The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 04, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Rtttcml n.s sccoiul-class matter as
Vails City , Kcbraska , post ollicc , Janu
ary 12 , 1 XM , under the Act of CoitgrMt
of March 3 , 1870.
Published every Kriilay at Kails City ,
, by
The Tribune Publlihinrf Comptvny
One year . $1.00
Six months . C *
Three months . . . . . .35
t linrrliy nniimincti niynclf n candidate ) for
county clerk , subject n > Hut dculnlon of the
repucflcnn county convention.
tf .1 V , HllUIIKHT.
I licnitiy ntinoiinco myself n * n candidate
for tlni tioinlnntlon for County Judirn subject
to tliu approval of the Itrpiihllcnii County
1 hereby announce inyMtlf n cniulliliito for
county clerk subject to tlio drclHlon of tliu
republican county convention.
f I' . W. C'AIIII.
Republican County Convention.
Fulls City , Nob. , July 8 , ll)0.r ) .
Tlio republicans nf lUclinnlson coun
ty , Ncbruskn , are hereby requested to
moot In convention In the opera house
In Stella , Nobnutku , on Tuecdiiy , Sop-
tcmbur 111 , IDOTi , ut 15 o'clock p m , for
the purpose of plauittK i" uomliiiillon ,
ft county treasurer , a county elork , a
county jiul e , a superintendent of pun-
lle Instruction , a BhurllT , a county Bur-
vcyor and a coroner. Aluo for the
purpos * ) of sulcotlnir twenty-one delegates -
gates to tin ) republican Htatu convun *
tlon to bo hold hi Lincoln , Nnbrimkii ,
on September M , 11)05 ) , am' for the
transaction of Biioli other business MH
may come before thu convention ,
The ImsUof reprot-eiitiitlon belnj : onu
dolcnato for ouch ten votes or major
fraction thereof dial for tlio Hon.
Theodore Roosevelt for | > i > ! * iilmit In
1H ! ) > , the several prccluctH being en
titled to the following iltilu ntL'- :
Arago Luwls Sticks 12
North Hiit-mlii C II Martin 11 !
South Ihmula John Markt II
Frnnklln CO Avery 1CU
Falls City pr John \V Crook U
Fall * ( Mty 1 wd John It-
Falls City 2 wd N MuHBulmuu I
Falls City : wd Carl Uppolil ll
Grant M Ulley i :
Uumboldi pr O 1Ctook tn
Humholdt 1 wd I Shirley n
llumboldt 2 wd 11 AndorHOii {
JelTerSon \V W Drown u
Liberty \V U Mark iK
East Muddy W 11 Morrow K
West Muddy II D Wullor n
Nunmlm J G McGinnis n
Ohio ( irant Goolaby K
Porter A J Wlxon
Uulo Oluoy'Graham
Salem C U Snyder 11i
Speleer Albert Houtler i
It U recommended the caucusoH hi
held on Saturday September 1) , lt > 0 , " > , a
a pltioe and hour designated by tin
several preeinel commlltueiueu , wlu
are requested to make the necossar ;
calls and arrange the details for hold
Ing the Mime.
AttestV. . K. DoimiNUTON ,
JL. . CLKAVKK , Clialrmau ,
Kails City has had all tin
street fair it wants for tnanj
moons. Our people sat nrouiu
all day Sunday listening to th (
Rev. Ilaskins is determined t <
put down gambling in this city
Tie is n man of strong convictioi
and unquestioned courage , nni
we predict unqualified success fo
his efforts.
The peace envoys of Russi
and Japan arc with us and th
contest between rats , birds nest
and rice on the one part and bee
and lish on the other is about t
commence. The odds at thi
writing are in favor of rats ctt
There nicy be sections of th :
great and glorious nation whei
the summer climate is more ei
joyable than it is in southeaster
Nebraska , but if there is any sei
tiou that can show a finer bran
of weather * than we have had f <
the past three weeks we won
like to know its location on tl
While the worthy Journal h
performed yeoman service in a
sisting the President to destn
the beef trust we cannot help b
think there are a few violatio
of the law close at home th
might claim the attention of
pure a paper even if by
doing a political friend and p ;
ron of the paper might be offen
ed. It is easy to commend PC
and Jerome and Roosevelt i
cleaning their dooryards but hi
about cleaning our own ?
