THE FALLS CITi' TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , AUGUST II , 1905. THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Kutcrcil as second-class matter ns Falls City , Nebraska , post ofllcc , Janu ary 12 , l'X)4 , under the Act of Congrcst of Miirch 3 , 1870. Published every 1'rlday at l-'alis City , Nebraska , by The Tribune Publishing Company One year Sl.OOM Six months M Three montliH TELEPHONE 226. Announcement. 1 liuit'tiV itiiiimiiicc injdi'lf n cmxllilnln foi rounty cli-il. , Mihject tu the itoclslon of thi rupiienoim county convention. if J ! ' . SIIUUKHT. 1 hereby Riinoiincu myself n n nuiillcliid for Hi" nomlimllnii ( or County JutlKo milijicl to the approval of I lie Itcpuhllciiii County convotitloii. tf JOHN WU.THK. I hereby announce inM > lf n URiiillilnlo for county rlnrk subject HP the division of tin : repiiblloiin county eomcnlfon. tf ! W CAIIII. Republican County Convention. Falls City , Neb. , July 8 , lt)0 ) : . The republican * of Klohardson conn- ly , Nebraska , uru hereby requested to inuui In convention In the opera honeo In btcllu , Nebraska , on Tuesday , Sep tember 12 , 190. ) , ut II o'clock p m , for the purpose of placing In nomination , u county treasurer , u comity olork , n county jutl c , n superintendent of pub lic Instruction , ti HhertlT , ti count ) sur veyor mid a coroner. Alfo for tlio purpose of selection twontyono dulu- Rates to the republican slate conven tion to be held In Lincoln , Nebraska , on September 11 , UK ) , " , ant1 for the transaction of Hiich other biindics-a ait may oomo before the convention. Thobasi'Mif representation lu'lniromi delegate for each ton Votes or major fraction thereof cat for the lion. Theodore Roosevelt for | r ' "id nt I" 1DOI , the j-overal precincts beln en titled to the following delegates : i'itr.ciNvr COMMITTIIMAN : NO. mi : < Arauo Lowls Snet.s \2 \ North lliiradu C H Martin 12 South Barada John Muriel 11 Franklin GO Avery 10 FallH City pi John W Crook 11 tfalls C'lty 1 wd John VVIItso 1(1 ( Falls City 2 wd N Mnsbclman 17 Falls City 'I wd Carl Llppold 11 ( rnnl M lUley III liumboldt ] ir O 10ook 8 Humboldt 1 wd I Shirley 11 Humboldt - wd U Audi1 re on 8 JclTerson W W Hrown 12 Liberty \V U Mark 11 liaSt Muddy W H Morrow 10 West Muddy U D Woller 12 NiMiiaha J 0 MtitilunU 10 Ohio Grant Ooolsby 10 Porter A J Wlxou 8 Rule Olney Graham 15 Salem C U Snytler in Spelaer Albert licutler 8 It Is recommended the caucuses beheld hold on Saturday September 1) ) , 100 , " ) , at a place and hour designated by the several product commltteemen , whet t re reiiU' ' n.'d t < > nwk.i the necessary calls and arrange the details for holdIng - Ing the samu. AttestV. . K. DOISIUNOTON , JL. . CI.IUVKH , Chairman , Secretary. And after the picnic it rained. There was but little doing in a business way last Saturday. The people have not as yet recovered from the street fair and the : picnic. The rain of Saturday nighl assured the maturing of tin early corn , the Inte corn however will * require one or two nion showers to reach the fnlllllinen of present promises. Wouldn't it be in accordant with the eternal fitness of thing : to nominate V , G. Lyforil ft ) regent of the state university Can you think of a man mor eminently qualified for the posi tion ? Nearly every ncwspape in southeastern Nebraska ha commented favorably on hi candidacy except a certain slice in this city , but of course we ca expect no assistance from tha quarter , -nothing in it for th gang , you know. The entire editorial .staff c The Journal drove to Verde yesterday to attend the picuit Early in the morning1 the famil carriage , drawn by faithful " 01 John , " pulled up at the Journ ; ofHice the passengers climbe aboard and in due time the Da horse landed the whole Da family safe and sound on tl picnic grounds. The reason f < this early start and this tunui tuous iuipetuousity on the pa of the aforesaid condemned fai ily was due to the fact that i F. Reavis was billed to deliv an address. Reavis didn't tal A COURAGEOUS OFFICIAL. Hon. Norris JJrowii , attorney general for Nebraska , has com menced an action for injunction against the Nebraska grain deal ers association and asking that the charter be revoked. Judge Barnes of the supreme court