The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, August 04, 1905, Image 1

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Vol. H FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , AUGUST 4 , 1905. Whole No. 83
Carl Scdmayer left Wednesday !
morning for St. ' Joe. j
S. W. Story of Rule was in
town Monday on business.
George S. Cleveland made a
a business trip to Verdon on Mon
Josephine Hinton- came down
from Salem Monday to visit
Ellis Houtz- wife and baby
were in town the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. J. J. Berger and daughter
Blanch of Reserve were shopping
here Tuesday.
J. C. Schulenberg was over
from Barada on Monday to trans
act some business.
Lena Shaw a teacher in the
St. Joe high school was in town
Tuesday the guest of the Misses
DeLes Graham , wife and little
son came down from Dawson
Monday to attend the Glines-Babb
Prof. Carr and wife were down
from Shubert Tuesday. Mr.
Carr was looking 'after some
political matters
Mrs. Ada Paddwalder of DCS
Moines , Iowa a cousin of Mrs.
C. H. Marion is spending the
week in this city.
Mrs. John Gilligan received
word that the infant son of Mr.
and Mrs. Himes of Spokane , Kan.
died a few days ago.
Mamie Riggen returned to her
home in Filmore , Mo. , Sunday
after spending a week with her
sister , Mrs. Frank Knickerbocker.
Mable Moore of Kansas City
spent her summer vacation in
this city the guest of her uncle ,
Rev. Griffin. She returned home
Rube Horrocks had the mis
fortune to step on a rust } ' nail
Monday morning. It was very
painful but is much better at this
W. Hill Griffin returned to
Kansas City Wednesday morning
after spending a two weeks vaca
tion with his father , Rev. , Griffin
in this city.
Mayme Eatough came down
from Omaha Friday to spend
some time visiting Mrs. Charles
Bracelen and at the home of Mat
George Scholl , Ed. Brecht ,
Willie Walthausen , Otto Rieger
Charles Gaede,9 left today for
Atchison to spend a few days at
the Y. P. A. convention.
Ora Marsh of Mount Ayre , Iowa
is visiting relatives and friends
near Fargo. She was in this
city the first of the week looking
for a school in this count } ' .
Mrs. W. P. Meyers and son
Lawrence and daughter Martha
left Tuesday for Xoin City , 111. ,
and after a short visit there , will
proceed to the old family home
in Pennsplvania.
Mrs. Albert Maust was hos
tess at a young married ladies
kensington yesterday afternoon
a large number was present and
enjoyed a pleasant time. Light
refreshments were served.
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs.
John Gilligan very pleasantly
entertained the young married
ladies at a kensington. The hos
tess assisted by Miss Floy Grin-
stead served elaborate refresh
Col. Marion and little daugh
ter Audra went to Table Rock
Monday afternoon. They re
' turned on Tuesday. While there
Mr. Marion purchased a fine
little Shetland pony for his
Court House News
The marriage license depart
ment of the county judge's office
is suffering from a lack of busi
ness. Only one license was is
sued this week , that one being to
Edwin Glines and Clara Babb.
County Clerk Tanner , who has ,
been very ill , is still confined to
lis home , although his condition
much improved. His father ,
f. J. Tanner , has been in charge
of the office during his illness and
he work has progressed very
Supt. Crocker is a very busy
nan. He is preparing for the
nstitute which is to be held in
his city next week , and now has
ill the details pretty well ar
ranged. He is ver } ' optimistic
concerning the outlook for a suc
cessful institute.
Chas. Lorce , the clerk of the
listrict court , is also an abstrac
tor by trade , and has just re
ceived a fine new set of abstract
books. He devotes his idle time
0 filling these books with very
ine writing , all of which means
something and will prove very
valuable to generations yet
County Recorder Rieger reports
the following real estate trans-
ers :
J F Wahh and wife to Mary L Mur-
) hy wd to lots 4 and 7 and ni lots 3 and
blk 19 Hagadorn's add to Dawson
consideration $1200.
