The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, July 28, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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j | John Mark enine down from
I jj Stella Tuesday In vole.
, t Elinor DnfTuhiM'iy has M-cnreda
L ] pnvitMti xvhli tlk Vcfdon R tiler
: I Mills
I1 Abe Moore mid family visited
[ ' with relatives in , Verdon on hist
1 Sunday.
M O. G. Humphrey was trammel
I < j ing business in Falls City on last
II Monday.
I Wm. Corn was over from Salem
I HIP httnr rnri < f h t week visit-
I ing n-lnlMff.
I Kev. N. 0. B. Smith held Her-
I VIU h III llll' PlIIH UK H'l I ' ' 1 hOUFO
I hiHt Siintlay evening.
I J , At llo'.n/elman was traiiHacl.
I nig business in Falls Oily the hit-
Ij , tor part of lat week.
I 0 , O. Marsh IH assisting in the
I FarmeiB and MerchantH Bank get-
I : ting acquainted with the bankinir
I Emma FiiHlenan came down
from Nebr. City Tncf-day for a
visit with her sister Mrs. John
James Russell and H Fisher
I pnl in n new brick sidewalk in
I front o ? Hie new Bunk HIP first of
the weok.
I Mrs. M.N. Virden left for her
I home at GoshonMo .on Saturday
H after a visit of two works with
Mre. King.
John StaniBB and Walter Vouch
took it Hying I rip lo Falls City
H Friday of last week on the formurs
Hn Antomobilo. *
H ' Jennie Stump returned from a
H ' short visit with her Uncle L. Van-
H' ' linn at LotiL' Island. Kansas the
H ' first of the week.
I' Fred Witrock of near Falls Oily
HI was here on Tuesday after a load
H of feed which he purchased from
H the Verdon Roller Millo.
llev. Dillon of Dawson will
preach at the Evangelical church
on Sunday. Rev. N. 0. B. Simth
H having resigned from the pastor-
H natc.
B Asa Miller left Hie first of the
H wool ; for Kcfiterfioii to take charue
1 work again after a weeks vacation
1 visiting relatives and friends at
H this place.
1 Geo. Cornell came from Auburn
1 Saturday for a visit with hie
m < brother J. F. Cornell who has been
1 very ill at his homu west of town ,
1 but is now able to bo around again.
1 Mr , Binder and wife of Fillmoru
l : Ind. returned to their homo on
1' Wednesday after upending several
1 weeks with Mr. Frank and wife.
1 Mr. Dimler is in business at
1 Fillmore.
H FT. E. Strotitl'er of Salem wan
H over the first of the week repair-
1 ing the telephones in and around
H Verdon as the storm on Thursday
H night put HIP most of them out ol
Hbusiness. .
Prof. Fred Park of the Slat.
H University was in Verdon Fridaj
H- looking for students. While hen
B ho was the guest of Kev. Bohn ai
H old class mate of his while attend
H ing college.
H Matu Keker , and brothers Chas
H Ed , and Louis from near Barada
1 vinited with their slater Mrs. C
* M. Ileitr/elnmn on Saturday , am
H on Sunday they were the guest
1 ofV. . II. Dragoo utul family.
H The following e-iti/.oiiH of thi
H town are getting the material o
the ground For new brick sikewalk
they are David Urifllths. Job
1 Benedict , E. M. Skinner , M
H Reese , S. May field , Chas Hendo
H BOH and J. S. Parsons.
H The election passed oil'vei
H quiet las' ' . Tuesday the quietest i
H any election ever held in Yerdo
H There were only 1G7 votes cat
E. M. Pollard received 87 and :
forF. W. Brown last fall the
H were about 280 votes cact in tl
H precinct.
H W. H. Drngoo and wifn entt
H tained about 50 of their frien
H at dinner on last Sunday , amo
H , them were Geo. Jorn and fnmi
H | Z. Bridgeman and family , W
H. Nedrow and wife and C. M. Hoi
H zelrnan and family. Every a
B | present had a very nice time
H they are certainly good <
H tertaiuers when it comes to setti
1 a good table.
Mi * , W. F. Boh n accompanied
by her HUM the Rev. 11. F. Bohti
left on Mondn > for her home at
Si Louis , Rev Bohn will vi-it in
St. Louif for a f-hort lime before
rotnrninu' lo liir homo.