issiied the temporary restraining order and the matter will be heard this fall. The grounds for the action are that the asso ciation is a trust , formed for the purpose of stilling competition and to fix the prices of the vari ous grains sold by the farmers. The action is against some of the most prominent men of both par- tics in the state , and if it had been commenced a few years ago would have indicated that the attorney general was endeavor ing to commit political suicide. Tlie action is characteristic of Brown. He found an evil exist ing contrary * to the laws of the state which la.vs he had sworn to enforce. Notwithstanding his action is against those who may be in a position to do him lasting injury , he is following his duty as he sees it , and doing it as gladly and cheerfully as one would lie down to his rest at night. What a glorious thing it is to have a public official who does not say , "if wrong is being done , let someone make a com plaint to me. ' Brown says , "a wrong is being done , and under the law and my oath , I must suppress it. " Consequently , he makes his own complaint , and there you have the difference be tween one who wants to do his duty , and one who does not. Norris Brown may be in danger of political retirement , but it occurs to us that he is in more danger of being made Governor or United States Senator than he is of being made a political corpse. The News speaks of the Jour nal graft in charging $40.00 for the printing of the little two by six ballots required for the spec ial congressional election. The Tribune printed the ballots for the last general election that were so large that np press in the state could print them , and it was therefore necessary to print them in t , vo sheets and paste them together. If The Tribune had charged at the same rate the Journal did for the special elec tion ballots our bill would have exceeded $400. Yet , when the county board allowed $200 for the work the Journal appealed from the allowance and has held The Tribune out of its money ever since. The case will be heard at the ensuing term of the district court and then we shall see what we shall see. Of course the Journal .w a s actuated by proper motives in holding up the warrant , anyone who knows the unselfish gang of philanthropists behind the Journal would never question their motives. The out rageous charge made by the Jour nal and allowed by the board would demonstrate the fact thai the Journal is in favoc of saving the money of the dear peopk with a vengeance. The Journa has printed the ballots befon and never , in a single instance has it done o as cheaply as Tin Tribune did a yearago. * Thesi facts will be shown to the jnrj that tries the appeal case on Tin Tribune's warrant , and thii "holier than thou1' crowd showi , . up for what everybody know : them to be. On Wednesday , August , U > a the Gehling the romant ic melo drama "The Flaming Arrow,1 will be presented. This play i from the artistic hand of Lincoln J. Carter , America's foremos playwright and a man who lia successfully written and stagei > r more artistic plays than any mai in America. It is now enterin t on it's sixth season and has plaj ed all the large cities and large 3. towns in this country. Thos who saw the attraction last yea . ' welcome it back for another rut Maxims and Proverbs Relating to the Virtue of Saving Who's titvlrii ; lit twenty , Not what you jfi t but what At forty has plenty you liohl , Hy suvlni ; gntnuthlni ; every Eases llff' burden when ' wuuk you heuln euoh week jou'rc old. richer. When the rnlny iluy come ? Who live * iMiniuthlnjr every the bnnk book Is the best um week , hu " l ! Itieruiises of fortune - brella * tune u yi-nr. Those who sneer nt the ? uv- He'll m-'er bo uluve in ? man eml by liiHnir off Who It-urns to save. their hats to him. By once PU > mi : u ilollur pitch Who hath money in the bunk month , Ciiriincli1 uun now tin-i u nice , soft ciiehlon to fall millions month. spenil u on. He who suve * . e MHt > j tonorvw Fickle b'ortnne's fairest favor ? Huv wlint ilmu liu t no noi'il of Are sure to fall ninonj , ' the inn ) enloni : thou sliulttell savers. necuisltlcs the One's never rich until he SuvliiL' In jouth commences to keep abend of Pulls Poverty's