Mary C Lee and husb to J E Frey
vd to part lot 10 blk 8 Humboldt , con
sideration S700.
Joseph Church et al to F M William
son wd to ci lot 0 blk 8 Humboldt
consideration $1000.
Jeremiah Vance and wife to John
Dharlep Fremont Williamson wd to
otb 8-9-10 blk 39 Tinkers add to Hum
boldt , consideration $73.
James M Gilniore and wife to John
A Gerdcs wd to lots 2-4 blk 2 Verdon ,
consideration $300.
U S A to Joseph Pickett patent to
1 sej and si nej 17-1-13.
Lizzie A Gonser ( single ) to the trus
.ees of the Emanuel Society of the
vangelical church of Falls City , Neb. ,
qcd to lots 3-4 blk 38 Fallr , City , con
sideration $1.
Lincoln Land Company to M J Le-
Jl.tne qcd to lot 1 blk 24 Rule , consid
eration $15
Total amount of transfers , $4,291.
Record of County Jail.
At this writing there are in the
county jail the following men :
Elmer Tuttle of Salem was ar
rested and brought to this city
July 25 for disturbing the peace.
He will lay out a fine and cost to
the amount of S20.
Thomas Fo- was taken there
July 27th for selling whiskey to
an Indian. He is bound over to
the district court.
Joe Hinchman on July 28 un
lawfully became intoxicated and
disturbed the peace. He received
a three days jail sentence and a
cost of $4.80.
Win. Sutliff of Omaha became
intoxicated and disturbed' the
peace and will lay out 20 days in
jail and a cost of $4-80.
Oliver Wells a young man of
this city was arrested Monday for
striking and wounding a little
colored boy by the name of Sam
uel Anderson. He was taken be
fore Judge Moran and given
one day in the county jail and
cost of $ ( > . 25.
Samuelson a Bankrupt.
The Samuelson bankruptc }
matter which has been at issue
for some time past , has been set
tled and Mr. Samuelson dis
charged in bankruptcy by Judge
Eaton , of Nebraska City. This
decision releives Mr. Samuelson
of any obligations occasioned bj
personal debts , but does not af
fect the status of the suits
against the First National bank ,
of Humboldt , arising out of the
Samuelson failure.
The following" tabulated report of the receipts and ex
penditures of the Falls City school district will be of general
nterest to school patrons.
Arrested on Larceny Charges.
Prank Vanek , who was ar
rested at hi * home in Humboldt
Saturday , charged with being
an accessory to the burglary of
the clothing store of that city ,
was held by Justice Smith to
answer in district court. His
bond was placed at $150 and the
young man put up the amount
in cash and he was allowed to
Land Deal.
John R. Smith has sold hisj
line farm adjoining the city on
the northeast , to Henry Whit-
rock. This farm includes 100
acres of the finest land in the
county and is , in all respects , a
model farm. The price , paid
was § 17 , ; " ) ( ) ( ) , which is a iair
index of the prevailing prices of
Richardson county realty. The
deal was made through Henry
0. Smith.
I have rented a suite of rooms
over the Richardson county
bank and will open an office at
once for the practice of medi
cine and surgery.
My education was received at
the university of Nebraska con
ferring the degree ot B. Sc. 1899 ;
University of Chicago nnd Rush
Medical college , conferring de
gree of M. D. 1904 ; Englewood
Hospital , Chicago , conferring
hospital diploma 11)05. )
I will conduct a general prac.
tice in Medicine and Surgery ,
and give attention to diseases
of the Eyes , Nose and Throat
as well. Your patronage is
Clara Babb and Edwin Glines
were married at St. Francis
Catholic church in this , city at
8 o'clocii Monday morning , the
ceremony being performed by
Father Bex in the presence of a
large number of friends and rel
The groom was raised in this
city and has a great-many warm
personal friends , by whom he is
highly regarded. The bride is
also a Falls City product , a
daughter of the late Dan Babb ,
and a young lady who commands
the respect and the highest re
gards of all.