A picnic party composed of the
following drove down to the river
near St. Deroin on Sunday where
they spent the day intaking in the
sights and enjoyed the dinner
which was spread under the largo
trees which abide in that rouion ,
after which they returned homo
\\vll pleased with their days out-
inu. The parties were Gee , Fifer
W. A. Nusdbiium , Ernest Overtoil ,
Howard Conov rand Loulla NUBS-
biium , Alable Nuesbiuim , Elsie and
Anna Cowoll.
Dr. and Mrs. Shook took din
ner Monday with Mrs , John M.
Lewis end Maggie.
J. K. Shubert and Lon Shclton
took the election returns down to
Falls City Wednesday.
Wade Whitten and wife of
Salem were in town for a few
minutes the other day.
Mayor Lcyda , of Falls City ,
and his brother , James E. , were
in Shnbert last Thursday.
W. II. Ilogrcfe tied his horse
to a Shubert hitching post for a
few minutes the other day.
W. II. West has completed and
finished burning another kiln of
good brick at his yards here.
C. F. Keavis and county Attor
ney James were here Saturday
last trying a case in replevin.
ICli Rupert and wife returned
from a visit among friends in the
vicinity of Falls Citv Monday.
Col Dal by of the Shubert Citi
zen went to Auburn Sunday to
help start the Chautauqua off in
good style.
Mrs. Joseph Gillilau , of Peru ,
.vas visiting her parents , W. W.
James and wife , the larter part
of last week.
Mrs. Ed Graham is at the Syca
more Springs seeking relief from
rheunu'tisni. We hope sbe may
be bcnclitted.
Do you think pays to farm
when the farmer gets 44 4 bush
els of wheat per acre and then
gets 80 cents per bushel ? .
Frank "Woodard and Bankce
Allen of Ncmaha were in Shu
bert last week in the interest of
a new Masonic hall in their town.
J. N. Colglazicr took a wagon
load of his grandparent's up to
Nemaha to see the high water
the other day , and brought home
some nice fish.
Rev. and Mrs. Sagles made ex
tensive visits among the members
of the Christian church and their
friends generally in Shubert and
vicinity last \\cek.
Mr. Blakely and wife , of De-
Witt , Nebr. , have been visiting
Dr. Shook and wife for severa
days last week. Mrs. Blakelv is
a sister to Mrs. Shook.
Elder Sagles pastor of tht
Christian church , who lives a
Gainer , filled his appointmen
here last Sunday. lie was ac
companion by his wife.
The loss on theChristanChurcl
caused by lightning on the 14 o
July lias been adjusted and paii
and the work of repairing th
tructure will begin at once.
At a mass meeting of the citi
.ens of Shubert last Thursda
evening , it wasdeccided to hoi
i carnival of two days in Slu
jcrt beginning August 30th next
Charley Bacon is remodellin
xml making some very substai
t. tial improvements about h i
iO dwelling. Wben completed 1
e will have a neat and comfortab
is home.
Mrs. M. II. Taylor and daugl
r- ter Gladys and Misses Bland
Is Williams , Charlotte Imler ai
IsB Codie Henderson are tenting c
tbe Auburn Chautauqua grouni
this week.
ti Rank Lytle and wife of Brok *
ne Arrow , I T. , is here visiting li
as father-in-law , Chas. Bright , ai
n incidentally shaking bands \vl
his many friends who are glad
see Rank looking so well.
When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them , the poisons are carried by the
circulation to every part of the body , deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble , stomach trouble , sluggish liver and a host of other ills , all due to deranged Kidneys.
corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form , tones up the
whole and the diseases that have
Mr. Robert Q. Burke , Blnora , Saratoga Co. , N. Y. , writes : I * m elad to have an oppor resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear ,
tunity of telling what magnificent retulti 1 have had from mine FOLEY'S KIDNEY
CURE after having tried other advertlied medicines and several physicians. Before I began because the has been removed. Commence
It I had to eet up from n to 10 times each night to relieve my bladder. I was all bloated up cause
with dropsy and my e'r '
across the room In fact. I was so badly used up that I had given up hope of living when I mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
was urged by a friend to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE . One so-cent bottle worked won *
ders , and efore I had taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had cone , ns well as ally at the first sign of danger. Do not risk
other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My frirnds were surprised that I was cured , as they
all thought I was c ° lng to die. Every few days some one comes from miles away to learn ' Disease Diabetes.
having Bright's
the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Brlght's Disease , and not one that or
has triad it has failed to be benefltted.
Two Sizes. 50 Gents and $1.00.
Dr. McMillan , City Pharmacy , Falls City , Nebraska.
Home tfrown watermelons were
on the market in Shubert the
other day , and now that apple
new potatoes cabbage and cnciim-
birs are a part of the daily diet
of mof-t of the common herd , the
Dr's will begin to reap aharsvest.
