THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , FRIDAY , JULY 28 , 1905. LOCAL LORE John Markt , of Barada , was a Sunday visitor. Walter Billings , of Salem , was in town Saturday. Will Zcntry of Reserve was in our city on Tuesday. W. D. Corn , of Verdon , was a Saturday business visitor. John Oswald and Charlie Cor nell were Stella visitors Sunday. Verda Timmerman , of Stella , is visiting Rue Gates in this city. Mrs. Charles Heineman spent several days in Wichita last week. J. W. Spickler and wife , of Shubert , spent Sunday in this city. city.S. S. E. Friend , of Hiawatha , was in the city the latter part of last week. Rue Gates returned home Sun day from her visit at Stella and Verdon. Mrs. James Hanley and little son of Verdon were in town on Monday. Mrs. Pearl Lum , came down from Verdon Saturday to visit relatives. N. J. Schrauger came down from Stella Monday to spend a few days. Charles Lietzke was a most pleasant caller at this office on Saturday. Frank W3'lie spent Sunday in White Cloud the guest of Daisy VanDoran. Miss Jessie Plummer , of Sen eca , Kan. , is visiting her sister , Mrs. White. Will Price and family spent Sunday with relatives near Stratissville. Goldie Yocum left Monday for Auburn to attend chautauqua and the circus. Matt Huber , of Vermillion , Kas. , is spending this week with Laura Gehling. John W. Holt and wife are en joying a two weeks visit in Holt county , Missouri. Vera and Camille Sullivan , of Oklahoma City , are visiting Hazel White in this city. J. L. Fink arrived from Black- , - nell , Ok. , Friday. On Saturday he went to Omaha to spend a fe\v days. E. M. Lee and E. F. Hutchinson - son , of Peru , spent Sunday witl ] Una Snidow a n d Elizabeth Brecht. Mrs. Rohl , a sister of Mrs , Haner , and her mother , Mrs. Carey , of Seneca , arc in this cit } visiting. Mrs. C. G. llumphrey. of Ver- don , spent Sunday in this city al the home of her parents , G. A , Abbott and wife. Lena Nettlebeck returned Sun day from Shubert where slu spent several days with h c i brother and his family. ProLC. E. Dickens , of Libert- , arrived the first of the week am spent several days visiting at tht home of O. J. McNall. We are in receipt of an an nouncement of the marriage o : Lillith Amanda Mead to Gleni Maxwell Campbell in Omaha July 18th. Fay James will return to he : home in Hamburg , Iowa , tomor row. Eva McNall will accom pany her and spend a week o more with old friends. Mrs. Sue E. DeWald returnet home the latter part of last wee ! after spending some time wit ] her daughters , Mrs. J. A. Con > ' ' ; , ner in Auburn , and Mrs. Merrit * - Lum , of Verdon. Patrick O'Brien and grandchil dren , Tom and Maybell Clark and May Callahan arrived fror A Chicago last Thursday for a visi ' " ' * - with Mrs. Tom McKiever an family and with other friend and relatives living in this vicir ity. Mr. O'Brien is the father c Capt. P. D. O'Brien of the Ch : cage police force , who visited i this city some years ago. A. J. llelmick was down from Stella Tuesday. Mrs. A. Rogers is numbered among the sick. J. F. James and wife were down from Stella Tuesday. Fred A.Drake came down from Humboldt Monday on business. E. W. Jones Rule has our thanks for a most pleasant call. Alberta Allen of Salem came down Monday for a few days visit Mrs. Frances Hcaston of this city is a new subscriber to the Tribune. S. F. Dodge of Humboldt Was visitor here the latter part of ist week. Mrs. . Mary Adams came up rom Rule Tuesday to attend the treet fair. Verna Willinson of Verdon is pending this week with friends n this city. Charles F. Zoeller , of Preston , vas in town on business the first f the week. Louis Plege was a pleasant aller at this office early Wcdnes- ay morning. Mrs. J. G. Ranger of Salem is pending this week at the home if Everett Scott. G. L. Santo and L. O. Cham- ) ers were over from Arago the irst of the week. Leonard and Harry Simons ame up from Rule Tuesday to ittend the street fair. Stanley Crook came down from Salem Tuesday to visit relative * -ind attend the street fair. Gene Fitzerald returned to St. foe last week after spending a ew days with friends here. Jake Wissinger and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby girl born Wednesday. Dr. Van Osdel and his sister ind Miss Fausler were in town Tuesday to visit the street fair. Nellie Weaver and Lizzie Con- over drove down from Verdon , Tuesday to attend the street fair. Mrs. Lee Kerr came up from Kansas City the first of the week to spend a few days with rela- ; ives. George Slocum and