Mr Glines is at present em
ployed in a large cigar factory
at Painville , Mo. , and left on
Wednesday for that place. Mrs.
Glines expects to join him in a
few weeks and they will make
their future home at that place.
Both bride and groom share in
the congratulations and best
wishes of all their many Falls
City iriends.
Mrs. Hal Harris is in Reserve
this week visiting her parents.
School Board Meeting.
At the regular meeting of the
board of education held on Mon
day evening , W. II. DeWalt was
elected janitor1 of the high school
building for the next school year.
September llth was fixed as the
date for the opening of the city
schools. A. B. Everett was
awarded the contract for laying
cement walks on the south side
of the Central school ami on the
west side of the Harlan street
Investigated Assessments.
County Assessor Jorn and Su
pervisor McCray have returned
from a trip made for the purpose
of investigating the assessment
of real estate in Cass and Otoe
counties for this fiscal year.
They found that the assessments
in these counties is considerable
higher than that of Richardson
county realty. The investiga
tion was made to determine the
advisability of a proposed in
crease in the valuation of farm
lands in the county.
Tore up the Walk.
The residents along West
Steele street have been trying to
outdo each other in the matter
of laying brick and cement walks.
Such walks had been laid along
the entire nortli side of the street
with the exception of a stretch
along a vacant lot owned by a
non-resident. The owner post
poned the laying of a permanent
walk longer than some people
thought he shouldand some time
Monday night the old board walk
was torn up and thrown into the
street. Whether or not this
action will result in securing a
permanent walk along the south
side of said lot , remains to be
Gov. Joseph W. Folk.
Gov. Joseph W. Folk will by at
the Salem clmutnuqiin , August 17 ,
1'JOS , itt 2:30 : p. m. Subject :
"The Reign of Law"
Everyone who believes Hint cor
ruption in polities nnd govern
ment should be wiped out should
come and hear this lecture.
Gov. Folk believes that "Hon
esty is the First and Only Consid
eration in Polities. " He nut only
believes this but has made it prac
ticable in the lace of the strongest
Come and hear him tell how he
doesit. On Thursday , August 17 ,
at 20 : { p. m.
For tents , programs , etc. , ad-
drees W. P. Shildneck , Secy. ,
Salem. Neb. It
Broke His Arm.
While playing in the yard Wed
nesday , Willie , the little son ot
Henry Hofer , fell from an apple
tree and broke his arm. Dr. Kerr
was called and set the injured
member. The little fellow is
getting along very nicely at this
Tales of the Town.
The tent in which gospel
meetings have been held for
some weeks past , has been re
moved from its location just
north of the court house. Meet
ings were held all last week
notwithstanding the fact that a
s'treet fair was in progress , and
every night the little band of
worshippers met and held di
vine services , heedless of the
throng of revellers that passed
up and down the sidewalk in
front of the tent. Sometimes
when the sound of the merry-go-
round organ had ceased for the
moment , or a lull came in the
clamor and turmoil of the carni
val , the strains of the little cab-
i n e t organ could be heard
bravely playing its accompani
ment to some good old gospel
hymn. Then a great billow of
noise and confusion would break
over the little tent and when it
in turn had spent its force and
rolled away , the sound of a
voice lifted in prayer would
reach the ears of such of the
street fair revellers who chanc
ed to be passing the tent at
that moment. It seemed as
though the worshippers were
laboring against tremendous
odds , but doubtless the God
who hears the prayer of the
little child above the thunder
storm , heard all that was sung
and said within the walls of the
little tent that stood in the
midst of the street fair.
The issue of The Tribune con
taining the picture ol Stone
street in 1800 , attracted much
attention and many and varied
were the comments made by the
older citizens who examined it.