It was a good scheme to open
the court house yard to the crowd
last week. Hundreds sought the
grateful shelter of the trees to
rest. During the most of every
afternoon and evening tired chil
dren were sleeping on the grass
w h i 1 e fathers and mothers
watched the hurrying crowd at
their sides. Why not continue
this custom ? Why not put seats
in the yard for the accommoda
tion and comfort of the country
people who visit Falls City ? John
Hinton , whose heart is as big as
his body , is very favorable to the
scheme. His idea is to tear out
the unsightly iron fence , put a
stone curbing around the entire
yard and make it not only a place
of beauty but one of comfort as
well. The people own the square
and they should be privileged to
use it.
The gentle showers that have
fallen this week are simply furth
er proofs that the Lord loveth
Richardson county.
"You people : " ' 'On the high
er line ; " 12 n joy yourselves at
cni'/y house ; " The sensational
electric theater in just one min
ute" Take a throw at the mon
key " "Huy an ice cream sand
wich" and similar admonitions
are no more among us.
We have seen men "in the cold
gray dawn of the morning after1
but Sunday morning was the first
time that ve ever saw a city
street that looked like the result
of a prolonged debauch. Didj'ou
notice Stone street after the
street fair had folded its tents
and stolen away ?
The contest for supreme judge
is going to be a spirited one. S.
P. Davidson , C. 13. Letton , John
Ames , Judge Duffy and N. D.
Jackson seem to be the leading
candidates. Each of these gentle
men are well qualified for the posi
tion , but Judge Letton seems to
have the call in this end of the
The great crops on theNemaha
bottoms this year emphasize the
need of some adequate system of
drainage to prevent the periodi
cal overflow of the river. There
is corn maturing in the vallev of
the river that will produce eigh
ty bushels to the acre and will
add thousands of dollars to the
wealth of the county. Year after
year hundreds of thousands of
acres of the richest soil in the
world have been going to waste
because of overflows , and will
continue to do so until some sys
tem adequate to overcome the
evil is provided. Mr. Grinstead's
idea has proved its feasibility in
other sections and we believe
would do so here.
Where was the humane society
last week when the boys wen
throwing at the monkey ? Some
pin headed individual put a litth
monkey on a canvas floor foi
other pin headed individuals t (
throw at , three throws for i
nickel ; if the ball hit the monkej
a cigar was the prize. All daj
Friday and Saturday the nionei
f cowered at the end of his chaii
in an agony of fright ; at time :
he would lie down with his Httl
head on his arms and cry , actu
ally cry , with fear. If a bal
would hit hinii a shout "would gi
up from the congregated crowi
at his antics. It was great sport
this torture of an inoffensive littl
animal , great sport for brute
who walk like men. But on
r wonders where the humane soc :
ety makes its headquarters.
e We are in receipt of a copy c
the August number of The Ope
is Court. A scientific magazin
published by the eminent scienl
ist , Dr. Paul Cams. Anton
it other good things in this numb <
IS is an article on "SomcMediumi :
tic Phenomena" by David I
50 Abbott. Mr. Abbott takes u
jo the work of Dr. Schlossenger , tl
tso called medium who created
sensation in this city a few yeai
Ik ago , and discusses it from tl
or standpoint of the scientist and tl
w magician. The article is cleve
I ly written and is very interesting
Maxims and Proverbs
Relating to the Virtue of Saving
Who's tavltig at twenty , Not what you get but what
At forty has plenty. you hold ,
Eases llfn's burden when
IJy saving iuimulhlni ; every '
week you begin each week you're old.
richer. When the rainy duy comes
Who vf > muthlntf every th'd'hAnk' uobk'ln the "best tini-
week. hmo2 Increase ? of for- brelhi'
tiino u year * Those who sneer at the sav
He'll ne'er bo slave ing man end by taking oT (
Who learn * to save. their hats to him.
liy once saving a dollar each Who hath money In the bank
month , Ciirtiaelu can now ha ? a nice , soft cushion to fall
millions month.
spend a on.