On last Sunday the Christian
Sunday school at this place ,
elected the following' ' delegates
to attend the county Sunday
school convention to be held at
HumLoldt Thursday and Friday ,
July 27 and 88 , viz : Mrs. C. A.
Lord , Mrs. W. E. Shook , Mae
Wcddlc , W. II. Morrow , H. E.
Lightning struck the steeple of
the Christian church last Thurs-
d a y night doing considerable
amage , but not so great as to
nterferc with the regular church
ervices. The building was in
ured in the Springfield F. & M.
nsurance of Sprinfield , Mass. ,
ivhich has a reputation for
> romptness in settling their
osses , and as soon as they can
get to it the loss will be adjusted
and paid , and the building will
ioon be in good shape again.
On last Thursday night the
I. O. O. F. lodge , besides
ng one candidate into the mys-
eries of the initiatory degree ,
nstalled the following officers
'or the current term : W. II.
West , N. G. ; Dr. W. E. Shook ,
V. G. ; E. N. Rupert , P. G. ; Wil
son Else , I. G. ; C. A. Smiley ,
secretary ; Tom Shafer , treasurer ;
E. W. Ilmer , R. S. to N. G. ; Joe
Harper , L. S. to N. G. ; Grant
Shubert , R. S. to V. G. ; Guy
Hutchins , L. S. to V. G.
Mrs. doll n Hoaglnnd was the
guest of her sister last week.
Ella Cope of Sabetha , Kan. , is
visiting with G. W. Myers of Table
Nellie Snoke was the guest ol
her brother , Howard ami wife last
Mrs. John Hoaglnnd spent i
few days this week with hei
Edith Stout is spending a con
pie of weeks with friends mid re
latives in Beatrice.
Frank Congland and wife wen
Sunday visitors at the hoineN. D
Elmore and family.
Carolyne Loening spent Wed
nesday lust with her sister Mrs
Walter McOlentock.
l" Eliie Billings wont down to Sal
em Sunday where she expects t
to make an extended visit with re
latives and friends.
Archie Hongland and wifi
Cleveland Cope , Delia Oberly am
"j Rosy Well were Sunday visitor
at the home of A. Hongland an
The meanest man we know o
in is a fellow who bought a poun
is of tobacco tor himself and ha <
id a restaurant keeper give hi
: h little boy a glass of water whe
to the youngster was crying for
bottle of pop. Auburn Heralc
Press Notes.
The election of Mr. Pollard
is both an expression of confi
dence in an excellent young
man and another mark of ap
proval of the policies of Presi-
dence Roosevelt. Mr. Pollard
made his campaign as a follow
er of President Roosevelt and as
a linn believer in the first dis
trict platform , which pledges
him to support the president
and whi.'h asks for anti pass
legislation and takes advanced
ground on other important
question now before the people.
Geneva Signal.
Secretary Bonaparte is as
"hefty" as Secretary Taft so
here should be no difficulty in
nding a cabinet weight for
olding down the lid. Fremont
'ri buue.
And now Mayor Brown has
iscovered that the election in
he district was not legal. Won
der if he would have thought of
if the vote ? had read , Mr.
Brown for congress. Nuckolls
ounty Herald.
Most of the people are tumb-
ing to the fact that Tom Law-
on is handing1 out a pretty good
ninch of fairy stories. Tom is
i big hulk of beef and bluffs ,
but lie is not particularly well
upplied with brains and what
lehas are of a pretty coarse
sort York Times.
A number of Nebraska people
leld stock in the St. Louis bank
hat has had a sensational career -
reer and ignotninous ending.
Nebraska people who can afford
o take such ventures can gen
erally afford to lose , and should
lave kept their money at home
ind in safe and sane institutions
that the state offers in abun
dance. Norfolk News.
All the pert paragrahershave
been "hearing the corn grow'
> ut the joke is appropriate , just
the same. Lincoln Star.
According to Mr. Rockefellci
God only requires of us what il
is possible for us to do. Thai
may be all right , providing , of
course , that we are not allowed
to be the judges of our own poss
ibilities. St. Joseph Gazette ,
At a recent meeting of the
Lancaster Literary Society al
who had married against then
parent's wishes were requested
to stand up. The only one lef
sitting was an old maid. Atchi
son Globe.
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera n
Diarrhoea Remedy The Besl
in Existence.
