delivery Phone 40 Storage for Household And other Goods. OPENING ATTRACTION The Gehling Theatre One Night Only Wednesday , August 16 Lincoln J. Carter presents Picturesque Western Play The. . . . . Flaming Arrow Not a blood and thunder melo-dnuna , but a romance storv of the west : : : : : SeeThe - The exciting1 horse race The attack on Fort Reno The Wonderful Horses Arrow and Buckskin SPECIAL CAST 40 Genuine Indian Band Prices , 75 , 50 and 35cents