THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 28 1905. NOT OVERLOADED ! This has been one of our most satisfactory seasons. Our stock of Summer Goods have seldom been low = er. To completely close out all remnants , we are making great reductions. We have never been undersold on legitimate , standard merchandise , and continue to hold the foremost position with every day all around trade. You know the way sensational sale merchants have "gone broke" and disappeared. Net profits are so small that only those whose buying and selling are wisely managed , survive. When you wish any article do not purchase until you know our quality and price. SCHOOL WEAR Only a little over n month until school opens again. Mothers are already beginning to think of new FrockB , Aprons , etc. We have new ging- hiuiiH in choice fnll colorings mid designs. New Percales of the soft , satisfactory sort , \W \ inches wide really the beet low priced fabric shown for common wear. Does not fade ; does not shrink ; is enduring under all circumstances and only 12Jc per yard. Now Calicoes in Blues , Reds , Pinks , Grays , Blacks at-Jc and fie. New Shirting Prints at the old price 5c A lot of Summer Goods thnt have boon 25o to fiOc , now offered to close at lOc. Are well adapted for Fall School wenr. SUMMER GOODS AT 10 CENTS As a final winding up of Summer Wash Goods , all the 25c to f > 0o fabrics that have been slow are put on our lOc lable. First coiners will got great bargains do not delay , as the lengths do not , in most pieces , exceed one or two dress lengths. DOTTED AND FANCY SWISSES No fabric adapts itself so completely to the lady's summer comfort and decoration. Never hns it been so popular. New Swisses have been coming in almost every weelc and we are now showing the daintiest designs of the seabon. For Chautauqua wear no costume will be more Pitting and comfortable. The prices , 18c , , 80e , 5Joc and -iOc , are within - in everybody's reach. PARASOLS. One-Third off on all Parasols. SUMMER SHIRT-WAIST SUITS About 20 Suits left in Percale Chambry , Voile and Linen at 25 per cent Discount FALL GOODS Our buyer goes to the New York market next week to make purchases for Fall and Winter. As in seasons past we will show the latest and most correct modes and give values that are superior throughout the Dry Goods list. On Heavy Cotton Goods our buying has already been douo previous to the late heavy advances on cotton and we have in stock now the most attractive display of Outings , Flannellettes and Fleeced Cloths ever shown in Falls City. GREAT BARGAINS IN LACE CURTAINS 21 Lots of Lace Curtains having 8 Pairs or les iu n lot in Nottingham , Cable Net , Irish Point , Brussels Net and Arabian White and Ecru. Sold formerly at § 1.50 to § 8.00 Twenty-five per cent off our regular prices. SHIRT WAISTS FOR 25c White and Colored Shirt Waists , sold formerly at 75c to $2.00 Your Choice 25c. Any Sunbonnet in our store for lOc. Many of them worth Hoc. Any Straw Hat in our store for 25c , eome of them worth $1.50. GROCERY PRICES. Good to August 5th. 19 Ibs Granulated Sugar § 1.00 1 Ib Bulk Starch 03 1-3 pound Can Standard Tomatoes 07 1-2 pound Can Standard Corn 00 1 package Egg-O-See 08 1-2 pound package Oatmeal 0(5 ( 8 Bars Lenox Soap 25 Y. G. LYF0RD Mary Watteyne , of Rule , was in town Wednesday. Mrs. T. R. Edwards , of Stella , is visiting her daughter , Mrs. John Oswald. Kate McMnhon , of Preston , is spending a few days this week at the street fair. Kpliriaiu "Withec came down from Stella Wednesday to attend the street fair. Henry Caverzagie c a m e up from Rule Wednesday to enjoy a few days at the street fair. Misses Howel and Haver and the Misses Meyer , of Hiawatha , spent Saturday with the Misses Keeling. Will Hearst , of Padonia , Kan sas , and his brother , Edgar , of Lasvcgas , N , M. , were guests at the home of Ben Potcet this week. The Nebraska Christian Mis sionary convention will be held at Bethany park , Bethany , Neb. . August 1-f ) . There will be sev eral members of the Christian church of this city attend. E. Bourquiu and wife , of Horton - ton , Kansas , who have been vis iting at the home of A. E. Jaquet and family returned home the first of the week. Their little daughter , Blanch , will visit her for several days. 4 > - Services at the Evangelica church Sunday morning at * J:3 : ( a. in. ; Sunday school at 10:30 a in. ; preaching service at 7:45 : p m. , mission program , subject "Mission work in Japan ; " Yoi arc invited to attend. Rev Manshardt , Pastor. J. Cronenberger , minister o the Christian church , will attem the Inter-National convention o Christian churches at San Fran cisco , Cal. , August 17-24. A number of the members of th church will attend also. It i expected that 25,000 delegate will attend. Mrs. E. A. Harden , of Vcrdon , spent a few days with relatives here. A. D. Larabec and wife came up from Preston Wednesday to attend the street fair. T. R. Mason , of Chicago , left Wednesday after spending a few days with his wife in this city. Will McCreery and wife , of Wetmore , Kan. , spent the first of the \veek with his brother , in this city. John Elsworth of Grand Island spent Tuesday of this week in our city , the guest of Freda Senuer. Capt. Grinstesul and son , Vir gil , of Salem , were in the city on Wednesday. They made this office a plesisant call. Father McDonald , of Hastings , spent a part of this week in our city the guest of Father Box. The former at one time had charge of this parish. R. Grinstead , of Salem , was in town Wednesday. In the afternoon he and his brother , George , went to Auburn to at tend the chautauqua. Mrs. W. R. McFarlaud and little girl , who were visiting at the home of her sister , Mrs. R. P. Roberts , returned to her home in Omaha the first of