T.V. . Wood , manager of the Whit
County News , Heebe , Ark. , is nro pr <
sentutivo southern business man , wh
does not hesitate in expressing hi
treed opinlou of a well known remed }
He says , "It gives mo pleasure t
recommend Chamberlain's Colic , Cho
era and Diarrhoea Remedy , bavin
used it myself aod in my family wit
the best results. In fact I believe it I
be the best remedy of the kind in exis
once. " Sold at Kerr's drug store.
Buy it Now.
Now is the time to buy Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy. It is certain to be needed soonei1
or later and when that time come ? you
will need it quickly. Buy It now. It
mn.v save life For sale at Kerr'sdrus ;
Often a man who is thought
slow is able to beat a board bill
with perfect ease , Fairbury
Some men seem to regard n
prnyer us a sort of sight dn > ft on
the Almighty. Sometimes the
draft is not honored because th
account is already overdrawn.
WANTEDf To exchange a 200
acre farm in North Georgia for
small property in Falls City.
J. Cronenberger , Falls City , Neb.
Notice to Creditors.
in the County Court of Klctmrdson County ,
Nubrasku :
In thi ) intittur ut' tlio Eat.ttu o' ' Jacob
Nofftfer ( Iccuuscd.
It Is ordered by the conrt that the tlino
limited for creditors to Illu claims airRlnst
guld Kitatdis six months from tlio ifttli dny
ot July. 11HV . and nil cliilms not tiled In thin
court duly \erlflcd , on or hcforo said lust
mimed diitu. will bu Inruvur burrod. Or-
dured further that all cliilms tiled uiialnst
Niild cMato will be oxiinilnt-d mid adjusted
by the court , lit the county court room. In
the court housu In Tails City , In said county ,
Soptembur 15th , November lath , 1005 , and
January iStli. 10WI.
ll.v order of the court dated July 15 , 190.1.
ISKA 1,1 .1. U. WlUllTK ,
Notice of Settlement and For a.n Order
of Distribution ,
In the County Con it of Klchimlsoii
County , Nebraska. In the mutter ol the
I'stnti' of Anna Onrdps , deceased. To the
Credltoif. Heirs , Legatees nnd nil others
Inttireited In said estate. Take notice that
John Getdfs has tiled In Mi'd ' Conrt u report
of Ills doings as administrator ot said ostuto
tor his Until settlement theieot , also tiled
bis petition for an order of nlstrlbiitlon of
the residue of said LStato In his hands
Ills oideied by the Court that the sumo
lu > heard In the County Court room In said
County on the ' "ml dny of July , UKJT , at U
o'clock a. m , when and whore nil pintles
max appear and oppose the sumo. Ordered
lurthcr. that upon the approval ot said
repoi t , n decree of distribution ot said resi
due will be inudo to the pnrlles entitled
lly order of the Court dated J uly B , UKX'i.
7'J-at County
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby idven that the partnership
existing between fi-o ! Dlefeh nnd U. I
Muddox has been dissolved by mutual coi
, sect. All accounts duo the Una to be co
( cried by O II. Maddox. lie assumes a
liidubU'dneis of thu tlrin ol Oletsch
I f
1 D. S.
. . flcCarthy
Prompt attention vriven
% to the removal of household -
> hold goods.
< )
Diplomat , Old Crow
James E. Pepper
Guckenheimer Rye
The finest Whiskey made. Call
for your favorite brand at
William Harnack's
Phone 74.
jit's Being Whispered I
' Around
That we are doing the
Shoe business of the town.
Guess it's about right ,
too , judging from the
number of people who are
coming here for their
We fully understand
the "wherefore"and so
does every Man , Woman
and Child who has bought
Shoes here ,
When we give our
trade the best shoes their
money can buy anywhere
on earth , keep our styles
right up to the hour , give
special and expert atten
tion to fitting , what more
can we do ?
Tie to this Shoe store
and you'll always wear
good shoes.
Geo. B. Holt ,
The Shoe Man
A cask of our regular r
15 cent glassware , | Ar
choice next week *
Hapsburg white china
made in Austria. 100
piece Dinner set < JJ17 gj )
for * P1
See the genuine cut
glass and fancy china
in the south window.
Special prices
Carnival Visitors
Welcome at
R. L. Beaumont , N. D.
, formerly EVe and Car Specialist.
Now limiting practice to EYE
GLASSES. Sixth and Felix ,
Six and a tialf acre lot.
. FOR SALE Falls In the eastern City on part East of
I Ninth street Nice
location. One hundred fruit trees. 1'rlce
FALLS reasonable CITY. NEB.nffl. ' . Until CD .