wife , oi Stella were visiting at the home of J. L. Slocum the first of the week. Linna Timmerman , of Salem was in town SaturdaFron liere she went to Alma to visii friends. Fredlleinman returned to : ier home in Verdon Tuesday af : er spending several days witl relatives. Mrs. Bohrer , who fell on i scraper and cut her knee so , badlj last week is able to be up and is improving rapidlv. Ola Ashenfelter of Beatrice i in this city visiting at the home , of her uncleJohn Lichty and her cousin , Mrs. E. Scott. Mrs. Louis Plcge left Saturday for Atchison to visit her sister Mrs. Carrie Meyers. She will to gone a week or ten days. Mrs. J. W. Stanley of Nebrask : City returned home Saturday after spending several day witl her sister , Mrs. Irene Roberts. Mrs , Williams Brown of Ne braska City was in town on Sat urday. She was to Rule to visi her sister , Mrs. Mary Adams Will Curran and family movei to this city from Hopkins , Mo. last week and will make thi their future home. Mrs. Curra is a daughter of Ben Poteet. Hubert L. Viets , one of th young farmers who left Rich an unison county this spring to see a fortune in Canada , writes t have the address of his Tribune changed , and adds : "The Tri bune strikes us O. K. up here. Everything is fine and dandy in Assinaboia. Wheat is heading out and looks uncommonly good. Several new towns are starting along the lake. " \T ' * 1 Persistence is not Sea = | i sonable Like Fall and $ Summer Goods : : : : % We as merchants and you as cus * ttf v tomers know that success in anything depends - pends upon careful and persistent industry jo at all times. fji If you could buy a Spring Couch , Car pet or Bed Room Suit for less money in the fit Summer time it would be your duty to do 5 it. We know this and therefore want to t inform you that the odds and ends in all JK our store have been marked down to a 6 summer figure. K Our window is full of Rockers ; good , 1 beautiful and stylish that we have marked i less than cost. J ! Next week we will display in the same window a full line of Couches. The price on these will astonish you. fix Carpet Remnants in abundance. Mattings cheap and lots of it. I Call on us these hot days. Our spacious room is cool and jjj you would enjoy your visii whether you bought or not. IREAVIS & ABBEY I The count- board is in session this week. Mr. Spickler and wife of Shu- were in this city Fridav. C. W. At wood came down from Humboldt Tuesday morning. W. M. Prosscr came over from Barada Mondny on business. K. E. Thomas of Forest City was a business visitor Monday. R. S. Malony of Ilumboldt was in this city the first of the week. " \V. K. Young of Stella came down Monday to attend the street fair. Fred DeWald returned home from Arkansas greatly improved health. W. II. Pyle of Preston was a business visitor here the firrt of the week. Pearl Johnson arrived from Hoi- ton Tuesday to spend a few days with friends. Ben Crook and wife of Salem were shopping in town the first of the week. Mamie Riggen of Filmore.Mo. is here visiting her sister , Mrs. Frank Knickerbocker. W. H. Taylor of Shubert was in town Monday. While here he made this office a pleasant call. Fern Fowler returned Monday from a two weeks visit with relatives and friends in White Cloud. Mrs. Frank Norris and grand son Leon spent a few days the latter part of the week in Bea trice. They returned home Sun day. F. J. JTyni'k of Tlumboldt was in this city Saturday. Mrs. Ed Hammond and baby of Stella are visiting at the home of A. Norris. Mrs. Sam Rogers came down from Salem and spent the first ol the week in this city. Arthur Ditch came up fron St. Joe the first of the week to attend the street fair. Pearl Lawrence , Minnie Ma- comber and Wherry Lowe are in Ilumboldt attending a Sunda } school convention. Mrs. 13. S. Norton of Ilumboldt was the guests of Falls Cit ) friends Monday. Mrs. Norton was on her way to Auburn for ; visit with friends living there. Herman Keohler of Rule was a Falls City visitor Saturday and a caller at this office. Mr. Keoh ler reports that in the vicinity ol his farm , much damage has been done lately by storms. Notice for Bids for Coal. The Falls City Board of Edu cation will receive bids up to 8 o'clock p. in. , Monday , Angus 7 , 1905 , for the furnishing o from ten to twelve cars of sof coal delivered on track at Fall City , Nebr. , six cars to be deliv ered in August 1905 , and balance at option of board. Bidders to quote prices on mine run am lump coal and designate kind am grade of coal. Board reserve right to reject any or all