the week. Mrs. John Gilligan received si letter from her sister , Mrs. Min nie Grinstead Ilimes , stating thai she and her husband , who an now located at Spokane , Wash , are the proud parents of a babj boy , Philip Griustcad Ilimes. Prof. P. A. Carr of Shuber was in town Monday. Prof Carr is principal of the school : at that plsice and will be a can didate for county clerk subject t to the will of the republicai county convention. Prof. Car will doubtless develop grea strength and his influence will b felt in the convention. Ed Fisher left Tuesday morn ing for Leavenworth. Born , to W. II. Maddox and wife on Monday , a baby girl. Neal Mulligan came up from ? aola , Kansas , Tuesday evening. Harry Morrow is home for a 'cw days to visit his wife and baby. Anna and Lillie Pyle , of Pres ton , were up to the street fair on Tuesday. E. D. Boyle , of Pawnee City , was a business visitor here on Tuesday. Gurney Griffiths , of Preston , came up Tuesday to attend the street fair. John -Wicks , wife and baby , of Datibury are visiting his mother in this city. Mrs. Melixa and daughter , Katie , of Vcrdon , were in town the first of the week. Mrs. C. E. Haskins , of Fairview - view , Kansas , is visiting her mother , Mrs. Senner , in this city. Mrs. Haydcn Prater came up from St. Joe Tuesday evening and will spend some time with relatives. Mabel Poteet and Bessie Curran returned Sunday from a visit to their aunt , Mrs. Will Hurst , at Padonia. Allie Poteet returned the latter part of last week from Hopkins , where she spent some time visit ing relatives. The subject of the sermon at the Presbyterian church Sabbath morning will be , "Definite pur pose iu the Christian life and the correct attitude of the church atul Christian people towards so-callec : worldly amusements. " Evening subject , "Some thoughts for people ple who think. " Everybody cor dially invited. S. W. Griffin , pastor. Ed Glines is a Falls Citv visi tor this week. W. W. Arnold , of Verdon , was in town Wednesday. Alf Page and Will Fenton of Dawson were among yesterday's visitors. Andrew Sipple } ' and wife came down from Dawson yesterday on business. Maggie O'Grady and Melva Ockard , of Dawson , were in town yesterday. Esther Daeschner and Etura Wonder of Hiawatha are guests at the home of W. H. Maddox. Mrs. V. E. Emerson and daugh ter , Marie , came down from Dawson - son yesterday morning to attend the street fair. Mrs. Arthur Harris returned home on Wednesday from a visit at Grand Junction , Colorada. He little daughter Gladys is very ill with typhoid fever. Regular servicee at the M. E. church next Sunday. In the morning the subject will be "On Lincoln Day. " In the even- ing"The Guiding Principle. All are invited. A great deal of cement walk is being laid iu all parts of the city. Al Cook , the superintendent of the county farm , owns consider able property in the north part of town and has laid several hun dred feet of fine walk. Joe Pritchard has improved his block of residences on North Chase street by putting in natural stone curbing. Dan Sargent left Tuesday for ' Abiline , Kansas , where he will make his home in the future. ( Mrs. Sargent and son , Allen will join him there in a few days. They made this their home for a number of 3'ears and we regret very much to lose them but wish them great success in their new home. Mr. Sargent ordered the Tribune sent to his address. WHITAKERBROS. LAND EXCURSION We will leave over the M. P. on Tuesday , August ist , to Butler , Dickinson , Ottawa and Lincoln counties , Kansas You remember that we told you last fall and spring that if you would go with us and buy land in one of the above coun ties , that you would not only make money in the advance of the price of land but that would , you make from 15 20 per cent on your investment. Every word that we told you about these lands has been demonstrated by those who have taken advantage of the bargains we offered them. We could give you the names and addresses of many of our best farmers and business men who have made good money by going with us to the above counties and buying , but it is use less at this time , as we have published many of the names of those who have bought of us. Chris Horn and Fred Brechi are now down taking care of their big wheat crop. Martin Zook and M. Beachy have just returned from looking after their wheat crop. Mr Beachy says that the crops of all kinds are as fine as he ever saw in Richardson county. What I more could we say of this country ? What better snap do you want than to buy land fur $25.00 per acre that will pro duce as fine crops as old Richardson ? This is no advertis ing scheme. Some of the parties that we have sold will make 20 per cent off their crops this year. Now don't wait until the great corn and other crops are harvested and the land jumps from $5 to $10 , but come with us on August ist , and we will show you the finest country and the best land that you can buy for the money of any place you can go. If you have a high priced farm or a small farm that you want to exchange for more land , we can exchange with you. It will not cost you much to investigate these lands as the R. R. fare is only $9 for the round trip , good 21 clays in which to return. Now is the time to buy land in these counties as it is sure to go higher this fall. Call us over phones No. 168 or 216 at our expense and let us make arrangements for your tickets to go with us on this trip. You cant make a mistake in buying this land. Remember the date , August ist. We also have three good farms in Richardson county , owned by non-residents , all pretty well improved that we can sell you awful cheap. We also have fine , clean grass that will make from 2 to 3 tons of fine hay per acre that we will sell cheap. cheap.Whitaker Bros. i.