He who saves , ceases to servo. Fickle Fortune's fairest favor >
Huy what then hast no need of Are sure to fall among the
nnd ere long thou shall sell savers.
the necessities One's rich
never until he
Saving In youth commences to keep ahead of
I'ulls 1'ovorty'tt tooth. his expenses.
If this bank Is on yourvliitlng list , you are in good society
Oilers inducements to all Interested In the art of Having ,
0. B. Gridloy is listed with the
.John Richards shelled corn on
J. L. Leech is on the sick list
this week.
Oscar Leech wns * eluuittuiqna
visitor Sunday.
Hey Leech and ft.mily spent
Sunday with his parents.
WillGridley nnd Oscar Leech
nre nl the assembly ut Lincoln.
Mrs. Fern Fellers , of Auburn , is
visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Harry A very and wife spent last
week t the Auburn chautauqua.
Albert Sargent is attending the
teachers' institute at Weeping
O. A. Brid ford , of Aledo , III. ,
visited with Mrs. L. M. Leech ,
Hugh and Emily Phillips are
attending the Epworth Lengne
Jennie and Abbie Leech spent
Sunday in Auburn , attending the
P. O. Avery and wife are en
joying camp life at the Epworth
League assembly.
Horn to Milton Cline and wife
on July 29 , a son.
Geo. Jorn made a business trip
to Lincoln Tuesday.
M. L. Dowell and wife wen :
over from Salem Sunday.
Mrs. W. F. Veach was on the
sick list the first of the week.
W. S. Eowersox returned fron :
Sabetha , Kan. , the first of the
Mrs. P. P. Bowman returnee
the first of the week from New
Miss McDermet , livingsouth o
Salem , is visiting Mrs. Georgt
Carrie Cunningham spent :
pleasant time in Sabetha , Kans.
last week.
Howard Conover and Rud :
Fehr returned from Dakota 01
Mrs. J. W. Bourne , of Auburn
; spent several days last week will
1 her friends.
1 Joe Harper and wife , of Shu
bert , visited 13. E. Bolejack , am
familv the first of the week.
J. M. Gilmore on Monday sol
his dray line so John Gerdes.wh
s lives nine miles east of town.
J E. N. Rupert and wife , of Shv
, bert , visited J. M. Gilmore an
. ' family , the latter part of lat
W. A. Nussbaum and Geors
Messier transacted business i
, , . Fargo Tuesday in the interest c
* the Vcrdon Roller mills.
Mrs. A. E. 'Harden returnc
> . from Kansas City Sunday whei
p she had been caring for her si
e ter , Mrs. Homer , of Falls City ,
a Those who are in attendanc
s at the Epworth League assembl
e in Lincoln this week are Georc
e Keeler , wife and daughter , Ether
rProf. . Watson and family and I
. A. Kinsey.
RoDaggctt was over from
Salem Friday. '
Henry Witrock , near Falls City
transacted business in town on
Josh Lord and wife came over
from Salem Friday and went on
the Missouri Pacific to Auburn to
attend chautauqua.
C. W. Ocamb , one of our lead
ing merchants , enjoyed a visit
from his brother , George , of
Rule , the last of the week.
Rev. Kceney , of Table Rock ,
ml Rev Ring , of Lincoln , held
ervices at the home of Mrs.
? outch Saturday evening and at
Friley's Sunday.
Mabel Beller returned from
Oregon Thursday. She and her
ister. Clara Beller , left about
he first of March , where the lat
er has a good position.
Emma Danks , daughter of Fred
Danks and wife , died at her home
orth of town last Saturday
light , aged about twent } ' years.
Rev. Junson preached the funeral
ermon Monday at the Lutheran
hurch south of town , where she
vas laid to rest. She leaves a
ather , mother and one sister to
nourn her loss.
Edith Peck spent Sunday after
loon with Ida Burk.
Rev. Stonder and family were
Salem visitors Sunday.
Emma McCann was a visitor at
0. A. Burk's Sunday.
Esta Stouder was over to Harry
ly's Monday picking blauk-
) ernes.
O. A. Bnrk entertained his
) rother , John Bulk , and family
Zona Bnrnsworth spent a few
days last week in Falls City with
ler grandparents.
Mrs. Will Shrauger , of Montana
s here for an extended visit with
relatives and friends.