tooth. his expenses. If this bank is on your visiting list , you are In good society THE FALLS CITY STATE BANK Offers Inducements to all ! nttrestcl in the ait of VERDON- T. L. Hall went to Falls City the first of the week. Mrs. Joe Ranger came over from Salem to attend the picnic. Prof. Watson is in Falls City this week attending the teach ers institute. Mrs. J. R. Balenianof Stella , visited friends here this week and took in the picnic. John Strauss dished out ice cream to large crowds the two days of the Pioneer picnic. , S. 13. IIulTnell and wife , of I'\ills ' City , attended the picnic Wednesday and Thursday. George Hossack , of Falls City , is visiting his sister and attending the picnic this week. II. M. Buckley and wife are entertaining the latter's par ents from Hiawatha , Ivans..this week. Madge Bourne came down from Auburn to visit lier former choolmates and attend t h e icnic. Mrs. John Hossack and son , iVill , and daughter , Nellie , are isiting Mrs. Will Sloan this veek and attending the picnic. The merry-go-round arrived he tirst of the week and will fford much pleasure for the oung and old during the Pio- eer picnic. Dr. Tiylor received word the atter part of last week that his unit , who was operated on in Omaha a sliort time ago , died n the hospital. Sadie Acott , of Palmyra , massed through Verdon the tirst of the wck enroute for the nstitute being held at Falls ity this week. It looks as if we had mended our ways by the pile of bricks n front of so many houses for i e w walks. Verdon keeps apace with the times , Mrs. Mary Ann Clark has rented Mr. Stump's new houst ind will soon move. J. M. Grifiitli , who owns the one she vacates , will remodel and build : in addition to it before coming to town. Mrs. S. W. Witmnn came \ \ \ from Rule the tirst of the week She is packing her household effects to ship to Glen Rock Wyoming. She with her little son , Oram , will leave for thai place next Tuesday. oiilb Sadie Peck spent Sunday witl her cousin. Rev. S louder and family wen guests at E. T. Peck's Sunday Alma Whitrock spent Wednes day afternoon with Merle Stou der. John Pappenhaggen was ; visitor at John Karston's Mon day. Harry Knisely and wife spen Sunday at the home of Mr. El shire. Henry Zorn's little boy wa very sick the latter part of las week. Ida and Mary Schoop , of Am go , are visiting their uncle Win. Kentopp. Mrs. M A. Bingaman spent Mmrsday at the home of her xirents. Cyrus Fisher and sister , Ida , vere guests at Chas. Harken- orlT's Sunday. Norman Forney and family vere the guests of M. A. Binga- utn's Sunday. Ella , the little girl of Wm. luettner and wife was very ick , Saturday. Joe Culley entertained a num ber of young people at his home * Yiday evening in honor of Car- ie Shipley. A number of young people ntliered at the McCann home ast Thursday evening for a mrty in honor of Mr. McCann's liece , before leaving for her lome. Burlington Bulletin. OF KOUJJI ) THII' HATHS. Chicago ami return , on sale dally , 20. 20.St. St. Louis mid return , on sale dully , .lii. Portland , Taeonm and Seattle and return , on sale daily , $45. Portland , Tiicomu and Seattle and return , ono way via California , on sale \URU3t 0 7-8-10-ll-2-i-14-ir-10-n-2 ! ) : ) - 50-31 , $ , Ji. ( San FrancUco and Los Angeles and oturn , $ , * > ( > . On salu August Oto 14 , $50. Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueb- o and return , on sale daily , $17.50. On sale August 12 , to 15 , Slo. On sale Vugust.'tO to Sept 4 , $10.75. Salt Lake , Provo , Price and Ogden , Utah , and return , on sale daily , $ : iO f > 0. Grand Junction and Mack , Colo. , and return , on siile daily , $30.60 Yellowstone Park , through and in cluding hotels and jtagc , and return , on sale dully , $7u. Detroit and return , on sale August 13 , 14 , $21. Plttsburg , Pa. , and return , on sale August 18 , H ) , $2i.0. ; Richmond , Va. , and return , on sata Soptemder 8 to 11 , $ ; ! , ' ! . 15. Chattanooga , Tenn. , and return , on sale September 14 to 10 , $23.t > 5. Phlliadelphia and return , on sale September 14 to 10 , 932.15. Cody , Wyo. , Black Hills and Hot Springs , S. D. . approxlmittely half rates all summer. Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin points , MlchliMn resorts on Lakes Michigan and Huron , Canada , Maine anil New England , St. Lawrence and Lake Camplain regions , very low tour- \ft \ rater * dully. If you will call or write , It will be a pleasure to advise you about rates , train service , to reserve you a berth , and to try to make your trip a com fortable one. G. S. STKWAHT , SI-1 Agent C. 15. A : Q. R.v. Nothing on the Market Equal to Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This fact is well known to druggists everywhere , and nine out of ten will give their customers this preparation when the best is asked for. Mr. Obo Wltmer , a prominent druggist of Joplin - lin , Mo. , In a circular to his customers says : "There is nothing on the market in tha way of patent medicine which equals Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com plaints. Wo sell and recommend this . " For sale ' preparation. at ICerr'sdrug store. A little forethought may savo'you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nt hand knows this to be a fact. For sale at Kcrr's drug store. Dr. R. P.Robertsdentist over King's Pharmacy. $ * H 3 > t4 < s > 4 < s s l ? WERNER , MOSIMAN & CO. r ; > < ,1- ,1t That is the place to buy your Riding1 Plows , Walking ing- Plows and all kinds of farm implements. We car ry the largest stock in the city , and remember that we < * > earn Pumping" Engines in stock and can put your en gine in the day you buy. Don't fail to see these en gines before buying1. We also have a large stock of Windmills , Pumps , Pipe and Fittings , and when in need of any of the above call and get our prices. And don't forget to have W. C. Shinn Pure Soft Copper Cable Lightning Rods put on your buildings. They are the best and our price is right. Call and see us. We can save vou monev. i WERNER , MOSIMAN & CO. t I S S J xsxexyKj Persistence is not Sea = jf i sonable Like Fall and 1 Summer Goods ยง tt We as merchants and you as cus' tomers know that success in anything de pends upon careful and persistent industry at all times. If you could buy a Spring Couch , Car pet or Bed Room Suit for less money in the Summer time it would be your duty to do it. We know this and therefore want to inform you that the odds and ends in all our store have been marked down to a summer figure. Our window is full of Rockers ; good , beautiful and stylish that we have marked less than cost. Next week we will display in the same window a full line of Couches. The price on these will astonish you. Carpet Remnants in abundance. Mattings cheap and lots of it. Call on us these hot days. Our spacious room is cool and you would enjoy your visit whether you bought or not. REAVIS & ABBEY Closing out Sale of Clothing. Our closing" out sale of cloth ing still continues and we are still offering" exceptional bar gains. We would call especial attention to three hundred pairs of all wool worsted trousers and at the price , each pair is a bargain - g-ain in itself. This is a genuine - ine closing out sale , and as such it embraces high clnss goods at low class prices. Our fine line of clothing is being sacrificed and to miss this sale is to miss a splendid opportunity. P. W. Cleveland. Notice of Sherriffs sale. Notice Is hereby ( jlicn , that by virtue of : ui order of sale , Uauetl out of tlic District Court , in and ( or Itlchurdsnn Countv and Stute ot Nebraska , under tlio ccnl ol sultl court , dated on the 31st dny of July , lUttt. , and to inu directed us Mit > rlir nt Mild county. , to bo oM-cutcd , 1 ulll on tlio 7th day of / Peptt'iuber , 1'JOj , nt 3 o'clock p. in. , of said day. lit tliovt"t door of the Court llouso In the city of Kails City , In said county and suite , otfer for sale at public venduo. arid sell to the hlKlicst and best bidder , the property docrlbed In said order of sale to-ult : txit ir > , lllock 2J. Mins add to the City of , llumboldt , Hlchardson County , Nebraska. ' to satisfy H decree court , with interest and ' costs recovered by Jerome Wlltso against Walter W. Green and llertha M. Green. / Terms of pale : Cosh , S Olven under my band at Palls City , Ne braska , this L'nd day of August , UKXS , JOHN HfHfucK , sheriff. WANTED. To exchange a 200 acre farm in North Georgia for small property in Falls Cit } ' . J. Cronenberger , Palls City , Neb. Neb..sfl