To each one the picture called
up some different memory , and
one story recalled another until
wherever two or three gray
haired men were seen gathered
together , and one of them hold
ing a copy of The Tribune , it
was certain that the past was
being lived over again and
strange tales being related and
long forgotten incidents re
called. It is remarkable how
clear is the memory of most of
these old men. All that Is nee.
essary is an incident like the
appearance of the picture to
arouse sluggish reccollections
and then to these men things
that happened forty years ago
are as the things that happened
yesterday , and tongues are loosened
ened and the conversation on
such occasions is very interest
ing to the younger generations.
Forty years from now we will
all be old , gray haired men and
when we look at a picture of
Stone street as it is today we ,
too , will have strange tales to
tell , but they will not be so ex
citing , neither will they be such
vivid rellections of a real stren
uous life as are the stories that
the old men of today tell us.
The teachers' institute will
be in session next week. The
teachers are coming from all
over the county to spend a
week in study and review and
to better prepare themselves
for the duties that they are to
resume when the summer vaca
tion is ended. There will be
bright faced and enthusiastic
young men and women , each
with a definite object in view ,
and their presence will be an
inspiration , as it has always
been , to those who are inter
ested in the public school and
all that the institution stands
for. Falls City has had some
notable gatherings in the way
of conventions , assemblies , con
ferences , etc. , but no meeting
has ever been held in the city
that is of more real importance
i than the Richardson county
teacher's institute. A large
and successful institute means
better school work next year
and if there is anything more
important than that , we would-
like to know what it is.
Very few people , outside of
thosedircctly interested in ed
ucational work , realize the
nature of the talent engaged
for the special features of the
institute. Lecturers of wide
reputation and great ability
come here every year and add
their contribution to the intel
lectual betterment of the town.
Taking it all together , the insti
tute is a fine thing for the town
and the teachers will find them
selves ver i welcome.
Rosa Till , residing with her
sister , Mrs. M. II. Richards , in
Ilumboldt on Grand Avenue ,
and who has been a sutTerer
with tubercolosis for a number
of years , died on Friday even
Funeral serv.ices were held
from the home Sunday , con
ducted by Rev. Bert Wilson of
the Christian church , assisted
by Rev. L. H. Smith of tlie
Presbyterian church.
The deceased was a native of
the state and was born on a
farm near Brownville , in Ne-
maha county , December 1874.
She had made her home in
Ilumboldt for fifteen years past
and was a graduate of the
Ilumboldt schools. Interment
was made in the cemetery west
of that city.
Mrs. Sam Freiburghouse died
at her home near Fargo , on
Tuesday morning after an ill
ness of about a year. The
cause of her death was paraly
sis. She has made this county
her home for a number of years.
She leaves to mourn her loss
a husband , two daughters ,
Mesdames Maggie Snyder and
Ella Hill , both of Holdrege ,
Nebraska , and two sons , .Tulo ,
of Holdrcge , and George , of this
city , besides numerous other
relatives and friends.
The deceased was a good
Christian woman and one who
was lo"ed by all who knew her.
Through all her long suffering
she was very patient and kind.
She was a devoted wife and
loving mother.
The funeral services were
held from the Gospel Union
church in Salem , conducted by
Rev. Hasldns of this city , on
Wednesday at 2 p. m. , and the
remains were laid to rest iu the
Salem cemetery. Her father ,
Mr. Kenner , and brother , John
Kenner , of Missouri , attended
the funeral.
The Tribune extends sympa
thy to the family.
Everett Iligginsof Straussville
was in town Friday.
Anna Rucgge of Barada was in
this city Saturday on business.
C. R. Larimer of Peru was in
the city Wednesday. He is in
search for a school.
Mrs. Wren Barnes and little
son of Salem is the guests of her
mother Mrs. Taylor this week.
Mrs. David McCoy came up
from Hiawatha Wednesday to
spend a few davs at the home of
J. R. Cain.
Alma Kirk who resides -near
Salem was the guest at the home
of J. A. Hill in this city the last
of the week.
Joe Vaughn and a Mr. Haskell
of Illinois arrived here Wednes
day fora short visit with his cou-
son Anthony Vaughn. They
are on their way to Oklahoma.