Delia Knisely is spending i few
lays this week in Brown county
Ivans. , visiting friends.
E. T. Peck and family spent
Sunday in Straussville at the
home of .1. W. Matist.
Nonh Peck went down to Merrill
rill , Knns. , Tuesday to see his
sons who are working there.
Ina Johnston and brother wen
to Beatrice last Thursday for i
few weeks visit with relatives.
Win. Hutchison , Clarence anc
Ethel Peck visited their friends
Albert and Jennie Burk Sunday
Mrs. N. Peck and family were
guests of the former's parents am
attending the street fair las
Closing- out Sale of Clothing : .
Our closing out sale of cloth
ing still continues and we are
still offering exceptional bar
gains. We would call especial
attention to three hundred pairs
ot all wool worsted trousers and
at the price , each pair is a bar
gain in itself. This is a genu
ine closing out sale , and as such
it embraces high class goods at
low class prices. Our fine line
of clothing is being sacrificed
and to miss this sale is to miss
a splendid opportunity. F. W.
Just Come and See
The largest and best line of buggies , surries and
bike wagons in the city , and we are making some very
low prices on them for the next 21 days. Call and
see them before buying. We will also sell you rid
ing plows at actual cost.
Remember , we are not going out of business , but we
want to close out some as we have too many on hand.
We also always have a big line of Windmills , Pumps ,
and Pumping Engines on hand. Just call and see
them before buying. Our prices are right on this line
of goods and we can save you money. Don't forget
th have W. C. Shinn Lightning Rods put on your
building. They are the best and our prices are the
best. Call and see us before buying. We can save
you money. Your's truly , A *
' > "i'vy ' ' M'i $ " S > ' '
Persistence is not Sea =
| sonable Like Fall and |
Summer Goods : : : :
IS IK We as merchants and you as cus *
S tomers know that success in anything de
pends upon careful and persistent industry
SL at all times.
SLI If you could buy a Spring Couch , Car
pet or Bed Room Suit for less money in the
Summer time it would be your duty to do
I it.
We know this and therefore want to
inform you that the odds and ends in all
8 our store have been marked down to a
8S summer figure.
S Our window is full of Rockers ; good ,
beautiful and stylish that we have marked
7 less than cost.
Next week we will display in the same
window a full line of Couches. The price on
these will astonish you.
Carpet Remnants in abundance.
% Mattings cheap and lots of it. %
X \
Call on us these hot days.
Our spacious room is cool and
you would enjoy your visit
whether you bought or not.
James Casey spent a part of
Sunday in Hiawatha the guest
of friends.
Evangelistic services of the
Brethern church will be held in
the tent just north of the Central
school each evening including
Sunday at S p. m. Sunday school
and morning worship will be at
the church. Rev. I. 1) . Bowan ,
of Philadelphia , will preach each
evening and at the church on
Sunday at 11 a. m. All are cor
dially invited to be present. Rev.
L. A. Myers will preach at Silver
Creek at 10:30 : a. ra. , and at Preston -
ton at 8 p. m.
Notice of Shcrriffs sale.
Notice Is hereby given , that by virtue of
mi order of siih > , Issued out of the District
Court , In and for Hlchurdson County and
State of Nebraska , under the seal of said
court , dated on the 31st day of July , 1UU5 ,
and to mo directed as i-lierill of said county ,
to be executed , I will on tlio 7th day of
September. lUffi , at S o'clock p. m. . of said
day , ut the west door of the Court House In
the city of Falls City. In said county and
state , offer for sale at public vcndiio , and
sell to the highest and best bidder , the
property dc-scrlbed In said order of sale
to-wlt :
Lot 15 , Itlock 24. Nlma add to the City ot
llumboldt , Itlchardson County , Nebraska ,
to satisfy a decree court , with Interest nnd
costs recovered by Jerome Wlltso ngulnst
Walter W. Green and llcrtha M. Green ,
Terms of sale ; Cash.
Given under my hand at Falls City. Ne-
braskn , this 2nd day of AiiKust , 11W3 ,
WANTED. To exchange a 200
acre farm in North Georgia for
small property in Falls City.
J. Cronenberger , Falls City , Neb.