bids. V. G. LYI'OKD , D. D. RBAVIS , JOHN LICHTY. II. P. CUSTIJK , Committee. Recorder. S0-3t jr Mini ? itr w wr iiromNfrnmr imtrmm itrnr w flrwwmm w Money ! Lands ! P > - " M M Private Funds to Loan fe ANNUAL INTEREST OPTIONAL PAYMENTS * hto to * tax V ! * * * * This is a good time of the year MM H * to arrange your money matters " * M bMM P" MORTGAGES BOUGHT f * * tew p tewV te * Some good farms , also Lands and Ranches to " teW * * " " sell or Exchange in Desirable Localities teM f w in the West and South l * IteM H * Pte " " A party wishes to purchase So acres of yood land ! " Ite- teM - near school. Can pay Y cash ; if necessary can ar range to pay all cash. Have , you an 80 to sell ? IteM Pft te * 400 acres in Netnaha county , Kan. Said to be of ? " " the best. 10 room house. J milc. to school : large frame barn. Will sell and take residence or a busi ness buiicUnpf. 53 acre farm with improvements , $5,000. So acres 5 1-2 miles from Falls City , Ohio precinct , $6,400.00. 320 acres Morris county , Kan. pratly improved ; $6,500. A fruit grower wishes to purchase 25 or 30 acres i to 3 miles of Falls City. Farm lands in the Indian Territory and the South. Handy to market and well locat- ted. Come in and learn about them Business chances and stocks of merchandise to sell or exchange 200 acre farm in Richardson county ; have known it for years If sold soon , owner wiil v make price that is right , flight take some 3 exchange Write me your wishes if you desire to buyer or sell. I may know of just what you want. Over 18 years in business | Henry C. Smith 1 FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA x > o < x ; Plione Phone 141 Maddox Grocery HI If you want anything1 nice and dainty and the best on the market , don't fail to call Phone 141. Every thing in Groceries , first class and as cheap as most of the inferior grades. : : : : : : : : : : Try that Brock Flour You Will Always Use It Don't forget that Special Sale on Qneensware. You will never buy the best goods as cheap again. Call and see this sto'ck if you intend to purchase a new Dinner Set. You will save nionev. PHONE NO. OPPOSITE . Ml . O.H. MADDOX Court House n I3at Sowles Candy. Fou SAI.J ; . A first class Jersey milk cow. Inquire of G. J. Crook. tf. A shipment of fine cattle pass ed through Falls City Monday. It was consigned to the Kansas City market by D. C. Simmons the well known breeder of Ver don. Closing out Sale of Clothing. Our closing1 out sale of cloth ing still continues and we are still offering exceptional bar gains. We would call especial attention to three hundred pairs oi all wool worsted trousers and at the price , each pair is a bar gain in itself. This \H \ a genu ine closing out sale , and as such it embraces high class goods at low class prices. Our fine line of clothing is being sacrificed and to miss this sale is to miss a splendid opportunity. F.\V. Cleveland. Lcrfal Notice. iMJt lMj ( Irt lit'i cl Ivt'ii y ) f or tlio incur IKJI it i ion of till ) TrllililiolMlillbliliij. Company I ho Ilii ! corporation * lmll bu Tlio ' 'Irlliiimi I'lihllMiInu Company , The pilnclpal plueoof transacting : tlio bus N r "V " : "r01" | " " " " " ' " ' " l)0 Ku"8 Olty > Tlio ( 'fiicnil imliiroof tlio liusliie s to bo tninsai'ledHlmll lie u KCIHTHI iifWHpniivr titiil Job prliitlnif Inisliicss mid the puljllciitlon of Tliu Hiiiiiiint of cupltiil htock niithoilzcd i shall tiutiumoo'o do cod on snliscrlotlon and puld In Mioli wuyn us tliu directors or ' lioiinl of iiiiiniiKcis hluill ( llroot. The prlvnto , luoprrtyol llio htock lioldtTH fo liu uxuiniit i Iroin tliudi'litx oftmld uorporntlon. . TIlO tlllll ) Of till ) COIIItlKMlCIIIIIUllt Of thO coritoiutlon hlinll l o July 1,1'xi'i unit blmll ter- niltiuto tit tliu uxplrutlon of titty yrars llienj- fioin. Tlio hltrlu'iit iiiniiiint of Iniluhiedness tlio corponitloii Mmll Incur hluill not t-xcivd tlfiy pur wilt of tlif | iild up uupltil stock. ' 1 lie -iiriilr * of t-ucli coi-ioratloii | hlir.ll bo conducted - ducted hy a iirfMdunt. svomtury and trcus- uritrand it lio.uil of IIUIIIIIRLTS consMInK of thrtM ) sliicu holdurs to bu chosen by tlio vote of I lit-m 110 K nolduis and to hold thoolllco for a period ol line yi-ar. or until their successors uruvlfCled and < | imllluil. ! O. I' . UKAVIH , ALLAN I ) MAY. " ! K. K.SiMim. Joy Andrews and Anna Dore were quietly married in St Joe several weeks ago. They are at home to their friends in Columbus Nebr. where Joy has a good pos- tion. The Tribune will keep 1 them posted on affairs at their old home.